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The brief was prepared for GeoPolitica – a Romanian journal of political geography, geo-politics and geo-strategy

- for its special issue on Pakistan titled Pakistan: A Rising Global Player in the Emerging Geo-Strategic

India and Pakistan faced a precarious stand-off on to Balakot. They ‘were shown bomb craters in barren
February 14, 2019, when a Kashmiri Muslim Adil Dar open spaces with no loss of human life or
attacked India’s Central Reserve Police Force infrastructure’6. The visitors ‘were allowed to interact
contingent near Pulwama in Jammu & Kashmir, freely with students and teachers of the religious
killing more than 40 personnel and himself. Earlier, madrassah situated in the area’7.
Dar was arrested six times and tortured by the Indian
police between 2016 and 2018. Each time he was On February 27, Pakistan Air Force shot down two
Indian jets that were once again violating Pakistani air
released without any charges.1 India immediately
space. An Indian pilot Wing Commander Abhinandan
blamed Pakistan for the Pulwama attack.2 Islamabad
denied any involvement and offered a joint was captured, however he was released on March 1 as
investigation; New Delhi didn’t accept the offer. a goodwill gesture. This prudent step by Pakistan
helped in de-escalation of the precarious situation and
On February 26, Indian jets violated Pakistan’s air a looming war between two nuclear states was averted.
space and bombed territory ‘about 80 kilometres from
A few questions have to be understood and addressed
the Line of Control’3 near Balakot and claimed
destroying a training camp killing around ‘300 for clarity.
terrorists’4. The Indian foreign secretary stated that Was it the first time that India and Pakistan faced a
‘India struck the biggest training camp of JeM in potentially precarious stand-off and a war-like
Balakot. In this operation, a very large number of JeM situation; will a similar situation not happen again?
terrorists, trainers, senior commanders and groups of The answer in both cases is unfortunately in negative.
jihadis who were being trained for fidayeen action India and Pakistan have faced similar stand-offs and
were eliminated’5. Pakistan denied the Indian claims war-like situations many times in the past. Chandan
and took ambassadors, defence attachés and journalists Mitra argues8 that the attack on the Indian Parliament

1 Kashmir Attack: Tracing the Path that Led to Pulwama. BBC News. May 1, 2019; The Reality of Pulwama Incident.
The Express Tribune. February 28, 2019.
2 Abi-Habib, Maria, Sameer Yasir, and Hari Kumar. India Blames Pakistan for Attack in Kashmir, Promising a Response. The New York

Times. February 15, 2019.

3 Rfe/rl. India Launches 'Preemptive' Air Strike on Pakistan-Based Militants. RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty. February 26, 2019.
4 Indian Air Strike in Balakot Killed 300 Militants. The Economic Times. February 26, 2019.
5 MEA | Statements: “Speeches & Statements.” Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India. February 26, 2019.
6 Foreign Journalists given Access to Madressah near Site of Balakot Strike. Dawn. April 11, 2019.
7 Ibid.
8 Mitra, Chandan. ‘Book Review of Arundhati Roy's New Release 13 December: A Reader’. India Today. September 3, 2011.

