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Periodontology 2000, Vol.

53, 2010, 70–88  2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S

Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved PERIODONTOLOGY 2000

Comparison of the
microbiological features of
chronic and aggressive
G A R Y C. A R M I T A G E

Any discussion of the comparative microbiology of infected patient to a clinical laboratory for isolation
chronic and aggressive forms of periodontitis must and identification of the pathogen by growing it in
begin with the premise that our knowledge of the pure culture on artificial medium. These cultures are
microbiota associated with these infections is then used to determine the sensitivity of the isolated
incomplete. This does not mean that the field of oral pathogen to a panel of antibiotics. Treatment of the
microbiology has neglected the study of periodontal infection involves administration of an appropriate
infections. On the contrary, the microbiota associ- regimen of antibiotics that is intended to suppress or
ated with periodontal health and disease has been eliminate the pathogen. This model for infectious
intensely studied for well over a century by several diseases is certainly not the only one that is taught at
generations of skilled scientists and clinicians (9, 15, most medical or dental schools, as it is widely known
23, 42, 47, 48, 60, 65, 82, 101, 102, 105, 113, 114, 122, that some infections can be caused by multiple
123, 135, 145, 147, 149, 171, 175, 177, 181, 184, 206). bacteria (i.e. ÔmixedÕ infections) and some diseases
The basic problem is that the oral microbiota is an can be due to commensal opportunistic pathogens
enormously complex and dynamic entity that is (82). Nevertheless, the one pathogen ⁄ one disease
profoundly affected by perpetually changing local model dominates the thinking of most physicians
environments and host-mediated selective pressures. and many dentists.
In addition, the microorganisms live in hard-to-study Unfortunately, this dominant paradigm does not
biofilms comprising organized polymicrobial com- apply in cases of periodontal infections. These
munities that are elegantly adapted to thriving and infections are caused by an extremely diverse con-
surviving in the multiple micro-ecosystems of the sortium of microorganisms that are part of the
oral cavity. endogenous microbiota of most people (82, 157).
Another complication in any discussion of peri- Many individuals who are periodontally healthy carry
odontal microbiology is the educational bias regard- or harbor some periodontal pathogens as part of their
ing the nature of infectious diseases that healthcare normal supragingival and subgingival microbiota (4,
professionals develop during their training. Most 26, 32, 35, 43, 61, 62, 77, 94, 119, 129, 143, 150, 153,
dentists and physicians were taught the classical 155, 179, 180, 189, 196, 200, 203, 207). When detect-
features of infectious diseases in their basic courses able at healthy sites, the pathogens are usually pres-
in medical microbiology. The dominant paradigm ent in very low numbers and show a limited range of
taught in these courses is that an exogenous patho- phylotypes. It is quite clear that many individuals can
gen overcomes the innate and adaptive immune harbor potential pathogens for long periods of time
defenses of the host, replicates within the body, and without developing periodontal disease. Carriage of
causes disease through a variety of virulence factors. putative periodontal pathogens at low levels as part
Diagnosis of these classical infections often involves of the commensal or normal oral microbiota is
submitting a clinical specimen obtained from the probably beneficial, since it is likely that their

