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The text for no.

One day I went to Bandung with my friend for a vacation. We went there on night
bus. When we arrived in Cianjur, the bus stopped for a rest. I got off the bus to get a
cup of coffee but my friend didn't. I also went to a mosque to pray. It took only a few
minutes to pray, but when I came out again the bus was not there. It had gone!
Shocked and confused I asked the shopkeeper about the bus. She said that the bus had
departed about five minutes ago.
I tried to call my friend on my cell phone but the battery was running low. I
couldn't do anything but hope and pray. After several minutes, my wish came true.
The bus came back. I got on the bus and walked to my seat.
I was so ashamed when everybody on the bus looked at me. I could feel my face turn
I asked my friend why she didn't tell the driver that I was still outside.
"I did, I told him several times that you were outside, but he said that you were in
the bus toilet because he saw a man going into the toilet," my friend replied, laughing.
The other passengers smiled at me. I was so

1. What did the story tell us about?

A. The writer was left by the bus on his trip to Bandung
B. The writer arrived in Cianjur to visit his relatives
C. The writer could contact his friend with the cell phone
D. The writer got off the bus to get a cup a coffee
E. The writer and his friend enjoyed their trip to Bandung
2. What did the writer do when the bus stop for a rest in Cianjur?
A. Drank a cup of coffee and prayed
B. Bought souvenir and went to the toilet
C. Drank a cup of coffee.
D. Drank a cup of milk and bought souvenir
E. Drank a cup of coffee and went to the toilet
3. Why couldn't the writer call his friend?
A. He didn't bring his cell phone
B. The battery was running low
C. The writer's cell phone was stolen.
D. The writer's cell phone was broken.
E. There was not any signal in his cell phone
4. How did the writer fell?
A. He felt happy
B. He felt awful
C. He felt sad
D. He felt angry
E. He felt embarrassed
Text id for number 5-7
It was January 11th, 2000. I had no idea that I would meet the best novelist or
author in UK. I was so lucky I met her there
It happened when I stood in front of the Big Bang building while waiting my
mom picked me up., and then, a woman stood next to me. Her face looked very
familiar but it took times for me to recognize her And then... When I looked at her
face twice, I realized that "Oh my God! She is J.K Rowling!
After that, I told her that I'm her biggest fan from Indonesia. I was so excited. I
asked her for signing my jacket. I also asked her for phone
number because I wanted to ask her about how to make great stories like she did. She
gave her phone number to me. What a kind person! Seriously it was the best moment
I ever had
5. What did the writer do in front of the Big Bang building?
A. She waited for her mom.
B. She waited for the bus.
C. She just stood there doing nothing
D. She wanted to meet her friend.
E. She had an appointment with someone.
6. When did the experience happen?
A. It happened on January 8t
B. It happened on January 9
C. It happened on January 10th
D. It happened on January 11th
E. It happened on January 12th
7. When did the writer realize that she was a famous novelist?
A. When the woman introduced his self.
B. When the woman gave her autograph
C. When the writer looked at her for the second times.
D. When he looked at his picture.
E. When his friends told him.
Text for no 8-11
Last month, I won a contest for a tour to Barcelona, Spain. It was a short tour but
extremely pleased with it. I had unforgettable experience there especially when we
visited the Camp Nou to watch the Barcelona football
players practicing. I saw one of my favourite footballers there. He is Lionell Messi.
Then, the tour guide said that we can meet the player to to take photo and autograph. I
grabbed my pen and rush to Lionell Messi. He was surrounded by his fans. But it
didn't alleviate my plan to get
his autograph. After a while, I finally got to close with Lionel. I asked him to take a
picture with me and give his autograph on my jersey. It was
unbelievable and I almost weep because I was too excited about it. After that we had
lunch in a restaurant. The Spanish people were very friendly. The next moming, after
breakfast, we went to the airport, and then flew to Indonesia.
