Cebep Reviewer Set 1 PDF

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1. (Engineering Mathematics) Find the Fourier series for f(x) = cos αx , -π ≤ x ≤ π , where α is not
equal to 0 , ± 1 , ±2 , ±3 …

2. (SURVEYING) The chainage of the intersection point of two straights is 1060 m, and the angle of
intersection is 120°. If radius of a circular curve to be set out is 570 m, and peg interval is 30 m,
determine the tangent length, the length of the curve, the chainage at the beginning and end of
the curve, the length of the long chord, the lengths of the sub-chords, and the total number of
3. (PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS) Determine the number of ways to choose five numbers from the
first eighteen positive integers such that any two chosen numbers differ by at least 2.

4. (ALGEBRA) The birthday boy, excited by the inscription on the cake,tried to wolf down the whole
thing. Professor Mom, concerned about the possible metamorphosis of her son into a blimp,
exclaimed, “Hold on! It is your birthday, so why not take of the cake? I’ll eat half of
what’s left over.” How much of the cake did the professor eat?


5. (HIGHWAY ENGINEERING) A national highway passing through a flat terrain has a horizontal
curve of radius equal to the Ruling minimum radius. If the design speed is 100 kph, calculate the
total width of the pavement.
6. (ENGINEERING ECONOMICS) It is the method used to reduce the cost of mass-produced
manufactured products.

7. (CALCULUS) It is known that f(x) = 4 when x = 2 (i.e. the initial value is f(2) = 4). Find the original
function of the integral of 3x^3 – 7x .
8. (TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING) In standard road signs, what is the meaning of “AH26” ?
ANSWER – Asian Highway route number 26.

9. (PHYSICS) A spaceship orbits the Moon at a height of 20 000 m. Assuming it to be subject only to
the gravitational pull of the moon, find the time it takes for one orbit. For the moon, mm = 7.34 x
10^22 kg and r = 1.738 x 10^6 m.

10. (ANALYTIC GEOMETRY) Find the equation of the plane through the points (2,4,3) , (1,3,1) and (-
1, -1, -4) .

11. (ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS) Third-year science students also have the opportunity to attend
chemistry, but every student has to take at least one of the three courses. Altogether, there are
40 students in the mathematics class, 25 who attend physics, and 20 who attend chemistry.
Furthermore, we know that 10 students do both mathematics and physics, 8 both mathematics
and chemistry, and 7 physics and chemistry. There are two particularly keen students who
attend all three courses. How many third-year science students are there?
12. (ENGINEERING ECONOMICS) An automatic process controller will eliminate the current manual
control operation. Annual cost of the current method is $4,000. If the controller has a service life
of 13 years and an expected market value of 11% of the first cost, what is the maximum
economical price for the controller? Ignore interest.
SOLUTION: Note the solution indicated is the usage of the tables.

13. (TRIGONOMETRY) Three circles with radii 3,5,and 9 cm are externally tangent. What is the area
of the triangle formed by joining their centers?

14. (SURVEYING) It is proposed to widen a highway by increasing the gradient of the side slope to 1
in 1.5. The difference in level between the bottom and top of the embankment at a critical
section was measured as 15.0 m. The length of the embankment along the side slope was
measured as 29.872 m using a steel tape under a pull of 151 N at a temperature of 27°C.
Determine the additional road width which will be available with the new slope.
15. (GEOMETRY) The measure of a regular polygon’s interior angle is four times bigger than the
measure of its external angle. How many sides does the polygon have?

16. (CALCULUS) Find the slope of the tangent line to the graph of y = x + cos xy at (0,1)

17. (HIGHWAY ENGINEERING) These may be used to accelerate or retard the break/set of the slurry
seal and micro-surfacing and should be approved by the laboratory as part of the mix design.
18. (ALGEBRA) Let p be a prime number. If p years ago, the ages of three children formed a
geometric sequence with a sum of p and a common ratio of 2, compute the sum of the
children's current ages.


19. (TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING) A vehicle moving at 65 kph was stopped by applying brake
and the length of skid mark was 25.5 m. If the average skid resistance of the pavement surface is
known to be 0.7. Determine the brake efficiency of the test vehicle.

20. (PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS) The number of automobiles that arrive at a certain intersection
per minute has a Poisson distribution with a mean of 5. Interest centers around the time that
elapses before 10 automobiles appear at the intersection. What is the probability that more
than 2 minutes are required before 10 cars arrive? Hint: use the concept of continuous
probability distributions using the alpha function.

1. (FLUID STATICS) Determine the pivot location y of the square gate shown in the figure so
that will rotate open when the liquid surface is as shown.


2. (SOIL MECHANICS) Atterberg limit tests were performed on a silty clay. The water contents
obtained in the plastic limit test were 31.6%, 33.5%, and 30.9%. The following data were
obtained in the liquid limit test. What is the plasticity index?


3. (WATER RESOURCES) Four million liters of water per day passes through a sedimentation
basin which is 6 m. wide, 15 m. long, and 3m deep. What is the retention time for this basin?

