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NAME : ____________________.

TEST NUMBER 3 ( / / 2019)
/ 92 marks


1. If it’s raining tomorrow, we will have to ____________the match till Sunday .
a. put off b. cancel c. play d. put away
2. She still remembered how he had broken down and cried ___________a baby.
a. as if b. as c. like d. same as
3. She saw me but she didn’t bother ___________hello to me.
a. to have said b. say c. saying d. to say
4. She’d prefer to go out ____________at home.
a. than to stay b. than staying c. rather than stay d. rather than to stay
5. We could not use the fire fighting equipment because the water pipes ____________.
a. would burst b. had burst c. used to burst d. have burst
6. I am not accustomed _______________in public.
a. to speak b. to speaking c. speaking d. at speaking
7. Either John or his brothers_____________the keys to the car.
a. has been taken b. has taken c. have taken d. have been taken
8. Just watch me and do _____________I tell you.
a. whoever b. whenever c. however d. whatever
9. The fewer bags you take , ____________trouble you will have
a. the fewer b. the least c. the little d. the less
10. ___________where to find the key, the boy couldn’t open the safe.
a. Not knowing b. Knew not c. Didn’t know d. No knowing
11. This house needs _______________
a. to repaint b. repainted c. repainting d. to be repainting
12. They received _____________advice from their parents that they became successful.
a. so good b. such a good c. so good an d. such good
13. Children were made ______________to bed at 10p.m.
a. to go b. go c. going d went
14. ___________of all the staff, I would like to wish you a happy retirement.
a. Instead b. On behalf c. Much d. In spite of
15. She passed the exam _____________making any mistakes.
a. no b. with no c. not d. without
16. The guide warned _____________touch these wires because it could be dangerous.
a. to us not to b. us not c. us not to d. to us not
17. I regret ____________him my secret.
a. told b. tell c. tells d. telling
18. I regret ___________ you that your application form has not been successful.
a. to inform b. informing c. informed d. have inform
19. Mike couldn’t help ____________at the fat man.
a. to laugh b. laughing c. laughed d. for laughing
20. In many parts of the world, crop failure means _______, which leads to the death of many people each year.
a. drought b. desert c. shortcoming d. famine
21. The candies melt and become _______________if you put them in your pocket ( stick)
22. An old _________________of my father showed round the city during my stay here ( acquaint)
23. Some victims of the Earthquake are still ___________________(identify)
24. They were __________________surprised by the quality of the food ( agree)
25. She made a repeated _________________of being involved in the robbery ( deny)
26. His _________________has been admired by all the inhabitants in the countryside ( hero)
27. My grandfather fought ___________________against the Fascists in The Second World War (hero)
28. We took the ______________route to the countryside & enjoyed the beauty of nature ( scenery)
29. His friendliness gained his ___________________among other teachers ( popular)
30. The authorities are taking steps to prevent ______________________(forest)
31. Wealth does not _________________mean happiness ( necessary)
32. The police are trying to discover the __________________of the killer (identify)
33. She now devotes all her time to ___________________work ( charity)
34. I think this situation is _________________for us to persuade her ( favor)
35. ___________________shirts are considered unsuitable for religious places ( sleeve)
36. He usually says his ________________before his meals ( pray)
37. Christmas has been __________________these days ( commerce)
38. The building was __________________damaged by fire ( extend)
39. Because of the flood , the village is now __________________to relief workers(access)
40. She is very ___________________about Arts ( know)
41. I had to find an interpreter because I can’t speak French.
If ______________________________________________________
42. You don’t give me your address, so I couldn’t visit you.
If ______________________________________________________
43. She tells a lie and she has been punished.
If ______________________________________________________
44. You don’t water these flowers, so they have died.
The flowers_______________________________________________
45. Mai eats a lot of cakes, so she has been taken to the hospital.
Mai ____________________________________________________
46. People thought that the king had resigned.
 It_______________________________________________________
The king _________________________________________________
47. They reported that the enemies were coming.
 The enemies ______________________________________________
 It _______________________________________________________
48. They declared that Mrs. White won the competition.
 Mrs. White _______________________________________________
It _______________________________________________________
49. He tells us like a boss.
He tells as though ___________________________________________
50. She pretended not to know me .
She behaved as if ___________________________________________
51. It seemed that he didn’t take a bath for a long time.
 He looked as though ________________________________________
An ancient ship has been discovered beneath the waters of Mediterranean. The ship
(52)______________sank off the coast of Tunisia more than 2,300 years ago, is already giving historians fresh
insights into trade and diet in the ancient world.
The remains of the ship (53) ______________found last August on the final day of an expedition
undertaken (54)__________ American scientist Robin Asquith . Three of his team (55)_____________were
using a miniature submarine (56)______________explore the seabed, spotted rows of storage jars and some
rooted wood. (57)__________ of the jars was brought to the surface by a diver , and inside it scientists found
bones belonging (58)____________freshwater fish, and some olive stones.
After examining the contents and design and other evidence, Dr Asquith concluded that the trip
(59)____________been following a trade route when it sank, probably in a storm. He intended to return to
the site of the shipwreck, 32 kilometers (60)_______________the coast, so that he can conduct further
investigations. He hopes to excavate making use (61)_____________a robot that uses sound to make a
computer plan of the wreck, and this way create an accurate picture of what the ship look like..
When studying a foreign language abroad, a large majority of students choose “homestay”
accommodation, living with the host family while they (62)______________classes in a nearby language school.
Very (63)__________, however, once lessons have finished , students speak their mother tongue with class
members of the (64)__________nationality. On a Homestay Language International study trip, we ensure total
immersion in the target language environment by arranging accommodation and one-to-one tuition in your
