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Setiu Wetland, Setiu Terengganu

Setiu is located at Kg. Bari Besar, Penarik, Setiu, Terengganu eastern part of Peninsular Malaysia facing
the South China Sea.The Setiu Wetlands, part of the Setiu River Basin and the larger Setiu-Chalok-Bari-
Merang basin wetland complex lies in Terengganu on Peninsular Malaysia’s east coast. Extending
23,000ha, it comprises riparian forests lining the riverbanks, freshwater Melaleuca swamps, peat
swamps, mangroves, brackish water lagoon with vegetated sand islands, seagrass beds and sandy

The sandy beaches, sand islands and riverbanks are nesting grounds for Malaysia’s largest breeding
population of painted terrapin (Callagurborneoensis) and are amongst the few remaining mainland
nesting sites for the green turtle (Cheloniamydas). Both the painted terrapin and green turtle are
endangered species.

Did you know that the Setiu Wetlands supplies between 50% to 60% of Peninsular Malaysia’s grouper
(Ephinephelusspp) juveniles and oyster seeds? The lagoon is a major aquaculture area involving brackish
water cage culture, pond culture, pen culture and oyster farming. Surrounding villages produce the well-
known Terengganu budu (fermented fish sauce) and other fish and seafood based delicacies like fish
crackers, dried anchovies and belacan (shrimp paste).

Continued availability of wetland benefits and services as well as local community socio-economic
improvement. At present, there is lack of comprehensive plan to guide the integrated and sustainable
management of the Setiu Wetlands. Haphazard development by different sectors will result in dire
consequences to the wetlands, its biodiversity and other natural resources.

Setiu’s natural wetland features and elements have considerable ecotourism potential. Suitable
ecotourism activities may include nature watch (on the unique wetland habitat and turtle nesting),
honey harvesting in the Melalueca swamps and recreational fishing. Ecotourism can generate
alternative incomes for local communities, who at present depend almost entirely on the fisheries
sector for their livelihood. For ecotourism to be successful and sustainable, local community awareness
and commitment is vital.

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Terrapuri Heritage Village

Terrapuri (The Land Of Palaces) is a conservation and restoration project of Terengganu Malay Classic
house. Its feature 29 antique hundred years old Classic Houses. The layout of the resort is inspired by
the 17th century Terengganu Palace and its surrounding. Terrapuri consists of 20 exclusive restored
villas, a gallery and a beach house.

Terrapuri sits on the land flanked by the South China Sea on one side and mangrove river on the other
(Setiu Wetland). By day coconut trees sway amidst sea breezes with stunning view of PulauPerhentian,
Lang Tengah, PulauCepu, Redang and Bidong islands, shimmer invitingly just offshore in emerald
iridescence. By night, fireflies flash about while, in different seasons, ocean-going green turtles and
painted terrapins lay their eggs on their respective sandy shores.

Between the South China Sea and the hill forests lies a speckled array of habitats lagoons, marshes,
deltas, peat swamps, Melaleuca forests - that offer refuge to many plants and animals. The wetlands
serve as feeding and roosting ground for seasonal birds and are stopover sites for migratory birds.

Marine turtles find their way to the beaches between May to September. Adding to Setiu's ecological
value are the presence of endangered Painted and River terrapins that travel down river to nest in the
sandy shores of the river mouth and beach fringes. Setiu is a priority for the Malaysian Tropical Forest
Conservation Project (MTFCP) run by the Coral Cay Conservation, a not-for-profit group headquartered
in the UK and WWF Malaysia run conservation of marine turtles and painted terrapins.

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Spinning Top ( Gasing Terbang )

Spin Top is a traditional game of Kelantan. Spinning top spin up almost three hours. Each top size of
about 15 cm with a weight of approximately 4 kg. The circumference of the tin to give additional weight
to the top and allow it to Spinlonger and balanced twisting. Carved pillar in the middle of the top just as
a decoration, it is made from aluminum.Wood is commonly used to produce spinning top is merbau and
membaru. Top is usually using a unique wood. According to the maker of the top, the wood used is
willow wood of rubber trees (willow riding on the trunk of the rubber tree. The Wood type is not easily

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Fishing Trawler (Pukat Tarik)

A fishing trawler (also called a dragger) is a commercial fishing vessel designed to operate fishing trawls.
Trawling is a method of fishing that involves actively dragging or pulling a trawl through the water
behind one or more trawlers. Trawls are fishing nets that are pulled along the bottom of the sea or in
midwater at a specified depth. A trawler may also operate two or more trawl nets simultaneously
(double-rig and multi-rig).

