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cause and
The history Worth
cure iran forgot Less

January 2011
The Philadelphia

Target: Jerusalem
Three powerful states are locked in a battle over the Holy City
contents January 2011  Vol. 21, No. 10 Circ. 300,380

9 20

1 10 28
Departments world living
11 from the editor 41 Target: Jerusalem 131 How to Concentrate
The Last Crusade 71 Get Ready for Oil War
141 Loneliness: The Cause and Cure
161 worldwatch 241 Clouds Across the Rainbow
Following the World Cup euphoria,
311 principles of living it’s back to cold reality in South Africa. history
Break Through 201 The History Iran Forgot
GIANT Barriers 281  ritain Buddies With France:
B An inspiring look back at when the
What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Islamic Republic’s forefathers were
341 letters friends and champions of … the Jews

351 commentary science

Don’t Even 91  ave You Ever Looked
Think About It at a Monkey? 261 What Is the Day of the Lord?
361 television Log
The Key of David economy
101  hy Your Dollars Buy
Less and Less

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From the editor

The Last Crusade

Most people think the crusades for Jerusalem are a thing
of the past—over forever. They are wrong. Preparations are
being made for a final crusade, and it will be the bloodiest
of all! The exceedingly good news is this: The world will
never again see a bloody crusade for Jerusalem. And nothing
is more important than your understanding why!

he Crusades were a series of Roman Catholic through bloodshed. Remember, this wish
“holy” wars to wrest control of the Holy Land from to rule all Christianity is at “the very gerald Flurry
Muslims. They produced some of the bloodiest battles heart of the revolutionary papacy.” That Editor in chief
in history. means this philosophy has motivated
Did you ever wonder how the Catholics reconcile that “holy” them for nearly 2,000 years. And they still believe violent and
slaughter with the Bible, which states, “Thou shalt not kill”? Or bloody crusades are righteous. Have they ever truly repented of
how they can read the Sermon on the Mount and still lead the this condemning history? The answer is no.
religious world in spilling rivers of blood? History proves the Catholic Church to be one of the most
They are called the Christian Crusades. That label itself is a militant institutions ever. Catholic leaders do not believe in a
deception. They were primarily Catholic Crusades. Other Chris- democratic philosophy. They have often “converted” people by
tian religions have their problems, but let’s not blame them for the sword. And yet, this world seems unwilling to hold them ac-
what the Catholics did—and will do. countable for their war crimes.
This last crusade is not just about the evils of Catholicism; it’s Modern historians have shown how closely they worked with
also about evils of other nations and religions. Some background the Nazis. It was through the Catholic Church that most of the
will help us understand. leading Nazis escaped after World War ii. We have shown in
past articles how well documented that history is; no one should
Pope Urban II doubt it. (Read The Unholy Trinity by Mark Aarons and John
In a.d. 622, Catholics fought and were defeated in a crusade Loftus, available at bookstores.)
against the Persians and the Jews. Some 60,000 Catholics were Doesn’t that crime reveal that the Catholics were deeply in-
killed, and 35,000 enslaved. The fall of Jerusalem left the Catholic volved with the Nazi war machine?
world shocked and mourning. This subject is too important to let our emotions stand in the
This war left Catholics bitter against the Jews for the role they way, because the worst is yet to come!
played in the war. Much anti-Semitism began because of it. The last crusade will be the supreme inquisition of all history.
Some historians consider this the First Crusade. But the Cru- It is time we understood the bloody history of the Crusades and
sades we best remember came later, beginning in the 11th century. let it be a warning!
Pope Urban ii unleashed a savage Catholic army and started The world seems almost unaware of these monstrous crimes.
these later Crusades. This “righteous” army marched 3,000 miles The Jones and Ereira book continues, “Urban’s army would
to conquer the Holy Land. also rescue Jerusalem, the spiritual (and therefore the physical)
Here is an excerpt from the book Crusades, by Terry Jones and center of the universe. He hoped that the redeemed Jerusa-
Alan Ereira, which became a bbc television series: “By summon- lem would be directly ruled by the church.
ing an army under the banner of the Cross, the pope was ex- “Every man who enrolled for the struggle must mark himself
tending the church’s mantle over all Christendom. This out by wearing a cross and, most important, vow to continue on
was the idea at the very heart of the revolutionary pa- his way until he reached Jerusalem.
pacy; in place of separate local churches at the center of discreet “Urban’s method of raising this army was completely original;
communities, there was to be one overarching church, as well as pay, he could offer paradise—anyone who took part
ruled by one overarching pope. The Crusade was to be its had all their sins forgiven. ‘Whoever for devotion alone, not to
expression and its instrument” (emphasis mine throughout). gain honor or money, goes to Jerusalem to liberate the church of
They state that this thinking was at the heart of the papacy. God can substitute this journey for all penance.’”
The popes wanted to rule any church called Christian. Through Any Bible student ought to know that only God can offer
the Holy Roman Empire, they also tried repeatedly to rule most of paradise and forgive sins. But that is the big problem with most
the world. They have succeeded six times and are about to succeed Christians: They don’t believe and obey the Bible!
again, for the last time, according to Bible prophecy. (Request our The whole world, including the religious world, is deceived
free booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire.) (Revelation 12:9). Enormous problems like the Crusades will con-
The Protestant churches are prophesied to be brought back tinue until we confront our own deception.
into the Catholic Church (Isaiah 47). Mostly this will be done Jones and Ereira conclude, “By saying that carrying out a

The Philadelphia Trumpet  January 2011 1

military/political enterprise would make you a better person,
wiping out past sins, Urban had invented a way by which every
person could internalize papal policy. Fighting in the pope’s
cause was not only an obligation, it made you righteous. With
that one idea, mass political action was launched. With that one
idea, ideology was born. With that one idea, the Crusade was set
in motion. Urban did not understand what he had done.”
This pope certainly did not know what he had done. What
he began led to a number of indescribably brutal wars between
Catholics and Muslims.
The real tragedy is that the world, like Pope Urban, still doesn’t
understand what he did, and what the Catholic Church continues
to do. Their real beliefs surface when they gain power. Today, they
are building the greatest power they have ever had. If you un-
derstand their history, their future is very predictable—far more
than most historians believe. Add Bible prophecy to that equation
and you will see that this world faces a frightening specter.
Thankfully, all of that trouble is a sign tied directly to an im-
minent paradise that will unite all religious and secular move-
ments forever! Our free literature will prove that statement to any
person who wants to understand.

Fighting on Both Sides

The Crusades created rivers of blood. And it was all done in the
name of God. Of course, the Muslims responded with massive
slaughters against the Crusaders, also in the name of God. Does it
make any sense for God to be fighting on both sides? Or are these
warring factions just giving our God of love a bloody reputation?
Jerusalem is considered a holy place by both religions. It is in-
deed considered the “center of the universe” to Catholics. They
believe conquering Jerusalem makes them righteous. That has
been their ideology from the beginning. It is still true today. The
fruits are there to prove it. The Bible says that “by their fruits
you shall know them.” They believe in war as an instrument to
achieve their religious goals.
“The following morning the Crusaders re-entered the al-Aqsa
Mosque and slaughtered every Muslim sheltering there. No one
knows how many died; the Muslim chronicler reports 70,000.
One of the Crusaders reports picking his way through
a mess of blood and bodies more than knee-deep” (ibid.).
This is only one episode of many. People around the world have unholy war The Catholic Crusades
seen pictures of this very mosque. against Middle East Muslims caused rivers
How many Muslims still remember the history of this mosque of blood, with both sides killing “for God.”
being knee-deep in Arab blood? And all of this savagery sup-
posedly made Catholics righteous! A warrior who burned Arab
babies in the Crusade was considered worthy to gain glory for all became more righteous in the process.
eternity! Does this really make sense to a sound mind? Were these killers true Christians? A true Christian is one
“But killing, the pope now declared, need not be a sin after all. who follows Christ. If we look in the Gospels, Christ tells us to
It depended on who you killed. In fact, if you killed the enemies love our enemies, even die for them—not kill them!
of Christ, killing did not require penance—it was the penance. The memory of such horrendous massacres still lives in the
Holy slaughter could be as effective a devotional ac- minds of many Arabs.
tivity as prayer, or fasting, or pilgrimage …” (ibid.). Those memories have provoked Arabs and Jews to massacre
The pope said, “Now we are proposing that you should fight Catholics throughout history in a similar manner—all in the
wars which contain the glorious reward of martyrdom, in which name of religion.
you can gain the title of present and eternal glory ….”
“The pope had also pointed out the importance of rescuing King Peter’s Crusade
Jerusalem from the infidel. He seems to have suggested that ‘res- King Peter launched his crusade from the little Mediterranean is-
cue’ meant ‘seize and keep’” (ibid.). land of Cyprus, which was captured by Catholic Crusaders dur-
The pope also said, “Take the road to the Holy Sepulcher, res- ing the Third Crusade. Here is what Steven Runciman wrote about
cue that land from a dreadful race and rule over it yourselves.” King Peter’s Crusade in A History of the Crusades: “King Peter
Muslim and Jewish inhabitants of Jerusalem were slaughtered arrived at Rhodes early in the month, and on the 25th the whole
like pigs. And all of this was done by Catholics who presumably Cypriot fleet sailed into the harbor, 108 vessels in all, galleys, trans-

2 January 2011  The Philadelphia Trumpet

ports, merchant ships and light skiffs. With the There is good news: Over a hundred Bible prophecies tell us
great galleys of the Venetians and those pro- that Jesus Christ will personally stop the next crusade! Sadly,
vided by the Hospital, the armada numbered however, that will only occur after the worst suffering ever on
165 ships. They carried a full complement of this Earth (Daniel 12:1; Matthew 24:21-22).
men, with ample horses, provisions and arms.
Not since the Third Crusade had a proportion- Cyprus
ate expedition set out for the Holy War .… More than one crusade has been launched from Cyprus. Will we
“During the Friday night there was a fierce see the last crusade launched from there as well? Is history about
Muslim counterattack through one of the to repeat itself?
southern gates, which the Christians in their Turkey, just north of Cyprus, has been a strong member of
excitement had burned down. It was beaten the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (nato) for many years.
off; and by the Saturday afternoon, all Alex- Yet, a German-led European Union has rejected it from joining
andria was in the Crusaders’ hands. the EU—even though it has been applying since 1963, when there
“The victory was celebrated with were only six members! Twenty-one new countries have joined
unparalleled savagery. Two and a half since then. But that number is about to be reduced dramatically.
centuries of holy warfare had taught Why has the EU consistently rejected Turkey? Is it because
the Crusaders nothing of humanity. Turkey is predominantly Islamic?
The massacres were only equaled by those The EU is prophesied to be ultimately comprised of 10 kings
of Jerusalem in 1099 and Constantinople in ruling 10 nations, or groups of nations, dominated by Catholi-
1204. The Muslims had not been so ferocious cism. Already the EU is being called the Holy Roman Empire. It
at Antioch or at Acre. Alexandria’s wealth has traditionally been the enemy of the Muslims.
had been phenomenal; and the victors were Cyprus is now a member of the EU. Are European leaders al-
maddened at the sight of so much booty. ready thinking about Cyprus as a launching pad from which to
They spared no one. The native Christians protect their Jerusalem interests?
and the Jews suffered as much as the Mus- You can be certain that they are thinking about how to protect
lims; and even the European merchants set- the holy places in and around Jerusalem. The Europeans have
tled in the city saw their factories and store- thought like this for almost 2,000 years!
houses ruthlessly looted. Mosques and tombs There is a real crisis in Cyprus today. Some people fear a war
were raided and their ornaments stolen or between Greece and Turkey, who share the rule of this island.
destroyed; churches too were sacked, though Greece became the 10th member state of the EU in 1981, and Rus-
a gallant crippled Coptic lady managed to sia has already sold missiles to Greece, whose intention is to bully
save some of the treasures of her sect at the Turkey with them.
sacrifice of her private fortune. Houses were At a conference in Cyprus in July 2001, Dr. Osman Metin Oz-
turk explained that while EU membership of Cyprus would sup-
port the interests of Greece and the EU, it would stall U.S. and
Does it make any sense nato interests.
for God to be fighting on Back in 1998, before Cyprus became an EU member, Christo-
pher Lockwood, the Daily Telegraph’s diplomatic editor in Nico-
both sides? Or are these sia, wrote, “The EU has maneuvered itself into a position where it
may soon have to take a bitterly divided island, with a propensity
warring factions just for violence and even war, into its bosom.
“It has poisoned relations with Turkey, a crucial nato ally;
giving our God of love made a solution to the Cyprus problem harder to achieve than
a bloody reputation? ever …” (March 30, 1998).
Today, Turkey is allying itself with Iran.
entered, and householders who did not immediately hand Why would Europe risk such serious problems, even warfare,
over all their possessions were slaughtered with their over this tiny island?
families. Some 5,000 prisoners, Christians and Jews as well as Even the people building the EU don’t fully understand what
Muslims, were taken to be sold as slaves. A long line of horses, is happening. There is a spirit and force behind these events that
asses and camels carried the loot to the ships in the harbor and the world does not see. “And I saw one of his heads as it were
there having performed their task were killed. The whole city wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all
stank with the odor of human and animal corpses.” the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the
This author said, “The Crusades were the pope’s work.” dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they wor-
The Crusade philosophy has made Catholic popes the bloodiest shipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able
religious leaders ever! to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth
Still, most people try to hide from this frightening reality. speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given
That is the main reason why the worst Catholic crusade is yet unto him to continue forty and two months” (Revelation 13:3-5).
to come. Mankind refuses to believe the truth and believe God. If people truly understood what is happening in Europe, they
The world so quickly forgets. And because they do, the mas- would be trembling in fear.
sive bloodshed continues. The Catholics did these appalling, Is there a final crusade planned to be launched into
despicable deeds before the world. But has anyone heard them the Middle East from Cyprus? Is that why the EU was
repent before the world? ➤ See crusade page 32