in December 2001 was ‘a stage-managed affair Pakistan and what happens in Kashmir is a terrorist
directed by intelligence agencies’ to kill Indians or movement stoked by Pakistan.14
‘plot a massive stand-off with their nuclear-armed
For a better understanding of the issue, a look at
western neighbour’. Not only the so-called attack that
led to mobilisation of around half a million troops to history is essential.
the India-Pakistan border by India9, the Mumbai The most significant point is related to the
incidents in 2008 that greatly deteriorated relations independence of India and Pakistan in 1947 as a result
between the two countries10, is another in many such of the partition of India. The State of J&K was one of
examples. There is now enough literature available the 564 quasi-autonomous princely states of India that
which attests that while on both these occasions India signed agreements with Great Britain in 1857 and
immediately put the blame on Pakistan and exploited afterwards to exercise a certain level of internal
the attacks to put pressure on it, the attacks were autonomy. According to the instruments of partition of
planned and manipulated inside India.11 India, the rulers of the princely states were given the
In view of the track record, it is very likely that similar choice to freely accede to either India or Pakistan, or
attacks will recur in the future because relations to remain independent. They were, however, advised
between the two countries are intrinsically connected to accede to the contiguous dominion, taking into
consideration the geographical and ethnic issues. All
with the long outstanding Kashmir (J&K) dispute.12
the three conditions were never fulfilled in case of the
Indian journalist Arundhati Roy has rightly
commented that the Pulwama ‘attack was yet another State of J&K.
hideous chapter in the unfolding tragedy of In accordance with the above principles of the
Kashmir’13. It is therefore necessary to examine the partition, on August 15, 1947, when India became
genesis and the nature of the J&K dispute. independent, Kashmir being a princely state, was not a
part of India. On August 14, the State of J&K had
The Genesis of the Dispute
signed a Standstill Agreement with Pakistan to handle
The perceptions in this regard vary to extremely its affairs related to transit, communication, postal
contradictory positions of the parties. Islamabad insists service, electricity etc. which were earlier managed by
that the root cause of the dispute is the denial of the the British government. Subsequently, when Maharaja
right to self-determination to the people of Kashmir as Hari Singh, the then ruler of Kashmir, lost writ and
enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, specific control over J&K owing to a popular uprising that was
UN resolutions and international law. New Delhi going on since decades, wrote a letter enclosing
claims that Kashmir is an integral part of India, proforma Instrument of Accession and sought the help
accession of J&K to India is final and cannot be of the Indian government. Legally, the letter and
disputed; J&K is not a disputed territory; and the will proforma cannot be considered a substitute for
of the people of the State of Kashmir does not need to accession.15
be ascertained now through a plebiscite as their will
Nonetheless, on October 27, Viceroy Lord
has been repeatedly ascertained through elections.
Mountbatten conditionally accepted the Maharaja’s
India also maintains that what happens in Kashmir is
an internal affair and the international community has offer of accession and stated that ‘it is my
no business in it. New Delhi insists that the problem of Government’s wish that as soon as law and order have
Kashmir is one of cross-border terrorism from been restored in Kashmir, the question of the state’s

9 Dugger, Celia W. India and Pakistan Mobilizing Troops Along the Border. The New York Times. December 25, 2001.
10 Lalwani, Sameer, and Emily Tallo. India and Pakistan Aren't Ready for Another Terrorist Crisis. Foreign Policy. November 30, 2018.
11 Davidsson, Elias, The Betrayal of India: Revisiting the 26/11 Evidence, Pharosmedia publisher, 2017; Roy, Arundhati. 13 December: A

Reader, The Strange Case of the Attack on the Indian Parliament. (2006).
12 In January 2004, India and Pakistan agreed to hold 8-point Composite Dialogue to discuss the contentious issues including J&K dispute,

peace and security, confidence building measures, Siachen, Sir Creek, Wullar Barrage/Tulbul project, economic and commercial
cooperation, terrorism and drug trafficking, and promotion of friendly exchanges in various fields. There is so far no progress on these
contentious issues.
13 Roy, Arundhati. Kashmir is Potentially the Flashpoint for a Future Nuclear War. Huffington Post. March 1, 2019.
14 Embassy of India in Washington, A Comprehensive Note on Jammu & Kashmir, Indian Position,
15 Ahmad, Khurshid, Prof, Tehreek-e-Azadi-e-Kashmir: Badalte Halaat aur Pakistan ki Policy, First Edition 2016, p. 6, 8

