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Which one of these endgame White setups (assuming Black holds

a lone king) will always end in a draw?

king, knight, and bishop

king and knight
king and queen
king and two knights

2. If a knight is attacking the queen and king at the same time,

which one of these strategies is being used?


3. Pins and skewers can be performed by several pieces, but not all.
Which one of these pieces cannot pin or skewer?


4. Which piece does the fianchetto strategy mainly benefit?

5. Want to lose a chess game quickly? Fall for the commonly used
Scholar's Mate. Which one of these squares is the target for this

e2 or e7
h2 or h7
d2 or d7
f2 or f7

6. This is a chess situation: suppose White has a rook on d4, and

Black's king is on g8, with three pawns on f7, g7, and h7. The pawns
and the king are Black's only pieces left. It's Black's turn, so she
moves her g-pawn to g5. What kind of checkmate is Black trying to
prevent with this pawn move?

forced mate
double attack
smothered mate
back rank mate

7. Some structures of pawns are good, and some can really give you
problems. Which one of these pawn structures is generally the

doubled pawns
passed pawns
isolated pawns
backward pawns

8. Now for some chess terminology- which one of these terms

describes a situation where it is your turn and this puts you at a
en passant

9. Another chess term- what is the term used for an 'in-between

move', or a forcing move that is different from what would be
normally expected?

en passant

10. There are several openings in chess, all characterized by a move,

a position, etc. In which opening does White move his knight to f3
on the first move?

Ruy Lopez
English Opening
King's Gambit
Reti's Opening

Which one of these endgame White setups (assuming Black holds a lone king) will
always end in a draw?

Your Answer: king and queen

The correct answer was king and knight

King and queen is relatively easy to win with, and king, knight, and bishop is
doable. Chose king and two knights? Close, but you can technically win. However,
you need a pretty inept opponent.

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2. If a knight is attacking the queen and king at the same time, which one of these
strategies is being used?

Your Answer: skewer

The correct answer was fork

A fork is when one piece attacks two others at the same time. In the example given,
the king would move out of check, and then the knight would then capture the
queen- often quite shocking to the recipient!

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3. Pins and skewers can be performed by several pieces, but not all. Which one of these
pieces cannot pin or skewer?

Your Answer: bishop

The correct answer was knight

A pin is an attack that prevents a piece from moving because then it will expose a
more important one to attack. A skewer is an attack that forces a more important
piece to move, exposing the less important piece. These require straight lines; no
knight move will make this happen.

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4. Which piece does the fianchetto strategy mainly benefit?

Your Answer: queen

The correct answer was bishop

The b or g-pawn advances one square to allow the corresponding bishop to move
into its starting square. This allows the bishop to control the a1-h8 (or h1-a8)
diagonal, also known as the 'long' diagonal. It can be a quite useful strategy at

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5. Want to lose a chess game quickly? Fall for the commonly used Scholar's Mate.
Which one of these squares is the target for this checkmate?
Your Answer: d2 or d7

The correct answer was f2 or f7

These squares are weak because the only piece that guards them is the king.
Because of their movement, the bishop and knight can't do a thing to guard them.
It can be deadly if a queen lodges itself on that square with support.

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6. This is a chess situation: suppose White has a rook on d4, and Black's king is on g8,
with three pawns on f7, g7, and h7. The pawns and the king are Black's only pieces left.
It's Black's turn, so she moves her g-pawn to g5. What kind of checkmate is Black
trying to prevent with this pawn move?

Your Answer: smothered mate

The correct answer was back rank mate

If White had moved his rook to d8 on his next turn, the king would be trapped by
his own pawns, nowhere to run. Moving to g5 gives it an escape route from the
rook's check.

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7. Some structures of pawns are good, and some can really give you problems. Which
one of these pawn structures is generally the strongest?

Your Answer: isolated pawns

The correct answer was passed pawns

A passed pawn is one that is not blocked by opposing pawns on the same or
adjacent squares, usually leaving it an open path to promote. The other structures
are generally weaker.

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8. Now for some chess terminology- which one of these terms describes a situation
where it is your turn and this puts you at a disadvantage?
Your Answer: zwischenzug

The correct answer was zugzwang

This occurs often at the end of a game, where your only move will force you to
accept a draw either by stalemate or insufficient material. This is when chess
players wish they could just pass on their move.

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9. Another chess term- what is the term used for an 'in-between move', or a forcing
move that is different from what would be normally expected?