Microbiology of chronic and aggressive periodontitis

presence is necessary for the development and mat- hand, the percentage of differential gene expression
uration of innate and adaptive immunity of the host under planktonic vs. biofilm conditions for Pseudo-
(27, 33, 170, 185). monas aeruginosa is only approximately 1% (73
The microbiological picture of chronic and genes), suggesting wide variations among bacteria
aggressive periodontitis is further complicated by with regard to this parameter (194). From an etio-
the fact that only about 50–60% of the subgingival logical perspective, it is important to note that genes
microbiota can be grown in the laboratory using for certain virulence factors are up-regulated in some
state-of-the-art culturing techniques. The remainder bacteria once they become members of a biofilm
of the microbiota is in a Ônot-yet-cultivatedÕ category (162). An important feature of microbial communi-
(45, 158, 197). This is problematic, as it would be ties in biofilms is increased synthesis of quorum-
astonishing if periodontal pathogens were only sensing molecules that promote coordinated
confined to the portion of the subgingival microbiota reactions of the entire biofilm to external stimuli (14,
that can be grown on artificial media in the 144, 169). Indeed, biofilms tend to behave like
laboratory. This problem is not unique to oral multicellular organisms when challenged with
microbiology, as environmental microbiologists have significant environmental changes (17, 144). Finally,
known for a long time that the vast majority of the horizontal gene transfer between similar and
microorganisms on the planet cannot be grown using dissimilar microorganisms promotes the preservation
currently available culturing technologies. Ecologists of genes that enhance survival in highly organized
refer to this phenomenon as the Ôgreat plate and competitive biofilm ecosystems (107, 159, 160,
anomalyÕ, whereby microscopic and plate counts of 186, 193, 195). The important point is that the
microorganisms from certain aquatic environments biochemical and physiological properties of estab-
are dramatically different (178). In such cases, lished periodontal pathogens are modified once the
microscopic estimates of the number of viable cells microorganism becomes part of a biofilm. The
using vital-staining dyes such as acridine orange are disease-producing abilities of periodontal pathogens
often much higher than colony counts on culture are clearly modified by their interactions with other
plates (178). Any attempt to compare the microbio- members of the biofilm community. In some
logical features of chronic and aggressive periodon- instances, their virulence is enhanced (21, 107, 130),
titis must take into account the existing fragmentary whereas in other cases it is inhibited (199) by the
knowledge of the composition of the oral microbiota. influence of neighboring microorganisms within the
Another major impediment to understanding the biofilm. Although only a few dozen types of micro-
nature of periodontal infections is that the pathogens organisms have been strongly implicated as etiological
do not act alone but are part of complex microbial agents for chronic and aggressive forms of perio-
communities called biofilms (46, 96). Biofilms are dontitis (175–177), they do not act independently of
populations of microorganisms that are concentrated their neighbors. In this sense, all periodontal
on a surface and surrounded by an extracellular slime infections have a diverse polymicrobial etiology.
matrix of microbial origin known as the glycocalyx. The final, and perhaps most perplexing, impedi-
It is well established that the biochemical and ments to comparing the microbiology of various
metabolic properties of free-floating or planktonic forms of periodontitis are: (i) the inability to deter-
microorganisms are quite different when these same mine when these infections are progressing or not
microbes become part of an adherent biofilm com- progressing (active vs. inactive disease), and (ii)
munity (109, 176, 177). For example, some bacteria inconsistent and variable case definitions for the
appear to sense when they touch a solid surface. diseases. The progression of periodontitis tends to be
Contact with the surface triggers activation of genes episodic (i.e. additional attachment loss occurs in
that facilitate irreversible attachment of the bacteria bursts interspersed between periods of quiescence)
to the solid surface (151). In addition, other genes are (63), and it is currently impossible to determine when
up-regulated that enhance survival as part of a these events are taking place (2, 3, 16, 136). The
biofilm community in which numerous microbe– composition of a subgingival biofilm at a site that is
microbe interactions occur (83, 84, 116, 134, 202). For in remission should be characteristic of the micro-
example, it has been estimated that, when Por- biota associated with host–microbe homeostasis. It is
phyromonas gingivalis is grown as an in vitro biofilm, likely that a quite different microbiota will be recov-
approximately 18% (377 genes) of its genome is ered from a progressing site where there is significant
differentially expressed compared to when it is grown disruption in the biofilm–tissue homeostasis. Finally,
under planktonic conditions (134). On the other inconsistent and multiple criteria have been used in


the literature to define cases of chronic versus or eliminated by an appropriate form of periodontal
generalized aggressive forms of periodontitis (28). therapy. One must be cautious when using the word
These two problems are probably partly responsible ÔeliminatedÕ in this context, since there is good
for some of the wide variations in the reported evidence that many periodontally healthy people carry
composition of the subgingival microbiota in various low levels of periodontal pathogens as part of their
forms of periodontitis. endogenous subgingival microbiota (76, 94, 119, 129,
153, 180, 189, 200). It is highly unlikely that a member
of the normal or resident microbiota will be perma-
Criteria for determination of a nently eliminated from the oral ecosystem, and it can
periodontal pathogen thus be detected if a highly sensitive molecular method
is used (187). Nevertheless, therapy can certainly
In an important paper published in 1979, Socransky reduce the subgingival levels of suspected periodontal
(174) pointed out that the 2nd and 3rd KochÕs pos- pathogens (1, 25, 37, 64, 65, 167, 187), and treatment
tulates cannot be fulfilled in cases of periodontitis. may reduce the levels of the putative pathogens to
KochÕs 2nd postulates stipulates that the pathogen below the limits of detection, at least during the short
can be grown in the laboratory on artificial media, follow-up periods of most studies (29, 163).
and his 3rd postulate requires that inoculation of a
pure culture into experimental animals causes a
Host response
condition similar to the human disease from which
the organism was initially isolated. Socransky (174) This is an important criterion for causation since
suggested five types of criteria or lines of evidence most of the periodontal damage associated with the
that can be used to support an etiological role for presence of subgingival biofilms is believed to be
certain microorganisms in periodontal infections: (i) due to host inflammatory responses to this microbial
association with disease, (ii) elimination or suppres- challenge (55, 56, 168). A heightened cellular and ⁄ or
sion of the organism, (iii) host response, (iv) animal humoral immune response to a specific inhabitant of
pathogenicity, and (v) mechanisms of pathogenicity. the biofilm might suggest a possible etiological role
Application of these criteria to known components of for that microorganism (39, 54–56, 183). Alternatively,
the periodontal microbiota currently serves as the a lower than expected host response may indicate a
primary basis for believing that certain microorgan- special ability of the putative pathogen to avoid
isms are pathogens that cause chronic and aggressive immune surveillance mechanisms of the host. In
forms of periodontitis. either case, an aberrant immune response may
represent a disruption in the host–microbiota mutu-
alism necessary for the maintenance of periodontal
Association with disease health (27, 170).
This criterion simply states that the putative patho-
gen should be at higher levels (numbers or propor-
Animal pathogenicity
tions) at diseased sites than at healthy sites. This does
not mean that the pathogen needs to be a predomi- Inoculation of a suspected human pathogen into an
nant member of the periodontal microbiota. Indeed, experimental animal is an important part of KochÕs
many suspected cultivable periodontal pathogens method for establishing an etiological role of a
only represent approximately 1–5% of the colony- microorganism (174). For over 50 years, this proce-
forming units at sites with chronic periodontitis dure has also been used to help understand the nature
(147). This criterion can also be applied to micro- of a number of oral infections, including dental caries
organisms that are in the Ônot-yet-cultivatedÕ cate- (50, 59) and periodontal disease (58, 91). Historically
gory, with the primary means of detection being important related studies on caries and periodontitis
molecular identification of 16S ribosomal RNA gene in experimental animals convincingly showed that
sequences and other similar markers (158). these diseases were both transmissible via infectious
agents (90, 100, 101). It has been demonstrated that
several putative periodontal pathogens isolated from
Elimination or suppression of the
human cases of periodontitis can cause similar perio-
dontal lesions when inoculated into experimental
This criterion specifies that progression of periodon- animals (24, 44, 53, 60, 78, 80, 86–89, 92, 104, 133, 138,
titis is arrested if the putative pathogen is suppressed 173, 182, 198). Such findings, together with positive

