Pews Charts 4 11 Months

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Event Record for PEWS score ≥6

Date Time PEWS Nurse Initials & NMBI Alert

Hospital Logo Addressograph
Paediatric Observation Chart
4-11 Months Consultant Ward
Escalation Guide
PEWS does not replace an emergency call Assessment of Respiratory Effort
Score Minimum Observations Minimum Alert Minimum Response Mild Moderate Severe
Airway • Stridor on exertion/crying • Mild stridor at rest • Stridor at rest
1 4 hourly Any trigger should prompt increase in
Nurse in Charge Behaviour • Normal • Some/intermittent irritability • Increased irritability and/or lethargy
2 2 - 4 hourly observation frequency as clinically appropriate • Looks exhausted
and feeding • Talks
T in sentences • Difficultly talking/crying
3* 1 hourly Nurse in Charge review • Difficultly feeding or eating • Unable to talk or cry
Nurse in Charge + Doctor on call • Unable to feed or eat
4-5 30 minutes Urgent medical review • Respiratory rate in pink zone
Respiratory • Mildly increased • Respiratory rate
Nurse in Charge + Doctor on call rate in blue zone • Increased or markedly reduced
6 Continuous Urgent SENIOR medical review respiratory rate as the child tires
+ Senior Doctor + Consultant
Accessory • Mild intercostal and • Moderate intercostal and • Marked intercostal, suprasternal
™ Continuous URGENT PEWS CALL Immediate local response team muscle use suprasternal recession suprasternal recession and sternal recession
• Nasal flaring
* Pink score in any parameter merits review
Oxygen • No oxygen • Mild hypoxemia • Hypoxemia may not be
PEWS does not replace clinical concern requirement corrected by oxygen corrected by oxygen
• Increasing oxygen requirement

• Gasping, grunting
Identify Situation Background Assessment Recommendation
• Extreme pallor, cyanosis
Communication Tool • Apnoea

Medical Escalation Suspension

Date / Time Next Medical Doctor
Suspension Conditions Review Signature/Print name /MCRN

Start Date:

Start Time:

End Date:

End Time:

Start Date:

Start Time:

End Date:

End Time:

Start Date:

Start Time:

End Date:

End Time:

Paediatric Sepsis 6

Mochua Print & Design |

• IV or IO access and take blood samples
Recognition TAKE 3 • Urine output measurement
2 or more of the following < 60 Mins.
• Early SENIOR input
• Core temperature <36°C or >38.5°C
• Inappropriate tachypnoea
• Inappropriate tachycardia
Suspected or Within 60 minutes
• Reduced peripheral perfusion proven sepsis • High flow oxygen
• Altered mental status GIVE 3 • IV/IO fluids & consider early inotropic support
• Consider co-morbidities < 60 Mins.
• Broad spectrum IV/IO antimicrobials

Version N3 | 2016
PEWS Score Key
4-11 Months Chart Date D D / M M / Y Y
0 1 2 3

Date / Time Clinical Parameters New Acceptable Range Next Medical Review Doctor
Signature/Print name /MCRN



For Chronic Conditions
Core Year Date 12/12 Core
Parameters Parameters
Time 18:45

Frequency of observations 40

Clinician / Family Concern

Concern Score 0 Concern
70 70
60 60
AB Respiratory
AIRWAY Rate 50 50
(breaths per minute) 40 40
Assess for 30 30
60 seconds 20 20
15 15

RR Number 38
RR Score 0 RR Score
Severe Severe
Respiratory Moderate Moderate
Effort Mild Mild
Normal Normal
RE Score 0 RE Score
Mode of O2 delivery Mode RA Mode
Room air (RA) Oxygen
Nasal Cannula (NC)
Pressure Pressure
Face mask (FM) Therapy
>2L >2L
Tracheostomy (T)
HHFNC (H) ”/ ”/
CPAP (C) / BiPAP (B) O2 T Score 0 O2 T Score
• 98 •
” ”
SpO2 Score 0 SpO2 Score
180 180
170 170
C 160 160
Heart Rate 140 140
If HR scores 1 or more
consider central CRT (beats per minute) 130 130
and BP and refer to Assess for 120 120
Sepsis 6 Protocol 60 seconds
110 110
100 100
90 90
80 80
*HR <60 with no signs of 70 70
life - begin CPR and
60 60
call the emergency team
HR Number 119
HR Score 0 HR Score
Central Capillary >2 >2
Refill Time (seconds) ” ”
CRT Score 0 CRT Score
130 130
Blood Pressure 120 120
(mmHg) 110 110
Score systolic BP 100 100
90 90
Cuff Size:
80 80
________ 70 70
60 60

BP Number 89
BP Score 0 BP Score
PK - pink M - mottled
P - pale C - cyanosed Skin Colour PK Colour
and put a vertical line Voice V
through column
D Pain
DISABILITY Unresponsive U
If not Alert, consider GCS AVPU Score 0 AVPU Score
• •
E Temperature  
Consider sepsis if  
temperature <360&RU!0C as graph
Notify doctor if urine output
is <1mL/Kg/hr
” ”

Total PEWS score 0 Total PEWS

Reassess within (Mins.) Reassess within
Pain scale in use (): Pain Score
Numeric Nurse/NMBI

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