Your Answer: zugzwang

The correct answer was zwischenzug

Example: You exchange queens, but before taking the queen back, you capture a
pawn with check. After the pawn is dealt with, then you grab the queen. The move
must be forcing, because otherwise you'll lose the original opportunity- if that
capture didn't force check, the queen would just slide on out of trouble.

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10. There are several openings in chess, all characterized by a move, a position, etc. In
which opening does White move his knight to f3 on the first move?

Your Answer: English Opening

The correct answer was Reti's Opening

This move prevents Black from moving his e-pawn to e5, as it will be captured if
she does so.

53% of players have answered correctly.

1. How many different types of chess pieces are there?


2. How many squares are there on a chess board?


3. It is possible to have 6 queens.


4. Bishops can move ______.

both vertically and horizontally

5. A fianchetto is when a pawn on the __ or __ file opens up for the

bishop to take its place.

a, f
5, 7
g, b
6. A common saying in openings is "______ before bishops."


7. A rook is considered to be more valuable than a bishop.


8. It is possible to checkmate with king and two bishops.


9. What is the minimum amount of moves it takes for a pawn to



10. How can the king castle?

there is no such thing as castling

both kingside and queenside
1. How many different types of chess pieces are there?

Your Answer: 6

The 6 pieces are pawns, rooks (sometimes called the castle), knights, bishops,
queens, and the king. You start out with 8 pawns, 2 knights, 2 bishops, 2 rooks, 1
queen, and 1 king.

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2. How many squares are there on a chess board?

Your Answer: 64

The board is filled with 64 squares, 8 on each row/column. They alternate between
two colors, making it where there are no same colors adjacent to each other
(excluding diagonals).

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3. It is possible to have 6 queens.

Your Answer: False

The correct answer was t

It may be that you start out with 1 queen, but pawns can advance to become a
queen, rook, bishop, or a knight. They advance by reaching the other end of the
board. One player can have up to 9 queens (8 pawns + the starting queen).

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4. Bishops can move ______.

Your Answer: both vertically and horizontally

The correct answer was diagonally

Bishops move diagonally, rooks move horizontally and vertically, and knights
move in an L-shape manner.
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5. A fianchetto is when a pawn on the __ or __ file opens up for the bishop to take its

Your Answer: a, f

The correct answer was g, b

The fianchetto is a technique used in some openings such as the Sicilian. Other
techniques include pins and forks.

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6. A common saying in openings is "______ before bishops."

Your Answer: pawns

The correct answer was knights

This allows the knight to defend valuable center spaces. The knight and bishop
combined can be very useful if you know how to use them.

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7. A rook is considered to be more valuable than a bishop.

Your Answer: True

Rooks are worth 5 pawns, bishops are worth 3 pawns. Knights are also worth 3
pawns, and queens are worth 9. This information comes handy when deciding to
trade pieces.

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8. It is possible to checkmate with king and two bishops.

Your Answer: True

It is possible to checkmate with a knight and bishop (together), with a rook, with a
queen, or with two bishops. Pawns can promote to these pieces.
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9. What is the minimum amount of moves it takes for a pawn to promote?

Your Answer: 5

Pawns can move two spaces in their first move. Promotion allows the pawn to
become a knight, bishop, rook, or queen. Pawns are very valuable in the endgame.

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10. How can the king castle?

Your Answer: both kingside and queenside

Castling is where the king moves two spaces either to the left or the right, and the
rook moves adjacently to the opposite direction of the king. Both pieces may not
have been moved yet, and the space between them must be clear. No "checks" may
be between the space.

70% of players have answered correctly. I see an error - submit correction...

You scored: 6 / 10
You scored 90 points.
The average score for this quiz: 7 / 10

1. How many players is Scrabble designed for?

4, 5, or 6
3, 4, or 5
2, 3, or 4
2, 4, or 6

2. If four people are playing, which one will go first, based on the
starting letters drawn?

The one who picks an A

The one who picks a Z
The one who picks an S (for Scrabble)
The one who picks a blank

3. Which player will take the second turn?

The one whose letter is second closest to the start of the alphabet
The one seated to the right of the first player
The one whose letter has the second highest point value
The one seated to the left of the first player

4. When drawing the first full set of letters, players have the option
of keeping their first drawn letter as part of the set.


5. The first word can be placed anywhere on the board.


6. Is there a penalty for exchanging one's letters?


7. A word may be used only once in the course of a game.


8. Is the use of a dictionary ever allowed during the game?


9. Does the game allow for any variations of its basic rules?


10. Can Scrabble be legitimately played alone?


1. How many players is Scrabble designed for?

Your Answer: 3, 4, or 5

The correct answer was 2, 3, or 4

The game includes four letter racks.

