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Debre Tabor, Ethiopia

October, 2019

1. Write the difference between information and documentation

Some of the difference between Document and Information are:

Document Information

Information is something that’s are collected from

Document is written or printed paper or record.

Information without authorship is possible / may also

Document should have an author.

Information enriches a document. Document contains many information.

Document have nature. Information also have nature but they are different.

Document always is factual. Information is not always factual.

A document always should be presented Information should not be always presented

logically. logically.

Document contains only a little information. Information contains vast amount of knowledge.

Document use materials. It doesn’t use materials.

It has size and weight. Information does not have size and weight.

It must be published or written. It may or may not published.

Document contains production process and

Information doesn’t contains these contents.


2. Define the meaning of work place communication

Communication is the process of transmitting information and common understanding from one
person to another. It is the creation or exchange of thoughts, ideas, emotions, and understanding
between sender(s) and receiver(s). It is essential to building and maintaining quality working
relationships in the workplace. That is why Workplace communication is defined as the process of
exchanging information, both verbal and non-verbal, within an organization.
There is no denying the importance of communication in the workplace, considering the fact that
in an organization people belonging to different social and professional backgrounds come together
to work for the same goals.
The importance of effective workplace communication is
 Creates job satisfaction- Organizations which encourage an open and easy correspondence
between seniors and subordinates face lesser employee turnover.
 Lesser conflicts- Open communication in the workplace can help prevent and resolve many
conflicts. Workplace conflicts are easily resolved through open and clear communication and
mutual discussions; this can lead to personal and professional growth.
 Increases productivity- Effective communication at work is the most important issue for the
success and failure of an organization.
 Formation of relationships- Open communication, whether between the employees and
administrators or between the management and employees, leads to the formation of better
personal and professional relationships.
 Proper utilization of resources- If an organization faces problems, crisis and conflicts due to
miscommunication between the staff members, it causes unnecessary delays in the daily work.
3. Write the meaning of email

Email is short for 'electronic mail'. (email or e-mail) is a method of exchanging messages ("mail")
between people using electronic devices. Email operates across computer networks, which today is
primarily the Internet. Email servers accept, forward, deliver, and store messages. Neither the users nor
their computers are required to be online simultaneously; they need to connect only briefly, typically to
a mail server or a webmail interface for as long as it takes to send or receive messages.

Moreover, e-mail or email is information stored on a computer that is exchanged between two users
over telecommunications. More plainly, e-mail is a message that may contain text, files, images, or
other attachments sent through a network to a specified individual or group of individuals.


Email, short for "electronic mail," is one of the most widely used features of the Internet, along with the
web. It allows us to send and receive messages to and from anyone with an email address, anywhere in the

Key benefits and features of using email

 It's quick – your recipient receives your email as soon as they go online and collect their mail.
 It's secure.
 It's low cost.
 Photos, documents and other files can be attached to an email, so that more information can be
 One email can be sent to more than one recipient at a time.

4. Write down about 10 lines on the difference between receiver and sender based on your evidence

Communication originates as mental images within a person who desires to convey those images to another.
Mental images can include ideas, thoughts, pictures, and emotions. The person who wants to communicate
is called the sender. To transfer an image to another person, the sender first must transpose or translate the
images into symbols that receivers can understand. Symbols often are words but can be pictures, sounds,
or sense information (e.g., touch or smell). Only through symbols can the mental images of a sender have
meaning for others. The process of translating images into symbols is called encoding.


Therefore, the sender is a person who encodes and sends the message to the expected receiver through an
appropriate channel. A sender is the source of the message that is generated to be delivered to the receiver
after appropriate stimulus from the referent.

