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Assessment Task Sheet

Australian International Academy, Kellyville

Name: _________________________________
Date: _______________

Year Level: 9 (Phase 3) Subject: Language Acquisition

TITLE: Environment
DUE DATE: Sunday September 1st 2019 (Task 2 - Writing Component; Turn IN on Managebac)
Wednesday September 4th 2019 (Task 1 – Interactive Oral)
Task Description:
 The goal is to speak and write in Arabic.

 You are going to engage in a conversation with your teacher by speaking Arabic for 2-3 minutes. You will
respond to a chosen stimulus by writing in Arabic 100-150 words.

 The targeted audiences is the community.

Product, Performance, and Purpose

TASK 1: Interactive Oral
 You will engage in a conversation with your teacher in response to ONE of the following written,
visual or written-visual stimuli attached at the end of the assessment outline.
 You must speak for 2-3 minutes and the whole recording must not last more than 5 minutes.

TASK 2: Writing Task

 You will respond to ONE of the following written, visual or written-visual stimuli attached at the
end of the assessment outline.
 You must write 100-150 words in Arabic.
 It must be handwritten using the template attached and neatly presented, no typing.
 Check and edit your writing for any spelling errors.
 Count your words and write the total at the end of your writing task.
 Provide the hardcopy to your teacher on the due date.

Tips to consider:
 For task 1, start by greeting, introducing yourself and then speak about your chosen task.
 Palm cards of no more than 10 points jotted down for your oral task to assist you remembering and speaking
about the topic chosen.
 Practice speaking as many times as you can at home before presentation.

Standards and Criteria for Success

 Your work will be judged by how well you orally conduct an Arabic conversation.
 You will be judged on how well you pronounce and use Arabic to express your information about the chosen
 You will be assessed on how well you convey understanding through your speaking and writing task.
 You will be assessed on how well you show confidence and knowledge of the unit.
BOS Outcomes: 5.UL.3, 5.UL.4, 5.MLC.2

Criteria C: Communicating in response to spoken, written and visual text.
Achievement Level descriptor Task specific level descriptor
0 The student does not reach a standard described by  Did not reach a standard described by any of the
any of the descriptors below. descriptors below.
1–2 The student:  makes limited attempt to respond to the chosen
i. makes limited attempt to respond to spoken, topic; responses are often inappropriate
written and visual text; responses  interacts minimally when speaking
are often inappropriate  expresses and communicates few ideas about the
ii. interacts minimally in rehearsed and unrehearsed chosen topic.
exchanges  communicates with a limited sense of audience and
iii. expresses few ideas and feelings and purpose.
communicates minimal information in
familiar and some unfamiliar situations
iv. communicates with a limited sense of audience
and purpose.
3–4 The student:  responds to the chosen topic, though some
i. responds to spoken, written and visual text, though responses may be inappropriate
some responses may be inappropriate  interacts to some degree when speaking
ii. interacts to some degree in rehearsed and  expresses and communicates some ideas about
unrehearsed exchanges factors and solutions related to the chosen topic;
iii. expresses some ideas and feelings and ideas are not always relevant or detailed
communicates some information in familiar and  communicates with some sense of audience and
some unfamiliar situations; ideas are not always purpose.
relevant or detailed
iv. communicates with some sense of audience and
5–6 The student:  responds appropriately to the chosen topic
i. responds appropriately to spoken, written and  interacts considerably when speaking
visual text  expresses and communicates ideas about factors
ii. interacts considerably in rehearsed and and solutions related to the chosen topic; ideas are
unrehearsed exchanges relevant and detailed
iii. expresses ideas and feelings and communicates  communicates with a considerable sense of
information in familiar and some unfamiliar audience and purpose.
situations; ideas are relevant and detailed
iv. communicates with a considerable sense of
audience and purpose.
7–8 The student:  responds in detail and appropriately to the chosen
i. responds in detail and appropriately to spoken, topic
written and visual text  interacts confidently when speaking
ii. interacts confidently in rehearsed and unrehearsed  effectively expresses and communicates a wide
exchanges range of ideas about factors and solutions related
iii. effectively expresses a wide range of ideas and to the chosen topic; ideas are relevant and opinions
feelings and communicates information in familiar are supported by examples and illustrations
and some unfamiliar situations; ideas are relevant  communicates with an excellent sense of audience
and opinions are supported by examples and and purpose.
iv. communicates with an excellent sense of audience
and purpose.


