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Issue 1,268 Monday 22 November 2010 FREE


IRELAND finally succumbed to pres-
sure and gave up its fiscal sovereignty
yesterday, with the government
announcing that it had applied for an
aid package to bail out the public
finances and the country’s ailing
banking sector.
Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen
would not give a figure for the bailout
amount but finance minister Brian
Lenihan told RTE news that it “would
not be three figures” but would be in
the “tens of billions”. Independent
estimates for the amount range from
€60bn to €120bn (£52bn-£104bn), with
the money to be loaned at less than
market rates.
Britain is reportedly to stump up
€7bn – though it is not clear whether
this will be a bilateral loan or whether
it will go through the European
Financial Stabilisation Mechanism.
The other sources of cash will be the
Eurozone member countries and the
International Monetary Fund, with
Sweden also having offered money.
As a condition of the bailout, the
Irish government will be subject to reg-
ular reviews to make sure that it is on
track in tackling its deficit.
The Irish government is due to pub-
lish a four-year-plan this week to bring Ireland’s Brian Cowen (left) and Brian Lenihan explain themselves at a press conference last night Picture: PA
its 11 per cent deficit (32 per cent
counting the state’s guarantee of Irish Eurozone leaders want to bring the authorities.” quarter of this year, there were grow- sparked discontent on the Tory back-
bank loans) down to three per cent by country’s low corporation tax of 12.5 The IMF and EU could demand that ing fears of a run on Irish banks. benches, with John Redwood MP say-
2014. It has said that this will involve per cent into line with their own high- Irish banks increase their core capital As part of the bailout, the banks’ ing that the UK cannot afford to make
savings of €6bn this year and €15bn er rates, but the Irish government has ratios from current levels of eight per financing package will include a loans worth billions: “The public will
overall, with most to be absorbed by called that issue “non-negotiable”. cent. Allied Irish Bank revealed on restructuring that Cowen said would find it difficult to understand why cer-
spending cuts and tax rises on a two-to- EU finance ministers yesterday Friday that it has been haemorrhaging “downsize and make sustainable” the tain items are being cut that matter to
one ratio. released a joint statement declaring cash, with €13bn worth of deposits – Irish financial system, although he them, if the money being spent on EU
However, Ireland will now have to that “financial support will be provid- mostly from businesses – withdrawn would not give any further details. contributions and euro support keeps
negotiate the details of its deficit pro- ed under a strong policy programme since June. With Bank of Ireland also In the UK, Chancellor George soaring,” he wrote on his blog.
gramme with its new creditors. Other which will be negotiated with the Irish seeing outflows of €10bn in the third Osborne’s offer of help to Ireland has MORE ON IRELAND: P2-3

FTSE 100 t5,732.83 -35.88 DOW ▲11,203.55 +22.32 NASDAQ ▲2,518.12 +3.72 £/$ 1.60 unc £/¤ t1.17 -0.01 ¤/$ ▲1.37 +0.01 Certified Distribution
04/10/10 - 31/10/10 is 110,406
2 News CITYA.M. 22 NOVEMBER 2010

Growing euro crisis raises the stakes Ireland’s PM

faces backlash
investors have been relaxed about the well above the Office for Budget whereas the OBR projects 21 per cent
UK, partly because there is a big dif- Responsibility’s (OBR) forecast for the drop over the full fiscal year.

ference between exposure and a loss. full year (6.7 per cent). Revenues have There is one more piece of good
Britain is unlikely to be dragged down been fuelled by higher-than-expected news, courtesy of Citigroup. Since BY STEVE DINNEEN
in any substantial way by Ireland, nominal GDP growth (5-6 per cent May 2006, the monthly deficit has FURY over the handling of the finan-
Portugal or Greece. Worryingly, it is year on year compared with the OBR’s been revised down 41 times from the cial crisis engulfing Ireland could
tough to work out what is really hap- forecast of 4.4 per cent growth for the initial data, with only 12 upward revi- soon see the government driven
pening in Spain or Italy. If those coun- whole year, in part because inflation sions. For the last 12 figures, the from office.
EDITOR’S LETTER tries were to hit the rocks, an EU-wide is overshooting), the first VAT hike deficit has been revised down 10 Prime Minister Brian Cowen has
double-dip recession and generalised (back to 17.5 per cent, boosting rev- times and only twice upwards. For nose-dived in opinion polls amid wide-
ALLISTER HEATH calamity would be inevitable. enues by about 2 per cent). that 12-month period, the cumulative spread belief he lied to the public over
With Democratic-controlled Corporation tax receipts are up 28 per downward revision has been a mas- the state of the nation’s finances.

T’s all starting to feel a little too California also teetering on the brink, cent year on year in April-October. sive £24bn. With an increasing threat of civil
much like we’ve returned to 2007. and the Republicans in Congress in The problem for the British govern- Our public finances are improving unrest and growing calls for the
First a few little-known mortgage no mood for clemency, the spectre of ment is that austerity is not fully and will make it easier to deal with government to call a general elec-
lenders, then Bear Stearns sovereign defaults will be the greatest being implemented, contrary to the small-scale sovereign crises. The rest tion, it seems Cowen’s days are
(Greece) in early 2008, then Freddie risk facing the world economy in rhetoric. Total central government of the EU has a much bigger problem, numbered.
and Fannie (Ireland) – and then, even- 2011, above even the risk of China’s current spending and net public however: it has no solution to the fact A poll commissioned by the Irish
tually Lehman Brothers (Italy or credit bubble going pop. investment rose 5.9 per cent year on that the euro is clearly not working Sunday Independent found voters
Spain?) and the whole pack of cards So far, the gilts markets have stood year in April-October where the OBR and actually fuelling booms and are “deeply resentful” at the manner
came crashing downs. What at each up well, largely because investors are projects a 4.2 per cent gain over the busts. And its resolution procedures in which they believe the govern-
stage seemed imminently contain- convinced that the coalition won’t be full year. Part of this overshoot for failed states remain confused and ment “lied” to them.
able soon enough turned into a finan- turning on its plan to balance the reflects higher interest payments, opaque. It still seems as if the UK at An editorial from the same news-
cial and economic disaster. budget. As analyst Michael Saunders including indexation on index-linked least will be all right. But the chances- paper read: “All Fianna Fail [the lead-
Fortunately, we are not there yet. of Citigroup points out, central gov- gilts. But public investment also has that we won’t be have started to go ing party] could offer the people was
UK banks have substantial exposure ernment revenues are up 9.2 per cent fallen less than expected so far, drop- up. deceit, grand-standing and empty
to Irish assets. Nevertheless, so far year on year in the fiscal year to date, ping 5 per cent in April-October hands.”

7th Floor, Centurion House,

24 Monument Street, London, EC3R 8AJ
Tel: 020 7015 1200 Fax: 020 7283 5334
Revealed: The UK’s Irish risk
Editorial loan exposure. EUROPEAN BANKS EXPOSURE TO THE PERIPHERY (€M) Source: Morgan Stanley

Editor Allister Heath The data lists Lloyds having no sov-
Deputy Editor David Hellier BY JULIAN HARRIS ereign bond holdings in Ireland, and Bank Sovereign Periphery Periphery Loan Periphery TNAV 2011 Sovereign Periphery Total Exposure
Exposure Exposure TOTAL Exposure as % of as %
News Editor Ben Griffiths THREE major UK banks – RBS, a Lloyds BG spokesperson said the TNAV 2011 of TNAV 2011
Night Editor Katie Hope Barclays and Lloyds – together have- bank has “no sovereign exposure to
Associate Editor David Crow more than €100bn (£860m) of expo- Portugal or Greece” and “minimal” Credit Agricole 3,261 31,825 35,086 28,612 11% 123%
Business Features Editor Marc Sidwell sure in Ireland, according to data sovereign risk exposure in Ireland.
seen by City A.M. The three banks with the largest Dexia 6,713 3,894 10,607 8,905 75% 119%
Lifestyle Editor Zoe Strimpel
Pictures Alex Ridley Morgan Stanley conducted Irish sovereign bond holdings are RBS 3,533 73,857 77,390 68,752 5% 113%
research on the levels of exposure in Credit Agricole (€929m), HSBC
Commercial the three “peripheral” Eurozone (€596m) and RBS (€385m). Danske Bank 89 11,086 11,175 12,103 1% 92%
Sales Director Jeremy Slattery countries, Ireland, Portugal and In the Eurozone, Ireland (9.9 per
Commercial Director Harry Owen Greece. Unsurprisingly “the largest cent), Greece (17.5 per cent) and Santander 5,173 33,342 38,515 51,530 10% 75%
Head of Distribution Nick Owen exposures are clustered in UK banks”, Portugal (7.2 per cent) have the high-
the report says. est proportions of banking assets Lloyds BG 169 31,451 31,619 52,223 0% 61%
After the Irish bailout, which could funded by the European Central Bank
Distribution helpline still see bank creditors taking losses, (ECB). In recent months Ireland’s level Barclays 1,838 20,728 22,566 53,781 3% 42%
If you have any comments about the distribution
of City A.M. Please ring 0207 015 1230, or email such figures will be analysed ever of reliance has surged upwards, Intesa SPI 794 9,362 10,156 29,866 3% 34% more closely. resulting in ministers last night suc-
In total 21 listed banks hold cumbing to a bailout. SocGen 5,093 4,830 9,923 34,149 15% 29%
Editorial Statement €347bn of exposure across the three The report warns that Portugal
BNP Paribas 8,090 3,500 11,590 59,675 14% 19%
This newspaper adheres to the system of countries. Of that, €131.5bn is held by could face a similar fate. While the
self-regulation overseen by the Press Complaints RBS, Barclays and Lloyds BG. country’s problems are more due to
Commission. The PCC takes complaints about the The exposure to sovereign risk of “low productivity and competitive- Natixis 716 576 1,292 12,776 6% 10%
editorial content of publications under the Editor’s
Code of Practice, a copy of which can be found at state-owned RBS is shown as equal to ness”, its levels of government debt to HSBC 2,517 - 2,517 91,456 3% 3% 113 per cent of the company’s Total GDP are similar to Ireland’s – making
Printed by Newsfax International,
Net Asset Value (TNVA). it an off index investment in the eyes UniCredit 1,066 - 1,066 49,946 2% 2%
Beam Reach 5 Business Park, The report considers both sover- of many investors, according to the
Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8RS eign bond holdings as well as direct report. Deutsche Bank 700 - 700 40,701 2% 2%


The top 35 US banks will be short of
Senior executives at Rok, the failed capital after the new Basel III global FAILS TO UNITE TRADE UNION ENDANGER UK SUPPLY” PLAN
building group, were warned the bank regulations are imposed, with Unite has a new general secretary Power bosses from RWE and E.ON Criticism of the Federal Reserve’s lat-
company’s public statements risked 90 per cent of the shortfall concen- today but the manner of his election have warned that the threat of green est bond-buying programme, both
misleading investors by failing to trated in the biggest six banks, — with less than seven per cent sup- restrictions on gas could stop new from insiders and from US politi-
identify the extent or source of its according to Barclays Capital. The port from the membership — was plants being built, potentially endan- cians, is muting the plan’s potential
problems. The board of directors was BarCap study assumes the banks will sharply criticised as an indication of gering Britain’s energy supply. benefits for the economy. Amid wide-
contacted by Ashley Martin, at the need to hold top quality capital equal the disillusionment among members Concerns were sparked as ministers ly publicised skepticism about the
time the suspended finance director, to 8 per cent of their total assets, of Britain’s biggest and most power- announced that they are prepared to efficacy and wisdom of the bond buy-
after Rok released a trading state- adjusted for risk. ful union. fund a £1bn trial project looking at ing, investors and traders are ques-
ment on August 11 that said it was “carbon capture and storage” for gas, tioning whether the Fed would be
“confident about the outlook” for its PENSION SCHEMES MUST TACKLE RISK CIGARETTE GIANTS BREATHING FIRE where emissions are siphoned off and able to expand its bond purchases
core maintenance and improvements FTSE 100 pension schemes could see OVER PLAN FOR PLAIN PACKAGING stored underground. beyond $600bn – even if inflation
business. their collective deficits increase by Britain’s two biggest cigarette makers continues falling and unemployment
more than £25bn in a single month have launched a vitriolic attack on TESCO GIVES STAFF A £55M remains high.
LATIN AMERICAN BANKERS PAY SOARS because of their exposure to interest the Government’s plan to force them CHRISTMAS “PRESENT” – IF THEY
The growing demand for senior rate, inflation and equity market to use plain brown packets, saying SPEND IN STORE MERCK CHOLESTEROL DRUG IS FOUND
investment bankers in Latin America risks. PensionsFirst, which has spent the move would be “like Christmas” Tesco has given its staff a £55m TO HELP KIDNEY PATIENTS
is driving up compensation levels. two years developing a “value-at-risk” for counterfeiters. British American “Christmas thank you”. However, A new study concluded Merck & Co’s
This year, a top investment banker in model for defined benefit pension Tobacco, whose brands include workers won’t actually get their cholesterol-lowering drug Vytorin
Brazil will earn an average $1.7m schemes, has calculated that there is Dunhill, Lucky Stripe and Kent, said hands on any cash bonus. The voucher modestly reduced the risk of heart
(£1.1m), according to Options Group, a 5 per cent chance of such a large the policy — intended to remove the package will cost the retailer £40m, attacks and related disease among
a global recruitment consultancy, swing in the total deficit of the UK’s glamour from smoking — may have with the remaining £15m spent on people with chronic kidney disease,
twice as much as in China. biggest corporate schemes. the opposite effect. giving staff an extra day’s holiday. when compared with a fake drug.
CITYA.M. 22 NOVEMBER 2010 Ireland Bailout 3

Irish to take to the streets as

crisis threatens to boil over
Irish to the streets. the 40,000-strong Technical

BY STEVE DINNEEN He said: “I think we’re close to the Engineering and Electrical Union,
tipping point. The kind of policies added: “A lot of political leaders have
IRELAND looks set to be hit by waves that have been pursued to date, been saying that they can’t under-
of civil unrest as the full scale of its which have been seen to fail, will not stand the calm about the Irish citi-
financial nightmare begins to sink work. There will be a reaction to zens at the moment, but I think it’s
in. those kind of policies.” the calm before the storm.”
Jack O’Connor, general president of Trade unions, student groups and Next week the government will
SIPTU, Ireland’s largest labour union senior citizens are planning the first issue its four-year plan for cutting the
believes anger at the government’s demonstration in Dublin on worst budget deficit in the Eurozone,
handling of the crisis coupled with Saturday. with a target of €15bn in savings by
severe austerity cuts will drive the Eamon Devoy, general secretary of 2014.

A passer-by walks in front of a Dublin discount store Picture: REUTERS

UK groups hold
firm in Ireland

Pharmaceutical firm Shire was one
SOME of the most high-profile corpo- of the first to move in April that year.
rate emigrants to the Irish tax regime “The decision to move wasn’t based
told City A.M. yesterday they are not on the lower tax rate but the way tax
yet considering a move away from the is applied to foreign companies in the
country, with UK rules on controlled UK,” said a spokesperson for Shire.
foreign companies (CFCs) influencing “There’s no discussion of a move back
their decision more than the total tax going on behind the scenes – this is
rate. the nature of the environment we
Now that the Irish government has moved to and there’s no indication
admitted it will seek bailout funds that will change.”
from the European Union, contribut- The Henderson Group also said it
ing member states are expected to had no plans to reassess its position.
demand an increase in the country’s “The Group made the decision to
favourable corporate tax rate, which move with long-term prospects in
has stood at 12.5 per cent since 2003. mind,” said a spokesperson. WPP, the
Though finance minister Brian gaint advertising group, said much
Lenihan insists a tax rise is not on the the same. UBM, which moved in
table, he might not be in control. April 2008, declined to comment.
Though the corporation tax rate is Though the UK Treasury launched
the lowest of a major European econ- a consultation in January to relax the
omy, it is Ireland’s lack of a formal CFC regime, change is unlikely before
CFC regime that makes it especially 2012.
popular – particularly for companies Several US companies in Ireland
with large foreign profits. are understood to have issued a warn-
Since the 2008 UK budget added ing that a rise in corporate tax rates
anti-avoidance measures for CFCs, would reduce investment in the
several companies have set up in country and harm competitiveness.


The firms that made the move

● Shire now pay 20 per cent corporate tax, compared to
The pharmaceuticals company was the first to the UK’s 28 per cent.
jump ship in April 2008, establishing a new par- ● WPP
ent company tax-resident in Ireland. The advertising group made its move to Ireland,
● United Business Media with outspoken chief executive Sir Martin
Later in April UBM also launched a holding com- Sorrell warning that unless UK tax laws on for-
pany in Ireland. It cited international growth as eign companies change it wouldn’t be the last to
the catalyst, with 85 per cent of its profits now go.
coming from overseas. ● Northern Foods/Greencore
● Henderson Group The food retailers announced their intention to
The asset management firm moved its holding merge last week. New company Essenta will be
company to Dublin in October 2008. At its 2009 headquartered in Ireland to take advantage of
AGM the company told investors that it would the 12.5 per cent tax rate.
CITYA.M. 22 NOVEMBER 2010 News 5

Shoppers hit the

stores, yet rising
debt levels are the
price to pay
Orange to trigger
Micha Theiner
/City A.M. an iPad price war
version – for users signing up to an 18

or 24-month data contract.
BY STEVE DINNEEN The discounted iPads are expected
THE pricing model for Apple’s all con- to hit Everything Everywhere – the
quering iPad could undergo a dra- firm formed by the merger between
matic shift, with UK carrier Orange Orange and T-Mobile – stores in time
set to offer heavily discounted units for Christmas. A spokesman declined
to users willing to sign lengthy con- to comment last night.
tracts, City A.M. has learned. The new pricing strategy, which posi-
It is understood the firm will offer tions the iPad closer to the iPhone than
the iPad for around £200 – far below Apple’s range of laptops, could open up
the starting price of £529 for the 3G a discount war between UK carriers.

