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Congestive Heart


College of Pharmacy

April 9, 2019

Presented by:

Alissa Bautista
Isaiah Bautista
PHA 161
Table of Contents

Case of the Patient …………………………………………………………………. 1

Congestive Heart Failure …………………………………………………………...
Pertinent Findings ………………………………………………………………..
Concept Map ……………………………………………………………..………
Treatment Options………………………………………………………………..
History of Present Illness:

A known hypertensive and diabetic 75-year-old male was brought to the emergency
room because of shortness of breath.

The patient had a history of myocardial infarction 2 years ago for which he has
undergone angioplasty. He denied experiencing any chest pain or dyspnea thereafter until
around three weeks ago when he started to feel dyspnea when he walks 2 flights of stairs or
when he transfers heavy merchandise by carrying them. He did not pay attention to this
because he thought he is just getting older and that he just needed to rest. His shortness of
breath, however, became progressively worse over the past three days. He started to
experience dyspnea with light activities and also when lying down at night that he needed to
sleep on 3 pillows just to relieve this. Sometimes, he experiences sudden episodes of severe
shortness of breath and coughing which awakens him from sleep. He has also noticed his legs
to be swollen. Few hours before consult, he became dyspneic even with just walking from his
bed to the bathroom, prompting consult

At the ER, the patient prefers sitting upright. When interviewed, he was not able to
finish his sentences most of the time because of shortness of breath. His vital signs are as
follows: BP 112/60, HR 110, RR 26, T 36.5C. His skin was felt to be cold. Upon chest
auscultation, bibasal rales were heard on both lung fields. Pitting edema was noted on both
legs, ankles and feet. A chest X-ray was done showing cardiomegaly and pulmonary
congestion. Urinalysis was also done revealing proteinuria. Random blood glucose was 210
mg/dL. EKG showed old anterior myocardial infarction.

Past Medical History:

- HTN for 10 years, taking Losartan 50 mg BID; Metoprolol 50 mg, OD; ASA 80 mg
- DM II for 10 years, taking Metformin 500 mg TID and Gliclazide 50 mg OD
- S/P MI, S/P Angioplasty, Chinese General Hospital and Medical Center, 2015
- No allergies
- No history of bronchial asthma and COPD
- Immunization history is unknown

Family History:
- Parents are both deceased, both with history of HTN and DM II
- With only 1 sibling, also with HTN, still living
- No history of cancer, bronchial asthma and COPD

Social History:
- Non-smoker, non-alcoholic beverage drinker
- Stays only at home with very light activity
Congestive Heart Failure
Condition Defined
Congestive Heart Failure is condition ………….

Causes and Risk Factors

CHF is associated with ………………..


Signs and Symptoms

Information Relevant to the Case
In this case, the patient exhibited the following pertinent information….Enumerate the
pertinent positives and pertinent negatives.
Concept Map (SAMPLE ONLY)

Narrative should be included explaining the concept map.

Treatment Options

The concept map must be shown again together with the treatment options. A narrative below
the concept map should be included explaining the rationale behind the treatment option.

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