Microbiology of chronic and aggressive periodontitis

results from other types of studies including epide- therapy involves restoration of the host–microbe
miological associations, suppression ⁄ elimination of homeostasis associated with health.
specific microbes via treatment, and host response
data, all contribute to the conclusion that a given
Mechanisms of pathogenicity
microorganism is a probable periodontal pathogen.
However, inoculation of experimental animals The last of the Socransky criteria (174) for a peri-
with potential periodontal pathogens is often not odontal pathogen is that the microorganism should
successful (174). For example, fastidious organisms possess an array of virulence factors that promote its
such as spirochetes cannot be used for monospecies ability to initiate and perpetuate inflammatory and
implantation as they require other bacteria to immunological events that result in periodontal
create a microenvironment that is suitable for colo- damage. Virulence factors include properties of
nization. It is quite likely that many highly virulent microorganisms that help them to avoid host
periodontal pathogens are unable to colonize the defenses and ⁄ or contribute to the damage and
mouths of experimental animals. In addition, even destruction of host tissues (51). In some respects, this
in cases where disease is initiated by introduction is the easiest of the Socransky criteria to satisfy as
of a human microorganism into the mouth of an most microorganisms in the oral microbiota have
experimental animal, the induced condition is often co-evolved with their human hosts and are well-
clinically different to the human disease from adapted to bypassing innate and adaptive immune
which the bacterium was originally isolated (174). In clearance mechanisms of the host. The members of
many cases, extensive bone loss occurs in the the subgingival microbiota that flourish when the
absence of any clinically detectable dental plaque periodontal tissues are inflamed are also those that
biofilms (60, 78, 87, 88). Finally, in some cases, are best equipped to produce factors that cause
implantation of a microorganism such as Strepto- damage. Since these microorganisms are especially
coccus mutans that is not considered to be a human adapted to thrive in inflamed conditions, they are
periodontal pathogen will cause severe alveolar bone identified as probable periodontal pathogens. These
loss in some experimental animals (59, 103). Never- microbes damage tissues by inducing inflammatory
theless, the results of animal pathogenicity studies and immune responses, and thereby create
are useful in conjunction with other lines of evidence conditions that promote their survival in the highly
supporting an etiological role in the pathogenesis of competitive subgingival ecosystem.
periodontal infections. Microorganisms that rank high on the list of
The number of studies involving gnotobiotic periodontal pathogens have multiple ways in which
animals has increased in the past decade, and such they can participate in the etiology of periodontal
studies are beginning to shed light on the mecha- infections. For example, P. gingivalis produces a wide
nisms involved in the homeostasis between animal spectrum of proteinases, including some that can
hosts and potential pathogens residing in the com- cleave host immunoglobulin molecules that become
mensal microbiota (27, 33, 170, 185). The presence of attached to the cell surface of the microorganism
a commensal microbiota, including potential patho- (81). It has the ability to enter and replicate within
gens, is essential for the proper development of host cells, thereby making it a true intracellular
mucosal immunity (27, 185). Unlimited immune pathogen (36). Based on in vitro data, it can spread
activation from constant antigenic stimulation by from infected epithelial cells to adjacent uninfected
components of the commensal microbiota is not cells (205). It possesses a potent endotoxin (lipo-
compatible with host–microbe homeostasis or the polysaccharide) as part of the outer membrane of its
mutualism that is required for the maintenance of cell wall, and produces many low-molecular-weight
health (170, 185). Regulation of potentially harmful irritants such as ammonia, H2S, volatile sulfur com-
local immune responses associated with the presence pounds, indole and short-chain fatty acids (81). It is
of the commensal microbiota is quite complex and an abundant source of small outer membrane vesi-
involves poorly understood interactions between the cles or proteoliposomes that facilitate its interaction
innate and adaptive components of the immune with other bacteria (111) and inactivate or suppress
system (27, 33, 148, 170, 185). A better understanding normal host responses (38).
of these interactions is important since most peri- A long list of potential pathogenic mechanisms can
odontal infections appear to be caused by disruption also be generated for Aggregatibacter (Actinobacillus)
in the homeostasis between the host and commensal actinomycetemcomitans. It adheres tightly to a variety
microbiota (82, 106, 124, 140). Successful periodontal of host tissues, produces potent bacteriocins that give