John Lewis
sees £88m in
week’s sales
Warm clothing and household

items are also flying off the shelves,
BY JULIAN HARRIS said Ballatyne, as shoppers battle the
SHOPPERS have been flocking to buy cold weather and prepare their
goods in the run up to Christmas, homes for the holiday period.
according to John Lewis’ latest sales The figures were described as
figures, released today. “largely encouraging” by Howard
Last week £88m was spent in the Archer of IHS Global Insight.
department store, a 12 per cent jump However, he warned that while John
from the same time last year. Lewis has traditionally been seen as a
New gadgets are selling well, such bellwether for the industry, “it has
as Kindle Readers, iPads, iPods and recently been outperforming the
SLR digital cameras. Consumers may retail sector as a whole.”
be stocking up before VAT is pushed The news came as a household
up to 20 per cent in the new year. finance survey revealed that people
UK retail sales have recently picked are getting in more debt to pay for
up, increasing by half a per cent their spending.
between September and October. Last The Markit Household Finance
month’s figures were slightly lower Index, based on data from Ipsos
than at the same point last year, but MORI, said that a rise in household
John Lewis’ announcement offers spending “came at the expense of a
hope for a greater jump in high street survey record rise in debt and a steep
sales this month. fall in savings.”
Sales through the John Lewis web- As incomes fall, 29 per cent of
site are up 42 per cent from last year, respondents indicated a worsening of
reflecting huge increases in internet their finances (compared to seven per
purchases across the sector. cent saying theirs had improved).
However, Director of Operational Recognising the pinch on consumers,
Development Lesley Ballantyne, Tim Moore, an economist at Markit,
insists that the group’s “bricks and said that “…falling incomes mean
clicks” policy is seeing improved sales that higher spending is resulting in
in-store, as well as online. more debt and lower savings.”

PM: migrant cap won’t

stop inter-firm transfers
immigration system.”

A temporary cap is in place but an
DAVID Cameron yesterday said that announcement is expected next
inter-company transfers would likely week on permanent measures from
be excluded from government plans next April.
to cap the number of economic Baroness Jo Valentine, the chief
migrants entering the UK from out- executive of City lobby group
side the EU. London First said: “It’s good news for
City firms have been calling on the the economy that government lis-
government to exempt transfers tened to business and excluded inter-
within companies, which they say national moves within companies
would hinder their ability to com- from the cap.
pete internationally. “We now need to see whether the
Yesterday, the Prime Minister said: cap is made flexible enough to
“We will try and exempt many of the enable companies to bring in other
inter-company transfers from the highly skilled specialists they need.”
6 News CITYA.M. 22 NOVEMBER 2010

Osborne may
Militant era looms for Unite water down
with election of hard-liner bonus rules

Warsi said: “Labour’s reliance on

BY JULIET SAMUEL Unite’s bank balance means that Len
McCluskey can hold the party to ran- GEORGE Osborne has set a collision
THE UK’s biggest union, Unite, has som and win extreme, left-wing poli- course with business secretary Vince
elected a new leader reported to have cy concessions.” Cable after it emerged he may water
said that “there is no such thing as an Ed Miliband was elected Labour down bank bonus rules.
irresponsible strike”. leader with the help of Unite mem- The chancellor is on the verge of
Len McCluskey, currently assistant bers in September, but in response, a scrapping planned legislation forc-
general secretary, was elected on a 16 spokesman for Ed Miliband said: ing banks to disclose bonuses over
per cent turnout, winning 101,000 “That is absurd. The election of the £1m, according to a report in the
votes – nearly double that of his near- Unite leader has no bearing on Ed Financial Times.
est rival. whatsoever.” Bankers have lobbied Osborne, say-
The vote, to be announced formally ing London’s position as a financial
on Wednesday, is a resounding victo- THE WORLD ACCORDING TO...... hub could be harmed as firms con-
ry for the union’s left, with Les sider moving abroad to escape the
Bayliss, the main moderate candidate MCCLUSKEY on British Airways rules.
who had argued against the BA "BA management’s real agenda is destroying But any watering down of the
strikes, coming in third place with trade unionism among its employees.” bonus rules will almost certainly
46,000 votes. Jerry Hicks, endorsed by lead to clashes with Cable, who has
the Socialist Worker, came second MCCLUSKEY on the Labour Party strongly campaigned for greater
with 52,000 votes. “We must return Labour to its roots as a radical transparency.
McCluskey’s victory could open the reformist party.” Osborne is understood to favour a
door to the adoption of a more mili- united action with the US and
tant strategy by Unite, a merged body MCCLUSKEY on the City Europe.
of five formerly independent unions “The government is making ordinary people pay Both Cable and Osborne were
with a total of 1.4m members. for the bankers’ crash with savage cuts.” unavailable for comment last night.
McCluskey will also be a more power- MCCLUSKEY on other unions
ful figure than the union’s previous Osborne may water
leaders because he is its first single “Under my leadership, Unite will secure further
mergers with sister trade unions.” down planned rules
general secretary. The role was for-
merly shared by rivals Tony Woodley forcing banks to
and Derek Simpson.
MCCLUSKEY on the economic crisis declare bonuses
In response to McCluskey’s elec- “My political principles are clear. Capitalism has totalling over £1m.
tion, Tory party chairman Baroness failed, as the present crisis shows.” Len McCluskey becomes the new leader of Unite Picture: GETTY

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The Capitalist


AFTER a long dormancy, which has seen
former Prime Minister Gordon Brown
make only rare appearances as an MP in
the House of Commons, the troubled ex- A troupe of City boys from one of
chancellor is readying himself for a low- the UK’s biggest financial services
key book launch at the London School of companies headed down to the
Economics. Real Greek on bankside last week
The Capitalist has learned that the PM and they went to town on the
has set a date of 7 December for the restaurant’s brand new menu.
launch, but if you were hastily pencilling Brown is unlikely to compete with Blair on his speaking fee. Picture: REUTERS They racked up the tidy sum of
the momentous day into your diary, £1,038 but, unlike the usual fea-
think again. In the classic crowd-shun- read given his friendship with Sir Fred tures of this column, they were a
ning mood of the former PM’s post-elec-
tion activities, the event will only be
Goodwin and the cosy chats that
Goodwin’s successor, Stephen Hester, has
DINING FOR CHARITY bit more interested in the food
than their liquid diet.
A bevvy of high-profile City names showed
open to students and professors of the been having with Mandelson (as revealed up at the newly opened Hakkasan Mayfair They did, however, match their
university. by The Capitalist on Friday). hotel last week, for a dinner hosted by menu with a set of Greek wines,
With 2010 having already seen a rash But is Brown going to cash in on the David Bailey, Heather Kerzner, Emily ranging from a couple of bottles
of books by Labour party grandees – from launch? In his first tentative step onto Oppenheimer and Keith Tyson in order to of Silenus white to three
Peter Watt’s Inside Out to Lord the lecture circuit in New Delhi over the promote the charity Malaria No More UK. Mitravelas bottle, two bottles of
Mandelson’s The Third Man and Tony weekend, he reportedly bagged a cool The guests, who included Arcadia Group Santorini and a couple of the
Blair’s epically named A Journey – Brown £60,000 for his future promotional owner and government efficiency tsar Sir rose Retsorini.
has gone for an altogether more academ- efforts. Philip Green, fashion and property tycoon But beyond the wines, dinner
ic name for his serious tome: Beyond the No word yet on whether his gig at the Richard Caring and Freud was a sober affair. Instead, our
Crash: Overcoming the First Crisis of LSE will earn the ex-PM anything fur- Communications’ Matthew Freud, were diners sampled the spicy octo-
Globalisation. Well, he never claimed to ther, but with his speaking fee worth treated to a three-course meal and a deluge pus, Greek sausages, spicy
be a branding genius… considerably less than Tony’s, he might of cocktails before being urged to go out meatballs and indulged the
He is rumoured to have worked up be a little less tempted to follow Blair’s and promote the charity’s work in their table’s collective sweet tooth
quite a lather over the behaviour of RBS, lead in donating all his book’s proceeds various fields of experience. After all, char- with a full complement of ice-
which could make for an interesting to charity. ity often begins at the dining table... cream and baklava to follow.




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CITYA.M. 22 NOVEMBER 2010 News 9

Energy XXI’s bull-

ish chief executive
John Schiller is on
the hunt for
Exxon considering
petrol station sales
megafields in the
Gulf of Mexico

An Exxon spokeswoman would not

BY HARRY BANKS. comment on the report but said the
company intended to keep investing
EXXON Mobil Corp yesterday con- in the region.
firmed it was considering the sale of “In terms of North Sea assets,
its 100 petrol stations in Scotland but Exxon Mobil is a long-term investor in
declined to comment on a report it the UK and plans to remain a major
plans to sell its North Sea oil fields, investor.” a spokeswoman said.
worth some $2bn (£1bn). In September Exxon and Shell said
Its comments came after a press they planned to sell their interest in
report said the North Sea disposal the Corvette field platform in the
was on the cards. North Sea.

Energy XX1 to
gamble on the Winter Sale
Gulf of Mexico now on!
ny’s daring move producing 100 tril-

BY OLIVER MICHELL lion cubic feet of natural gas –
enough to keep the entire US going
JOHN Schiller, chief executive of for four years. “What we’re seeing so
Texas oil upstart Energy XXI, relishes far is not making anything look
his reputation for taking risks. smaller,” Schiller said.
Unconcerned by President “The ExxonMobil properties are an
Obama’s drilling moratorium in the extraordinary fit with our existing,
Gulf of Mexico and BP’s woes in the oil-focused core assets, which gener-
region – which slashed his company’s ate some of the highest margins in
share price from $22 (£13.70) to $13 – the industry.”
he has ambitious expansion plans. Even relative to its own partner,
Schiller has announced a substan- McMoRan Exploration, Energy XXI is
tial expansion in Energy XXI’s hold- a pipsqueak. But while McMoRan’s
ings in the Gulf of Mexico shelf, with legendary leader Jim Bob Moffett is
purchases of properties from well into his seventies, Schiller is a
ExxonMobil worth $1.01bn. mere 51.
The sale by ExxonMobil places Reports from Houston suggest that Leeds Fly from
Jersey £
26 99
Energy XXI at the centre of the most Moffett’s succession plans include a
audacious gamble in the Gulf of possible merger of McMoRan and Bradford
Mexico in years. Energy XXI – with Schiller at the one
Schiller has been expanding helm. way
Energy XXI fearlessly since it went
public in 2005 and a $550m equity ANALYSIS l Energy XXI
offering two weeks ago, which 26 $ 24.50
released common stock at $20.75, 19 Nov
gives him plenty of cash to carry on
doing so.
The gamble is to snatch up as many 22
Inverness Newcastle
old shallow-water wells as possible,
then to use new technology to drill
deeper in the hunt for megafields of 18
natural gas.
In a characteristically bold esti-
mate, Schiller anticipates his compa- 23 Aug 13 Sep 1 Oct 21 Oct 10 Nov

ADVISERS ing broker in the UK, Seymour Pierce.

Düsseldorf Belfast
The stockbroker has been given the
task of pushing the Texas company to City
the forefront of British investors'
minds, a task that should become eas-
ier if Schiller hits megafields of natural
gas as he predicts. Redmayne is a
familiar face in big City deals. He was
closely involved with both the privati-
Described as a typical Texas dealmak- sation of the British Airports
er, Energy XXI's chief executive John Authority and raising the equity for
Schiller likes to seal a deal personally Eurotunnel.
with as little outside help as possible, In Texas, Energy XXI was advised by
sources close to today's ExxonMobil up-and-coming energy boutique,
deal confirmed. However, Schiller's lat- Dahlman Rose & Co, under the leader-
est property grab in the Gulf of Mexico ship of their vice-president, Anthony
has been guided to completion by a Socci. The privately owned investment
number of high-flying advisers, both in
the US and the City.
bank and natural resources specialist,
founded in 2004, has its base in New
Keeping London on the move
Foremost among the London advisers York but maintains a strong presence
has been Richard Redmayne, head of in Houston.
Fares are one way including taxes and charges, only available online, subject to availability. 21 day advance purchase required.
corporate broking at Energy XXI's list- Oliver Michell
Available for travel on or before 11.09.11. Headline fare doesn’t apply to all routes, see website for details. Book by 25.11.10.
10 News CITYA.M. 22 NOVEMBER 2010

Deloitte fails to convince

Roland Berger to merge
progressed so far it is believed they Aon’s $4.9bn (£3.1bn) acquisition of

BY STEVE DINNEEN had already decided upon a new chief Hewitt Associates, with the manage-
executive and were examining possi- ment consultancy sector continuing
PLANS to merge Roland Berger ble regulatory hurdles. to consolidate. It is understood Berger
Strategy Consultants with Deloitte The merger talks came after rival founder Roland Berger, along with a
Touche Tohmatsu have fallen number of partners in the firm, has
through after the Munich-based firm Roland Berger will agreed to invest around £43m in
rejected the advances. growing the company.
The two had been in advanced invest his own cash Roland Berger began as a one-man
talks but directors at Berger over- into the firm he found- company in 1967 with a focus on mar-
whelmingly voted to remain inde- ed to grow it as an keting consulting. In 2009, the com-
pendent. independent entity pany generated €616m in sales and
Talks between the two firms had employed 2,000 staff worldwide.

Lord Rothermere maintains DMGT is committed to newspapers Picture: REX

DMGT set for

higher profit
owned by DMGT, also reported a

BY DAVID CROW strong set of preliminary results last
month, with profits of £71.42m com-
DAILY MAIL and General Trust is pared to a pre-tax loss of £17.36m in
expected to unveil a hike in full-year the previous year.
profits when it announces prelimi- Meanwhile, the consumer division
nary results on Thursday, thanks to a that publishes the Daily Mail and
recovery in advertising revenues and Metro is expected to have grown rev-
strong trading at its business-to-busi- enues by one per cent, after display
ness (b2b) division. advertising staged a recovery.
Analysts at Numis expect the firm However, trading at the firm’s
to book pre-tax profits up 23 per cent regional Northcliffe division will like-
at £245m for 2009-10, compared to ly have been tougher. Rivals Johnston
£201m a year earlier, with underlying Press and Trinity Mirror have both
group revenues up two per cent at reported lower sales of display adver-
£1.97bn. tising on the back of the comprehen-
Sales at its b2b arm, which sive spending review.
accounts for around 70 per cent of “We view the group’s data-centric,
profits, are expected to be up by high margin b2b businesses as best-
around three per cent on an underly- in-class and believe that the Daily
ing basis, after a strong performance Mail titles enjoy the demographic,
at its information and events busi- online reach and brand strength to
nesses. outperform peers significantly both
Trade magazine publisher on and offline,” said Numis analyst
Euromoney, which is 66 per cent Dominic Buch.

Time to sell regional arm

WHEN DMGT sold the loss-making painful; that sale was shelved after
Evening Standard to Russian billion- it couldn’t find a buyer willing to
aire Alexander Lebedev in January stump up £1.3bn. The division is
2009, finance director Peter likely worth less now: the outlook
Williams caused a storm by saying for regional ad sales is bleak, while
the firm’s love affair with newspa- pension problems remain. But
pers was all but over. It had “crossed Northcliffe, which accounts for just
the Rubicon,” he declared (although five per cent of profits, is a distrac-
chairman Lord Rothermere soon tion and relaxed merger rules mean
made it clear that Williams had Trinity Mirror or Johnston could be
crossed the line). DMGT abandoned interested. It’s time to sell.
plans to sell regional arm
Northcliffe in 2007, so it has none of
the emotional attachment that
made offloading the Standard so
Analysis by David Crow
CITYA.M. 22 NOVEMBER 2010 News 11

Water groups
United chief to post slower
may quit with flow of profits

£4m pay-out

WATER companies Severn Trent and
Pennon Group are tipped to report a
slower flow of profits due to higher
costs and pricing pressure when they
report half-year numbers this week.
Deutsche Bank expects Midlands

UTILITIES The group has since sold most of its water and sewage group Severn to
BY PHILIP WALLER non-regulated operations and is post pre-tax profit tomorrow of about
expected to discontinue its “contract £159m against £188m last time, while
THE boss of former state-owned water solutions” infrastructure manage- others predict about £153.9m.
group United Utilities may quit later ment business. “We expect to see lower numbers,
this month with a golden goodbye The announcement about Green’s with prices rebased downwards by
payout worth more than £4m, it departure may come in the compa- one per cent from the beginning of
emerged yesterday. ny’s first half results on Wednesday, April,” Deutsche said.
It is understood group chief execu- in which it is tipped to post pre-tax Severn is also tipped to update
tive Philip Green could announce his profits of about £173m, against shareholders on its dividend at the
resignation from the water and waste £268m a year ago. results, with other firms in the sector
services supplier in north-west Water regulator Ofwat forced having already unveiled their policies
England as early as November 24. United to cut its bills by four per cent for the five-year regulatory period.
Green is thought likely to receive at the start of April, one of the tough- It is forecast to say its dividend will
stock and share options worth more est initial reductions imposed on the grow by Retail Price Index (RPI) infla-
than £4m should he resign. No-one listed water stocks, although tion plus three per cent in the four
from the company was yesterday Deutsche Bank expects growth there- years to 2015.
available to comment. after as the company moves through Severn provides water and sewage
The company serves nearly 7m peo- the five year regulatory period. services to more than 8m people in an
ple, 3.2m households and business area stretching from the Bristol
premises and more than 400 industri- FAST FACTS | UNITED UTILITIES Channel to the Humber, and from
al and commercial enterprises. mid-Wales to the East Midlands.
Green joined the company in 2005 ● United Utilities has: 184 reservoirs; Pennon, which owns South West
with the task of returning it to a pure * over 42,000 km of water mains; Water and waste contractor Viridor, is
water and waste services company * over 43,000 km of sewers; expected on Thursday to post half-
after the previous management had * 100 water treatment works. year pre-tax profits of £78m versus
expanded it to include electricity and * 575 wastewater treatment works £97m last time and an eight per cent
support services. United Utilities boss Philip Green may quit with a £4m golden goodbye dividend rise to 7.5p.
12 News CITYA.M. 22 NOVEMBER 2010

US authorities will announce

string of insider dealing cases
Prosecutors and securities regula- could start before Christmas, lawyers

BY STEVE DINNEEN tors are likely to file a number of said, adding that they could rival last
cases targeting the $1.7 trillion hedge year’s arrest of Galleon Group hedge
FEDERAL authorities are closing in fund industry rather than a single fund manager Raj Rajaratnam and
on a series of high profile targets as spectacular case, said the lawyers. nearly two-dozen others in one of the
part of a drive to purge insider trad- They are likely to reveal suspicions largest insider trading cases ever
ing from Wall Street. of multiple, highly organised insider brought.
They are understood to be on the trading rings suspected of reaping Authorities are still deciding
verge of announcing cases against tens of millions of dollars for their whether to pursue cases against sev-
hedge fund traders, consultants and members over a period of years. eral individuals who were implicated
Wall Street bankers within weeks, The probe is said to include up to but never charged in the Galleon case
according to lawyers working on the three dozen companies. and another case involving a former
cases. The new round of prosecutions UBS investment banker.

