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AMBUGUITY As follows:

Abello vs. BIR a) The patrimony of the four petitioners

Facts: were reduced by P882,661.31 each
During the 1987 national elections, petitioners, b) Senator Edgardo Angara's patrimony
who are partners in the Angara, Abello, correspondingly increased by
Concepcion, Regala and Cruz (ACCRA) law P3,530,645.24
firm, contributed P882,661.31 each to the c) here was intent to do an act of liberality
campaign funds of Senator Edgardo Angara, then or animus donandi was present since
running for the Senate. each of the petitioners gave their
In letters dated April 21, 1988, the Bureau of contributions without any consideration.
Internal Revenue (BIR) assessed each of the And that meaning of Civil Code thus provide in
petitioners P263,032.66 for their contributions. the NIRC, making it clear and unambiguous.
On August 2, 1988, petitioners questioned the
assessment through a letter to the BIR. In addition, with regards to the petitioner’s
They claimed that political or electoral contention that it is not a donation nor gift, thus
contributions are not considered gifts under the exempting them to the said donor’s tax, although
National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC), and the NIRC didn’t mention transfer of property by
that, therefore, they are not liable for donor's tax. gift, it is clearly stated that Civil Code 725,
The claim for exemption was denied by the otherwise provides its definition.
Void for Vagueness Doctrine
Issue: FACTS:
W/N electoral contribution subject to donor’s tax Effective May 23, 2017, and for a period not
exceeding 60 days, President Rodrigo Roa
Ruling: Duterte issued Proclamation No. 216 declaring a
Yes, although the NIRC does not define transfer state of martial law and suspending the privilege
of property by gift. However, the Civil Code, by of the writ of habeas corpus in the whole of
reference, considers such as donations. A gift is Mindanao.
generally defined as a voluntary transfer of In accordance with Section 18, Article VII of the
property by one to another without any Constitution, the President, on May 25, 2017,
consideration or compensation therefore (28 C.J. submitted to Congress a written Report on the
620; Santos vs. Robledo, 28 Phil. 250). factual basis of Proclamation No. 216.
The Report pointed out that for decades,
According to, Section 91 of the National Internal Mindanao has been plagued with rebellion and
Revenue Code (NIRC) reads: lawless violence which only escalated and
(A) There shall be levied, assessed, collected and worsened with the passing of time.
paid upon the transfer by any person, resident or On May 23, 2017, as the President stated in his
nonresident, of the property by gift, a tax, Report, the Maute terrorist group took over a
computed as provided in Section 92 hospital in Marawi City; established several
checkpoints within the city; burned down certain
(B) The tax shall apply whether the transfer is in government and private facilities and inflicted
trust or otherwise, whether the gift is direct or casualties on the part of Government forces; and
indirect, and whether the property is real or started flying the flag of the Islamic State of Iraq
personal, tangible or intangible. and Syria (ISIS) in several areas, thereby
indicating a removal of allegiance from the
In the instant case, the contributions are voluntary Philippine Government and their capability to
transfers of property in the form of money from deprive the duly constituted authorities – the
private respondents to Sen. Angara, without President, foremost – of their powers and
considerations therefor. Hence, they squarely fall prerogatives.
under the definition of donation or gift. The Report also highlighted the strategic location
of Marawi City; the role it plays in Mindanao, and
reference may be made to the definition of a the Philippines as a whole; and the possible tragic
donation in the Civil Code. Article 725 of said repercussions once it falls under the control of the
Code defines donation as: lawless groups.
After the submission of the Report and the
. . . an act of liberality whereby a person disposes briefings, the Senate declared that it found “no
gratuitously of a thing or right in favor of another, compelling reason to revoke Proclamation 216.
who accepts it.
The Lagman Group, the Cullamat Group and the
Donation has the following elements: (a) the Mohamad Group petitioned the Supreme Court,
reduction of the patrimony of the donor; (b) the questioning the factual basis of President
increase in the patrimony of the donee; and, (c) Duterte’s Proclamation of martial law.
the intent to do an act of liberality or animus
donandi. Issue:
Whether or not Proclamation No. 216 of23 May
2017 may be considered, vague and thus null and
void: a. with its inclusion of "other rebel groups;"
or b. since it has no guidelines specifying its
actual operational parameters within the entire
Mindanao region;

Inclusion of “other rebel groups ” does not make
Proclamation No. 216 vague. The term “other
rebel groups” in Proclamation No. 216 is not at
all vague when viewed in the context of the words
that accompany it.

Verily, the text of Proclamation No. 216 refers to

“other rebel groups” found in Proclamation No.
55, which it cited by way of reference in its
Whereas clauses.

b.) Lack of guidelines/operational parameters

does not make Proclamation No. 216 vague.
Operational guidelines will serve only as mere
tools for the implementation of the proclamation.
There is no need for the Court to determine the
constitutionality of the implementing and/or
operational guidelines, general orders, arrest
orders and other orders issued after the
proclamation for being irrelevant to its review.

Any act committed under the said orders in

violation of the Constitution and the laws should
be resolved in a separate proceeding. Finally,
there is a risk that if the Court wades into these
areas, it would be deemed as trespassing into the
sphere that is reserved exclusively for Congress
in the exercise of its power to revoke.

Art. 9. No judge or court shall decline to render
judgment by reason of
the silence, obscurity or insufficiency of the laws.

Judicial legislation means new legal rules made

by judges. It means the power of the judicature
to make rules for the regulation of their own
procedure by adopting their
delegated legislative powers. Judicial
legislation varies from precedent whereby judges
create new laws.

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