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 Actually / Personally, I think …….

 I feel very strongly about …. = cred cu tarie ca..
 As far as I’m concerned = in ceea ce ma priveste
 I strongly believe …..
 I would say that ……
 In my opinion / as I see it …..
 From my point of view / from my standpoint = din punctul meu de vedere
 To my mind / as far as I know / as far as I can tell / to ( the best of ) my
knowledge = din cate stiu
 To be honest / honestly speaking I ……
 It seems to me that … = mi se pare ca
 Contrary to what is ( generally ) believed, I would say that ….
 I realized that …. = mi-am dat seama ca
 It became clear / obvious to me that …. = a devenit clar / evident ca …
 I see no reason / point in +verb-ing = nu vad nici un motiv sa nu …
 It has occurred to me / has crossed my mind that / out of the top of my
mind = mi-a venit idea de a ….
 I know what it takes / means to = stiu ce inseamna sa..
 I don’t mind admitting that ...= nu ma deranjeaza sa recunosc faptul ca ....
 I know it for a fact / know it for sure = stiu sigur
 There’s no point in / it`s pointless / it`s useless = nu are rost, este
irelevant sa
 The way I see things = dupa cum vad eu lucrurile
 It makes me angry / worried / happy to ….
 I find it quite ( fairly / pretty ) interesting / awful / difficult …..
 I have never thought about it but I suppose…/ but if I had to choose, I

 I’m fond of …..

 I’m ( really ) keen on …..
 I’ve always been good / bad at …..
 I really / truly enjoy / fancy…..
 I don’t mind …...
 I quite like …..
 I absolutely adore / love ……
 I can’t help + verb-ing … = nu pot sa ma abtin sa nu

 I’m not ( really ) interested in / I`m not into ……

 I’ve never been fond of ……
 I hate / resent / loathe … = urasc, imi repugna
 I can’t stand / I can’t bear + verb-ing = nu support
 I don’t like ……
 I get really bored with + verb –ing
 I never get excited about + verb-ing
 I’m fed up with / I`m sick and tired of / I`ve had enough of / I can`t put
up with ….. = m-am saturat, nu suport
 It is not my cup of tea

 I would rather + verb ( infinitiv ) than…..

 I prefer + verb-ing / substantiv + to + verb-ing / substantiv
 I prefer + verb ( infinitiv lung ) rather than + verb ( infinitiv scurt )
 I would prefer + verb

 Moreover / what’s more = in plus, pe deasupra

 Furthermore ….
 Besides this = in afara de aceasta
 Another (dis)advantage is …..
 In addition to this / additionally …..
 Also / too /as well = de asemenea
 This brings me to the next point / idea …..
 Not only…..but also = nu numai..dar si
 As well as …. = precum si
 Aside / apart from that …..= in afara de …..
 Other than that …..
 On top of that …..
 Last but not least ….. = nu in ultimul rand
 At the same time …..
 Both …and ….. = atat…cat si …
 Not to mention the ….. = sa nu mai vorbim de …..
 Next / then there is…..
 It is also worth bearing in mind that ……

 One of the reasons for …. = unul dintre motivele

 All things considered …..
 To be more specific …..
 That is to say / in other words / to put it another way / meaning = adica,
cu alte cuvinte
 For example / for instance / namely ……
 Such as ….. = precum
 Given that …..
 That is why / that`s the reason why ….. = de aceea
 It’s a matter of ….. = este o chestiune de
 In many ways it’s …… = in multe privinte este
 As I was saying…..
 The best example that comes to my mind is …….
 I dare say that…..

 On one hand…..on the other hand …... = pe de o parte….pe de alta parte

 On the positive / negative side …..
 In / by contrast ……
 On the contrary …..
 Unlike = spre deosebire de
 While / Whereas = in timp ce, pe cand
 To a certain extent / up to a point ….. = intr-o anumita masura, pana la un
 Although / even though / though + subiect + verb = desi, chiar daca
 In spite of / despite + verb-ing / substantiv = in ciuda
 In spite of the fact that / Despite the fact that .. = in ciuda faptului ca
 Even so ……
 After all..= la urma urmelor
 As opposed to ….. = prin contrast cu
 However / nevertheless / nonetheless / yet…. = totusi
 Both pictures are quite similar because they show …..
 This picture reminds me of …..
 The first picture shows…while / whereas the second one…..
 One significant difference between the two pictures is that….
 The only similarity between the two pictures is that…..
 A striking / an obvious similarity / difference is …
 Don’t get me wrong but shouldn’t we…. ?
 Both pictures depict………
 All pictures are interesting, but ... gives a stronger idea of...

 First of all / to begin with / in the first place…. secondly… finally….