4. (FOUNDATION ENGINEERING) A retaining wall shown in the figure has given the following
dimensions. Find the factor of safety per unit length against overturning.

5. (HYDRODYNAMICS) A 100mm diameter orifice discharges 0.0446 m^3/s under a head of
2.75 m. A flat plate held normal to the jet just downstream from the vena contracta requires
a force of 320 N to resist impact of the jet. Determine the area of the jet at the vena
6. (SOIL MECHANICS) The project engineer receives a laboratory report with tests performed
on marine marl calcareous silt. The engineer suspects that one of the measurement is in
error. What should be its correct value? The following parameters as follows:


7. (GEOSYNTHETICS) These are formed by the continuous extrusion of polymeric ribs at acute
angles to each other for drainage purposes.

8. (HYDROLOGY) The annual rainfall at a place for a period of 10 years from 1961 to 1970 are
respectively 30.3, 41.0, 33.5, 34.0, 33.3, 36.2, 33.6, 30.2, 35.5, 36.3. Determine the mean
value of annual rainfall for the place.

9. (SOIL MECHANICS) The following are the details for the backfill material used in a
vibroflotation project. Determine the suitability number.

10. (HYDROSTATICS) A space 16 mm wide between two large plane surfaces is filled with SAE 30
Western Lubricating oil at 35℃ as shown in the figure. What force F is required to drag a
very thin plate of 0.4 m^2 area between the surfaces at a speed v = 0.25 m/s if the thickness
is equal to 5 mm?


11. (FOUNDATION ENGINEERING) In the figure, given γ = 17 kN/m^3 , ϕ’ = 35° , and c’ = 0. The
struts are located 3 m center to center in the plan. Determine the strut load at C.

12. (HYDROLOGY) When rain falling vertically, a gage inclined 10° from the vertical will catch
1.5% less than it should. Assuming rain falling vertically, express the catch of a gage inclined
20° from the vertical as a percentage of the catch for the same gage installed vertically.

13. (SOIL MECHANICS) The material properties of the soil are different in different directions,
and also the loadings are different in different direction can be describes as __________.

14. (HYDRAULICS) A centrifugal pump delivers 125 kg/s of water while turning at 850 rpm. The
impeller has straight radial vanes and an outside diameter of 254 mm. Water enters the
impeller through the eye.The driving motor delivers 22 kW. What is the total dynamic head?

15. (FOUNDATION ENGINEERING) Refer to the figure. A square footing, 2 x 2 m in size, supports
a column load of 300 kN. The soil characteristics are given in the figure. Field monitoring
indicated that the foundation settlement was 19 mm during the first 12 months. What is the
degree of consolidation after 12 months?

16. (HYDROSTATICS) A balloon is filled with 3000 m^3 of hydrogen having specific weight of 1.1
N/m^3 . What lift does the balloon exert at the earth’s surface if the balloon weighs 1400 N
and the temperature is 15℃ ? Express your answer in TWO SIGNIFICANT DIGITS. γair = 12.01
17. (SOIL MECHANICS) Borrow soil is used to fill a 100,000 yd^3 depression. The borrow soil has
the following characteristics: density = 96.0 lbm/ft^3, water content = 8%, and specific
gravity of the solids = 2.66. The final in-place dry density should be 112.0 lbm/ft3, and the
final water content should be 13%. What will be the density of the in-place fill after a long
18. (FOUNDATION ENGINEERING) A 0.30m. x 0.30m concrete pile 22m. long is driven in a clayey
soil having an unconfined compressive strength of 110 kN/m2. The unit weight of clayey soil
is 18 kN/m3. Frictional constant is 0.76 due to skin friction. Assume a factor of safety equal
to 2.0 and a bearing capacity factor Nc = 9. Compute the design capacity of the concrete
19. (HYDRAULICS) A flow of 2 m^3 /s is carried in a rectangular channel 1.8. m wide at a depth
of 1.0 m. Determine the change in the elevation assuming that the frictionless hump 180
mm high is installed across the bed and at the critical condition.

20. (HYDROSTATICS) A vertical clean glass piezometer tube has an inside diameter of 1 mm.
When a pressure is applied, water at 20°C rises into the tube to a height of 25 cm. After
correcting for surface tension, estimate the applied pressure in Pa. Let Y = 0.073 N/m and
unit weight of water = 9.79 kN/m^3

1. (STRUCTURAL STEEL) A PL 3⁄8 × 7 tension member is connected with three 1-inch-diameter

bolts, as shown The steel is A36. Assume that Ae = An and compute the allowable strength using
AISC specs.


2. (REINFORCED CONCRETE) In the figure shown, using γconc = 23.5 kN/m^3, determine the
reinforced steel area required if fy = 420 MPa and f’c = 28 MPa.

