Rundown English Meeting Base G

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BASE-G, 19 October 2019

To welcome the students and explain the goal of Speaker, power strip,
Welcoming 5’ (10.00) WB
today’s meeting microphone
To engage the students and get them know each other Warm-up
15’ (10.05) BS BALL
To review some beginner vocabulary Words on back 10’ (10.20) WT Worksheet
To review spelling accuracy of some vocabulary Prison Break 15’ (10.30) WB ALPHABETS on paper (cut)
Team building activity Human Chain 15’ (10.45) BS Worksheet
To allow the students talk with a partner about a topic Discussion
15’ (10.00) WT Worksheet

Team building and to end the meeting Photo Zone 5’ (10.15) WB Tripod
LUNCH BREAK 30’ (11.20 – 11.50) Food and Water (gallon)
To make the sts aware of clean environment Beach Cleaning * BS Big plastic bags
To promote Briton’s HTP on social media Instagram Challenge * WT Tags, template

Friday Bella books a hut

8.00 All PICs leave for Base G
9.00 All PICs arrive at Base G, start preparing the activities, students arrive.
10.00 – 11.20 Activities, challenges, discussion
11.20 – 12.00 Lunch break
12.00 - Closing – Free activities (swimming, football, uno, Instagram challenge)

*) optional

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