2019 - Numerical Simulation On Effect of FSW para On Peak Temp Stress & RS of AA6061

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J Fail. Anal. and Preven.



Numerical Simulation on the Effect of Friction Stir Welding

Parameters on the Peak Temperature, Von Mises Stress,
and Residual Stresses of 6061-T6 Aluminum Alloy
Noureddine Zina . Samir Zahaf . Sabik Abdelhadi Bouaziz . Abdessamad Brahami .
Mustapha Kaid . Boualem Chetti . Zahra Najafi Vafa

Submitted: 11 August 2019

Ó ASM International 2019

Abstract The friction stir welding (FSW) has become an problem using a moving heat source and later used the
important welding technique to join materials that are transient temperature outputs from the thermal analysis to
difficult to weld by traditional fusion welding technology. determine residual stresses in the welded plates via a 3-D
The model used in this study is a simplified version of the elastoplastic thermo-mechanical simulation. Two welding
thermo-mechanical model developed by Zhu and Chao for cases with two different parameters the feed rate and the
FSW with aluminum alloy A6061-T6. Zhu and Chao pre- rotation speed are analyzed. In the first part, we fixed the
sented nonlinear thermal and thermo-mechanical speed of advance and varied the speed of rotation
simulations using the finite element analysis code ANSYS (140 mm/min, 600, 1000, 1400 rpm) and in the second part
APDL 16.2. They initially formulated a heat transfer fixed the speed of rotation and varied the speed of advance
(600 rpm, 80, 100, 140 mm/min). The objective of this
N. Zina  S. A. Bouaziz
paper is to study the variation of transient temperature and
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Polytechnic distribution of Von Mises stress and evaluate the residual
School of Oran Maurice Audin, Oran, Algeria stress in a friction stir welded plate of AA 6061-T6. We
N. Zina have used the thermo-mechanical model developed by Zhu
e-mail: noureddinez71@yahoo.fr and Chao and implemented our program under the code
S. A. Bouaziz ANSYS APDL. We see that the peak temperature obtained
e-mail: bouazizsabik@gmail.com from simulation is approximately near the measured one.
However, the peak temperature at the welded joints
S. Zahaf (&)  B. Chetti
Department of Science and Technology, University of Khamis
increased by increasing the rotation speed with the same
Meliana, Ain Defla, Algeria tool profile and constant value of welding speed. The
e-mail: samir.zahaf@univ-dbkm.dz; residual stresses are affected by the FSW processes,
zahafsamir1983@gmail.com otherwise, by the welding temperature and mixing which
B. Chetti have a relationship with the welding parameters. An
e-mail: b.chetti@univ-dbkm.dz increase in the welding speed apparently lead to an increase
A. Brahami  M. Kaid
in the residual stress. The residual stresses found by this FE
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Djillali model have never exceeded the value of 54% of the elastic
Liabes, Sidi Bel Abbès, Algeria limit. We concluded that the model gives a good result in
A. Brahami terms of stress. The results of the simulation are in good
e-mail: abdouda2002@gmail.com agreement with that of experimental results.
M. Kaid
e-mail: mustapha_kaid@yahoo.fr Keywords FSW process  Numerical simulation 
Von mises Residual stress  Temperature 
Z. Najafi Vafa
Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of
Welding parameter  Finite element method
Agriculture, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran
e-mail: zahranajafivafa.64@gmail.com