Criteria D: Using language in spoken and written form.
Achievement Level descriptor Task specific level descriptor
0 The student does not reach a standard described by  Did not reach a standard described by any of the
any of the descriptors below. descriptors below.
1–2 The student:  has difficulty to write and speak using a basic range
i. has difficulty to write/speak using a basic range of of Arabic vocabulary
vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions;  many errors in pronunciation and spelling, making
when speaking, uses pronunciation and intonation understanding difficult
with many errors, making understanding difficult  organizes limited information and ideas on factors
ii. organizes limited information and ideas, and basic and solutions related to the chosen topic
cohesive devices are not used  makes minimal use of Arabic to suit the context.
iii. makes minimal use of language to suit the context.
3–4 The student:  writes and speaks using a basic range of Arabic
i. writes/speaks using a basic range of vocabulary, vocabulary
grammatical structures and conventions, with some  some errors in pronunciation and spelling, some of
inappropriate choices; when speaking, uses which make understanding difficult
pronunciation and intonation with some errors, some  organizes some information and ideas on factors
of which make understanding difficult and solutions related to the chosen topic, not
ii. organizes some information and ideas, and uses a always appropriately
limited range of basic cohesive devices, not always  uses Arabic to suit the context to some degree.
iii. uses language to suit the context to some degree.
5–6 The student:  writes and speaks making good use of a basic range
i. writes/speaks making good use of a basic range of of Arabic vocabulary
vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions,  some errors in pronunciation and spelling, though
generally accurately; when speaking, uses these do not interfere with comprehensibility
pronunciation and intonation with some errors,  accurately organizes information and ideas on
though these do not interfere with comprehensibility factors and solutions related to the chosen topic
ii. organizes information and ideas well, and uses a  usually uses Arabic to suit the context.
limited range of basic cohesive devices accurately
iii. usually uses language to suit the context.
7–8 The student:  writes and speaks effectively using a basic range of
i. writes/speaks effectively using a basic range of Arabic vocabulary
vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions  excellent pronunciation and spelling; occasional
accurately; occasional errors do not interfere with errors do not interfere with communication,
communication. When speaking, uses clear making communication easy
pronunciation and excellent intonation, making  organizes information and ideas on factors and
communication easy solutions related to the chosen topic clearly, adding
ii. organizes information and ideas clearly, and uses a clarity to the message
range of basic cohesive devices accurately; there is a  uses Arabic effectively to suit the context.
logical structure and cohesive devices add clarity to
the message
iii. uses language effectively to suit the context.


‫‪Task 1: Interactive Oral‬‬

‫‪Choose only ONE question to prepare and speak about:‬‬

‫‪OPTION 1‬‬

‫ناقش وجهة نظرك حول العالقة بين اإلنسان والبيئة مع معلمك‪.‬‬

‫"البيئة فينا‪ ،‬وليست خارجنا‪ ،‬األشجار هي رئتنا‪ ،‬واألنهار مجرى دمنا‪،‬‬

‫نحن مترابطون‪ ،‬وما تفعله بالبيئة في نهاية المطاف هو ما تفعله بنفسك‪".‬‬

‫‪ -‬إيان سومرهالدر‬
‫‪OPTION 2‬‬

‫ناقش التفاعل بين اإلنسان والمناظر والموارد الطبيعية مع معلمك‪.‬‬

‫المناظر الطبيعية‬

‫المواردر الطبيعية‬ ‫المناظرالصناعية‬

‫الموارد البشرية‬

‫‪OPTION 3‬‬

‫ناقش بعض القضايا (المشاكل) البيئية الموجودة حاليًا في منطقتك‪ ،‬وقدّم بعض‬
‫االقتراحات للتّصدّي لها‪.‬‬

‫‪OPTION 4‬‬

‫تأمل الصور أدناه ثم اشرح المشاكل البيئية التي تظهر في الصور‪ ،‬اقترح بعض الحلول للتّخلص من‬
‫هذه المشاكل محليًا وعالميًا‪.‬‬

‫‪OPTION 5‬‬

‫ما هي الطرق التي أحدث بها البشر تغييرات سلبية على المناظر الطبيعية؟ ناقش مع معلمك‪.‬‬

‫‪Task 2: Writing Task‬‬

‫‪Choose only ONE question to prepare and write about:‬‬

‫‪OPTION 1‬‬

‫أكتب نصا ً تعرضه لطالب صفك عن كيف يمكن للموارد‬

‫الطبيعية والبشرية أن تُحسن المناظر الطبيعية في مجتمعك‪.‬‬

‫‪OPTION 2‬‬

‫لقد زرت معرضا عن الموارد الطبيعية والمناظر الطبيعية‪ .‬أكتب مذكرات حول ما تعلمته خالل‬

‫‪OPTION 3‬‬

‫أكتب رسالة رسمية إلى مدير مدرستك تقترح خطة؛ لتحسين‬

‫استخدام الموارد الطبيعية والبشرية في مدرستك‪.‬‬


‫‪OPTION 4‬‬

‫أنت مراسل لمجلة مدرستك‪ ،‬أكتب مقاالً عن تأثير اإلنسان على العالم‪.‬‬

‫‪OPTION 5‬‬

‫"مهمتنا هي إدارة الطريقة التي يتعامل بها اإلنسان مع البيئة‪ ،‬نحن ُمالك األرض"‪.‬‬
‫أكتب مقاال لصحيفة محلية عن كيفية استغالل الموارد في مجتمعك المحلي‪.‬‬

‫‪OPTION 6‬‬

‫خالل االحتفال بيوم األرض‪ ،‬ستلقي خطابا ً في طابور مدرستك‪ ،‬مستندا ً إلى المقولة التالية‪.‬‬

‫أكتب نص الخطاب‪.‬‬

‫" توفر األرض ما يكفي لتلبية حاجة كل إنسان ولكن ال توفر ما يلبي طمعه‪ ".‬مهاتما غاندي‪.‬‬
Task 2: Writing Task OPTION: …………
Student Name: ……………………………………. Year: …………..…..

























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I have not plagiarised the work of other students and/or persons. Total Word Count =
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