 From the very beginning …..
 At a first sight, it does seem a crazy idea ……
 In fact / as a matter of fact / basically / actually…..= de fapt
 Indeed …… = intr-adevar
 Needless to say / it goes without saying / it speaks for itself = este de la
sine inteles
 Not to mention the …. = sa nu mai vorbim de
 My point is / what I’m getting at is / the fact is that ....= ceea ce vreau sa
 I can’t help thinking about / of ..
 What makes me say that is ……
 What makes the difference is that ……
 One thing is certain …….
 Unquestionably / without any shadow of a doubt …. = fara indoiala
 The very thing I noticed ….
 More importantly ……
 I want to point out / underline / emphasize / highlight / strengthen the
idea that …… = vreau sa evidentiez, subliniez, intaresc idea ca
 I think we should put as much emphasis on….as we …..
 Especially / in particular / mainly / particularly [significant]..
 A major concern is …..= un motiv important de preocupare este
 A key feature / characteristic is ….
 It stands out the fact that / the way…..…
 A key point is that …..
 That`s an understatement! = e putin spus
 Most of all / mostly ……
 In terms of / regarding / as for / as far as…is concerned = in ceea ce
 What impressed / disturbed / puzzled / strikes me was the fact that…
 INVERSIUNE: Seldom / never / under no circumstances + verb auxiliar
+ S + verb de baza

 Therefore ….. = asadar

 Consequently …..
 As a result ……= prin urmare
 Thus …. = astfel
 This way …..
 Hence …..
 In conclusion / to conclude …..
 To cut a long story short ….. = pe scurt
 To sum up …. = in concluzie
 All in all …..
 On balance …..
 Overall ….. = in general
 All things considered …. = toate acestea fiind spuse
 Bearing / with this in mind / taking this into account ….
 After all ……= la urma urmelor
 In doing so ..
 Without further ado = fara a mai lungi vorba
 To cut a long story short ……

 I see what you mean ….. = inteleg ce vreti sa spuneti

 I relate to what you are saying = empatizez cu ceea ce spui
 I ( absolutely / totally / entirely ) agree with / I couldn’t agree more
 That’s precisely my (own) opinion / view….
 That’s true / right!
 I think so too !
 I see / share your point = inteleg / va impartasesc punctul de vedere /
 My point exactly = exact ceea ce voiam si eu sa spun
 That’s a good point / you have a point there
 There’s no doubt about that = nu incape indoiala
 That’s fine with me
 I share your point of view

 It’s not quite what I had in mind ……

 I think we are not on the same page
 I don’t want to sound too pessimistic, but …..
 I’m not all that optimistic ……
 True, but don’t you think ……?
 Possibly, but you must admit that …...
 I agree with you up to a point but what about ….. ?
 I see things rather differently ( myself )
 It could be…...but…..
 That’s one way of looking at it, but ..
 That’s not the point / issue
 I can’t see much sense in it
 That’s beside the point / you’re missing the point
 You may have a point there but I’m still not sure ……
 I wouldn’t call it ……
 I find it hard to believe
 Yes, but on the other hand ….. = da, dar pe de alta parte
 We don’t see eye to eye (with) … = nu suntem de acord
 It’s not my cup of tea …
 I ( completely / totally ) disagree with you
 There’s no way / under no circumstances …..= sub nici o forma
 I really don’t think so
 It’s very / highly unlikely = foarte putin probabil
 This idea is overrated / underrated ( supraestimat, subestimat )
 It is appalling / outrageous for me to ….. = este revoltator ca eu sa ….
 Let’s agree to disagree!
 A lot of people claim that ….. but I ……

 Subiect + must / can’t + infinitiv …..because …..
 I get the impression that ….
 My initial impression is….
 As far as I can see ….
 It might / could + infinitiv continuu ( be + verb-ing ) ……
 I think this would be good for him / might not help in the situation / could
cause problems
 Perhaps / Maybe …….
 I’m not sure, but (he) might be…
 It’s not very clear, but probably …
 It seems / looks as though / as if + Past Simple / Past Perfect … = pare,
arata de parca / ca si cum ……
 They seem to be…
 I don´t think…because…
 Judging by the…..
 Apparently…….
 I know for sure that / I know for a fact that….but…..
 I am pretty confident that….
 Judging from his surroundings / his clothes / the look on his face it seems
to me that….
 Judging by the fact that….
 It’s not entirely clear who / what…
11. Turn-taking / Involving your partner

Let’s talk about…first! Shall we ….?

Let’s cut to the chase / let’s go straight to the point / without further ado …. = iti
propun sa trecem direct la subiect, fara sa mai lungim vorba
We could start by talking about …
Let’s move on to ……
What do you think?
Do you think we should…?
Why don’t we…? What about + verb-ing ?
What about you ?
By the way….. = apropo

So, how about this picture?

Perhaps we should…
Let’s decide about…., shall we?
Do you agree?
How do you feel about that?
Do you think it’s a good idea?
What shall we do first?
Do you have any thoughts on this?

 Let me think about it for a moment!

 Bear with me for a minute!
 Well, I suppose that …..
 That’s an interesting / a difficult question. Now, let me see!
 I haven’t given it much thought until now.

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