it a competitive edge over other bacteria, and readily following microorganisms on the list of probable
develops resistance to antibiotics such as the tetra- periodontal pathogens: Eikenella corrodens, enteric
cyclines (51). It possesses a heat-labile cytolethal rods, Pseudomonas species, Selenomonas species and
distending toxin that kills fibroblasts (79), and is an Staphylococcus species. No detailed attempt was
abundant source of a leukotoxin that kills host made to compare the putative pathogens in the var-
neutrophils and macrophages (79, 93). It produces ious forms of periodontitis. However, the consensus
outer membrane vesicles that provide the organism report stated that A. actinomycetemcomitans is most
with a way to deliver a concentrated or enriched often found in aggressive (Ôearly-onsetÕ) periodontitis,
source of leukotoxin when attacked by host whereas P. gingivalis and T. forsythia are found more
neutrophils (97). It is interesting that leukotoxic frequently in chronic (Ôadult-onsetÕ) periodontitis
strains of the microorganism produce more vesicles (57). This report received widespread acceptance by
than non-leukotoxic strains (118). the periodontal community at the time, and is still
The lists of potential pathogenic mechanisms for regarded as valid. The periodontal pathogens of 1996
P. gingivalis and A. actinomycetemcomitans are quite all remain on the list of pathogens in 2010.
long for two fundamental reasons: (i) they actually do
possess these virulence factors, and (ii) these bacteria
are easy to grow and can be studied in detail under a Periodontal pathogens circa 2010
wide range of experimental conditions. Indeed, these
two periodontal pathogens are the most widely Although there were relatively few bacteria on the
studied among a growing number of candidate 1996 list, it should be emphasized that periodontal
pathogens. In some respects, the emphasis that has diseases are polymicrobial in nature and there is no
been placed on these two bacteria in the literature evidence that they are monoinfections. The patho-
has drawn attention away from other possible, and gens act as part of a bacterial consortium within a
perhaps equally important, pathogens that are not so complex and dynamic dental plaque community
easily studied. Although there is no question that (46). In the past decade, there has been an explosion
these two pathogens are important in the initiation in our understanding of periodontal microbiology,
and progression of periodontal diseases, it may be and the list of putative periodontal pathogens has
that they are not the most virulent bacteria in the grown considerably. For the most part, the pathogen
subgingival microbiota. list of 1996 was confined to bacteria that could be
grown on artificial media in the laboratory. There-
fore, members of the oral microbiota that are in the
Periodontal pathogens circa 1996 Ônot-yet-cultivatedÕ group (i.e. approximately 50%)
were not included as etiological candidates. Since
At the 1996 World Workshop in Periodontics, leading 1996, there has been widespread application of
research periodontists and oral microbiologists used culture-independent methods to detect disease-
an evidence-based approach to arrive at a consensus associated subgingival microorganisms that cannot
list of periodontal pathogens (57). They used the five yet be grown in the laboratory (9, 19, 20, 31, 34, 45, 67,
Socransky criteria (discussed above) as the primary 85, 99, 108, 112–115, 123, 126–128, 142, 156, 157, 161,
basis to generate their list. A 6th criterion, detection 164, 166, 190–192). Based on analysis of 16S rRNA
of the microorganism prior to disease progression, gene sequences and other molecular markers, the list
was used as an additional line of evidence for of microorganisms that are candidates for periodon-
pathogenicity. It was concluded that there is strong tal pathogens has become considerably longer
evidence that P. gingivalis, A. actinomycetemcomi- (Table 1). Application of molecular techniques to the
tans and Tannerella forsythia (formerly Bacteroides analysis of clinical samples collected from subgingi-
forsythus) are periodontal pathogens when present in val sites has made it possible to examine a wider
sufficient numbers in susceptible hosts (57). There range of the microbial diversity present at such sites.
was moderate evidence to support an etiological role In addition to the considerable diversity of the
for Campylobacter rectus, Eubacterium nodatum, microbial population of subgingival biofilms, it has
Prevotella intermedia ⁄ nigrescens, Parvimonas micra become increasingly apparent that there is
(formerly Micromonas micros and Peptostreptococcus extensive diversity within a given microbial species.
micros), the Streptococcus intermedius complex and For example, not all strains and serotypes of
Treponema denticola (57). The group also concluded A. actinomycetemcomitans are equally pathogenic
that there was ÔinitialÕ evidence to include the (35, 47, 49, 66, 74, 98, 102, 160, 204). The JP2 clone of

Microbiology of chronic and aggressive periodontitis

Table 1. Microorganisms associated with various forms of periodontitis as detected by culture-independent methods
and grouped according to their domain (Bacteria or Archaea) and taxonomic phyla or candidate phylogenetic divisions


Porphyromonas gingivalis 19*, 85, 142, 156, 164
Porphyromonas endodontalis 85, 113, 156
Tannerella forsythia 19*, 126, 156, 164
Tannerella sp. 114
AU126 from the Bacteroidetes phylum 113
Prevotella denticola 113
Prevotella intermedia 164
Prevotella spp. 19*
Bacteroidetes sp. oral taxa 272 ⁄ 274 19*
Sphaerocytophaga sp. oral taxa 337 19*
Treponema spp. 19*, 31, 114
Treponema socranskii subsp. buccale 85, 156
Clone Treponema sp. 1:G:T21 156
Treponema lecithinolyticum 164
OTU 4.2 of the ÔSynergistetes Ôphylum 190
Synergistes sp. cluster II 19*
Desulfovibrio-like sp. (oral strain NY682; identical to 121, 137, 191
Desulfovibrio fairfieldensis)
Other Desulfovibrio-like sp. (uncultured bacteria 191
designated dsrAB-I, dsrAB-II, dsrAB-III, dsrAB-IV)
Campylobacter rectus 156
Campylobacter gracilis 19*
Desulfobulbus sp. oral clone R004 156
Desulfobulbus sp. oral taxa 041 19*
Desulfobulbus sp. 114
Eikenella corrodens 19*
Brevundimonas diminuta 19*
Atopobium rimae  156
Atopobium parvulum 156
Cryptobacterium curtum  113
Streptococcus constellatus  85, 156


