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Contracts contract was executed in New York, CFI-Manila has no jurisdiction over
this case.
King Mau Wu v Sycip Issue: W/N CFI Manila has jurisdiction herein, despite the execution of the contract
in New York. (YES)
Doctrine: Contracts executed in foreign country, cognizable by local courts; no
conflict of laws where question involved is to enforce obligation arising from Held:
(1) Although the contract of agency was executed in New York, CFI Manila
has jurisdiction to try a personal action for the collection of a sum of
money arising from such contract, because a non-resident may sue a
resident in the courts of this country where the defendant may be
(1) This claim involves an action filed by King Mau Wu to collect P59,082.92 with
summoned and his property leviable upon execution in case of a
interests, arising out of a shipment of 1,000 tons of coconut oil emulsion sold
favorable, final and executory.
by King, as agent of the Sycip, to Jas. Maxwell Fassett, who in turn assigned it
(2) There is no conflict of laws involved in this case because it is only a
to Fortrade Corporation.
question of enforcing an obligation created by or arising from contract,
(2) Under an agency agreement set forth in a letter in New York addressed to and
and unless the enforcement of the contract be against public policy of the
accepted by Sycip, King was made the executive agent of Sycip in the sale of
forum, it must be enforced.
Philippine coconut oil and its derivatives outside the Philippines, and was to be
(3) As to the merits of the case, there can be no doubt that the sale of the
paid 2½% on the total actual sale price of sales obtained through his efforts,
1,000 metric tons of coconut oil was not a separate and independent
and in addition thereto, 50% of the difference between the authorized sale
contract from that of the agency agreement.
price and the actual price.
o This is proven by 2 letters and a telegram written by Sycip, wherein
(3) After trial, the Court rendered judgment as prayed for in the complaint in
he himself confirmed the said transaction and King’s commission.
favor of King.
o The letter upon which Sycip relies for his defense is one of the
(4) Sycip filed a motion for new trial based on newly discovered evidence, which
several drafts which led to the execution of the agency agreement.
consists of:
Although such letter does not stipulate on the commission to be paid
a. Duplicate original of a letter covering the sale of 1,000 tons of coconut
to King as agent, yet if he paid King a 2½% commission on the first 3
oil soap emulsion signed by Maxwell to Sycip;
coconut emulsion shipments, there is no reason why he should not
b. L/C of Chemical Bank & Trust Company in favor of Maxwell, and assigned
pay him the same commission on the last shipment.
to Sycip;
Disposition: Hence, King is entitled to collect 7,598.88 for commission and P50,000
c. A letter by the Fortrade Corporation to Maxwell, whereby Fortrade
placed a firm order of 1,000 metric tons of coconut oil soap emulsion for ½ of the overprice or a total of P57,589.88, with lawful interests.
and Maxwell accepted.
(5) However, the motion was denied. Hence, Sycip appealed from the said 2. Pakistan International Airlines Corporation vs. Hon. Blas F. Ople
judgment. G.R. No. 61594, September 28, 1990
(6) Both parties are agreed that the only transaction or sale made by King, as 190 SCRA 90
agent of Sycip, was that of the subject coconut oil. Petition for certiorari to review the order of the Minister of Labor.
a. King still maintains that he is entitled to the claimed commissions.
b. Sycip contends that the coconut oil transaction as aforementioned was
not covered by the agency contract as it formed part of an independent FACTS:
and separate transaction, agreed upon on an earlier date, for which King On 2 December 1978, petitioner Pakistan International Airlines Corporation (PIA), a
has already been compensated. Moreover, he contends that as the foreign corporation licensed to do business in the Philippines, executed in Manila
two (2) separate contracts of employment, one with private respondent Ethelynne
B. Farrales and the other with private respondent Ma. M.C. Mamasig. The contracts such stipulations as they may deem convenient, “provided they are not contrary to
became effective on 9 January 1979 and provided for the duration of employment law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy.” Thus, counter-balancing
and penalty, termination and the applicable law which is of Pakistan’s. They were the principle of autonomy of contracting parties is the equally general rule that
trained in Pakistan and worked as flight attendants with base station in Manila and provisions of applicable law, especially provisions relating to matters affected with
flying assignments to different parts of the Middle East and Europe. public policy, are deemed written into the contract. The law relating to labor and
employment are impressed with public interest. Paragraph 5 of that employment
contract was inconsistent with Articles 280 and 281 of the Labor Code and thus,
A year and four (4) months prior to the expiration of the contracts of employment, cannot be given effect.
they received separate letters informing them that their services would be
4. These circumstances – the employer-employee relationship between the parties;
the contract being not only executed in the Philippines, but also performed here, at
Private respondents Farrales and Mamasig jointly instituted a complaint for illegal least partially; private respondents are Philippine citizens and petitioner, although
dismissal and non-payment of company benefits and bonuses, against PIA with the a foreign corporation, is licensed to do business and actually doing business and
then Ministry of Labor and Employment. Several attempts at conciliation were not hence resident in the Philippines; lastly, private respondents were based in the
fruitful. Philippines in between their assigned flights to the Middle East and Europe – show
that the Philippine courts and administrative agencies are the proper fora for the
ISSUES: resolution of contractual disputes between the parties. The employment
1. Whether or not the Regional Director, MOLE, had jurisdiction over the agreement cannot be given effect so as to bar Philippine agencies and courts
subject matter of the complaint initiated by private respondents for vested with jurisdiction by Philippine law. Moreover, PIA failed to plead and