accession should be settled by a reference to the in a stalemate. Kashmiris, with the help of Pakistan,
people’16. At the same time, Indian Prime Minister liberated one-third of the area and declared it as Azad
Nehru wrote to Prime Minister of Pakistan Liaquat Ali Jammu & Kashmir (AJK). The rest of the area
Khan: ‘I should like to make it clear that the question remained under Indian occupation. Meanwhile, India
of aiding Kashmir in this emergency is not designed in took the Kashmir dispute to the United Nations on
any way to influence the state to accede to India. Our January 1, 1948.21 It assured the UNSC that: ‘Once the
view which we have repeatedly made public is that the soil of the State had been cleared of the invader and
question in any disputed territory or state must be normal conditions were restored, the people would be
decided in accordance with the wishes of people free to decide their future by the democratic method of
and we adhere to this view’17. plebiscite or referendum… under international
There was yet another substantial issue related to the
chronology of the events, which contradicts the Indian J&K dispute at the United Nations
claims. Prof. Alastair Lamb, a renowned British
scholar, has brought undeniable arguments in his two On January 1, 1949, the UN mediators brokered
scholarly books18 and contested that Indian troops had ceasefire line, which was eventually declared as the
entered Srinagar on October 26, 1947, i.e. before Line of Control. It was an outcome of mutual consent
by India and Pakistan under the UN auspices. Later, in
Mountbatten’s acceptance of the Maharaja’s offer. In
the resolution of April 21, 1948, UNSC noted with
fact, he argues that Hari Singh had already left
Srinagar for Jammu under pressure of public revolt. He satisfaction that “both India and Pakistan desire that
further argues that it was not possible to get the the question of the accession of Jammu and Kashmir
to India or Pakistan should be decided through the
Instrument of Accession signed before October 27. He
democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite”.
also maintains that the signed copy of the Instrument
of Accession had not been presented at any The UNSC instructed the UNCIP in the same
international forum. Lamb’s research nullifies the resolution to proceed to the Indian subcontinent and
ensure “the holding of a plebiscite”22.
legal validity of the Instrument of Accession. Legally,
Kashmir has a sui generis status. India’s occupation of The UNCIP adopted two further resolutions on August
Kashmir is transitional and temporary because 13, 1948, and January 5, 1949, which were accepted
Kashmir has not been legally integrated with the by India and Pakistan. The UNCIP noted that the
Indian Union. India does have de facto control over governments of India and Pakistan ‘reaffirm their wish
Kashmir but does not have a de jure control. that the future status of the State of Jammu and
Kashmir shall be determined in accordance with the
Irrespective of the controversy of the date of the so-
called Instrument of Accession, the Government of will of the people of Kashmir’23. The UNSC and the
Pakistan (on October 30) refused to accept the UNCIP continued to work with the two countries and
accession of Kashmir to India which was against the passed 15 resolutions from 1948 to 1998.
Unfortunately, the settlement of the dispute is still
will of the people of Kashmir19 and could not be
justified on constitutional, geographical, cultural or pending.24
religious grounds. The conflict turned into the first war This makes it clear that J&K is a disputed territory
between India and Pakistan in 1947.20 The war ended pending its final settlement through a plebiscite under

Mir, Tabish Rafiq, Despite Everything, Why Kashmir Should Be A Part Of India (But Only After A Plebiscite), March 6, 2017.
17 Sattar, Abdul. Pakistan's Foreign Policy, 1947-2016: A Concise History. Oxford University Press, 2019. p. 27. Quoted in Chaudhri
Muhammad Ali, op. cit., 288 from K. Sarwar Hasan, The Kashmir Question: Documents on the Foreign Relations of Pakistan, op. cit.,
18Lamb, Alastair. Kashmir: a disputed legacy, 1846-1990. Vol. 150. Hertingfordbury: Roxford Books, 1991.
19 Sattar, Abdul. Pakistan’s Foreign Policy 1947-2016, A Concise History. Oxford University Press, 2019, 4th Edition. p. 28.
20 Britannica, ‘Kashmir’. Encyclopaedia Britannica.
21 ‘Pakistan Mission to United Nations.’ Kashmir - Pakistan Mission to UN. Accessed June 27, 2019.
22 UNSC Resolution 47 of 21 April 1948 at 286th meeting of UNSC.
23 UNCIP Resolution adopted for India and Pakistan on 13 August 1948.
24 UNSC adopted Resolution 1172 on 6 June 1998 in the backdrop of the nuclear tests conducted by India on 11 and 13 May 1998 and by

Pakistan on 28 and 30 May 1998 and urged India and Pakistan ‘to resume the dialogue on all outstanding issues’ and ‘find mutually
acceptable solutions that address the root causes of those tensions, including Kashmir.’

