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NAME: Yoon Ho Kim________________________________ DATE:11/22/2010 __________________

TC#: ____ PD: _3_

WHH Generic Research Bibliography

Assignment: 1. What type of information is available

on the site? 2. How is the information presented by
Topic: Renaissance and Reformation. the site? 3. Who published the website? Why is the
publisher important? 4. How was this site useful you?

What type of information are you looking for…

1) Florence (Da Vinci, Doatello) 3) France

2) England (Shakespeare) 4) X

Resource #1:
Title: Source Type:
Renaissance (Focus on Florence) Internet

Author, Last Name: Author, First Name: Publisher:


Publishing Date: City of Publication: X


Why have you chosen this source…

Resource #2:
Title: Source Type:
Renaissance in Florence, Italy Internet

Author, Last Name: Author, First Name: Publisher:

Publishing Date: City of Publication:
10/3/2001 Florence

Why have you chosen this source…

Resource #3:
Title: Florence Scape Source Type: Internet
Author, Last Name:X Author, First Name:X Publisher: Devillier Donegan

Publishing Date: City of Publication:

2/3/1997 Florence

Why have you chosen this source…

Date/Statistic/Quote/Etc.~ NOTES Source Information

1) The city of Florence, capital of Tuscany, nestles in the
Arno valley some 50 miles from the Mediterranean.
Founded by the Romans, by the year 1400 the city was a
vibrant trading centre and headquarters of an
international banking network.
2) Florentine families principally made their fortunes from
wool and silk. But the chief guilds of the city also
represented every other conceivable business - from
lawyers and goldsmiths, to spice merchants, poets and
craftsmen. The guilds formed the basis for popular
government, the Signoria. Florence was one of the few
republics in the world run by the people, for the people.
3) For administrative purposes, Florence was split into four
quarters - Santo Spirito, Santa Croce, San Giovanni, and
Santa Maria Novella. But to residents of these
neighborhoods, the name was more than just a zip code.
Families like the Medici became powerful in their district
and their networks and influence pitted neighbor against
neighbor. The Medici ran the district of San Giovanni.
Their deadly rivals, the Pazzi, controlled downtown Santa
4) civic rivalries survive to this day and spill over in the
traditional feast of St. John, held every year in Florence
on June 21. The city grinds to a halt as costumed teams
from each quarter parade through the streets and gather
in Piazza Santa Croce, for a traditional calcio tournament.
Calcio - a dangerous mix of soccer, rugby and wrestling -
is practically a blood sport; the aim of the game is not
just to score goals, but to hospitalize your opponent.
5) The Florentine Renaissance was one of the most fascinating
periods of time in human history. During the Florentine
Renaissance, there was a huge development in the arts,
architecture, literature, science, government, and many other
fields of knowledge.
6) The Renaissance is a characteristically Italian style, which was
brought into existence by the antique monuments and the
intellectual heritage in Italy. Its beginning is attached to the
building of the dome of the Cathedral of Florence (1420), but its
roots run back to the works of Pisano and Giotto, who were
emphasized the classical realism, the beauty of simplicity and
joined the harmony of proportions to the architectural heritage of
the Middle Ages in their works.

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