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Garden Park Village, Bajada, Davao City

Senior High School Department

Lesson Plan in 21st Century Literature

Month of August 2019

At the end of the lesson the learners are expected to:
a) Identify the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of the Philippine
literacy history from pre-colonial to contemporary;
b) Identify representative texts and authors from each region;
c) Appreciate the cultural and aesthetic diversity of the world literature;
d) Value the contributions of local writers to the development of literary
e) Differentiate the various 21st century literary genres and the ones from the
earlier genres or periods citing their elements, structures, and traditions;
f) Do self- and/ or peer-assessment or the analysis of a literary work based
on rationalized criteria, prior presentation, how they enhance the text’s
meaning and enrich my understanding;
g) Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying multimedia


Week 1: Remapping of Philippine Literature
Week 2: The Future of the Philippine Literature
Week 3: Finding the Literary Space within You
Week 4: A Rediscovery of the Literary World

Manila paper, pen, coloring materials, worksheets, pictures of Filipino
authors, strips of paper (lines of poem) and task cards.


 Preliminary Activities:
Checking of attendance
Presentation of Objectives

A. Activities:

Week 1
1. The teacher will divide the students into 5 groups; each group will have a
one (1) representative to pick a strip of paper consists of stanzas from the
poem entitled “Gabu” by Carlos A. Angeles.
2. The students will write something about stanza they have picked.
3. Each group will have 1 representative to present their output and the
teacher will also examine their output based on a simple rubric.
4. The group who has critique well their output will be given a prize.
Week 2
1. The teacher will divide the students into 2 groups and will prepare cards
consist of sentences. (About the different genres emerging in Philippine
2. Each group will have five (5) representatives. Each representative will tell
their answer from a given text written in the cards first to the teacher
before they act out the answer. The rest of the members will guess the
correct answer. Each group gets three (3) chances to guess the answer.
3. The group who wins will get points.

Week 3
Gallery Walk
1. The teacher will exhibit pictures of Philippine authors with their literary
2. The students will read about the text in each photo and will find a partner
for brainstorming about the pictures presented or write about their
observation on it.

Week 4
Message Relay
1. The teacher will divide the students into two groups.
2. The first student on the starting line will be the first representative and
they will pass the message to the members. The last member who receives
the message will run back in front/ to the teacher and will tell what the
message it was.
3. They will relay 5 messages only and the group who wins the game will
receive prizes.

B. Analysis

After the activities given, the teacher will ask the following:

 What have you observe on the given activity?

 What do you think is our lesson/topic for today?

Week 1: Remapping of Philippine Literature

1. What is literary criticism?
2. What article from a literary critique have you read recently? How
has it informed your opinion about a given literary text?
3. How does literary criticism function in the society?
4. How can it be used to better understand a given literary selection?

Week 2: The Future of the Philippine Literature

1. What are emerging trends in Philippine literature?
2. What is speculative fiction?
3. Which genres do the short stories given from?
4. What do you think can this genre do for the future of Philippine

Week 3: Finding the Literary Space within You

1. Who are the Filipino authors?
2. State example of their literary works.

Week 4: A Rediscovery of the Literary World

1. What is new historicism?
2. What is Roland Barthes “Death of the Author”?
3. Why is this also a good way to look at a literary text nowadays?
4. What is unique about African culture as shown in Things Fall
5. How do you think did this novel contribute to world literature?

C. Abstraction

Week 1
Interactive Discussion
About: Literary criticism using the spring board, poem entitled “Gabu” by
Carlos A. Angeles
: How Filipino workers take part in global literature.
: Writing critical paper, its parts and how it is to be done.

Week 2
About: The Future of Philippine Literature
: Philippine Speculative Fiction anthology

Week 3
Panel Discussion
About: Filipino authors and their literary works

Week 4
Open-ended Questioning
About: Further discussion of new historicism and “Death of the Author”
: A thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
: Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

D. Application

Week 1
Poster Making
1. The teacher will give rubrics for the students’ poster making.
2. The students will have the same group from the previous activity. They
will be given manila papers, pens, and coloring materials.
3. The students will be given 15mins. to make their poster with a theme of
“Rights of the under privileged youths in society”.
4. The students output will be critique and be graded based on the rubrics

Week 2
(2) Stanzas Poem Making
1. The students will make a short poem consist of 2 stanzas only.
2. They will choose what genre of Philippine literary works they make.