If you’re on the lookout for a pub, café or restaurant,

it helps if you know someone who’s been there, done

that and bought the pizza. That’s why we’ve introduced

Sky news could suffer from a News Corp takeover Picture: Micha Theiner/City A.M.

Bid ban may

customer reviews on It means you can get the

Read other people’s

thoughts hit Sky News
lowdown from local people on all sorts of businesses, would not pose “serious public inter-

BY STEVE DINNEEN est consequences”.
The submission, part of the Ofcom
whether you’re looking for the hottest curry in town, SKY News could suffer if the takeover probe into the bid, comes after News
of its owner BSkyB by News Corp is Corp ramped up pressure on the gov-
blocked, according to independent ernment last week. News Corp’s head
directors at the broadcaster. of Europe James Murdoch said News
or a proper local’s local. It’s just one of the many In a submission to media watchdog Corp could move some of its opera-
Ofcom, directors at Sky warned tions abroad if the coalition tried to
future investment in the news chan- stand in the way of the takeover.
changes we’ve made to You’ll also find videos nel could be jeopardised if the News Corp is desperate to buy the 61
takeover is vetoed. They argue that per cent of Sky it does not already own.
blocking the £7.8bn bid could actual- However, it has faced intense criticism
showcasing what local businesses have to offer, just the ly undermine “media plurality” – the from rival media organisations, who
issue being investigated by Ofcom – say the takeover could irrevocably
by weakening Sky News. harm the UK media landscape by plac-
The directors said this would be “a ing too much power with one firm.
job for locksmiths in London, eateries in Edinburgh or wholly unwelcome outcome, con-
trary to the public interest,” claiming James Murdoch has
they wanted to avoid Ofcom setting a
B&Bs in Brighton. As well as that, there’s our realistic 3D precedent that could discourage warned the UK could
future interest in the channel. lose out on investment
They also argued that Sky News in its media if the bid
maps,* helping you find exactly what you’re looking for controls just five per cent of the TV for Sky is blocked.
news audience, meaning the takeover

in rich, 3D detail. It really is the shape of things to come.

We think all of this makes Yell the best place to find

AIG accused of excluding buyers
the right business for you. But of course, you don’t
from the sale of its rail-car unit
AIG Rail, started in 2005, leases

tank and freight cars.
have to take our word for it. BAILED-OUT insurer AIG has put its The Journal also quoted the chief
rail-car unit up for sale, though trade executive of competitor GATX Corp as
buyers are complaining of being saying his company and other poten-
excluded from the auction, the Wall tial strategic buyers have been exclud-
Street Journal reported yesterday. ed from the auction.
The assets of AIG Rail Services have GATX CEO Brian Kenney told the
a book value of about $660m but it paper he was interested in the assets.
was not clear how much American An AIG spokesman declined to
International Group was seeking for comment on the sale. Bank of
*3D maps available in Birmingham, Leeds, London and Manchester. the business. America is said to be advising AIG.
14 News CITYA.M. 22 NOVEMBER 2010

London reaches
Barclays and 20-year low for
Lehman wrap development

up US lawsuit

CENTRAL London’s construction level
is at a 20-year low, with just 2.7m
square feet under development.
Overall development is down by
almost 70 per cent on this time last
year, according to the latest Crane

BANKING dreds of billions of dollars still owed Survey research by property agency
BY MARION DAKERS to creditors. Drivers Jonas Deloitte.
Peck said in court in October that The report says this year and next
LEHMAN Brothers’ lawsuit against he “never approved [Barclays’] clarifi- will see the lowest level of new com-
Barclays over its $1.75bn (£1.09bn) cation letter,” adding: “There are over mercial completions on record as the
purchase of the bankrupt group’s 12,000 docket entries. I do not know hangover from recession continues.
assets draws to a close today, as everything that is contained.” But it predicted a flurry of new
lawyers on both sides submit their New Barclays chief executive Bob development to start next year as the
final arguments on whether Barclays Diamond took to the stand in June to construction slow-down leads to a rise
made a secret windfall on the sale. defend the bank, but was slammed by in rents.
Lehman, which filed for the the judge for his “evasive” answers, The report points out the City of
world’s biggest bankruptcy in with Peck adding: “I think that this is London has seen no new construction
September 2008, is expected to claim a witness that needs to have the leash starts in the last twelve months – the
Barclays made $13bn from business held tightly.” first time this has happened since the
assets and securities added to the pur- Peck is expected to take until firm published its first Crane Survey
chase at the last minute. January or February to reach a deci- more than 20 years ago.
Barclays will argue that the terms sion, extending the prolonged legal However, it predicts that office
of the sale were fair, and were made battles linked to the collapse of rents in London will have risen by a
clear in a letter given to both Lehman Lehman Brothers. more than a quarter over 2010 as new
and the New York bankruptcy judge Last week, the same judge ruled delivery dries up, with developers
who approved the purchase. that Bank of America must return now hurriedly dusting off plans and
Judge Peck, who presided over the $500m of deposits it seized from purchasing sites ready to start con-
original bankruptcy hearings, must Lehman Brothers Holdings shortly struction next year.
now re-examine his ruling and decide after the bankruptcy. The agency warns there is a real
whether Barclays deceived Lehman Lehman is also suing JP Morgan for possibility of the market seeing an
and the court. If he decides Barclays allegedly siphoning off assets during oversupply of space in 2014 as new
must repay Lehman, the money the early stages of the bankruptcy, developments are completed and the
could go towards paying the hun- which the bank denies. Barclays chief executive Bob Diamond Picture: Micha Theiner/City A.M. market swings to the other extreme.
CITYA.M. 22 NOVEMBER 2010 News 15

Compass sees UK decline

as new markets fill gap
by one per cent in the UK and Ireland. appoint on the downside.

BY JOHN DUNNE Its annual results are expected on “On the positive, continued
Wednesday. healthy cash flow could allow for a
CATERING services giant Compass Across the rest of Europe growth is bigger than expected rise in the divi-
Group is expected to report a splutter- forecast to be flat, with total revenue dend payment. Market consensus
ing performance in the UK this week, across all markets expected to have opinion currently denotes a strong
with Australia and Brazil helping to grown by three per cent. hold.”
shore up its figures. Keith Bowman, analyst at Meanwhile electrical retailer
The company, which operates in 55 Hargreaves Lansdown said: “Few sur- Dixons will give a trading update on
countries, is expected to show growth prises are expected. Any comments in Friday, which should help to indicate
of around six per cent in its Rest of relation to rising food commodity the state of consumer confidence in
the World division, while dropping prices, a major group cost, would dis- the tough economic climate.

Compass chief executive Richard Cousins Picture: Micha Theiner/City A.M.

CITYA.M. 22 NOVEMBER 2010 News 17

UK regulation reaches crucial tipping point

European countries are not alone in Instruments Directive, the Capital minimal consultation and unaccom- During my recent visit to the US,
facing fiscal adjustments in the wake Requirements Directive and the panied by impact assessments. The companies expressed reservations
of the financial crisis. Ensuring these Market Abuse Directive. early proposals would have damaged over investing in the UK due to an
changes are smoothly managed is a As Europe accounts for more than key markets and restricted access to overly aggressive approach to regula-
crucial challenge for leaders. half of all global OTC derivatives activ- capital and to a wide range of invest- tion. It is vital that we replace this
The City of London Corporation has ity, the outcome of these measures ment products. We have now reached negative perception with a positive
forged strong ties in Europe to ensure will have a significant impact on the a much more acceptable compromise one – that the UK is open to business,
the UK financial services industry is EU economy. – but only after 18 months of hard and home to a stable regime for regu-
MONDAY COMMENT well represented in such debates. Consistency will be crucial across work and intensive dialogue. lation and taxation.
STUART FRASER Indeed, I will be visiting Budapest
later this week alongside Lord Mayor
these measures, but the European
Commission also needs to work with
Global problems require global solu-
tions. But it is not just wider reforms
Without this, the City will find it
increasingly difficult to attract and
Michael Bear to flag up key issues its US counterparts to ensure that our that matter when it comes down to retain international investment in the

HE future of the European Union ahead of Hungary’s EU Presidency. competitive position is not damaged. day-to-day business. The way domestic future.
(EU), and the economic prospects The European Parliament will short- The need to engage hard, fast and regulators interpret and act upon such And equally important is the new
of member states, continues to ly begin considering proposals on over- early with EU stakeholders was agreements is an equally important business we risk missing out on if deci-
be the subject of intense scruti- the-counter (OTC) derivatives, central demonstrated by the legislative factor in determining how competitive sion makers choose to plant or expand
ny. Even a Royal engagement has not counterparties and trade repositories. process around the Alternative we are in international markets. operations elsewhere.
pushed the crisis headlines off the This will be followed by amendments Investment Fund Managers Directive. We are approaching a tipping Stuart Fraser is policy chairman at the City
front pages. to the Markets in Financial This began with a draft, preceded by point. of London Corporation

Reuben brothers NEWS | IN BRIEF

Delia fattens Waitrose with cake

plan new tower

Waitrose grocery sales rose four per
cent in the 12 weeks to October 31 - lift-
ed by swift sales of Delia Smith’s ready-
to-make Christmas cake kit. The UK
cook has in the past caused a run on
ingredients like eggs, stout and goose
fat, after championing them in her
redevelopment work at Paddington recipes. Earlier this year Waitrose ran

BY MARION DAKERS Basin, which is now home to the head out of rhubarb after it featured in
offices of Orange and Marks & Smith’s rhubarb crumble recipe. The
THE BILLIONAIRE Reuben brothers’ Spencer, as well as the Paddington cake is the latest favourite, especially as
property firm has applied for plan- Walk apartments. Around 100,000 it costs £10 while all the ingredients
ning permission for a 42-storey tower square feet of office space was recent- would cost £26 if bought separately.
in the Paddington Basin, ramping up ly put on the market, with DTZ and
its redevelopment plan for the area. Jones Lang LaSalle acting as leasing Brisa may buy back shares
European Land and Property, a agents. Portuguese motorway operator Brisa
joint venture between the Reubens’ There are also several rother esiden- may buy back its own shares in the mar-
firm Aldersgate and the Jarvis family tial blocks completed near the Grand ket soon and will maintain its dividend
trust Pearcroft, altered its planning Union Canal, which are being market- policy for the next five years, the compa-
application earlier this month to ed by King Sturge. ny said in a statement yesterday. In the
include the new tower, which has European Land and Property won document, Brisa outlined some strategic
already been nicknamed “the planning permission for an earlier guidelines, including the "possibility of, in
Cucumber”. guise of the 42-storey mixed-use devel- the short term, acquiring treasury
The 140m-tall development would opment in 2007, after months of shares up to the limit of 10 per cent" of
have enough space for 222 flats and a wrangling with Westminster Council, its capital. Brisa already holds own
90-room hotel on the 1 Merchant which still needs to approve the new stocks equivalent to about 4 per cent of
Square site, according to documents plans. its capital. Some analysts had expected
filed with Westminster Council. The company has been working on a special payout after Brisa sold its
If construction goes ahead, the the 3.2 acre site since 2006, shortly 16.35 per cent stake in Brazil's CCR for
Robin Partington-designed building after government plans for a new hos- a net €1bn earlier this year. The compa-
will be the tallest in Westminster. pital fell through as development ny said it will maintain a stable dividend
The firm has finished most of its costs spiralled. policy in line with previous years.
Simon and David Reuben hope to build a 42-storey tower Picture: Alan Davidson

Japan’s Marubeni
enters bidding in
Kwik-Fit auction

BY OLIVER MICHELL Marubeni would be a formidable
competitor. It is one of the largest
TYRE firm Kwik-Fit may be snapped dealers for Toyota and Mazda in
up by Japanese giant Marubeni. Europe, with operating interests in
Marubeni, which employs 29,000 chemicals, minerals and foods, as
people and is one of the largest gener- well as being the owner of a network
al trading companies in Japan, was of 24 car showrooms in the UK and
previously keen to acquire the tyre the distributor in Europe of
wholesaler Micheldever. But exclusive Yokohama tyres.
talks with Graphite Capital broke Marubeni holds working interests
down after Marubeni dropped its in the North Sea and, on 25 October
offer from the agreed £200m. 2010, announced an agreement with
Now it is being suggested the firm a subsidiary of BP to acquire working
will throw itself into a straight fight interests in oil and gas fields in the
with competitors Bridgestone and Gulf of Mexico for $650m.
Michelin for control of Kwik-Fit, in Kwik-Fit was bought by PIA in 2005
the £650m auction launched by Kwik- for £800m. It then realised £215m
Fit’s French private equity owner PAI, through sales of part of the insurance
under the stewardship of Credit arm of the firm.
18 News CITYA.M. 22 NOVEMBER 2010

Latvia is the Baltic beacon of budget busting

that Dublin could learn from. try took IMF and EU support which, euros. Instead of forcing many fami- still on every street corner in Riga) it
The most illuminating of my desti- as Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis lies into bankruptcy the country fell to Swedish and Norwegian gov-
nations turned out to be Latvia. Much told me last week, “came with decided to protect its currency peg to ernments to deal with them.
has been written about the Baltic strings”. IMF style cuts were imposed, the euro. Ireland’s Eurozone member- Things are looking up now for
state that delivered the worst eco- resulting in fiscal tightening to the ship results in the same lack of cur- Latvia as growth is returning, wages
nomic performance in the EU last tune of 14 per cent of GDP last year. rency flexibility. are bottoming out and unemploy-
year. GDP fell by 18 per cent in 2009 The parallels with Ireland are strik- The differences are also significant ment has stopped rising. But the
and employment decreased by rough- ing. Both countries experienced a though. Ireland’s plans involve spend- social costs of austerity have been
CNBC COMMENT ly 20 per cent from peak to trough. consumer-driven boom and bust. ing the equivalent of 50 per cent of great. Hospitals and schools have
ANNA EDWARDS Latvia’s boom was driven overwhelm-
ingly by consumer spending with 70
Both have applied fiscal tightening
measures that have been applauded
GDP on bailing out its banks. Latvia
spent only 10 per cent of its GDP in
been closed and local journalists told
me many Latvians just left the coun-
per cent of its growth from 2000 to by financial markets. And neither part-nationalising Parex bank. It cre- try. Ireland may now have little say in

have spent the past week in 2008 from this source. In the wake of country was able to devalue its cur- ated a good-bank and bad-bank, just its fiscal fate, but a little study of the
Eastern Europe trying to learn the collapse of Lehman Brothers for- rency to export it out of trouble. as Ireland has done, but because Baltic beacon of budget busting
something about the right way to eign money fled the country and the Latvia decided not to devalue the much of the consumer boom in might be time well spent.
impose fiscal austerity. The region consumer-driven boom, and housing “Lat” to boost exports as so many of Latvia was driven by Scandinavian Anna Edwards co-anchors CNBC’s Capital
throws up some fascinating examples market, were left in tatters. The coun- its households were indebted in banking giants (SEB and Nordea are Connection and Squawk box Europe.

Reed Elsevier
Nestle alters sales policy
Nestle has said it will change its sales
recognition policy effective 1 January

halts private 2011, bringing it in line with

International Financial Reporting
Standards. Reported sales will drop by
around 15 per cent as expenses like dis-
counts and retailer promotions will be
deducted from sales, leading to a corre-

equity talks sponding increase in profit margins.