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

Introduction workpiece of the FSW. Chao and Qi [3, 4] developed a

moving heat source model in a finite element analysis and
Friction stir welding (FSW) is a relatively new, state-of the simulated the transient temperature, residual stress and
art solid state joining process. This metal jointing tech- residual distortion of the FSW process. Furthermore,
nique is derived from the conventional friction welding. In Colegrove et al. [5] and Frigaard et al. [6] developed three-
a typical FSW, a rotating cylindrical pin tool is forced to dimensional heat flow models for the prediction of tem-
plunge into the plates to be welded (i.e., workpiece) and perature fields in the FSW. Midling [7], Russell and
moved along their contact line; this is shown in Fig. 1. Sheercliff [8] investigated the effect of tool shoulder
During this operation, frictional heat that is generated by material and pin tool on heat input during the FSW. Most
contact friction between the tool and workpiece softens the currently, Donne et al. [9] reported the measured residual
material. stresses in friction stir welds for 2024-T3 and 6013-T6
The plasticized material is stirred by the tool and forced aluminums. Dong et al. [10] carried out a coupled thermo-
to ‘‘flow’’ to the side and the back of the tool as the tool mechanical analysis of the FSW process using a simplified
advances. As the temperature cools down, a solid contin- two-dimensional axisymmetric model. Chao et al. [11]
uous joint between the two plates is then formed. Because investigated the variations of heat energy and temperature
the highest temperature in the FSW process is lower than produced by the FSW in both the workpiece and the pin
the melting temperature of the workpiece material, FSW tool. All investigations show that the FSW process of
yields fine microstructures, absence of cracking, low aluminum alloys yields welds with low distortion, high
residual distortion and no loss of alloying elements that are quality and low cost. Consequently, better structural per-
the main advantages of this solid phase process. Never- formance is the primary advantage of this technology’s
theless, as in the traditional fusion welds, a softened heat- applications. For example, a demonstration of the tremen-
affected zone and a tensile residual stress parallel to the dous potential and successful applications of aluminum
weld also exist. FSW in airframe structures can be found by Talwar et al.
Although it is a new welding technology, the FSW has [12]. In principle, the FSW process can be applied to
been extensively studied in both the academic and indus- joining other alloy materials such as steels and titanium as
trial communities for most aluminum alloys including well. Of course, it is well known that current tool materials
difficult-to-weld alloys such as AA2195 (with lithium) and used in the FSW for aluminums are not adequate for pro-
AA7075. To date, most of the researchers focused their duction applications in many of the harder alloy materials.
attentions on the heat transfer or temperature analysis of However, when adequate wear-resistant tool materials
FSW. Tang et al. [1] presented the experimentally mea- become available, the benefits of the FSW may promote its
sured temperature distributions of the workpiece in an rapid implementation in the production of ferrous struc-
FSW. Gould and Feng [2] proposed a simple heat transfer tures and structures made from other more refractory
model for predicting the temperature distribution in the materials. While work to develop the necessary tool

Fig. 1 (A) Scheme of friction stir welding process, (B) scheme of frictional heat, (c) rotating tool traverses along the workpiece and (d)
FSW process steps: (a) rotating tool before plunging, (b) plunging pulling out from the workpiece
and then tool shoulder touches the workpiece surface producing

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

materials continues, it is also important to make progress in with the diameters of R0 = 16 mm, respectively. The
the development of the FSW process for steels. For welded plates are 6061 Al alloy; each is in a rectangular
instance, experimental studies of austenitic stainless steels shape with a size of 200 9 50 9 3.18 mm. The tool is
[13] revealed the microstructures, residual stresses and considered a rigid solid, and the workpiece is considered a
strength of the friction stir welds. To further understand the ductile material characterized with elasticity, plasticity and
fundamental mechanisms associated with the welding for- a kinetic hardening effect. The temperature-dependent
mation process and improve the welding quality for the properties of the 6061 Al alloy are used up to 571 °C based
FSW of steels, numerical modeling and simulations of on Ref. [8] and are given in Table 1. The stress–strain
transient temperature and residual stresses are valuable and curves of 6061-T6 at various temperatures are plotted in
necessarily needed. In this paper, a three-dimensional Fig. 2 [8].
model based on a finite element method (FEM) is proposed
to analyze residual stress distribution in the weld, study the Inverse Analysis Method for Heat Transfer
thermal impact and evolution of the stresses of Von Mises
in the weld by considering the mechanical effect of the At the present work, thermal and thermo-mechanical
tool. (Only the shoulder is included at this time.) analysis is adapted, which is similar to the numerical
This study is accomplished by parametrically studying simulation of the conventional arc welding [17, 18]. The
the effects of varying welding parameters, primarily the heat transfer analysis was performed first, and the transient
traverse and rotation speed of the tool. The entire welding temperature outputs from this analysis are saved for the
process is simulated using the commercial finite element subsequent thermo-mechanical analysis. In the thermal
package ANSYS APDL 16.2. For the boundary conditions, analysis, the transient temperature field T is a function of
we chose the rotation speed of 500 rpm and three tool feed time t and the spatial coordinates (x, y, z) and is determined
speeds (80, 100, 140 mm/min) so that we can compare and by the three-dimensional nonlinear heat transfer equation
validate the FE model. The coordinate system adopted in [19]:
our case is related to the workpiece. Based on the three-  2 
o T o2 T o2 T oT
dimensional finite element method (FEM), a code is k þ þ þ Qint ¼ cq ðEq 1Þ
ox2 oy2 oz2 ot
developed to predict the temperature and residual stresses.
The results for both temperature and residual stresses are where k is the coefficient of thermal conductivity, Qint is
compared with the available experimental data to validate the internal heat source rate, c is the mass specific heat
the present modelization. capacity, and q is the density of materials. Heat flux to the
system is put in by a moving source on the boundary of the
weld line. This heat produced by the friction contact
Materials and Methods between the pin tool and the plates is concentrated locally
and propagates rapidly into remote regions of the plates by
Geometry Configuration conduction according to Eq 1 as well as convection and
radiation through the boundary.
The welding process is shown in Fig. 1, where V is the It is assumed that the heat flux, q(r), is linearly dis-
traverse speed of the tool, and x is its rotational speed. The tributed in the radial direction of the pin tool shoulder and
tool is made of AISI A2 steel and consists of the shoulder has the following form [4]:

Table 1 Material properties of AISI A2 steel [14, 15] and aluminum alloy 6061-T6 [16]
Thermal Young’s Yield Thermal
Temperature conductivity (W/ Heat capacity Density modulus strength expansion (lm/ Poisson’s Melting
(°C) m °C) (J/kg °C) (kg/m3) (GPa) (MPa) °C) ratio Point (°C)

AISI A2 23.8 1096 7860 203 10.6 0.23

Al alloy 0 162 917 2703 69.7 277.7 22.4
6061- 93.3 177 978 2685 66.2 264.6 24.61
204.4 192 1028 2657 59.2 218.6 26.6 0.23 582–652
315.6 207 1078 2630 47.78 66.2 27.6
427.7 223 1133 2602 31.72 17.9 29.6
571.1 253 1230 2574 0 0 34.2

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

where E is the Young’s modulus, m is the Poisson’s ratio, a

is the thermal expansion coefficient, sij = r_ ij  1/3 r_ kk dij
are the components of deviatory stresses, and k is the
plastic flow factor. k = 0 for elastic deformation or re \
rs, and k [ 0 for plastic deformation or re C rs, where rs
is the yield stress, and re = (3/2 sij sij )1/2 is the Von Mises
effective stress.
It is well known that the thermo-mechanical analysis for
welding simulation using finite element method is extremely
time-consuming. To reduce computational time and still
Fig. 2 Geometry configuration of friction stir welding maintain reasonable accuracy, many thermo-mechanical
numerical analyses use a ‘‘cut-off temperature,’’ i.e., the
mechanical properties above the cutoff temperature are
assumed to maintain constant values [17]. Tekriwal and
Table 2 Chemical composition AA6061-T6 [20, 21]
Mazumder [17] showed that the residual stresses from FEA
Mg Si Fe Cu Zn Ti Mn Cr Al have only small changes for carbon steels when the cutoff
0.8– 0.4–0.8 0.7 0.15– 0.25 0.15 0.15 0.04– Balance temperature varied from 600 to 1400 °C, but the computa-
1.2 0.40 0.35 tional time is significantly reduced if the cutoff temperature
600 °C is used. A cutoff temperature of 900 °C (i.e., about
two-third of 1400 °C the melting temperature of 304L
stainless steel) is used in the current numerical calculations
12Qr d d
qð r Þ ¼  for i  r  o ðEq 2Þ to reduce unnecessary computational time.
p d03  di3 2 2

where do is the outside diameter of the pin tool shoulder, di Mesh, Loads and Boundary Conditions
is the pin diameter, and Q is the total heat input energy. In
Eq 2, the heat generated at the pin of tool is neglected The mesh used in the calculations of the present study is
because this heat is very small, e.g., in the order 2% of the presented in Fig. 3. It is composed of 7891 elements. The
total heat as reported by Russell and Sheercliff [8]. As mesh used in the present study is SOLID226 because of it’s
such, in the analysis, di = 0 in (2) was used. On the structural capabilities include elasticity, plasticity, large
boundary or the surfaces of the workpiece, convection and strain, large deflection, stress stiffening effects, pre-stress
radiation in heat transfer are responsible for heat loss to the effects and structural–thermal capabilities. Figure 3 illus-
ambient. To consider such heat convection and radiation on trate the geometry of this element [22].
all plate surfaces except for the bottom surface, the heat This mesh is composed of two minimum elements in the
flux loss is evaluated by: thickness in order to take into account the gradients of the
 thermo-mechanical quantities according to the thickness.
qs ¼ bðT  T0 Þ þ eB T4  T04 ðEq 3Þ
Near the tool, a very fine mesh zone is imposed in order to
The chemical composition of the 6061-T6 aluminum take into account the boundary layer appearing in this zone
alloy is given in Table 2. (Fig. 4).
The boundary conditions applied to the model concern
Thermo-Mechanical Model both the mechanical aspects and the thermal aspects. It is
considered that we model a welding with a given speed of
In the thermo-mechanical analysis, the incremental theory advance, v, and a speed of rotation of the tool, x. In the
of plasticity is employed. The plastic deformation of the present model, the surfaces to be joined come into contact.
materials is assumed to obey the Von Mises yield criterion A standard surface-to-surface contact pair using
and the associated flow rule. The relationship of the rate TARGE170 and CONTA174 is shown in Fig. 5.
components between thermal stresses, r_ ij , and strains, , Because of the frictional contact between the tool and
workpiece who is responsible for heat generation, we
is described by:

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

Fig. 3 SOLID226 geometry

Fig. 5 Contact pair between the two surfaces

Fig. 4 Finite element model meshing

choose a standard surface-to-surface contact pair between

the tool and workpiece. The CONTA174 element is used to
model the contact surface on the top surface of the work-
piece, and the TARGE170 element is used for the tool, as
Fig. 6 Contact between the workpiece and the tool
shown in Fig. 6.
The thermal boundary conditions are expressed either in
terms of imposed temperature or in terms of heat. They are Lateral: A convective heat, corresponding to the
applied on the various surfaces constituting the border: exchange with the unmodelized part, is applied: Qlat = hlat
Input: An input temperature equal to the ambient tem- (T  Tamb).
perature, Tamb, is imposed.
Output: A zero heat flux, Q = 0, is imposed.

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

Lower surface: A convective heat corresponding to the Upper surface: A convective heat corresponding to the
exchange with the support plate is applied: Qlow = hlow exchange with air is applied: Qair = hair (T  Tamb) with
(T  Tamb). hair = 20 Wm2 K1 commonly accepted in the literature
[23]. (We do not take into account the clamping.)
Pin and shoulder: A zero heat, Q = 0, is imposed.
The mechanical boundary conditions are expressed
either in terms of imposed speed or in terms of pressure or
displacement. They are applied on the various surfaces
constituting the border. As shown in Fig. 7, null displace-
ments are imposed at both ends of the plates and at the
bottom surface of these two plates. In the first part, a fixed
rotational speed is imposed w = 500 rpm for the tool, with
a board speed equal to 2 mm/s. The feed speed of the tool
is also set at 140 mm/min, the preheating time is 4.5 s, and
Fig. 7 Configuration and boundary conditions
these parameters are chosen to enable us to validate our

Fig. 8 Temperature evolution as a function of distance: (a) a comparison of the predicted temperature—FEM model—and the experimental
data, (b) mapping of the temperature during welding

Fig. 9 Temperature evolution as a function of time: (a) a comparison of the predicted temperature—FEM model—and the experimental data,
(b) mapping of the temperature during welding

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

numerical model with the experimental results of C Chen Figure 9a shows a comparison of experimental data and
et al. [24]. FE modeled value, of the temperature evolution as a
Subsequently, we played on the welding parameters, function of time, for the parameter discussed above at mid-
such as angular speed and linear speed, to make a com- position along tool movement in welding line at time 40 s.
parative study of these results. We chose angular speeds of At the same time, 40 s, the temperature mapping is illus-
600, 1000, 1400 rpm for a welding speed of 100 mm/s. trated in Fig. 9b.
Linear velocities of 80, 100 and 140 mm/min for an Figures 8 and 9 show a comparison between the
angular velocity of w = 1000 rpm are studied. In the sec- experimental results and the FE model, and we can see that
ond part, we chose angular speeds of 600 rpm for a there is a good agreement between the measured temper-
welding speed 80, 100 and 140 mm/min studied. ature and the calculated temperature, which indicates that
the model developed for the prediction of the history of the
temperature provides satisfactory results.
Results and Discussion After validation of the FE model, we changed the
rotation speed for a fixed linear velocity in order to see the
Temperature Distribution influence of the rotation frequency on the temperature.
Figure 10a shows the evolution of the temperature as a
The validation of the present model was accomplished by function of time for rotational speeds 1400, 1000 and
comparing the temperature values obtained by the FE 600 rpm. It is clear that each time we increase the fre-
simulation with those of C. Chen [7]. Figure 8a shows a quency of rotation, the temperature systematically
temperature distribution along the lateral direction (for increases, and this has a good agreement with the literature
nodes 1.5 mm below the top surface of the plate with a [25]. Figures 9c, d and 10b show the distribution of the
linear speed of 140 mm/min). It is obvious from Fig. 8a temperature at the weld at time t = 40 s for rotation fre-
that the numerical results found are almost identical with quencies 1400, 1000 and 600 successively.
those of the experimental results. Figure 8b shows the The existence of the residual forces has a significant
cross-sectional temperature maps during welding. effect on the mechanical properties especially on the fati-
We can notice that the two curves of Fig. 7a, of the gue properties. Hence, we have focused on studying the
numerical model and the experimental results, are very residual stress distribution generated by the FSW process.
close. We note also that the simulated maximum temper- The residual stress profiles of the 80, 100 and 140 mm/min
ature is 482 °C, and the maximum experimental welding speeds are shown in Figs. 11, 12 and 13,
temperature is 457 °C. This shows that the maximum rel- respectively.
ative error is 6% for the maximum temperature. This value
is acceptable.

