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Lesson Plan

Name: ​Michelle Cao, Marie Pascua

Grade Level: ​6th Grade
Topic: ​Alcohol
Content Area: ​Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs

● Essential Concepts
○ 1.1.A: Explain short- and long-term effects of alcohol, tobacco, inhalant, and other
drug use, including social, legal, and economic implications.
● Analyzing Influences
○ 2.3.A: Analyze how impaired judgment and other effects of using alcohol or
marijuana impact personal safety, relationships with friends and families, school
success, and attainment of present and future goals

Objectives: ​Upon completion of the lesson, the learner will:

● Learn about the effects of alcohol on the brain
● Learn about the effects of alcohol on the body
● Identify 3 ways alcohol impairs one’s ability to drive
● Understand the consequences of drunk driving

Anticipatory Set/ Introduction: 5 min

Show video ​​ (2:02)
Narrator: ​You probably know what alcohol is, it’s everywhere. Apart from what you see on TV,
hear from friends, or get told by parents, what else do you need to know? For starters,
alcohol comes in many different forms, and affects everyone in different ways. So, how
exactly does alcohol affect young people?

Well, from childhood up to the age of around 25 your brain is still developing. If you
drink alcohol, you could be damaging areas of the brain responsible for learning,
memory, and verbal skills. This can affect how well you do in school, sports, and other

Good mental health is being able to deal with the ups and downs, you face every day.
But did you know alcohol can really affect how you feel; making you feel sad, not want
to see your friends or join your team on match day. Alcohol should never be used to
cope with problems or escape how you’re really feeling. Instead, why not talk to
someone you trust.

Alcohol can affect your physical health and appearance, can cause you to feel sick,
have bad skin, gain weight, and generally look and feel really tired. Not to mention
some serious health problems when you get older.

Alcohol can change your mood and the way you think about some situations. This can
affect your safety, making you do things you might not dream of if you were sober. It
could also cause you to do or say something that you might regret later.

It’s always ok to say no when somebody offers you a drink and to keep saying no until
they get the message. It’s never ok to try and force someone else to drink.
Don’t forget, it’s against the law to drink alcohol before you’re 18 years old*. All of
this and more means it is important to get the facts you need to avoid any risks and
achieve your potential. And remember, there are lots of other things you can do with
your spare time. Why not think of all the things you can do with your spare time? For
more facts and information on alcohol, go to

*Reiterate that this is age for Ireland. It’s 21 in the US.

Discussion questions:
1. How does alcohol affect people physically and mentally?
2. What are some things you can do in your spare time instead of drinking alcohol?

1. Alcohol can making you feel sad, not want to see your friends or join your team on match
day. It can also cause you to feel sick, have bad skin, gain weight, and generally look and
feel really tired, along with serious health problems when you get older.
2. Answers depend on children

Instructional Student Activities Time Material/ Resources


Play introduction Students are watching and 5 min -projector

video and ask follow answering questions after a -computer
up question video -Youtube Video

Lecture about the Students are paying 15 min -Powerpoint

harmful effects of attention to the powerpoint presentation
alcohol on different presentation and watching -Projector
parts of the body. Youtube video -Computer
-Youtube video

Give students Groups of 3-4 students are 10 min -“Alcohol and Your
worksheets to read reading and answering Brain” and “Alcohol
and answer the questions on 2 worksheets and Your Body”
question about the worksheets
effects of alcohol on
the brain and body.
Help any children
who may need help
along the way.

Use Fatal Vision Students will attempt to 20 min -Fatal Vision Goggles
Goggles to simulate walk through obstacle - disc cones
impairing effects of course of cones and -paper and pen
alcohol. Emphasize perform routine tasks -phone
serious consequences with and without using
despite laughter from goggles then

Play video about Students will watch and 5 min -computer

Jacqueline Saburido discuss video of Jacqueline -projector
and have students Saburido to see lasting -“Don’t Drink and
discuss what message consequences of drinking Drive- Jacqueline
they retrieved from it. and driving Saburido (Video)”