However, the change is not expected to
affect net profit or earnings per share.
Nestle said it would publish restated
2010 figures after its results for the
year to allow for comparisons to results
from 2011.
consumer and trade magazines

BY MARION DAKERS including New Scientist and Britain could get train upgrade
Computer Weekly, said last week in Britain will replace its ageing Intercity
PUBLISHING group Reed Elsevier has an update that Exhibitions had Express trains with high speed electric
broken off early-stage talks with pri- returned to sales growth in the sec- trains, at a cost of £7.5bn, said newspa-
vate equity groups Cinven and Apax ond half of the year, with an encour- per reports yesterday. The department
over the disposal of its events branch, aging number of forward bookings for transport refused to comment on the
it emerged over the weekend, follow- for next year. story, which appeared in the Sunday
ing takeover rumours on Friday that The division made an adjusted Times, and said an announcement if nec-
sent the shares up sharply. operating profit of £478.7m in the essary would be made in due course.
Cinven and Apax are thought to first half of the year, a rise of four per The report named Hitachi and John
have approached the firm several cent on 2009. Laing as preferred bidders on contracts
months ago about buying the Reed However, group margins were for the upgrade, which could be
Exhibitions business, which runs down, and the market for biennial announced this week.
almost 500 events a year including conferences is expected to reach a
property conference MIPIM and the cyclical low in 2011. Toyota loses lawsuit challenge
Global Gaming Expo in Las Vegas. Reed Elsevier declined to com- Carmaker Toyota suffered a fresh blow
Shares jumped 10 per cent on ment, while spokespeople for Apax in its class action lawsuit at the week-
Friday following talk of an unnamed and Cinven did not return calls for end, after a judge in the US said cus-
suitor, with the shares eventually comment yesterday. tomers stand to recover compensation
closing 6.5p up at 535.5p. for the lost resale value of their cars,
However, a source close to the com- ANALYSIS l Reed Elsevier regardless of whether their car had suf-
pany said the talks with the private 570 p fered the notorious break fault. Toyota’s
equity groups had been at a prelimi- 535.50 lawyers had challenged the ruling, argu-
nary stage, and were “almost certain- 19 Nov ing the case could involve roughly 40m
ly over” thanks to Reed’s reluctance 550 customers if left unchanged. The car-
to sell. maker insists its electronic throttle sys-
Dutch publisher Wolters Kluwer tem is glitch-free, but has acknowledged
was also named in reports as a possi- 530 Billionaire Warren Buffett rebutted claims that the Obama administration is unjustly ill-fitting floor mats and sticking gas
ble bidder, after it agreed buy Reed’s hurting business orders with high taxes and said instead that the wealthy should pay pedals as the root cause for breaking
Lexis Nexis Deutschland legal data- more in tax.”I think that people at the high end, people like myself, should be paying a problems. Both problems were
base earlier this month. 510 lot more in taxes. We have it better than we've ever had it," he told ABC's Christiane addressed earlier this year in safety
Reed, which publishes hundreds of 23 Aug 13 Sep 1 Oct 21 Oct 10 Nov Amanpour in a clip played on "This Week" yesterday. Picture: REUTERS recalls encompassing 5.4m US vehicles.

Obama heads for internal conflict over Westfield sells half stake
the heated issue of tax cut eligibility in Stratford City retailing
could sign into law. only those for the middle class or Pension Plan Investment Board.


BY HARRY BANKS Resurgent Republicans are tying any extension to a renewal of The property group will retain full
demanding that all the tax cuts be jobless benefits -- there is no indica- AUSTRALIAN shopping-mall owner ownership of the adjacent non-retail
PRESIDENT Barack Obama’s fellow renewed, including those for wealthi- tion a consensus is near. Westfield Group is selling a stake in development sites.
Democrats in the US Congress, many er Americans – individuals making “How the hell should we know its Stratford City development in Westfield said realised profit of
upset with him for election losses, are more than $200,000 and families when we will figure this out?” said a London to Dutch and Canadian pen- around £150m would be added to
in disarray over what to do about tax above$250,000. senior Senate Democratic aide. “This sion funds for £871.5m, Westfield has future retained earnings. An unre-
cuts for millions of Americans that Obama favours renewing the tax is the Democratic Party,” long known revealed. alised £150m would be recognised as
are set to expire on December 31. cuts only for those at or below those for internal struggles and diverse The company said it had agreed to development valuation gains.
With time running out and high level, saying the nation cannot afford views. sell a 50 per cent stake in the retail The centre was scheduled to open
political and economic stakes, Obama to renew them for wealthier “It seems like no one is on the same component of the development, in the third quarter of 2011, with
is pushing Democratic leaders to Americans. page,” said Chris Krueger of MF which is being built next to the site of around 75 per cent of the retail area
determine if they can win an accept- Despite a number of options -- Global, a private firm that tracks the 2012 Olympic Games, to Dutch either leased or committed, Westfield
able extension of the cuts, which he including renewing all tax cuts or Washington for investors. pension fund APG and the Canada said.
CITYA.M. 22 NOVEMBER 2010 News 19

Axiom set
UK economic for Dubai
growth rate flotation
now trimmed

The ONS said industrial production increased in the third quarter Picture: GETTY
UNITED Arab Emirates handset retail-
ANALYST VIEWS: DO YOU EXPECT REVISIONS IN er Axiom Telecom said yesterday it
expects to debut on Nasdaq Dubai in
UK ECONOMICS UK businesses have lowered expec- THE GDP GROWTH RATE? early December with a market value

Interviews by Jessica Mead

BY JESSICA MEAD tations for 2011 according to the lat- of up to $1bn (£630m) after selling up
est ICAEW/Grant Thornton UK to a third of its shares to institutional
OFFICIAL data published on
Wednesday is expected to reveal slower
Business Confidence Monitor (BCM),
which suggests that economic
In what would be the first initial

economic growth in the three months growth next year will be slower than public offering from the UAE in near-
to June, after UK construction growth forecast with companies reluctant to ly two years, Axiom set the share price
was slower than previously thought. invest and back the recovery. I suspect that the year-on-year growth rate may be range between $0.80 and $1.15. The
Weaker business confidence is also Business confidence has fallen to trimmed to 2.7 per cent from the currently reported rate of first day of trading will likely be on or
casting a shadow over the outlook for 11.9 from 21.5 since the third quarter 2.8 per cent but there are currently no indications that the around 9 December.
future growth. of 2009, with the pace of decline When the retailer announced

The UK economy was originally accelerating. third-quarter GDP growth rate of 0.8 per cent quarter-on- plans in October to list a 35 per cent
seen expanding by 1.2 per cent in the Michael Izza, chief executive of quarter will be revised down. stake on Nasdaq Dubai, it was not
second quarter but this could be ICAEW, said: “The steady decline in decided what portion of the shares
trimmed to just one per cent follow- confidence over recent quarters would be allocated to retail investors
ing a sharp downgrade of construc- reflects ongoing uncertainty about MICHAEL SAUNDERS | CITIGROUP and how much would be reserved for

tion growth in this period. The Office the UK economy over the next twelve institutional investors.
for National Statistics (ONS) cut its months. Companies are still cautious The company said, however, the
estimates to 6.8 per cent from 9.6 per to invest – a crucial factor in helping I do not anticipate any revisions at this stage. I IPO will not be available to retail
cent quarter-on-quarter and also growth and creating a strong recov- expect that the split will show consumer spending up about investors.
revealed that the sector contracted ery.” “The IPO is only being directed at,
more than earlier reported in the first Although the BCM revealed contin- 0.8 per cent quarter-on-quarter with investment up 2-3 per and made available to, certain institu-

three months of 2010. ued improvement in companies’ cent. Nominal GDP is likely to remain buoyant, probably ris- tional investors,” Axiom said in a
Although the ONS is expected to financial results with business ing by 5-6 per cent year-on-year. statement. “It is not being made avail-
leave third-quarter quarterly growth turnover, profit and exports all able to the general public.”
at a resilient 0.8 per cent, the annu- increasing in the fourth quarter, But given broader interest, one bro-
alised growth rate could be trimmed expectations for future growth have ker said he expects retail investors to
from the previous figure of 2.8 per been revised as companies become PHILIP SHAW | INVESTEC actively seek shares once they list.

cent to 2.6 per cent, barring any other more pessimistic about 2011. “Retail investors want to diversify --
revisions to the components of GDP. Expected turnover growth over the many are sitting on cash and are scep-
Business investment is expected to next 12 months dropped to 3.5 per Assessing whether GDP will be revised this month is tical about entering into real estate-
have recovered for a third successive cent in the final three months of 2010 a tough call, given that the ONS still judges that industrial related stocks, while the telecoms
quarter in the three months to from 4.9 per cent the previous quar- production expanded by 0.6 per cent in the third quarter. sector has done comparatively well,
September after spending was ter while forecast gross profit growth even through the financial crisis,”

slashed in 2008/09 but recent evi- for the year ahead has also fallen to Services were estimated to have risen 0.6 per cent. I have said Vyas Jayabhanu, head of invest-
dence suggests this will not last. 3.3 per cent from 4.4 per cent. no strong views on whether this will be revised. ments at Al Dhafra Financial Broker.

China tries to curb food prices after

consumer inflation hits two-year high
GLOBAL ECONOMY Delivery costs on farm produce, high of 4.4 per cent in the 12

BY MARION DAKERS such as road tolls, will be banned months to October. Food costs con-
from 1 December in the hope the tribute to a third of the total index
CHINA said yesterday it would step savings filter down to retail prices. rate, the government said.
up efforts to keep commodity Local governments will have the The People’s Bank of China, the
prices stable, in its latest attempt power to set prices on daily neces- country’s central bank, said on
to keep fast-rising inflation rates sities and production materials if Friday it would raise capital
in check. and when the high costs become reserve requirements by 0.5 per
China’s central cabinet has unaffordable. cent for all Chinese banks for the
asked local governments to Market monitoring will fifth time this year to control cred-
increase agricultural production increase, to clamp down on hoard- it and liquidity.
and keep a constant coal, oil and ing and speculation in major agri- The country has been criticised
gas supply in a seven-page circular. cultural products, the circular by the United States and other
The government has urged local added. nations for artificially keeping its
groups to ramp up vegetable-plant- China has been trying to limit currency undervalued. It was
ing programmes and better man- excess liquidity to keep a lid on claimed that would give it a trad-
age grain production to ensure a inflation pressures, after the con- ing advantage in the global mar-
continuous supply. sumer price index hit a 25-month ket.

Google eyes acquisition Deathly Hallows slays rivals Danone to cut Japanese firm
Google has expressed an interest in The first instalment of Harry Potter Yoghurt-maker Danone is reportedly in
buying online coupon provider and the Deathly Hallows made $125m talks with Japanese brewers about
Groupon, according to reports at the in its opening weekend in the US and offloading some distribution opera-
weekend. Google could pay more than Canada, according to studio estimates, tions linked to its water business in the
$3bn for the company, said the making it the sixth most successful country, to help cut losses in a slow-
reports, making it one of the largest opening of the year. The seventh growth region. Danone said at the
acquisitions for the internet giant. It Potter film comfortably beat the previ- weekend it was not prepared to dis-
has bought up several firms in recent ous best weekend debut for the fran- pose of its Japanese water business,
months, while Groupon fended off a chise, which was set at $102.7m by despite speculation it was ready to sell
bid from online rival Yahoo earlier in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in out. Earlier this month, reports claimed
the year. Google declined to comment November 2005. Warner Bros, which Kirin Holdings, Asahi Breweries and
yesterday, while Groupon was unavail- made the film, had expected the film Suntory Holdings had entered talks to
able for comment. to reach the $100m sales barrier. take over Japanese operations.
20 News CITYA.M. 22 NOVEMBER 2010

Tesco sales pick up overseas QR National sees second

of sales and over three-quarters of its Malaysia were up 0.5 percent follow-
biggest Australian IPO

profits in Britain. But its overseas ing a second-quarter decline of two
BY HARRY BANKS markets are growing strongly, with percent.
TESCO, the world’s third biggest more than half of the profit growth Tesco said its cash return on invest- al investors, who took 66 per cent.

retailer, has seen a pick up in sales achieved in the six months to August ment in Asia and mainland Europe The state government’s forecast
growth in South Korea, its biggest 28 coming from Asia and continental fell during the recession to 11.8 per AUSTRALIAN rail freight operator QR range was between A$2.50 and A$3 a
market outside Britain, as well as ris- Europe. cent in 2009-10 from 13.1 per cent in National became the country’s sec- share. It will be listed on the
ing sales in China, Thailand, Malaysia In presentation slides published on 2007-8. ond biggest initial public offering on Australian Securities Exchange at
and India, it said yesterday. its website, the group said sales at But it said this was back on a rising record at the weekend after selling noon today (Australian time), with an
The supermarket group, on the stores open over a year rose 6.7 per- trend. shares worth just over A$4bn (£2.5bn). allocation of A$4.05bn in shares.
first day of a trip to Asia with ana- cent in South Korea in the nine weeks “International returns will improve The float is at the heart of the The float will be the largest share-
lysts, also said returns in Asia and to October 31, up from 6 per cent in from economic recovery in the short Queensland government’s plan to market listing since Telstra was priva-
mainland Europe would reverse their the second quarter. term and maturity of assets in the raise A$15bn by selling assets, in a bid tised in three stages from 1997.
recent decline as economic recovery Like-for-like sales in China and long term,” it said, pointing out that to regain its triple A credit rating. Treasurer Andrew Fraser denied
takes hold and its assets mature, and Thailand were up 8.3 per cent and 3.4 returns in its leading international The Queensland government is the government was disappointed
that it expects to open its first cash per cent in the same period, down businesses (Ireland, Hungary, South keeping 40 per cent of the company, the price was at the lower end of its
and carry in India in May next year. from 9.3 per cent and 4.8 per cent Korea, Thailand) were up 14.7 per while the remaining 60 per cent has forecast range.
Tesco, with over 5,000 stores across growth respectively in the second cent, and up 16.9 per cent at stores been split between retail investors, He said the state government
14 countries, makes about 70 per cent quarter, while underlying sales in over four years old. who took 34 per cent, and institution- would keep its stake for two years.


ANALYSIS l Xstrata
1,500 p
19 Nov
2,500 p 2,332.50
ANALYSIS l Taylor Wimpey
30 p

rules will hit

19 Nov 24.50
2,300 28 19 Nov
1,100 24

bank profits 900

23 Aug

13 Sep 10 Oct 21 Oct 10 Nov

Standard & Poor’s has initiated coverage

23 Aug

13 Sep 1 Oct 21 Oct

Nomura rates the miner “reduce” with a

10 Nov

23 Aug

13 Sep 1 Oct 21 Oct

UBS rates the housebuilder “neutral” with

10 Nov

on the miner with a “buy” recommendation target price of £23. The broker examines a a 12 month target price of 29p, down from

before, in order to protect the inter- and a 12 month target price of £15.00. The possible takeover or merger with 31p following the firm’s trading update last
BY PHILIP WALLER ests of individual depositors and broker expects group earnings to hit record Woodside Petroleum, which could create week. The broker has upgraded its earn-
NEW rules forcing banks to hold avoid the risk of national bailouts. levels in 2011, due to both through a £14bn an oil and gas group with synergy savings ings before interest and tax forecast by 25
more capital could permanently “Banks recognise the challenges –
depress profits and hit tax revenues but the scale of regulatory reform is capital expenditure programme that will of almost $4bn. A spin-off listing could help per cent to £196m and cheers the recent
and jobs, a survey has found. daunting. Lower profits are recog- increase volumes, and through rising prices improve BHP’s share price of seven per debt restructuring, but does not see the
Liquidity buffers three times their nized as one potential outcome.” of copper and thermal coal. cent below its total value, Nomura says. cost of capital covered until 2013 – 14.
present size will increase banks’ costs European and US banks face the
sharply and permanently reduce prof- greatest challenges in the next two
it margins, according to the Evolving years, while banks in the Asia Pacific To appear in Best of the Brokers email your research to
Bank Regulation study from business region will have to deal with consid-

The Beatles score 31 tracks in top 200

and tax consultants KPMG. erably less pressure, the report said.
The moves will affect government Partner in KPMG’s financial regula-
tax revenue, pension fund income tion practice, Giles Williams, said:
and potentially the level of employ- “Despite the language coming out of
ment in the financial services indus- the G20 around creating level playing
try, the report said. fields, the reality may well be differ-
Global chairman of KPMG’s finan- ent. One thing though is for sure - Analysts predicted they could top- ing this year as the market reaches

cial services practice, Jeremy banks have a major task to deal with ple top selling albums by Michael maturity.
Anderson, said: “Banks have recently the changes and are already chan- THE Beatles managed to land 31 Jackson and Black Eyed Peas. Troubled EMI will be hoping sales
returned to profitability following nelling considerable time and tracks in the iTunes top 200 chart However, only The Beatles 1967- will provide it with a cash boost.
two or more years of heavy losses due resource into doing so.” after their first weekend on sale. 1970 managed to scrape into the top
to the economic crisis. KPMG said the new liquidity rules Last Thursday saw the Beatles ten best selling albums by last night. The highest placed
“But the signs are that regulatory from the Basel Committee of Banking songs become available for down- And, although 31 tracks were in
developments will introduce an era Supervisors would force companies to load for the first time after years of the top 200, the highest placed sin- Beatles song after one
of permanently lower profitability. hold liquid funds in low risk, low fruitless negotiations between Apple gle was Hey Jude at number 30. weekend on sale was
“The regulatory efforts are return assets such as government founder Steve Jobs, Beatles manage- Now some analysts believe The Hey Jude, written by
designed to ensure that banking is bonds yielding very small returns, ment company Apple Corps and the Beatles may have missed the “golden Paul McCartney
more stable and conservative than further reducing profitability. Beatles label EMI. age” of downloads, with sales slow-

CITY MOVES | WHO’S SWITCHING JOBS Edited by Juliet Samuel in association with

Publishing, where has had been finance also worked at Teather & Greenwood. director of retail banking. He has
KPMG director since 1994. Phillip Davies has also joined Fox- moved from Capgemini Consulting,
KPMG has added to its Russian and eastern He also has three years’ experience Davies as head of corporate finance, where he helped to found the finance
European expertise with the appointment of on the investment committee of the also moving from Charles Stanely services sector team. Previously, he has
Bob Savic to its private client advisory practice creative capital fund. He will begin as Securities where he worked with worked at Ernst & Young, Merrill Lynch
in London. Savic is moving over from Gibraltar, soon as possible, most likely in April Thompson for seven years, having pre- and Coopers & Lybrand.
where he joined in February. He has spent two 2011. viously worked at Seymour Pierce.
decades working for the “big four” financial In addition, the company has hired HobbyCraft
advisory firms in Russia, Macedonia and Serbia Fox-Davies Capital Tim Davis from Charles Stanley UK arts retailer HobbyCraft has
as well as in Asia and Australia. He speaks Fox-Davies Capital has made a series of Securities, David Porter from WHI announced the Simon Burke will
Russian, several east European languages, senior hires, having been approved a Securities, Simon Leathers from Daniel become chairman of the company from
Mandarin, Malay and Filipino. nominated adviser by the London Stewart and Jonathan Evans from December. Burke has previously
Stock Exchange. Rick Thompson has Daniel Stewart. worked as chairman and CEO of
joined the firm’s board as head of Hamleys, CEO of Virgin Entertainment
Huntsworth Group finance director, replacing Tymon investment banking, having been head Navigant Consulting Group and MD of Virgin Retail. He has
Global PR firm Huntsworth has added Broadhead. He has a background in of corporate finance at Charles Stanley The financial advisory Navigant also worked as chairman of Majestic
Colin Adams to its board as group media and joins from Bloomsbury Securities for the seven years. He has Consulting has hired David Royle as Wine.