Message: The message is the content of communication or may contain verbal, nonverbal or symbolic
Channel: A channel is a medium through which a message is sent or received between two or more people.
Several channels can be used to send or receive the message. Example:> seeing, hearing, touching,
smelling and tasting. While selecting channels of communication, several factors must be considered:
availability of channels, purpose, suitability, types of receivers, types of message, preference of sender and
receivers, communication skills of the sender, cost etc.
Classifications of Channels of Communication:
Visual Channel: facial expression, body language, posture, gestures, pictures, and written words,
electronic mails, mass media, etc.
Auditory Channel: spoken words, sounds, telephone or mobile communications, delivering audio content
(radio, voicemail), etc.
Tactile Channel: touch sensations, therapeutic touch, etc. COMBINED CHANNEL:> Audiovisual media,
consoling a person with touch and spoken words.
Decoding: Decoding is the process of converting code into plain text or any format that is useful for
subsequent processes. Decoding is the reverse of encoding. It converts encoded data communication
transmissions and files to their original states.
Receiver: The receiver is the destination of the message. The receiver's task is to interpret the sender's
message, both verbal and nonverbal, with as little distortion as possible. The process of interpreting the
message is known as decoding. Because words and nonverbal signals have different meanings to different
people, countless problems can occur at this point in the communication process:
- The sender inadequately encodes the original message with words not present in the receiver's vocabulary;
ambiguous, nonspecific ideas;
Feedback: The observation of the receiver’s response is called feedback. In other words, the part of the
receiver’s response communicated back to the sender is called feedback. Actually it is the amount of
response of the receiver that reaches to the sender. It enables the sender to evaluate the effectiveness of the
message. Feedback can be conveyed both verbally and nonverbally


5. Write down at least 5 lines of about what do you learn from this course/unit of competence

A unit of competency is the specification of knowledge and skill, and the application of that knowledge
and skill, to the standard of performance expected in the workplace. A unit of competency is the
smallest unit that can be assessed and recognized.

Units of competency is also the nationally agreed statements of the skills and knowledge required
for effective performance in a particular job or job function—they describe work outcomes as agreed by
industry. ... particular skills (and level of skills) that are needed to perform the work activity.
The learn outcomes of this unit of competence are:

We are able to describe the skills and knowledge required to communicate (through written, oral and
nonverbal form) in the workplace within an organization.

And it is also possible to applies to a wide range of workers, but has a specific focus on the communication
skills required for workers with limited responsibility for others.

As a summary for what we learn from this unit of competence in terms of Elements and Performance
Criteria are:

Elements Performance Criteria

Elements describe the Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate
essential outcomes. achievement of the element.

1. Plan workplace 1.1. Establish audience and purpose of workplace communication

1.2 Identify information needs and communication requirements of intended
recipients of workplace communication

1.3 Establish methods of communication available to convey message or

information based on work context

1.4 Select appropriate method(s) of communication to convey messages or


1.5 Plan content of message or communication

2. Undertake routine 2.1 Communicate message or information according to organizational

communication requirements and in a manner that is respectful and clear in meaning


2.2 Adjust communication methods to enable effective communication with

those from diverse backgrounds as required, like

 verbal means: telephones, mobile devices, video conference

 written means: email, SMS, social media

2.3 Receive workplace information and instructions, and interpret and clarify
as needed

2.4 Respond to communications according to requirements of the message

2.5 Identify and report any communication challenges to appropriate person

3. Participate in workplace 3.1 Clearly contribute ideas and information to workplace discussions
3.2 Support others to communicate in workplace discussions through
courteous and professional behavior

3.3 Use active listening and questioning techniques to clarify issues in a

group situation

3.4 Seek feedback from others on effectiveness of communication

3.5 exercise the workplace policies and codes of conduct


7. Write the difference between producer and policy

Policies are general statement that sets out the limits within which decisions are taken by the managers and
thus assures the consistent performance. On the contrary, procedures, suggest the exact way of performing
an activity. It indicates the sequence for handling various business activities. Therefore, a policy is a
guiding principle used to set direction in an organization. A procedure is a series of steps to be followed
as a consistent and repetitive approach to accomplish an end result.

Comparison Chart

Policies Procedures

Meaning A precise statement which contains the set of The Procedure is a systematic
principles acting as guidelines for achieving the sequence for an activity or task which
goals of an organization is known as Policy. is predefined by an organization.

Nature Policies are flexible in nature, i.e. they allow Procedures are rigid in nature.
exceptional situations.

Reflects The mission of the organization. Practical applicability of the policies.

Best Fully acceptable by the people. Follow a logical process.