the auspices of the UN. It also authenticates that the numerous sacrifices and around 400,000 Kashmiris
dispute is not a border or territorial conflict between have embraced martyrdom since 1947. This includes
India and Pakistan nor an internal affair of India. It is the massacre of 237,000 people by Maharaja Hari
rather an unfinished agenda of the partition of India Singh.
and is a question of right to self-determination. Thus,
the dispute has four parties: ‘Pakistan, India, the UN India has tried unsuccessfully to quell mass resistance
through the use of brute force. Objective reports in
and the people of Kashmir, who have to decide their
future. The future of J&K dispute, therefore, lies in the international media testify that the Kashmiri agitation
resolution of the dispute in accordance with the UN is fundamentally indigenous and public movement.
resolutions and wishes of the people of Kashmir’.25 Moreover, India has now fenced the entire LoC with
landmines, motion sensors, thermal imaging and
The question of elections vs referendum: As regards electronic surveillance, which have made crossings
the claim that elections are the substitute for the impossible.29 In fact, India’s insistence on cross-border
plebiscite, the UNSC has rejected this oft repeated terrorism from Pakistan is a false narrative to divert the
Indian contention that the people of Kashmir have attention of the world from its own state-sponsored
exercised their right to self-determination by terrorism, use of brute force and atrocities against the
participating in the elections. It has clarified that no people of Kashmir.
electoral exercise conducted by Indian authorities in
Special status of J&K in Indian Constitution: There
J&K could be accepted as a substitute to a plebiscite.
‘When India tried to seek a constitutional declaration is yet another dimension to the whole issue i.e. as to
from an unconstitutional “Constituent Assembly” why J&K has been given a special status in the Indian
Constitution? J&K is the only state in India that enjoys
declaring Kashmir an integral part of India, the UNSC
special autonomy and status under Article 370 of the
in a resolution on January 24, 1957, rejected that
declaration and reaffirmed that the future of Jammu Constitution, according to which no laws enacted by
and Kashmir is yet to be decided in accordance with the Parliament, except for those in the fields of
defence, communication and foreign policy, will be
the earlier UN resolutions.’26
extendable in J&K unless ratified by the state
Moreover, the history of elections held in J&K is full legislature. India has given this special status because
of recorded evidence of irregularities, large-scale J&K has not yet been integrated into the Indian Union.
centre-supported rigging, fraud, coercion and out-right Similarly, Article 35A of the Constitution gives J&K
brutality in the early years and use of gunpoint to drag legislature a carte blanche to decide who are the
the helpless Kashmiris out of their homes to cast votes, permanent residents of the state and confer upon them
in the later years. The Congress governments special rights and privileges. Presence and continuity
controlled the ruling parties in the state with of the two articles, in spite of attempts by some
handpicked nominees running the government.27 1989 extremist political groups in India, including the BJP
turn out to be a watershed in the Kashmir dispute. ‘The regime, to repeal them is yet another proof of the
0.2% turnout during the rigged elections was a clear disputed nature of the state.
repudiation of the Indian claim’.28 In a nutshell,
farcical and sham elections can never be treated as a Demographic changes in J&K: Other than attempts
to amend the Constitution, the Indian government is
substitute for plebiscite.
trying to gradually change demography in J&K by
The question of Freedom struggle being a terrorist settling Hindu and Sikh refugees, who migrated from
movement: Another contention that what happens in Azad Kashmir to Jammu in 1947, building a separate
Kashmir is not a freedom struggle but a terrorist settlement for Kashmiri Pundits, allocating land for
movement stoked by Pakistan is also a clearly retired army officials who have served in J&K, and
fabricated contention. The oppressed but valiant settling down non-Kashmiri Hindu businessmen and
people of Kashmir have waged freedom struggle with industrialists. This is in violation of the Fourth Geneva

25 Ahmad, Khurshid, ‘Tehreek-e-Azadi-e-Kashmir: Badalte Halaat aur Pakistan ki Policy’, First Edition, 2016, p. 6.
26 Prof. Ahmad, Khurshid, Foreword of book Mass Resistance in Kashmir by Tahir Amin. p. 4
27 Kashmir: Nuclear Flashpoint. Kashmir Times. Accessed June 27, 2019.
28 Pakistan Mission to United Nations.
29 Interactive Session and Conversation with President of Azad Jammu & Kashmir at Atlantic Council: ‘Kashmir: Sardar Masood Khan's


