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World ECDIS Day Tour


Integrated System

Q: Is a UPS required for the ChartWorld eGlobe G2 ECDIS?

A: eGlobe G2 is certified by DNVGL to be used with dual power (220VAC and 24VDC). eGlobe is
connected to 220/110 main and to the 24VDC emergency switch board. If the switchboard is
directly backed up by a battery (not GMMDSS) this way of connection meets the IMO ECDIS
performance standard and no UPS is needed.

Q: I already have another brand of ECDIS on my vessels but am interested in ECDIS FOR FREE.
Is it possible to install one eGlobe G2 on my vessels together with the existing ECDIS from
another manufacturer?
A: Technically it is possible but we would not recommend this practice for several reasons. Firstly,
you will have to have two different sets of procedures for your SMS for ECDIS. Your crew will also
need to be trained in both systems and know how to use them both as Master/Back-up on-
board. Route planning LOP entry, ENC installation and update need to be done twice in the same
way. If port state is coming on board you must prove on two systems that you are navigating
safely on ECDIS. In emergency situations it is never clear which system to trust if different data is
shown. It also makes maintenance and support a huge headache for you and the crew. Best to
rip and the old systems and install dual eGlobe G2 instead!

Q: What is the contract period for ECDIS FOR FREE and what other costs are associated with
this concept?
A: There is no contract period with our ECDIS FOR FREE concept (or our eSeries concept) – only a
30-day notice period. We wanted to make our concept as flexible as possible for our customers,
so there are several options open to you if you wish to terminate the contract at any point. The
dual ECDIS are free under this offer, and you just pay a fixed monthly fee for all your digital data,
training, and maintenance requirements together.

Q: What is the plan for standardization of ECDIS Display in the future?

A: There is an IHO working group which is looking into a ‘standard mode’ (S MODE) for all ECDIS
systems. The ChartWorld eGlobe G2 already has an S Mode option as a feature.

Bridge Team – Efficiency OnBoard

Q: Why did the alarms on safety depth stop?

A: This was mainly a result of alarm fatigue and changed as part of the new S-52 Presentation
library standard 4.0. ChartWorld will offer CIO+ NO-GO area to give the user the needed
warnings on spot soundings back.

Q: Is it possible to increase the size of the Pick Report in the eGlobe G2 ECDIS?

A: You can move the upper part of the text frame. If you want it even bigger, please tell us and
we will put it on our eGlobe G2 wish list. Chartworld is the only ECDIS manufacturer that is and
will continue improving its software in six month cycles. This is possible due to the ECDIS service
concept. We get paid to keep our partners safe and happy.

Q: How does the CATZOC function work in the eGlobe G2 ECDIS?

A: CATZOC is a real challenge for Mariners with ECDIS. It is not a new concept and simply takes
place of the Source Data Diagram in paper charts. The shipping company should set up a policy
in their SMS which indicates how voyage plans and routes on ECDIS will be manually adjusted
related to the CATZOC values. While MYRA will take care of the voyage plan part later the year,
eGlobe G2 2.0 has the feature to factor in CATZOC in the route check. It is the only ECDIS capable
of this.

This allows the Mariner to be aware how CATZOC may affect safety and adjust the route plans
accordingly. This can be turned on or off as per user’s requirement but for the companies which
do not have a policy on CATZOC, it will assist the mariner. Furthermore, it will assist the Mariner
to reduce human error as it provides an extra visual indication in case of user error when
factoring in CATZOC. The CATZOC table can be customized to the values each shipping company
intend to use in their SMS (by default we use the Intertanko values).Maintenance

Q: What do you mean by third ECDIS here?
A: Some of our customers have a Third ECDIS on-board in a box as part of eServe (our service and
maintenance concept). This provides an additional level of redundancy and forms part of your
PMS. This ECDIS can be swapped with the Master or back-up on-board in case of issue.

Q: Do Japanese ports now fall under Tier 1 for installation and service?
A: For installation, we are not so fixed on tiered ports any longer. We have set installation prices
for any port, depending on the level of cable laying and work ChartWorld are required to do. If
the crew can assist then the installation price will be cheaper. For service, Japan is still not Tier 1
but we are working on it!

Q: Are there any new standards or regulations coming out in the near future relating to
A: None that we know of right now, although we suspect APT will become mandatory for ECDIS
sooner rather than later and have aligned our new APT report along these lines.
S-63 3.0 in 2021 relates to Cyber Security Standards and ECDIS;
S-100 around 2022.

