Task 3

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Task 1

Introducing yourself in English and meeting new people

‘’Hi, my name is Lizzy and im five years old. I am in kindergarten and I have much fun every

day. I love the stories out teacher tells us and I love my friends.

I was born a Germany, but I live in Minnesota, united states. We moved here when I was two

years old. I have a beautifull family : my mom, my dad, my brother, Tom and my sister, Sarah.

We have great fun together. My favorite activity in my leisure time is riding a bike . I’ve got a

cut puppy and I love playing with it. My favorite food is pizza.

‘’ Hi, my name is Bernardo , but my friends call me Berni. I’m 9 years old and I am in the 3 rd


I live in Mexico. It is an amazing country, with many fun places to go. There are six people in

my family, including me : my father, my mother, my two sisters and my elder brother. I am the

youngest. I like reading books and watching movies with super heroes. When I grow up, I’d like

to become a police officer. My favorite subject is Matc, because I like solving problems. I love

sports. Im crazy about swimming. I can swim a lot in one hour. My favorite food is fish and


‘’Hi. My name is Robbie. Im 19 years old and I am collage student. I live in Manchester, U.K.

I’m an only child. I haven’tgot any brothers or sisters, but I’ve got two very loving parents. I

study science and I’d like to become a scientist. I’d love to be able to make new discoveries all

the time. My favorite hobby is traveling and exploring new things. One of my dreams is to be
able to go hang-gliding someday in the future. It must be very exiting ! I usually have a healthy

life style. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

‘’Hi, my name is Ashley and I am 30 years old. I live in Sydney, Australia. I am married and I’ve

got two beautifull children. I am a teacher at Primary School in Sydney and I absolutely love my

job. My enjoy gardening whenever I have free time. I like watching family comedies with happy

endings and I dislike drama and thrillers. My favorite food is Japanese Food . I think it is the

healthies food in the world.

A : excuse me, is this seat taken ?

B: No, it’s not, ypu may sit down.

A : thanks. Do you happen to know which stop I should get off at, to be able to reach the center

of the city ?

B :of course, ican guide you there if you like, because I live right there..

A : I’m so glad to hear that thank you. I’m Emma, by the way.

B : I’m Anne. Nice to meet you.

A : nice to meet you too.

B : where are you from Emma ?

A : I’m from Poland. I came here to study arts and design.

B : how nice !

A : what about you ? are you in high school or in collage ?

B : I will graduate hight school next year, them I’d like to study Law

A : that sounds great. Do you live with youre parents ?

B : yes. I live in a flat with my parents and my younger sister.

A : where you born here in London ? so what its like to live in London ?

B : there’s always something going on, there’s no reason to ever be bored. But I especially adore

the parks with so many activities to enjoy. What about Poland ?

A : well , Poland has much charm, beautiful villages and breathtaking landscapes. My be you ill

get a chance to visit it one day.

B : I really hope so. Well, we must get off the bus at the next stop.

A : great ! lets go !

B : well, we finally reached your destination. Here it is.

A : thank you so much for all your help. It was so nice meeting you.

B : it was nice meeting you, too. I have to go now. Stay in touch ! have a wonderful day. !

A : you too

Task 2

How talk about your home in English

Where do you live ? what’s youre home like? What about youre neighbourhood?
Talking about where you live is a camman conversation topic in English

Sho it`s good to have ssmmoe things to say

Part one : introducing where you live and talking about types of home

Let`s start witth a simple a sentence

“ I live in a …. “ what could you put there ?

You could say “ I live in a house “, “ I live in apartment “

In britain, people some times say “ flat “, flat and apartment have the same meaning.

Next, let`s it add a bit more detail, what kind of house or apartemen is it ?

For example “ I live in small, two stoery house in the suburbs

When we say how many floors a building has, we usually use the word storey, so you can say a

two storey house, a four – strorey apartment building and so on.

“ I live in an apartement on the third floor of a four- storey building “

There are many different kinds of house and apartment

For example, do you live in a terraced house, a semi-detached house, or a detached house ?

Terraced houses have other house on both sides, a semi detached house has another house just on

one side, and detached house stands by it self.