The Philadelphia Trumpet  January 2011 3

4 January 2011  The Philadelphia Trumpet
Locked in a battle over the Holy City  By Ron Fraser

was both deliberate and calculated—cal-
culated to get a reaction!
his is not a story you are ments intent on “holy war” have been And what a reaction it received! Public
going to see on the nightly blowing up airplanes, blowing up embas- demonstrations broke out in Turkey, in
news. Yet it is a huge story of sies, blowing up their enemies by blowing Iran, in the Islamic communities in Brit-
the moment that will soon themselves up in their midst, in their ef- ain and on the European continent. Effi-
dominate all news media. forts to achieve the universal salvation of gies of the pope were burned in the streets.
Iran and the Vatican mankind in the name of Allah and their Al Qaeda called for the pope’s death.
State—representing two great prophet Mohammad. They take the future Ever since, Islamic extremists have in-
religious movements: pan-Islamism and seizure of Jerusalem as a given. creasingly targeted Christians—mainly
Roman Catholicism—and the most pow- Recently the pope upped the ante in his Roman Catholics—in the Middle East,
erful state in Europe, Germany, are gear- crusade via his coded anti-Islam verbal especially within Iran’s western neigh-
ing up for a titanic battle for the posses- salvos. He received a swift, violent Muslim bor, Iraq. UN statistics show that, before
sion of the “city of peace”—Jerusalem. response: the slaughter of Roman Catholics the Iraq War began in 2003, Baghdad was
Besides those two globally dominant home to 1.5 million Christians of various
religions claiming entitlement to that city, The recapture of Jerusalem sects. Today that number is fewer than
a third does as well: world Jewry.
This is an age-old battle. In modern
has burned as a fervent 500,000—mostly because of those who
have fled religious persecution.
times it has waged since World War ii, desire in Vatican hearts
when Islam, under the Ottoman Turks,
lost Jerusalem, and since Kaiser Wilhelm
since the days of the great Extraordinary Synod
This past October, the pope called an
was denied its possession by British Impe- Crusades, initiated by extraordinary synod of archbishops to-
rial forces occupying Palestine, freeing the Pope Urban ii in a.d. 1095. gether in Rome to consider the fate of
city from past Islamic dominance and the the church in the Middle East. It was a
prospect of a Teutonic-Roman takeover. celebrating mass in a cathedral in Baghdad. watershed event in the pope’s program for
Check the sequence of events. evangelizing the world. For Benedict, the
Vatican Vision First came Pope Benedict’s verbal out- fulcrum around which his global project
The recapture of Jerusalem has burned burst in his controversial speech at Regens- revolves is—as it has always been with the
as a fervent desire in Vatican hearts since burg, Bavaria, in September 2006. Careful Vatican down through the ages—Jerusa-
the days of the great Crusades, initiated by analysis of that speech reveals that Benedict lem. To this end, the Vatican is ramping up
Pope Urban ii in a.d. 1095. was accusing Islam of being an irrational its involvement in the Middle East peace
Since the end of World War ii, and faith. Indeed, he provoked great wrath process.
especially since the 1962 Vatican ii con- from Islamic clerics by quoting a dialogue This synod was the platform the Vati-
gress, Rome has worked toward this goal. between a Byzantine Emperor Manuel ii can used to further emphasize its coded
Through diplomacy, primarily employ- Paleologus and an educated Persian on the verbal crusade against Islam.
ing its excellent international intelligence subject of Christianity and Islam: “Show In his homily at the close of the synod
network and by exercising more open me just what Mohammad brought that on October 24, Pope Benedict recalled,
dialogue with its wayward Protestant was new, and there you will find things only “During the work of the synod what was
and Orthodox daughters, it has sought to evil and inhuman, such as his command to often underlined was the need to offer the
achieve a bridgehead in the drive for the spread by the sword the faith he preached.” gospel anew to people who do not know it
universal conversion of mankind with Je- The stab at Islam was not lost on the re- very well or who have even moved away
rusalem as its spiritual capital. ligious and political leaders of modern Per- from the church. What was often evoked
At the same time, since the Israelis sia—Iran—nor on their terrorizing lackeys! was the need for a new evangelization for
withdrew from the territories they occu- Pope Benedict is known for his bril- the Middle East as well.” To Islamic ex-
pied in 1967, Islam has chosen the path of liant intellect. This was a well-thought-out tremists, that statement would have to
jihadist war through terrorism to achieve speech, prepared in advance, not off the have been like waving a red flag in front
similar goals. Extremist Islamic move- cuff. The choice of Manuel ii’s statement of a bull!

david niblack/trumpet, lluis gene/afp/getty images The Philadelphia Trumpet  January 2011 5
To top it off, Benedict promised that on crusading jihad warfare against Chris- single most popular politician in Germany.
the theme for the next synod in 2012 tendom. In the Middle East, once again, This means the younger Guttenberg may
would be “the new evangelization for the Islamists slaughter Roman Catholics. have a real chance, and soon, to become the
transmission of the Christian faith.” He When will the pope move beyond his next chancellor of Germany after Angela
explained, “At any time and in any place— war of words? Merkel” (Inside the Vatican, Oct. 19, 2010).
also in the Middle East today—the church The Vatican may well be able to boast Meanwhile, across the Tyrolean border
is present and works to welcome each hu- of a billion-plus adherents to the Roman in neighboring Germany, it was as though
man being ….” Catholic faith—yet crusades are fought by the whole country was seized with Gut-
Those are crusading words—words bloodletting battles. It is to the Vatican’s tenberg fever. One German newspaper
that offer a powerful challenge to any traditional protector, Germany, that the termed it “Guttenberg Hysteria.” Liter-
competing religion that has its own mis- popes have looked as Rome’s defender ally every leading German newspaper and
sionary zeal to convert the world—which, since the time of Charlemagne. magazine has carried a major story on
very obviously, Islam does! Believe it or not, your Bible prophesies the Guttenbergs since the end of summer.
It was no coincidence that, on Oc- that Rome will yet again look to Germany Germans are simply enraptured with the
tober 31, just one week later, masked Is- for support in one final crusade to elimi- baron and his wife.
lamist gunmen burst through the doors nate the threat of Islam and recapture the But what will be most intriguing to
of a Catholic cathedral in Baghdad and real prize in the process—Jerusalem. readers of the Trumpet is the following
slaughtered 58 Roman Catholics attending statement made by Dr. Moynihan: “The
Sunday evening mass. Days later, follow- The Pope and the Baron fact is that this concert for the German
up attacks occurred in Christian neigh- In the early Crusades, the Franks were at pope was conducted by the father of the
borhoods in Iraq. the forefront. It is interest- man who may soon head the German
The pope had his answer to his latest ing to note that a bright, government.
“This at least suggests a strength-
“So it is not easy to have, even with moderate ened connection between Berlin and
Rome, or between the two men, should
Jews, a rational discussion about what is they come into contact in the future as
actually happening in the Middle East.” world leaders” (ibid., emphasis mine
—European Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht For decades we have been looking
missionary challenge to Islam! charismatic young Frank, Karl-Theodor out for two dominant leaders to come to
zu Guttenberg, Germany’s current defense the fore in Europe: one, a powerful politi-
Historic Comparison minister, has become the driving force be- cal leader from Germany; the other, an in-
Compare these events with the spark that hind the effort to drastically upgrade the fluential religious leader from Rome. This
ignited Rome’s earliest crusade to capture German armed forces. In the process he power pair is prophesied to dominate the
Jerusalem. In a.d. 1077, the Seljuk Turks has made it clear that he seeks the amal- final rise of a European-based empire, a re-
massed in Jerusalem and slaughtered gamation of nato with a combined Eu- incarnation of the old Holy Roman Empire.
around 3,000 Catholic pilgrims. The at- ropean military force to produce a battle Watch for further developments that
tacks continued on Catholics over the next group of a size and with the nuclear power may suddenly propel this duo into the
decade and a half. In 1095, Pope Urban ii potential to match all comers! spotlight! The fact that one of the most
cried “enough” and challenged the knights This same young Frankish aristo- astute watchers of Vatican politics is pre-
of Europe at the Council of Clermont to crat traces his lineage back 900 years to pared to suggest a future linkage between
a crusading battle to seize Jerusalem and the First Crusade! His family has been Pope Benedict xvi and fellow Bavarian
wreak revenge on the Islamic hordes: “The dedicated supporters of the popes down Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, a Frankish
Turks and Arabs have attacked our breth- through the centuries. baron of the Holy Roman Empire, is most
ren in the East and have conquered the Recently on a balmy Roman autumnal intriguing indeed.
territory of Romania (the Greek Empire) evening, the pope witnessed a stunning
as far as the shore of the Mediterranean performance of Verdi’s Requiem Mass led Another Target of the Vatican
and the Hellespont …. They have killed by a fellow Bavarian, conductor Enoch zu One other dramatic episode emanated
and captured many and have destroyed Guttenberg, father of Germany’s minister of from that recent synod in Rome. What was
the churches and devastated the [Roman] defense, at the Paul vi Hall in the Vatican. most profound in relation to the “peace”
Empire …. On this account I … persuade Among the audience was an inveterate spoken of there was the stance the Vatican
all people of whatever rank, foot soldiers Vatican watcher, Dr. Robert Moynihan. He took on the tiny, embattled, fighting-for-
and knights, poor and rich, to carry aid was moved by the uniqueness of the event its-own-survival, Judaic nation of Israel.
promptly to those Christians ….” to make an intriguing observation in re- Reuters reported that, in their con-
Thus was the First Crusade enkindled. spect of this particular performance. Refer- cluding statement, the bishops declared
Nine centuries later, another Islamic ring to “the political overtones of the event,” that “Israel cannot use the biblical concept
horde pushes at the doors of Jerusalem and Moynihan noted that “[t]he concert had of a Promised Land or a chosen people to
Rome, threatening to overtake much of perhaps unintentional political overtones justify … territorial claims …” (Oct. 23,
Europe by mass migration from the Mid- because the son of the conductor, right 2010). When Greek-Melchite Archbishop
dle East and to push the tiny nation of Isra- now Germany’s minister of defense, Karl- Cyrille Salim Bustros was asked about
el into the sea. Hidden among the émigrés Theodor Freiherr von und zu Guttenberg, this passage at a news conference, he re-
are hundreds of extremist Islamists bent 38, has just become, according to polls, the sponded, “We Christians cannot speak

6 January 2011  The Philadelphia Trumpet

about the Promised Land for the Jewish cannot be based on sacred scriptures.” enjoy peace within internationally rec-
people. There is no longer a chosen peo- In the synod’s concluding message, the ognized borders, the document spent far
ple. All men and women of all countries Vatican reiterated a call it has made be- more words on the Palestinians’ plight.
have become the chosen people. The con- fore: that Jerusalem come to have a special It bemoaned their “suffering the con-
cept of the Promised Land cannot be used status that “respects its particular charac- sequences of the Israeli occupation: the
as a base for the justification of the return ter” as a city sacred not only to Jews, but lack of freedom of movement, the wall of
of Jews to Israel …. The justification of Is- also to Christians and Muslims. Though separation and the military checkpoints,
rael’s occupation of the land of Palestine it briefly acknowledged the Jews’ need to the political prisoners, the demolition of

Get Ready for Oil War

wants to stop Iran from getting
the bomb. America just wants out.
Both Iran and Europe want in. The
rest of opec balances on nitro-
Hostility between Iran and Europe will erupt in a gusher. glycerine—not wanting to offend
Iran, and enjoying higher oil pric-

he world’s greatest terror- Department considers a terror- firms: Either commit to business es—but also looking with appre-
ist-sponsoring nation now ist organization. So opec is now in Iran or prepare to have your hension at a withdrawing America
presides over the world’s chaired by a terrorist representing assets seized. and with interest at emerging
most powerful oil cartel. What will a terrorist-sponsoring nation. Iran has other weapons too. European aggressiveness.
this mean for oil prices, and for Clearly the Arabs dread of- Europe depends on imports for In an oil-constrained world,
the world? One Russian analyst fending Iran far more than they do the vast majority of its oil. Germa- Iran believes its position is im-
says an international oil dispute is America. ny, the Netherlands, France and pregnable. As opec’s second-
sure to erupt—but this time, it is Italy import almost all of their oil. largest producer, it has the oil, and
not America’s fight: It is Europe’s. Iran vs. Europe Nearly half of Europe’s imported it is now leveraging its position
On October 14, Iran was Fear of Iran infects the Persian oil comes from the Middle East. within opec to push its agenda
unanimously elected president Gulf. And the Arabs should be And most of that comes through and try to attain nuclear capability.
of opec, the Organization of the afraid. America has begun with- the Persian Gulf—which is half Yet a nuclear-armed dominant Iran
Petroleum Exporting Countries. drawing from Iraq and will begin Iranian coastal waters. is not something Europe wants to
The move says a lot about Amer- pulling out of Afghanistan soon. “Security of energy without live with either. This is not a recipe
ica’s waning global influence. The Arabs will be left to deal Iran has no meaning,” opec’s for peace in the Middle East.
This grouping of nations, some with—perhaps submit to—Iran. new president warned on October Tensions are escalating even
of which are American “allies,” Iran is acutely aware that 14. The international community faster than the price of oil, if that
clearly intended the vote as a slap America is an exiting superpower. and Europe in general should take is possible. But where is it all
to America’s face. Not only did it But what exactly is Iran’s agenda? close note, he said. headed?
ignore Washington’s outreach to Iran will certainly work to It wouldn’t take much to send The Bible says a clash be-
many of them—which included increase oil prices, and will likely the cost of crude oil soaring. tween Iran and Europe is inevita-
the U.S. propping up the Iraqi gov- succeed, says Russian Center Global estimates suggest that due ble. Daniel 11 prophesies that an
ernment and selling Saudi Arabia for Public Policy Research direc- to depletion, over the next 5 to 10 Iranian-led Middle Eastern power
$60 billion worth of upgraded tor Vladimir Yevseyev. But Iran is years the Middle East is going to (referred to as “the king of the
F-15 fighters—but it also under- gearing up for a far bigger battle, become the world’s most valuable south”) will push at a European
mined U.S.-led efforts to enforce he says: one against Europe. source of oil. Iran is predicted to power (“the king of the north”)
sanctions on Iran for continuing to As head of opec, Iran will be one of the few countries with and provoke a war. The Trumpet’s
pursue nuclear weapons. leverage its position to counter the excess oil supplies. editor in chief has written that oil
Making the slap sting all the policy of the European Union. “[T]he political risks are ris- would likely be a big part of this
more is the fact that Iran’s oil Europe, in addition to partici- ing,” says Russia’s Yevseyev. “I push—specifically the tightening
minister, Seyed Masoud Mirka- pating in certain embargoes that do not see the way how this situ- of Europe’s oil supply.
zemi, holds the opec presidency. complicate Iranian oil sales, ation could change, as I do not Iran’s taking control of opec is
Mirkazemi is a senior-level has recently begun tak- see grounds for a rapprochement a sign of its power and confidence
commander within the ing further steps to re- between Iran and Europe. … Eu- growing. Expect it to use its new
Iranian Revolution- strict trade and foreign rope looks at Iran’s presidency of position to continue to push at
ary Guard Corps, investment in Iran due opec as a problem with which it Europe until it eventually provokes
which the U.S. State to Iran’s pursuit of will fight, but not as the possibility a far bigger response than antici-
nuclear weaponry. On of rapprochement with Iran” (em- pated.  Robert Morley
September 30, four of phasis mine).
Europe’s largest oil compa- Yevseyev is right. Rapproche- You can read more
nies (Shell, Total, Statoil and Eni) ment is out of the question. about this prophe-
announced they had committed to cy in our booklets
stopping business with Iran. The Push The King of the
The situation is getting touchy. The Middle East has the oil. Eu- South and History
Iran has now retaliated by giving rope needs it. Iran wants to use it and Prophecy of
ultimatums to other European oil as a tool to push Europe. Europe the Middle East.