To appear in CITYMOVES please email your career

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22 News CITYA.M. 22 NOVEMBER 2010

Gaffe delays group in talks
US air tanker with India

deal decision

A CONSORTIUM building the
Eurofighter Typhoon jet may make
India a partner in the project in
return for a £7bn deal to supply the
jets to its air force, it has emerged.
The group including UK defence

DEFENCE versy after the USAF awarded a 179- giant BAE Systems is thought to be
BY PHILIP WALLER plane deal to EADS’ North American ready to offer key data about the air-
unit teamed with Northrop craft to India to persuade it to buy 126
A DECISION on the winner of a US Grumman Corp in 2008, only to have of the jets in a deal set to create up to
deal to build new air-refuelling it overturned on appeal by Boeing. 2,000 jobs in the UK.
tankers is facing more delays after Richard Aboulafia of aerospace The proposal to India is understood
officials sent data to rival bidders consultancy Teal Group said the data to involve making Delhi a fifth part-
EADS and Boeing about each other’s mix-up lifted the likelihood of a for- ner in the consortium, including pro-
bids – sparking talk that the order mal protest by whichever firm loses. viding technical sovereignty over the
could be split between them. “Even if this didn’t happen, it jet, access to computer codes and the
US air force (USAF) officials said would still be very difficult to success- ability to make the aircraft in India.
they would announce a winner of the fully and conclusively award a con- Defence secretary Liam Fox is set to
battle to replace the military’s tract to one side. More than ever, it promote the multi-role Typhoon dur-
tankers early next year, rather than looks like a dual source buy may be ing a visit to Delhi this week, in which
the planned date of December 20. the only way forward.” he will meet his Indian counterpart.
The USAF earlier this month acci- Former Air Force Secretary Michael The Eurofighter Typhoon consor-
dentally sent Boeing and European Wynne has suggested buying tankers tium is facing rival bids to supply air-
aerospace giant EADS a limited from both teams to test them and craft to India from Russia and France,
amount of identical data about each maintain competitive pressure. who are respectively offering their
other’s offer to replace Boeing KC-135 Defence Secretary Robert Gates has MiG-35 and Dassault Rafale jets.
tankers, which are about 50 years old. opposed a split buy, partly due to the The Eurofighter consortium also
Both companies immediately added cost of using two aircraft types. involves Germany, Italy and Spain.
returned the data, but the gaffe has The USAF said it was postponing A BAE spokesman declined to give
prompted suggestions that the USAF the selection because certain aspects details of any potential deal with
may buy aircraft from both bidders to of the competition were taking India, but said: “We consider our-
avoid a protest by the losing bidder. longer than expected, saying it was selves to have a pretty good track
The contract for the tankers has unrelated to the “clerical error” that record of working with customers
already become embroiled in contro- caused the data bungle. Re-fuelling tankers such as the EADS KC-45 are caught up in the row Picture: REUTERS including India.”
Markets&Investment 23

LONDON’S TOP 250 Trade these shares from £1.50 with Interactive Investor -
Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low
(p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p)
3i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .314.00 –1.20 328.30 246.90 Compass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .529.00 –6.50 574.50 399.30 Kazakhmys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1450.00 –20.00 1634.00 955.50 Sainsbury(J) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .366.80* –5.80 397.00 307.60
3i Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118.30 –0.10 118.50 97.00 Cookson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .526.50 +5.00 616.00 364.80 Kesa Electricals . . . . . . . . . . . . .159.90 — 172.40 98.45 Schroders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1601.00 –1.00 1670.00 1096.00
A.B. Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1084.00 +4.00 1113.00 790.00 Croda Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1437.00 –1.00 1540.00 735.00 .LQJÀVKHU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .244.70 –2.10 255.00 196.50 Schroders N/V. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1275.00 –2.00 1330.00 912.50
Aberdeen Asset Man . . . . . . . . . .179.40 +1.70 191.60 111.00 Daily Mail ‘A’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .566.50 +7.00 573.50 401.70 Ladbrokes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129.30* –1.40 164.60 120.00 Scot. & Sthrn Energy. . . . . . . . . 1156.00 — 1206.00 1006.00
Admiral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1554.00 –19.00 1721.00 1003.00 Davis Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .401.20 –5.10 442.30 356.00 Lancashire Hldgs . . . . . . . . . . . .647.00 +13.50 650.00 416.70 Scottish Mortgage. . . . . . . . . . . .646.50* –2.50 684.00 475.00
Aegis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133.40 –1.70 137.30 103.10 Debenhams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70.45 –0.95 87.85 51.95 Land Securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . .669.50 –0.50 714.50 543.00
Afren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126.60 –0.60 135.90 77.00 Derwent London . . . . . . . . . . . .1457.00 –2.00 1633.00 1183.00 Legal & General . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97.55 +0.75 107.50 69.05 SEGRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .291.80 –5.10 378.80 244.00
African Barr Gold . . . . . . . . . . . .542.00 +7.00 685.00 520.50 Dexion Absolute . . . . . . . . . . . . .138.60 –0.90 148.00 131.20 Lloyds Banking Gp . . . . . . . . . . . .66.72 –1.07 79.15 45.30 Serco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .556.00 –0.50 656.50 491.20
Aggreko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1515.00 –21.00 1698.00 727.50 Diageo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1189.00 –4.00 1240.00 988.00 Logica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123.10 –0.70 149.10 100.80 Severn Trent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1439.00 +4.00 1468.00 981.50
Alliance Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .353.30 –2.20 363.00 292.80 Dixons Retail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25.17 –0.63 39.50 23.07 London Stk Exchange . . . . . . . . .757.00 +9.50 869.00 540.50 Shaftesbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .437.80 +2.00 465.00 348.00
AMEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1152.00 –2.00 1163.00 728.00 Domino’s Pizza . . . . . . . . . . . . . .515.50 –3.50 535.50 278.20 Lonmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1780.00 +5.00 2198.00 1344.00 Shire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1541.00 –2.00 1547.00 1117.00
Amlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .381.60 –1.60 437.60 357.30 Drax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .370.60 –2.60 452.90 321.50 Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .295.10 +10.90 361.90 199.60 SIG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121.50 +2.20 142.10 89.55
Anglo American . . . . . . . . . . . .2939.00 –19.00 3069.00 2210.00 Dunelm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .495.20 –2.50 521.00 319.40 Marks & Spencer. . . . . . . . . . . . .380.60* –9.60 431.40 321.90 Smith & Nephew . . . . . . . . . . . . .587.00 –5.00 700.50 532.00
Antofagasta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1377.00 –18.00 1482.00 755.50 Easyjet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .439.80 –10.20 499.90 339.80 Meggitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .336.70 +12.80 338.30 234.50 Smith(Ds) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183.10 +0.10 185.90 103.00
Aquarius Platinum . . . . . . . . . . .339.00 –12.40 490.00 211.50 Edinburgh Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . .438.00* –5.00 466.80 345.50 Melrose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .292.30 –11.90 306.80 160.00 Smiths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1145.00* –9.00 1297.00 930.00
ARM Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .384.90 +14.30 419.50 150.60 Electrocomponents . . . . . . . . . . .269.50 +7.40 269.70 159.50 Mercantile IT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1002.00 –5.00 1029.00 822.50 SOCO Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .349.50 +0.80 510.00 287.40
Ashmore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .359.70* –1.90 400.50 215.00 EnQuest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131.00 –1.00 138.50 87.35 Michael Page Intl. . . . . . . . . . . . .479.00 –4.20 507.50 326.00 Spectris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1221.00 +19.00 1234.00 653.00
Ashtead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128.00 –0.80 135.60 61.25 Essar Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .518.50 +12.00 566.50 358.50 Micro Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .343.40 +19.50 550.00 272.20
Astrazeneca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3058.00 –4.50 3389.50 2687.00 Eurasian Nat Res . . . . . . . . . . . .910.00 –17.00 1276.00 801.00 Millen & Copthorne . . . . . . . . . . .533.00 +0.50 585.00 329.20 Spirax-Sarco Eng . . . . . . . . . . .1760.00 +14.00 1888.00 1060.00
Atkins(Ws) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .738.00 –1.00 801.00 549.50 Euromoney Inst Inv . . . . . . . . . . .705.00* +30.00 714.00 383.00 Misys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .293.10 –2.30 300.00 196.60 Spirent Comms . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148.90 — 158.30 90.45
Autonomy Corp . . . . . . . . . . . .1416.00 +17.00 2012.00 1319.00 Experian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .742.50 –2.00 763.50 559.00 Mitchells & Butlers . . . . . . . . . . .356.00 +8.70 357.10 242.50 Sports Direct Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . .128.50 –2.10 154.30 89.85
Aveva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1562.00 +36.00 1572.00 930.00 Ferrexpo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .368.90 –8.00 401.60 177.50 MITIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .201.00 +3.00 245.90 187.60 SSL Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1163.00 –1.00 1190.00 660.50
Aviva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .399.00 –1.90 428.70 290.20 FirstGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .381.50 +1.60 428.40 331.20 Mondi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .494.80 –1.20 562.00 304.70 St James’s Place . . . . . . . . . . . . .254.40 +2.60 298.00 203.40
Babcock International . . . . . . . . .519.00 –11.00 645.50 489.00 Foreign & Col Inv Tst. . . . . . . . . .294.20 –0.50 300.00 250.00 Monks Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .337.40 –1.20 349.70 265.00 Stagecoach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .204.10 –1.10 226.10 144.10
BAE Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .349.70* –3.00 389.90 288.10 Fresnillo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1408.00 –6.00 1480.00 647.00 Morgan Crucible . . . . . . . . . . . . .244.00 +1.40 254.90 142.90 Standard Chartered . . . . . . . . . .1803.00 –49.00 1975.00 1316.50
Balfour Beatty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .279.00* –0.30 304.80 228.60 G4S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249.20 –0.40 285.70 238.70 Morrison Wm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .274.50 –5.50 307.10 255.00 Standard Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222.90* –0.90 238.00 170.00
Barclays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .274.20* –3.75 394.25 253.40 Genesis Emerging Mkts Fd . . . . .521.00 — 542.50 383.00 Murray Intl Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .904.50 –1.50 938.50 720.00 SuperGrp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1475.00 –3.00 1488.00 499.00
Barratt Development . . . . . . . . . . .74.95 –0.70 145.00 72.15 GKN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193.70 +2.10 194.40 100.40 National Express. . . . . . . . . . . . .241.80 –0.20 261.30 164.80 TalkTalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151.50 +2.10 154.50 106.60
BBA Aviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .197.80 +1.00 220.00 145.90 GlaxoSmithKline . . . . . . . . . . . .1251.50* –6.00 1347.00 1088.00 National Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .578.50 –9.00 607.65 474.80 Talvivaara Mining . . . . . . . . . . . .539.00 –6.00 597.00 341.40
Berkeley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .805.50 +4.50 917.50 735.00 Great Portland Estates . . . . . . . .338.00* +5.90 368.60 265.40 Next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2071.00 –12.00 2361.00 1816.00 Tate & Lyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .531.50 +5.50 534.50 388.00
BG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1222.00 –10.00 1302.50 966.90 Greene King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .451.00 +4.30 484.00 372.50 Northumbrian Water . . . . . . . . . .346.70 –2.30 364.00 240.50
BHP Billiton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2332.50 –32.50 2500.00 1678.00 Halfords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .428.00 +1.40 562.50 370.10 Ocado Grp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139.00 –0.40 169.00 120.90 Taylor Wimpey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24.50 –0.84 46.34 22.12
BlackRock Mining . . . . . . . . . . . .708.00 –18.00 737.50 490.00 Halma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .338.30 +4.10 345.50 221.80 Old Mutual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127.80* –0.40 146.90 95.30 Telecity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .448.00 +3.00 546.00 323.50
BlueBay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .482.00* +0.40 495.00 251.00 Hammerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .403.80 –7.30 449.70 332.20 Partygaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235.40 +3.20 339.70 205.80 Templeton Emrg Mkts . . . . . . . . .645.50 –6.50 688.00 470.00
Bluecrest Allblue GBP . . . . . . . . .173.50 –0.50 174.50 151.90 Hargreaves Lansdown . . . . . . . .493.70 +3.50 502.50 259.40 Pearson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .930.50 –7.00 1069.00 812.00 Tesco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .426.65* –1.65 454.90 368.40
Booker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55.60* +0.20 56.00 37.50 Hays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109.10* –0.40 125.30 82.50 Pennon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .628.00 +0.50 644.00 472.90 Thomas Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188.60 +0.60 277.20 167.50
BP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .435.85 –2.40 658.20 296.00 Henderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127.40 –0.40 157.80 112.10 Persimmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .353.00* –4.30 520.00 335.90 Travis Perkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .852.50 — 915.00 647.50
Brit Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1037.00 –1.00 1052.00 709.00 Heritage Oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .385.60 +18.60 585.00 295.90 Petrofac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1481.00 –19.00 1545.00 900.00 TUI Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .200.80 +0.40 313.90 189.20
British Airways . . . . . . . . . . . . . .270.40 –2.50 290.00 180.20 Hikma Pharma . . . . . . . . . . . . . .779.00 — 813.00 480.00 Petropavlovsk . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1050.00 –12.00 1370.00 834.00 Tullett Prebon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .354.00* –2.60 427.00 261.20
British Amer. Tob . . . . . . . . . . .2427.50 +25.00 2490.50 1832.00 Hiscox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .351.60 –2.00 371.60 299.60 Phoenix Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .675.00 +3.50 775.00 550.50 Tullow Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1206.00 –7.00 1375.00 979.50
British Empire Tst . . . . . . . . . . . .482.00 — 497.00 338.50 Hochschild Mining . . . . . . . . . . .572.00 +6.50 580.50 220.00 Premier Farnell . . . . . . . . . . . . . .296.70 +1.70 300.00 150.80 UK Commercial Prop. . . . . . . . . . .76.50* –0.50 84.90 71.00
British Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .496.30 +0.90 525.00 416.00 Home Retail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .206.70* –3.70 320.10 201.70 Premier Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1890.00 +5.00 2032.00 984.00 Ultra Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . .1610.00 +22.00 1903.00 1198.00
Britvic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .498.40 +10.50 518.00 366.10 Homeserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .430.50 +0.50 502.00 405.40 Provident Financial . . . . . . . . . . .757.00* +7.00 983.50 725.50 Unilever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1884.00* +7.00 2024.00 1662.00
Brown(N.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .285.00 +2.00 308.00 204.80 HSBC Hldgs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .657.50* –9.00 752.00 595.20 Prudential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .614.50 –3.50 665.00 475.70
BSkyB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .726.00 — 737.00 521.00 Hunting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .636.50* +0.50 663.50 429.10 PZ Cussons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .382.50 –2.70 406.80 231.70 United Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . .628.00 +2.00 634.50 470.00
BT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165.00 +0.20 170.10 108.40 ICAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .475.00 –1.60 501.50 291.70 Qinetiq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112.30 –0.20 179.10 96.00 Utd Business Media . . . . . . . . . .642.50 –2.50 692.00 408.30
Bunzl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .721.00* –2.00 784.50 614.00 IG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .502.00 –5.00 560.00 312.60 Randgold Resources. . . . . . . . .6025.00 –20.00 6755.00 4126.00 Vedanta Resources . . . . . . . . . .2208.00 –11.00 2967.00 1795.00
Burberry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1033.00 +7.00 1065.00 555.50 Imagination Tech Gp . . . . . . . . . .332.00 +14.70 445.00 200.00 Reckitt Benckiser . . . . . . . . . . .3590.00 +49.00 3667.00 3019.00 Victrex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1240.00 –1.00 1355.00 753.00
Cable & Wire Comms . . . . . . . . . .47.03* –1.02 150.00 46.51 IMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .849.00 –7.00 860.00 483.10 Reed Elsevier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .535.50 +6.50 566.00 454.60 Vodafone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .167.75* –0.35 179.90 126.50
Cable & Wire Wwide . . . . . . . . . . .66.30 –0.40 94.80 60.05 Imperial Tobacco. . . . . . . . . . . .2013.00 +23.00 2159.00 1728.00 Regus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77.50 –2.70 125.50 64.05 Weir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1733.00 +8.00 1740.00 660.00
Cairn Energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .373.10 –0.60 497.60 306.80 Inchcape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .340.00 –1.10 358.00 235.00 Renishaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1172.00 –6.00 1250.00 479.00 Wellstream Hldgs . . . . . . . . . . . .739.00 –11.00 810.00 429.70
Caledonia Invs . . . . . . . . . . . . .1763.00 –20.00 1833.00 1496.00 Informa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .417.30 –3.40 450.50 263.30 Rentokil Initial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93.90 +0.10 140.20 89.40 WH Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .475.00 +6.90 551.00 392.20
Capita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .677.00 –13.00 829.50 655.00 Inmarsat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .691.00 +3.00 831.00 603.50 Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .237.00 –3.50 280.50 220.10 Whitbread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1709.00* –6.00 1807.00 1260.00
Capital & Counties . . . . . . . . . . .144.90 –0.90 159.00 99.60 Intercontl Hotels . . . . . . . . . . . . 1141.00 +2.00 1244.00 803.00 Rexam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .314.60 –3.70 348.80 271.40 William Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156.60* –1.70 217.80 156.30
Capital Shopping Centres . . . . . .365.70 –6.30 523.50 300.10 Intermediate Capital . . . . . . . . . .337.10 +1.60 352.80 233.50 Rightmove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .762.50 –7.50 830.00 456.90 Witan Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .480.00 –1.50 492.00 397.30
Carillion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .344.60 +0.20 361.90 272.00 Intertek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1822.00* –6.00 1964.00 1136.00 Rio Tinto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4230.00 –51.50 4477.50 2751.00
Carnival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2621.00* –11.00 2937.00 1963.00 Intl Personal Fin . . . . . . . . . . . . .314.80 — 340.90 181.40 RIT Capital Partners . . . . . . . . . 1187.00 –8.00 1215.00 940.00 Wolseley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1754.00 –16.00 1837.00 1155.00
Catlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .344.70 +0.70 394.60 303.20 Intl Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .436.80 +8.50 438.10 268.70 Rolls Royce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .592.00* –11.50 661.50 466.10 Wood Group (John). . . . . . . . . . .478.80 –0.20 492.60 279.60
Centamin Egypt . . . . . . . . . . . . .185.10 +0.30 202.80 103.50 Invensys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .335.00* –3.70 350.30 224.90 Rotork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1639.00 –21.00 1906.00 1101.00 WPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .741.50 +1.50 758.50 562.50
Centrica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .329.90 –1.10 347.00 252.00 Investec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .509.00 +2.00 565.00 411.50 Royal Bank Of Scot . . . . . . . . . . . .41.77 –0.24 58.95 28.25 Xstrata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1319.00 –19.50 1462.50 832.50
Charter Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .707.00 –4.50 855.50 563.50 ITV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68.30 +0.05 73.00 46.77 Royal Dutch Shell A . . . . . . . . .2030.50* –11.50 2106.50 1621.00 LONDON TOP 250 BY MARKET CAPITALISATION
Chemring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2866.00 –4.00 3711.00 2551.00 Jardine Lloyd Thompson. . . . . . .578.00 –4.00 604.50 420.70 Royal Dutch Shell B . . . . . . . . .2000.50* –14.00 2071.00 1550.00
Close Bros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .808.50* +2.50 834.00 657.00 Johnson Matthey . . . . . . . . . . .1895.00 –2.00 1999.00 1435.00 RSA Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126.50* –0.40 137.40 114.10 * Ex-Dividend † Suspended
Cobham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205.00 –2.90 278.60 199.20 JPMorgan Emerg Mkts . . . . . . . .599.00 –3.50 618.00 448.00 SABMiller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2114.50 –42.50 2165.50 1638.00
COLT Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122.00 +1.00 144.20 107.70 Jupiter Fnd Mgmt . . . . . . . . . . . .284.30 –2.20 310.00 180.00 Sage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .261.00 –8.20 286.80 208.20