In support of Strategies Programs

Involves Decision Making Actions

Definition of Policies: Policies are also known as the mini-mission statement, that are formulated by the
top management, for serving as guidelines to take quick and rational decision regarding the day to day
operational activities of the company. Policies affect the internal structure and routine activities of the entity
which requires periodic decision making. They are generally in the form of the concise statement.


While crafting the policies of the organization, some points are to be taken into consideration:
 They must be based on past experiences, facts, and knowledge.
 People who are going to be influenced by these policies must actively participate at the time of
framing it.
 They need to be modified with the modifications in the operations of the entity.
 They should be versatile and completely acceptable by the people.
Policies are an integral part of the big organization which helps in its smooth functioning. They provide
some common parameters over which the management can take a consistent decision over a long period.
Definition of Procedure: A schedule of activities which needs to be performed, one after the other, in a
fixed period, having a proper beginning and end is known as the procedure. The idea of procedure has been
developed to avoid the overlapping of actions and haphazard manner of performing activities. This saves a
lot of time and a proper series of actions is framed, which will reduce chaos. Procedures are made for the
successful completion of a program. They are made for directing the lower level workers of the
In government offices, procedures are known as “Red Tapism” where you have to follow sequential steps
in the performance of activity, like for making a driving license or a passport or PAN card, etc. Procedures
can be framed taking these points into consideration:
 Based on experience, knowledge and facts.
 They are made for difficult tasks.
 A specific objective must be there behind any procedure.
 The procedure should give the required outcome at the end.
Key Differences Between Policies and Procedures
The difference between policies and procedures in management are explained clearly in the following
1. Policies are those terms and conditions which direct the company in making a decision. Procedures are
the sequential steps which direct the people for any activity.
2. Policies are not hard and fast rules as they permit any extraordinary and unconventional situation.
Conversely, Procedures are strict in nature, which needs to be followed in the series.
3. Policies reflect the ultimate mission of the organization. Unlike Procedures, that are made to show the
practical application of the policies.
4. Policies are made to support the strategies while Procedures are helpful in the implementation of
5. Policies are decision oriented, but procedures are action oriented.


6. Policies need to be thoroughly accepted by the people who are influenced by them. On the other hand,
there should be a methodical process in the procedure.

Examples of Policies

 Recruitment policy
 Credit Policy
 Mark up policy
 Privacy policy
 Payment policy

Example of Procedure

Suppose an order of materials has to be placed then the following procedure needs to be followed.

 Step 1: Stores Department will send a Purchase Requisition to Purchase Department.

 Step 2: Purchase Department will analyze and compare the Bill of Materials.
 Step 3: Sourcing and Advertising of Materials.
 Step 4: Receiving Quotations from various suppliers.
 Step 5: Evaluation of Quotation concerning price, quality, quantity, etc.
 Step 6: Placement of order.
 Step 7: Receiving materials from suppliers.
 Step 8: Checking of materials.
 Step 9: Preparation of Material Received Note.
 Step 10: Making payment to suppliers.


Policies and Procedure both are a part of the internal structure of the organization, so they are ‘inward
directed’. They are concerned with the middle or supervisory level management. Both of them are made
for a short period and so they can be changed periodically without having any adverse effect on the
management of the company. They focus on bettering the efficiency of the firm from the operational
activities. They are not contradictory to each other, but complementary to each other. Hence they go side
by side.


7. Write down about the chalk and talk learning outcomes

Chalk and Talk

Traditional teaching methods are often known as “chalk and talk”, as they involve teachers standing at the
front of the class, writing on a board and explaining concepts to their students. There is little opportunity
for students to ask questions or do any experimental work or to draw their own conclusions about what they
are being taught. In many universities and schools this is the predominant teaching method, especially in
large lectures with many hundreds of students. Recent research into the differences in achievement between
students in Western Europe and nations such as China and Singapore, where the “chalk and talk” methods
are widely used seem to prove them more effective, especially in mathematics. The OECD Pisa Tests rank
students’ achievement in math’s globally, with China consistently coming top. There is however lots of
criticism of this sort of learning, with many academics believing that children are merely taught to
memorize and regurgitate facts rather than develop a true understanding of the subject matter at hand.