Week 3
Workbook activity tasks
From the book 21st Century of Literature from the Philippines
and the World, pages 144-146
Track: Arts and Design “Role of the main artist”
Track: Academic “Head research consultant”
Track: Technical-Vocational “Art Director”
Track: Sports “Game Master”
(Graded with different Rubrics each track).
Week 4
By Pair
Draw a chart which shows the differences of texts in the context of region,
the nation and the world. (Graded by simple rubrics)

E. Evaluation

Week 1
Critical Paper Making
Make a critical paper based on the poem entitled “Our
Flag (Philippines) by Noel Horlanda. Checked based on rubrics.

Week 2
Arts and Design
Directions: Graded based on criteria given.
As leading digital artist of a product company, they want you to make an
Audiovisual presentation (AVP) of the future of Philippine literature. Your
AVP must, first and foremost, feature the different trends in Philippine
literature and notable stories and their scenes in it. It must be creative and
hip for younger audience, but also comprehensible for the more mature
ones. It should also not be longer than 10mins.

Week 3
Worksheets: 10 items quiz about the authors from each region and their literary

Week 4
Reaction paper
Write a reaction paper on a 1 whole sheet of paper.
1. What is Filipino-Chinese literature?
2. What is its contribution to Philippine literature and to world

F. Assignment

Week 1
In ½ sheet of paper, make a poem about horror, magical realism, fantasy, science
fiction and many more. Present it tomorrow.

Week 2
Research about Filipino authors and their literary works.
Take note a little information about them and their works.

Week 3
Please read the following novels ahead;
: A thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
: Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

Week 4
Please read about Southeast Asian Countries and the Introduction of Formalism
AND THE WORLD, pages 173-174.
Garden Park Village, Bajada, Davao City
Senior High School Department

Lesson Plan in 21st Century Literature

Month of September 2019

At the end of the lesson the learners are expected to:
a) Identify representative texts and authors from East Asia and American
b) Identify the figures of speech and other literary techniques and devices in
the texts;
c) Appreciate the cultural and aesthetic diversity of the world literature;
d) Compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and their
elements, structures, and traditions from across the globe;
e) Differentiate the various 21st century literary genres and the ones from the
earlier genres or periods citing their elements, structures, and traditions;
f) Apply ICT skills in crafting an adaptation of a literary text;


Week 1: Charting Our Own in Southeast Asia
Week 2: The Roots of East Asia
Week 3: Exploring South Asia
Week 4: Delving Deep into the Anglo-American Frontier

Manila paper, pen, coloring materials, worksheets, pictures of Filipino
authors, strips of paper (lines of poem) and task cards.


 Preliminary Activities:
Checking of attendance
Presentation of Objectives

A. Activities:

Week 1
Misconception Check
1. The students will find a pair and analyze a poem entitled “In the Midst of
Hardship”. They will present their perception or thoughts of what it is all
2. The teacher will discover students' misconceptions. See if students can
identify what is the correct answer, when given a false fact. It encourages
students to think deeply and wager all the possibilities.

Week 2
1. The teacher will divide the students into 2 groups and will prepare cards
consist of sentences. (About the different genres emerging in Philippine
2. Each group will have five (5) representatives. Each representative will tell
their answer from a given text written in the cards first to the teacher
before they act out the answer. The rest of the members will guess the
correct answer. Each group gets three (3) chances to guess the answer.
3. The group who wins will get points.

Week 3
Gallery Walk
1. The teacher will exhibit pictures of Philippine authors with their literary
2. The students will read about the text in each photo and will find a partner
for brainstorming about the pictures presented or write about their
observation on it.

Week 4
Message Relay
1. The teacher will divide the students into two groups.
2. The first student on the starting line will be the first representative and
they will pass the message to the members. The last member who receives
the message will run back in front/ to the teacher and will tell what the
message it was.
3. They will relay 5 messages only and the group who wins the game will
receive prizes.

B. Analysis

After the activities given, the teacher will ask the following:

 What have you observe on the given activity?

 What do you think is our lesson/topic for today?

Week 1: Charting Our Own in Southeast Asia

1. What is formalism?
2. How it is used to analyze a given literary text?
3. How does this poem defamiliarize you and the context you live in?
Share your answers with your classmates.
4. Who is Pira Sudham? (Thai author)
5. What do the similarities and differences between the Thai and
Filipino cultures tell you as a Filipino citizen? (Based on the novel
“Moon Country”)

Week 2: The Future of the Philippine Literature

1. What are emerging trends in Philippine literature?
2. What is speculative fiction?
3. Which genres do the short stories given from?
4. What do you think can this genre do for the future of Philippine

Week 3: Finding the Literary Space within You

1. Who are the Filipino authors?
2. State example of their literary works.

Week 4: A Rediscovery of the Literary World

1. What is new historicism?
2. What is Roland Barthes “Death of the Author”?
3. Why is this also a good way to look at a literary text nowadays?
4. What is unique about African culture as shown in Things Fall
5. How do you think did this novel contribute to world literature?