Sovereign debt worries a drag on stock markets

stock markets around the world. the early part of the week due to the ANALYSIS l FTSE
MARK ONTHE However a late rally in the US on
Friday should translate into a positive
Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday
and early closing of markets on
19 Nov

MARKETS open for European stocks this morn-

GFT expects the FTSE 100 index to
Friday. On Tuesday and Wednesday
the US will release third quarter GDP,
home sales, durable goods and per-


start 20 points higher, at 5,753, with sonal income data, along with the 5,400
similar gains for the German DAX 30, minutes from November’s FOMC
up 18 points to 6862, and the French meeting. 5,200
CAC 40, up 9 points to 3869. The pick of the corporate news this
In the coming days, the market will week will come later today with an 5,000
22 Aug 13 Sep 1 Oct 21 Oct 10 Nov
be looking for clarification of the pro- earnings update from Hewlett-
posed bailout for Ireland’s banking Packard. ANALYSIS l DAX
crisis. Mark Outten is senior dealer for GFT 7,000 6,843.55
It is hoped that these measures will Global Markets UK Ltd
19 Nov
dampen speculation about Portugal
MARK OUTEN and Spain.
The economic calendar for the

week ahead is light for the UK. In

ast week, China’s efforts to slow Germany the Ifo index is released on 6,200
rising inflation and the ongoing Wednesday. 6,000
concerns about European sover- Meanwhile in the US, all major
eign debt, both placed a drag on data releases has been condensed into 23 Aug 10 Sep 30 Sep 22 Oct 9 Nov


xpectations about Black Friday, source of worry. after a week of sharp losses and cyclical bull market to resume, so a ment is seen as one of the biggest
when Americans traditionally Even though light volume will advances. lot rests on that,” said Chris Burba, drags on the US economy,
get serious about holiday shop- define trade during the holiday- Further gains would resume an short-term market technician at The day after Thanksgiving tradi-
ping, could sway stocks this shortened week of US Thanksgiving uptrend that began at the end of the Standard & Poor’s in New York. tionally marks the start of the US hol-
week if it looks like the economy will Day on Thursday, investors will summer, with the Standard & Poor’s Retailers have been optimistic in iday shopping season and is called
get a pop from consumer spending. watch to see if retail sales appear 500 index up 14 per cent since their forecasts for holiday sales, and Black Friday because retailers make
The outcome of talks to shape a strong enough to give the market a August 31. The market was little investors will want to see evidence to enough sales to get their accounts
bailout for Ireland could also move Santa Claus rally. changed lastweek and suffered losses support those forecasts as worries into black ink.
stocks, analysts said, but they cau- The lighter-than-average volume the week before. about consumer spending weigh on Shoppers are expected to flood
tioned that other highly indebted expected next week could lead to “Bullish sentiment toward holiday the economic outlook. stores in search of bargains while
Eurozone countries could still be a exaggerated moves in the market sales is the most likely catalyst for the At a rate of 9.6 per cent, unemploy- retailers fight for sales.
24 Investment | Spread Betting CITYA.M. 22 NOVEMBER 2010

How to defuse
a time bomb:
China worries
about liquidity
High inflation risks also need to be careful. One reason why
the Chinese government has been so keen
setting off bubbles in to interfere with its banks is that there is
an awful lot of liquidity in China at the
the Chinese economy, moment. As a result, speculative bubbles
have grown up in assets from property to
says Daniel Knowles caterpillar fungus – an obscure Chinese
medicine that now costs as much as gold.
If inflation persists then Chinese savers
may seek out more profitable speculative

F ANYONE had needed more proof of investments, inflating bubbles further.
the extent of global economic imbal-
ance, then last week’s inflation fig- BUBBLING LIQUIDITY
ures ought to have been enough. Grice argues that the Chinese government
Despite unprecedented monetary ease, is struggling to contain Chinese specula-
America’s inflation rate is running at 0.6 tors and that they may be forced to engi-
per cent, the lowest level in 53 years. In neer a slowdown, “in which case a hard
China, however, money is abundant and landing shouldn’t be beyond the realms of
inflation is running at 4.4 per cent. That is imagination”. But before that happens,
causing deep unease in the Chinese Chinese asset prices could well increase
Communist Party, but it might be a boon dramatically, so traders need to make sure
for spread betters. The important ques- they are not caught out. Much depends on
tion, as ever, is whether to go short or how effective monetary tightening is seen
long. to be – with rising food prices a global phe-
Certainly the momentum has mostly nomenon, many analysts fear that infla-
been downwards recently. Fears about tion will persist.
monetary tightening have driven equity Mark Williams, senior China economist
prices down, and the FTSE Xinhau 50 has at Capital Economics, is not one of them
fallen by 10 per cent over the last two however. Williams argues that much of the
weeks. The People’s Bank of China (PBoC) recent increase in food prices was the
raised its reserve requirements on Friday result of a temporary supply shock, and
in an attempt to suck liquidity out of the that inflation ought to recede within a few Chinese prices going ANALYSIS l China’s credit inflation
system, while the government has threat- months. He says there is “no strong evi- up - will inflation
Trillions of Chinese Renminbi

ened to intervene directly in some mar- dence of bubbles” and that “while there is continue? 12
kets to lower prices. The government has the potential for speculative spending to
also tried to crack down on state banks take off”, it isn’t happening yet. According Picture: GETTY 10
deemed to be lending too much – official- to Williams, the Chinese government is
ly there is a 7.5 trillion yuan (£706bn) succeeding in suppressing speculation, 8
quota for lending. With further tighten- and China ought to keep growing. As he
ing expected, traders might be well says, investors “shouldn’t panic”. 6
advised to go short on Chinese stocks. But they should perhaps step back a lit-
Conveniently, IG Markets now offers tle. Chinese liquidity is rather like an unex-
spread betting on the Xinhua 50. ploded bomb. Either the PBoC will be able
Unfortunately, as Dylan Grice of Societe to slowly defuse it, or it will go off. Spread
Generale observes, “the Chinese stock betters need to be careful not to get caught Source: SG Cross Asset Research. POBC
market is crazier than most”, so traders in the blast if that happens. 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

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ANALYSIS l FTSE 100 (Daily)

TECHNICAL markets. If you observe the charts, you will
notice that markets behave in a certain way
ANALYSIS around round numbers.
6,000 5,900
What happens at these key levels? 5,800
JADEJA 5,600 5,650

As an exercise take a look at the
FTSE 100 index chart on the right.
5,400 5,400
Notice what happened when we
reached the recent high at 5,900 and also
notice the reaction at the 5,600 level. 5,200
You will quite often see that markets
behave in a certain way as they approach 5,100
the round number levels. This is what can be
referred to as a key psychological level.

Do you trade based on psychologi- For example if the FTSE index has been 4,800
cal numbers? trading at 5,856 and it is heading higher,
then we can assume that it will try to aim 21 Jun 6 Jul 19 Jul 2 Aug 16 Aug 30 Aug 20 Sep 11 Oct 31 Oct 16 Nov
for the next level at 5,900. This is then called

One of the most common questions a resistance level, which the index may Personally I like to trade patterns and These support levels can also be based on
asked at our training seminars is struggle to break past. there are several patterns that as a trader the psychological numbers mentioned earli-
“What are the key levels on a chart?” you should learn. One of the popular types of er. Currently the FTSE 100 is flirting with

There are several key levels to observe when Can I trade these psychological charts is a candlestick charts. the 5,650 level. Keeping an eye on round
looking for an opportunity to trade from. levels as a strategy? Within this type of charting method one numbers can be valuable and it is a simple
One of the most common are known as can look for specific price reversal patterns. method to learn. Let’s see how the index
psychological price levels. For example, when You can also look to see if the market fails to reacts in this week’s trading around key lev-

you are filling your car up with petrol, you Depending on the type of reaction break above the key level and then goes on els.
often aim to round off the amount to £10 or that takes place at the levels, you to break below a recent low. You can then
£20, say. These round numbers are also can certainly create a trading strate- assume a move to the downside towards Learn more about technical analysis with
apparent when it comes to trading financial gy based on this theory. support levels. Sandy at his free City Index seminars.

ANALYSIS l Rolls-Royce Group

660 p THE TIPSTER hold the position until at least
Ca$1.0300. Spread Co offers a
spread of Ca$1.0192-Ca$1.0196.

19 Nov
TRADERS GET IN Severn Trent shares have fall-
en away slightly since setting
A FESTIVE SPIRIT year highs of 1,468p on 11
November and the firm ended
last week trading around the
1,430p level. Tomorrow’s update
is expected to show a fall in prof-

HE run-up to Christmas its for the firm. This, combined
truly gets underway this with some of the debt the com-
23 Aug 13 Sep 1 Oct 21 Oct 10 Nov week with US Thanksgiving pany has been shouldering, has
on Thursday. Historically prompted a few spread betters
this has given equity markets a to short the stock. Spreadex has
Still a badge of quality boost as a result of improved sen- a rolling Severn Trent spread of
timent and as the festive senti- 1434.5p – 1440.5p.
Picture: REUTERS ment rubs off on investors. This United Utilities follow on
could prompt a rally in the Dow. Wednesday and also set a year
Capital Spreads quotes 11,165- high – of 634.5p – on 11
11,167 for the index. November. That followed the sale
US dollar strength has helped of its non-regulated business for
our US dollar-Canadian dollar around £600m – beating ana-
buy recommendation at lysts’ expectations of between
Ca$1.0010. The pair has since £450m and £500m. That
taken out the first target of sparked a positive feeling from
Ca$1.0200 on its way to a high spread betters but shares have

Rolls Royce better of Ca$1.0258 before pulling back

to support around Ca$1.0165 last
week. It might be wise to pull
stop-losses up to Ca$1.0140, but
fallen since to close on Friday at
627p. ShortsandLongs has a
rolling spread of 626.8p-628.70p.
Jessica Mead

value for traders Champion Trader - Day 1

l Week 4

Time is running out if you plan to play and catch the leaders with just over a week left. It was a
difficult week predicting the markets with many of our early leaders suffering set backs. alsonsove
But make the most of near term have been able to contain the crisis quickly
and reassure analysts, easing concerns our outright leader also manged to increase their account the most this week with over £70,000 prof-
about long-term reputational damage. it taking the £1,000 prize. rhona45 was runner up in the week with just over £56,000 and lurks dan-
turbulence, says Jessica Mead Secondly, Rolls Royce have continued to gerously in third.
win contracts despite the Trent 900 failure,
such as a $1.2bn order from China Eastern It is free and a £7,000 prize pot still available.

HANKS to a combination of superior Airlines for Trent 700 engines.
design, pilot skill and more than a Finally, the marine division is becoming User Name Account Value % Difference
pinch of good luck that engine frag- an increasingly important part of the
ments did not hit more crucial parts group and now accounts for around 25 per 1 alonsove £149,578.26 1396
of the jumbo jet, Qantas flight QF32 cent of total revenues and 30 per cent of
touched down safely a little more than a earnings before interest and tax (Ebit). 2 jasonkhan £123,193.67 1132
fortnight ago, leaving its passengers shak- Yet in the near-term, spread betters
en but fundamentally unscathed. should make the most of the likely turbu- 3 rhona45 £116,903.64 1069
Much the same can be said of the lence in Rolls Royce’s stock. Not only is the
engine’s manufacturer Rolls Royce. On 4 investigation and remedial work still ongo- 4 shidong £100,719.33 907
November, the day the Trent 900 engine ing, warns Charles Stanley’s aerospace and
failed, the London-listed firm’s share price defence analyst Tina Cook, but the 2010 5 Gekko1981 £97,018.79 870
plummeted more than 60 points, a level impact will be around £50m according to
from which it has so far failed to stage a the company itself. There are also concerns 6 TheMysteryTrader £91,519.55 815
sustained recovery. among some analysts that the financial
The incident rattled investors but Rolls impact could continue into 2011 and 7 sbwilliams £88,629.21 786
Royce has remained fundamentally strong. beyond.
Last Friday Goldman Sachs reiterated its For those looking slightly more long- 8 urosbric3 £73,280.42 633
conviction buy rating and its price target term, they should remember that prior to
of 810p – an upside of 37 per cent. They this incident “Rolls Royce was priced 9 orcanz £36,849.16 268
pointed to the prospect of strong sales almost to perfection and trading at a pre-
growth, the potential for margin expan- mium,” says Cook. Today’s lower share 10 altuary £30,087.64 201
sion and its capacity to generate cash. price provides an excellent opportunity to
For a start, the group’s management buy into a top quality company. To register and the full standings, visit
26 CITYA.M. 22 NOVEMBER 2010

| Travel

Glimpse the Big

Five in Zambia’s
beautiful (and
quiet) savannah
A world away from the mass tourism of
Kenya, Zambia offers intimate lodges and
magical walking safaris, finds Belinda Archer

E’RE sitting in the back of an Back at Mfuwe Lodge, a luxury lodge in
open-topped jeep, manoeuvering the South Luwangwa National Park, we
our way over some rough terrain. retire for the night to our sumptuous pri-
The sherbet pink sun set around vate huts, escorted by a scout. The escort
half an hour ago and already it is dark, the is essential -- the lodge has no borders
night sky inky black. Fannuel, our guide, and the animals are free to roam
has spotted something. He veers off the wherever they wish. This, too, is
track and gingerly pulls up to the crest of typical of Zambia, where the
an escarpment. Down below, quietly sip- animals have right of way,
ping water out of the drying up Luangwa even in the human encamp-
river bed, is a majestic female leopard, her ments.
belly full from a recent kill and her spots The following morning
glinting in the moonlight. we rise early, ready for our
It is the sort of sighting that Zambia first taste of a walking
prides itself on: magical and rare, far away safari. Now copied
from lines of other jeeps with their flash throughout Africa, these
cameras and intrusive binoculars. We have were introduced in talk in a whisper, and tracks, scent the pungent aroma of the
seen no other tourists on our drive, and Zambia by the doyen of don’t ever panic.” wild sage and pick “elephant biscuit” pods
there is just us, alone, with this breathtak- Zambian safaris, the game Being on the ground is off the winter thorn trees.
ingly beautiful creature. warden Norman Carr, in the far more real than in a Jeep. The following day we move on to Nsolo
Unlike the packaged mass tourism of 1950s. He wanted to emulate On foot you feel, hear and Camp, around a two hour drive from
Kenya, the expense of Botswana and the the traditional safari adventure smell Africa, not just see it. You Mfuwe. Unlike the fixed-structure luxury of
ludicrous air-conditioned, satellite-televi- of tracking big game on foot and are closer to nature, while the Mfuwe, Nsolo is a temporary bush camp of
sioned luxury of South Africa, Zambia is a of walking from camp to camp the sense of possible danger heightens conical roofed straw huts that is stripped
relatively unknown and undeveloped original safari way. And, of course, the experience. You also learn more bare and abandoned in the rainy season. It
African safari nation. It has a raw, uncom- given that Zambia “invented” the walking about the flora. We witness a small group overlooks the Luwi River and is quite isolat-
mercialised charm about it, its infrastruc- safari, it claims to have the very best, large- of elephants, two females with an impossi- ed, deep in the bush. As we arrive, a mother
ture less advanced and the camps and ly because of its highly experienced, A typical sight on a bly cute calf, from just 30 feet away, and elephant and her young are sauntering
lodges smaller and more intimate. We are impressively informed guides. Zambian safari. spot a rascally warthog scampering down the sandy river bed right beside the
here for just a week, and already we are We assemble for our briefing in the around, but we also crouch down to learn main hut.
enchanted. morning mist with our scout Godfrey, a about the different animals’ dung and “Oh yes, that happens a lot here,” says
The leopard moves off and the jeep softly rifle parked ominously over his shoulder. Tara, the assistant camp manager, noncha-
pulls away to continue on its night drive. “Just one bullet shot from this gun will lantly. “Last week we had two wild dogs
Within minutes we see a pod of hippos kill a charging elephant”, reassures It is the sort of sighting that Zambia chasing some lions in the camp and there
close to the track and a herd of fragile, Fannuel, as we set off in single file behind was a leopard at brunch yesterday.”
super alert impala, with a sinister hyena him with Godfrey up front. “But we don’t prides itself on: magical and rare, far from Shaddy, our guide, who proudly trained
shadowing them, his jaws hanging open, like to kill. In the bush, together we stand under Norman Carr himself, takes us off
ready for the first bite of flesh. and divided we fall, so stay in single file, other Jeeps with their flashing cameras on a late afternoon walking safari, and

AMBIA has accommodation to suit all with a fabulous location in the Lower Zambezi

Z tastes, ranging from the more humble,

temporary bush camps that sleep a
maximum of eight, to the luxury fixed
National Park to the south of the country,
right on the banks of the Zambezi itself.
One of the most superb properties is Sausage
lodges. Mfuwe Lodge, in the South Tree camp, which, as a safari camp, sits
Luwangwe National Park, is an ultra luxury, somewhere between a bush camp and a fixed
newly refurbed lodge with designer, lodge. This too has a breathtaking setting high
contemporary interiors. It also has several up on the banks of the Zambezi, and consists
sister bush camps, including the super-chic of immense luxury private quarters and a
Chamilandu camp three hours away beside charming chitenji with sofa’d areas, a pool,
the Luangwa riverbed. Think hanging cane and a magical campfire area.
chairs, stilted tree houses that are l Nsolo bushcamp (nightly rate from £305
completely open to nature, and gorgeous per person), Mfuwe Lodge (nightly rate
designer African pieces. from £280 per person), Old Mondoro
Norman Carr Safaris also has a main bushcamp (nightly rate from £350 per
lodge with several bush camps, set up person) and Sausage Tree Camp (nightly
specifically so you can walk between them. rate from £360 per person) are all
These include the traditional Nsolo camp, members of the Zambian Horizons
with its typical safari-themed colour ( collection.
schemes, director chairs and outside Belinda’s last day was spent at the
showers. Old Mondoro is another bush camp, Intercontinental in Lusaka.