Table 1. Continued

Gemella haemolysans 156
Catonella morbi 85
Granulicatella adiacens  19*, 85, 156
Dialister pneumosintes 20, 34, 85
Dialister invisus ⁄ pneumosintes 19*
Peptostreptococcus sp. 114
Parvimonas micra 19*
Filifactor alocis  19*, 85, 115, 156
Filifactor sp. 114
Uncultured Eubacterium PUS9.170* 67, 156
Eubacterium saphenum 85, 113, 156
Eubacterium nodatum  19*
Eubacterium sp. 114
Mogibacterium timidum 19*, 142
Pseudoramibacter alactolyticus 19*
Solobacterium moorei 19*
Selenomonas sp. 114
Selenomonas sputigena 45
Selenomonas noxia 19*, 45
Selenomonas sp. EW084 45
Selenomonas sp. EW076 45
Selenomonas sp. FT050 45
Selenomonas sp. P2PA_80 45
Selenomonas sp. GAA14 45, 85
Shuttleworthia satelles 19*
Mycoplasma salivarium 19*
Veillonella atypica 19*
Acidaminococcaceae (G-1) (oral taxa 132/150/1155/148/ 19*
Fusobacterium animalis 156
Deferribacteres DO84 clone 113, 156
Deferribacteres clone BH017 113
Deferribacteres sp. 114
TM7 (candidate phylogenetic division)
I025 TM7 phylotype  9, 113, 152
TM7 spp. oral taxa 346 ⁄ 356 19*

Microbiology of chronic and aggressive periodontitis

Table 1. Continued

Obsidian pool (OP11) (candidate phylogenetic division)
Megasphaera clone BB166 85, 113
Megasphaera clone X112 113
Megasphaera sp. 114
Phylum not established
Acetogenic uncultured bacteria (designated fhs-I, 191
fhs-II, fhs-III)

Methanobrevibacter oralis 112, 123, 128, 192, 201
Methanobrevibacter oralis-like (uncultured microbes 191
mcrA-1 and mcrAII)
Methanobrevibacter smithii 6, 112
Methanobrevibacter sp. 112
Methanobrevibacter sp. SBGA-2 123

Note: There were wide variations from paper to paper in the clinical criteria used to define cases of ÔperiodontitisÕ. Therefore, no distinction is made in this Table
between chronic, generalized aggressive and refractory forms of periodontitis.
Gram-positive bacteria.
*The population studied by Colombo et al. (19) included patients who were refractory or did not respond to conventional periodontal therapy.
In the data from Paster et al. (156), pathogens were defined as the presence of the microorganism in at least 4 ⁄ 22 (18%) of the subjects with periodontitis (i.e.
n = 9 chronic periodontitis, n = 11 refractory periodontitis, n = 2 HIV-positive individuals with periodontitis) and absent in all of the periodontally healthy subjects
(n = 5).
Faveri et al. (45) used criteria for clinical cases of generalized aggressive periodontitis consistent with those cited in the 1999 classification system (120).

A. actinomycetemcomitans (serotype b) has a 530 base in their 16S rRNA genes and are therefore not in the
pair deletion in its leukotoxin reporter gene operon Bacteria domain. Indeed, they are genetically closer
that enhances its production of leukotoxin by 10–20- to microbes in the Eukarya domain than those
fold compared to non-leukotoxic strains (10, 76). belonging to the Bacteria domain (7, 11, 68). Their
Similarly, there is extensive diversity in the patho- association with periodontitis is quite striking as they
genic potential of the many strains and clones of appear in progressively greater numbers in the sub-
P. gingivalis (102, 165). The important point is that gingival microbiota as a function of disease severity
not all strains or clones of a given putative pathogen (i.e. probing depth and clinical attachment loss) (123,
are equally effective as etiological agents. Therefore, 201). Of the three domains of microbial life (i.e.
for maximum clinical utility, microbiological moni- Eukarya, Archaea and Bacteria), Archaea is the only
toring of periodontal pathogens should include anal- group in which pathogens have not yet been dem-
ysis of specific pathogenic strains or clones rather onstrated (40). However, it is theoretically possible,
than all variants of a given species. Some of the re- even likely, that some members of this domain will
ported problems with microbial testing of the sub- eventually be shown to be pathogenic (15, 40).
gingival microbiota for diagnostic and treatment Fig. 1 shows the clinical and radiographic
outcome purposes may relate to significant variations appearance of a medically healthy, non-smoking,
in the pathogenicity of putative periodontal patho- 30-year-old white male with severe periodontitis who
gens (164). harbored Methanobrevibacter oralis at each of the
An interesting finding that has emerged from these seven subgingival sites that were sampled. This
culture-independent studies is the association of methane-producing microorganism is the most
microorganisms from the Archaea domain with commonly found archaean associated with perio-
periodontal disease (112, 122, 123, 127, 128, 191, 192, dontal disease. Although a cause-and-effect rela-
201). Archaea are prokaryotes that physically resem- tionship has not been shown, Archaea have never
ble bacteria but have different nucleotide sequences been found in the subgingival microbiota of perio-


