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For about 190 years, humanity has known what the world looks 5th Century BCE Anaximander_world_map

like. Or rather, humanity has known the shape and size of the land masses
that rise up above the oceans, as well as where those land masses stand in Anaximander (c. 610 – 546 BCE) is credited with having created
relation to one another. one of the first maps of the world, which was circular in form and showed
the known lands of the world grouped around the Aegean Sea at the
Mapmaking has been an integral part of human history for center. This was all surrounded by the ocean.
thousands of years. It is believed that the human activity of graphically 4th Century BCE Hecataeus_world_map
representing one's perception of his world is a universally acquired skill
and one that pre-dates virtually all other forms of written communication. Based on Anaximander’s map of the world, Hecataeus of Miletus
From cave paintings to ancient maps of Babylon, Greece, and Asia, right (c. 550 – 476 BCE) a Greek historian created a new map. Accompanying
into the 21st century, people have created and used maps as the essential the map, which he published in his two volume work entitled Ges
tools to help them define, explain, and navigate their way through the Periodos ("Travels round the Earth" or "World Survey'), Hecataeus
world. Mapping represented a significant step forward in the intellectual described the regions of the world reaching as far north as Scythia in the
development of human beings and it serves as a record of the north and Asia on the east. Hecataeus described the countries and
advancement of knowledge of the human race, which could be passed inhabitants of the known world, the account of Egypt being particularly
from members of one generation to those that follow in the development comprehensive.
of culture.
2nd Century BCE Mappa_di_Eratostene
Early maps were a garbled mass of land that bear no resemblance
to the actual world. As the centuries passed, maps became larger, more The next major contribution to cartography came from
detailed and more accurate. Sometimes historic maps had strange things Eratosthenes, one of the legendary map makers of the ancient world,
drawn on them, such as unidentified objects in the sky, "creatures" in the born in 276 BC in Cyrene, presently situated in Libya. Eratosthenes created
sea, and even land masses that were never known to exist. several maps of the world which featured the countries of Great Britain,
India and Sri Lanka. Eratosthenes was also the first geographer to
6th Century BCE Babylonianmaps incorporate parallels and meridians within his cartographic depictions,
attesting to his understanding of the spherical nature of the earth.
The earliest surviving map of the world is one prepared by the
Babylonians 600 years before the birth of Jesus. It shows Babylon 1st Century BCE Posidonius
surrounded by a circular landmass showing several cities such as Assyria, A century later, Greek philosopher Posidonius (c. 150 – 130 BCE)
Urartu and others. They in turn are surrounded by a "bitter river" published a work "about the ocean and the adjacent areas". This work was
(Oceanus), with seven islands arranged around it so as to form a seven- not only an overall representation of geographical questions according to
pointed star. The accompanying text mentions seven outer regions beyond current scientific knowledge, but it served to popularize his theories about
the encircling ocean. the internal connections of the world, to show how all the forces had an
The Babylonian world map is believed to be symbolic, rather than effect on each other and how the interconnectedness applied also to
a literal representation of the world. It deliberately omits peoples such as human life, to the political just as to the personal spheres.
the Persians and Egyptians, who were well known to the Babylonians. The Posidonius also measured the Earth's circumference by reference
area shown is depicted as a circular shape surrounded by water, which to the position of the star Canopus. His measure of 240,000 stadia
fits the religious image of the world in which the Babylonians believed. translates to 24,000 miles, close to the actual circumference of 24,901
1st Century AD Pomponius_Mela
14th Century AD Da-ming-hun-yi-tu
Roman geographer Pomponius Mela proposed a unique
map of the world on the year 43 AD. He divided the earth into five China developed sophisticated mapping techniques at about
zones, of which two only were habitable. He asserted that the same time as ancient Rome, and never lost them, so by the
antichthones, people inhabiting the southern temperate zone, are medieval period the country had been mapped with considerable
inaccessible to the folk of the northern temperate regions due to detail and accuracy. Chinese world maps showed China at the
the unbearable heat of the intervening torrid belt. On the divisions centre and Europe, half-way round the globe, depicted very small
and boundaries of Europe, Asia and Africa, he repeats Eratosthenes; and horizontally compressed at the edge. Significantly, Africa was
like all classical geographers from Alexander the Great (except also mapped from an Indian Ocean perspective, showing the Cape
Ptolemy) he regards the Caspian Sea as an inlet of the Northern of Good Hope area, which Europeans would not visit until much
Ocean, corresponding to the Persian and Arabian (Red Sea) gulfs on later. The first examples, made in the 1320s, are lost, so the earliest
the south. survivor is the elaborate, colourful Da Ming Hun Yi Tu, painted on 17
sq. m. of silk in 1389 for the first Ming emperor.
2nd Century AD
15th Century AD Martellus_world_map
In circa 150, the great mathematician, astronomer,
geographer, and astrologer Ptolemy created the first map In 1490, Heinrich Hammer, a German
that used longitudinal and latitudinal lines. His ideas of a cartographer, created a map that was remarkably
global coordinate system revolutionized medieval Islamic
similar to the terrestrial globe later produced by
and European geographical thinking and put it upon a
scientific and numerical basis. Martin Behaim in 1492, the Erdapfel. Both show
heavy influences from Ptolemy, and both possibly
12th Century AD Tabula Rogeriana derive from maps created around 1485 in Lisbon
by Bartolomeo Columbus.
In 1154, the Arab geographer, Muhammad al-Idrisi,
incorporated the knowledge of Africa, the Indian Ocean and
the Far East gathered by Arab merchants and explorers with
16th Century Juan_de_la_Cosa-North_up
the information inherited from the classical geographers to Juan de la Cosa, a Spanish cartographer,
create the most accurate map of the world at the time. The explorer and conquistador, made several maps of
Tabula Rogeriana, as the map is called, shows the Eurasian which the only survivor is the Mappa Mundi of
continent in its entirety, but only shows the northern part of
1500. It is the first known European cartographic
the African continent. It remained the most accurate world
map for the next three centuries. representation of the Americas.