Content Outline
I. Harmful effects of alcohol on brain and body.
A. Define alcohol
1. Have student volunteer to define alcohol.
2. Alcohol is one of the oldest and most common substance which can cause
3. The alcohol found in wine, beer and hard liquor are made from variety of
plant materials (fermentation).
a) Have student name some drinks that contain alcohol.
B. Harmful effects of alcohol
1. Alcohol has variety of short-term effects
a) Low doses: relaxing effect, low concentration
b) Medium doses: slur speech, alter emotions
c) High doses: vomiting, unconsciousness
2. Harmful effects of alcohol on brain
a) Brain is the control center which contains many different parts
performing different functions.
b) Alcohol mixes with different parts of brain, it makes it a lot of harder
for them to do their specific jobs.
(1) Alcohol + cerebellum: losing balance
(2) Alcohol + hippocampus: hard time to hold on to new
(3) Alcohol + cerebral cortex: hard to control emotions.
c) Other long-term effects:
(1) Brain will rely on alcohol to function normally - led to
(2) Dementia - memory loss, problem with doing daily tasks.
(3) Increase stress and anxiety
(4) Affect brain tissues and brain cells.
3. Harmful effects of alcohol on body
a) Harmful effect on heart
(1) Irregular heartbeat and shortness of breath
(2) Feeling of panic and sweating
(3) High blood pressure
b) Harmful effect on liver
(1) Liver is the main organ breaking down alcohol, it’s often the
first part to be harmed.
(2) Alcoholic liver disease
(3) Liver cancer
c) Harmful effect on gut
(1) Alcohol is absorbed from the stomach into bloodstream.
(2) Nausea, cramps, abdominal pain, diarrhea.
(3) It’s a good idea to eat something before drinking because it
slows down the absorption of alcohol into the blood.
II. How alcohol affects driving (Science NetLinks, 2010)
A. Alcohol affects your vision (Bedinghaus, 2017)
1. Blurred or double vision because of weakened eye muscle coordination
2. Delayed reactions because it impairs brain function
3. Slow pupil reaction- it takes longer for your iris to constrict and dilate so a
drunk driver can’t react to oncoming headlights as quickly
4. Can also impair night vision and color perception
B. Causes decreased coordination to be able to effectively maneuver vehicle
1. Reduced eye coordination
2. Reduced hand coordination
3. Reduced food coordination
C. Lessens reaction time
1. Since alcohol slows your reflexes, your ability to react quickly to a change
D. Decreases concentration to make it hard to focus on task
1. Decreased attention span
2. Drowsiness
E. Distorts judgement of :
1. The car’s position on the road
2. The location of other vehicles
3. Road signs
4. Lanes, center line
5. Speed
6. Distances
III. The Effects of Blood Alcohol Concentration (National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, 2019)
A. .02 Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) in G/DL
1. Decline in visual functions
2. Decline in ability to multitask (divided attention)
B. .05 BAC
1. Reduced coordination
2. Reduced ability to track moving items
3. Hard to steer
4. Reduced reaction to driving situations
C. .08 BAC
1. Reduced concentration
2. Short-term memory loss
3. Speed control
4. Reduced ability to process information
5. Impaired perception
D. .1 BAC
1. Inability to stay in lane
2. Inability to brake when needed
E. .15 BAC
1. Substantial impairment in
a) Attention to driving
b) Visual information processing
c) Auditory information processing
d) Vehicle control
IV. Lasting Consequences of Drinking and Driving
A. Story of Jacqueline Saburido ​
1. Jacqueline had been in Texas for less than a month from Venezuela to learn
2. She was in the passenger seat with five other people going home from a
birthday party when Reggie Stephey hit their car head on.
a) 2 passengers in Jacqueline's car died while she suffered third-degree
burns on over 60 % of her body
3. Reggie Stephey (18) was convicted of two counts of intoxication
manslaughter and sentenced to seven years in a state penitentiary.
a) Will live with guild for the rest of his life
4. Jacqueline has had over 100 operations
a) Medical bills worth over $5 million
b) Has scorched eyes and is blind
c) Melted off her hair
d) Has no ears, lips, and eyelids
e) No use of hands because they were amputated
5. Single father came to America to take care of her
B. Long-term Consequences in California (BACTrack, 2015)
1. Revoke driver’s license
2. Will appear on background checks which can affect college financial aid
applications, admissions and housing
3. Can affect employment because of legal process (court dates, jail time, ect)
a) Employers might not want to hire someone with a DUI (felony or
4. Auto insurance rates can increase
5. Professional and personal relationships an be negatively affected
a) Reputation can be permanently ruined if media publishes DUI
Powerpoint Slides:
Health Fair In The Classroom. (n.d). Activity- Fatal Vision Goggles. Retrieved from

Bedinghaus, T. (2017). How alcohol affects your eyes. Retrieved from

BACTrack. (2015). Long-term DUI consequences. Retrieved from

Interactive Body. (n.d). Body Watch. Retrieved from

Ask, Listen, Learn. (2016, Nov 16). ​How Alcohol Affects Your Developing Brain ​[Video file].
Retrieved from ​

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (2019). Drunk Driving. Retrieved from

Lesson 2: Alcohol and Your Body. (n.d.). Retrieved from

What is alcohol? (n.d.). Retrieved from

Science NetLinks. (2010). Retrieved from

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