Fig. 10 Temperature evolution as a function of time: (a) a comparison of the predicted temperature of the different rotational frequency, (b)
mapping of the temperature at x = 1400 rpm, (c) mapping of the temperature at x = 1000 rpm, (d) mapping of the temperature at x = 600 rpm

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

Fig. 11 Simulation results of temperature profiles for pure aluminum 6061-T6 at different transverse speeds (constant rotational speed of
600 rpm)

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Temperature Distribution evident from Fig. 11 that keeping the applied force and the
rotational speed constant, as the welding speed increases,
In the present study, the simulated temperature history of the peak temperature decreases.
FSW for pure aluminum A6061 at different process However, to attain a good processed zone, the optimum
parameter combinations is presented in Fig. 11. The operating temperature for material Al6061 is between 409
numerical investigations of heat generation during friction and 507 °C. As the coefficient of friction and radius of the
stir welding (FSW) of pure aluminum A6061 were shoulder and pin are constant for the current investigation,
performed. the increase in welding speed has to be compensated by
Figure 11 shows temperature variation with distance for decreasing the applied force. Similarly, as the welding
different welding speeds (80 mm/min, 100 mm/min and speed increases, the contact time per unit area of tool–
140 mm/min), at constant rotational speed of 600 rpm. It is

Fig. 12 Residual stress profiles as function of distance of welding speed 80 mm/min

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Fig. 13 Residual stress profiles as function of distance of welding speed 100 mm/min

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Fig. 14 Residual stress profiles as function of distance of welding speed 140 mm/min