SKI NOTES | by Zoe Strimpel

Right: Chalet Zen in
Zermatt. Below: Le
Strato’s spa at
Courchevel 1850.
Below right: the
newly refurbed Grand
Hotel Park in Gstaad.

Courchevel’ s new retreat

Courchevel addicts (with extra cash) rejoice: a
fabulous new opening in 1850 is setting
tongues aflutter. Le Strato has just 25 bed-
rooms, an 800sq m spa by Nuxe, a gastro
restaurant with a famous French starred chef
– and, wait for it, a a champagne bar in the
ski room. Open from 10 Dec, rooms from
€790 per night,

Gstaad’ s Grand refurb Chalet Zen offers weekends

This December, the Grand Hotel Park turns Zermatt’s swankiest chalet is now offering
100 and re-opens after a 10-month closure skiers the chance to bask in its complete luxu-
to reveal a staggering multi-million euro ren- ry for long weekend breaks rather than full
ovation. Wood, wood, stone and flannel weeks at a time, offering two long weekends
define its rustic elegance. Most of the84 and two mid-week breaks in January 2011.
rooms have views of Mount Wispile and the Only 100m from the Klein Matterhorn lift,
Diablerets Glacier. The spa is second to none. there’s an outdoor hot tub and more.
Rooms from £450. Three day ski breaks from £750 per person.
after a couple of hours of more out-of-this- Above left: A view of Our love affair with this beautiful coun- +41 33 748 98 00., +41 027 967 17 27.
world sightings we come over the ridge of a the Luangwa riverbed. try is almost complete. Our last stop is
dry river bed and are greeted by a magical Top: a veranda at Sausage Tree Camp, so-named after the
sight of twinkling lanterns, director chairs Old Mondoro. Above: curious tree whose fruit hang like giant
arranged in a line and a full bar set up on a dining at Sausage salamis in an Italian deli. Creature com-
table laden with delicious canapés. There Tree Camp. forts abound here, and the game spotting is
we chat, sipping on cocktails and watching extraordinary; we witness a pride of lions
the burnt orange sun setting behind the feasting on a recent baby elephant kill, and
distant red mahogany trees. even go fishing for tiger fish, gin and tonic
The following day we move on to another in hand, on the Zambezi.

tucked away bush camp, Old Mondoro, Zambia seems to offer the real Africa. Its
deep in the Lower Zambezi National Park combination of top game, undeveloped
and reached by wobbly four-seater plane. It out-of-the-wayness and vast havens of


is located right on the edge of the Zambezi, unspoilt wilderness guarantee a safari
and we enjoy silent canoe safaris along the experience like no other. You must go now,
waters – another Zambia speciality -- sight- and prepare to be spellbound.
ing a bachelor herd of majestic buffalo pos-
ing photogenically on the bank. A deadly
crocodile silently slithers into the water just
Belinda travelled with the Zambia Tourist Board
( and Kenya Airways Experience The Power of Four
feet ahead of our boat, as well as all kinds of which flies from London to Lusaka and has just
birds, including the swooping goliath heron launched a new service to Ndola International
and distinctive African fish eagle. Airport.; 020 8283 1818.

ambia can offer all of the Big various antelope such as impala, The birds, too, are spectacular,

Z Five, although rhinos have

been poached out of
existence in most parks. Leopard,
with the distinctive M
printed on their behinds,
the larger kudu and
particularly in the
Lower Zambezi.
There is everything
elephant, lion and buffalo are all bushbuck, as well as from the African
to be found in profusion, hyena, several types fish eagle,
alongside other traditional safari of mongoose, and Zambia’s national
game such as zebra, giraffe, smaller mammals emblem, to the emerald
hippos and of course crocodile. such as warthog, spotted wood dove with
Each national park is different, baboons and its mournful cry, the jewel-
however; there are no giraffe in porcupine. coloured kingfishers, herons

0131 243 8097

Lower Zambezi (no-one is quite and immense birds of prey.
sure why, given that the Zambia also specialises in
necessary vegetation is plentiful) offering a range of different
and there are few buffalo to be safaris. You can spot the
spotted in South Luangwa.
The Lower Zambezi is also
wildlife from the safety of
open-topped jeeps, go on
better for hippos, given that the walking safaris, sit at the front
Zambezi doesn’t dry out in the of a canoe paddled by a guide, or
main season so there is plenty of even, for the more adventurous,
water for them to loaf about in. fly over the beautiful land and
Other game in evidence includes rivers in a microlight.
28 Lifestyle | TV& Games CITYA.M. 22 NOVEMBER 2010


6pm BBC News 6pm Eggheads 6pm London Tonight 6pm The Simpsons 6pm Home and Away
6.30pm BBC London News 6.30pm Strictly Come 6.30pm ITV News 6.30pm Hollyoaks 6.25pm Live from Studio Five
7pm The One Show Dancing – It Takes Two 7pm Emmerdale 7pm Channel 4 News 7pm Five News at 7
7.30pm Inside Out: BBC News 7pm Michael Wood’s 7.30pm Coronation Street 7.55pm 7.30pm How Do They Do It?
8pm EastEnders Story of England: The history of 8pm The Deadliest Bite: Tonight 8pm Dispatches: City of Five News Update
8.30pm British Schools, the village from the 19th 8.30pm Coronation Street Fear: Terrorist attacks in 8pm The Gadget Show:
Islamic Rules: Panorama century to the present day. 9pm I’m a Celebrity Islamabad, Pakistan. Five News at 9
9pm CHOICE Accused Last in the series. Get Me Out of Here! 9pm Coppers 9pm Extreme Fishing
10pm BBC News 8pm University Challenge 10pm ITV News at Ten 10pm CHOICE with Robson Green
10.25pm Regional News 8.30pm Miranda 10.30pm London News Chris Moyles’ Quiz Night 10pm FILM Kickboxer: Martial
10.35pm Don’t Hit My Mum 9pm CHOICE Giles & Sue 10.35pm Real Crime with Mark 10.55pm FILM Commando: arts thriller, starring Jean- ACCUSED
11.40pm FILM A Walk to Live The Good Life Austin: Rachel Nickell – Action adventure, starring Claude Van Damme. 1989. BBC1, 9PM
Remember: Romantic drama, 10pm The Trip Case Closed Arnold Schwarzenegger. 1985. 12.05am Ultimate Fighting A soldier’s best friend humiliates him
with Mandy Moore and Shane 10.30pm Newsnight: Weather 11.35pm Robson Green’s Wild 12.40am Premier League Poker Championship during a campaign of victimisation.
West 2002; Weatherview 11.20pm JFK: The Making of Swimming Adventure 12.30am The 1.40am FILM The Lost Son: Drama, 1am SuperCasino 3.55am Military courtroom drama, starring
1.20am Sign Zone: The Apprentice Modern Politics Zone; ITV News Headlines 2.30am starring Daniel Auteuil. 1999. Emergency Bikers 4.45am House Mackenzie Crook.
2.20am Sign Zone: MasterChef: The 12.20am BBC News UEFA Champions League Weekly 3.25am FILM The Hot Rock: Crime Doctor 5.10am Michaela’s Wild
Professionals 2.50am Sign Zone: 3.50am Close 4am-6am BBC 3am The Jeremy Kyle Show comedy, starring Robert Redford. Challenge 5.35am-6am Michaela’s
Eyewitness 3.50am-6am BBC News Learning Zone 3.50am-5.30am ITV Nightscreen 1972. 5.05am-5.55am ER Wild Challenge

SKY SPORTS 1 BRITISH EUROSPORT BBC THREE Accidentally on Purpose Steeds 5.30am-6am How Does

7pm Live Monday Night 6.45pm Strongest Man 7.45pm 7pm Merlin 7.45pm Doctor 4.45am-6am Switched That Work?
Football 10.30pm Netbusters Timbersports Series 8.45pm Who 8.30pm Freak Like Me
11pm A League of Their Own Motorcycling: The Ulster Grand 9pm The World’s Strictest
11.30pm SPL Round-Up 12am Prix. 10.50pm Champions Club Parents 10pm EastEnders 7pm How the Earth Was Made HEALTH
Soccer AM: The Best Bits 1am 11.50pm Eurogoals: One to One 10.30pm How Not to Live Your 8pm America: The Story of the 7pm Babes in the Wood 8pm
Monday Night Football 3am 12.05am-12.35am Eurogoals Life 11pm Family Guy 11.45pm US 9pm Kennedy Assassination: 10 Years Younger 9pm Chopper GILES & SUE LIVE THE GOOD LIFE
FIFA Futbol Mundial 3.30am The World’s Strictest Parents 24 Hours After 11pm Lost JFK Rescue 9.30pm A&E: Outback BBC2, 9PM
Watersports World 4.30am ESPN 12.45am Freak Like Me 1.10am Tapes: The Assassination 12am 10pm Mystery ER 11pm Giles Coren and Sue Perkins explore
Max Power 5.30am-6am FIFA 6.30pm Talk of the Terrace How Not to Live Your Life America: The Story of the US Trauma Unit 12am Chopper ways to make and save money, before
Futbol Mundial 8pm NBA Action 8.30pm 1.40am Mad About the House 1am Mystery of the Mary Rescue 12.30am A&E: Outback considering whether they could
Premiership Rugby Union 10pm 2.40am Children in Need: 50 Celeste 2am Tunnellers 3am 1am Mystery ER 2am Trauma maintain the self-sufficient lifestyle.
SKY SPORTS 2 Between The Lines 10.30pm Greatest Moments 3.40am The Prehistoric Megastorms 4am- Unit 3am 10 Years Younger
6pm Live ATP World Tour Talk of the Terrace 12am NFL: Real Hustle: Celebrity 5am Ancient Discoveries 4am Multiple Mums 5am-6am
Finals Tennis 10pm Test Cricket Monday Night Countdown Scammers 4.10am-5.10am Portland Babies
11pm NASCAR 12am Show 1.30am Live NFL: Monday Mad About the House DISCOVERY
Jumping 1am European Tour Night Football 4.30am-5am 8pm How Do They Do It? SKY1
Golf 2am Wonderful World of Press Pass 2010 E4 8.30pm How It’s Made 9pm 8pm Best of Oops TV 9pm Road
Golf 3.30am-4.30am PGA Tour 7pm Hollyoaks 7.30pm Friends Mythbusters 10pm Frontline Wars: Officers pursue two
Classic LIVING 9pm Scrubs 10pm The IT Battle Machines with Mike shoplifters through Slough.
7pm CSI: Miami 8pm Dating in Crowd 10.30pm Pete Versus Brewer 11pm How the Universe 10pm NCIS: Los Angeles 11pm
SKY SPORTS 3 the Dark US 9pm America’s Life 11.05pm Misfits 12.10am Works 12am Deadliest Catch Law & Order 12am Road Wars
5pm WWE: Raw 8pm Thinking Next Top Model 10pm Party Scrubs 1.05am The IT Crowd 1am Bear Grylls: Born Survivor 1.50am Steve Jones in the CHRIS MOYLES’ QUIZ NIGHT
Tackle 9pm NFL 11pm WWE: Wars 11pm Criminal Minds 1am 1.35am Pete Versus Life 2am 2am Mark Williams on the Rails Jones Boys’ Amazon Adventure CHANNEL 4, 10PM
Late Night – Bottom Line 12am CSI: Miami 2am Four Weddings Misfits 2.55am What About 3am World War Two in HD 2.40am Oops TV 3.30am Lost The Radio 1 DJ is joined by Ruth Jones
WWE: Late Night – Afterburn 3am Charmed 4.40am Brian 3.40am Rick & Steve: The Colour 3.50am How the 4.20am Sell Me the Answer and Heston Blumenthal, who compete
1am WWE: NXT 2am-4.15am Exposed: Tom Cruise 5.30am- Happiest Gay Couple in All the Universe Works 4.40am 5.10am-6am Are You Smarter to secure a place in the grand final and
Live WWE: Late Night – Raw 6am Home Shopping World 4am Switched 4.25am Mystery Investigator: Olly Than a 10 Year Old? Game show. top the leader board.

Copyright Puzzle Press Ltd,


5 33 18 34 9 32 5 
7 16 8
9 7   
Place the numbers from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each  
row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers Fill the grid so that each block 29 11
5 6 3
from 1 to 9 to solve this tricky Sudoku puzzle. adds up to the total in the box 12 12 4
above or to the left of it. 22 16
You can only use the digits 1-9 14 15 
   and you must not use the
6 8 
same digit twice in a block. 14 16 18 17 11
  The same digit may occur 35 24   
    more than once in a row or
column, but it must be in a
11 12
   separate block.
17 13 7 
  12 16 8

1 Hooded jacket (5) 1 Cougar (4)
4 Animal’s foot (4)
7 Relative by
marriage (2-3)
2 Payment by a tenant
to a landlord (4)
3 Device on an aircraft that
Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have 8 Adult male controls lateral motion (7)
   ten minutes to find as many words as possible,
C T person (3) 4 Pester (6)
none of which may be plurals, foreign words or
proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters R 10 US city known
for gambling
5 Be in debt (3)
6 Single level of a

LAST ISSUE’S or more, all must contain the central letter and
letters can only be used once in every word. There
A E casinos and easy
divorce (4)
multistorey building (5)
9 Extension to a main
SOLUTIONS KAKURO is at least one nine-letter word in the wheel.
C R 11 Deer’s horn (6)
13 Engage in
building (5)
12 Cook in an oven (5)
QUICK CROSSWORD 9 2 7 3 9 7 8 2
boisterous, 14 In a perfect way (7)

% 2 $ 5 ' 4 ' $ %
2 3 6 1 4 3 5 1 SUDOKU         
merrymaking (7)
15 Suggestive of the
supernatural (5)
6 9 8 5 6 9         
( ( / 8 ' ( $
9 4 8 4 8 4 1 16 Thoroughfares (5) 16 Elongated cluster
$ 9 $ , / , & ,         
9 ( 7 2 5 0 ( 1 7 7 1 9 3 7 8 6 5 17 Wide scope (7) of flowers (6)
( $ 5 0 $ 5 . 3 5 8 9 6 7 18 Manoeuvre (6) 17 Glowing fragment of wood
5 2
* 7
3 $ 3 5 ,
. $
5 7 3
9 8
4 2
6 1
1 8
2 5
21 Scottish hillside (4)
23 Of a female (3)
or coal left from a fire (5)
19 Archaic form of the
6 2 3 5 $ 1 2 2 3         
$ $ * / 8 1 * ( 9 1 7 2 1 4 The nine-letter word 24 Tiny (5) word ‘you’ (4)
8 6 4 9 8 5 9 7         
* & + ( : < 5
was DRAINPIPE         
25 Garden tool (4) 20 Steep rugged rock or cliff (4)
2 5 ( 5 3 $ 5 , 6 1 4 2 3 1 3 7 5
26 Immature (5) 22 Seek an answer to (3)

Poulter’s on song in Hong Kong as McDowell aims

to end the season in Dubai as Europe’s top dog

Poulter caused controversy two work. I think I’ll just try winning next
years ago when he claimed he was week and see how high I can go.”
ENGLAND’S Ian Poulter claims he’s the only serious threat to Tiger Meanwhile, Graeme McDowell is
no longer concentrating on his world Woods’ supremacy. And although he second to Martin Kaymer in the Race
ranking after his victory in the UBS is confident of progressing further, to Dubai after finishing fifth in Hong
Hong Kong Open. he stopped short of making any bold Kong and he is confident he is in the
The 34-year-old shot a second statements about his ability to chal- perfect frame of mind as he bids to
round 60 and never looked back, lenge the game’s elite. finish the season as Europe’s No1.
carding a solid 67 on the final day to He said:“I’m not playing the game “I’m within touching distance now
finish one stroke ahead of Simon saying, ‘I’m going to get to No1’. I of next week,” he said. “I’m feeling
Dyson and Italian Matteo Manassero. tried that once before and it didn’t really good about my game.”