Convention and Additional Protocol I and the Statute 1982, for their self-determination and liberation.
of the International Criminal Court that prohibit such Unfortunately, successive Indian governments have
transfers and equate them with war crimes.30 resorted to the use of force, which has led to a spiral of
Freedom movement is not a secessionist movement:
The Kashmiris’ movement is sometimes confused According to well-documented reports,32 from 1989
with the separatist movements in India. There are more till 2016, the Indian security forces killed 94,495
than 36 secessionist movements and over 130 Kashmiris, including 7,062 who were killed in
secessionist parties in Punjab and in the Northeast custody. They have kidnapped more than 10,000
including Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland, people, mostly young men, while 136,436
Meghalaya, Tripura, Manipur and Assam in addition civilians have been arrested. The documented number
to Maoist and Naxalite insurgencies. These of widows has reached 22,884, while 10,433 women
secessionist movements drive strength from ethnic have been gangraped. There are now 107,586
conflicts, abject poverty, social and economic orphaned children. Along with that 106,261 houses
injustices, caste system, and cultural-cum-linguistic and buildings have been demolished. While the
differences. Secessionist movements are aimed at referendum under the UN auspices is still pending, the
seeking the status of separate states or autonomy. On Kashmiris are continuously expressing their will
the other hand, the freedom movement in J&K was and through various means. Hundreds of thousands
is primarily driven by the right to self-determination; participate in the funerals processions, where bodies
it was never a struggle for a piece of land. While India are wrapped in Pakistani flags. By all means, it is a
can handle the secessionist movements internally, it mass resistance. Yet, in sheer panic, India is
cannot do so in the case of J&K because of the original continuing with draconian laws33 to quell the
arrangement made in the partition principle of the resistance, which is gaining further momentum and
princely states and the UN resolutions. intensity.
Mass Resistance Human rights violations have been documented by the
Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human
From 1949 to 1989 Kashmiris continued with peaceful Rights (UNOHCHR) as well. On June 14, 2018, it
political movement demanding freedom. They also released it’s first-ever report34 in this regard. The
took part in elections to find a way out and possibilities
report has documented unlawful killings and incidents
for some negotiated settlement towards their right to of injuring, blinding by pellet guns, sexual violence,
self-determination.31 Nevertheless, such peaceful
enforced disappearances, arbitrary arrests, torture,
moves remained practically unacknowledged. Rather
excessive use of force, lack of access to justice and a
the elections were grossly manipulated and on culture of impunity for the LEAs. The report notes that
occasion the peaceful demonstrations were fired upon protests against Indian brutalities now have
by the Indian army and police. Kashmiris, while participation from ‘more young, middle-class
suffering from heavy-handed repression in 1989, were
Kashmiris, including females who do not appear to
forced to launch an armed struggle. This is as per have been participating in the past’35. The UNOHCHR
internationally recognised legal right against has also proposed to the UN Human Rights Council
combatant Indian security forces in accordance with
to establish a commission of inquiry to conduct an
UNGA Resolution A/RES/37/43 of December 3,

30 Exclusive Interview with the President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Sardar Masood Khan , Pakistan Politico, July 9, 2018,
31 Many of the resistance leaders, including Syed Ali Gelani had participated in elections until 1989
32 Amnesty International; Asia Watch and Physicians for Human Rights, and the US Department of State reports.
33 Jammu & Kashmir Public Safety Act, 1978 (PSA), Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act (TADA) 1985, The Armed Forces (Jammu

& Kashmir) Special Powers Act, (AFSPA) 1990, Jammu & Kashmir Disturbed Area Act (J&KDAA) 1990, and Prevention of Terrorism
Act (POTA).
34 UNOHCHR report on the Situation of Human Rights in Kashmir: Developments in the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir from June

2016 to April 2018, and General Human Rights Concerns in Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan 14 June 2018, June2016 To April2018.pdf, Accessed on May 26, 2019. The
UNOHCHR had asked Pakistan to give it access to AJK which was in principle accepted though Pakistan requested the UNOHCHR to
ask India to simultaneously give access to J&K.
35 Ibid.