Detached houses are usually larger and move expensive

Terraced houses are usually smaller and cheaper

What kinds of houses are more cammon in your country ? what about apartements ? many apart

ments are in apartment building, easy enough right ?

If you live in a very tall apartment building with many floors, you can say you live In a high- rise

in American English or a tgower blockin british English

Sometimes a house is a divided into apart ments, these are called converted apartments

Apartments come in many different sizes, ifan apartment just has one room, which is a bedroom

and living room together, it`s colled a studio

Of course, you can also bigger apartment, a two bedroom apartment, a three – bedroom

apartment and so on.

Large apartments might be duplex appartments, this mean the apartments has more than one

floor. What about you ? where do you live ? do you live in a house or an apartment ?

Could you make a sentence using the vocabulary from this section ?

For example, “ I live in a two storey terraced house “

“ I live in on apartment on the 28 th floor of a high – rise building

“ I live in a converted studio apartment “

Next let`s see how you can describe the inside of your home in more detail.

If you want to diiscribe your home, what can you talk about ? well , you could start by saying

what rooms it has.

For example “ my house has two badrooms, a kitchen ,a living room, and a garden
It`s always better to add adjektives or details to make your speking more interesting.

Let`s try “ my house has two small bedrooms, a kitchen with a dining table, a living room with

big windows and a small garden.

Its always better to add adjectivesr details to make your speaking more interesting.

Lets try, ‘’My house has two small bedrooms, a kitchen with a dining table, a living room with

big windows and a small garden.

What other rooms might you have in your home ? you could have a dining room for people to eat


Maybe you have an office or a study where you can work, if you live in a warmer country, you

might have a balconyor a terrace , where you can sit outside in warmer weather. What about your

home? What does it have ? does youre home have a garden, balcony or another outdoor area ?

try to make a sentence describing youre home.

For example, ‘’I live in two bedroom apartment. The bedrooms are quite small, but theres a big

living room with a dining area, a modern kitchen and also a small balcony where we can sit

outside in the summer.

What you can you say about your home ? okey, next, saying what you like or dislike .

So now you can hopefully describe youre home a little bit, butwhat about youre opinion ? what

do you like about your home, and what would you change if you could ?
Positive worlds you could use to describe your home including ‘spacious’ meaning large with

lots of room, ‘cosy’ which means comfortable in warm welcoming way, ‘ light’ describes a

home which gets lot of natural light.

You can say your home is warm or cool, meaning that its comfortable in winter or in summer.

Finally, you can describe youre home as convenient, meaning its close to your job, its close to

your job, its close to the shops, its close to your childrens scool and so on.

You can use ‘convenient’ plus ‘for’

For example ‘it’s convenient for the subway’ , or ‘ its convenient for my office’

Could you use any of thesewords to describe your home ? okay, but what if you don’t like your

home ?

Well , here are some words you could use, ‘’ cramped’’ means your home is to small, so you

don’t have enough space. Dark means your home doesn’t get enough light, so that even when its

sunny outside, its still dark inside. ‘Drafty’ means cold air comes inside trough the windows or

through the doors in the winter. ‘’Stuffy’’ means theres not enough air, so its very uncomfortable

in hot weather.

You could say you home is noisy. For example if you live near a mein road, your home might be

noisy even at night.

Can you make a sentence about your home using some of these words?

For example ‘’my home is light and spacious, but it can get very drafty in the winter’’
I like my apartment because its cosy, although it can be noisy because there’s a restaurant just


Okay, so now you can talk about your home and what you think of it.

What else can you say on this topic ? lets look, part four: saying who you live with. Who do you

live with ? do you live with your parent, your husband or wife, with your family ? do you live by

ypurself or do you live with flatmates (people who you share a ranted flat with ) ? mybe you live

with friends !

Lets look at exam“ I live with my parents”, “I live in a shared house, I have four flatmates” “I

live by myself”. What about you? Okay, that was easy.

Let’s look at one more topic you can talk about

Part five: talking about your neighbourhood.

First, be careful with the word neighbourhood. A neighbourhood is not a person, it’s the area

near your home. So where is your home? Is it in the city centre, the suburbs, or outside the city?