Murray took less than an hour and a half to beat Soderling in straight sets. Picture: PA

Murray sees
off Soderling
“The court is really slow for an

BY JAMES GOLDMAN indoor court and I used the slice really
well, it was staying pretty low, and
BRITISH No1 Andy Murray is off and played a lot of drop-shots which some
running at the Barclays ATP World of the commentators don’t like, but
Tour Finals in London after downing they worked today.”
Sweden’s Robin Soderling in straight At the same event last year, Murray
sets. opened with a win over Juan Martin
A bumper crowd of 17,500 were del Potro, only to lose out on a semi-
treated to a near faultless display from final spot to the Argentine five days
the 23-year-old, who took just an hour later on the percentage of games won.
and 20 minutes to vanquish this sea- And the Scot acknowledged winning
son’s beaten French Open finalist 6-2 in straight sets won’t do his chances of
6-4. progression any harm this time.
Soderling arrived in London fresh He said: “I got a little bit unlucky
from claiming his first Masters title in last year so it was good to get off to a
Paris and having leapfrogged Murray great start today and win in straight
in the world rankings. But the Swede sets. The two matches I won here last
never got going here, running into a year were in three sets so if it does get
home favourite, determined to put on tight then it’s obviously a help.”
a show for his followers. Murray faces Roger Federer tomor-
Murray said: “I managed to play a row in his next group B match. The
lot of long rallies but hit some big Swiss star kicked off his campaign
passing shots when I needed to, I’m
just glad to come through.
with a 6-1 6-4 win over Spaniard David
Shearer unimpressed by Capello De Villiers enters record books
FOOTBALL: Former England captain
Alan Shearer believes the national side
CRICKET: AB de Villiers made a South
African Test record score of 278 to put
have made no progress under the man- the Proteas firmly in control after two
agement of Fabio Capello. Shearer hit out
at the Italian tactician’s inconsistent
days of the second Test against Pakistan
in Abu Dhabi. De Villiers struck 23 fours
team selections and formations and fears and six sixes in his unbeaten total to sur-
that even after nearly three years in the pass the previous mark of 277 set by
job, he is still nowhere near settled on Test captain Graeme Smith against
who would compromise his best team. England in 2003. “It was very special
Shearer said: “Fabio has been here over and I dedicate that knock to Graeme for
two and a half years now and I’m not allowing me to go on. It tells you a lot FOR CORPORATE HOSPITALITY, PLEASE CONTACT IMG ON 020 8233 5888
sure we’ve gone forward in that time. If about his captaincy and his class as a OR Follow the stars on their journey to compete at the
every England player was fit I’m not sure captain,” De Villiers said. “I actually 2010 ATP World Tour season finale on Check website for order of play.
he would actually know what system he begged him at tea just to declare and get Qualification and participation subject to ATP rules.
wanted to play or what team he wanted on with it because we needed a few
to play.” wickets at the end.”
30 Sport CITYA.M. 22 NOVEMBER 2010

8ij\eXc%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% )  ) Kfkk\e_Xd%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'  *
Banahan: I’ve
silenced my
8kk1-'#(') BXYflc/,
9`id`e^_Xd%%%%%%%%%%%(  ( :_\cj\X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'  '
9fnp\i(. 8kk1)+#*,.
9cXZbgffc%%%%%%%%%%%%%% )  ) Nfcm\i_Xdgkfe%%%%%%%'  (
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9fckfe%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% )  , E\nZXjkc\%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'  (
B;Xm`\j(/g\e #0'g\e  :Xiifcc,)

Test critics
<cdXe[\i,'#.) 8kk1))#)'*
C`m\igffc%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *  * N\jk?Xd%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'  '
DXo`*/ 8kk1+*#')+
DXeLk[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(  ) N`^Xe%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'  '
?\ieXe[\q.. 8kk1.+#(/(
N\jk9ifd%%%%%%%%%%%%'  ' Jkfb\%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'  *
 <k_\i`e^kfe,,g\e got any more doubts,” said Banahan.
8kk1)+#(-+ NXck\ij/,g\e #0'
9cXZbYlie%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(  ) 8jkfeM`ccX%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'  '
G\[\ij\e+,#-- 8kk1)(#/+/
ENGLAND 26 “I’ve always got confidence in myself
and the coaches have confidence in
=lc_Xd%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'  ( DXe:`kp%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *  + me, that is why they play me there.

SAMOA 13 Now I would like to see if those people
still doubt me.
  G N ; C = 8 >; Gkj “If they don’t think I can play 13
:_\cj\X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(+ 0 ( + )/ 0 (0 )/ that is their opinion but I did my best

DXeLk[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(+ . . ' )/ (, (* )/

and hopefully I did enough after that
8ij\eXc%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(+ / ) + )/ (, (* )- BY FRANK DALLERES first 15 minutes of shaky time.
DXe:`kp%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(+ . + * (0 (( / ),
9fckfe%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(+ , . ) )- )' - )) ENGLAND’S Matt Banahan insists his “The Bath coaches said to me,
Kfkk\e_Xd%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(+ - + + )( (0 ) )) try-scoring performance in Saturday’s ‘you’ve got the skills, go and prove it’
Jle[\icXe[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(* + . ) (, (* ) (0 victory over Samoa proves he can cut and for the last four weeks with
Jkfb\%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(+ - ( . (/ (/ ' (0
C`m\igffc%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(+ , + , (- (. $( (0 it as a Test level outside-centre. England I have been running at 13
E\nZXjkc\%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(+ , * - )) )( ( (/ The strapping Bath back, who start- and getting my lines.”
9cXZbYlie%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(+ , * - (. (/ $( (/ ed out as a winger, was given his first Banahan’s display has put him in
9cXZbgffc%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(+ , * - )( ). $- (/ international start at No13 against contention to stay in the side for
8jkfeM`ccX%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(+ + , , (, )' $, (.
9`id`e^_d%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(+ * . + (, (. $) (- the Pacific Islanders in place of Mike Saturday’s final autumn internation-
N\jk9ifd%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(+ + + - (- ), $0 (- Tindall. al against South Africa, and means
<m\ikfe%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(* * - + (+ (* ( (, And Banahan took the opportunity England manager Martin Johnson
=lc_Xd%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(+ ) / + (+ (. $* (+
N`^Xe%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(+ * , - (' )* $(* (+ with both hands, impressing in the faces a tricky selection call.
Nfcm\j%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(+ ) * 0 (+ ), $(( 0 midfield with club colleague The Jersey-born player, whose previ-
N\jk?Xd%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(+ ( - . (( ), $(+ 0 Shontayne Hape, who was named ous five caps have come on the wing,
>FC= man of the match. was quick to pay tribute to his bur-
?FE>BFE>FG<EÇ=`eXcie[>Yi@iclec\jjjkXk\[#gXi To cap it all he scored the second- geoning partnership with Hape.
.' 1),/@XeGflck\i-.-'-+-.%),0DXkk\fDXeXjj\if half try that helped England pull “I thought Shontayne was brilliant,” Banahan
@kX -.-*-.-)#J`dfe;pjfe-+-,-,-,%)-'8ek_fep touched down
BXe^LJ8 -.-(-.-,%)-(>iX\d\DZ;fn\cc-,-,-* away from stubborn Samoa, and now Banahan added. “I think he’s getting
-/#)-)IfipDZ@cifp-*-----.% feels he has answered those critics all the praise for that try but I called for England
who doubted him. that move. That’s the confidence Picture: GETTY
“I’d like to ask them if they have that’s going through the team.”
<e^cXe[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)- JXdfX%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (*
=iXeZ\%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (, 8i^\ek`eX%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0

Upbeat Swann’s itching to get started

@i\cXe[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (/ E\nQ\XcXe[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/
@kXcp%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (+ 8ljkiXc`X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *)
JZfkcXe[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% )( Jflk_8]i`ZX%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(.
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K<EE@J Swann has been identified by none “I couldn’t wait for the 25th to African-born talisman is not con-

BY JAMES GOLDMAN other that Aussie legend Shane come along. It’s really building now. I cerned by the threat the 28-year-old
J`e^c\j>iflg91, 8e[pDliiXp>Yi Yk+ IfY`e Warne as the key to the destination go back to my room at night and I Ashes rookie poses.
Jf[\ic`e^Jn\ -$)-$+% GRAEME SWANN cannot wait to of the famous urn and like a child at bounce off the walls. “I don’t have technical glitches, I’ve
open the final window of his Ashes Christmas desperate to open their “It’s going to be amazing come sorted them,” said Pietersen. “It’s
KF;8PËJ;@8IP advent calendar as the excitement presents, the Nottinghamshire Thursday – I just can’t wait.” something people have talked about
9XiZcXpjGi\d`\iC\X^l\ and anticipation builds towards a twirler can’t wait to rip into Meanwhile, Kevin Pietersen has dis- but it wont bother me.
Jle[\icXe[m<m\ikfe/gd %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% crescendo ahead of the first Test at Australia’s batsmen. missed the suggestion that Aussie wild “I have seen Doherty bowl a couple
K<EE@J the Gabba on Thursday. He said: “When we first got over card pick, Xavier Doherty, has been of overs against Sri Lanka in the one-
8KG9XiZcXpjNfic[Kfli=`eXcjF)8i\eX#Cfe[fe % The world’s premier spin bowler here I daren’t think of the first Test selected to specifically target him. dayers. He looks a good bowler but it
has been patiently ticking off the match – because I was like a kid on 1 England’s stellar batsman has will be interesting to see if they play a
SPORTS EDITOR FRANK DALLERES days ever since the touring party December, with an Advent calendar,” struggled against left-arm orthodox spinner or the four quicks. But that’s
email landed in Perth at the end of October. said the 31-year-old. spin in the past, but the South for everyone else to talk about.”
CITYA.M. 22 NOVEMBER 2010 Sport 31

Walder’s boot
prevents Irish
Harry will spend again
from going top to boost title challenge


provided 18 points as Wasps came TOTTENHAM boss Harry Redknapp
from behind to beat London Irish 33- will spend again in January in order
25 and prevent the Exiles from return- to boost his side’s title challenge.
ing to the top of the Premiership. As revealed by City A.M. 10 days ago,
Irish kept fighting and scored a the former Portsmouth manager has
third try in the 78th minute through been given the green light to dip into
Paulica Ion to seemingly snatch a los- the record £120m revenues the club
ing bonus point, only for Walder to generated last year.
deny them with a last-minute penalty. Saturday’s dramatic 3-2 win over
London Irish rugby director Toby Arsenal in the north London derby,
Booth admitted he was shocked by his secured by Younes Kaboul’s late head-
team’s failure to return to the top of er, moved Spurs to within six points
the table. of joint leaders Chelsea and
Booth said: “I am absolutely flabber- Manchester Untied. And Redknapp Kaboul complet-
gasted. I cannot believe we played like believes that several shrewd additions ed the comeback
that and came away without even a to his squad would propel his charges win at Emirates
bonus point. We were three times five into the thick of the race for the Stadium.
metres off their line yet came away Premier Leauge crown. Picture: PA
with nothing.” “We need to tweak it to finish it
Elsewhere, second-half tries by off,” he said. “I think Tottenham have
Kameli Ratuvou and debutant James
Short helped Saracens to a 17-13 win
at Bath. A sixth win in eight league
got a championship in them in the
next few years.
“Just because they haven’t for a
Wenger bemused by poor home form
games moves Brendan Venter’s side while, doesn’t mean that Chelsea,
into third in the Premiership. Man Utd, Arsenal or Liverpool will ARSENAL manager Arsene Wenger first two games we didn’t deliver the
“I’m delighted,” said Mark McCall, carry on winning it. Why can’t some- admits his side must make Emirates performance and we can only say that
the Saracens coach. “We stuck in one else win it? Stadium a fortress if they are have any we got what we deserved.
there and played some really great “I feel, with the right ambition, we hope of challenging for the title. “Here we delivered the performance,
rugby. I thought we deserved to win, can go on and win it. There’s one or Saturday’s capitulation against but what is worrying for me is that we
though it was a tough battle.” two other bits we could do without Spurs means the Gunners have now had an opportunity to go to the top of
Finally, Newcastle had Jimmy spending a fortune that could make a lost three times on their own patch the league and when we have to deliv-
Gopperth to thank for their 12-6 win – difference to the team. this season. er we can’t. That’s worrying because
only their second of the season – over “I think Tottenham are now getting Wenger said: “Yes I agree. Three that’s part of our job. We put ourselves
Gloucester. The Kiwi kicked all of his closer and the championship is wide home defeats are three too many. The in the right position and we failed.”
side’s points. open.”

Pedersen double leaves Tevez reignites City charge

Rovers chiefs cock-a-hoop Goals from Yaya Toure and Pablo am only three points off the top of

first time,” said Allardyce. “Hopefully,

FULHAM 1 Zabaleta were sandwiched between a
Carlos Tevez brace – Zoltan Gera added
the league. This is not important. But
if we have a big problem and we are only

like every Blackburn fan, the players a consolation for the hosts – as City three points behind United and Chelsea,
BLACKBURN boss Sam Allardyce
toasted his team’s first victory in
and myself, they will be very happy
with the way we have won today and
MAN CITY 4 moved back to within three points of
the leaders.
we are doing well.”

front of their new Indian owners.

Officials from Venkateshwara
the performance that was given.”
Pedersen’s first came when Brad MANCHESTER CITY are right back in
City were all but written off after
their drab display in the recent score-
Hatcheries watched on as goals in Friedel misjudged his free-kick which the Premier League title hunt after a less Manchester derby, a fact clearly TEAM PLD W D L F A PTS
each half from midfielder Morten curled into the far corner. He doubled comprehensive 4-1 win over Fulham at not lost on Mancini. Chelsea 14 9 1 4 28 9 28
Gamst Pedersen helped Rovers beat the lead in the 66th minute when he Craven Cottage, but manager Roberto He said: “Last week I was a stupid Man Utd 14 7 7 0 28 15 28
Aston Villa 2-0 in the Premier League. diverted Ryan Nelsen’s shot past for- Mancini is urging his players to keep a manager who was six points behind. Arsenal 14 8 2 4 28 15 26
“Now they have seen us win for the mer Rovers goalkeeper Friedel. measure of perspective. Now, I am the ‘best manager’ because I Man City 14 7 4 3 19 11 25



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Andy’s flying start follows

Downing Street knock-up
Murray, 23, declined to comment on

the outcome of the game but praised
BY JAMES GOLDMAN the efforts of left-hander Mr Cameron.
ANDY MURRAY began his Barclays ATP He said: “I was scared as I didn’t
World Tour campaign with a straight want to break anything. The Prime
sets win over Robin Soderling before Minister was hitting the ball really
revealing he’d prepared for the tourna- hard at me.
ment by having a knock around with “I have no idea if everything in there
Prime Minister David Cameron inside is incredibly expensive but it looked
Downing Street. very old-fashioned. I was more scared
Mr Cameron had hoped to play in than embarrassed as the other guys
the garden but the weather was too like Rafael and Roger watched.
bad. So he took Murray indoors to the “There was a chandelier above where
State Dining Room, cleared it of furni- the dining table would normally have
ture and was cheered on from the side- been. Some of the balls flew danger-
lines during Thursday’s reception by ously close to it. Mr Cameron looked
players such as Rafael Nadal and Roger like he knew what he was doing.”

Bookmakers last night saw a rush of money for Ancelotti to be the next Premier League manager to leave his post. Picture: PA

Chelsea deny Carlo

resignation claims
League manager to leave his post league defeats for the first time

from 10/1 to 6/4 in the space of since 2006 and represented their
BY FRANK DALLERES just three hours. third loss in four matches.
CHELSEA were last night forced to But the Blues emphatically rub- They remain top, albeit only on
publicly deny that manager Carlo bished whispers that the man goal difference but have also been
Ancelotti had sensationally quit who led them to the double just affected by the departure of first
the club, following a day of six months ago had tendered his team coach Ray Wilkins earlier
intense speculation over the resignation to the club’s board, this month. Wilkins said on
Italian’s future. only to have it rejected. Saturday he was taking legal
Suggestions surfaced that A Chelsea spokesman told City advice because he felt he had
Ancelotti had become disenchant- A.M. the speculation was “total been unfairly dismissed.
ed with life at Stamford Bridge nonsense”, adding that the sug- When pressed on the mystery
after Chelsea’s dramatic recent gestions were “a work of fiction”. surrounding Wilkins’ departure
slump continued with a shock 1-0 Despite the club’s rebuttal, and the fact Sir Alex Ferguson
defeat at Birmingham on Ancelotti’s future looks likely to would not have allowed it to hap-
Saturday. remain the topic of much discus- pen at Manchester United,
As rumours spread, one book- sion. Ancelotti said: “It is different.
maker slashed its odds on him Defeat to Birmingham saw Ferguson has total control. I am
becoming the next Premier Chelsea record back-to-back just technical director. Full stop.”

SA warn England of a backlash

tion for the weekend showdown England ensured they recorded

with Martin Johnson’s men, who back-to-back wins by overcoming
BY FRANK DALLERES have enjoyed a hugely encourag- Samoa 26-13.
ENGLAND have been warned to ing autumn programme. Converted winger Matt Banahan
prepare themselves for an But hooker Bismarck Du Plessis shone at outside-centre, scoring a
almighty South African backlash said: “We always pick ourselves up try and impressing in a new-look
when the two sides collide at for England. It’s going to be a great partnership with club colleague
Twickenham at the weekend. game to play at Twickenham. Shontayne Hape. Banahan, whose
The Springboks slipped to a sur- Playing against England, in previous five England caps had
prise 21-17 defeat to Scotland at England, with a full Twickenham come as a winger, hopes he has
Murrayfield on Saturday, despite – we’re looking forward to that.” answered critics who doubted his Subject to availability. Most stores.
scoring the game’s only try. While South Africa lost their value as a Test No13.
It was far from ideal prepara- penultimate November Test, BANAHAN JOY: PAGE 30
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