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b Fig. 15 Von Mises stress distributions in the workpiece at time Furthermore, they have proven that the longitudinal
t = 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120 and 126.5 s for stresses increase with increasing the traverse speed. Suton
w = 600 rev/min and v = 80 mm/min
et al. [19] and also Donne et al. have proven that the lon-
gitudinal is the most important component in the residual
stresses analysis in FSW process and that the transverse is
about 70% of the longitudinal component. In order to have
workpiece interface is reduced thus reducing the peak a wider understanding of the FSW process, some
temperature. researchers have recently simulated the FSW process by
The simulated temperature history of FSW for pure numerical models.
aluminum A6061 at different process parameter combina- Moreover, these numerical models have also the aim to
tions is presented in Fig. 11. However, at constant develop the process through the research of optimal
rotational speed of 600 rpm, it was observed that higher parameters minimizing the amount of trial and error.
transverse speeds lead to lower temperatures in the stir Khandkar et al. [14] have made an uncoupled thermo-
zone and also increasing the transverse speed from 80 to mechanical model for some aluminum alloys and 304 L
140 mm/min leads to significant variation in the thermal stainless steel based on torque input for calculating tem-
history as shown in Fig. 11 where the maximum temper- perature and then residual stress. Chen et al. [15] have
ature of 507.52 °C is observed at 80–600 rpm. developed a 3D numerical model to study the thermal
These observations were consistent with other studies impact and evolution of the residual stresses in the welded
[19]. It was clear that softening degree of the stir zone was joints.
affected by the peak temperature and the process duration However, the previously described numerical simula-
at high temperature. The exposed duration at three process tions are only thermal or thermo-mechanical models in
parameters (80, 100 and 140 mm/min—600 rpm) was which, for example, the tool mechanical force is not con-
126.5, 112.5 and 96.5 s, respectively. It is clear that the sidered. These effects are important and should be included
cooling rate in 80 mm/min-600 rpm is higher than other into the thermo-mechanical simulations.
two transverse speeds (100 and 140 mm/min). Further, The existence of the residual forces has a significant
higher transverse speed will reduce the processing time and effect on the mechanical properties especially on the fati-
subsequently, the workpiece will stay less time at higher gue properties. Hence, the importance of studying the
temperatures. distribution of residual stresses in FSW welds. The residual
stress profiles of the 80, 100 and 140 mm/min welding
Analysis of Residual Stress Distribution in the Weld speeds are shown in Figs. 12, 13 and 14, respectively.
We see that for the three Figs. 12, 13 and 14, the par-
Residual stresses have a fundamental role in welded ticular profile of the component rres (zz) is a relatively
structures because they affect the mechanical response of symmetrical profile containing peaks. The two extremities
parts (i.e., corrosion resistance, fatigue life and many other peaks located on either side of the zone which has been in
material characteristics). contact with the shoulder: The maxima of the peaks are
Residual stress distribution, also in FSW process where, spaced apart by 20 mm, while the diameter of the shoulder
though the heat input is lower than traditional welding is equal to 15 mm. The peak values of rres (zz) are 123,
techniques, the constraints applied to the parts to weld are 134 and 145 MPa for the speeds 80, 100 and 140 mm/min,
more severe, should be deeply studied. Technical literature respectively.
reports numerous research papers that deal with the We made a qualitative comparison of the results found
experimental evaluation of residual stress distribution in by the present FE model with those of the experiment of
FSW joints. Dalle Donne et al. [18], employing different Wang et al. [20]. Having not considered the same welding
techniques, have measured residual stress distribution on configuration used by this author, we have concentrated to
FSW 2024Al-T3 and 6013Al-T6 joints. compare the profile peaks, as well as the position of these
They have shown that longitudinal and transverse peaks located outside the area delimited by the shoulder,
residual stresses have a ‘‘M’’-like distribution across the we can say that the model demonstrate a good numerical
weld. Moreover, the longitudinal residual stresses are prediction.
higher than the transverse ones regardless on traverse Concerning the quantitative value of the residual stres-
speed, tool rotation speed and pin diameter. Peel et al. [3], ses obtained, a comparison of the different welding speeds
employing synchrotron x-ray method, have measured the can be made, comparing the values of the residual stresses
residual stress in FSW AA5083 welded joints. The results with respect to the elastic limit at ambient temperature. For
show that there is a tension state in the weld bead in both the alloy in question, the elastic limit is 270 MPa, and the
longitudinal and transverse residual stress directions.

