This Question Bank Corresponds To Unit No. 1

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Academic Year: 2019-20

Question Bank
Name of the Program: B.Tech Year: III Semester-II
Course/Subject: Artificial Intelligence Course Code:R1632055A
Name of the Faculty: S Phani Kumar Department: IT
Designation: Assistant Professor

This Question bank corresponds to Unit No. 1

1. Discuss various types of problem characteristics. [CO 1] [10 M][BT L1-
2. Write the productions involved in solving a Water-Jug Problem. [CO 1] [10 M]
[BT L1- Remembering] [1.7.1]
3. Demonstrate the implementation of Tic-Tac-Toe game with a magic square and
using ternary number. [CO 1] [10 M] [BT L2- Understanding] [2.6.3]
4. Write the steps involved in the implementation of Tic-Tac-Toe game, where
Blank, First Player, Second Player are assigned with values 2, 3, 5 respectively.
[CO 1] [10 M] [BT L2- Understanding] [2.6.3]
5. Explain production system with an example. [CO 1] [10 M] [BT L2-
Understanding] [1.7.1]
6. a) write various categorizations of intelligent systems. [CO 1] [5 M] [BT L1-
Remembering] [1.7.1]
b) Summarize the components of AI program. [CO 1] [5 M] [BT L2-
Understanding] [1.7.1]
7. a) List various applications of AI[CO 1] [5 M] [BT L1- Remembering] [2.6.3]
b) Explain the main characteristics of Eliza. [CO 1] [5 M] [BT L2-
Understanding] [2.6.3]
8. Compare and contrast the three implementations of TIC-TAC-TOE game. [CO 1]
[10 M] [BT L2- Understanding] [1.7.1]
9. Explain the various characteristics of problems that can be solved by various AI
techniques. [CO 1] [10 M] [BT L2- Understanding][2.6.3]
10. Explain the state space representation of Water – Jug problem. [CO 1] [10 M]
[BT L2- Understanding][3.6.2]
Academic Year: 2019-20
Question Bank
Name of the Program: B.Tech Year: III Semester-II
Course/Subject: Artificial Intelligence Course Code:R1632055A
Name of the Faculty: S Phani Kumar Department: IT
Designation: Assistant Professor