Q: What do ChartWorld do to mitigate the risk of Cyber Security?

A: ChartWorld is actively taking part in the corresponding CIRM work groups for cyber security
and SW maintenance. In a joint effort with BIMCO the CIRM is contributing to IMO. There is no
Anti-Virus or Anti-Malware installed on the ECDIS units themselves and this is not deemed
necessary (also because anti-virus software needs to be updated on regular basis and that is not
so easy without good internet connection on board).

Of course, we anticipate that the communication solution has a firewall and that the router can
be programmed to accept only certain ports, IP addresses or FTP sites. But actually, that is not
relevant to our ECDIS, as eGlobeG2 is installed in a “Closed System” and will access any kind of
drive (FTP, network, USB, DVD etc.) only through the “Integrator” and therefore only handle CW
specific files (SW updates, permits & exchange sets).

eGlobe G2 SW updates executable files only respond with our unique digital signature. So even if
contaminated files are found on a third-party USB stick, eGlobeG2 would not read them. Besides,
the installation of ECDIS is protected by the limited user rights, so that changes to the operating
system would not be accepted. Further please note that ACES Base Media are write protected. If
you connect eGlobe G2 in our FTP setup you could also add an additional router with an internal
firewall to the ECDIS setup.

Q. Is Pre – Installation important? And is this checklist filled out for existing Installations?
A: At ChartWorld, we maintain a practice to go by each installation as a standard following the
same connection procedures and processes. This is to ensure every ChartWorld installation
matches the performance standards. Filling out the Pre-Installation checklist helps our technical
team to assess the situation on board, offer the right installation procedure and ensure all
relative network requirements for a hassle-free process are covered. The pre installation checklist
is also the basis for the installation plan that needs to be prepared and approved by class (either
before installation (DNVGL) and/or after finishing installation). However please do note that this
is not the same as the commissioning report. The service report and handover report indicates
the scope of job covered under the installation attendance.

Q: Is APT (Annual Performance Test) a part of default contract?

A: ECDIS is a computer and it makes a lot of sense to maintain safety critical equipment on
regular base. With eServe and optional APT ChartWorld takes the burden from you to fulfil the
requirements of Circ. 1503 to make sure to always comply to the latest IMO and IHO standards.
An APT can help to upgrade your system. You can decide if you want to work with us with or
without APT.

Q: What is your advice for PMS for ECDIS?

A: Subscribe to eServe including APT. ChartWorld will ensure that your ECDIS is kept running
safely and smoothly. Make sure that your crew knows how to switch off the unit correctly and
that they are checking the working status of all four hard drives on regular basis.

Digital Data Management

Q: Can ADP and AENP be displayed on eGlobe?

A: We will include ATT into eGlobe G2 in one of the next versions. ADRS and ADLL information
will be automatically supplied via MYRA. ADLL are already in the ENC and the Radio calling
points should be mentioned in the voyage plan and perhaps as a reminder at a waypoint but this
will be additional clutter on the ECDIS screen.

Q: What are the minimum requirements in terms of comms system for updating digital data?
A: If you are using eGlobe ECDIS the update and ENC installation process is a one press
operation. eGlobe G2 can be connected directly to ChartWorld’s ChartServer via FBB or VSAT if
the system allows us to connect to our FTP. For all other ECDIS brands, updating of all digital
data takes place through ChartBrowser. ChartBrowser has many different communication
options – as a minimum it links to your email system on-board the vessel. In the best-case
scenario, if you have approx. 200 MB free data volume per month, ChartBrowser can ensure that

no physical media are needed on board anymore and all data is sent fully automatically by email.
Ideally you need 10 MB per week to update ENC, ADP, AENP, eNtM and AIO. For only ENC you
should have 4-5 MB for week if your vessel is operating in the spot market world-wide. Otherwise
it´s less (these emails can all be broken down to match your vessels maximum email size limit

Q: With CIO+, do you still need to get NtMs for countries that are not covered by AIO and do
not include NtMs in their ENCs? Can we guarantee this?
A: It´s the eventual goal of the CIO+ service to close these gaps. In addition to the BA T&P NtMs
we are also working directly with those Countries who do not include T&P Notices in their ENCs,
to fill the gaps. eNtM+ is the ideal redundancy to make sure that your vessel is always getting all
needed NtMs.

Q: Is there any marketing or promotional material available for MYRA?

A: Not yet no. As soon as it is available we will of course share it with you.