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b Fig. 16 Temperature distributions (°C) in the workpiece at time However, at welding time (20, 30, 40) seconds, the pin
t = 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 and 112.5 s for generates strong stresses surrounding the tool while low
w = 600 rev/min and v = 80 mm/min
stresses were noticed for a welding time of 10 s as shown
by the Von Mises stress plot. After the tool shoulder tou-
ched the workpiece at 4.5 s (preheating time), the
cylindrical high stress layer gradually disappeared since the
maximum residual stresses at speeds 80, 100 and 140 mm/ material was heated up by the heat generated at the
min are 122, 134 and 147 MPa, respectively. shoulder–pin interface.
The estimated residual stresses are thus between 45 and For the same linear welding speed of 80 mm/min,
54% of the yield stress at ambient temperature. In their rotational speed of 600 rpm of the tool and at different
work, Wang et al. [20] performed two tests: the first with a welding time (50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100)seconds, we can
low welding speed and the second with a high welding see a high Von Mises stress designated red contour
speed. They concluded that the residual stresses measured (Fig. 16). Furthermore, after a welding time of 100 s, it has
are, respectively, at 53 and 73% of the elastic limit taken been reported that there is a reduction Von Mises stress
equal to 276 MPa for a 6061 aluminum alloy. Thus, the which is equal to 1530 MPa.
value between 45 and 54% obtained in the simulation is The model can predict temperature evolution through
acceptable with regard to the experimental results. This the whole process and over the whole volume. Figure 15
value of 50% is also found in the works of Lawrjanie et al. shows the temperature distributions in degrees centigrade
[21]. (°C) at 12 representative time points t = 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,
60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 and 126.5 s.
Analysis of the Distribution of Von Mises Stresses When only the pin was in contact with the workpiece,
and Temperature Field in the Welding Cord the maximum temperature in the workpiece occurred
somewhere adjacent to the edge of the pin bottom surface.
The stress will form in the weld during welding since the At 4.5 s (preheating time), the shoulder surface started to
expansion of material occurs during the heating of the contact the workpiece; thereafter, the maximum tempera-
welded plates, followed by the contraction during the ture moved toward the corner between pin and shoulder
cooling of the welds. Furthermore, the rotational and the surfaces. At 10 s, the full contact condition was established
transverse movements of the tool will cause additional between tool surface and top surface of the workpiece,
stress in the weld due to the mechanical constraint of the whereupon the maximum temperature was around the
plates by the fixture. shoulder workpiece interface.
One of the most important features of the proposed Figure 16 shows the simulated temperature field during
model is the ability to predict the stress distributions (active the steady-state welding process. It can be seen clearly that
stress and residual stress) over the whole FSW process. the temperature distribution is asymmetrical around the
Figure 15 shows the Von Mises stress plots (N/m2) at 12 weld centerline, which is caused by the non-uniform
characteristic time points t = 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, material flow around the tool.
90, 100 and 112.5 s from the start of the process. At the We see in Fig. 16, the high temperature region locates
commencement of plunging, an axial force was exerted on under the shoulder, where the energy density is extremely
the material beneath the tool pin causing an area of high high. The peak temperature locates at the position of the
compressive stress in the workpiece. With the growth of advancing side behind the tool, and its value 587 °C is
the heat at the pin–workpiece interface, the material pro- about 100% of the melting temperature (583 °C) of
gressively softens. Al6061-T6 aluminum alloys. It should be noted that the
For a compression loading P applied on the upper sur- temperature distribution characteristics above are similar to
face of the tool, the equivalent stresses are concentrated those in the literature [25].
between the two plates and the lower surface of the tool. Figure 16 shows the temperature distribution in the two
For each time t(s), the equivalent stress equal respectively aluminum plates A6061-T6 treated at a rotational speed of
1740, 1410, 1650, 2130, 2080, 2760, 3220, 2420, 2140, 600 rpm and transverse speeds 80 mm/min at different
1430, 1510 MPa, shown in Fig. 15. welding times t = 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100
We find in this figure, at 10 s, the stress in the plates and 112.5 s.
under the tool pin nearly approached 1740 MPa, because of It was observed that the temperature on the advancing
the extremely high temperature in this zone which is equal side was slightly higher than those on the recessed side in
to 587.60 °C, indicated by the equations constituent. In all combinations of process parameters. After a dwelling
10 s, the maximum stress migrated to somewhere remote time, that is to say (preheating time 4.5 s) of 4.5, 10 s, the
from the pin–workpiece interface. temperature was more evenly distributed between the front

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

b Fig. 17 Von Mises stress distributions in the workpiece at time retreating and advancing sides. This means the rotating
t = 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 and 112.5 s for motion of the tool will not significantly affect the tem-
w = 600 rev/min and v = 100 mm/min
perature distribution in the workpiece.
Figure 16 shows the simulated contour of temperature
change during FSW for various process parameters using
ANSYS 16.2. The analysis shows that along the direction
side and the rear side of the tool which is equal to of the FSW, the temperature values increase as the duration
587.60 °C. increases. After a 30 s weld time, at 60 s, the temperature
Then, the tool began to cross to join the plates. The value decreased to 472.18 °C but was better distributed
welding process quickly reached a stable state, and the between the front side and the back side of the tool. A
distribution pattern of the temperature around the tool compression loading P applied on the upper surface of the
showed little variation, as indicated at 10, 20 s in Fig. 16. tool clearly shows the increase in temperature between the
On the other hand, we find in this figure the welding three times (70, 80 and 90 s) which are equal to (486.74,
temperature between the two times (10, 20 s) decreases to 494.94 and 493.17 °C); this is shown in Fig. 16.
392.79 °C. We see in Fig. 16 that the temperature contour
looks almost symmetric along the joint line on both the

Fig. 18 Temperature distributions (°C) in the workpiece at time t = 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 and 112.5 s for w = 600 rpm and
v = 100 mm/min