istockphoto, john thys/afp/getty images The Philadelphia Trumpet  January 2011 7

homes, the disturbance of socio-economic the same belief that they are right. So it is Since the Scripture cannot be broken
life and the thousands of refugees.” The not easy to have, even with moderate Jews, (John 10:35)—despite what Archbishop
imbalance of the Vatican’s perspective on a rational discussion about what is actually Cyrille Salim Bustros falsely maintains—
the situation of Jerusalem, the Jews and happening in the Middle East.’ and the Eternal God never changes (Mala-
Palestinians was obvious. “This minister did not suggest the chi 3:6), His promise of the perpetual in-
Peel aside the sophistry, and the truth problem was any specific Israeli policy. heritance of that piece of Middle Eastern
is plain: The Vatican is clearly biased The problem, as he defined it, is the nature real estate by Israel is binding to this day
against the Jews and Israel’s birthright of the Jews.” and beyond.
claim to the city of Jerusalem and the bib- This is the same argument that former It is certainly not conditional on the
lical land of Israel, which were gifted by German central banker and politician utterances of the Vatican. In fact, Israel is
God to the nation of Israel in perpetuity. Thilo Sarrazin makes in his bestselling least accountable to that particular Baby-
This, from a religion that claims to speak book Germany Does Away With Itself to lonish institution, of all institutions.
for all Christendom—indeed, claiming, underpin his thesis that Jews are unsuit- Those who seek to refute the claim on
albeit falsely, that its own religious roots able for residence in Germany. the Promised Land by Israel will one day
lie in the birth of the land of Israel. Murdoch also hit out at the anti-Zion- have to swallow their own words. Jerusa-
ism prevalent in Islamic communities in lem is destined to be the capital of a new
The reality is that this “war Europe, and the degree of tolerance that society, a whole new civilization to be es-
against the Jews” is just one part Islamic-inspired anti-Zionist attacks are tablished by the very King of Salem, the
of an insidiously spreading anti- given by European authorities: “In Eu-
rope today, some of the most egregious
King of kings, Jesus Christ Himself (He-
brews 7:2; 1 Timothy 6:15). It will remain
Semitic mindset­—one that extends attacks on Jewish people, Jewish sym- the capital of that globe-girdling kingdom
out against the Anglo-Saxons. bols and Jewish houses of worship have
come from the Muslim population.
for over a thousand years. Then it will be-
come the very site of the eternal throne of
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch said it “Unfortunately, far from making clear Almighty God Himself! (Revelation 21:1-3).
all in a recent speech at an Anti-Defama- that such behavior will not be tolerated, too Those who falsely claim that “there
tion League dinner, the text of which was often the official response [suggests] Jews is no longer a chosen people” are refuted
printed in Commentary magazine under and Israel were partly to blame themselves. by Scripture! The very “peculiar people”
the headline, “The Aim Is to Make Israel “When Europe’s political leaders do (1 Peter 2:9) chosen by God to do so will
a Pariah”: “Now the war has entered a not stand up to the thugs, they lend cre- soon claim their rightful inheritance of
new phase. This is the soft war that seeks dence to the idea that Israel is the source the Promised Land—and, not long after,
to isolate Israel by delegitimizing it. The of all the world’s problems—and they the whole world will learn to truly rejoice
battleground is everywhere: the media … guarantee more ugliness. If that is not in the reality of that inheritance!
multinational organizations … ngos. In anti-Semitism, I don’t know what is. It’s time to more closely watch Iran as
this war, the aim is to make Israel a pariah. “The world of 2010 is not the world of the it continues to aggressively push its jihad-
“The result is the curious situation we 1930s. The threats Jews face today are differ- ist foreign-policy agenda against Rome,
have today: Israel becomes increasingly ent. But these threats are real. These threats against a German-led Europe and against
ostracized, while Iran—a nation that has are soaked in an ugly language familiar to the embattled Judaic nation of Israel.
made no secret of wishing Israel’s destruc- anyone old enough to remember World War It’s time to more closely watch Ger-
tion—pursues nuclear weapons loudly, ii. And these threats cannot be addressed many’s growing exertion of its national
proudly, and without apparent fear of until we see them for what they are: part of power, especially in militaristic terms, and
rebuke.” an ongoing war against the Jews.” to watch for its coming blitzkrieg response
The reality is that this “war against to this push from the biblical “king of the
War Against the Jews the Jews” is just one part of an insidiously south,” Iran!
Murdoch, who received an award from spreading anti-Semitic mindset­—one that And it’s time to watch, ever more
Pope John Paul ii for his contributions to extends out against the Anglo-Saxons. For closely, the city of Jerusalem. This “city of
the media, made no reference to the Vati- unbeknown to the greater part of society peace” has endured centuries of warfare,
can’s stance on the nation of Israel, his is the fact that the Promised Land was and yet again it faces being torn apart by
statement coming before this latest star- gifted to the nations of Israel—plural! For two great competing religions in a great
tling declaration of the Vatican Synod on proof of just who these nations are, re- new crusade for its possession, propelled
the Church in the Middle East. quest our eye-opening book The United by the resurrected power of the Holy Ro-
But he did condemn the European States and Britain in Prophecy. man Empire of the German Nation.
Union for its blatant bias against Israel, a But more, as you watch, watch in hope
bias that is feeding the rising anti-Zionism The Promised Land for what is prophesied to follow: the estab-
across the Continent: “We saw a recent out- The Eternal Creator of humankind prom- lishment of a new city of Jerusalem that
break when a European commissioner trade ised the territory from the Nile River to will last for over a thousand years—then
minister declared that peace in the Middle the Euphrates to the descendants of Abra- the ultimate vision of hope, the new Jeru-
East is impossible because of the Jewish lob- ham, through his son Isaac and, in turn, salem! That city will be one of universal
by in America. Here’s how he put it: ‘There the descendants of Jacob (Genesis 15:18- peace, the future capital of the universe! It
is indeed a belief—it’s difficult to describe it 21; 28:13; Exodus 23:31; Deuteronomy 1:8). will last forever, on into an eternal future
otherwise—among most Jews that they are These are the true Israelites. Believe it or of scintillating peace, joy and happiness
right. And it’s not so much whether these not, they include 11 other nations in addi- under the supreme rule of the eternal Fa-
are religious Jews or not. Lay Jews also share tion to the Jewish people. ther of all mankind! n

8 January 2011  The Philadelphia Trumpet istockphoto

hen Delaware Republi- In describing what she discovered dur- birth, scientists in New York unveiled
can Senate candidate Chris- ing her “magical” experience in Tanzania, a fossilized skeleton of a monkey they
tine O’Donnell referred to Goodall told cbs correspondent Lara Lo- named Ida and again proclaimed it to be
evolution as a myth during gan that she learned how chimps were hap- the long-sought-after “missing link” in
a 1998 roundtable discussion, comedian py and sad, affectionate and funny, playful human evolution. The Guardian called it
Bill Maher contemptuously shot back, and communicative—“all of these things “one of the most significant primate fossil
“Have you ever looked at a monkey?” Ma- done in the same context we do them,” she finds ever.” It was supposed to impact the
her replayed that video clip on his talk said (emphasis mine throughout). world of paleontology “somewhat like an
show in September. In fact, before embarking on her asteroid falling down to Earth.”
In October, as if taking its cue from groundbreaking study, Goodall as- A few months later, however, Ida was
Maher, cbs’s 60 Minutes paraded before sumed that monkeys would be a lot like exposed as yet another in a long line of
millions of Americans the most celebrated humans—only nicer. But while studying highly publicized scientific hoaxes. As it
monkey-observer the scientific commu- animal life in the African forest, Goodall turns out, Ida was nothing more than an
nity has ever produced: Jane Goodall. Fifty witnessed the darker side of the animal extinct variety of lemur—just a nice fossil-
years ago, as a fresh-faced, vivacious young- kingdom. Monkeys actually treated other ized set of monkey bones.
ster from Britain, Goodall became famous monkeys cruelly—sometimes even bru- For nearly two centuries, evolution-
for her National Geographic reports about tally killing their own species. ists have searched in vain for transitional
life in Africa with chimpanzees. In the end, Goodall concluded, mon- forms between monkeys and humans. As

Have You
keys are not a nicer species of human-like Robert Morley noted in the August 2009
creatures. They are actu- Trumpet, “According to the evolutionary
ally “just like” human theory, there should be millions and bil-
beings! lions [of transitional fossils]. Animals have
You want scientific been evolving into new species for hun-
proof? All you have to do dreds of millions of years, the theory goes.

Ever Looked at is look at monkeys. Therefore, scientists have reasonably ex-

pected to find thousands, or at least hun-

a Monkey?
“Equal Minds”? dreds, or maybe 10, fossils of transitionary
It used to be, in order species. But they can’t find a single one!”
to link human beings to But never mind the bones. Just look
chimpanzees, you had to at monkeys, some atheists now say, as
at least produce evidence they scoff at the thought of a great Creator
in the fossil record. In 1912, God. Consider this statement from the 60
By Stephen Flurry for example, a group of paleontol- Minutes report, made by Bill Wallauer,
ogists in Britain found a human-like skull a photographer who works at the Jane
with an orangutan jawbone. And for Goodall Institute: “You get the feeling
more than 40 years, Piltdown Man, when you’re looking at him [a monkey]
as it was dubbed, was universally and he’s looking at you—it’s equal minds.”
accepted throughout the scientific I don’t get that feeling at all—not when
community as the “missing link” watching 60 Minutes or while observing
between apes and humans. The dis- monkeys at a zoo or wildlife preserve.
covery was widely disseminated When I watch monkeys, as fascinating as
as indisputable proof of evolu- it is to see one use a stick to fish for ter-
tion both in scientific journals mites, it reminds me of the giant gulf
and school textbooks. that exists between the animal kingdom
Not until 1953, after the de- and human beings.
velopment of more sophisticated
age-dating techniques, was the The Source of Mind Power
Piltdown fossil exposed as one of Why such a massive gap? As far as the
the greatest scientific frauds in physical composition is concerned, there
history. It wasn’t a transition- is little difference between the brains of
al fossil after all—just a col- human beings and monkeys; they’re near-
lection of bone fragments ly identical. Why, then, is the human mind
that had been cobbled so vastly superior to the animal brain?
together by evolutionists It’s because of a nonphysical component
eager to “prove” their that exists in man called the human spirit
theory dishonestly. (see Job 32:8 and Zechariah 12:1).
This same story This is what gives human beings mind
repeated itself in power!
2009. During “For what man knoweth the things
the bicentenary of a man, save the spirit of man which
of Charles is in him?” the Apostle Paul asked in 1
D a r w i n ’s ➤ See monkey page 36

The Philadelphia Trumpet  January 2011 9

ver feel like your money measured against hard commodities, the The only way America will be able to
doesn’t stretch like it used to? dollar crash is much more vivid. A decade pay its debt is to simply print the money to
There’s a reason for that. And ago, you could have purchased an ounce of pay the bills. But as the laws of supply and
it’s more serious than you prob- gold for $275. An ounce of silver cost $4.80. demand dictate, with every dollar created
ably think. Today you will pay around $1,400 and $28 out of thin air, each existing dollar becomes
The dollar’s value is plum- respectively. But the dollar isn’t just plung- worth less. Since we are talking tens of tril-
meting. It has been slipping for years, but ing against precious metals; it’s crashing lions, then over the long term the dollar is
the trajectory is getting steeper. Against against virtually all commodities. virtually doomed to depreciate in value.
the world’s major currencies, the dol- What’s going on here? Well, American Americans can feel the pinch. But it
lar has lost more than 14 percent of its politicians have spent the nation to the also puts the rest of the world in a mighty
value over just the past five years—and verge of bankruptcy. Total government big pickle.
a shocking 32 percent in the last decade. debt (local, state, federal) now stands in
In October alone, the dollar plummeted excess of $14.7 trillion. However, this is “U.S. Policy Is Clueless”
6.5 percent. For the first time in history, only beginning to scratch the surface of On November 12 and 13, the richest and
the Australian and Canadian dollars both America’s debt problem—despite the fact most powerful nations descended on
traded at parity with the U.S. dollar. that it is already over 100 percent of Amer- South Korea. It was the biggest G-20 sum-
But the dollar rout is actually even ica’s gross domestic product. Total debt in mit of all time, attended by nearly 10,000
worse than these numbers show. As the America was a gargantuan $57 trillion as of the world’s most influential politicians,
dollar has devalued, so have the cur- of last April, according to the Grandfather ceos of international organizations and
rencies the dollar is compared to. When Economic Report. If you include liabilities corporate business barons. There was a
such as Social Security, Medicaid, Medi- good reason for that. Global currency
care and other pension plans, the govern- exchange rates are in chaos. The world is
ment is on the hook for another $59 tril- locked near stall speed.
lion or so in promises. At the heart of the problem is America,
There is only one way America can the world’s biggest economy, executing
pay its debt—and it is not an honest way. a “beggar thy neighbor” policy to poach
Central bankers know it, the world’s top trade and boost economic growth. In re-
financiers know it, and foreign nations are sponse, other nations have adopted the
beginning to realize it too. The Federal strategy as well.
Reserve calls it “quantitative easing.” The Tempers are flaring. The world is up in
world calls it counterfeiting. arms over what to do about the dollar!

Why Your

10 January 2011  The Philadelphia Trumpet

The problem is enormous: America’s wealth destruction the economy is still fac- What Happens in a Dollar Revolt?
trade partners can either knuckle under, ing, it might take $30 trillion to do the job. China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Brazil,
letting their currencies appreciate and But for America, money has never been South Korea, Germany, India and other
risking severe recession—or they can an obstacle. From the world’s perspective, nations collectively hold more than $4.2
stage a dollar revolt. This would upend the though, that’s precisely the problem. trillion in U.S. government debt. That
global economic system. “They have already pumped endless does not count state or corporate debt, or
It’s in this precarious climate that the amounts of money into the economy the $6 trillion owed by U.S. mortgage gi-
Federal Reserve, just prior to the G-20 with extremely high budget deficits, and ants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
meeting, raised the stakes. It announced with a monetary policy which has already These countries have invested their
that it would unleash a second round of pumped in lots of money,” German Fi- money and their faith in America. But now
“quantitative easing” to “stimulate” the nance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble said. they see the U.S. embarking on “quantita-
economy—a move that is guaranteed to “The results have been hopeless. With all tive easing” monetary policies that will pay
sink the dollar even more. The Fed’s hope due respect, U.S. policy is clueless.” them back with devalued dollars.
is that by creating an additional $600 bil- That about sums up how the rest of the Dissatisfaction with the dollar is esca-
lion—out of thin air—to purchase U.S. world feels about America too. lating. And America’s trade partners may
government bonds, interest rates will fall Politicians try to distract attention be getting to the point where they actually
and consumers will begin spending. from America’s debt problem by pinning do something about it.
The world, however, took a more cyni- the blame on China. But it is the politi- A dollar revolt is brewing. And though
cal view. cians who are the most culpable. the signs are increasingly obvious, Ameri-
Some nations, like Germany, saw it as Yes, China is purposefully undervalu- ca’s leaders act like they don’t see it coming.
a blatant attempt to devalue the dollar and ing the yuan to promote Chinese manu- If the world decided to abandon the dol-
thus steal trade. Others, like China, worried facturing at the expense of American jobs, lar as a global reserve currency, living in
that it was an attempt to stealthily repay but it has been doing so for decades and America would change overnight. America
America’s debt with fraudulent dollars. American politicians and academics have would be engulfed in a dollar flood.
But even if the $600 billion money- said and done virtually nothing. Dollars flooding back into America
creation plan was solely implemented to Speaking from Beijing, Senate Finance might sound like a good thing, but in re-
stimulate the economy, the plan is doomed Committee Chairman Max Baucus recent- ality it is the equivalent of the repo man
to fail. JP Morgan analysts estimate that ly railed at China for not allowing the dollar coming to take away not only your F-150,
$2 trillion might buy America 0.3 percent to fall against the yuan. He said that if Chi- but the leather couch, and all the copper
additional growth in 2011 and 0.4 percent na allowed the yuan to appreciate to its true pipes and wiring in your house too.
in 2012. To get America on track, some value, the result would be the creation of That may sound extreme, but ask your-
analysts say upward of $6 trillion might be up to 500,000 new American jobs. Baucus self what a dollar bill really is. That piece
needed. One Goldman Sachs guru might be right, but the bigger point is that of paper is nothing but a fancy iou. It is a

Buy Le
says that, considering the 500,000 jobs is not even close to what Ameri- debt instrument—a promise to pay. And
debt deleveraging ca needs. Over 8 million jobs have been lost America has issued them to the point that
and the during this recession. And America needs they have—literally—gone out of style.

to create around 150,000 jobs per month What does this mean for Americans? It
just to keep up with population growth. means that inflation is virtually guaran-

America’s biggest economic prob- teed. It means that not only will the sup-
lem is by far its debt problem— ply of dollars surge due to the government
and now it is the world’s printing presses, but trillions more dollars

problem. that until now have been locked away in
government vaults in China, Saudi Ara-
bia, and elsewhere will also be released
into the economy.
It means that foreign sovereigns are
about to go on a shopping spree in Ameri-
cans’ backyards.