teacher’s home, (65)___________you are surrounded by the language during every moment of your
As you are the (67)____________student, you can learn at your own pace, and lessons are tailor- made
to (68)___________ your individual interests and objectives. You will also have the chance to
(69)____________fully in your host teacher’s family and social life, including to places of interest in the local
area. All of our teachers have a university (70)____________and a relevant teaching qualification, and most have
spent time abroad so understand the needs and concerns of their students guests.
Homestay Language International offers a wide (71)_____________of general or business courses ,
with a choice of over 80 (72)_____________throughout the world, whether it’s English in New Zealand, French
in Canada or German in Australia , you can (73)_____________a warm welcome in a relaxed home environment
and an unforgettable experience.
62. a. assist b. present c. attend d. go
63. a. more b. often c. much d. equal
64. a. same b. own c. personal d. equal
65. a. because of b. in case c. in order d. so that
66. a. halt b. pause c. stop d. stay
67. a. only b. alone c. unique d. lonely
68. a. agree b. adapt c. suit d. adjust
69. a. enjoy b. involve c. participate d. include
70. a. title b. degree c. career d. grade
71. a. sort b. kind c. type d. range
72. a. terminal b. destinations c. station d. destinies
73. a. expect b. wait c. reach d. hope
The other day I took my younger children to a Burger King for lunch and there was a line of about a
dozen cars at the drive-through window. Now a drive-through window is not a window you drive through, but a
window you drive up to collect your food from, having placed your order over a speakerphone along the way;
the idea to provide quick takeaway for those in a hurry.
We parked, went in, ordered and ate and came out again, about in ten minutes. As we departed, I noticed
that a white pickup truck that had been last in the queue when we arrived was still four or five cars back from
collecting its food. It would have been much quicker if the driver had parked like us and gone in and got his
food himself, but he would never have thought that way because the drive-through window is supposed to be
speeder and more convenient.
Americans have become so attached to the idea of convenience that they will put up with almost any
inconvenience to achieve it. The things that are supposed to speed up and simplify our lives more often than not
have the opposite effect and I started wondering why this should be.
Americans have always looked for ways to increase comfort. It is an interesting fact that nearly all the
everyday inventions that take the difficulties out of life- escalator, automatic doors, passenger lifts,
refrigerators, washing machines, frozen food, fast food- were invented in America, or at least first widely used
here. Americans grew so used to seeing a constant stream of labour- saving devices, in fact, that by the sixties
they had come to expect machines to do almost everything for them.
The moment I first realized that this was not necessarily a good idea was at Christmas 1961 or 62, when
my father was given an electric carving knife. It was an early model and not as light as the ones you can buy
today. “Perhaps my memory is playing trick on me,” but I have a clear impression of him putting on goggles
and heavy rubber gloves before plugging it in. What is certainly true is that when he sank it into the turkey it
sent piece flying everywhere and then the blade hit the plate with a shower of blue sparks and the whole thing
flew out of his hands and shot across the table and out of the room, like a creature from a Gremlins movie.
My father always buying gadgets that proved to be disastrous- clothes steamer that failed to take
the wrinkles out of suits but caused wallpaper to fall off the wall in whole sheets or an electric pencil sharpener
that could consume entire pencil (including the tips of your fingers if you weren’t quick ) in less than a second.
But all of this was nothing compared with the situation today. Americans are now surrounded with items
that do things for them to an almost absurd degree- automatic cat- food dispensers, refrigerators that make their
own ice cubes , automatic car windows, disposable toothbrushes that come with their own ration toothpaste.
People are so addicted to convenience that they have become trapped in a vicious circle: the more labour-saving
devices they buy, the harder they need to work; the harder they work, the more labour-saving appliances they
feel they need.
When we moved into our house in New Hampshire it was full of gadgets installed by earlier owners, all
of them designed to make life a little easier. Most, however, were completely useless. ( line 40)
One of our rooms, for instance, came equipped with automatic curtains. You flicked a switch on the wall and
four pairs of curtains effortlessly opened or closed. That, at least, was the idea. In practice what happened was
that one opened, closed, one opened and closed repeatedly and one did nothing at all for five minutes and then
started to produce smoke. We didn’t go anywhere near them after the first week.
Automatic curtains, electric cat – food dispensers and clothes steamers only seem to make life easier. In
fact, all they do is add expense and complication to your existence.
74. What is the author’s opinion of everyday inventions?
A. On the whole they make life easier.
B. Some people do not know how to use them very well.
C. They cause more problems than they solve.
D. He likes them now more than he used to.
75. What point is the author making with this story of his experience at Burger King?
A. Fast food restaurants are not very fast.
B. Some aspects of modern life are not always as convenient as they are intended to do.
C. The driver of the pickup truck had parked in the wrong place.
D. The questions at the drive-through windows are usually very long.
76. What does the author tell us about everyday inventions in America?
A. They were all invented there.
B. They make life less exciting.
C. People assumed they would make life more comfortable.
D. There aren’t as many now as there used to be.
77. What does the author mean by “Perhaps my memory plays trick on me”?
A. He sometimes very forgetful.
B. He can not remember all details.
C. What he says might not be completely right.
D. He remembered having fun.
78. What does “the whole thing” in line 26 refer to ?
A. the turkey
B. the plate
C. the rubber gloves
D. the craving knife
79. What does the author say about the labour-saving devices today?
A. People cannot stop buying them.
B. People try to do ridiculous things with them.
C. They are better than the ones in the sixties.
D. They help people to do more work.
80. What does “them” in line 40 refer to?
A. earlier owners.
B. the gadgets
C. houses in New Hampshire
D. the writer’s family.
81. What we are told about the automatic curtains?
A. They had been bought from a previous house.
B. Some of them worked as they were supposed to.
C. The room where they were fitted was never used.
D. The author and his family decided not to use them.

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