8. When did the writer go to Spain?
A. Last week. D. Last year
B. Last month. E. Next week
C. Two days ago
9. Why was Camp Nou make the trip unforgettable for the writer?
A. Because the writer could meet his favorite football player
B. Because the writer could spend his money to buy jersey
C. Because the writer could watch his favourite footballers
D. Because visiting Camp Nou was the writer's dream
E. Because the writer didn't want to visit Camp Nou
10. Who was the writer's idol?
A. The writer's idol was Ronaldo.
B. The writer's idol was Messi.
C. The writer's idol was Pique
D. The writer didn't have an idol.
E. The writer's idol was Ronaldo.
11. What did the writer do after visiting Camp Nou?
A. The writer went home.
B. The writer went to a restaurant.
C. The writer returned to the hotel.
D. The writer immediately went to the airport.
E. The writer didn't go anywhere else.
12. ".. and I almost weep because I was too excited about it." The bold type word has
the same meaning with.…
A. Cry
B. Strong
C. Weak
D. Bold
E. Blur
Text for number 13-17
Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 to a wealthy English family. She decided
in her teens to become a nurse, even though her parents disapproved. At that time,
most nurses were from poor families and had little or no training. But Nightingale was
determined to have her way. In 1850 and 1851, she received training at hospitals in
Egypt and Germany.
In 1853, Nightingale took charge of a hospital in London, England. Here she
showed skills as a nurse and an organizer. She had bells put beside patients' beds.
When patients needed a nurse, they rang their bell. Nobody had thought of this
idea before. Florence Nightingale revolutionized the job of nursing She cared for sick
and wounded British soldiers during the Crimean War (1853-1856), and she saved
many lives. Her success in improving nursing care brought her great fame.
The Crimean War ended in 1856, and Nightingale returned to Britain. She was a
national hero, but she disliked all the attention. She saw that many problems remained
in health care.
Nightingale devoted the rest of her long life to improving public health and
educating people about the importance of good hygiene Britain's hospitals accepted
her ideas, and they became cleaner, healthier places.
In 1860, Nightingale set up a training school for nurses in London. The
"Nightingale nurses," as its graduates were called, helped spread Nightingale's ideas
around the world. Nightingale died in 1910 at the age of 90.
13. Did Nightingale's parents approve when she became a nurse at first?
A. Yes, they did. D. Yes, she didn't
B. No, they didn't. E. Yes, he did
C. Yes, she did
14. What happened with her in 1850 and in 1851?
A. She joined the Crimean War
B. She built a training school for nurses
C. She died
D. She was bom
E. She received training at hospitals in Egypt and Germany
15. What did she put on the patient’s bed?
A. Medicine
B. Food
C. Prescription
D. Bell
E. Note
16. Whom did she care for during the Crimean War?
A. The sick and wounded British soldiers
B. The sick and wounded Egyptian soldiers.
C. The sick and wounded Russian soldiers
D. Her parents
E. The British government.
17. When did she return to Britain?
A. In 1856
B. In 1850
C. In 1853
D. In 1860
E. In 1910
R. A. Kartini
Raden Ajeng Kartini is a Javanese leading figure and the national hero of
Indonesia. Kartini is known as the pioneer of the resurgence of indigenous women.
Kartini was born in Jepara, Indonesia, on April 21st
1879. She was the child of a noble that still obeyed the nation's customs and
traditions. Kartini was the daughter of R.M. Sosroningrat with M.A. Ngasirah. The
colonial regulation at that time required that a regent must marry a noble. Because M.
A. Ngasirah was not a noble, Kartini's father married again with Raden Ajeng
Woerjan (Moerjam), a direct descendant of Raja Madura. After the marriage, Kartini's
father was appointed to be
a regent in Jepara.
Kartini was the 5th child in her family. She had full and step siblings. Kartini was
the eldest daughter of her real siblings. She was also a descendant of a smart family.
Until Kartini was 12 years old, she was permitted to go to school in ELS (Europese
Lagere School) and there, Kartini learned Dutch. But after she was 12 years old, she
had to live in the house and be kept in seclusion. Kartini was very sad about this. She
wanted to oppose this, but she was scared because she was frightened that she would
be regarded as a rebellious child To forget her sadness, she gathered textbooks and
other science books and she read them in the garden, while being accompanied by her
servant. Finally, reading became her hobby and she did not go a day without reading.
She read all the books and the newspaper. If she had difficulty in understanding books
or the
newspaper, she always asked her father for an explanation
Kartini was married with Raden Adipat Kartini was married with Raden Adipati
Joyodiningrat on November 12th, 1903. After she was married, she went with her
husband to Rembang. Her husband understood Kartini's wish, and Kartini was given
the freedom and support to establish a female
complex school to the east of the main gate of the Rembang regency office, or in a
building that currently is used as the Scout's building. Because of her
perseverance,Kartini succeeded in establishing a female
school in Semarang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta Malang, Madiun, Cirebon and other areas.