Definition: Have you ever wondered what a chalk talk method is!! It is a technique that creates a
conversation, mutual opinions and comments among learners through writing. Chalk Talk is a silent
conversation in writing that allows students to have an equal opportunity to participate. It is a versatile
protocol that can be used for many purposes. Students and teachers love it.


A chalk talk is a monologue presentation done while the speaker draws. It is usually done with chalk, hard
crayon, or pastel, or with dry-erase markers on a whiteboard. The chalk talk method of teaching focuses on
the blackboard and the lecturer's voice and also the activities – to be precise, the physical activities.!
Description: The Chalk Talk thinking routine provides an opportunity for everyone to be given a chance to
be heard. Thinking becomes visible and it encourages students to consider others' viewpoints.
Its Uses:
1. 1-It can be used in doing the "Warm up" of the lesson. Learners can have a look at the title of the
lesson and can guess the contents of the lesson.
2. 2-It can be used in doing feedback at the end of the lesson as a method for learners to answer the
following question: What have we learnt today?
3. 3- It can be used through implementing group work procedure as the group presenter can use his
chalk to add his group comment or to add his group's opinion or question.
Through using" chalk talk" in the 3 previous items, the teacher can do a self -reflection when he sees the
"chalk talk" done by learners and he can compare it with the learning objectives of the lesson.
A Chalk Talk is a silent activity that provides all students the opportunity to reflect on what they know, and
then share their thinking and wonderings while connecting to the thoughts of their classmates.
Chalk Talks work very well to:
 Engage all learners
 Promote independent thinking
 Allow all students to have an equal say
 Expose students to different ideas and perspectives
 Start conversations
 Generate ideas and prompt questions
 Help students to make connections to different ideas
 Encourage problem-solving
 Promote reflective thinking
Additionally, they help YOU to:
 Assess knowledge before a topic is introduced
 Check on understanding in the middle or at the end of a unit
Its benefits:
1-It helps the learners to generate new ideas.
2-It encourages critical thinking.
3-It increases creativity and silent conversation.
4-It encourages self-expression.


5-It addresses students' skills and activities.

6-It is a learner-centered method of learning.
Its Procedure:
The facilitator writes a relevant question in a circle on the board.
Sample question: My learners, look at the of the lesson and its text pictures and guess what our lesson will
discuss today?
1. No one may talk at all. Anyone may add to the chalk talk as they please through using the chalk to
expand the main idea to generate other side ideas, comments or questions. Any learner can comment
on his peer’s idea or comment by connecting a line to his peer's idea on the blackboard.
2. Learners come to the front of the class and hold a piece of chalk to write their comments, add their
opinions, draw sketches or use mind-mapping in expanding ideas whenever they feel moved.
3. The teacher stands at the back of the class monitoring, encouraging and checking what his learners
4. The teacher interferes to circle the interesting ideas, refers to the repeated comment and encourages
expanding or broadening the main idea.
5. Learners can put their ideas or comments in circles or rectangles drawn by them on the blackboard.
They can share with a relevant drawing.
6. Learners work silently without speaking at all.
1-Example 1:
I can write the letter "A" on the blackboard and put it in a circle. Learners can come to the blackboard and
write the words apples, apron, ask, answer but others can write: it is the first letter, it comes before C , it
starts the word "American" and another writes a word that has the letter 3 times like the word " Banana"
and so on.
2-Example 2:
The teacher can write the name of the hero of a novel and students come to the BB to write the word" hero",
I like him, why? because so and so, he did so and so but other students can draw one of his actions and so
8. Write The problems that may results from Poor Communication in the Workplace

Communication is essential for achieving managerial and organizational effectiveness. Without

communication, employees will not be able to aware of what their co-workers are doing, will not have any
idea about what their goal are, and will not be able to assess their performance. In absence of channels of


communication, supervisors will not be able to give instruction to their subordinates and management will
not receive the information it requires to develop plans and take decision.