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2. If four people are playing, which one will go first, based on the starting letters drawn?

Your Answer: The one who picks a Z

The correct answer was The one who picks a blank

The player who draws the letter that is closest to the start of the alphabet goes first.
The only exception is that a blank beats all of the lettered tiles.

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3. Which player will take the second turn?

Your Answer: The one seated to the right of the first player
The correct answer was The one seated to the left of the first player

After the first turn, each play passes to the left.

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4. When drawing the first full set of letters, players have the option of keeping their first
drawn letter as part of the set.

Your Answer: True

The correct answer was f

According to the rule book, players must return their original letters to the pool
before drawing seven new letters at the start of the game.

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5. The first word can be placed anywhere on the board.

Your Answer: False

The first player builds a word of two or more letters, with one of the letters placed
on the center star. (This player automatically earns a "double word score"). The
word reads from left to right, or downward. Upward and diagonal words are never

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6. Is there a penalty for exchanging one's letters?

Your Answer: n

The correct answer was y

Players may exchange some, or all of their letters at the cost of losing a turn.

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7. A word may be used only once in the course of a game.

Your Answer: True

The correct answer was f

There is no limit to the number of times that a particular word can be used. Short
words such as "an" or "is" will often appear on the board several times during a

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8. Is the use of a dictionary ever allowed during the game?

Your Answer: y

The basic Scrabble rules allow for the use of a dictionary to be consulted for
challenges only. Players should agree on which dictionary to use before the start of
the game.

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9. Does the game allow for any variations of its basic rules?

Your Answer: y

As stated in the rule book: "After players have become familiar with the game they
may wish to vary the standard rules by suspending some restrictions, or adding
others, and working out other changes. Any deviation from the standard rules, it is
assumed, would be agreed to in advance by the players concerned.". --- One
suggested variation includes an imposed minimum of 3, 4, or 5 letters for the first
word played. Another is to allow players to trade a blank from the board for the
letter that the blank represents. Also, waiving the dictionary restrictions to allow for
word searching and spell checks is suggested. Even changing the order of letters in
a word is allowed, provided that at least one new letter is added and a new word is

68% of players have answered correctly. I see an error - submit correction...

10. Can Scrabble be legitimately played alone?

Your Answer: n
The correct answer was y

The rule booklet also suggests some solo variations of Scrabble. One method is for
the player to challenge an imaginary opponent by using two sets of letter tiles.
Another way to use the game individually is to turn all of the letters face up and
deliberately use the dictionary to create high scores. Also, a player can simply keep
track of his/her own tallies, according to the regular rules, as a form of self-

42% of players have answered correctly.

1. What company produces Scrabble in the USA?

Game Time

2. How many letter tiles are contained within the game?


3. If a player uses all seven tiles in one turn what is their score?

fifty points
Regular score plus one hundred points
Regular scoring plus fifty points
one hundred points

4. What is the point value of the "J" tile?


5. Is it possible to miss your turn and replace your letters?


6. When the game ends, what do you do with the tiles you have left

Put them back in the bag

Add their value to your score
Subtract their value from your score

7. In the original version, what are the red squares on the board for?

Double letter score

Double word score
Triple word score
Triple letter score

8. How many blank tiles are there?

9. Are diagonal words permitted?


10. How many squares are on a "Scrabble" board?


1. What company produces Scrabble in the USA?

Your Answer: Mattel

The correct answer was Hasbro

Scrabble is owned by Hasbro and has been sold under many of its brands, including
Parker and Milton Bradley. Milton Bradley is located in Springfield,
Massachusetts. As a child I went on tours of the factory. Mattel owns the rights for
the rest of the world.

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2. How many letter tiles are contained within the game?

Your Answer: 120

The correct answer was 100

The letter tile "E" has twelve tiles.

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3. If a player uses all seven tiles in one turn what is their score?
Your Answer: Regular score plus one hundred points

The correct answer was Regular scoring plus fifty points

This is referred to as a "Bingo." Although I have never seen it done, I am sure that
it is possible.

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4. What is the point value of the "J" tile?

Your Answer: 8

There is only one "J" tile.

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5. Is it possible to miss your turn and replace your letters?

Your Answer: n

The correct answer was Y

A player may exchange some or all of their tiles in exchange for missing a turn.