If you live outside the city, do you live on the outskirts of the city, in a village, or in the middle

of nowhere?

How could you describe your neighbourhood? Is it quiet or lively? Trendy or boring? Are there

many shops, cafes, bars, restaurants? Are there parks or sports facilities?

For example, you could say “I live in a very lively area just souh of the city centre. There are

many cafes, shops, and places to go”

Or “I live in a quiet area in the suburbs, in the nosth of the city. It’s a nice area and it’s quiet, but

it’s a bit boring. There isn’t really anything to do”

What about you? Can you say something about your neighbourhood?

Okay finally lets put everything together. If you can use everything we’ve looked at in this

lesson, you should be able to speak very clearly and with lots of details about your home and

where you live.

For example, “I live in a two-storey terrached house. It has two bedrooms, a living room, a small

kitchen, and a garden. It’s cosy and convenient for getting to work, but it’s a bit cramped,

especially when we have guests. I live with my wife and daughter. Our house is near the city

centre, in a quiet neighbourhood. There isn’t much to do, but there are some small shops and a

park where we go if the weather’s nice”

Here’s one more sample answer “I live by myself in a studio apartment, it just has one main

room with a tiny kitchen. It’s very warm in winter, but it can get at bit stuffy in summer. I live in

the city centre, very close to everything. It’s very lively, with lots of bars and restaurants. It’s a

good place for young people to live, but not many families choose to live here”

What about you? Can you make an answer like this talking about where you live? Try to use as

much language from the lesson as you can.

Okay, that’s the end of the lesson.ples of what you could say here
Task 3

My family

Hi, i am Oli. Welcome to oxford online english. In this lesson you can learn how to talk about

your family in English. Do you have a big family? What do you like doing when you spend time

with your family? Talking about family can be a good way to start a conversation in English. So,

its useful if you know what to say and if you have some questions to ask. Lets start with

something simple.

Part one : introducing your family. Okay, so let’s start with something simple, “There are …

people in my family”. So you can say “There are five. There are ten. There are thirty people in

my family”. that’s not very hard, but its not very interesting. either. You should say, who these

people are. “There are ten people in my family, I have two sisters, my brother, my uncle and

aunt, two grandparents and my parents of course”. “There are four people in my family, my wife,

my two sons and myself”.

Part two : talking about your brothers and sisters. how many brothers and sisters do you have?

You could say “I have two brothers and one sister”. “I just have one sister”. “I am an only child”.

Let’s make it more interesting by adding more information . Are your brothers and sisters older

or younger? Where are you in the family? “I have two older brothers and one older sister. I am

the youngest in the family”. “I just have one sister, who’s five years older than me”. “I am the

middle child. my brother is two years older and I have a younger sister who’s finishing

university this year”.

Part three : talking about your immediate and your extended family. In English, we sometimes

draw a line between your immediate family. That means : you, your husband or wife, your

children, parents and brothers and sisters. Then you have your extended family. That means :

aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, grandparents, grandchildren and so on. Now, you can

give more details about the people in your family, like this. “My immediate family is quite small,

because I am an only child. My mom is one of five children, so I have lot of cousins, who are

kind of like my brothers and sisters”. “There are six people in my immediate family, my parents,

my brother and his wife, my sister and me. I have a lot of other relatives, but they are live in

Canada, so we don’t see them often.

Part four : talking about your chidren. Do you have children? Let’s see what you can say. “I have

three kids, two girls and a boy”. “We have a new born son”. “We have one daughter and my

wife’s expecting our second child”. As always, you should add details to make your answer

longer and more interesting. “I have three kids, two girls and a boy. Our eldest daughter has just

started secondary school and the two younger ones are still in primary school”. “We have a

newborn son. He’s just three weeks old now, so we’re still getting used to things”. “We have one

daughter, and my wife’s expecting our second child. we don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl, but

we’ll find out in three months”.