Good communication always helps employees become more involve in their work and helps them to
develop a better understanding of their jobs. Clear, precise and timely communication of information also
prevents the occurrence of organizational problems. Effective communication is essential for achieving
organizational goals, but ensuring such communication has been a major problem for most organization.
Because Communication between workers and bosses has a direct influence on the level of productivity
and job satisfaction seen within an organization. Poor communication can lead to lack of team cohesion,
unclear messaging, wasted time and resources, damaged relationships, low employee morale, higher
turnover rates, lost revenue and even injury or death.

Communication is a fact of life, especially in the workplace, where teamwork, technology and remote work
are increasingly common. For a business to thrive, meet deadlines and exceed goals, solid communication
systems and relationships must be in place. When stress, unmet expectations, relational breakdown, low
morale, dissatisfied clients, family problems, health concerns and a smaller bottom line become chronic
workplace issues, poor communication could be at the root of the problem.

The Causes of Poor Communication in the Workplace

Poor communications in the workplace can result in friction, frustration, confusion and an extremely tense
environment wherein people are not motivated to be productive and are not inspired to collaborate. This
lack of motivation can then spill over to how staff members relate to clients and potential customers.


When poor communication occurs, it is not enough to simply point out particular issues and challenges. In
order to truly be able to counter the effects of poor communication, it is important to look into its causes.
By realizing and learning these cases, companies may be able to solve issues at the root so as to stifle the
further progression of the disintegration of communication lines in the workplace.

Here are some of the common causes of poor communications in the workplace:

Objectives are not clear: While a well-worded job description given along with a job offer is certainly
welcomed, it is not enough. Make sure to have a face-to-face discussion with an employee in order to go
through his or her responsibilities and the expectations that go along with his or her job. If an organization
fails to do this, not only could this lead to confusion and frustration, a staff member may end up
underperforming without meaning to.

Along with the expectations that go hand in hand with their positions, employees also need to be made
aware of the purpose and goals of the whole company itself. By doing this, not only will communications
in the workplace improve, staff members are able to align themselves with the objectives of the company
so they can be contributors to its progress and success.

Poor leadership: Staff members look to business owners and their managers for direction. However, if
people given managerial roles are poor leaders, it is highly likely that communication in the workplace will
deteriorate. While good leaders are able to be good examples and are able to motivate staff members, poor
and incompetent leaders are indecisive and are unable to inspire their team. They may also be so bad at


communication that they are unable to answer questions and clarify points so much so that their
subordinates are left even more confused and frustrated than when they started.

Cultural diversity in the workplace: The world is getting smaller, and work environments are getting more
and more diverse. It is not unusual to find individuals from different cultures, races, religious beliefs,
genders and others working in the same workspace, for the same company. While diversity is certainly a
good development, it does present a few challenges – including the potential for poor communications in
the workplace. Different people from different backgrounds will relay messages in different ways, with
varied nonverbal cues. Interpretations of messages will be different as well. For example, “crossing your
fingers” may mean “hoping for good luck” in America; however, it is an obscene gesture in Vietnam.

Demoralized employees: When staff members lose interest in their work and the organization, they are
considered to be demoralized. An employee who is demoralized feels unvalued, unappreciated, and even
disrespected and disregarded despite their capacities and talents. He or she tends to be unproductive and
irritable, and are more likely to look for opportunities elsewhere instead of helping the company move

Personal issues and challenges of employees: While employees should only be concentrating on work
while at the workplace, some may be distracted by their own personal issues and challenges, such as a death
in the family or divorce. Due to distractions and personal issues, a staff member may communicate the
wrong way, and react in a negative fashion. When you notice this occurrence, make sure to give your
employees time off so they can deal with their personal issues.

9. Define the meaning of written communication

Definition: The Written Communication refers to the process of conveying a message through
the written symbols. ... In any organization, the electronic mails, memos, reports, documents, letters,
journals, job descriptions, employee manuals, etc. are some of the commonly used forms of written

Such communication is used when the information to be transmitted is lengthy and includes some complex
terms that cannot be explained verbally. Also, the organizations maintain their documents in writings such
that these can be used as a reference and evidence of any transaction anytime in the future. Thus, it is
essential for every business organization to develop effective writing skills and inculcate this in all its
The effectiveness of written content depends on the correct choice of words, their organization into correct
sentence sequence and the cohesiveness in the sentences. The information in writing is considered more


legal and valid than the spoken words. Also, people rely more on the written content than what has been
said orally. But, however, unlike verbal communication the feedback of written communication is not
immediate since it is not spontaneous and requires time to get into the understandable form.

