S.No Problem Statement: WEEK - 12 Avl Tree

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WEEK - 12


S.No Problem Statement

1 Write a C program to perform the following operations on BST:

a) Insert integers into an BST.
b) Display elements of BST Tree using Inorder
2 Write a C program to perform the following operations on BST:
a) Insert characters into an BST.
b) Display elements of BST Tree using Preorder
3 Write a C program to perform the following operations on BST:
a) Insert integers into an BST.
b) Display elements of BST Tree using Postorder
4 Write a C program to perform the following operations on BST:
a) Insert characters into an BST.
b) Display elements of BST Tree using Inorder
5 Write a C program to perform the following operations on BST:
a) Insert integers into an BST.
b) Display elements of BST Tree using Preorder
6 Write a C program to perform the following operations on AVL:
a) Insert integers into an AVL.
b) Display elements of AVL Tree using Inorder
7 Write a C program to perform the following operations on AVL:
a) Insert characters into an AVL.
b) Display elements of AVL Tree using Preorder
8 Write a C program to perform the following operations on AVL:
a) Insert integers into an AVL.
b) Display elements of AVL Tree using Postorder
9 Write a C program to perform the following operations on AVL:
a) Insert characters into an AVL.
b) Display elements of AVL Tree using Inorder

10 Write a C program to perform the following operations on AVL:

a) Insert integers into an AVL.
b) Display elements of AVL Tree using Preorder

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