Fig. 1. Clinical (A) and radiographic (B) appearance of a non-adjacent subgingival sites with probing depths
30-year-old white male with severe periodontal destruc- ‡6 mm and analyzed for 16S rRNA gene sequences. All
tion. The patient was a medically healthy non-smoker seven sites were positive for Methanobrevibacter oralis, a
who had never had any form of periodontal therapy. member of the Archaea domain.
Subgingival plaque samples were collected from seven

dontally healthy individuals (123, 127, 128, 201) or at induce the production of specific IgG antibody by
healthy sites in patients with periodontitis (123). The periodontitis patients who harbor the microorganism
percentage of chronic periodontitis patients who as part of their subgingival microbiota (201). There is
harbor Archaea at subgingival sites ranges from some evidence that subgingival methanogens out-
approximately 19–73% depending on the population compete sulfate-reducing bacteria and acetogenic
surveyed (123, 128, 191, 201). It has been reported bacteria for available H2 in the local environment
that non-surgical treatment of Archaea-positive (191). These three groups of hydrogenotrophic
chronic periodontitis sites was able to reduce these microorganisms play an important role in the overall
microorganisms to non-detectable levels at post- subgingival ecology by regulating the levels of H2,
treatment visits (123). and thereby affecting the levels of secondary fer-
Although M. oralis has been cultured in the labo- menting periodontal pathogens (191). Other investi-
ratory (6, 12), it is difficult to grow and is not isolated gators have reported that subgingival sites of chronic
during routine microbiological assessments. Since periodontitis patients with high levels of methano-
strong periodontitis association data are now avail- genic Archaea have low levels of Treponema spp.
able, attempts should be made to examine potential (123). The converse is also true, i.e. if there are high
pathogenic mechanisms of this group of microor- levels of Treponema spp., there are few or no Archaea
ganisms. It has been shown that M. oralis antigens (123). Finally, it is possible that methanogenic

Microbiology of chronic and aggressive periodontitis

Archaea have no direct pathogenic effects but con- dent microbial analyses of colonic biopsies from
tribute to the overall pathogenicity of subgingival patients with active ulcerative colitis revealed the
biofilms by syntrophic interactions with other presence of the same I025 clone that has been asso-
microbes (21, 191). Such interactions are those that ciated with chronic periodontitis. This TM7 clone was
promote or otherwise affect the pathogenicity of not found in control biopsies taken from various
neighboring microbes. segments of the colon during routine colonoscopies in
Since many of the microorganisms shown in Table 1 healthy subjects without inflammatory bowel disease
cannot yet be cultured, it is only possible to apply the (110).
first two of SocranskyÕs criteria for pathogenicity (i.e. Combined genomic and proteomic analyses of
association with disease and elimination or suppres- host–biofilm interactions are beginning to reveal the
sion of the organism). An important periodontal complex gene–protein interconnected networks
pathogen such as P. gingivalis is relatively easy to present in periodontal health and disease (139). The
grow and study, and therefore there are thousands of concept is emerging that different bacteria appear to
research papers on this bacterium. Indeed, if one be associated with clinically similar periodontal dis-
enters the name of this organism in the PubMed eases in different people, and the oral microbiota
search engine, a list of over 4000 citations is generated. associated with disease progression may be person-
If this is done for A. actinomycetemcomitans, over specific (46). The notion that the resident microbiota
2800 papers are cited. However, simply because in a given body habitat is person-specific is sup-
certain microorganisms are easy to study does not ported by analysis of molecular data from the human
mean that they are the most important periodontal intestinal tract (41, 141, 188). It has been found that
pathogens in the subgingival microbiota. Neverthe- the microbial profiles of fecal samples collected at
less, there should be no doubt that, under the right various times from a given individual are more
circumstances, P. gingivalis and A. actinomycetem- similar to each other than to the intestinal microbial
comitans are important pathogens in some subgingi- communities in a different individual (30, 41, 141,
val biofilms. Based on the emerging picture of a very 188). The person-specific characteristics of the
diverse group of putative periodontal pathogens in the intestinal microbiota are most marked at the species
subgingival microbiota (Table 1), it is a mistake to and strain levels (30, 41, 125, 141).
oversimplify the situation and confine the list of
pathogens to that published in 1996 (57). Indeed, it
can be seen from Table 1 that the list of putative
pathogens is not limited to gram-negative anaerobic Comparative microbiology of
bacteria. It is clear that a large number of gram-posi- chronic vs. generalized aggressive
tive bacteria are also putative periodontal pathogens. periodontitis
In some instances, the association of a group of
microorganisms with chronic periodontitis may be Comparison of the subgingival microbial profiles in
strong in early stages of the disease, but may be less chronic vs. generalized aggressive periodontitis has
important in advanced cases of the disease. For been complicated by the different case definitions
example, Brinig et al. (9) found a statistically signifi- and variable study designs ⁄ methods used by differ-
cant association between levels of TM7 bacteria at ent investigators (28, 154). Despite these problems, it
subgingival sites with slight periodontal damage (i.e. has been possible to make some general comparisons
clinical attachment loss of 2–3 mm), but the associa- of the subgingival microbial profiles associated with
tion was less pronounced at sites with severe damage chronic and aggressive forms of periodontitis.
(i.e. clinical attachment loss ‡6 mm). This was espe- Mombelli et al. (146) performed a systematic review
cially true for the I025 clone of TM7. Bacteria in the in an attempt to answer the following focused
TM7 division are gram-positive, and none have yet question ÔCan the presence or absence of periodontal
been cultured in the laboratory. As is the case with pathogens (i.e. P. gingivalis, A. actinomycetemcomi-
most uncultivable microorganisms, viable isolates are tans, P. intermedia, T. forsythia and Campylobacter
not available for evaluating their potential pathogenic rectus) distinguish between subjects with chronic and
mechanisms either in vitro or in vivo. However, in aggressive periodontitis?Õ. The overall answer to this
addition to the association of TM7 bacteria with question was ÔNoÕ (146). However, in most of the
periodontal disease (9, 113, 152, 156), this group of papers included in the systematic review, the diag-
bacteria has recently been associated with active nostic criteria used to place patients in the various
inflammatory bowel disease (110). Culture-indepen- disease categories were not clearly specified. In the