independent investigation into allegations of human cross-border terrorism stoked by Pakistan or a
rights violations. separatist movement. The study shows that since 1947
the people of Kashmir have consistently been
Similarly, in October 2018, the All Parties
struggling for their legal and legitimate right to self-
Parliamentary Group on Kashmir in the British determination. The harshest reality is that India has
Parliament called upon India for an immediate denied this right and used brute force and atrocities
cessation of human rights violations, ending the
against the innocent Kashmiris to quell their freedom
impunity enjoyed by Indian security forces, repealing movement. The continued resistance makes it
draconian laws and enabling prosecution of its armed absolutely clear that the overwhelming majority of the
forces and security personnel. Members of the people of Kashmir does not want to live with India.
European Parliament also wrote an open letter to Horrendous human rights situation is prevalent in
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in March 2019
J&K, which is evident from well-documented reports.
and called upon him to repeal draconian laws and
demanded independent and impartial investigations India has now two options. (1) To admit ground
into the use of pellet-firing shotguns. Three members realities and agree to resolve the J&K dispute in
of the UN Human Rights Council, on March 18, 2019, accordance with the UN resolutions and wishes of the
sent a letter to Modi listing 76 cases of torture and people of Kashmir. It will bring peace, prosperity and
killings of civilians.36 The Indian government has development in the Subcontinent and the risk of
recently decided to prevent Amnesty International nuclear flashpoint will be averted. There are some sane
from presenting its report on the atrocities and voices coming from the Indian intelligentsia, writers
draconian laws, which are lawless laws. and scholars favouring this option. (2) The Indian
government intensifies hard power and muscular
Unfortunately, New Delhi is continuing with the state
policy, which is evident from the recent attack on
of denial. It has bluntly rejected recommendations Balakot in wake of the Pulwama attack. It is likely that
given in the above-mentioned reports. The argument as a result of this policy there will be more Pulwama-
stands that had India been logical, it would have
like incidents. This self-defeating approach will keep
accepted the recommendations of international
the entire region in crisis and turmoil.
organisations. The mere rejection of recommendations
clearly concedes that India is observing a belligerent The logical question then is how to deal with the status
and uncompromising stance. quo? Should it be left without any action? By doing so,
we all will become complacent and reticent observers.
Conclusion The need of the hour is to remind the UN and its
The J&K dispute is the main issue, irritant and cause member states of all those commitments that were
of deadlock in relations between India and Pakistan. made in the UN resolutions on holding a plebiscite in
Incidents like Pulwama cannot and should not be seen J&K. It is the collective responsibility of the UN and
in isolation. These are part of a bigger problem and a its member states to activate these resolutions for early
response to Indian policies in J&K. In all likelihood implementation. This step will be the greatest service
such incidents may happen again and at any point of to the people of bleeding and burning Kashmir and
time. The self-defeating approach of the Indian serve as the harbinger of peace, prosperity and
government of using hard power, changing economic development in South Asia and contribute to
demography in Kashmir and trying to withdraw the international peace and security.
special status of the State of J&K will keep the entire
The following specific points need attention of the
region in crisis and turmoil. The study establishes that policy and opinion makers as well as scholars and
if this main dispute is not resolved then peripheral intellectuals.
issues -- standoffs, conflicts, wars and war-like
situations -- will keep recurring and marring bilateral  While the UNSC has been successful in
relations. implementing its resolutions for the right to self-
determination to the people in cases like Northern
The study also maintains that the J&K dispute is
Ireland, East Timor and South Sudan, on the
neither a territorial dispute nor a border conflict or

36 Letter and report available on the website:

gId=24476 accessed on 9 June 2019.

principles of fair play and equal rights for all  Pakistan, being a member of the UN and a party to
human beings, it has failed to implement the dispute, has both a right and responsibility to
resolutions on Kashmir mainly because of engage with governments through proactive and
realpolitik in the backdrop of Cold War approach aggressive diplomacy for seeking a fair resolution
and 9/11 dynamics. The UN, P5 and the of the J&K dispute. On the other hand, the
international community need to be reminded to international parliaments, inter-parliamentary
implement resolutions on Kashmir as mandated in unions, international civil societies, and
Chapters 6 and 7 of the UN Charter. The international media networks need to play their
settlement of the J&K dispute is a test for the role in creating awareness, drawing attention
credibility of the UN, in fact, for the global towards the atrocities of the Kashmiri people and
governance system as well. resolving the dispute. In this regard, the Indian
intellectuals, academicians, scholars, writers and
 It is encouraging to note that the UN, other thinkers are also expected to play their role. Those
international organisations, and NGOs37 have who question India’s policy of repression in
documented a number of reports on unprecedented
Kashmir must give cogent recommendations to the
atrocities and horrendous human rights violations
Indian government to allow sanity to prevail for
in J&K. Nevertheless, there is little attention to
resolving the dispute for India’s long-term
evolve a viable mechanism for the implementation cohesion, unity and development.
of recommendations contained in these reports;
especially on the establishment of inquiry There can be no better conclusion than borrowing from
commission for investigations, sending fact- the statement of UNSC president, who rightly said in
finding missions for on-ground evaluation of May 1964 that India and Pakistan “have everything to
atrocities, repealing of draconian laws, and gain from re-establishing good relations with each
stopping repression and human rights violations other and whose present disputes, particularly that
and demographic changes in J&K. centring upon Jammu and Kashmir, should be settled
amicably in the interest of world peace”. 38

Prepared by:
Ambassador (Retd) Tajammul Altaf
Senior Research Associate
Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), Islamabad.

For queries:
Syed Nadeem Farhat
Senior Research Officer |

37 The European Union, the Human Rights Council, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, the British Parliament, the US State
Department, Amnesty International and Asia Watch and Physicians for Human Rights.
38 Statement of the UNSC president, 18 May 1964, at the 1117th meeting of the Security Council.

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