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Boys and girls, oh that God would call to you hitherto and no further! Iyour conscience still speaks, do not stile its voice. Do not despise your father or mock with your mother when they admonish and warn you. The world promises much, the devl seeks to mislead you, and your heart believes the lie, as Adam and Eve did, but allis deceit. It willbe terrible to be cast into perdition witha baptized forehead and amid tears and prayers. © children, seek the Lord in the days of your youth. Sin ruin, but if in Christi the only thing which gives satisfaction and happiness. Do not neglect the means of grace; attend every opportunity. May God use His, Word for your eternal welfare! God's mercies are great. Ifyou willfully reject God's warnings and continue in sin, God wil laugh at your calamity and mock when your fear cometh, Do not despise Christ, but fle to Him by faith, and take hold of the horns ofthe altar. Christ delivers from ‘the curse ofthe law and the sentence of condemnation. He restores communion with God, and gives the ife that never passes away. "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life.” © people, i will be necessary to have Christ as our portion, ‘Many expecta heaven and eternal bliss who have never learned anything of Gadlor Christ. Many shal think to enter but they shall be eternally shut out. Christ shal sy to them, “Inever knew you.” May God uncover this selfdeceit and by His Sprit guide you in the way which “worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of.” May He give you a well-founded hope fora blessed eternity Tellus litle about yourself? My name is Gabriel. am 23 years old and finishing some university courses and working part time. In the future I hope to become 2 teacher at university. How did you come in contact with our Mission In March 2013 we were walking in downtown Santa Cruz and noticed the Elim Christian Bookstore. We were delighted to find sound reformed books there. We were invited t0 attend the Sunday services at Calle Bazan. As ‘we were not impressed with our existing church, we thought we would attend to see ‘what we would find at the Iglesia Reformada de Bolivia. ‘Now that you have attended here for over 6 months, how does the teaching differ from what you were used to. Even though ! come from a Baptist background, everything was new to me. The order of the services is different but the biggest difference is that everything here is based! upon the Bible. We did not think there was ‘such a church in tis large city. ly think of you attending such a conservative church? My father is now alsoa regular attender here. | talk together with him a lot, since my other relatives do not go to any church, |What is the main purpose for coming to church on Sundays? ‘Then we may hear whats necessary in life. We may sil seek the Lord. It needs to become personal, for then itis not we have found Him, but He has found me. | may begin to love the biblical truth 1 yrs ago. Due to all my sins | was looking for help but other church leaders tld me to leave my sinful fe and then al the sinful desire will leave, and then everything would be fine but it seemed so empty to me and it id not satisfy me ‘When {was listening to a sermon on John 8 it was asif an explosion took place in my ie. | saw the need fora change in my lif lke never before, | missed God. Then started to pray and ead other books. But the more learn, the more {find out {am worse than | had ever thought. What interested vou In the Reformers? we understand what we deserve, then the doctrine of free grace becomes precious. We need to confess our sins, but the Lord saves people without any merit or works of them. This is what we missed at my previous church and this is what we as young people were searching for. In Philippians 3it speaks about “forgetting ‘thase things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before.” This helped me leave the other church. | needed to renounce my ovin name and wil. actually would lase nothing. This change was ‘more Important to me. ‘What advice do you have for the young people in North Am: ‘Alot of people go to church out of custom or tradition. This is good, but unless the Lord opens the eyes we ‘actually have nothing. If you have Him you have everything, Therefore seek Him while He may be found. The Lordis the best Teacher. ‘Tellus a it in ‘My name in Benjamin and am also 23 years old. | am a store manager here in the city of Santa Cruz. As Gabriel has mentioned, | also came in contact with the Christian bookstore and so many of our young people now come to the IRB church Now that you have attended iffer wat you were used to, [At our previous church we were told to believe, but they di not ike it when we asked questions about the Bible. Here at this church there isa clear, documented doctrine that is based on the Bible and not people's ‘opinions, Previously it was so superficial and centered in man but not the Word af God. So many churches do ‘ot explain fallen man lke itis stated in the Bible. Man so often is presented asa victim instead ofthe guilty ‘onel So many churches agree with the core doctrines but do not explain how it is experienced and you are not, to question the leaders, What does your family think of you attending such a conservative church? Ilive with my mather and sister, but they also now come to this church. We try to read and pray together every day. What isthe main purpose for coming to church on Sundays? | went to a big church here in the city But was not happy there as | could not agree with them. I noticed that what they taught was not according to the Bible, stl understand so little ofthe Bible What interested you in the Reformers? ‘The more | read the Bible and Bible History i noticed that Iloved what the Reformers were teaching. This sound doctrine answered so many of my questions and helped me understand the truth. For so long | saw and. felt was a sinner, but there was no deliverance. The Lord encouraged me with, “All that cometh unto me, will in ne wise cast out.” When | am full of pride and ignorance, then the Lord shows me | am nothing. That Is ‘why 2 Corinthians 12 has become precious to me, “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” What advice do you have for the young people in North America? \When we are young we have lots of intentions, but young people be commended to the truth. When sin becomes real, then only can Christ become real in your Ife. We need to use the means, so be under the Word. Maybe there are many temptations for you also, but do not leave the truth. You are very privileged to have the truth above many other young people in the world, Do not listen to peer pressure but lsten to God's Word. Peace cannot be obtained anywhere els, so pray that God's Word and the callings may be blessed in your life, Do not be satisfied with what you know for there is still so much more in the scriptures. They alone are able to make wise unto salvation.

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