Advantages of Written Communication:

 It is suitable for long distance communication and repetitive stand

 It creates permanent record of evidence. It can be used for future reference.
 It gives the receiver sufficient time to think, act and react.
 It can be used as legal document.
 It can be sent to many persons at a time.
 It is suitable for sending statistical data, chart, diagram, pictures, etc.
 Order, allocation of work, job distribution, etc. in written form reduce ambiguity and help in
fixation of responsibility.
 Uniformity in work procedure can be maintained through written communication.
 It is easy to send unpleasant or bad news through written communication.
 A good written communication can create goodwill and promote business.
Limitations or Disadvantages of Written Communication:
 It is time-consuming. Composing a message in writing takes much time. Writing letters, typing
orders, notices, etc. and sending to appropriate destination require time. Feedback process also is
not instant.
 It is expensive not so much due to postal charges but in terms of so many people spending so much
of their time.
 It cannot maintain strict secrecy which would have been possible in oral communication.
 Written communication has no scope for immediate clarification if not understood properly.
 Being written in nature it is less flexible and cannot be changed easily.
 It is not effective in the case of emergency.

10. Define the meaning of body language communication

What Is Body Language?

Body language is a type of a nonverbal communication in which physical behaviors, as opposed to words,
are used to express or convey the information. Such behavior includes facial expressions, body
posture, gestures, eye movement, touch and the use of space. Put simply, body language is the unspoken
element of communication that we use to reveal our true feelings and emotions.


Such behavior includes facial expressions, body posture, gestures, eye movement, touch and the use of
space. Body language exists in both animals and humans, but this article focuses on interpretations of
human body language. It is also known as kinesics.

Facial expressions: Facial expression is integral when expressing emotions through the body.
Combinations of eyes, eyebrow, lips, nose, and cheek movements help form different moods of an
individual (example happy, sad, depressed, angry, etc.)
Head and neck signals: The body language of the head should be considered in conjunction with that of
the neck. In terms of general posture, the head should be positioned in a manner which feels natural. Body
language conveyed by the head and neck involves various ranges of movement.

Body postures: Emotions can also be detected through body postures. Research has shown that body
postures are more accurately recognized when an emotion is compared with a different or neutral emotion.
For example, a person feeling angry would portray dominance over the other, and their posture would
display approach tendencies. Comparing this to a person feeling fearful: they would feel weak, submissive
and their posture would display avoidance tendencies, the opposite of an angry person.

Gestures: Gestures are movements made with body parts (example hands, arms, fingers, head, legs) and
they may be voluntary or involuntary. Arm gestures can be interpreted in several ways. In a discussion,
when one stands, sits or even walks with folded arms, it is normally not a welcoming gesture. It could mean
that they have a closed mind and are most likely unwilling to listen to the speaker's viewpoint. Another type
of arm gesture also includes an arm crossed over the other, demonstrating insecurity and a lack of

Handshakes: Handshakes are regular greeting rituals and commonly done on meeting, greeting, offering
congratulations or after the completion of an agreement. They usually indicate the level of confidence
and emotion level in people.

Breathing: Body language related to breathing and patterns of breathing can be indicative of a person's
mood and state of mind; because of this, the relationship between body language and breathing is often
considered in contexts such as business meetings and presentations. Generally, deeper breathing which uses
the diaphragm and abdomen more is interpreted as conveying a relaxed and confident impression; by
contrast, shallow, excessively rapid breathing is often interpreted as conveying a more nervous or anxious

Different physical movements: Covering one's mouth suggests suppression of feeling and perhaps
uncertainty. This could also mean that they are thinking hard and may be unsure of what to say next.[5] What


you communicate through your body language and nonverbal signals affects how others see you, how well
they like and respect you, and whether or not they trust you.

Unfortunately, many people send confusing or negative nonverbal signals without even knowing it. When
this happens, both connection and trust are damaged.


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