This Question bank corresponds to Unit No. 2

1. 1. Explain the implementation of any two exhaustive searches with examples.
[CO 2] [10 M] [BT L2- Understanding][1.5.1]
2. Write the procedure to implement Hill Climbing. Discuss the weakness of the
method. [CO2] [10 M] [BT L1- Remembering] [2.6.4]
3. Write the procedure to implement Branch and Bound. Discuss the working of
the method with an example. [CO2] [10 M] [BT L1- Remembering] [1.5.1]
4. Write the procedure to implement Beam Search. Discuss the working of the
method with an example. [CO2] [10 M] [BT L1- Remembering] [1.5.1]
5. Demonstrate about the implementation of Best First Search with an example.
[CO2] [10 M] [BT L2- Understanding] [2.6.4]
6. Explain how crypt arithmetic problems can be solved by using constraint
satisfaction method. [CO2] [10 M] [BT L2- Understanding] [1.5.1]
7. Elaborate the working of A* algorithm with an example. [CO2] [10 M] [BT L2-
Understanding] [2.6.4]
8. Explain MINMAX algorithm with an example. [CO2] [10 M] [BT L2-
Understanding] [2.6.4]
9. Compare and contrast Hill Climbing, Branch & Bound, Beam Search, Best First
Search techniques with examples. [CO2] [10 M] [BT L2- Understanding] [1.5.1]
10. Assign unique values from 0-9 for each letter to the following words so that the
sum of the first two leads to the resultant. SEND+MORE=MONEY[CO2] [10 M]
[BT L2- Understanding][2.6.4]
Academic Year: 2019-20
Question Bank
Name of the Program: B.Tech Year: III Semester-II
Course/Subject: Artificial Intelligence Course Code:R1632055A
Name of the Faculty: S Phani Kumar Department: IT
Designation: Assistant Professor
This Question bank corresponds to Unit No. 3
1. Examine the significance of Natural Deduction System with an example. [CO3]
[10 M] [BT L2- Understanding][1.6.4]
2. Write the importance of Axiomatic System with examples. [CO3] [10 M] [BT L1-
3. Explain the construction of semantic tableau from a formula. [CO3] [10 M] [BT
L2- Understanding] [1.6.4]
4. Write the steps involved in implementing resolution. [CO3] [10 M] [BT L2-
Understanding] [2.7.1]
5. Explain the procedure of converting WFF to the clause form with an example.
[CO3] [10 M] [BT L2- Understanding] [1.6.4]
6. Check the validity of the inference.[ BT L5- Evaluating] [2.7.1]
a) P, (P  Q->R), (S V T->Q),T infers R [CO3] [5 M]
b) ((P  Q) V R),(P->Q) infers Q V R [CO3] [5 M]
7. Check the validity of the inference. [ BT L5- Evaluating] [2.7.1]
a) ( P  R), R->P, R->S, S->T,  T infers R [CO3] [5 M]
b) A->C D, A->B,  B infers C [CO3] [5 M]
8. Consider the following sentences:
Marcus was a man
Marcus was a Pompeian
Marcus was born in 40 AD
All men are mortal
All pompeians died the Volcano erupted in 79 AD
No mortal lives for more than 150 years
a) Convert the above WFF’S to clause form. [CO3] [5 M] [ BT
L5- Evaluating] [2.7.1]
b) Answer the question “Is Marcus dead now ? “in two different
ways. [CO3] [5 M] [ BT L5- Evaluating] [2.7.1]
9. Check the validity of the inference.
a) ((P  Q) V R),(P->Q) infers Q V R [CO3] [5 M] [ BT L5- Evaluating]
b) ( P  R), R->P, R->S, S->T,  T infers R [CO3] [5 M] [ BT L5-
Evaluating] [2.7.1]
10. Check the validity of the inference.
a) A-> C  D, A->B, B infers C [CO3] [4 M] [ BT L5- Evaluating]
b) T->(M V E), S->E, T  E infers M [CO3] [3 M] [ BT L5-
c) (A V B)->C, A, C infers B [CO3] [3 M] [ BT L5- Evaluating]
Academic Year: 2019-20
Question Bank
Name of the Program: B.Tech Year: III Semester-II
Course/Subject: Artificial Intelligence Course Code:R1632055A
Name of the Faculty: S Phani Kumar Department: IT
Designation: Assistant Professor
This Question bank corresponds to Unit No. 4
1. Write the procedure to represent knowledge using semantic network. [CO4] [10
M] [BT L2- Understanding][1.5.1]
2. a) How inheritance is represented in semantic net? Explain the same with an
example. [CO4] [5 M] [BT L1- Remembering] [1.5.1]
b) Write the significance of using CYC in capturing human commonsense
Knowledge. [CO4] [5 M] [BT L1- Remembering][2.6.3]
3. Summarize the importance of extended semantic network for knowledge
representation. . [CO4] [10 M] [BT L2- Understanding][3.5.2]
4. Explain how knowledge representation can be done using frames. . [CO4] [10 M]
[BT L2- Understanding] [1.5.1]
5. Elaborate the importance of conceptual dependency in representing natural
language sentences. [CO4] [10 M] [BT L2- Understanding][4.5.1]
Summarize the importance of scripts in depicting a scene. [CO4] [10 M] [BT L2-
Understanding] [2.6.3]
6. How do you represent hospital data in the form of a FRAME? Explain. [CO4] [10
M] [BT L1- Remembering][3.5.2]
How do you represent going to restaurant in the form of a script? Explain.
[CO4] [10 M] [BT L1- Remembering] ][2.6.3]
7. What is the purpose of CD? Write the corresponding CD statements for the
following[CO4] [10 M] [BT L1- Remembering] [3.5.2]
a) John ran
b) John is tall
c) John is a doctor
d) John fertilized the field
e) John ran yesterday
8. What is the purpose of CD? Write the corresponding CD statements for the
following [CO4] [10 M] [BT L1- Remembering] [3.5.2]
a) John took the book from Mary
b) The plants grew
c) John pushed the cart.
d) Johan is an artist
e) John ran today.
Academic Year: 2019-20
Question Bank
Name of the Program: B.Tech Year: III Semester-II
Course/Subject: Artificial Intelligence Course Code:R1632055A
Name of the Faculty: S Phani Kumar Department: IT
Designation: Assistant Professor
This Question bank corresponds to Unit No. 5
1. Summarize various phases involved in designing an expert system. [CO5] [10 M]
[BT L2- Understanding][1.7.1]
2. Explain the architecture of Expert system with a neat diagram. [CO5] [10 M]
[BT L2- Understanding] [1.7.1]
3. a) Write the characteristics of an Expert System. [CO5] [5 M] [BT L1-
Remembering] [1.7.1]
b) Write the issues in black board system for problem solving. [CO5] [5 M] [BT
L1- Remembering] [1.7.1]