Part five : talking about your relationship with your family. Finally, let’s add some information

about how often you see your family and what you like to do together. For example, “I am very

close to my family. We have lunch together every weekend”. “I see my older brother once a

week. We play tennis or basketball together”. “I try to spend as much time as possible with my

kids”. What now? You should know the answer, add more details. Let’s look. “I am very close to

my family. We have lunch together every weekend at my grandmother’s house. She always
cooks something delicious”. “I see my older brother once a week. We play tennis or basketball

together. I don’t see my other brothers so often because he lives overseas. Although we talk on

skype every so often”. “I try to spend as much time as possible with my kids. we play or cards,

watch films or go to the parks if the weather’s nice”.

Part six : making a longer answer. Now you should be able to make a longer answer talking

about your family. You should be able to talk about your relatives, your brothers and sisters,

your children if you have any and your relationship with your family. Let’s look at a sample

answer. “There are five people in my immediate family, although my extended family is quite

large. I have two sisters, both younger, So, I am the oldest child. I don’t have kids yet but I’d

like to have a big family one day. I see my parents and my sisters quite often, because we all live

near each other, although I don’t see my other relatives that much”.

Ok, could you make an answer like this? Let’s look at one more sample answer first. “I come

from a big family. I am the fifth child and I have three brothers and one sister. They’re all close

to each other in age, but there’s a big gap between them and me. I don’t have children, but I have

a lot of nieces and nephews. I don’t see my family often, because I live in a different country.

But, I speak to them regulary and we all get together once or twice a year, which is always very

noisy but lots of fun”.

What about you? Try to make a longer answer talking about your family. Use the vocabulary and

ideas from the lesson to help you. Next time you talk about your family in English. Hopefully

you’ll have lots to talk about. Ok, that’s the end of the lesson. I hope it was useful.
Task 4

Talking About Your Family in English

My Family

Hi, welcome to my home. My name is Paul, i’m 12 years old and this is my beautiful

family. There are six people in my family : my mom, my dad, my two sister, my younger brother

and me.

This is my sister Olivia, who is 10. She is in the fourth grade. She love reading. Her

favorite school subject is english.

This is my younger brother, Oliver. Who is 7. He is in the 1st grade. He loves playing

games with his spinning top. He never seems to have enough.

This is my youngest sister, Lucy. Who has just turned 4. She is in kindergarten and loves

playing with her dolls.

We get along very well and love each other very much, but, well...sometimes, we have

our fights and arguments, too. We usually make up soon afterwards.

My mom is a nurse and she works in a hospital. She is so kind and compassionate, and

she always takes good care of the sick people.

When she gets home, she always helps us with our homework. My mom is an excellent cooks

and she loves to bake delicious cakes.

My dad is a photographer. He travels pretty often with his job, to make great pictures in

different places. When he returns home from his travels, he tries to spend as much time as
possible with us and we have a lot of fun together. On weeekends, we sometimes go on bike

rides together.

This is my unle, my mom’s brothers. His name is Simon. He and my dad are brothers-in-

law. My dad does’nt have any siblings. My unle is so proud to have two nephews and two


This is my aunt. She is my uncle’s wife. Her name is Grace. They have two kids, a 3 year

old daughter named Lizzy and a newborn son. They are my cousins.

Happy birthday, Grandma!

Thank you sweetheart.

This is my grandma. We are celebrating her birthday. She is turning 55. Now she has six

grandchildren : threee grandsons and three granddaughters.

She and my grandpa are farmers and they live on a big farm in the countryside. She loves

feeding her animals and taking care of them. She also enjoys working in the garden. She has

many fruits and vegetables.

We love spending our vacations on her farm. She has so many wonderfull tales to tell us all the


My grandpa is 60 and he is pretty energetic and really hardworking. He is wakes up very

early in the morning every day. There’s always something to do in the farm and my grandpa is
always busy. He is very funny. He tells us many great jokes and makes us laugh so much. They

are my grandparents on my mother’s side.

My grandparents on my father’s side live in a different country, very far away from us, in

a big city. They live in a four-room apartment on teh third floor.

They are retired, so they usually go on lots of camper van trips. They enjoy spending as

much time as possible in nature. That’s why they are so healthy and energetic. They visit us

several times a year. We also talk on skype pretty often.

Task 5


A: Hi, Mark! I’ so glad you came over!

B: Hi Nicole! How are you ?

A: I’m fine, thanks. And you ?

B: I’m great!