Thrown into the sea to catch a lot of fish. End of a fishing trawler pulled to shore and the other end is
pulled by a fisherman in the boat. Fish caught in nets - usually anchovies caught in this way

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Terrapin (Anak Tuntung)
Terrapin belongs to a group of reptiles such as turtle and tortoise. Its main habitat is brackish waters.
Terrapins can live to the age of 70-80 years. There are also records recorded terrapins can live up to 100
years old. Did you know that why this activity is really important? Release child terrapin can increased
the population of terrapin. It also can reduced extinction of terrapin. Nowadays, the population of
terrapin decreased year by year. That why this activity become a must in this state.Beside that we can
instill the humanity in ourselves and helps marine life to flourish.

Tasik Kenyir, Hulu Terengganu

Malaysia is one of the exotic land lies that at the heart of Southeast Asia. The country is located
between 1-degree latitude to 7-degree latitude and 99 degree longitude to 120-degree longitude. To the
south lies Singapore and to the north is Thailand as our neighboring country. To the west of the Strait of
Malacca is Sumatra and Southern part of Borneo (Sarawak and Sabah) is Kalimantan.

Terengganu facing towards South China Sea is among the 13 states in Malaysia. It has the longest crystal
sandy beach in the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Well known for her emerald sea, golden sunlight
and coral island rich in marine life. Bordered by Kelantan to the northern part and Pahang to the
western and southern part.

Kenyir Lake became one of the most magnificent tourist sports in Terengganu as well as in Malaysia.
Kenyir luxurious forest is located in the district of Hulu Terengganu, which lies at a longitude of 102
degree 40 minutes and 4 degree and 40 minutes in latitude. It is believed that the rain forest is the
world oldest tropical rainforest. The forest also serves as a part of Malaysia National Park.

Kenyir Island Hopping (KIH)

Kenyir Island Hopping (KIH) covering 10 villages in the Kenyir Lake begun to draw tourists. One of the
island KIH developed through the project, which is currently used as the Bird Park is home to 120 species
of birds. Some of these birds are very tame and are released to roam the island, imported from abroad.
To make visitor easy to walk in both this island State government provide a bridged which is connect to
Taman Kecil Kerengga and PulauKerengga. For the accommodation state government provide a boat for
all visitor.

The main attraction of this Island is LakeKenyir was named after the Kenyir River, one of the many rivers
in central Terengganu that rose due to the construction of Jenagor Dam. As the rivers rose, the
mountains and hills were submerged in water to become little islets. The mountainous regions of Lake
Kenyir are a world of untouched virgin tropical forest, estimated to be millions of years old.

The highest peak situated in the centre of the lake is Mount Chergau on Chergau Island, the largest
island in Lake Kenyir. Other islands, namely Bayas, Sumas, Jelatang, Batu Pipit and many others dot the
lake. Also to be admired is Batu Pipit Island also known as Mahathir Island named after the former Prime
Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir who personally took pride in the development of the lake and its effects on
the natural ecosystem.

The second highest peak within the vicinity of Lake Kenyir is Mount Gagau, which is estimated at 1,376
meters above sea-level, and Mount Lawit towering over 1,519 meters high, certifiably the highest peak
within Terengganu’s Taman Negara. Other peaks include Mount Bongsu, Tembat, Raung, Kachang and
Gajah Terom.

Tropical Garden (Taman Tropika)

Located on two islands; TekakBesar Island and Sungai Tekak Island. It is an eco-tourism, research and
development centre for diverse types of tropical fruits, wild fruits, exotic fruits and indigenous fruits
which are close to extinction in Malaysia.

Categorised by zones to differentiate the functionality and usefulness of the plants, the Fruit Tree Zone,
Interpretative Centre Zone, Research and Education Zone and Orchard Trail Zone. The various zones
offer visitors a chance to learn about effective harvesting, and even hand-pick and eat more than 100
species of fruit, from over 1,000 seasonal and non-seasonal varieties of fruit trees.

Beside that, guests also have the opportunity to enjoy a cherry juice Terengganu, Terengganu cherry
jelly, and taste a honey kelulut, among some of the products produced through research and
development in Kenyir Tropical Garden.