4. a) what are the advantages and disadvantages of an expert system. [CO5] [6 M]

[BT L1- Remembering][2.5.1]
b) what the differences between blackboard system and rule based system.
[CO5] [4 M] [BT L1- Remembering] [1.7.1]

5. Explain the importance of rule based expert systems. [CO5] [10 M] [BT L2-
6. Summarize the significance of Blackboard systems. [CO5] [10 M] [BT L2-
Understanding] [1.7.1]
7. What is a truth maintenance system? How TMS will be used for general
problem solving? [CO5] [10 M] [BT L1- Remembering][2.5.1]
8. Summarize various applications of expert systems. [CO5] [10 M] [BT L2-
Understanding] [1.7.1]
9. a) How do you evaluate an expert system? Explain. [CO5] [5 M] [BT L1-
b) Write about any five expert system building tools. [CO5] [5 M] [BT L1-
Remembering] [1.7.1]

10. what are the various components of expert systems with a neat sketch. [CO5]
[10 M] [BT L1- Remembering][2.5.1]
Academic Year: 2019-20
Question Bank
Name of the Program: B.Tech Year: III Semester-II
Course/Subject: Artificial Intelligence Course Code:R1632055A
Name of the Faculty: S Phani Kumar Department: IT
Designation: Assistant Professor
This Question bank corresponds to Unit No. 6

1. a) Write the significance of Bayes’s Theorem in AI. [CO6] [6 M] [BT L1-

Remembering] [1.7.1]
b) Explain the extension of Bayes’s Theorem with an example. [CO6] [4 M] [BT
L2- Understanding] [1.7.1]
2. Explain the inferences mechanism using Bayesian Network. [CO6] [10 M] [BT
L2- Understanding] [1.7.1]
3. a) Write the advantages and disadvantages of Bayesian Belief Networks. [CO6]
[5 M] [BT L1- Remembering][2.8.1]
b) How Certainty Factors are crucial for MYCIN? Explain. [CO6] [5 M] [BT L1-
Remembering] [1.7.1]
4. Explain the significance of Certainty Factor Theory in AI with an example. [CO6]
[10 M] [BT L2- Understanding] [1.7.1]
5. Write the importance of Dempster-Shafer Theory in AI. [CO6] [10 M] [BT L1-
Remembering] [1.7.1]
6. a) Explain the significance of various Fuzzy Set Operations. [CO6] [5 M] [BT L2-
b) Write various properties of Fuzzy Sets. [CO6] [5 M] [BT L2- Understanding]
7. Explain the importance of following membership functions in fuzzy sets. [BT L2-
Understanding] [2.8.1]
a) Triangular Membership Function[CO6] [4 M]
b) Vicinity Function[CO6] [3 M]
c) Gaussian Distribution Function[CO6] [3 M]
8. Explain the importance of following membership functions in fuzzy sets. [BT L2-
a) Trapezoidal Membership Function[CO6] [4 M]
b) Polynomial Based Curves[CO6] [3 M]
c) Generalized Bell Membership Function[CO6] [3 M]
9. Explain various methods for determining membership functions. [CO6] [10 M]
[BT L2- Understanding] [2.8.1]
10. Explain about the four types of fuzzy propositions. [CO6] [10 M] [BT L2-
Understanding] [2.8.1]

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