Spend It While You’ve Got It

Foreign nations understand that the best
way to preserve their wealth is to spend

And how the their U.S. dollar hoards—to buy some-

thing, anything—before it is too late and
greenback’s falling the dollar is worthless. And as this hap-
value will have some pens, the velocity of dollars zooming
through the U.S. economy will suddenly
scary consequences accelerate too, causing imbalances, supply
shortages, and drastic plunges in the pur-
by robert morley chasing power of the dollar.
The dollars are already heading home.
Across the country, indebted cities

istockphoto The Philadelphia Trumpet  January 2011 11

and states are auctioning off their best to gross about $5 billion over the life of the much of anything about Redoma except
income-producing assets—at fire-sale contract—for a cool $3.85 billion profit. that it has an address in Luxembourg—a
prices—to plug budget holes. As Taibbi shows in his new book Grifto- notorious tax shelter and flow-through for
In October, the state of California an- pia, that is just the good part of the deal. Middle Eastern investors.
nounced that it had sold floor space that Now, the new owners have changed the To say the deal heavily favors the in-
was the equivalent of two Empire State hours on the meters: Instead of allowing vestors is an understatement. And if the
Buildings to plug budget shortfalls. The free parking before 9 a.m. and after 6 p.m., dollar keeps falling in value, they can keep
state will receive $2.3 billion from a group they collect between the hours of 8 a.m. and raising the meter rates.
called California First llc. Over $1 billion 9 p.m. One alderman wanted to keep the For the next 74 years, Chicago meter
will go to repay a tiny portion of the state’s old hours for 270 of his meters and was told revenue will flow to enrich wealthy oil
debt. The rest will be spent for general ad- it would cost $608,000 over three years. So sheiks and who knows who else. Chicago’s
ministration. The state will now rent back if the city wanted to pay for the privilege of budget problems, however, will remain.
the buildings from the investors for the keeping the parking hours the same as they How will Chicago plug its budget gap
next 20 years! During that time, the state were before the deal for just those 270 me- next year? Sell some more city property.
will pay $5.2 billion in rent, according to ters, over the next 75 years the city would be There will be plenty of dollar dumpers.
the Associated Press. forced to pay the investors $2.12 billion—
Just guess where all those billions in far more than the investors originally paid Revenge of the Creditors
future rent will go? Not to Californians. for all the meters in the first place. Not that it is any consolation, but Chicago
California First llc sounds pretty Ameri- If the city wants to close the streets for
is far from alone. Parking meters have
can, but it doesn’t take much digging to a festival, roadwork or any other reason, it been sold in Miami, Pittsburgh, Los An-
find that it is just a front to make the deal has to pay out even more compensation. geles, and other cities. Toll roads in Indi-
more palatable to voters. One of the big- The meter rates have gone up too—from 25 ana. The Chicago Skyway. A port complex
gest investors is Antarctica Capital Real cents per hour to over $1.25 in some areas. in Virginia. A whole slew of infrastruc-
Estate—an opaque international hedge Take a guess at what meter rates will be in ture projects in California. Airports are
fund. Saudi Arabia? Russia? Who knows 70 years or so. also being considered. The Pennsylvania
where that money will end up. Chicago residents might also be sur- Turnpike was almost sold.
The liquidation sale is becoming com- prised to find out who the new parking It is liquidation on a national scale.
monplace in America. And the prices are meter owners really are. When the deal Each day, more of America’s collective
wealth is transferred to the bank accounts
2009 $214.54 of foreign governments—because Amer-
The Dollar Ain’t What It Used to Be ica is so corrupt and morally bankrupt
that it cannot control its spending. Conse-
quently, America’s income-producing as-
Consumer prices 1900-2009 sets are being auctioned off at an alarming
A look at the increase in prices of goods and rate. And increasingly to foreigners who
services like groceries, housing, medical no longer want so many dollars.
care and transportation from 1900 until America is broke. It has run up a massive
$100 today, relative to $100 in 1983. 1981 trade deficit and its economy is in travail.
Goods and services costing $8 in 1900 $90.93
Foreigners hold trillions of dollars’ worth
cost over $214 today. of U.S. debt, and now that money is com-
$50 ing flooding back into America to purchase
1954 $26.88 strategic infrastructure. Instead of biting
1927 $17.37
1900 $8.14 the bullet and cutting back its big-spending
ways, America has decided to cheat and
print money to pay for its spending.
1900 1927 1954 1981 2009
And it is all leading to the destruction
dirt cheap because the country is broke first went through, Morgan Stanley’s in- of the dollar.
and there is so much for sale. vestors were pretty benign-looking—ei- In Habakkuk 2:6-8 God warns Ameri-
ther Americans or investors from nations ca of this exact predicament: “Will not all
The Parable of the Parking Meters with uncomplicated relationships with of these take up a taunt-song against him,
Consider the desperation of Chicago. To America, from places like Australia. Only even mockery and insinuations against
plug its spending holes, it sold the rights to 6 percent of the investors were from Abu him and say, ‘Woe to him who increases
all its parking meters—for 75 years! Dhabi, for example. what is not his—for how long—and makes
Originally, the 36,000 meters were But then, just two months after the himself rich with loans?’ Will not your
sold to a group of investors led by Mor- deal was done, guess what happened: The creditors rise up suddenly, and those who
gan Stanley. This consortium, which goes ownership structure completely changed. collect from you awaken? Indeed, you will
by the innocuous-sounding name of Chi- Morgan Stanley sold its stake, and several become plunder for them. Because you
cago Parking Meters llc, happily forked other investors bailed to make way for have looted many nations, all the remain-
over $1.15 billion for the opportunity to new investors from Abu Dhabi, who now der of the peoples will loot you …” (New
extort parking meter fees from Chicago own 30 percent of the meters. Investors in American Standard Bible).
residents. Later, investigative journalist another fund called Redoma sarl now A dollar revolt is brewing. Next comes
Matt Taibbi revealed that investors stood also own 50.1 percent. And no one knows the looting.  n

12 January 2011  The Philadelphia Trumpet

How to Concentrate
By Michael Dattolo working memory at a dizzying rate. Our
e have all done brains cannot store everything. Concen-
it: read the same tration—and thus memory—suffers.
paragraph over How, then, can we concentrate?
again, having day-
dreamed through it in a haze the Pondering Makes Perfect
first time, gaining nothing. Frustrat- Eliminate distractions. When reading or
ed, we command ourselves to concentrate studying, turn off your music. Silence your
and try again. cell phone ringer. Quit your e-mail pro-
Surely you’ve also experienced another under a single dripping faucet, ignoring gram. Go to a quiet place if possible. Turn
common annoyance: being introduced to the other streams of information. It turns off all the information faucets except one.
someone, only to forget his name before out concentration is a real, tangible state When listening, focus your eyes on the
your conversation ends. How embarrass- of mind: Studies by biologists have prov- speaker and imagine you are a translator,
ing when your new acquaintance greets en that the act of concentrating releases having to capture the meaning of every
you by name merely hours later, and your hormones that set off a chain reaction of word.
only response is, “Hi … you.” signals through various memory-forming Admittedly, you can’t always turn off all
Why can it be so difficult to concen- areas of the brain, enhancing the brain’s distractions. You may have a job that de-
trate? Why do we forget some things so immediate ability to store memories. pends on timely access to e-mail and phone
quickly? Lack of concentration, on the other calls. But consider: Can you set your e-mail
Interestingly enough, both of those hand, is the reason you forget someone’s to check less often? Can you disable audio
conditions—difficulty in concentrating name the moment you hear it. Instead of notifications of new messages on your
and forgetting things as soon as you hear focusing on the name, you were thinking phone? If not all the time, consider setting
them—are symptoms of the same prob- about what you were going to say, how aside certain distraction-free periods.
lem. Fortunately, both are curable. the handshake felt or how the individual More good news about concentration:
looked. You can’t recall the name later be- You can get better at it. Research by biolo-
The Key to Memory cause it never made it from the thimble to gist Eric Kandel has demonstrated that the
We think of memory as our ability to recall the bathtub. makeup of our brains changes according
information: the name of a colleague or the to what we do. Neurons form new connec-
answer to a question. But before a memory Overloading Your Brain tions as we repeat tasks. The more connec-
can be recalled, it must first be stored. It takes no extra time to concentrate, but it tions that relate to a given activity, the easi-
When you first encounter new infor- does take significant effort. er that task becomes. That is not surprising:
mation, be it a person’s name or an anec- There are more impediments to con- It’s why we get better at things we practice.
dote from a book, your brain collects the centrating today than ever before. In our Less known until recently is that men-
details into your working memory. From world of technological conveniences, in- tal activities are also improved by rep-
there, the information travels into your formation is instantly accessible in tor- etition. Research by psychologist Sheila
longer-term memory. rents—as is constant distraction. Crowell indicates that the acts of concen-
The trouble is, your working memory Does a tiny distraction like an incoming trating and remembering actually modify
is extremely small. Nicholas Carr, in his text message affect your memory? Recall the brain in such a way that it becomes
book The Shallows, likens the size of your how small your working memory is. Every easier to learn in the future. The more we
working memory to a thimble. “Imagine time a distraction pours in, the contents of concentrate, the easier it becomes.
filling a bathtub with a thimble,” he says. your memory thimble overflow, and the old So if you want to improve your concen-
“That’s the challenge in transferring in- information is displaced by the new. The tration in a world of distractions, engage in
formation from working memory into phenomenon is called “cognitive overload.” activities that require it. One of the easiest
long-term memory.” The very design of the Internet leads is to read books. If you’re used to reading
Meanwhile, you are constantly bom- us to cognitive overload. Unlike books, only snippets on the Internet, you might
barded with firehose-streams of informa- which are linear and focused, the Web is find it difficult to focus for prolonged pe-
tion. Your thimble can transfer a precious- a hurricane of distraction. Using it, our riods at first. But stay with it. As you con-
ly tiny amount of that information back to brains, in addition to reading, must make centrate—away from your computer, with
the bathtub for permanent storage. constant decisions about clicking hyper- your cell phone in silent mode—your neu-
So if you want to remember something, links, flashing banners, pop-up windows rons will go to work, and your powers of
you must concentrate: set your thimble and more. Information pours into our concentration will grow. n

istockphoto The Philadelphia Trumpet  January 2011 13

the cause vious generations did not have the problem on
the same scale. Why? Sociologists have collected
some interesting data to help unravel the mystery.

and cure In the United States in the 1950s, about one in

every 10 households had one person living alone.
By the 1990s this figure had jumped to one out
By Dennis Leap of four households. New Census Bureau figures

show that “just me” homes are 27 percent of U.S.
ur society is afflicted with households today. These figures are similar for
chronic loneliness. Concerned ex- most countries throughout the Western world.
perts warn that loneliness is at the So we can see there has been a marked change
epidemic stage, affecting both gen- in our social landscape. More and more people
ders of all races. It is a global problem. live alone. The startling truth is, single-person
Of course, it is only human to feel lonely at households are the fastest growing segment of
times. Professionals refer to this as situational our 21st-century populations.
loneliness. For example, the death of a loved one No wonder loneliness has risen so dramati-
can cause painful loneliness. However, this con- cally. Some predict that this century will be
dition generally lessens with the passage of time. known as the lonely century.
Chronic loneliness is far more dangerous. Several centuries ago, when large extended
Confronting loneliness daily is a difficult strug- families dominated society, a single adult living
gle. Medical professionals now see it as a serious alone would have been unthinkable. Even in the
health threat that can lead to heightened stress, mid-20th century, single adult homes were domi-
high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep disor- nated by either young, pre-married males or old-
ders and depression. er widows. Yet today, the majority of one-person
The irony is, world population is at an all- households are middle-aged men and women.
time high. Cities are bulging with people. So Why are so many people living alone? Some
why should anybody be lonely? What is the are forced to because of the death of a spouse,
cause? What is the cure? You may be surprised but this primarily affects the elderly; younger
at the answers. widows and widowers often have children living
with them, and they are far likelier to remarry.
People Living Alone The majority of people living on their own
To understand the cause of loneliness, we must today are those who have suffered through di-
first recognize that it is a modern malady. Pre- vorce. Worldwide divorce rates have risen sharp-

14 January 2011  The Philadelphia Trumpet istockphoto

ly in recent decades, and second and third ple of generations ago—is disappearing. lead us. We must come to see the truth as
marriages have far less chance of success. Society today doesn’t just embrace all other Isaiah prophesied it: that today’s failures
In America, 41 percent of first marriages possible combinations—it exalts them at in leadership and our collapsing economy
fail, and 60 percent of second marriages. the expense of the biblical model. Men and have their roots in our sick family life.
Among third marriages, nearly three out women, by their own self-acquired wis- God holds everyone accountable for
of four end in divorce. dom, have created their own ideas of fami- our upside-down world. Each individual
In addition, a growing number of men ly. Yet the truth is that all the combinations must point the finger at himself or herself.
and women are simply choosing to post- man dreams up will never be truly family! God sees our problems clearly and tells us
pone getting married or avoid marriage Chronic loneliness is a curse resulting how to solve them.
altogether. It is estimated that 1 in 10 Amer- from what we have done and are doing to He states: “Surely your turning of
icans plans never to marry. Some—espe- marriage and family. things upside down shall be esteemed as
cially well-educated, upwardly mobile sin- God never intended for men, women the potter’s clay: for shall the work say
gle women—delay marriage until well into and children to live alone or be lonely. At of him that made it, He made me not?
their 30s to pursue careers. Many young man’s creation, God said, “It is not good or shall the thing framed say of him that
men are choosing not to marry in order to that the man should be alone; I will make framed it, He had no understanding?”
remain free to pursue personal hobbies un- him an help meet for him” (Genesis 2:18). (Isaiah 29:16). This society has rejected
hindered by responsibilities. Some refer to From the beginning, God created man God by saying He made me not. This one
this choice as enjoying the me years. to need human contact and support. He simple statement sums up everything
Others decide not to marry because of solved the problem by creating a help suit- written on the subject of evolution!
a poor family life. After growing up amid able for Adam, which happened to be Eve— By rejecting God, mankind has also
parental bickering and fighting, or wit- a woman. No other created being could ful- pushed aside His revealed knowledge
nessing excruciatingly painful divorces fill such an important role (verse 20). about marriage and family. In doing so,
firsthand, they are soured on marriage. Then, to insure that men, women and we are saying that God had no under-
Living the childhood years under the stress children would remain in a state of togeth- standing when He created man. How ar-
and tension of parents at war has caused erness, God created marriage and family. rogant of human beings!
many to fear repeating this tragic history. After creating Eve, God said: “Therefore Even though mankind has stockpiled
They want nothing to do with marriage. shall a man leave his father and his moth- vast amounts of knowledge, we lack the
More and more people are failing at er, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they understanding of how to build and main-
family or avoiding it completely. Experts shall be one flesh” (verse 24). Adam and tain right relationships. We have lost true
have concluded that all this aloneness has Eve were the first humans to be married, education in the things that really matter.
led to chronic loneliness. yet their children were also to marry. To end the human suffering caused by
Their solution seems simple enough. Marriage and family were created to chronic loneliness, we must come to know
Chronically lonely people need to develop ensure that no human being would suffer and apply what God teaches about mar-
strongly bonded loving relationships. chronic loneliness. God has an awesome riage and family.
Yet are these conclusions true? Do the plan for mankind. He earnestly wants us God used Herbert W. Armstrong to re-
experts truly understand the cause of to become His sons and daughters (2 Cor- store this incredible knowledge for those
chronic loneliness? We must get to the root inthians 6:18). To ensure man’s success, He willing to read and study it. Request our
of the problem, or nothing will change. created the family. free book The Missing Dimension in Sex. It
A full understanding of God’s plan for thoroughly explains God’s purpose for cre-
The Real Solution man reveals that marriage and family are ating marriage and family. This knowledge
Is the solution to the problem merely de- eternal institutions. For more details on opens up to us the only workable solution
veloping strongly bonded relationships? this subject, request our booklet The God to set right our upside-down family life.
Today, there is a desperate search for Family Vision. It will be sent to you at no All lasting, loving relationships are
such relationships, and people are experi- charge. This stirring booklet explains in built and maintained within God’s design
menting with all kinds of ways to make detail that God is a Family and that man, for family. God intended the family to be
these relationships happen. Many couples made in His image, is destined to be in the training ground for building right re-
live together without marriage. Others get that Family for eternity. lationships. It is within the context of fam-
into same-sex “marriages.” Some people To permanently solve the problem of ily that we learn to love, care for, serve and
even try to develop strong bonds with chronic loneliness, humankind must get support others. If our family life is twisted
pets, including exotic wild animals. back to building family God’s way. and distorted, all our relationships will be
In the end, these relationships will twisted and distorted. We will continue to
not work. Loneliness often remains. The Gain True Education suffer from ills such as chronic loneliness.
needed strong bonds cannot be built. Hu- The Prophet Isaiah stated thousands of However, when our family life is strong
man beings are meant for better. years ago that family life would nearly be and oriented in God’s ways, the results
Let’s look at this problem honestly. destroyed in our day. Isaiah 3:1-12 discuss are miraculous. No elderly person is left
Why are people chronically lonely? The this breakdown and its tragic results. alone. No couple experiences a painful di-
facts lead us to the only viable conclusion: Newscasters and commentators recog- vorce. Young people marry and have chil-
We have chronic loneliness because we have nize that our world has been turned upside dren to help build up a stable society.
been systematically destroying the God-or- down, yet they don’t know the cause. Most Does this seem unreal to you? This is the
dained institution of marriage and family. blame our failing economy. Others con- kind of world Jesus Christ will build at His
The traditional family of a married cou- demn the politicians. Most seem to forget return (e.g. Zechariah 8:4-5). You can begin
ple with children—so common just a cou- that we the people have chosen those who to enjoy that world now. It is your choice. n