illegal dismissal, jurisdiction over the same being lodged in the Arbitration proved the contents of Pakistan law on the matter, it is therefore presumed that
Branch of the National Labor Relations Commission (“NLRC”). the applicable provisions of the law of Pakistan are the same as the applicable
2. Whether or not the order of the Regional Director had been issued in provisions of Philippine law. Hence, the provision in the contract that the venue for
violation of petitioner’s right to procedural due process. settlement of any dispute arising out of or in connection with the agreement is to
3. Whether or not the employment contract is the governing law between be resolved only in courts of Karachi Pakistan is not valid.
the parties and not the provisions of the Labor Code.
4. ADR ISSUE: WON the provision in the contract that the venue for Contracts; Parties may not contract away applicable provisions of law especially
settlement of any dispute arising out of or in connection with the
peremptory provisions dealing with matters heavily impressed with public interest.
agreement is to be resolved only in courts of Karachi Pakistan is valid.
RULING: The principle of party autonomy in contracts is not absolute. – A contract freely
1. At the time the complaint was initiated in September 1980 and at the time the entered into should, of course, be respected, as PIA argues, since a contract is the
Orders assailed were rendered on January 1981 (by Regional Director Francisco L. law between the parties. The principle of party autonomy in contracts is not,
Estrella) and August 1982 (by Deputy Minister Vicente Leogardo, Jr.), the Regional however, an absolute principle. The rule in Article 1306, of our Civil Code is that the
Director had jurisdiction over termination cases. Art. 278 of the Labor Code, as it contracting parties may establish such stipulations as they may deem convenient,
then existed, forbade the termination of the services of employees with at least
“provided they are not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or
one (1) year of service without prior clearance from the Department of Labor and
public policy.” Thus, counter-balancing the principle of autonomy of contracting
2. No. Petitioner was given an opportunity to submit its position paper and parties is the equally general rule that provisions of applicable law, especially
evidence they had. provisions relating to matters affected with public policy, are deemed written into
the contract. Put a little differently, the governing principle is that parties may not
contract away applicable provisions of law especially peremptory provisions dealing
3. The principle of party autonomy in contracts is not an absolute principle. The
rule in Article 1306 of the Civil Code is that the contracting parties may establish with matters heavily impressed with public interest. The law relating to labor and
employment is clearly such an area and parties are not at liberty to insulate The Court of Appeals ruled that the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC had jurisdiction
themselves and their relationships from the impact of labor laws and regulations by over the subject matter of the case and over the parties.
simply contracting with each other. It is thus necessary to appraise the contractual
provisions invoked by petitioner PIA in terms of their consistency with applicable Issue:
Philippine law and regulations.
Whether labor tribunals have jurisdiction over the case.
3. Continental Micronesia v. Basso
GR No. 178382-83 Held:
Labor Relations: Jurisdiction
Yes. The Court ruled that the labor tribunals had jurisdiction over the parties and
Facts: the subject matter of the case. The employment contract of Basso was replete with
references to US laws, and that it originated from and was returned to the US, do
Petitioner Continental Micronesia is a foreign corporation organized and existing not automatically preclude our labor tribunals from exercising jurisdiction to hear
under the laws of and domiciled in the United States of America. It is licensed to do and try this case.
business in the Philippines. Respondent, a US citizen residing in the Philippines,
accepted an offer to be a General Manager position by Mr. Braden, Managing On the other hand, jurisdiction over the person of CMI was acquired through the
Director-Asia of Continental Airlines. On November 7, 1992, CMI took over the coercive process of service of summons. CMI never denied that it was served with
Philippine operations of Continental, with respondent retaining his position as summons. CMI has, in fact, voluntarily appeared and participated in the
General Manager. Thereafter, respondent received a letter from Mr. Schulz, who proceedings before the courts. Though a foreign corporation, CMI is licensed to do
was then CMI’s Vice President of Marketing and Sales, informing him that he has business in the Philippines and has a local business address here. The purpose of
agreed to work in CMI as a consultant on an “as needed basis.” Respondent wrote the law in requiring that foreign corporations doing business in the country be
a counter-proposal that was rejected by CMI. licensed to do so, is to subject the foreign corporations to the jurisdiction of our
Respondent then filed a complaint for illegal dismissal against the petitioner
corporation. Alleging the presence of foreign elements, CMI filed a Motion to Where the facts establish the existence of foreign elements, the case presents a
Dismiss on the ground of lack of jurisdiction over the person of CMI and the subject conflicts-of-laws issue. Under the doctrine of forum non conveniens, a Philippine
matter of the controversy. court in a conflict-of-laws case may assume jurisdiction if it chooses to do so,
provided, that the following requisites are met: (1) that the Philippine Court is one
The Labor Arbiter agreed with CMI that the employment contract was executed in to which the parties may conveniently resort to; (2) that the Philippine Court is in a
the US “since the letter-offer was under the Texas letterhead and the acceptance of position to make an intelligent decision as to the law and the facts; and (3) that the
Complainant was returned there.” Thus, applying the doctrine of lex loci
Philippine Court has or is likely to have power to enforce its decision. All these
celebrationis, US laws apply. Also, applying lex loci contractus, the Labor Arbiter
ruled that the parties did not intend to apply Philippine laws. requisites are present here.