final analysis of the systematic review data, no dis- P. gingivalis (14.5%), T. forsythia (3.1%), C. rectus
tinction was made between localized and generalized (22.7%), A. actinomycetemcomitans (approximately
forms of aggressive periodontitis. It was found that a 5%) and enteric rods (approximately 27%).
diagnosis of aggressive periodontitis was more often Faveri et al. (45) used culture-independent molec-
given in patients positive for A. actinomycetemcomi- ular techniques to examine the subgingival microbi-
tans, but there were many individuals with aggressive ota at sites with probing depths ‡7 mm in ten young
periodontitis who did not harbor this organism (146). adult patients diagnosed as having generalized
There are only a few studies that have directly aggressive periodontitis. Approximately 70 taxa were
compared the composition of the subgingival found to be prevalent, with 40 (57%) of these taxa
microbiota in generalized aggressive periodontitis vs. belonging to phylotypes for which no cultivated iso-
that in chronic periodontitis (45, 52, 117, 164). In a lates have been reported. The two most prevalent
population of Chilean patients with chronic perio- genera detected in all patients were Selenomonas and
dontitis (n = 17) or generalized aggressive periodon- Streptococcus. Selenomonas sputigena was found in
titis (n = 6), culture analysis was used to compare the nine of the ten individuals. It is noteworthy that none
composition of the subgingival microbiota between of the Ôred complexÕ periodontal pathogens (i.e.
the two diseases. On the bases of isolation frequen- P. gingivalis, T. forsythia and Treponema denticola)
cies and mean percentage of total counts, a strong were found at any of the sites sampled in any of the
association with P. gingivalis was found for both subjects (45).
chronic periodontitis and generalized aggressive Riep et al. (164) used oligonucleotide probes to
periodontitis. However, this microorganism was only compare the subgingival prevalences of A. actino-
isolated from 13 ⁄ 17 (76.5%) of the chronic mycetemcomitans, P. gingivalis, P. intermedia, T.
periodontitis patients compared with 6 ⁄ 6 (100%) in forsythia, Treponema group II (T. denticola-like),
the generalized aggressive periodontitis group (52). Treponema lecithinolyticum, C. rectus, Capnocytoph-
P. micra was associated with both diseases, being aga ochracea, Fusobacterium spp. and F. nucleatum
found in approximately one-third of the subjects and in patients with generalized aggressive periodontitis
making up approximately 4% of the total isolates vs. chronic periodontitis. Other individuals charac-
(52). The only statistically significant difference terized as Ôperiodontitis-resistantÕ were used as
(P = 0.036) between the subgingival microbiota of controls. The only statistically significant difference
chronic periodontitis and generalized aggressive (P = 0.001) between the generalized aggressive perio-
periodontitis was for C. rectus, with isolation fre- dontitis and chronic periodontitis groups was a
quencies of 23.5% (4 ⁄ 17) for chronic periodontitis higher prevalence of T. lecithinolyticum in the
and 50% (3 ⁄ 6) for generalized aggressive periodon- generalized aggressive periodontitis subjects. There
titis (52). was a high prevalence of P. gingivalis, P. intermedia
In a diverse population of Colombians, Lafaurie and T. forsythia in both periodontitis groups, but
et al. (117) compared the relative frequencies of these species were also frequently detected in the
putative pathogens and enteric rods in the subgingival Ôperiodontitis-resistantÕ controls (164). It is possible
microbiota of individuals with chronic periodontitis that the results would have been different if
vs. generalized aggressive periodontitis. PCR methods molecular probes had been used that can distinguish
were used to detect the presence ⁄ absence of the between highly virulent and minimally virulent
periodontal pathogens, and a culture medium selec- strains of the pathogens.
tive for gram-negative enteric rods (i.e. MacConkey
agar) was used for the isolation of enteric bacteria.
No major differences were found with regard to the Comparative microbiology of
percentage of patients harboring P. gingivalis for localized aggressive periodontitis
chronic periodontitis vs. generalized aggressive vs. other forms of periodontitis
periodontitis (approximately 76% vs. approximately
73%, respectively), T. forsythia (approximately 62% A classic clinical feature of localized aggressive
vs. approximately 54%), C. rectus (approximately periodontitis is that the Ô…amount of destruction
38% vs. approximately 32%), A. actinomycetemcom- manifested is not commensurate with the amount of
itans (approximately 17% vs. approximately 27%) local irritants presentÕ (5). This characteristic refers to
and enteric rods (approximately 30% vs. approxi- the rather thin biofilm and lack of dental calculus
mately 28%). Some of the periodontally healthy observed in some patients with the disease (5, 131).
control patients also harbored the pathogens: Electron microscopic examination of teeth extracted

