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“MARIA-ala Mo Kaya” | Radio Drama Criteria

Group # __________ Date:_______________ Grade and Section:__________________

CRITERIA Above Expectation Meets Expectation Approaching Expectation Below Expectation Score

25-23 points 22-20 points 19-15 points 14-5 points

Abundant information Sufficient information Adequate information Irrelevant
Content on how Mary “The about Mary “the about Mary “The information about
Mother of the Holy Mother of the Holy Mother of the Holy Mary “Mother of
Rosary” is present in Rosary” is presented Rosary” is presented the Holy Rosary”
the lives of our and is clearly showed. and is not clearly is presented.
modern times with showed.
very clear ideas
presented throughout
the drama.
Outstanding reflection Depicts clear reflection Contains adequate Contains poor
and realization on and realization on reflection and reflection and
Values Mary “The Mother of Mary “The Mother of realization on Mary realization on
“The Mother of the Mary “The Mother
the Holy Rosary” in the Holy Rosary” in
Holy Rosary” in of the Holy
today’s context. today’s context.
today’s context. Rosary” in today’s
20-18 points 17-15 points 14- 10 points 9-5 points
Delivers a very clear Delivers a clear Delivers vague Understanding on
understanding on understanding on Mary understanding on Mary “The Mother
Mary “The Mother of “The Mother of the Mary “The Mother of of the Holy
Relevance to the Holy Rosary” and Holy Rosary” and its the Holy Rosary” and Rosary” and its
the Theme its relevance in relevance in today’s its relevance in relevance in
today’s context; context; the values today’s context; some today’s context is
values presented are presented are relevant values presented are not delivered;
very relevant and to the situation used. not that relevant to values presented
appropriate to the the situation used or are irrelevant to
situation used. vice-versa. the situation used
or vice-versa.
10-9 points 8-7 points 6-5 points 4-1 points
Storyline Storyline is Storyline is appropriate Storyline is Storyline not
appropriate, with a with a Somewhat clear inconsistent or appropriate, no
clear beginning, beginning, middle, and missing parts. Plot clear beginning,
middle, and end. Plot end. Plot makes some doesn’t always make middle, end. Plot
makes clear sense and sense and holds makes no sense
sense and loses
holds the audience's audience attention and loses the
audience attention.
attention. Script was most of the time. Script audiences
Script not in correct
in correct format. in nearly correct attention. Script
format. not formatted.
Performance Play was entertaining, Play was entertaining, Play was somewhat Play was not very
held listeners’ held listener’s entertaining, didn’t entertaining,
attention, and attention, and consistently capture didn’t capture the
smoothly incorporated sound the listener’s listener’s
incorporated sound effects and
attention, and poorly attention, and
effects and commercials at the
timed sound effects failed to integrate
transitions. appropriate times.
and transitions. sound effects or
Few errors were made Several errors were transitions.
Several errors were
in the performance of made, but group
made that impacted Many errors were
the script; has a very continued the
the performance made that
smooth transition performance.
quality;has a poor negatively
from one scene to has a smooth transition transition from one impacted the
another; ends from one scene to scene to another; performance
properly the play with another; ends properly
a twist. the play. ends the play with quality; has no
some glitches. proper transition
and ending.

(70 POINTS)Total

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