The NLRC ruled that the Labor Arbiter acquired jurisdiction over the case when CMI 4. LWV Construction Corporation v. Marcelo Dupo
voluntarily submitted to his office’s jurisdiction by presenting evidence, advancing
arguments in support of the legality of its acts, and praying for reliefs on the merits G.R. No. 172342, July 13, 2009
of the case.
FACTS: service award must be filed one year from the termination of the
labor contract for a specific period.
Petitioner LWV, a domestic corporation recruiting Filipino
workers, hired respondent as Civil Structural Superintendent to ISSUE:
work in Saudi Arabia for its principal, Mohammad Al-Mojil
Group/Establishment (MMG). Sometime February 1992, respondent Whether or not the action against petitioner has prescribed
signed his first overseas employment contract. It was renewed five with Article 13 of the Saudi Labor Law as basis.
times and all were fixed-period, renewable contracts for 1 year. The
6th and last contract stated that respondent's employment starts HELD:
upon reporting to work and ends when he leaves the work site.
No, the Supreme Court held that what will apply on this
When respondent left Saudi Arabia for the Philippines on April 30,
1999 and thereby termination his 6th contract, he informed MMG particular case is not Art. 13 of the Saudi Labor Law but Art. 291 of
through LWV that he needs to extend his vacation because his son the Philippine Labor Code which provides for a 3 year prescription
was hospitalized. He also sought a promotion with salary period for all money claims from employee-employer relationship. A
adjustment. In reply, MMG informed him that his promotion is foreign procedural law shall not be applied even if the action is
subject to management's review; that his services are still needed; based upon a foreign substantive law. The Court did not apply the
that he was issued a plane ticket for his return flight to Saudi Arabia; Art. 48 of the Code of Civil Procedure which provides that “if the
and that his decision regarding his employment must be made
laws of the state or country where the cause of action arose, the
within 7 days, otherwise, MMG "will be compelled to cancel his
action is barred, it shall also be barred in the Philippine island
slot." On July 6, 1999, respondent resigned.
because the Court, in light of the provisions of the 1987
Under the Law of Saudi Arabia, an employee who rendered Constitution, Art. 48 cannot be applied ex proprio vigore insofar as
at least 5 years in a company within the jurisdiction of Saudi Arabia, it ordains the application of the provision of the Saudi Law. The
is entitled to the so-called long service award which is known to courts of the forum will not enforce any foreign claim obnoxious to
others as longevity pay of at least one half month pay for every year the forum’s public policy. To enforce the one-year prescriptive
of service. In excess of five years an employee is entitled to one
period of the Amiri Decree No. 23 of 1976 as regards the claims in
month pay for every year of service. When he followed up his claim
question would contravene the public policy on the protection to
for long service award and the MMG failed to respond, he filed a
complaint for payment of service award against LWV before the labor. The Court therefore leaned on the constitutional provision of
NLRC. Aside from the allegation that it was already paid by MMG on protection to labor rather that adopting the provision of the
after his 6th contract ended, LWV argued that the action has foreign law.
prescribed when respondent filed the compliant 1 year and 7
months after his 6th contract ended, using Article 13 of the Saudi
Labor Law as basis which provides that action to enforce payment of
5. Philippine Export and Foreign Loan Guarantee Corporation v V.P. Eusebio
Construction Inc.
8. In October 1986, Al Ahli Bank sent a telex call demanding full payment of its
Facts: performance bond counter-guarantee. Upon receipt, VPECI requested Iraq Trade
and Economic Development Minister Fadhi Hussein to recall the telex for being in
1. The State Organization of Buildings (SOB), Ministry of Housing and Construction, contravention of its mutual agreement that the penalty will be held in abeyance
Baghdad, Iraq awarded the construction of the Institute of Physical Therapy- until completion of the project. It also wrote SOB protesting the telex since the
Medical Rehabilitation Center in Iraq to Ayjal Trading and Contracting Company for Iraqi government lacks foreign exchange to pay VPECI and the non-compliance with
a total contract price of about $18M. the 75% billings in US dollars.