Orchid Garden (Taman Orkid)

There have a lot of Type of orchid that is planted from hybrid local and overseas. There have more than
3,000 species orchid in orchid garden. Laid across Hulu Selimbar Island, HilirSelimbar Island and Belit
Island approximately 20 minutes from the jetty, various wild orchid species and exotic hybrids of local
and international species are bred and bloom in an array of different colours.

Established as a hub for orchid gardening, preservation and research, the garden retains the natural
ecosystem to allow nature’s wonders to flourish. Horticulturalists will also find the garden a thriving
ground for an endless diversity of trees, plants, insects, birds, fish and mammals, all living side by side in
a self-sustaining ecosystem.

Herbs Garden (Taman Herba)

Situated on Sah Kecil Island, about 10 minutes from the jetty. Abounding with more than 200 traditional
herbal species that include Tongkat Ali (EurycomaLogifolia), Kacip Fatimah (LabiusaPumila), MisaiKucing
(OrthosiphonAristatu), Mas Cotek (FicusDeltoidea) and many other herbs and species of medicinal
Visitors can feast their eyes on a myriad of herbal plants that offer therapeutic and general healthcare
needs, with an Interpretative Centre for detailed information on the herbs, and an Arboretum that
stores all the herbal species in the park. Visitors can also savour freshly made herbal beverages
renowned for their effective nutriments.

Herb Island, visitors not only introduced with the thousands of species of herbs grown there, but they
also can enjoy the Tongkat Ali, Kacip Fatimah and Mas Cotek available on the garden

Sanctuary Kelah Sungai Petang

“Kelah Sanctuary” is located at Sungai Petang, 21 kilometers from PengkalanGawi which is 40 minutes
by speed boat. Sungai Petang, with an area of 407 hectares streches for 20 kilometers long-10
kilometers within the Taman Negara with 91 streams flowing ito it mainly from Gunung Padang
(1,314m)- the highest peak in the territory, Kelah Sanctuary, covering an area of 4,464 hectares has been
gazetted as a protective zone for the protection, preservation and reproductions of the fresh water fish
in Tasik Kenyir.

This is an utmost step in ensuring the maintainance of the bio-diversity of the lake. Therefore fishing
activities are strictly prohibited here.Visitors will be enjoying an experience they will never forget seeing
the nature at it's best with the magnificient sparkling rivers and rapids along the tracks to Kelah
Sanctuary. Visitors will also experience 'close encounter' with various species of fishes including the
beautiful red kelah gently biting at their feet while swimming in the magnificient Kelah Sanctuary.

Kenyir Elephant Village (KEV)

Kenyir Elephant Village (KEV), in Terengganu has designed a new plan to attract tourists by placing seven
elephants in the village and tourists can watch the elephants move about in their group. The project was
started in 2012 on a 256-hectare site, would have 30 elephants when fully completed said the State
Economic Planning Unit Kenyir Lake Development Division manager Tengku Mohd Ariffin Tengku Abdul

Kenyir Elephant Village, a two-phase project, would also have eight towers, a 500-metre-long
suspension bridge, an elephant performance centre and other facilities to be provided. The 12-hectare
site is the first phrase project is expected to be open to public in the middle of this year. This catalytic
endeavor will speed things up for tourism in Terengganu.

Located at Telemong River, visitors looking to observe wildlife can befriend the rainforest’s largest and
most magnificent creature at the Kenyir Elephant Camp. Thriving in their natural environment,
elephants of the sanctuary welcome visitors and offer them the opportunity to ride, play and feed them
throughout the day.
Set up by the Elephant Management Unit under the authority of the Department of Wildlife and
National Parks, the Central Terengganu Development Authority (KETENGAH) and the Terengganu State
Government, the Elephant Camp is the foremost authority on elephant translocation to ensure a healthy
elephant population and reduce human-elephant conflict.

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Islamic Civilisation Park (Taman Tamadun Islam, Kuala Terengganu)

The Islamic Civilisation Park is the latest tourist attraction in Terengganu. It was officially opened by the
Prime Minister, YAB Dato’ Seri Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi on 3 February 2008.

