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(A Govt Of India Underataking )

TUFIDC SCHEME : TPQC Site Inspection Report


Date of Inspection : 01-12-2018

Name of work :

1) Construction of CC drain from H.No. 16-154 to Main storm water canal in Srinagar Colony
Ward No. 15 of Siddipet Town.

Present Status : A Length of 55 mts is completed out of 300 mts Storm water drain.

2) Construction of CC drain from existing drain from Sri Chaitanya techno school to Hyd main
road in ward no :14 of Siddipet town,

Present Status : - A length of 40 mts is completed as against 360 mts of Stormwater drain canal

Observations :

 The Aggregates and Cement are not stacked properly and are mixed are mixed with soil
& dust, due to this binding of materials get effected.(Photos 2&3)
 Cement bags are of PPC Grade are using in the site. I.S code is not exhibited on the
cement bag. (Photo 5)
 Curing is not being properly done for the laid Storm water Canal walls and not using
Gunny bags for Curing for the entire Storm water drain walls (Photo 6)
 Shuttering Plates are not cleaning Properly for the next use. (Photo 7)
 Concrete mixing is not being properly done and also it is observed that the stone dust is
using in addition to sand (Photo 8)
 Honeycombs are observed at several places (Photo 9)

Recommendations/Rectifications Suggested :

 The Coarse & Fine aggregates and Cement are to be stacked properly without mixing dust
and soils.
 It is recommended to use branded Ordinary Port Land Cement in place of PPC.
 Curing should be done properly by using gunny bags to the required time so as to
withstand to the full compressive strength as per I.S Code 456-2000.
 Shuttering plates are to be cleaned properly and concrete mix to be poured duly mixing the
concrete to the designed proportion with proper vibration to get homogenous structure
avoiding honeycombs.

Site Engineer Consultant


Fig :1

Fig :2
Fig : 3
Fig: 4 Fig : 5

Fig : 6
Fig : 7

Fig : 8
Fig : 9

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