C. Abstraction

Week 1
Interactive Discussion
About: Formalism and defamiliarization using the spring board, poem
entitled “In the Midst of Hardship” by Latiff Mohidin
: Poem “Monsoon Country” by Pira Sudham

Week 2
About: The Future of Philippine Literature
: Philippine Speculative Fiction anthology

Week 3
Panel Discussion
About: Filipino authors and their literary works

Week 4
Open-ended Questioning
About: Further discussion of new historicism and “Death of the Author”
: A thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
: Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

D. Application

Week 1
Poster Making
1. The teacher will give rubrics for the students’ poster making.
2. The students will have the same group from the previous activity. They
will be given manila papers, pens, and coloring materials.
3. The students will be given 15mins. to make their poster with a theme of
“Rights of the under privileged youths in society”.
4. The students output will be critique and be graded based on the rubrics

Week 2
(2) Stanzas Poem Making
1. The students will make a short poem consist of 2 stanzas only.
2. They will choose what genre of Philippine literary works they make.

Week 3
Workbook activity tasks
From the book 21st Century of Literature from the Philippines
and the World, pages 144-146
Track: Arts and Design “Role of the main artist”
Track: Academic “Head research consultant”
Track: Technical-Vocational “Art Director”
Track: Sports “Game Master”
(Graded with different Rubrics each track).
Week 4
By Pair
Draw a chart which shows the differences of texts in the context of region,
the nation and the world. (Graded by simple rubrics)

E. Evaluation

Week 1
Essay (Graded based on rubrics)
Directions: 1 whole sheet of paper
1. Why do you think is Tadpole having difficulties with speaking? Do you
think his environment has an effect on this? Predict what happens now that
Tadpole is able to speak and people are afraid of him.
2. How does this excerpt from the novel Monsoon Country defamiliarize you
as a reader from what you know about the way it presents the moon
through life of provincial Thailand?

Week 2
Arts and Design
Directions: Graded based on criteria given.
As leading digital artist of a product company, they want you to make an
Audiovisual presentation (AVP) of the future of Philippine literature. Your
AVP must, first and foremost, feature the different trends in Philippine
literature and notable stories and their scenes in it. It must be creative and
hip for younger audience, but also comprehensible for the more mature
ones. It should also not be longer than 10mins.

Week 3
Worksheets: 10 items quiz about the authors from each region and their literary

Week 4
Reaction paper
Write a reaction paper on a 1 whole sheet of paper.
1. What is Filipino-Chinese literature?
2. What is its contribution to Philippine literature and to world

F. Assignment

Week 1
Together with a trusted colleague, your university has assigned you to
research project that will analyze comparatively a literary work from the
Philippines with a literary work from another Southeast Asia country.
Your aim is to use the concept of defamiliarization and see how the
treatment of similar situations in both literary selections.

Week 2
Research about Filipino authors and their literary works.
Take note a little information about them and their works.

Week 3
Please read the following novels ahead;
: A thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
: Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
Week 4
Please read the poem: “In the Midst of Hardship” by Latiff Mohidin


Garden Park Village, Bajada, Davao City
Senior High School Department

Lesson Plan in 21st Century Literature

Month of September 2019

At the end of the lesson the learners are expected to:
a) Identify the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of the Philippine
literacy history from pre-colonial to contemporary;
b) Identify representative texts and authors from each region;
c) Appreciate the cultural and aesthetic diversity of the world literature;
d) Value the contributions of local writers to the development of literary
e) Differentiate the various 21st century literary genres and the ones from the
earlier genres or periods citing their elements, structures, and traditions;
f) Do self- and/ or peer-assessment or the analysis of a literary work based
on rationalized criteria, prior presentation, how they enhance the text’s
meaning and enrich my understanding;
g) Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying multimedia


Week 1: Traversing Europe and Its Intricacies
Week 2: The Magic of Latin America
Week 3: Deep into Africa
Week 4: The Atlas of World Literature

Manila paper, pen, coloring materials, worksheets, pictures of Filipino
authors, strips of paper (lines of poem) and task cards.


 Preliminary Activities:
Checking of attendance
Presentation of Objectives

A. Activities:

Week 1
1. The teacher will divide the students into 5 groups; each group will have a
one (1) representative to pick a strip of paper consists of stanzas from the
poem entitled “Gabu” by Carlos A. Angeles.
2. The students will write something about stanza they have picked.
3. Each group will have 1 representative to present their output and the
teacher will also examine their output based on a simple rubric.
4. The group who has critique well their output will be given a prize.

