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No. Sub topic no. Duration in min.

1 Set theory 209.5
2 Intervals and inequality 174.41
3 Modulus function 83.22
4 Relations and Functions 196.6
5 Triogonometry
1 - Measurement of angles 46
2 - graphs of trigo. functions and their range 144
3 - Trigonometric ratios for allied angles 132
4 - Problems based on trig. Identities 29
5 - compound angles 102
6 - multiple angles 182
7 - C- D formula 98
6 Quadratic Equations
1- General 69
2 remainder and factor theorem new 33
3 - nature of roots 63
4 - sum and product of roots 77
5 common roots 62
6 - use of discriminant 20
7 - sign of quadratic function 53
8 -location of roots 91
7 Logarithm
1 - Logarithm - part 1.mp4 59
2 - Logarithm - part 2.mp4 123
3 - Logarithm = part 3.mp4 33
8 Progression and Series
1 - general term of AP.mp4 71
2 - sum of AP.mp4 78
3 - GP and its general term.mp4 99
4 - sum of n terms of gp.mp4 52
5 - Harmonic Progression.mp4 58
6 - Sigma operator and method of difference.mp4 54
7 - AGP.mp4 30
8 - special series.mp4 39
9 Binomial Theorem
1 - binomial expasion - general.mp4 84
2 - finding coefficients.mp4 55
3 - sum of coefficients.mp4 54
4 -greatest term.mp4 36
5 - series - part 1.mp4 58
6 - series - part 2.mp4 50
7 - miscelleneous.mp4 31
10 Permutation - Combinations
1 - factorial notations.mp4 36
2 - counting principal.mp4 100
3 - Permutations of distinct objects.mp4 80
4 - permutation of objects in which some objects are identical.mp4 28
5 - circular permutations.mp4 29
6 - combination - formula.mp4 54
7 - problems based on combinations.mp4 59
8 - problems based on combinations - part 2.mp4 65
9 - All possible selections.mp4 54
10 - Division distribution of distanct objects.mp4 44
11- Distribution of identical objects.mp4 49
11 Straight Lines
1 - Section Formula 36.39
2 - Area of Triangle 31.38
3 - Slop of Line 29.4
4 - Centroid of Triangle 18.41
5 - Incentre of Triangle 18.15
6 - Orthocentre of Triangle 20.58
7 - Equation of Line - Point Slop Metod 76.01
8 - Equation of Line - Slop Intercept 16.57
9 - Equation of Line - Intercept 16.58
10 - Parametric Form of Straight Line 61.09
11 - Family of Straight line 67.12
12 - Distance of point from the line 49.53
13 - Equation of angle bisectors 66.07
14 - Concurrency of lines 18.39
15 - Position of point w.r.t. line 42.09
16 - Locus 70.52
12 Circle
1 - Circle Equation 108.43
2 - Circle Equation part 2 37.01
3 - Tangent of Cirle 81.13
4 - Radical axis of difference cases of two circles 109.35
5 - angle between circles and orthogonal intersection 36.5
6 - Family of Circle 53.52
7 - Locus problem 88.57
13 Hyperbola
1 - Hyperbola Equation 78.49
2 - hyperbola - tangent - normal - coc etc 68.53
14 Ellipse
1 - equation of ellipse 91.13
2 - Tangent and Normal to Ellipse 92.55
15 Parabola
1 - Equation of Parabola 141.18
2 - Parametric form and its property 39.23
3 - tangent to parabola 73.05
4 - Normal Cohord of contact to parabola 136.22
16 Introduction to Limit
1 - Limits 64.5
17 Introduction of Probability
Probability 39.45

Total 5503.85

1 Determinants
1 - Expansion of Determinants 82.8
2 - properties of determinant 212.4
3 - product and factorzation of determinants 54.01
4 - system of equations 70.8
2 Matrices
1 - Elementary matrices 52.21
2 - product of matrices and transpose of matrix 144
3 - Adjoint and inverse of matrices 132
4 - Special matrices and system of equations 29.39
3 Inverse Trigonometric Functions
1 - domain, range, graphs of trigonometric inverse functions 164
2 - properties 71
3 - sum of two arctan 87
4 - addition-subtration of two or more inverse trigonometric functions 111
4 Functions
1 - inequalities and its use in functions 39.43
2 - modulus function 82
4 - trigonometric functions 83
5- exponential functions 73
6 - greatest integer, fractional part, signum and other miscellaneous functions 100
7 - one-one, many-one, onto and into functions 63
8 - odd and even functions 31.45
9 - periodic functions 73
10 - functional relations 84
11- inverse functions 39.33
12- identical functions 75
graphical transformations 76
sign scheme method for solivng inequalities 68
5 Limits
1- Limits (elementary) 37
2-Limits (algebraic) 59
3-Limits (Trigonometry) 42
4-Limits(Logarithmic) 38
5-Limits (One power infinity form) 35
6-Limits(L'Hopital Rule) 30
7-Limits (Use of expansion) 18
8-Limits(Finding Unknowns) 60
6 Differentiation
1 - Elementary 52.37
2 - chain rule 36
3 - differentiation of inverse trigonometric functions 21
4 - differentiation of implicit functions 20
5 - use of logarithm in differentiation 30
6 - differentiaiton of functions in paremetric form 34
7 - differentiation of determinants and miscellaneous 39.29
8 - successive differentiation 43.35
9 - 1st definition of derivative and functional relations 56
7 Continuity of functions
1 - Definition of continuity 94.3
2 - Continuity involoving signum and greatest integer function 61.3
3 - continuity of some typical functions 35
4 - application of continuity 25
8 Differentiability of functions 150
9 Application of derivatives
1- Tangents and normals 55 apprx
2 - Derivative as rate measures 34 apprx
3 - Mean values theorem 50 apprx
10 Monotonocity of functions
1 - monotonocity of functions 110 apprx
2 - application of monotonocity 55 apprx
11 Extremum of functions
1 - Extrema 168
12 Application of extremum
1 - applications of maxima-minima 103
13 Indefinite Integration
1 - Indefinite Integration (elementry) 72.6
2 - Integration by Substitution of elementry 59.51
3 - reciprocal of quadratic 43.31
4 - parital fractions 60
5 - integration by parts 73
6 - integration by typical substitution 38.46
14 Definite Integration
1 - definition and definite integration as limit of sum 65
2 - properties 96
3 - definite integration of odd - even and periodic functions 51.49
4 - substitution and by parts 84
5 - leibnitz forumla and inequalities 64
15 Area of Bounded by curve
1 - Area 119
16 differential equations
1 - differential equations 183
17 Probability
1 - probability - elementary 80
2 - Independent events 71
3 - depedent events and total probability theorem 60
4. Bayes theorem 99
13 vector
1 - vectors(inroduction) 165
2 - dot and cross product 119
3 - vector triple product 90
11 3D geometry
1. 3d - straight lines 71
2. plane - part 1 78
3. Plane - part 2 55.3

Total 5587.1

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