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Aviation Six Pack

By Ryan, Felix, Alex,

Airspeed Indicator
The Airspeed indicator is in knots, it is used to tell airspeed. How it is
used to measure is by Rams (moving air pressure). They indicate colors so
that the pilot can see the ranges. Green is for normal operating range,
White is for when flaps can be used safely, Yellow which safe but only in
calm air, Red is for maximum speed.
Altitude Indicator (Gyro)

The artificial Horizon, also known as the altitude indicator, shows if the wings are leveled
with the line. It shows if the plane if climbing or descending. It is a glass gauge with a pair of
wings at the center. One half is blue (representing the sky) and the bottom half is brown
(representing the ground). The gauge uses a gyroscope to stabilize the natural horizon which is
depicted in the gauge. Behind the aircraft is a ball which is depicted in the gauge as well.
Vertical speed indicator
The VSI works by measuring and comparing the static pressure inside
of an expandable capsule while also measuring the pressure outside of it.
The When the VSI is in level flight the needle points to 0 feet. The VSI
also depicts the vertical speed of the aircrafts climb and descent with it
usually being depicted in feet per minute.
An Altimeter is used to measure altitude, the measurement of the altitude is called altimetry
which is also related to the term bathymetry, the pressure of water.
Turn Coordinator

This instrument is used to give information about turn rate and

direction. When turning there’s a ball that turns the gauge so it will either
bank to the right or lift. If for what reason your skidding on the runway the
ball in the gauge will not be centered. This only gives the rate of turn.

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