2. Spouses Santos, in behalf of 3-Plex International, Inc., a local contractor engaged 9. Philguarantee received another telex from Al Ahli stating that it already paid to
in construction business, entered into a joint venture agreement with Ayjal wherein Rafidain Bank. The Central Bank authorized the remittance to Al Ahli Bank
the former undertook the execution of the entire a project, while the latter would representing the full payment of the performance counter-guarantee for VPECI's
be entitled to a commission of 4%. project in Iraq.

3. 3-Plex not accredited by the Philippine Overseas Construction Board (POCB) 10. Philguarantee sent letters to respondents demanding the full payment of the
assigned and transferred all its rights and interests to VPECI. surety bond. Respondents failed to pay so petitioner filed a civil case for collection
of sum of money.
4. The SOB required the contractors to submit a performance bond representing
5% of the total contract price, an advance payment bond representing 10% of the 11. Trial Court ruling: Dismissed. Philguarantee had no valid cause of action against
advance payment to be released upon signing of the contract. To comply with the respondents. The joint venture incurred no delay in the execution of the
these requirements 3-Plex and VPECI applied for a guarantee with Philguarantee, a project considering that SOB's violations of the contract rendered impossible the
government financial institution empowered to issue guarantees for qualified performance of its undertaking.
Filipino contractors.
12. CA: Affirmed.
5. But what SOB required was a guarantee from the Rafidain Bank of Baghdad so
Rafidain Bank issued a performance bond in favor of SOB on the condition that Issue:
another foreign bank (not Phil Guarantee) would issue the counter-guarantee.
Hence, Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait was chosen to provide the counter guarantee. What law should be applied in determining whether or not contractor (joint
venture) has defaulted?
6.Afterwards, SOB and the joint venture of VPECI and Ayjal executed the service
contract. Under the contract, the joint venture would supply manpower and Held:
materials, SOB would refund 25% of the project cost in Iraqi Dinar and 75% in US
The question of whether there is a breach of the agreement which includes default
dollars at an exchange rate of 1 Dinar to $3.37.
pertains to the INTRINSIC validity of the contract.
7.The project was not completed. Upon seeing the impossibility of meeting the
deadline, the joint venture worked for the renewal or extension (12x) of the
performance bond up to December 1986.
No conflicts rule on essential validity of contracts is expressly provided for in our
laws. The rule followed by most legal systems is that the intrinsic validity of a
contract must be governed by lex contractus (proper law of the contract). This may
be the law voluntarily agreed upon by the parties (lex loci voluntatis) or the law
intended by them either expressly or implicitly (lex loci intentionis). The law
selected may be implied from factors such as substantial connection with the
transaction, or the nationality or domicile of the parties. Philippine courts adopt
this: to allow the parties to select the law applicable to their contract, SUBJECT to
the limitation that it is not against the law, morals, public policy of the forum and
that the chosen law must bear a substantive relationship to the transaction.

In the case, the service contract between SOB and VPECI contains no express
choice of law. The laws of Iraq bear substantial connection to the transaction and
one of the parties is the Iraqi government. The place of performance is also in Iraq.
Hence, the issue of whether VPECI defaulted may be determined by the laws of

BUT! Since foreign law was not properly pleaded or proved, processual
presumption will apply.

According to Art 1169 of the Civil Code: In reciprocal obligations, neither party
incurs in delay if the other party does not comply or is not ready to comply in a
proper manner what is incumbent upon him.

As found by the lower courts: the delay or non-completion of the project was
caused by factors not imputable to the Joint Venture, it was rather due to the
persistent violations of SOB, particularly it's failure to pay 75% of the accomplished
work in US dollars. Hence, the joint venture does not incur in delay if the other
party(SOB) fails to perform the obligation incumbent upon him.


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