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The best memory of our lives are based on unforgettable experiences, I would like to introduce you on the most paradisiac landscapes
in Latino América that usually are little known destinations, it’s very common to have a conversation with another person about vacations
and agree on similar places that are catalogued as the top of tourism; but what about if you have the privilege of visit a place that only
lucky few could see? Latinoamerica has a lot to offer to travelers from all over the world is synonym of life, mountains, beaches, forest
and biodiversity and is impossible to expose all the secrets of this lovely land, but this are some destinations that probably you would
never hear of.
It's important to let you know some of the most hidden places that should be put in the map, and then more people discover
how wonderfull they are, the first destination we are going to talk will be Marble cathedrals in Chile this are stock rock
formations that have been eroding with the water of the lake, lets be honest is not that easy to get there but it´s totally worth it. It´s located
at south of Chile at the edge of General-Carrera lake, once you get there, you can take boats to arrive at the cathedrals, consider to wear
warm clothing because the water is produced in the glacier so the temperature could go down, now you can discover this wonderful
landscape and treasure this memory in your best experiences.

The Second Place is Semuc Champey-Guatemala; it is located at six hours from the Capital of Guatemala, since there are many options
to make different activities such as; seen the most beautiful birds in the planet and swimming in natural pools, even the people slide
down over the waterfalls, there is a bridge of 12 meters high and people who are brave enough jump from the top. You could have the
cheapest and greatest memory in Semuc Chapey, maximum you will spend 70 US including the cave of the bats. Do not forget to bring
hiking boots at the lookout you also will need, sunscreen, sunglasses and a swimsuit to cool off. I´m sure this experience will be in the
first places of your remembrances, and to have a remarkable memory try to get up early to see the sunset.

Last but not least, we have a fascinating destination it is Salinas de Galerazamba, Bolívar in Colombia. It seems an optical illusion it´s a
pink sea that results from a set of coastal salt mines, this are huge pink pools which are formed by the presence of microorganisms and
it´s high salinity forming a spectacular landscape. It´s located at one hour from Cartagena and it is near at Totumo´s volcano, people can
go upstairs at 20 meters high and arrive at the top of the volcano, so they can be submerged between the mud and later can remove all
the mud on pink waters; it´s an extraordinary plan, if you are lucky you would see some hawks that fly over the beaches looking for some
food. It´s everything you need to have a great experience, lots of people assure that after having a shower in Galerazamba they feel
healthier and less worried by their issues.
You can go through Latin America and realize the variety of landscapes that there are; coastal, mountains, jungles, glaciers, even different
types of climates or the great biodiversity in fauna and flora, this is a privileged continent that can surprise anyone. Each of these little-
known tourist places mentioned before, will allow at tourist to enjoy different types of activities, with the purpose of strengthening the
relationship of the human being with nature and valuing the wonders of our countries and our continent.

The best destinations out of the ordinary circuits, used to be discovered talking with local people they know where the more appreciated
treasures for the region are. They also provide information about activities and special places, so the best advice for the tourists, would
be talk with local people and built a stronger relationship with them, you will have an extraordinary experience and will get a friend for

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