A: Let’s sit on the swing ant talk. I want to know you better.

B: Ok.

A: I’m so glad you moved here. So tell me about yourself. What’s your typical day like ?

B: Uhh, well usually all my days are very busy, with lots of activities. I get up at 7:45, because

my school only starts at 9, I go to the bathroom, i wash my face and brush my teeth. I have
breakfast with toast butter and jam. We all leave home at 8.40 My parents drive me and little

sister to school and then they go to work. I have lunch atthe cafeteria, at about 12:30 I leave at 2

pm. I take the bus and go to a sports center where i play basketball. I am very passionate about

basketball. One day i would like to play for my local team. At about 4 pm i finally get home. I

eat a snack and watch Tv. I have dinner with family at around 7 pm.

A: How do you like to relax in the evening ?

B: Well, i usually play the guitar. My little sister loves to dance on my music. I chat with my

friends fora while, or i play computer games. Then i take a bath. At 10 o’clock, i turn off the

lights and go to bed.

B: What about the weekend ?

A: On weekwnds, i like going to the movies with my friends. or i go cycling with my family. We

have so much fun together. What about you ? What’s your typical day like ?

B: My day starts at 7 am. I go to the bathroom and take a shower. I have breakfast just with my

dad. My mom leaves home earlier. Then i go to school by bus. I have lunch at 1 pm at the school

cafeteria after finsh school, i go straight home i do my homework at 3 pm. At 5 pm i go to a

dance club where i take dance classes. I am crazy about dance. I have dinner with my family at

around 7.30 pm. Then i help my mom with the dishes. After that i go to my room and chat online

with my friends. Before going to sleep i’ like reading.

A: What kind of books do you like to read ?

B: I prefer mysteries, fantasy, and science fiction. I turn off the light a 10:30

A: What do you usually do on weekends ?

B: Well, sometimes, we visit my grandparents other times, we go camping, when the weather is

warm. I love sleeping in a tent don’t you? Other weekends, we just go shopping.

A: It seems we have much i common. It was so nice talking to you. I have go to now. I am going

fishing with my grandapa.

B: Thanks for coming over.

A: You should pay us a visit, too and meet my little sister. She is very funny.

B: I would love to, of course. Thanks for inviting me.

Task 6


Hi,My name is Elex and i live in a small vilage situated in the western part af Australia, in

a large valley at the foot of the mountains. People here are very friendly and we all know each

other. it's very quient place, the air is clean and fresh and the landscapes are brathaking. What i

like most about my village is that you can enjoy several activities here, such as hiking and

mountain biking. I go hiking very often with my friends. You can also try rock climbing here. I

don't like this sport,thought. I think it's too dengerous. In winter, many tourists come and visit

our village,too. There are two shops in my village, a bakery and a grocery store,there's also a

schooll and a post office, there is a small clinic not far away from my house. There's also a bus

stop...And a railway station,it's a beautiful countryside,but.....Sometimes it's a little boring, i

would like to be able to move to a big city one day, because there are opportunities that yoi can't

find here.
Hi,My name is Ben and i live in a big city:New york. I live in a 3-room aprtement on the

8th floor, with my parents and my younger brothe. My city is very crowded and noisy. My

school is not very close to where i live,so i have to take the subway,you can reach so easily

everywhere with the subway. There are many people of all cultures in my city. They speak

diffrent languages. The taxis are also great to get you where you want to go,if you don't want to

wait for the subways. I almost never go to school by car with my parents, because we always

heve to wait for hours in the traffic jam. That's one of the things i dislike about my city. Ad there

is much pollution in the city. But, fortunately, we have many parks. Central park is the most

famous one. It is a landmark in New York city. There is a zoo in the central park that you can

visit. I like new york, because there is so much great food everywhere. So many places and

cuisines to try. There are so many stores where you can busy anything you need. There are

movie theaters, where you can watch the lates movies, swimming pools, sport centers, museum,

schools, collages and universities. I don’t like the staycrapers. They are too many and to tall. I

hate the heavy traffic in the city, the pollution and the noise and I also hate crouds. It’s a

wonderful city. Theres a lot to do and to see, but I’d rather live in a smaller city, less crowded,