Islamic Civilisation Park (TTI) is a theme park that highlights the benefits of heritage and Islamic
architecture from all over the world that is situated on the island of Wan Man, Kuala Terengganu
previously considered vacant and filled with palm forest. This theme park is one of the economic
development project of the East Coast Economic Region. The theme park was built in March 2005 not
only surrounded by replicas of mosques from around the world and even a mosque also a new landmark
of Kuala Terengganu which stands proudly Crystal Mosque were there. It only seems natural that the
magnificent Crystal Mosque, with its foundation in the water provides a floating illusion. The close
proximity to the water provides reflections to the glass walls, minarets and domes, thus creates a
prismatic and radiant exterior. The luminescent exterior reflects charm and the vibrant heritage and
idyllic nature that surround it.

The Islamic Civilization Park is set to become the preferred destination in Malaysia and indeed the
world. Built on a 22.3 hectare site of an uninhibited Pulau Wan Man, in the Terengganu River estuary,
the new landmark is luring visitors of all ages. The Islamic Civilisation Park is divided into two zones: the
Islamic Civilisation Complex and the Public Zone.

The Islamic Civilisation Complex features the first theme park that glorifies the achievements of Islamic
architecture. When fully completed, the Park will feature 21 replicas of Islamic monuments and
architecture from around the world. The main attractions of this theme park are five interactive
monuments, namely Malaysia’s National Mosque, the Dome of the Rock of Palestine, the Sacred
Mosque of Saudi Arabia (Masjidil Haram), Al-Hambra Citadel of Spain and the TajMahal of India.

Meanwhile, the Public Zone houses the impressive Crystal Mosque – icon for the Islamic Civilisation Park
and a new landmark for Kuala Terengganu. The unique mosque made of crystal shine glass and steel was
officially opened by His Majesty Seri PadukaBaginda Yang di-PertuanAgongTuankuMizanZainalAbidin on
8 February 2008.

The Public Zone also boasts the biggest convention centre in the east coast of peninsula Malaysia. It can
seat up to 3,000 people at any one time.

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Pulau Redang, Kuala Terengganu
Redang Island, locally known as PulauRedang or just "Redang" is one of the largest islands off the east
coast of Malaysia. It is one of nine islands, which form a marine park, and which
offer snorkeling and diving opportunities. Access is from Merang or Kuala Terengganu on boats
operated by the resorts. Redang Airport is a small airport with services operated by Berjaya
Air from Singapore (Changi Airport) and Kuala Lumpur (Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport).

PulauRedang is the biggest of all the islands in the Marine Park, measuring about 7 km long and 6 km
wide. Its highest peak is Bukit Besar at 359 metres above sea level. The boundary of the PulauRedang
Marine Park is established by a line linking all points 2 nautical miles (3.7 km) from the shores of
PulauRedang, Pulau Lima, PulauEkorTebu and Pulau Pinang White sandy beaches, crystal clear blue sea,
brilliant underwater world. Redangarchipelago comprises 9 islands (Lima Island, Paku Besar Island, Paku
Kecil Island, Kerengga Besar Island, Kerengga Kecil Island, EkorTebu Island, Ling Island, Pinang Island and
the main Redang Island) that abound with marvelous marine fishes, turtles and coral reefs that ensure
great snorkelling and scuba-diving.

PulauRedang, located 45km off the coast of Kuala Terengganu, is the largest of a group of nine
protected islands dotting the South China Sea off the Terengganu coast. The island offers crystal clear
waters and numerous dive sites for enthusiasts. Sheltered within the PulauRedang Marine Park, the
waters here are rich in marine life. At midday when sun rays penetrate the sea, brilliant hues of coral,
anemones and fish can be seen.

The waters around PulauRedang also contain two historic shipwrecks: The H.M.S. Prince of Wales and
H.M.S. Repulse, which sank here at the start of World War II, setting the stage for the Japanese
occupation of Malaya. This paradise island is perfect for snorkelling, swimming, scuba- diving, jungle
trekking, boating and canoeing. No fishing is allowed within a 3.2km radius of the island as PulauRedang
is gazetted as a marine park. The collection of corals and other aquatic life is also strictly prohibited.
Berjaya Resort offers a golf course in an idyllic setting.

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Marine Park
As the largest island among the Redang Archipelago, PulauRedang is not only made famous by its white
sandy beach but also the world lying beneath this crystal clear water which, is not only paradise for
marine life but also for natural lovers.

Snorkelling and diving provides the best means of observing and enjoying the coral reefs of P. Redang.
The waters in the park provide one of the most enjoyable and spectacular diving spots in Peninsular

P. Redang has several stretches of excellent camping grounds with extensive good beaches for picnicking
and shallow waters for safe swimming. These can be found in the large bay of T. Dalam to the north of
the island, Pasir T. Kalong and PasirPanjang; isolated and smaller stretches of beach occur on the west
and north coast, at Pasir Mak Simpan, Pasir Mak Kepit dan Pasir Changar Hutang.