Q: In MYRA, which weather services are offered and how do I integrate my current weather
service with MYRA?
A: MYRA does not work exclusively with one specific weather service. We have done some trials
with METEOGROUP (SPOS) but if you tell us which you are using we can work with them to
integrate this (if we haven’t already).

Q: What integrity are we assuring when the Master ticks approved on the passage plan?
A: Integrity remains the responsibility of the shipping company and is down to procedure.
Nothing changes from the way it is today in that respect. We are providing the beginnings of a
passage plan (the navigation part) that is a risk control measure providing a safe base.

Q: How will CIO+ NO GO AREAS work?

A: The crew will send us their route in ChartBrowser and also indicate Safety Contour and Safety
Depth. Any time these change due to load condition of the vessel, these can be re-submitted. If
subscribed to the service, the User Chart file containing NO-GO areas linked to the route will be
sent back.

Q: Are tidal values included in CIO+ NO GO AREAS?

A: No live data yet, that is coming later with S-100. If you like to have NO-GO areas for different
tidal levels simply send adjusted SC and SD values and you will get different user charts for
different time periods.

Q: Are there any other ECDIS that auto plot T&P NtMs?
A: Sure, all ECDIS that will use CIO+. Along with eGlobe G2, Furuno is already able to present
CIO+. We implemented the function with our Partner Claus-Peter Offen. Tell us which ECDIS
manufacturer you are using, and we will implement the function together with you.

Q: Will Sailing Directions finally be made truly digital with relevant geo-referenced visual
information through MYRA?
A: We would love to do this, but until the Hydrographic Offices geo-reference the data in Sailing
Directions this is not possible. We are testing the S-100 data relating to the Sailing Directions,
and are hoping to work with the IHO on a way to present this.

Q: What information is included in the passage plan in MYRA?

A: We would be happy to send you an example – please contact us if you are interested. We can
customize layout and content very easily because everything is onshore server based and no
updates need to be sent to any back of bridge software.

Q: MYRA Passage planning - where does the liability and responsibility lie?
A: The liability remains with the Master. MYRA is a tool to assist the crew in their passage
planning and acts as a safe base from which to build and complete all stages of a passage plan.
MYRA is an appraisal tool – the final passage plan needs to be approved by the Master and
remains his responsibility.

Q: How is ADP and AENP information dealt with in eChart Secure?

A: It is not since this publication data is not integrated into the eGlobe G2 ECDIS. The
recommendation for secure management of ADP and AENP data is on a standalone laptop with
disabled USB ports which can be connected to a secure Gateway like the one specified in eChart

Q: Is there any conflict between CIO+ T&P NtM information and T&P NtM information that
comes in through NAVTEX?
A: No. The T&P NtM information that comes in through a new NAVTEX system will be the same
as the T&P NtM information we provide in CIO+ but CIO+ has two clear advantages:
i) We update the T&P NtM information and remove them automatically when no
longer valid;
ii) We are covering T&P notices not only by BA but other producing Nations also.

And T&P NtM through NAVTEX will only work with a recently installed NAVTEX and ECDIS. Older
systems do not have this capability to automatically add it to the ECDIS.

Q: What happens with eChart Secure if you connect non-TA equipment to the TA box?
A: This is not an issue. It is the same scenario as we have today inserting a USB into the ECDIS to
update it. The USB is not Type Approved, the ECDIS is.

Q: How are updates delivered to the vessels, what is the average size of these updates?
A: All updates for data for our data services are provided through our ChartBrowser software.
These can be automated through ftp connectivity straight into the ECDIS, or through SMTP
/POP3, or semi-automatically using the email client on board configured with ChartBrowser. No
base media is really required and all data can be managed through ChartBrowser. The average
size of the updates is around 8MB per week for ENCs and Digital Publications.

Q: Training differences TST and OFS, is TST mandatory, how does OFS work?
A: TST is not a mandatory requirement. The mandatory requirement is to ensure your crews are
familiar with the equipment they are using, and for the ECDIS manufacturer to ensure you have
the necessary tools to do this. Our OFS CBT is designed for exactly this process, and is updated
twice a year to ensure continued familiarisation and refresher training for the crew.


Q: How does a vessel know if their case is being treated as a high or normal priority? Do we
send a thank you and your case will be dealt with in 2 or 4 hours?
A: We have a clear service concept. All emails sent to us without special remarks are handled
within 4 hrs. If your vessel is entering “urgent” in the subject it will be handled urgently within 2
hrs. Keep in mind that we will not accept only urgent cases. In case you need even faster support
your crew is requested to call our 24/7 support line.


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