The Philadelphia Trumpet  January 2011 15

 1 Getting ready for U.S. to leave
A s the war in Af-
ghanistan wears
on, Kabul is seeking
clude jobs, homes
and cash.
The U.S.

to accommodate both
the Taliban and neigh-
is also look-
ing to include 2Cost of  
boring Iran. America,
pushed into a corner, is
accepting the prospect
Iran in forging
a solution for
Afghanistan. On
broken homes
of greater Iranian and
Taliban involvement.
The U.S. intelligence
October 18, an
Iranian repre-
sentative joined
O n November 4,
Britain’s Work and
Pensions Secretary Iain
community agrees that officials from the U.S. several years—intended Duncan Smith
the Taliban is maintain- and other countries at a to buy the government’s revealed that
ing its strength; Ameri- security conference on loyalty and promote children who
ca’s intensified military Afghanistan in Rome. Iran’s interests. Karzai come from
campaign has inflicted Iran has a strong called the cash “official broken homes
only fleeting setbacks presence in Afghani- aid” and said he would are nine
on the insurgency. stan—aiding both sides continue to ask for Ira- times likelier can Smith,
Military officials say in the conflict in order nian money. to commit a family break-
the Taliban appear con- to enhance its own re- Karzai then lashed crime than down costs
fident they can outlast gional position. “From out at the U.S., accus- those raised in the nation
the U.S. troop buildup, the U.S. perspective, a ing it of exporting kill- stable families. Speak- ₤20 to ₤40 billion a
which is scheduled to settlement in Afghani- ing to Afghanistan by ing before an audience year. However, add-
diminish in July. stan underwritten using private security at a family counseling ing hidden costs such
Conceding this real- by Iran and Pakistan companies. In a heated service, Duncan Smith as “social breakdown,
ity, Afghanistan’s new could create the condi- session with nato made what the Daily addiction, crime, lost
High Peace Council on tions conducive to a commander Gen. Da- Mail called “the stron- productivity and tax
October 21 offered to Western military with- vid Petraeus and other gest defense of mar- revenues” could put the
make concessions to drawal from the coun- officials, he stormed riage made by a major figure over £100 billion,
bring Taliban fighters try,” reported Stratfor out, saying he didn’t government figure in he said.
to the negotiating table. (Oct. 26, 2010). need the West’s help. years” (Nov. 4, 2010). “Lone-parent fami-
The 70-member council Afghanistan’s presi- These actions speak “It is important that lies are more than twice
was formed last Sep- dent seems quite happy volumes about Karzai— we recognize the role as likely to live in pover-
tember to seek a negoti- with Iranian involve- a supposed American of marriage in build- ty than two-parent fam-
ated end to the war. Its ment. Hamid Karzai ally. Like the Taliban ing a strong society, ilies,” he said. He stated
spokesman said induce- admitted on October 25 and Iran, Karzai sees especially if we want to that “Only 30 percent of
ments to get Taliban that Iran has supplied the day of the American give children the best young offenders grew
fighters to work with the his office with millions withdrawal nearing and chance in life,” he said. up with both parents.”
government could in- in cash over the past is preparing for it. According to Dun- Speaking of the op-
position party, Duncan
 3 Guttenberg: The military is for using! Smith said, “Sadly,
the last government

I n May, German President

Horst Köhler resigned amid a
chorus of criticism after he said
lin. “I would have liked to see
somewhat more support from us
all on this question.”
ing, and thus competing with our
requirements,” he said. “I think in
particular of what is happening
seemed determined
to undermine mar-
riage—for example, by
Germany may have to deploy its Köhler had stated that the today with rare earths”—a refer- removing references to
army to safeguard its economic military should step in when ence to China’s monopoly on the it from official forms.”
interests. Six months later, Ger- regional instability threatens valuable minerals. Guttenberg The last government
many’s most popular politician Germany’s trade, jobs and in- also targeted piracy as potentially replaced “broken
said he agrees with Köhler. come. Guttenberg re-opened the requiring military intervention, homes” verbiage with
“I ask myself to debate, warning that calling it “a serious challenge to phraseology like
this day what was so growing demand for our economic performance.” “reformed families,”
bold about (Köhler’s) natural resources Guttenberg seeks to create a and ordered the word
comment,” said could lead to new newly assertive Germany. His marriage deleted from
German Defense conflicts. “The raw policies will make the army ef- official documents
Minister Karl-Theodor materials needs of ficient and capable of fighting because it implied “pre-
zu Guttenberg on emerging powers overseas. Now he is arguing that sumption of someone’s
November 9 in Ber- are constantly grow- Germany should use it. sexual orientation.”

16 January 2011  The Philadelphia Trumpet getty images, massoud hossaini/afp/getty images, index open
HMS bankrupt
 2 Her Majesty’s military is
cutting core capabilities.

President Obama’s agenda
was rejected by voters.

 5America votes  
 4 Japan: nationalism on the rise for change—again
A round 5,000 Japa-
nese nationalists
chooses to.”
These provocations
to develop its military
power, will not remain.
I n midterm elec-
tions on November
2, Americans handed
can Party.
Seventy percent of
Americans now be-
assembled in Tokyo on are stirring up nation- Despite the hostility, congressional Demo- lieve America is on the
November 6 to demon- alism and jingoism in Japan and China are in- crats a drubbing. wrong track. Almost as
strate against China. It Japan partly because creasingly dependent on In the House of many believe it is fac-
was the latest of many only two decades ago, each other economical- Representatives, where ing a “crisis” in leader-
signs that China’s Japan was the rising ly. China has surpassed all 435 seats were up for ship. Approval ratings
expanding economic star of Asia. Now it sees the U.S. to become election, Republicans for Congress are at
clout, political assertive- that China has taken its Japan’s most important won more than 60 near-record lows.
ness and military might place. More and more trade partner. In 2009, seats and a comfortable The Financial Times
are provoking a nation- Japanese desire a stron- China consumed a majority. In the Senate, reported that the elec-
alistic backlash in Japan. ger military in response. record 19 percent of Ja- where a little more than tion showed deep divi-
The protest was the The Defense Ministry pan’s exports, and Japan a third of the 100 seats sions across the political
third since early Sep- announced October 21 bought 22 percent of its were contested, Repub- map, producing the
tember, when a Chinese that Japan’s navy plans imports from China. licans retained all 41 of most polarized Con-
fishing boat rammed to add six submarines to Bible prophecy re- their seats and won six gress in recent history.
a Japanese patrol ship its fleet. Tokyo’s gover- veals that Asian nations more from Democrats. Nine out of 10 African-
near disputed islands nor said Japan would be will soon put aside their President Obama Americans voted
in the East China Sea. able to confront China if differences to unite conceded that the elec- Democrat, and 8 out of
A video of the collision it had nuclear tion rep- 10 whites voted Republi-
was leaked to YouTube weapons. resented a can. Similarly wide gulfs
on November 4, show- Back in “shellack- separated the old from
ing that it was a delib- 1971, Herbert ing” for the young, and people
erate act of Chinese W. Arm- Demo- from small towns versus
aggression—and enrag- strong pre- PRIDE crats, but city dwellers.
ing the Japanese. dicted Japan Japanese refused Now, politicians
Tokyo is also disput- would awake show to admit from both parties are
ing with Russia over the from its post- national that it digging in for what will
Southern Kuril Islands, war slumber: solidarity. reflected assuredly be two years
which both nations “Japan today a repudia- of nasty gridlock.
claim. When Russian has no mili- tion of his No amount of
President Dmitry Med- tary establishment …. against a common en- liberal agenda. change in human gov-
vedev visited the islands But we should not lose emy. Japan’s economic Exit polls indicated ernment will fix what is
in November—a first sight of the fact that Ja- cooperation with Chi- voters felt both parties already broken. Soon,
for any Russian lead- pan has become so pow- na, alongside America’s were out of touch, a we can expect the ac-
er—Japan denounced erful economically that waning influence in the phenomenon appar- celerating pace of pro-
the trip. Russia’s foreign it could build a military region, will ultimately ent in the success of phetic events to fully
minister responded that force of very great power lead Tokyo and Beijing the “Tea Party,” which expose the fact that
the islands are “Russian very rapidly.” to a powerful military arose largely because mortal men cannot
land” that the president Today’s tensions, alliance, just as Mr. many voters felt aban- solve the colossal prob-
“can visit whenever he while prodding Japan Armstrong foretold. doned by the Republi- lems facing America.

getty images, tadayuki yoshik awa/afp/getty images The Philadelphia Trumpet  January 2011 17

Europe n Conservative mep  Daniel Hannan control of parliament. The
second round of the country’s
n France’s protests turned vio- “The official launch of the [European legislative elections gave Shiite
lent in October. At one point, External Action Service] represents a sig- and independent candidates a
one in four gas stations in the parliamentary majority in the
country ran dry as protestors
nificant ramping up of  the EU’s ambition Persian Gulf kingdom. The
shut down oil refineries and to be a global power.” Shiites comprise the majority
airports. Youths led the way in of Bahrain’s population and
rioting, overturning cars and get is $9.2 billion—over double failed spectacularly. … Iran the results are a major blow to
attacking police in several cit- that of the British Foreign has outmaneuvered the U.S. in Sunnis, who had dominated
ies. The protests were triggered Ministry. The eeas will em- shaping the new government the last two parliaments. The
by a bill that raises the French ploy around 7,000 people; the to its own liking.” election sweep by the Shia is
pension age from 60 to 62, British Foreign Office employs another indicator of growing
which ended up passing into 4,863. Conservative mep Dan- n The U.S. has labeled an Ira- Iranian-Shiite influence in the
law on November 10. Mean- iel Hannan wrote in the Daily nian anti-government militant Persian Gulf region.
while, protestors in Greece sent Mail that “the EU means to group as a terrorist organiza-
mail bombs to embassies in signal to other countries that tion, in a major concession to n Nigeria’s secret service said
Athens, and leaders outside of it, rather than its 27 constituent Tehran. On November 3, the on October 26 that it had inter-
the country, including German members, should now be their U.S. State Department placed cepted 13 containers of weap-
Chancellor Angela Merkel. Ex- first port of call. To a remark- Jundallah, a Sunni-Balochi ons from Iran that were possi-
pect this kind of lawlessness to able degree, it has already suc- rebel group, on its list of in- bly destined for the Gaza Strip.
cause Europe to clamp down ceeded” (Nov. 1, 2010). ternational terrorist entities. Rocket launchers, grenades
harder on its citizens. Voice of America points out and other explosives camou-
the irony that “Although Iran flaged as building materials
n In Brussels on October 29,
EU leaders agreed on budget-

MidEast is on the U.S. list of state spon-
sors of terrorism, the Depart-
were seized in the Nigerian
port of Lagos after being un-
ary reforms aimed at prevent- n Incumbent Iraqi Prime ments of State and Treasury loaded from an Iranian ship.
ing another economic crisis. Minister Nouri al-Maliki was designated one of the Tehran Israeli defense sources believe
Under the new German- reelected on November 11. The government’s most radical this may be part of a new
designed initiative, which EU day before, Iraqi political par- opponents as a terrorist or- smuggling route from Iran to
member states were pressured ties had agreed to a framework ganization” (Nov. 3, 2010). Hamas in Gaza, via Africa.
to accept, the Lisbon Treaty for a new government, ending The U.S. decision represents
will be revised to create new eight months of gridlock fol- “a huge gesture toward Iran,”