The name of this school is Sekolah Kartini.
Her popularity did not make Kartini become arrogant. She stayed well-mannered,
honored the family and everyone else, and did not distinguish between poor and rich.
The first and last child of Kartini and her husband R.M. Soesalit, was born on
September 13th
1904. Several days after the birth of her son, on September 17th, 1904, Kartini died at
the age of 25. Kartini was buried in Desa Bulu
Kecamatan Bulu, Rembang.
18. When was Kartini Born?
A. April 21st 1878
B. April 22nd, 1879
C. April 21st 1789
D. April 21st 1879
E. April 23rd, 1879
19. Where was she born?
A. In Yogyakarta D. In Solo
B. In Jepara E. In Klaten
C. In Kulon Progo
20. What did she feel when she was in seclusion?
A. She was happy
B. She was really glad that she was in seclusion.
C. She wanted to oppose it but she was too frightened.
D. She told the other children that she was in seclusion
E. She was not afraid of the seclusion
21. What did she do in her seclusion?
A. She spent the time by sleeping.
B. She liked to play with her parents.
C. She read many kind of books.
D. She listened to the radio.
E. She painted a lot of pictures.
22. When she was married?
A. November 10th, 1903.
B. November 11th 1903.
C. November 12th, 1903.
D. November 13th, 1903.
E. November 14th, 1903.
23. What made R.A. Kartini successful in establishing the female school?
A. She was wealthy woman
B. Her married with noble person.
C. Her husband support
D. Her moved to Rembang
E. Her rebellious character
24. What was the name of the school?
A. Sekolah Rakyat.
B. Europese Lagere School
C. School of Scout
D. Sekolah Kartini
E. Sekolah Negeri
25. When was Kartini died?
A. September 9th, 1904
B. September 11th, 1904
C. September 12th, 1904
D. September 14th, 1904
E. September 17th, 1904
The text for number 26-30
Once upon a time, there lived in Japan a peasant and his wife. They were sad
couple because they had no children. They kept praying to their god pleading to
give them a child.
While cutting wood by a stream one day, the man saw a large peach floating
on the water. He ran to pick it up. His wife was excited because she had never
seen such a large peach before.
They were about to cut the peach when they heard a
voice from inside.
The couples were surprised to do anything. The peach then cracked open,
and there was a beautiful baby inside. The couples were very happy, of course.
They named the baby Momotaro, which meant „peach boy‟.
Momotaro grew up to be clever, courage young man. His parents loved him
very much.
One day, Momotaro told his parents that he was going to fight the pirates
who always attacked their village. These pirates lived on an island a few
kilometers away. Momotaro‟s mother packed his food, and his father gave him a
sword. Having blessed Momotaro, they sent him off on his journey.
Sailing on his boat, Momotaro met an eagle going in the same direction.
They became good friends; soon, both of them arrived on the island of the pirates.
Momotaro drew out the sacred sword his father had given him and began to
fight the pirates. The eagle flew over the thieves’ heads, pecking at their eyes.
Finally, the pirates were defeated.
Momotaro brought home all the goods that pirates had stolen. His parents
were proud of him, and they were overjoyed at his victory and save return.
26. What is the main information of the text?
A. The defeated pirates
B. The clever and courage young man
C. The sad couple who had no child
D. The finding of pirates hiding place
E. The fighting experience of Momotaro and an eagle against the pirate
27. What is the main idea of paragraph 7?
A. Momotaro met an eagle.
B. Momotaro and an eagle fought the pirates.
C. Momotaro‟s father gave him a sacred sword.
D. Momotaro and an eagle become good friends.
E. Momotaro went to island where the pirates lived
28. What was Momotaro‟s weapon?
A. An eagle D. A boat
B. A peach E. The goods
C. A sword
29. Which of the statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?
A. The peasant and his wife were childless.
B. The peasant and his wife found a baby in a forest.
C. The baby was inside a big peach.
D. The baby grew up to be clever, courage young man.
E. Momotaro beat the pirates and took all the goods that pirates had stolen
30. “His wife was excited ….” (paragraph 2).
The underlined word has the same meaning as ......
A. frightened D. satisfied
B. glad E. proud
C. afraid.

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