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

b Fig. 19 Temperature distributions (°C) in the workpiece at time At 80 s weld time, the temperature value decreased to
t = 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 96.5 s for w = 600 rpm and 536.5 °C, but was better distributed between the front side
v = 140 mm/min
and the back side of the tool. We present in Fig. 18 a
comparison of the temperature distribution on the cord line,
taken at time t = 10 s, t = 20 s, t = 30 s, t = 40 s, t = 50 s
for aluminum alloys Al6061-T6 the values of the temper-
Figure 16 shows the temperature distribution along a atures in the five instants which are equal to (596.77,
longitudinal line at the bead that is above the part to be 425.40, 438.53, 480.58, 508.49 °C) and it is found that the
welded to the environment of the source of the heat. These maximum temperatures are reached in the core zone of the
distributions are represented at different times for the alu- cords, with a difference d approximately 596.77 °C.
minum alloy A6061-T6. We also observe that after the first Figure 18 illustrates the temperature distribution along
nine instants (100, 110, 126 s), the maximum values of the the junction line (cord), at t = 90 s, for aluminum alloys
temperature become very close to each other, and this is A6061-T6. It is observed that the passage of the FSW tool
due to the approximation of the source to the longitudinal causes a rapid increase in the maximum temperature which
sampling line (measurement). equals 527.85 °C; this is shown in Fig. 18.
Figure 17 shows the Von Mises stress plots (N/m2) at We note in Fig. 18 at t = 100 s the temperature
eleven characteristic time points 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, decreases to 515 °C. In other words, for t = 112.5 s, the
80, 90, 100 and 112.5 s from the start of the process. At the value of the temperature decreased to 494.62 °C and this
commencement of plunging, an axial force was exerted on decrease in temperature corresponds to the area of contact
the material beneath the tool pin causing an area of high (friction) between the FSW tool and the plates to be
compressive stress in the workpiece with the growth of the welded.
heat at the pin–workpiece interface, and the material pro- Figure 19 illustrates the temperature distribution along
gressively softens. the junction line (cord) at different welding times (t = 10,
At 10 s, the Von Mises stress in the plates under the tool 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 96.5 s) for aluminum alloy
pin nearly approached 1890 MPa caused by the extremely A6061-T6. It is observed that the passage of the FSW tool
high temperature in this area equal to 596.77 °C signified causes a rapid increase in the maximum temperature and
from the constitutive equations. In 20 s, the distribution of this temperature increase corresponds to the area of the
Von Mises stress in the aluminum plates decreased to a contact (friction) between the FSW tool and the two plates
value that equals 1960 MPa and migrated to a location to be welded.
remote from the pin–piece interface. As in this zone, the temperature gradient is zero,
However, (30, 40, 50, 60, 70) seconds, we see in Fig. 17 because the thermal flux resulting from the friction is the
a cylindrical layer of material surrounding the tool spindle same over the entire surface of the shoulder (of the FSW
showed stress of Von Mises very high enough. tool). We also see that after the first three times (t = 10, 20
After the tool shoulder touched the workpiece at 10 s, and 30 s), the maximum temperature values become very
the cylindrical high stress layer gradually disappeared since close to them, and this is due to the approximation of the
the material was heated up by the heat generated at the source to the longitudinal sample line (measurement).
shoulder–pin interface. During the welding phase, from 20 Figure 20 shows the distribution of Von Mises stress on
to 80 s, no obvious variation of the stress field distribution the longitudinal line of the cord. These distributions are
around the tool was observed. represented at different times for the Al6061-T6 aluminum
This is due to the fact that the temperature distribution alloy. We see in this figure, at 10 s, the stress in the plates
around the tool after 10 s reached a steady state as shown under the tool spindle has almost reached 2140 MPa,
in Fig. 17. From the observation of the stress evolution because of the extremely high temperature in this zone
throughout the process, it can be seen that the temperature which is equal to 618.903 °C, indicated by the constituent
imposes a significant effect on the stress and consequently equations.
on the formation of the weld. In 10 s, the maximum Von Mises stress migrated to a
Figure 18 shows the evolution of the temperature in the location far from the pin-to-room interface. However, the
length of the plate to be welded along the axis (Y) at dif- welding time (20) seconds, there remained a cylindrical
ferent time. It is observed that the temperature achieved its layer of material surrounding the tool spindle which
maximum value at the upper surface of the aluminum plate exhibited a relatively low stress by supplying to 10 s which
A6061-T6 which is equal to (526.78, 535.12 °C) at is equal to 1690 MPa as shown by the contour of Von
t = 60 s and t = 70s respectively, due to both the speed of Mises stress.
advance, the speed of rotation and the friction causing an The linear speed of welding 140 mm/min with the
increase in temperature as a function of time. rotational speed 600 rpm/min of the indicated tool as the

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

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