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Republic of the Philippines


Cervantes Campus,
Cervantes Ilocos Sur

My Reaction on Case study 5 and 6, ETHICS1

Clyde Jester Ramirez2
Case study 5:
Taking people credit like Henry did to Rhoda is a bad habit because you get all the
praise and good feedback while Rhoda is not included their even though she does the research
and the report, what do you think what she feels when she will know what you did of course
she will be disappointed to you. We should credit and put all the names especially when they
help you to your report, because in the first place they put a lot of efforts to that report to be
successful and make you satisfied. you should not take all the good feedback on your own when
you know that you did not make it on your own, we should share and credit so that other
subordinates will continue to help and have an inspiration to do more report that will satisfy
your boss because having a good relationship to your group will make a strong fundamental of
teamwork or your company.

 What is your reaction to not being given acknowledgement for work that you have
done and then seeing someone else being praised for it?
- I will be mad and disappointed to that person, and next time I will not do or help
that person because he is being so selfish he only wants to get all the good feedback
and praised by himself even he did not insert any effort and experience rigor. And
also I will set an appointment to the president or CEO of the company and tell the
mistake of Mr. Henry so that the wrong doings of Mr. Henry will be stop.
Case Study 6:
The dam should not be built even that fish is not good for food and other advertising
because it is impossible that there is only one species living there. Maybe the environmentalist
did not see and study it properly, because I didn’t believe that there is only one species living in
that river let say there is, but that living creature someday we need it and see their importance.
And even that single fish has a big contribution on our echo system maybe that fish is the food
of the bigger fish, there is a study that every living organism has a rule on our echo system for
example an alligator he is the cow of the river according to George Walkman.

Reference: Google


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