Week 2
1. The teacher will divide the students into 2 groups and will prepare cards
consist of sentences. (About the different genres emerging in Philippine
2. Each group will have five (5) representatives. Each representative will tell
their answer from a given text written in the cards first to the teacher
before they act out the answer. The rest of the members will guess the
correct answer. Each group gets three (3) chances to guess the answer.
3. The group who wins will get points.

Week 3
Gallery Walk
1. The teacher will exhibit pictures of Philippine authors with their literary
2. The students will read about the text in each photo and will find a partner
for brainstorming about the pictures presented or write about their
observation on it.

Week 4
Message Relay
1. The teacher will divide the students into two groups.
2. The first student on the starting line will be the first representative and
they will pass the message to the members. The last member who receives
the message will run back in front/ to the teacher and will tell what the
message it was.
3. They will relay 5 messages only and the group who wins the game will
receive prizes.

B. Analysis

After the activities given, the teacher will ask the following:
 What have you observe on the given activity?
 What do you think is our lesson/topic for today?

Week 1: Remapping of Philippine Literature

1. What is literary criticism?
2. What article from a literary critique have you read recently? How
has it informed your opinion about a given literary text?
3. How does literary criticism function in the society?
4. How can it be used to better understand a given literary selection?

Week 2: The Future of the Philippine Literature

1. What are emerging trends in Philippine literature?
2. What is speculative fiction?
3. Which genres do the short stories given from?
4. What do you think can this genre do for the future of Philippine

Week 3: Finding the Literary Space within You

1. Who are the Filipino authors?
2. State example of their literary works.

Week 4: A Rediscovery of the Literary World

1. What is new historicism?
2. What is Roland Barthes “Death of the Author”?
3. Why is this also a good way to look at a literary text nowadays?
4. What is unique about African culture as shown in Things Fall
5. How do you think did this novel contribute to world literature?

C. Abstraction

Week 1
Interactive Discussion
About: Literary criticism using the spring board, poem entitled “Gabu” by
Carlos A. Angeles
: How Filipino workers take part in global literature.
: Writing critical paper, its parts and how it is to be done.

Week 2
About: The Future of Philippine Literature
: Philippine Speculative Fiction anthology

Week 3
Panel Discussion
About: Filipino authors and their literary works

Week 4
Open-ended Questioning
About: Further discussion of new historicism and “Death of the Author”
: A thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
: Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

D. Application

Week 1
Poster Making
1. The teacher will give rubrics for the students’ poster making.
2. The students will have the same group from the previous activity. They
will be given manila papers, pens, and coloring materials.
3. The students will be given 15mins. to make their poster with a theme of
“Rights of the under privileged youths in society”.
4. The students output will be critique and be graded based on the rubrics

Week 2
(2) Stanzas Poem Making
1. The students will make a short poem consist of 2 stanzas only.
2. They will choose what genre of Philippine literary works they make.

Week 3
Workbook activity tasks
From the book 21st Century of Literature from the Philippines
and the World, pages 144-146
Track: Arts and Design “Role of the main artist”
Track: Academic “Head research consultant”
Track: Technical-Vocational “Art Director”
Track: Sports “Game Master”
(Graded with different Rubrics each track).

Week 4
By Pair
Draw a chart which shows the differences of texts in the context of region,
the nation and the world. (Graded by simple rubrics)

E. Evaluation

Week 1
Critical Paper Making
Make a critical paper based on the poem entitled “Our
Flag (Philippines) by Noel Horlanda. Checked based on rubrics.

Week 2
Arts and Design
Directions: Graded based on criteria given.
As leading digital artist of a product company, they want you to make an
Audiovisual presentation (AVP) of the future of Philippine literature. Your
AVP must, first and foremost, feature the different trends in Philippine
literature and notable stories and their scenes in it. It must be creative and
hip for younger audience, but also comprehensible for the more mature
ones. It should also not be longer than 10mins.

Week 3
Worksheets: 10 items quiz about the authors from each region and their literary

Week 4
Reaction paper
Write a reaction paper on a 1 whole sheet of paper.
3. What is Filipino-Chinese literature?
4. What is its contribution to Philippine literature and to world
F. Assignment

Week 1
In ½ sheet of paper, make a poem about horror, magical realism, fantasy, science
fiction and many more. Present it tomorrow.

Week 2
Research about Filipino authors and their literary works.
Take note a little information about them and their works.

Week 3
Please read the following novels ahead;
: A thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
: Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

Week 4
Please read the poem: “In the Midst of Hardship” by Latiff Mohidin

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