3. (CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT) It is during the design stage that measures to keep the cost of
a project within a budget figure are most effective. All possible savings in design need to be
sought, not only because this is manifestly in the interests of the employer, but because there
are sure to be some unforeseen extra costs that need to be offset by any savings that can be

4. (REINFORCED CONCRETE) A squared tied column 450 mm on each side is reinforced with 8 – 25
mm ϕ bars with fy = 415 MPa. Calculate the safe service axial live load if the axial dead load is
820 kN using f’c = 21 MPa.
5. (MATERIAL TESTING AND CONSTRUCTION) It is generally recommended for small jobs in which
the amount of each solid ingredient is measured by loose volume using gage box.

6. (STRUCTURAL STEEL) In the connection shown in the figure, a load transmits 200 kN load acting
at an eccentricity of 200 mm. If a = b = 250 mm , assuming that the load is transmitted to the
column by the plates and 8 – 22 mm ϕ rivets . The plates are adequate to transmit the load to
the rivets. The connection can be analysed by replacing the given load with an equivalent
loading composed of a vertical force along acting through the centroid of the rivets and a
moment. Determine the maximum shearing stress in the rivets in MPa.

7. (STATICS) The symmetrical shelf is subjected to a uniform load of 4 kPa. Support is provided by a
bolt (or pin) located at each end A and A’ and by the symmetrical brace arms, which bear against
the smooth wall on both sides at B and B’ .Determine the force resisted by each bolt at the wall.


8. (REINFORCED CONCRETE) The figure shows the precast plain concrete beam simply supported
on a span of 3 m.
Given: γ = 17 kN/m^3
a = 200 , b = 150 , c = 500 , d = 200 , e = 150 , f = 150 (All are in mm)
What is the allowable load on the beam if the cracking moment is 27 Kn m?

9. (THEORY OF STRUCTURES) A uniform live load of 2.8 kn.m and a single concentrated live force of
20 kN are placed on the floor beams. If the beams also support a uniform dead load of 700 N.m,
determine the maximum positive shear in panel BC of the girder.


10. (STRENGTH OF MATERIALS) A solid aluminum shaft of diameter 80 mm fits concentrically inside
a hollow tube. Compute the minimum internal diameter of the tube so that no contact pressure
exists when the aluminum shaft carries an axial compressive force of 400 kN. Use v =1/3 and E =
70 GPa for aluminum.
11. (STRUCTURAL STEEL) The tension member is an L6 × 31⁄2 × 5⁄16. It is connected to a 5⁄16-inch-
thick gusset plate with 3⁄4-inch-diameter, Group A bolts. Both the tension member and the
gusset plate are of A36 steel. What is the total service load that can be supported, based on bolt
shear and bearing, if the ratio of live load to dead load is 2.0? The bolt threads are in the plane
of shear.

12. (DYNAMICS) The disk is released from rest and rolls down the incline. Knowing that the speed of
A is 1.2 m/s when θ = 0°, determine at that instant the velocity of B. Only portions of the two
tracks are shown.
13. (REINFORCED CONCRETE) The floor framing plan of a reinforced concrete structure is shown in
the figure. The columns are 400 x 400 mm and the beams are 320 x 350 mm. The section at
support for beam EFGH is shown. Using f’c = 28 MPa, fy = 415 MPa, calculate the maximum
factored uniform load that can be supported by beam EFGH.
14. (CE LAWS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND CONTRACTS) In PICE manual, these involves submission of a
technical proposal in one envelope and a price proposal in a second envelope.

15. (STATICS) If the coefficient of static friction at B is 0.3 , determine the largest angle and the
minimum coefficient of static friction at A so that the roller remains self-locking, regardless of
the magnitude of force P applied to the belt. Neglect the weight of the roller and neglect friction
between the belt and the vertical surface.

16. (SOLID MECHANICS) A steel tie bar , 38 mm in diameter and 5 m long , is supported horizontally
through pin joints at the ends, and sustains an axial pull of 18 kN. Find the greatest tensile stress
in the bar, if E = 203,000 MPa , and density of steel is 7800 kg/m^3.

17. (REINFORCED CONCRETE) Find the safe axial load of a composite column section having a
diameter of 560 mm, which is reinforced with 10 – 36 mm bars and a W 410 x 100 steel section.
Use f’c = 20.7 MPa, fy = 400 MPa and the diameter of spiral = 10 mm
Note: W 410 x 100: A = 12700 mm^2 and fr = 250 MPa.
18. (STRENGTH OF MATERIALS) The cap on the cylindrical tank is bolted to the tank along the
flanges. The tank has an inner diameter of 1.5 m and a wall thickness of 18 mm. If the pressure
in the tank is 1200 kPa, determine the force in each of the 16 bolts that are used to attach the
cap to the tank. Also, specify the state of stress in the wall of the tank.

19. (STATICS) The escutcheon (a decorative plate placed on a pipe where the pipe exits from a wall)
shown is cast from brass. Knowing that the density of brass is 8470 kg/m3, determine the mass
of the escutcheon.

20. (TIMBER DESIGN) The truss shown is made from Guijo. The truss supports a vertical load of 20
kN at C. Given the following allowable stresses for the grade of wood:
Compression parallel to the grain = 13.2 MPa
Compression perpendicular to the grain = 4.3 MPa
Shear parallel to grain = 2.32 MPa
Compute the minimum value of y.


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