The Cantino world map is the earliest surviving map showing Ribero
Portuguese discoveries in the east and west. It shows the islands of the Diogo Ribeiro, a Portuguese cartographer working for Spain, made
Caribbean and the Florida coastline, as well as Africa, Europe and Asia. what is considered the first scientific world map in 1527 based on empiric
The map is particularly notable for portraying a fragmentary record of the latitude observations. Diogo's map delineates very precisely the coasts of
Central and South America. However, neither Australia nor Antarctica appear,
Brazilian coast, discovered in 1500 by Portuguese explorer Pedro Álvares
and the Indian subcontinent is too small. The map shows, for the first time,
Cabral who conjectured whether it was merely an island or part of the
the real extension of the Pacific Ocean. It also shows, for the first time, the
continent that several Spanish expeditions had just encountered farther
North American coast as a continuous one.
north (cf. Amerigo Vespucci).
Caverio_map Flemish geographer and cartographer Gerardus Mercator world map
of 1569 introduced a cylindrical map projection that became the standard
The Caverio Map, also known as Caveri Map or Canerio Map, of map projection known as the Mercator projection. The principal feature of
circa 1505 shows the east coast of North America with surprising detail the projection is that sailing courses at a constant bearing are mapped to
and was one of the primary sources used to make the Waldseemüller straight lines on the map. The development of the Mercator projection
map in 1507. represented a major breakthrough in the nautical cartography of the 16th
century although it was only slowly adopted by sea-faring nations.
The Waldseem_ller map was the first map where the name The Theatrum Orbis Terrarum or "Theatre of the World" is
America appears, holding the strong opinion that it was a new continent considered to be the first true modern atlas. Written by Abraham Ortelius
that Amerigo Vespucci had discovered on his voyage and not only a few and originally printed on May 20, 1570, in Antwerp, it consisted of a collection
smaller islands as Christopher Columbus did in the West Indies. The great of uniform map sheets and sustaining text bound to form a book for which
richness and high grade of detail of the resulting map speak for copper printing plates were specifically engraved. The atlas continued to be in
themselves. demand until approximately 1612.

17th Century AD Hendrik_Hondius

Nova totius Terrarum Orbis geographica ac

hydrographica tabula created by Hendrik
Hondius in 1630 was the first widely available
map, to show any part of Australia. The
Australian coastline shown is part of the west
coast of Cape York Peninsula, discovered by Jan
Carstensz in 1623.

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