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Curso de Capacitación: inglés nivel intermedio

Profesora: Paula Cubas

Alumno: Cristian Fernández

Año: 2019
Ushuaia – Tierra del Fuego

1. Dialogo entre dos amigos.

Returning from the holidays.
Cristian: Hi Poli. How about your holiday?
Poli: all right.Very well. Australia is a beautiful place.
Cristian: What city did you know?
Poli: I was in Melbourne, it is a very big city, you can do many activities there and the
people are very friendly.
Cristian: Good thing the people are very kind. And how would you describe them
Poli: Good. I could describe you to my friend Padraig.
Cristian: Ok, what does he look like?
Poli: He´s tall and thin. He has blond hair and blue eyes.
Cristian: How old is he?
Poli: He´s twenty-eight years old.
Cristian: What does he do?
Poli: He works as a tourist guide. He´s very polite and sincere, but he´s a bit lazy.
Cristian: Well, what means of transport did you use to get around the city?
Poli: First of all. I wanted to know the city by bus.
Poli: First, you have to register at the bus station and reserve your place.
Poli: There are many options for traveling and getting to know the city: single ticket, return
ticket, first class, business class and tourist class. you have to choose the most convenient
… The phone rings and Poli answers,..
…Soon after that,..
Poli: Cristian, I received a call from my sister, and I have to go.
Cristian: ok don´t worry.
Cristian: I hope that another day you will continue telling me more experiences.
Poli: Of course yes. See you.
Cristian: See you.

2. Cuento corto.
Yesterday, we went to a bar with my friend Michael. This bar is new in the city and we
wanted to go and meet him.
At first, the music was very good, but then, it was horrible and it sounded really bad.
Suddenly, al eleven o´clock, the lights went out and the music too.
We were waiting for 30 minutes, until we heard that we had to withdraw from the place due
to electrical problems.
That was our experience at the "Paquito" bar.
..what happened after?
We went to another bar near there.

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