The Story of Salatiga

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Once upon a time, there was a man by the name Ki Ageng, who governed Semarang as regent.

His people loved him very much because he was honest and wise. He brought prosperity to Semarang
and the people. One afternoon, as he and his wife were having tea. He said to his wife about his last
night dream. As they were talking about strange dream, Sunan Kalijogo came to visit them. They were
talking each other. Sunan Kalijogo asked for a favour. Ki Ageng was very happy to hear that.
Then, Sunan Kalijogo left them. They stood for a few minutes staring at each other as if they
couldn’t believe what they had just been through. Then they made some necessary preparations. Before
he left, Ki Ageng told his wife to follow him as soon as possible. They hug each other and Ki Ageng
told his wife. Nyai Ageng then summoned to the people of Semarang and told them what had happened.
The people were very surprised as they had never expected that such thing could happen to them. Their
beloved leader had already left them. Nyai Ageng put a stick and also left the house. In the following
morning, just before the sun ros, Nyai Ageng set out for her journey to a place she her self did not know.
She walked knowing that she was no longer a young woman.
Before the end of the day, she came to the foot of mount Merbabu. She was tired but determined
to follow her husband. But suddenly, as if from out of the blue, three fierce looking men stood in front
of her. They were robbers. The robbers were about to attack Nyai Ageng. When she put a curse on them,
she raised a stick and pointed at them. The robbers were fallflat to the ground. Two gave out sounds like
a goat and the other like that of a snake. Nyai Ageng looked at them with sadness. The robbers remained
on the ground. They cried for mercy to Nyai Ageng. Nyai Ageng was sorry for them but she couldn’t
take back the curse. She then named the place ‘Salah Tiga’ which literally meant ‘three mistakes’.
In the course of history the place was then called Salatiga, a city at the foot of mount Merbabu,
it is small city with a cool and fresh climate.

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