Boaters can enjoy a sightseeing tour of the island which can take about 12 hours, observing rock
formation and the rain forests which cover the major part of the island. A glass bottom boat would allow
visitors to observe the spectacular coral formation in the shallow reef areas.

Snorkeling or diving in the sea around PulauRedang is a breathtaking experience where, the water
surrounding PulauRedang is home to some 3,000 species of fish, 1.000 of species of bivalves and 500
species of reef-building coral.

You can dive as deep as you can hold your breath. You will love it this places are full of fish and beautiful
coral. Don't be discouraged, trying new things can be fun if you give them a chance.

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Terengganu State Museum (Muzium Negeri Terengganu)

Terengganu State Museum has its own uniqueness, not only in terms of size or area of the largest
museums in the south east asia but inside accommodate a variety of historic earth terengganuespecially
inscriptedstone which people already know about the history. Acclaimed as the largest of its kind in
Malaysia, the Terengganu State Museum houses century old artifacts and artworks of rich and colourful
heritage. Located on 27 hectares of land in Bukit Losong, Kuala Terengganu, the complex itself is an
impressive architectural feature, based on the ancient Terengganu palace designs and architectures. The
complex’s many galleries showcase textiles, historical artifacts, crafts, royal regalia, Islamic arts,
contemporary arts, weapons, petroleum development, historical, sea faring trade, fisheries and marine

Herbs and botanic garden is well-maintained in the vicinity of the museum. At the main entrance, the
original Arabic Jawi text inscription of Islamic religious decree Inscribed Stone or “BatuBersurat” of
Terengganu is prominently displayed, which proves the earliest acceptance of Islamic teachings in the
Malay Peninsula. The maritime complex, the restored original old palaces and traditional boats used by
sea-faring locals are also prominently displayed in the compound.

Noor Arfa Batik Craft Centre

Noor Arfa is a pioneer of the much acclaimed batik industry in Malaysia. The Noor Arfa story has a
humble beginning in 1980 in a small atelier in Kuala Terengganu when the husband and wife team of
Wan Mohd. Ariffin and Noor Hijerah started designing and hand-drawing their own batik cloth.The
venture, known as Noor Arfa, is an acronym derived from the combination of the names of this young
and enterprising couple. It was soon destined to grow by leaps and bounds to the multi-million dollar
corporation it is today.But success did not come without painstaking patience and hard work. Always
improvising and striving for the best in batik designs, Noor Arfa won the admiration and recognition
from the local community for their meticulous design and high quality fabrics.

Already, Noor Arfa has achieved the status and rare distinction of being the largest batik producing in
the country, with distribution centre spread throughout the nation. The factory itself occupies a
sprawling 2.5 acres site in the Cendering Industrial Area of Kuala Terengganu.It houses not only the
manufacturing facility but also one of Malaysia's largest batik

Showroom at:
( Lot 1048-K, Chendering Industrial Area, 21080 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu DarulIman, Malaysia ).

It is frequented daily by bus loads of tourist eager to see the best batik the idyllic state of Kuala
Terengganu has to offer.

With a strong force of more than 200 employees Noor Arfa continues to strive for par-excellence in
meeting the discerning taste of every customer. This commitment pledge from the onset has been held
steadfastly through their almost 2 decades in the traditional batik industry. The company has been
manufacturing Batik for the global market for more than 30 years.

Floating Mosque (Masjid Tengku Tengah Zaharah)

Tengku Tengah Zaharah Mosque or more commonly called Masjid Terapung is aunique design which is
built on a floating platform, giving a floating feel from far away. The mosque is built on the estuary of
Terengganu River by one of the prince in Terengganu state. Combining both modern and Moorish
architecture design, the mosque symbolizes the innovation and modernisation in the state. A state
where religion is held close to it's people's hearts, the Tengku Tengah Zaharah Mosque, or also referred
to as the Floating Mosque, is one of the icons of Islam in the state. Built from an idea birthed by the late
Sultan of Terengganu, Al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud Al-MuktafiBillah Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ismail
Nasiruddin Shah, this mosque was named after his mother, TuankuIntanZaharahbintiAlmarhumTengku
Seri Setia Raja.

