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Drriven Pile La
ateral Load--Deflection (p-y)
( respon

Laateral deflecttions and beending moments in single piles mayy be evaluatted by mode elling the pile
e as a
beeam-on-an-e elastic-founda
ation. The so
oil surroundin
ng the pile is modelled byy a series of non-linear springs.
Thhe load-deflection chara acteristics of
o these sprrings, known n as p-y da ata, are devveloped usin ng the
prrocedures de escribed in API
A RP2 GE EO (2014). p--y curves are e developedd for all mate
erials for stattic and
cyyclic loading.

6.6.1. Co
onstruction of
o p-y Curvess

Thhe design sooil parameterrs used in the

e calculation of the latera
al load-displa
acement dataa are presen
nted for
the MRJN 770 0/779 PF loccation in Tabble 11. App pendix D pre esent the tabbulated p-y data for stattic and
cyyclic loading conditions for
f driven pilles. Append dix E tabulatted p-y data (static non--wave only) for
f the
booat impact coonditions.

Geenerating p-yy data for grranular soils involves computing ultim

mate lateral soil resistance (Pu) for shallow
nd deep failu
ure, and asse essing the iniitial subgrade
e modulus, , which defines the initiaal gradient off the p-
y curve.
he lateral soil resistance has been lim mited to , where ,( - limiting unit
u end bearring) is
efined in Sec
ction and in Table e 11.

Foor very stiff to hard cla

ay layers, th
he p-y curve
e has been constructed
d according to the proccedure
prresented by Reese
R et al. (1975).

Foor the carboonate sandss encounterred with carbonate con ntent greateer than 50% %, the proceedures
deescribed by Wesselink
W e al (1988) have
et h been adopted
a to asssess the latteral soil resistance. The
e curve
is given by:
Typo, it should be N

. (33.)


P Force per
p unit length along the pile
p (kN/m)
R Constan nt depending g on the carb
bonate conte
ent (kN/m )
D Pile diameter (m)
Depth below
b seaflooor (m)
1 meterr
Lateral pile deflectio
on (m)
Dimenssionless consstant (taken as
a 0.7)
Dimenssionless consstant (taken as
a 0.65)

0302-Draft En
ngineering Rep
port-MRJN 77
70_779.RevA Pa
age: 27

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