n Iraqi political scientist Ghassan al-Attiyah

Stratfor wrote. “Washington
likely made the move in hopes
“American hegemony in Iraq is over.   of reaching an understanding n Washington has concluded
on the balance of power in the that Chinese businesses are
U.S. influence is falling by the day.” Persian Gulf region after U.S. bypassing UN sanctions and
forces exit Iraq” (Nov. 3, 2010). aiding Iran in its quest for
rules and mechanisms to pro- lowing inconclusive elections This is just one more demon- nuclear weapons and more
tect the euro. The initiative March 7. Rival political parties stration of the leverage Iran advanced missile technology.
is bound to tighten Berlin’s have reached a power-sharing has over America in the region. A senior U.S. official told the
stranglehold on the European deal wherein Maliki, a Shiite, Washington Post on October 18
Union. “This mechanism will remains prime minister and n On October 31, Sunnis in that U.S. intelligence believes
function like the International Kurdish leader Jalal Talabani the Bahraini government lost several Chinese companies are
Monetary Fund (imf) for Eu- retains the presidency; the po- providing restricted technol-
rope, and with it, Berlin … sition of speaker goes to Osa- ogy to Tehran’s military pro-
would be planted firmly in the ma al-Nujaifi, a Sunni. This is grams. With Iran taking on the
driver’s seat,” Stratfor wrote. a victory for Iraq’s Iran-backed influential post of presidency
Berlin “would have control Shiites, with Maliki, whose of opec, oil-thirsty China has
over both the financial life National Alliance actually won more reason than ever to seek
and death in the eurozone” fewer seats in the March elec- good terms with Tehran.
(Nov. 4, 2010). tion than the Sunni-backed
Iraqiya bloc, staying in power. n On November 10, a UN re-
n The new European External Moreover, it represents a major port claiming that North Ko-
Action Service (eeas), or dip- victory for Iran and a defeat rea is sharing illegal nuclear
lomatic core, formally entered for the U.S. As the Independent technology with Iran, Myan-
service Dec. 1, 2010. Emerging wrote on November 11, “The mar and Syria was submitted
details reveal how it will mas- U.S. campaign to promote its to the Security Council. The
sively expand Europe’s global favored candidate, Iyad Allawi, weapons report says Pyongyang is us-
profile. The eeas’s annual bud- as president appears to have Seized by Nigeria ing “multiple layers of inter-
from an Iranian ship
18 January 2011  The Philadelphia Trumpet pius utomi ekpei/afp/getty images, getty images
from the Demo- n The National Oceanic and
cratic Republic Atmospheric Administration
of Congo. On reports that the La Niña weath-
November 5, er pattern is likely to cause
UN spokesman varied problems throughout
Maurizio Giu- the U.S. this winter. While the
liano announced Pacific Northwest will benefit
that 600 girls from lower temperatures and
were raped along increased precipitation, the
the border be- Southwest and Southeast will
tween Congo probably be warmer and drier
and Angola than usual, aggravating exist-
during a large- ing drought conditions. The
scale expulsion Northern Plains and the Ohio
of illegal im- and Tennessee valleys could
migrants during see high levels of storminess
asia power the previous two and flooding.
Hu Jintao hosts Dmitry
months. “What
Medvedev in Beijing.
worries us is that n The Daily Mail reported on
rape seems to be October 11 that Britain is the
mediaries, shell companies n Moscow has earmarked $63.4 becoming endemic in several “jobless capital of Europe,”
and financial institutions” to billion for national defense parts of Congo,” he said. “We with one in eight adults liv-
“circumvent” UN sanctions. and security in 2011, Russian
Finance Minister Alexei Ku- n homosexual White House spokesman  Shin Inouye
n Finance ministers of the drin announced November 8.
world’s 20 biggest economies The budget marks a significant
“We have made a record number of openly
voted on October 23 to grant increase over Russia’s 2010 lgbt [lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender]
emerging market countries like defense budget of $41.5 billion.
China, India and Turkey more The 2011 budget, the largest
appointments, and we are confident that
weight in the International ever for Moscow, allocates $14.9 this number will only continue to grow.”
Monetary Fund (imf). China billion for new arms purchases.
emerged as the key winner, fear it’s becoming part of the ing in a house where no one
gaining 6 percent more voting routine.” The UN’s presence is working, more than in any
power, making it the third-  
Latin seems to have done nothing to other country in Europe. In the
largest voting member of the
imf. The Wall Street Journal America/ stem the problem. worst areas, as many as 84 per-
cent of people are on welfare.
called the agreement “belated Africa
recognition of the old Western Anglo-
  n Also in Britain, children are
economies’ fading place in the
Great Scheme of Things.” As
n Venezuela will make an
$800 million investment in
America attacking their parents. The
charity Parentline Plus received
China’s massive growth forges the South Pars gas field, an n On October 27, law en- 22,537 telephone calls in a two-
on, the global balance of power Iranian official said on Oc- forcement officers arrested year period, from June 2008 to
will continue to shift. tober 24. The South Pars gas Farooque Ahmed in Virginia. June 2010, from parents who
field, located in the Persian The Pakistani-born Ahmed are struggling with their chil-
n China desires increased co- Gulf, is the world’s largest and was plotting to bomb Wash- dren. About 14,000 dealt with
operation with Russia within is shared by Iran and Qatar. ington, d.c., metro subway verbal abuse, and almost 7,000
the G-20 framework, Chinese Hamad Akbari, the Iranian stations. The week prior, shots with physical abuse, usually
President Hu Jintao said at a energy project’s coordinator, were fired at both the Ma- children attacking mothers.
meeting with Russian Presi- says Venezuela’s investment rine Corps Museum in Vir-
dent Dmitry Medvedev on will comprise 10 percent of ginia and at the Pentagon, two n On October 15, it emerged
November 11. Hu explained total financing for this phase events that the fbi confirmed that the first entire parish has
that the aim would be to of the project. Caracas’s agree- were linked. Shots were also voted to leave the Church of
use the body to advance the ment is just one in a string of fired at a Marine Corps England and return to the
interests of emerging econo- deals between Venezuela and recruiting station in Chan- Roman Catholic Church, and
mies. The two sides agreed to Iran; the Latin American Her- tilly, Virginia. Some wonder a fourth Church of England
strengthen bilateral coopera- ald Tribune reported that bi- whether the uptick in these bishop announced that he
tion within various forums. lateral trade between the two events is a result of a statement would become Catholic. “I
Expect the Russo-Chinese is more than $5 billion a year. earlier this year by Taliban don’t feel I have any choice
strategic partnership to gain leader Hakimullah Mehsud but to leave the church and
momentum, culminating in n News of another series that terrorists should begin to take up the pope’s offer,” John
full-scale alliance. of mass rapes has emerged target American cities. Broadhurst said.

The Philadelphia Trumpet  January 2011 19

The History
Iran ForgotAn inspiring look back at when the Islamic Republic’s forefathers
were friends and champions of … the Jews  By Brad Macdonald

n 1971, Iran threw a party. A Why such a spectacular celebration? agree that the Persians are an Indo-Euro-
big one. What was so important that the shah felt pean people, meaning they can trace their
It took 10 years to plan and compelled to transform the Iranian desert heritage back to Shem, the Caucasian son
lasted five days. The Guinness into an exquisite tent city so he could cel- of Noah. The Jewish historian Josephus
Book of Records recorded it as the ebrate with hundreds of the world’s most records the Persians as being descendants
largest gathering of world leaders powerful leaders? of Shem’s son Elam (Genesis 10:22).
in history. More than 600 foreign It was the 2,500-year anniversary of the For about 1,500 years after the Flood, the
dignitaries, including some 65 heads of founding of the Persian Empire! Persians herded sheep and raised horses on
state, abandoned their presidential pal- In the sixth century, King Cyrus the the plains of Mesopotamia, mostly in the
aces and braved the Iranian desert—on Great displayed unmatched and unique region just north of the Tigris River and
sand dunes on the outskirts of Persepolis, skills of leadership to forge the disparate the sea known today as the Persian Gulf.
capital of the ancient Persian Empire. peoples of Mesopotamia into one of the In the mid-sixth century b.c., however, the
The shah was a gracious host and mightiest civilizations in mankind’s his- Persian lifestyle experienced an upheaval.
spared no expense to ensure their com- tory. In 1971, the shah of Iran celebrated this Under the leadership of Cyrus the
fort. Two hundred and fifty custom-built history with such grandeur in an attempt to Great, the Persians began conquering sur-
red Mercedes-Benzes zipped across the “reawaken the people of Iran to their rounding city-states. First, they conquered
desert carrying foreign diplomats. Hair- past and reawaken the world to Iran.” the Medes, who in defeat accepted an in-
dressers and make-up artists were flown The shah had his critics for this giant vitation from Cyrus to join forces with
in from Paris; drapes and flowers were celebration—but we need to think about the Persian army. Within 10 years, King
imported from Italy. Guests stayed in gi- the history he was trying to invoke. His Cyrus was ruling over a kingdom of then
gantic air-conditioned tents, constructed desire to showcase the legacy of Cyrus the unprecedented proportions, one stretch-
in traditional Persian style. They ate the Great and ancient Persia was praisewor- ing from Thrace in the west to Egypt in
finest food, catered by Maxim’s de Paris, thy. He was absolutely right: Iran boasts the south to the Indus River in the east.
which closed its Paris location for two one of the most unique and majestic histo- Politically, the Persians were very dif-
weeks to prepare for the banquet. More ries of all countries on the planet. ferent from the Assyrians before them. Af-
than 150 chefs, bakers and waiters were Moreover, the history of King Cyrus ter Cyrus conquered the gargantuan As-
imported. The world’s master hotelier, and ancient Persia is more vital, more il- syrian/Babylonian-Chaldean empires and
a Frenchman, was brought out of retire- lustrious, more inspiring, more hope- fused the disparate peoples and cultures
ment to manage the waitstaff. Attendees filled, more faith-building than the shah into a single kingdom, succeeding mon-
dined on fine china and drank from gob- of Iran ever knew! The shah could have archs managed to keep the kingdom unit-
lets made from Baccarat crystal. spent $2 trillion on his celebration and ed and strong for some 250 years. It wasn’t
There were fireworks displays, per- still not have properly showcased the im- till Alexander the Great barreled eastward
formances from some of the world’s fin- portance of this history. in 333 b.c. that Persia was knocked from its
est musicians and spectacularly choreo- perch above the civilized world.
graphed parades by Iranian soldiers, all The Origins of Persia Historians agree on and admire the
dressed in traditional Persian garb. The Before the 1930s, today’s Iran went by the fundamental reason Cyrus and his succes-
price tag of the grand affair, according to name Persia. Today the names Iran and sors were able to maintain such an enor-
the New York Times, was $100 million. Persia remain interchangeable. Historians mous kingdom: The Persian monarchs

20 January 2011  The Philadelphia Trumpet

were terrific humanitarians. They had people he conquered, Cyrus displayed King Cyrus in 539 b.c. commissioning the
tremendous respect and tolerance for the characteristics that simply don’t spring Jews to leave Babylon and return to Judea.
customs and traditions of the people they from the natural human mind, which is In this decree Cyrus told the Jews to re-
ruled over. inherently selfish (Jeremiah 17:9). build Jerusalem, which had been sacked
“Under the close supervision of his Where did this admirable and here- by the Babylonians about 45 years earlier.
government, [Cyrus] permitted the con- tofore unrepeated character trait come Isaiah’s account gels perfectly with arche-
quered peoples to retain their own cus- from? Where did Cyrus come from, and ological evidence such as the Cyrus Cylin-
toms and religions and their own forms of why did he suddenly emerge in the sixth der, as well as the works of historians such
government,” explains Stanley Chodorow century? You won’t find the answers in as Herodotus and Xenophon.
in The Mainstream of Civilization. As your encyclopedia or via a Google search. Here’s the thing: Isaiah wrote his book
an example, he cites the history of King We’ll have to look into the world’s most in the latter half of the eighth century b.c.—
Cyrus allowing the Jews to return to Jeru- neglected and underrated history book. more than 150 years before King Cyrus com-
salem around 535 b.c. missioned the Jews to return to Jerusalem!
By not forcing his religion or creed on celebrating PERSIA  The gala Think on this! Cyrus, Persia’s greatest
the people he conquered, Cyrus gained thrown by Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in- king, was prophesied by name more than
their respect and loyalty. The result? Many cluded a gown woven of gold threads for his a hundred years before he was even
willingly submitted to Persian rule! wife, Queen Farah (top left). Over 600 digni- born!
In 1879, British archeologists digging taries attended the celebrations in Pasargad, Not only that, God, through Isaiah,
in Iran discovered a barrel-shaped cyl- site of the tomb of Cyrus the Great (top mid- prophesied specifically that He would
inder made out of clay. They called it the dle) and Persepolis, which was transformed inspire Cyrus to dispatch the Jews back
Cyrus Cylinder because inscribed on the into a luxurious tent city (model, right). Over to Jerusalem to rebuild their temple! Re-
cylinder in ancient cuneiform is a decree 65 heads of state, including Prince Ranier member, Isaiah wrote this before Persia
by King Cyrus. In the 40-line decree, the and Princess Grace of Monaco (bottom mid- existed as an empire, before the Chal-
king recalls his defeat of Babylon and dle) attended events such as the parading of deans had conquered Jerusalem and taken
outlines a number of policies designed the Sassanid Cavalry (bottom left). the Jews back to Babylon, and long before
to defend the rights of the conquered. The King Cyrus ever conquered the Chaldeans
Cyrus Cylinder confirms King Cyrus’s and gained control of Mesopotamia.
reputation as a great humanitarian, and Cyrus the Prophecy Surely, among all his terrific accom-
is, according to the United Nations, the As you might expect, Cyrus is mentioned plishments, Cyrus’s greatest accomplish-
“world’s first charter of human rights.” a lot in the Bible. Chronologically, the first ment was being the living, breathing ful-
Historians recognize that the gover- author to discuss Cyrus in the Bible is the fillment of Isaiah’s prophecy!
nance of Cyrus the Great was profoundly Prophet Isaiah. Chapter 44 reveals that
unique. History does not overflow with ex- God “says of Cyrus, ‘He is my shepherd, Cyrus the Humanitarian
amples of powerful men mercifully allow- and he shall fulfill my purpose’; saying of It is clear that credit for the timing of Cyrus
ing the peoples they conquer to keep their Jerusalem, ‘She shall be built,’ and of the the Great’s emergence belongs to God. But
religions, customs and traditions. In fact, temple, ‘Your foundation shall be laid’” what about his profound and intriguing
it’s full of individuals doing the opposite. (verse 28, Revised Standard Version). tolerance and respect for the culture and
Really, when it came to ruling the Here, the Bible recalls the decree by traditions of other races and peoples? (5) The Philadelphia Trumpet  January 2011 21

Daniel, a Jewish man, to a position of great
Let’s pick up the history in Ezra 1: used ancient Persia as a tool in His work
power within the mighty Persian Empire.
“Now in the first year of Cyrus king of with the Jews and Jerusalem!
During Daniel’s public promotion, the
Persia, that the word of the Lord by the As incredible as Cyrus’s moral and
king of Persia issued a decree to “all the
mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the material support for the Jews was, that
peoples, nations, and languages that dwell
Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus wasn’t even his greatest gesture. His great-
in all the earth,” demanding “that in all
king of Persia …” (verse 1). Ezra here is est achievement was institutionalizing his
my royal dominion men tremble and fear
recording the fulfillment of the prophecy affection for the Jews, and establishing a
before the God of Daniel.”
in Isaiah 44, where God said He would use legacy of pro-Jewish policy within the Per-
Now that is thrilling history! Persia’s
Cyrus as a “shepherd” and that through sian monarchy.
greatest king not only recognized God’s
him He would “fulfill my purpose.” Study the history of Cyrus’s successors.
presence in his life, but he also encour-
God was working with the mind of this Ezra 5 and 6 record the work of the Jews
great Persian king! aged his subjects to “tremble and fear” be- in Jerusalem about 20 years after the first
fore the God of Israel!
Ezra also records that under God’s in- wave returned to Judea in 535 b.c. Cyrus
No wonder the Persian Empire reached
spiration, Cyrus “made a proclamation was dead and Darius i was king of Persia.
the height of its power under Cyrus With Cyrus gone, leaders from nearby
When you understand the history the Great! cities had begun persecuting the Jews in
Jerusalem. In response, the Jews sent a let-
of King Cyrus of Persia and what Cyrus the “Zionist” ter to Darius reminding him of Cyrus’s
he did for the Jews, you can begin Historians widely accept that Cyrus decree and asking that he issue a similar
issued a decree allowing the Jews to mandate. “If it seem good to the king,”
to understand the hatred of Iran’s return to Judea. But none has ever they implored, “let there be search made
radical Islamists for the shah! investigated the depth of his affec- in the king’s treasure house, which is there
tion for the Jews. When you read the at Babylon, whether it be so, that a decree
throughout all his kingdom … saying, Thus Bible, especially Ezra 1, it’s clear that there was made of Cyrus the king to build this
saith Cyrus king of Persia, The Lord God were no bounds to the favor Cyrus showed house of God at Jerusalem, and let the
of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms toward the Jews. king send his pleasure to us concerning
of the earth; and he hath charged me to In Ezra 1:2, Cyrus says openly that the this matter” (Ezra 5:17).
build him an house at Jerusalem, which is God of Israel had personally “charged Darius initiated a search, found and
in Judah. Who is there among you of all me to build him an house at Jerusalem.” studied the original decree, then issued
his people? his God be with him, and let He was king of the mightiest empire on one of his own: “Let the work of this house
him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, Earth, and one of his driving goals was to of God alone; let the governor of the Jews
and build the house of the Lord God of Is- help the Jews rebuild Jerusalem! and the elders of the Jews build this house
rael … ” (verses 1-3). Verses 3-6 show Cyrus giving the Jews a of God in his place” (Ezra 6:7). The legacy
This passage is key to understanding key to the treasury of the Persian Empire. of Cyrus lived on!
the unique character, as well as the accom- Whatever the Jews wanted, they got, in- This God-inspired favor for the Jews
plishments, of Cyrus the Great—but you cluding gold, silver, precious stones, build- was still alive and still shaping Persian
never see it mentioned in history books. ing utensils, lumber, and animals and policy during the kingship of Artaxerxes
Here, we see that it was the God of the crops for food. When they finally start- i, who reigned from 465-423 b.c. You can
Israelites who “stirred up the spirit of Cyrus ed building the temple around 535 b.c., read the history in Nehemiah 1 and 2.
king of Persia” to display matchless fond- they imported cedar trees from Lebanon Here, 20 years into the reign of Artaxerx-
ness toward the Jews. Historians, and even and tradesmen from Phoenicia, all thanks es (around 445 b.c.), Nehemiah, the king’s
Iran’s current president, Mahmoud Ahma- to the “grant that they had from Cyrus king Jewish cupbearer, besought the king to al-
dinejad, recognize that Cyrus had exempla- of Persia” (Ezra 3:7). low him to return to Jerusalem and build
ry respect and tolerance for human values, Verse 7 recounts Cyrus being so a wall of defense around the city. Artax-
and for the culture and traditions of all peo- thrilled by the building project in Judea, erxes didn’t begrudgingly grant the leave
ple. Many would agree that this humanitar- he had his men fetch from the treasury the of absence. He issued a royal decree giv-
ian tendency was his defining quality. “vessels of the house of the Lord” that had ing official sanction to Nehemiah’s work
Ezra 1 reveals its origin: King Cyrus’s been taken when the temple was sacked by and installing the prophet as governor of
respect for humanity—for the Jews cer- Babylonians in 585 b.c. Jerusalem! Beyond the official order, the
tainly, but even for all the people he con- History is clear on this point: King king provided Nehemiah with materials,
quered—was the direct result of a miracle Cyrus of Persia was a patron of the Jews, as well as an official letter instructing the
God caused in the king’s mind! and a willing facilitator of those of them “keeper of the king’s forest” to give Nehe-
Sure, you have the prerogative to dis- inhabiting Jerusalem. He was, in a real miah the timber he needed for his wall!
card that as claptrap. Before you do, read sense, a wholehearted “Zionist”! Nearly a century had passed since
again what Cyrus himself said about The more you think about this history, Cyrus had issued the original decree, and
God’s presence in his life and work: “The the clearer it becomes that outside of the protecting the presence and work of the
Lord God of heaven hath given me all the Jews themselves, Cyrus the Great was one Jews in Jerusalem remained a key pillar
kingdoms of the earth.” of the loudest advocates in history of Jew- in the foreign policy of the Persian Empire!
Further evidence of God’s hand in the ish statehood in Judea!
life and work of Cyrus can be found in This is the reason the Persian Empire Condemned by History
the book of Daniel, particularly chapter thrived as the world’s greatest power dur- Five years ago, Trumpet editor in chief
6. In verse 25, the Persian king promoted ing the sixth and fifth centuries b.c.: God Gerald Flurry wrote, “Some historians