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6. When the game ends, what do you do with the tiles you have left over?

Your Answer: [No Answer]

The correct answer was Subtract their value from your score

The points on the left over tiles are subtracted from your score and, if the opponent
has no tiles left, added to the opponent's score.

91% of players have answered correctly. I see an error - submit correction...

7. In the original version, what are the red squares on the board for?
Your Answer: Double word score

The correct answer was Triple word score

It's always fun getting a word on those squares.

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8. How many blank tiles are there?

Your Answer: one

The correct answer was two

The blank square has no score value.

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9. Are diagonal words permitted?

Your Answer: y

The correct answer was No

Words are only allowed to be up and down and left to right.

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10. How many squares are on a "Scrabble" board?

Your Answer: 110

The correct answer was 225

The board is 15 squares by 15 squares.

58% of players have answered correctly.

1. How many "Triple Word Score" tiles are there on the standard
Scrabble board?


2. Do you triple the value of a letter tile that is on a pink-colored



3. How much is a "D" tile worth?

Answer: ( One number)

4. You are beginning a game of (English language) Scrabble. You
put down the word "star". How many tiles do you have left?


5. What is the number of points you receive in addition to your

normal score when you use all of your letter tiles in a word?

Answer: ( One number)

6. How many letter racks come with a standard Scrabble game?

Answer: ( One number)

7. Is "J" worth 10?

8. How many A's come in a Scrabble game?


9. How long is a side of a Scrabble board?

20 squares
16 squares
10 squares
15 squares

10. How long does your word have to be if it is the starting word
and touching a "Double Letter Score" tile? (The least number of

Answer: ( One number)

1. How many "Triple Word Score" tiles are there on the standard Scrabble board?

Your Answer: 9

The correct answer was 8

There are 8 T.W.S. tiles on the board; one in each of the corners (4), and 4 on the
side edges.

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2. Do you triple the value of a letter tile that is on a pink-colored tile?

Your Answer: y

The correct answer was n

A pink tile on the Scrabble board is a "Double Word Score" tile. Also, the pink star
you start off of in the center of the board is, in fact, a D.W.S.

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3. How much is a "D" tile worth?

Your Answer: 5

The correct answer was 2

Other accepted answers: two

A "D" is worth 2 points in Scrabble; they can range from 1 to 10.

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4. You are beginning a game of (English language) Scrabble. You put down the word
"star". How many tiles do you have left?

Your Answer: 0

The correct answer was 3

You start with seven tiles; when you put down four for "star", you are left with

93% of players have answered correctly. I see an error - submit correction...

5. What is the number of points you receive in addition to your normal score when you
use all of your letter tiles in a word?

Your Answer: [No Answer]

The correct answer was 50

Other accepted answers: fifty

You get 50 points for using all of your letters. In Scrabble terminology, this feat is
called a 'bingo'.

84% of players have answered correctly. I see an error - submit correction...

6. How many letter racks come with a standard Scrabble game?

Your Answer: 4

There are usually four racks in a standard Scrabble game box.

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7. Is "J" worth 10?

Your Answer: y

The correct answer was n

"J" is worth 8. It's hard to distinguish the hard-to-use letters from the still-hard-to-
use-letters-but-not-as-hard-as-the-hardest-ones. Z and Q are 10 points, and J and X
are 8.

86% of players have answered correctly. I see an error - submit correction...

8. How many A's come in a Scrabble game?

Your Answer: 8

The correct answer was 9

There are 9 "A" tiles in a Scrabble box. There are also 12 E's, 9 I's, 8 O's, and 4 U's.

35% of players have answered correctly. I see an error - submit correction...

9. How long is a side of a Scrabble board?

Your Answer: 10 squares

The correct answer was 15 squares

Notice that for each edge of the Scrabble board, there are 2 "Double Letter Score"
squares and 3 "Triple Word Score" squares.

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10. How long does your word have to be if it is the starting word and touching a
"Double Letter Score" tile? (The least number of letters)

Your Answer: 5

Five spaces away from the center square up, down, and to the sides are D.L.S. tiles.

44% of players have answered correctly.

Scrabble is a game that provides hours of challenging fun for you and your
friends. In this game you use your letters to build new words from words
already on the game board. Scrabble is a fun way to learn new words and

What is the main idea of the passage?

a. Scrabble is challenging and fun.
b. Scrabble is a good game for building vocabulary.
c. It takes skill to play a good game.
d. Scrabble can take hours to play.

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