Microbiology of chronic and aggressive periodontitis

because of localized aggressive periodontitis revealed clones was 12.4 (95% CI 5.2–29.9; P < 0.001). Of all the
relatively simple, thin, non-calcified microbial carriers of A. actinomycetemcomitans at baseline,
deposits compared to the thick and complex biofilms those who harbored the non-JP2 clone alone had the
associated with chronic periodontitis (132). Immu- lowest risk of attachment loss (RR = 3.0; 95% CI 1.3–
nocytochemical analysis of the microbial deposits on 7.1; P = 0.012) (76). This study demonstrates that the
the localized aggressive periodontitis teeth showed JP2 clone of A. actinomycetemcomitans is an impor-
that many of the microorganisms were A. actinomy- tant member of the subgingival microbial community
cetemcomitans (8). These observations are consis- leading to the development of localized aggressive
tent with microbiological data implicating certain periodontitis in some patients. It is of interest that the
strains of A. actinomycetemcomitans in the etiology JP2 clone of A. actinomycetemcomitans appears to
of localized aggressive periodontitis (22, 172). An have a restricted host range, in that it is carried by
etiological role for some strains of this microorgan- individuals who can trace their heritage to the
ism is likely since their presence has been shown to Mediterranean area of Africa (69–73, 75). However,
be associated with the conversion from periodontal there are numerous studies of localized aggressive
health to localized aggressive periodontitis (13, 49, 74, periodontitis developing in people who carry non-JP2
76). clones of A. actinomycetemcomitans (18, 49, 95, 98,
An important line of evidence that strengthens the 165, 206). In addition, some individuals with the
case for the pathogenicity of a specific microorganism disease do not harbor the microorganism (117, 147).
is the demonstration of a temporal relationship Finally, as is the case with all biofilm-caused
between the presence of the infectious agent and periodontal diseases, localized aggressive periodon-
development of the disease (57). Two separate titis is not a monoinfection. It is quite likely that other
longitudinal studies have demonstrated that carriers biofilm bacteria in addition to A. actinomycetem-
of certain strains of A. actinomycetemcomitans are at comitans are important in the etiopathogenesis of the
a higher risk of developing localized aggressive disease.
periodontitis than individuals who do not harbor the
microorganisms (49, 76). In one of these studies,
periodontally healthy carriers of A. actinomycetem- Concluding remarks
comitans (n = 38) were matched for age, gender and
race with individuals who did not harbor this organ- There is compelling evidence that some subgingival
ism. At the end of a 1-year follow-up period, 80% of microorganisms are more important than others as
the A. actinomycetemcomitans-positive subjects had etiological agents of periodontitis. However, it is clear
developed periodontitis (defined as three pockets that chronic and aggressive forms of periodontitis
‡5 mm), whereas only 10% of the A. actinomycetem- are not monoinfections. A consortium of multiple
comitans-negative individuals had this amount of microorganisms living in biofilms participates in the
disease (49). It is of interest that disease development, events leading to these infections. Established peri-
depending on the patient, was associated with any of odontal pathogens do not cause disease in isolation
the three serotypes tested (i.e. a, b and c) (49). from their neighbors within the wider microbial
The other longitudinal study on the microbiota community of supragingival and subgingival biofilms.
associated with initiation of localized aggressive Pathogens and non-pathogens alike have co-evolved
periodontitis followed 428 young individuals from with their human hosts, and are well adapted to
Morocco for 2 years (76). At the baseline visit, all bypassing innate and adaptive immune clearance
participants were free of periodontitis and subgingival mechanisms. The consistent finding that putative
plaque samples were taken and examined by PCR for periodontal pathogens are often found in periodon-
the presence of A. actinomycetemcomitans. Included tally healthy people for long periods without doing any
in the battery of PCR primers were those specific for harm supports the idea that these microorganisms are
the highly leukotoxic JP2 clone. At the end of two part of the normal oral microbiota. Periodontal dis-
years, 61 ⁄ 428 of the individuals (62.8%) lost ‡3 mm ease occurs when there is a disruption in the host–
of additional clinical attachment at one or more sites. microbe homeostasis associated with health. In this
Individuals harboring the JP2 clone alone at baseline context, microorganisms that cause periodontal
had a relative risk (RR) of 18.0 (95% CI 7.8–41.2; infections are commensal opportunistic pathogens.
P < 0.001) for developing clinical attachment loss. The Investigations on the microbiology of periodontal
relative risk value for disease development for infections have been hampered by wide variations in
individuals carrying a mixture of JP2 and non-JP2 populations surveyed, study design, disease defini-


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