The ideal time to visit this mosque is in the evening, when the evening sun shines on the mosque,
turning the building into golden colour while the cooling breeze blow from the South China sea. The
mosque is located in TelukIbai, just over 4km away from Kuala Terengganu town centre, quite close to
the beautiful beach of Terengganu's coast. The white structure of the mosque gorunds covers and area
of roughly 5 acres and serves a number of villages nearby. The beauty of its architecture and serenity of
its surrounding landscape, also draws a great number of visitors to Terengganu who take the
opportunity to perform their prayers and take a breather from their journey at this mosque. The design
of the mosque reflects a subtle Islamic influence combined with local features, incorporating the use of
marble, ceramics, mosaic works and bomanite paving. Constructed with a lake surrounding it, much like
a moat, the mosque is popularly referred to as the Floating Mosque. With the backdrop of the open
South China Sea, this mosque is an irresistable attraction to visitors in Terengganu.
Pasar Payang
The Central Market, locally known as PasarPayang, is located by the Terengganu River and is one of the
most popular tourist spots in Kuala Terengganu. Housed in a modern building, it offers visitors a variety
of traditional handicrafts such as batik, silk, songket, brocade and brassware, as well as fresh
produce. Easily the most popular tourist spot in Kuala Terengganu, PasarPayang is located beside the
Terengganu River. You can find everything local and exotic in this massive market housed in modern
building complete with a shopping arcade and car park.

Feast your eyes on the wide array of traditional textiles like batik and songket, as well as brassware. You
can also get fresh produce and local delicacies.PasarPayang is a must-visit for visitors to Terengganu. It is
a favourite destination for tourists as this combination of a wet market and shopping arcade sells
interesting local handicrafts like batik, brassware, brocade, songket, handicrafts and souvenir items
alongside fresh local produce like fruits, vegetables and fish, or even the local delicacies such as the
KeropokLekor(crackers made from a mixture of fish and sago). It is a great shopping destination and an
interesting sight. Renovation and upgrading of the market are underway transforming it into a modern
yet convenient shoppers’ paradise.

China Town (Kampung Cina)

Kampung Cina or Teng Lang Po in Kuala Terengganu was the first Chinese settlement in Terengganu.
Today, what you can still see are some 236 pre-war Chinese shophouses. Chinatown is located along
Jalan Bandar. It is small but charming with colorful shophouses and still has the traditional feel with
small stores, cafes and restaurants. Chinatown is located along Jalan Bandar (formerly known as Jalan
Kampung Cina) at the river mouth of Terengganu River that empties into the South China Sea.
If you overnight at the hotel / hostel in town and wish to pay the islands a visit, it is convenient and easy
as the boats depart from the jetty next to Chinatown to the islands. The town is small but charming with
colorful shophouses along both sides of the road that carries traditional flavor. Small grocery shops, a
morning market, butcher shops, hardware shops, kopitiams (literally means coffee shops), cafes,
restaurants and so on can be found in this humble little town. The kopitiams, cafes and restaurants offer
local delicacies from mostly Chinese, but also Malay and Indian food. Start your day in town with an
empty stomach and you will be sure to be satisfied with the food at the end of the day.

Tree Chengal Big (Pokok Chengal Besar), Sungai Loh Hulu Dungun
Located near Terengganu’s western border with Taman Negara, this forest reserve is popular with
nature lovers for its terrain and wealth of wildlife and plant species. Jungle trails follow meandering
streams to intermittent waterfalls and occasional crystal-clear swimming pools. Here stands the world’s
oldest and largest Chengal tree (Neobalanocarpusheimii).
Chengal timber is a type of hardwood used as building materials in wooden boats and traditional houses
and is well known for its remarkable quality and durability. The Malaysian Book of Records estimates the
tree, with a diameter of 16.75 metres at the base and a staggering height of 65 metres, to be 1,300
years old. A highly exciting destination for nature lovers and the adventurous, Pasir Raja is blessed with
clean, fresh air, countless wildlife, magnificent flora and fauna, numerous winding streams, rapids and a
waterfall. It is a perfect setting for jungle trekking, swimming and relaxing.

This Cengal tree is said to be over 1300 years old. Tree Cengal (Neobalanocarpusheimii) is a popular
hardwood trees. The natural distribution of tree is confined to Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore and
southern Thailand. Cengal trees produce the best wood and reached the highest price in the market
compared with other types of wood.

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