22 January 2011  The Philadelphia Trumpet

believe that the shah’s costly and elabo-
a light from history
rate anniversary celebration, which over-
Each of the two
looked the Islamic religion, was the spark
candelabra standing in
that lit the fire that ended up seeing the
the lobby of Armstrong
country hijacked by radicals in 1979, just a
Auditorium weighs
few years later” (Royal Vision, September/
650 pounds and holds
October 2005).
802 piece of crystal
Think about that. Iran’s radical Is-
handmade in Baccarat,
lamists despise their history so vehement-
ly that in 1979 they overthrew the Iranian
leader who deeply valued that history, and
was engaged in a national—even global—
campaign to revive and recreate it.
When you understand the history of
King Cyrus of Persia and what he did for
the Jews, you can begin to understand the
hatred of Iran’s radical Islamists for the shah!
Radical Islam lives to destroy the Jews
and conquer Jerusalem. The shah of Iran
deeply revered the Persian king who
showed deep favor to the Jews, and who
devoted his empire to supporting the Jews
as they returned to Jerusalem and rebuilt
the city and the temple!
Radical Islamists hate this history be-
cause it so powerfully condemns them
and undermines their fundamental cause!
In Tehran this past October, President
Ahmadinejad gave a speech in which
he recalled some of the achievements of
Cyrus the Great, and stated that Iran today
remains committed to “culture, human
values, justice, love and sacrifice.” He de-
livered this speech at a ceremony unveiling
the Cyrus Cylinder, which is currently in
Tehran on loan from the British Museum.
Politically and ideologically, Iran’s
president and King Cyrus are polar oppo-
sites. So why would Ahmadinejad invoke
the history of ancient Persia and a king
whose accomplishments, if he understood
them, he would find repulsive? It’s simple.
Millions of Iranians today continue to
cherish the history of King Cyrus: Ah-
madinejad is identifying himself with the
upright character and accomplishments of
Cyrus the Great in an attempt to cover his
own hate-filled fanaticism.
It won’t work—it can’t. The life and
accomplishments of Cyrus the Great are
bright and radiant, while those of Ahma-
dinejad are dark and black. Invoking the
awesome works of King Cyrus only expos-
es the evil in his own works all the more.
That is exactly why the Iranian people
and the world need to be reminded of
Iran’s rich and glorious history!

Our Candelabra
More than 40 years ago, when the shah
of Iran was making preparations for his
spectacular celebration, he commissioned

January 2011 23
hard reign Shantytown
the construction of two candelabra. Dur- dwellers chant slogans during clash-
ing the weeklong celebration, the 7-foot es linked to anti-foreigner violence.
brightly lit giants, each weighing 650
pounds and decked with 802 pieces of
Baccarat crystal, stood in the midst of
the royal tent where all the world leaders
gathered to dine.
Together, these shimmering beauties,
and the history of King Cyrus and ancient
Persia that they embodied, dazzled the
kings and queens, presidents and prime
ministers at that royal banquet.

Clouds Across
Today, those candelabra stand tall
and bright in the grand lobby of Arm-
strong Auditorium, our breathtaking
new concert hall here in Oklahoma.

the Rainbow
Just as they did to the world’s royalty
and upper echelon nearly 40 years ago,
those same candelabra dazzle the con-
certgoers and artists that enter our au-
ditorium today!
They really are stunning. But as Following the euphoria surrounding the World Cup, it’s
breathtaking as they are in appearance, back to cold hard reality in South Africa.  By Ron Fraser

it’s the story behind them we most cher-
ish. Our candelabra were part of the cel- few weeks ago I was sitting in result has been an obvious reduction in
ebration of the 2,500-year anniversary of the lounge of the King George the efficiency of the delivery of service.
Cyrus the Great and the Persian Empire. Hotel in beautiful George in Those whose minds have been per-
The shah intended that these candelabra South Africa’s Western Cape verted by the inane political correctness
awaken the Iranian people and the world province. Memories of South Africa’s big of the age will have trouble handling that
to Iran’s majestic history! moment of the year, the hosting of the statement of fact; nevertheless, it is the re-
Sadly, the hope emanating from Iran soccer World Cup, were already fading. ality. There is no political correctness in
was extinguished in 1979, when the shah The country had returned to dealing—or today’s South Africa—just a blatant effort
was violently overthrown and Iran’s gov- rather not dealing, in many respects— by the leaders of the majority ethnic pop-
ernment was replaced by an Islamic the- with its ongoing challenges. ulation to take from those who brought
ocracy. Since then, very few people have Looking out across the rugged Oute- them from rank tribalism to civilized so-
revisited the history of Cyrus the Great niqua Mountains, all appeared calm and ciety in barely a couple of centuries.
and Persia. peaceful, just as it did when I first took in
Until now! this view back in 1994. But then, as now, A Broken Promise
These two candelabra standing in the view belies the reality. South Africa Any transition of power from a dominant,
Armstrong Auditorium recall that his- is far from being “the rainbow nation at sophisticated culture to a less developed
tory to us today in a beautiful, majes- peace with itself,” as touted by Nelson culture would ordinarily take a good deal
tic way. They remind us of the glorious Mandela shortly after he gained the na- of time and effort, and full cooperation
reign of Cyrus the Great—the Persian tion’s presidency in 1995. This troubled so- between the parties involved. This has not
king whose life, from beginning to end, ciety is jarringly at odds with the beauty been the case with South Africa. The old
was shaped by God. of the handiwork of the Creator who government simply wanted to divest itself
This was the king who guaranteed carved out its breathtaking countryside. of the largest problem in its “too hard”
the Jews’ presence in Jerusalem, the king After spending a few days in the pic- basket, for the right price. The new gov-
whose mind God inspired to rebuild the turesque tourist resort of George, we ernment came in with an agenda: Displace
temple in Jerusalem—a temple designed landed in Cape Town, its renowned Table whites from their perch and take over the
to point people toward God’s future Mountain dominating the hinterland, the wealth of the land, distributing it to privi-
temple in new Jerusalem! waters of the famous harbor glistening in leged blacks who had been the most vocal
If you haven’t done so yet, make it a spring sunshine. and active in resisting white rule.
goal to come visit Armstrong Audito- The first time I took in this view was In South Africa, the result has been
rium. When you enter the grand lobby also in 1994. I expected change, and that’s much the same as in other ex-colonial Af-
of the auditorium, stop a moment to look what I saw. The most obvious change rican nations: The Big Men (and women)
at these candelabra. As you do, let your is the prominence of African blacks in get the lion’s share of the wealth; the poor
mind hearken back to the glorious and positions of service previously held by continue to rot in their festering ghettos.
spiritually uplifting history of ancient whites. This is the result of a deliberate A year after the handover of the coun-
Persia, of Cyrus the Great, a patron of policy of the African National Congress try by President F.W. de Klerk to the anc-
the Jews—and a man whose life and (anc)-dominated government to displace dominated government, I stood only a
work prove the existence of an all-pow- whites with blacks based on racial pref- few yards away from Nelson Mandela in
erful God!  n erence rather than job performance. The the press gallery on the lawns in front of

24 January 2011  The Philadelphia Trumpet

the fine old colonial Union Building in systemic problems that have plagued the A Difficult Choice
Pretoria. The politicians who had helped country for 17 years now. South Africa faces a difficult choice. To sur-
give away a country that had been gifted The Economist reported on October 29, vive, it must market its much-desired natu-
by God to the modern descendants of the “President Jacob Zuma’s government an- ral resources. The risk is that it will be taken
ancient nation of Israel sat behind him. nounced a ‘new growth path’ this week, advantage of by stronger and more resilient
Before Mandela, the adoring, clamoring with the aim of creating 5 million jobs economies such as China and the increas-
crowd amassed on the lawn. The occasion over the next 10 years. Since the official ingly powerful European Union, especially
was the first anniversary of the handover unemployment rate stands at over 25 per- its lead nation, Germany. These two giant
of the country, “Freedom Day” as it has cent—and at almost 37 percent if those too competing yet interdependent markets
come to be labeled. discouraged to go on looking for a job are are eying South Africa’s raw materials as
As I looked into the eyes of Mandela, included—this should indeed be a priority. they seek to feed their resource-hungry in-
the former terrorist, one year into his “Sadly, however, there is not much new dustries. These are the two great “marts”
presidency of the great country of South in the government’s plan. It amounts to prophesied in Isaiah 23. Between them they
Africa, the words of my editor in chief little more than a long list of worthy sug- hold the major portion of the bargaining
rang loud in my ears. “South Africa,” he gestions (less corruption, more efficiency, chips for South Africa’s mineral wealth.
said to me as we discussed just what 1994 greater cooperation with unions and so Any aspiration by South Africa to mix
portended for the West, “is the first of on). If conditions were right this might do with the mighty as a global player will
the Anglo-Saxon nations to give away its it. But they are not.” continue to be frustrated by the ineptness
God-given birthright.” On the foreign-policy front, the Zuma of its self-serving political class. Rather
Returning to this once richly blessed government seeks to align with the so- than advancing the lot of its native popu-
country a decade and a half later, I see the called bric emerging economies—Brazil, lation, South Africa appears rather to be
results of that fatal decision. The shanty Russia, India and China. Zuma has visited retrogressing in the delivery of much-
towns in Cape Town that were a new blight each of these countries over the past year needed social services. As in so many
on the country in the mid-’90s are now in efforts to raise inward investment in other African nations, it seems the cult of
entrenched in the urban scene. They are South Africa. entitlement has subsumed
larger and continue to extend, month by Last August, President any sense of public responsi-
month. Illegal immigrants pour across the Zuma visited Beijing and bility in South Africa’s post-
nation’s ill-secured borders to the north. signed a comprehensive apartheid rulers.
Their number adds to an already endemic strategic partnership with Storm clouds are gather-
social problem in South Africa: the rapid- China, the latest in a number ing over the rainbow nation.
ly swelling ranks of the unemployed. This of efforts to cozy up to other The risk is that the tensions
in a country that already has a staggering emerging economic powers between the 4 percent of the
37 percent general unemployment and 60 and thus increase Pretoria’s population that pay taxes
percent youth unemployment. That lat- global prestige. However, as and the rest will become
ter figure is now leading to spontaneous Stratfor reported, “While so great that South African
youth riots in various communities. such partnerships can help zuma society will erupt in interne-
Mandela’s electoral promise of a home bring much-needed invest- cine strife. In the meantime,
for every black remains largely unfulfilled ment and technical expertise into the those of the birthright people who remain,
even as a significant class of black nouveau country, South Africa’s domestic chal- whose leaders sold their nation for a bowl
riche has arisen attached to the govern- lenges, such as unemployment, public sec- of pottage, maintain a precarious foothold,
ment, the bureaucracy and, to a certain tor strikes and widespread poverty, will mostly in the Western Cape province.
extent, business and commerce. This is need to be addressed before it can credibly
the result of deeply entrenched corrup- rise as a regional power with global influ- A Curse Fulfilled
tion, nepotism and a “jobs for the boys” ence, and some of the potential partner- Whether it is obvious or not to the casual
mentality: Ill-qualified lackeys of the anc ships with China could even exacerbate observer, South Africa is a classic demon-
are granted fat-salaried “jobs” that often existing problems” (Aug. 24, 2010). stration of what happens to a people who
amount to nothing more than an official The Zuma government must recog- forget their God. He simply allows them,
title with the trappings of office and a nice nize that any nation that invests in the in their rebellion, to flush their God-given
paycheck with little or no accountability. development of South African resources birthright down the drain!
This situation has not been helped by a will have only its own national interest In the great prophecy to the Israelites,
white commercial class that has toadied to at heart. Distracted by deeply entrenched the Eternal God declared, “[I]f thou wilt
the government for the favor it needs in or- social problems and having lost much of not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy
der to continue reaping corporate profits. the strong military edge that South Africa God, to observe to do all his command-
Despite such rampant corruption, the once possessed before the anc/sacp took ments and his statutes … all these curses
South African government continues to over in 1994, more dominant powers have shall come upon thee …. The stranger that
window dress under the delusion that it little to fear in terms of retribution for pil- is within thee shall get up
can aspire to global power status. laging the nation’s wealth. As Stratfor not- above thee very high; and
ed, a “potential influx of Chinese laborers thou shalt come down very
A New Growth Path displacing their South African counter- low. … [H]e shalt be the
In late October, South Africa’s president, parts, as has been the case elsewhere in head, and thou shalt be the
Jacob Zuma, trotted out a list of plati- Africa, would compound Pretoria’s exist- tail” (Deuteronomy 28:15,
tudes designed to mask the reality of the ing employment problems” (ibid.). 43-44). n

reuters/siphiwe sibeko, singh raveendran/afp/getty images The Philadelphia Trumpet  January 2011 25
i n c r e a s e Y o u r B ibl e I Q
The Philadelphia Trumpet, in conjunction with the Herbert W. Armstrong College Bible Correspondence Course,
presents this brief excursion into the fascinating study of the Bible. Simply turn to and read in your Bible each verse
given in answer to the questions. You will be amazed at the new understanding gained from this short study!