less noisy

Hello,welcome to my hometown,I live in Copenhagen,which is the capital of Denmark.I live

downtown in 4 room flat with my parents and my two siblings.I really love my hometown,it’s a

great place to live.I’ve grown up here since I was a baby.What I like most about the city is the

rainbow of colors as one looks down the streets of Copenhagen.I enjoy the lively streets full of

people and so many shops,cofes,streets food stands.i think its charm comes from the feeling of a

small city.People in Copenhagen loves bikes.They bike to work,to school,to bring the kids to

kindergarten,to shop for groceries.I also bike to school every morning,it’s such a healthy
lifestyle.Copenhagen is a city by the sea,so I like taking a boat ride with my dad pretty often,I

have so much fun.My city looks like a modern day fairytale because there are many beautiful

caster and gardens.My friends and I love to walk through the gardens and enjoy a picnic.I love

my city very much,people are so friendly and optimistic here.i wouldn’t live in any other

place.We are said to be the happiest people in the world.

Task 7

Household chores

“ Good morning joey “

“ good morning mom “

“ joey it’s so late and you’re still in pajamas! Get dressed and make your bed quikly! I carry all

these dirty clothes to to the laundry room! “

“ ok, mom, in a moment! It’s week-end, anyway, I have plenty of time! “.

“ and don’t forget to feed the dog and take it for a walk! “.

“ don’t worry mom, i won’t forget!”. ( take the laundry away, make the bed, feed the dog, take

the dog for a walk.)

“ dad, I am talking the dog for a walk. Would you like to come with us ? “.

“ I can’t, Joey! I have to wash the car! “.

“ ok, then see you later! “.

“ where are you going, honay?”.

“ I’m going to the supermarket. I have to do the shopping”.

“ ok, see you latter! “. ( do the shopping ).

“ look at all this mees! You have to clean up this room! “.

“ mom, i’m a little busy right now. I will do it later!”.

“ I’m afraid you’ll have to do it now. Your grandmother is coming in an hour, so, come on, pick

up all this stuff and put everything back to it’s place. After that, please dust the furniture.”

“ All right, All right! I’ll do it!.”

“ Great! And I’m going to vacuum the floor in the living room!.” ( pick up things, take out the

trash, take things away, vacuum the floor, dust the shelves.)

“ well done , Andrew! You’ve done a terrific jo! I’m so proud of you! The room is clean and


“ grandma is here!.”

“ there’s a lot of cleaning to be done in this house.”

“ Let me lend you a hand. What do you want me to do ?.”

“ you can pick up the dishes and carry them away, then clean the counter. I’m gonnaa mop the


“ ok, I can do that!.”

“ what about me? Can I help? “.

“ Of course you can. You can water the flowers and mow the lawn. Would you like to do that?”

“ yes, sure. “ ( carry the dishes away, mop the floor, put things away, clean the counter, water the

flower, mow the lawn.)

I’ll clean the windows now, and you can wash the dishes if you like.” ( clean the window, wash

the dishes,.)

“ I’ve watered thr flowers and mowed the lawn. I am going to take the rubbish out now. “

“ Great! Could you also sweep the driveway, please?”

“ well....I don’t know about that, I’m in a hurry.”

“ please do it, it’s really dirty.”

“ ok then, I’ll do it!” ( take the rubbish out, sweep the driveaway.)

“ everything is clean and tidy now, mom!”

“ yes, thanks for all your help, sweetheart! Now I am going to do the laundry.”

“ can I do the ironing, mom?”

“ sure, let’s go! “ ( do the ironing, do the laundry, hang out the clothes.)
“ mom would you like me to help you hang out the clothes?”

“ no, thanks you, you have done enough for today. I can do this by myself, sweetheart.”

“ we should get some rest. We’ve worked so hard today. Come on, honey, sit down!”

“ not yet,I’m afraid. I have to cook dinner.”

“ oh, i see. Do you need any help? “

“ no, thanks. I’ll prepare a delicious meal, you’ll see. “ ( cook dinner.)

“ let’s set the table!” “everything look great!”

“ dinner is ready. Let’s sit down and eat!”

Task 8

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