What Is the
Day of the Lord?
o the average person, the In love, God revealed His way of life the Old and New Testaments, the period
idea of Jesus Christ returning to that leads to everything good and desir- of Christ’s supernatural intervention and
Earth is a fantastic fable that has able—including eternal life—to our first wrath at mankind’s sins is called the Day
no bearing whatsoever on the re- parents, Adam and Eve. But they rejected of the Lord!
alities of life. that way. Their descendants have contin- 3. How long does this prophetic “day”
Yet millions of professing Christians ued to reject God’s way for 6,000 years! of the Lord’s wrath last? Isaiah 34:8; 61:2;
still expect the Second Coming of Christ— Therefore, as any wise and loving fa- 63:4. Does a prophetic day often represent
though widely divided among themselves ther punishes his children for their own a year? Numbers 14:34.
as to why, when and how He will appear. good when they refuse to respond to kind Comment: The “day of the Lord” re-
Just before His death and res- fers to a year-long punish-
urrection—before His departure ment that culminates with
from the Mount of Olives almost the return of Christ.
2,000 years ago—Jesus Christ
promised, “I will come again” The Trumpets Begin to Sound!
(John 14:3). In the last installment, we
So was Christ telling the learned that the Great Trib-
truth? Will He come again? The ulation is immediately fol-
answer is a resounding YES— lowed by supernatural signs
though the manner of His return in heaven (Matthew 24:21,
will be shocking to most profess- 29). The signs in heaven are
ing Christians. also referred to as the sixth
Jesus Christ came about seal in Revelation (Revelation
2,000 years ago as a meek lamb 6:12-14).
to be slain for the sins of the 1. What happens next? Is
world. But when He comes the seventh seal, which con-
again, He will be wrathful—an- tains the seven trumpets,
gry—toward all evil! He will use opened? Revelation 8:1-6. Is
His mighty power to change the this time period of the sev-
ways that have caused all the enth seal (which occurs im-
sorrow and suffering on Earth. mediately after the heavenly
Let’s understand why. and loving verbal admonition, an all-lov- signs) called the Day of the Lord? Acts 2:20.
ing, all-wise God will have to punish this Comment: The wrath of the “day
What Christ Will Do When He Returns world to bring it to its senses! The glorified of the Lord” is manifested in the seven
1. When Christ returns, exactly why will Christ is coming in all the splendor, power “trumpet” plagues which are unleashed
God have to punish mankind? Revelation and glory of God to stop escalating wars, consecutively over a period of months, cul-
11:18, last few words; Zephaniah 1:17. nuclear mass destruction, and human minating in the Second Coming of Christ.
Comment: God is love (1 John 4:16). pain and suffering. He is coming to usher 2. What will occur on Earth when the
God and Christ love all of humanity (John in peace, abundant prosperity, happiness first angel blows his trumpet? Revelation
3:16). But Christ will be angry at the sins and joy for all mankind. 8:7.
of mankind when He returns. To save the 2. What is this time period of God’s Comment: A gigantic firestorm will
human race alive (Matthew 24:22), He is wrath called? Isaiah 13:6, 9; Joel 1:15; Zeph- burn all green grass and one third of the
coming to punish in love! Otherwise, man aniah 1:18. trees. Burned vegetation will be the first
would destroy all life upon the Earth! Comment: In over 30 prophecies in punishment on mankind for continued re-

26 January 2011  The Philadelphia Trumpet

fusal to submit to the government of God term locusts to describe the terrifying war let Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast?
and refusing to obey His commandments. machines that would be invented by scien- This war will come about as hordes from
3. What does the blast of the second tists and used by the military in this final the east will be preparing to attack the beast
angel’s trumpet announce? Verses 8-9. world conflict! Notice that these symbolic power. But rather than let them obtain the
Comment: The seas will be gravely af- locusts, or grasshoppers, are driven by advantage by striking the first blow, the
fected by this plague. One third of the seas men and are able to fly (verses 7, 9). They beast will turn to attack them in the full
will turn to blood, one third of life in the will make a tremendous noise and are fury of his military might! (Daniel 11:44).
seas will be destroyed, and one third of protected by armored plating. This attack—using all the terrifying
the ships, mainly used for trade and war- These superweapons of destruction destructive power the beast can devise—
fare, will be destroyed! and world conquest were completely unfa- will be the first woe. It will be the begin-
4. Next, what happens to part of the miliar to the Apostle John. He could only ning of the all-out struggle for complete
Earth’s supplies of drinking water when describe them in the language of his day. world domination between two Eurasian
the trumpet of the third angel sounds? These terrifying weapons of war prob- rivals for world rule.
Verses 10-11. Will many die from drinking ably now exist in design in our modern 6. Are the sixth angel’s trumpet plague
this poisoned water? Verse 11. military arsenals. At the time of the fifth and the second woe clearly the same? Rev-
Comment: God will next punish un- trumpet and the first woe, it will be plain- elation 9:12-13. What will happen when
repentant sinners by making one third of ly evident just what these weapons are and the sixth trumpet is blown—who will
the waters of the Earth unfit for human how they will be used. even dare to threaten and make war on
consumption. The waters will become bit- 4. Who is the real leader of this army the beast power? Verses 14-16. And how
ter, causing many to die. that is equipped with these awesome are their weapons described? Verses 17-19.
5. What terrifying plague is announced weapons of mass destruction? Verse 11. Comment: The Asian hordes of 200
by the fourth trumpet? Verse 12. Comment: The Hebrew word abad- million soldiers will counterattack, devas-
Comment: Most people during the don and the Greek word apollyon both tating the cities and armies of the beast.
Day of the Lord, although terrified be- mean “destroyer”! The sinister power that Again, the Apostle John could describe
cause of the heavenly signs, will still con- will guide this army is Satan the devil! the terrifying weapons they will use only
tinue in sin, despite God’s repeated warn- 5. Where does this army, with its dia- by comparing them with things familiar
ings to repent! bolical leadership, come from? Verses 2-3. to him! These symbols likely represent
Nevertheless, remember that God is ul- Is this symbolic “bottomless pit” referred nuclear explosives, as well as chemical and
timately after repentance. As each plague to elsewhere so we can identify the army biological weapons.
from God falls on the wicked and disobe- that proceeds from it? Revelation 17:8. Is At this point we come to the climactic
dient, those who surrender to God—those this superarmy of the beast power—that moment of the sounding of the seventh
who do repent and begin to obey Him and is, the final restoration of the Roman Em- trumpet. One more “woe” remains to oc-
forsake the ways of this evil society—will pire (in Europe)—backed by a great false cur. Almost immediately, at the blast of
be protected from the horrible punish- religion? Verses 7-13. this final trumpet, God will move with
ments yet to come. Comment: For a detailed explanation lightning speed to execute multiple events
of the beast power and the false religion around the globe, as we will cover in the
Woe, Woe, Woe! that will dominate it, request our free book- next installment. n
1. Will there be further cataclysmic events

Enroll in 
that will jolt humanity? Verse 13. Are these
three woes the same as the final three
trumpets? Same verse.
Comment: These three woes involve

our free
three final major battles, each so horrifying
that it is called a “woe” by Almighty God.
Each battle is so destructive that only God
will be able to repair the damage man’s

Bible course!
armies will do to the surface of the Earth.
At the third battle—the third woe and
last trumpet—all mankind will be saved
from extinction only by a miracle from
God. If God did not personally intervene
in this climactic war, men would destroy This short study you’ve just completed is a sample of
the last vestige of human life from the face
the study method employed in each monthly lesson of
of the Earth!
2. What is revealed about the fifth the Herbert W. Armstrong College Bible Correspondence
trumpet, the first woe? Revelation 9:1-12. Course. Over 50,000 people have already enrolled in this
3. Does the Apostle John describe ter- exciting, dynamic course! Ordering information is on the back
rifying “locusts”—grasshoppers—that will
be used to inflict pain on men? Verses 3-10. cover of this issue.
Comment: John used the symbolic

photospin The Philadelphia Trumpet  January 2011 27

getting on  A
light moment between
Cameron and Sarkozy
hides the history, cur-
rent situation and future
of their two countries.

Britain buddies
with Franc
What Could Possibly Go Wro 
Facing a budget pinch, the UK stakes its fortunes on an Even if Sarkozy and Cameron see eye to
alliance with a longtime European foe.  By Joel Hilliker eye, what could possess them to believe

their successors will—until 2060, no less?
hat an odd turn of events! its innate logic and “perfect sense” is crazy. In reality, it isn’t fellow feeling or
Suddenly the leaders of Britain “From a purely practical military per- shared interests driving these nations into
and France are fawning over spective,” explained the head of Britain’s each other’s arms. It’s beggary. Both Brit-
each other as they join in a mil- Armed Forces, Gen. Sir David Richards, ain and France are strapped for cash and
itary alliance supposedly to last 50 years! “we have been working very closely with desperate. Though their militaries are Eu-
What is going on here? For the better the French ever since the First World War, rope’s two largest, they’re shrinking and
part of the previous six centuries, these two but particularly in nato.” falling apart, getting slammed by budget
have been bitter enemies. For the past cen- Uh … not quite. As historian Andrew cuts. This awkward alliance is their effort
tury they’ve been grudging partners at best. Roberts responded, “If filling in the gaps to maintain some semblance of power.
Their national interests have gone in on the Western front after the French Army Britain in particular is looking for ways to
opposite directions far more often than mutinied in 1917, sinking the French fleet at strengthen its military on the cheap.
they’ve lined up. As recently as the Iraq Oran in 1940 and being bombed in Gibral- But those budget cuts, and this pact,
War in 2003, Britain sent 45,000 troops tar by the Vichy air force in retaliation, cap- are based on a dangerous miscalculation.
while France actively worked to keep Sad- turing Lebanon and Syria from the French They reflect terrible weakness—and re-
dam Hussein in power. in 1941, invading French North Africa and markable lack of vision. They expose Brit-
Now the leaders are instant buddies. In Madagascar in 1942, opposing French poli- ain’s foolish overdependence on nations it
early November, France’s Nicolas Sarkozy cy toward Bosnia, Rwanda and latterly Iraq, considers allies, and reveal the steep de-
and Britain’s David Cameron signed up for while watching General de Gaulle expel all cline in what even a few generations ago
their nations to share aircraft carriers; col- nato forces from France, can possibly be was history’s greatest empire.
laborate on technology for nuclear weap- described as ‘working very closely with the Anyone who has followed the prophet-
ons, ballistic missiles and nuclear subma- French ever since the First World War,’ then ic warnings of Herbert Armstrong or the
rines; work together on cyberwarfare; and General Richards is right. If not, then it is— Trumpet over the years knows this story
commit troops to a joint rapid reaction unit, like the defense pact itself—merely wishful won’t have a good ending. The Bible spe-
among other things. And they act like any- thinking” (Wall Street Journal, Nov. 5, 2010). cifically prophesies of this problem—and
one who doesn’t embrace the agreement for What are France and Britain thinking? reveals its devastating conclusion.

28 January 2011  The Philadelphia Trumpet

The Aircraft Carriers carrier to sea without aircraft? I think scenario where Britain’s and France’s in-
With No Planes that future history will show the rashness terests would diverge. Impossible to imag-
In mid-October, just a of this decision.” Indeed it will. ine? For whom, pray tell?
couple of weeks before Worse still, navy insiders told the But he couldn’t even make it through a
signing the agreement Telegraph that, because of the intricacies press conference without raising eyebrows
with France, the British of carrier landing, even after new planes about France’s dependability. When a bbc
government released its come along it will take many more years reporter asked if Britain could borrow
Strategic Defense and to bring the navy’s Fleet Air Arm—the France’s aircraft carrier, the Charles de
Security Review, detail- world’s oldest air force—back to full Gaulle, in case of a crisis in the Falklands,
ing how it will shrink strength. “Once these carrier skills have the president responded, “It would take
its military budget 8 gone they will take at least 16 years to a h--- of a crisis.” Then he dodged and
percent over the next build back up,” said Commodore Steve went political: “Do you imagine our Brit-
four years. The cuts in- Jermy, who once headed the Fleet Air Arm ish friends facing a crisis and France folds
clude 17,000 personnel. (Oct. 18, 2010). Now we’re talking about its arms and does nothing?” Again, how
The army, after already 2036. In effect, this marks the death of much imagination does it take?
being reduced by one Britain’s ability to project air power. Well, maybe that was a trick question.
third since the end of Britain’s defense secretary, Liam Fox, After all, in 1982, Britain faced a crisis in
the Cold War, will lose said that Britain not having planes to put the Falklands and France didn’t do noth-
7,000 more soldiers; 40 on the carrier won’t be a problem, since it ing: It actually supplied the Argentineans
percent of its tanks and can just use American and French planes. with missiles to use against Britain!

35 percent of its artil- Further underscoring this trend of The notion that these two countries
lery will go. The 20,000 dependency is the fact that the Royal Air would actually be able to agree on just
British troops in Ger- Force’s Nimrod spy planes will also be cut. where and for what to deploy their joint
many will come home. These nine planes were built for patrolling forces is difficult to swallow.
(Compare the 95,000 the waters around Britain and intercept- Even since the split over the Gulf War,
troops Britain will ing unwelcome foreign submarines and French leaders have repeatedly voiced
have by 2015 with the other ships. Now, reported The Sun, Brit- their contempt for the UK. They have

690,000 it had in 1957.) ain “will have to depend on the French to snootily derided Britain for its incessant
Britain’s navy—the stave off a naval attack” (Oct. 22, 2010). niggling over regulations and procedures,
greatest symbol of the “French Atlantique planes operating from for dragging its feet on European integra-
global power it once UK bases will monitor and intercept un- tion, for slowing the EU’s progress. Their
wielded—will suffer authorized ships and submarines,” it said. disdain only intensified when the global
some of the worst em- Essentially, in order to cover its defense economy tanked: They looked down their
barrassment. The na- budget gaps, Britain is banking on its Eu- noses and blamed London for its loose
vy’s aging Ark Royal aircraft carrier will ropean neighbors—France in particular. fiscal practices. They dropped the regula-
go out of service. The navy’s fleet of de- This ignores the yawning historical, cul- tory boom in punishment. Britain’s rela-
stroyers and frigates will shrink to 19. (In tural and political gaps between the Eng- tionship with Europe, always prickly, has
World War i Britain had over 300 destroy- lish-speaking Brits and Europhile French. looked wobblier than ever—even up to
ers alone, out of a fleet of nearly 600. After quite recently.
these cuts, the fleet will be smaller than it Can Britain Really Trust France? It all makes the sudden camaraderie,
has been since the days of Henry viii.) President Sarkozy says—with a straight the handshakes and grins, a bit surreal.
The most bizarre turn of events sur- face—that it’s impossible to imagine a For Britain, this pact represents a lurch
rounds two new 60,000-ton aircraft car- away from the United States in favor of Eu-
riers being built for the Royal Navy—the rope. American insiders are warning that
largest, most expensive ships in Britain’s il- U.S. cooperation and intelligence sharing
lustrious naval history. Britain can’t afford with Britain is going to be curtailed out
them, but contractual obligations actually of fear of the wrong information reaching
make it cheaper to finish the mammoth France and spreading from there. David
projects than to stop them. Thus, as soon Campbell Bannerman of the UK Indepen-
as possible after the first one is completed dence Party concurred: “In a nutshell, the
in 2016, it will be mothballed or even sold. closer we get to France, the more we risk
It gets worse. The government also de- losing the support of the biggest military
cided to scrap the navy’s 80-strong fleet power in the world—the usa.”
of Harrier jump jets within a year. This If history is any guide, this portends
means the aircraft carriers will have—of n The UK government has made disaster for Britain.
all things—no jets to carry. New fighters plans to sell off Britain’s forests. As former Prime Minister Margaret
won’t be available until 2020. Thus, these Law currently governing treatment Thatcher wisely said in 1989, “In my life-
floating airbases will only be able to serve of “ancient forests” is likely to be time all our problems have come from
as helicopter pads and assist with humani- changed, giving private firms clear- mainland Europe, and all the solutions
tarian missions. ance to cut down trees in 1.8 million have come from the English-speaking na-
In the words of one serving navy com- acres of woodlands including Sher- tions who have kept law-abiding liberty
mander, “How can you send an aircraft wood Forest, among others. for the future.”

getty images, istockphoto The Philadelphia Trumpet  January 2011 29

Swallowed by Europe trapped in that ridiculous unaffordable Peter Hitchens. This alliance “is intended
Viewed shallowly, the British move is aircraft carrier venture. This folly sprang as the beginning of federal European
unsurprising, considering the poor treat- from Britain’s misguided efforts to link it- armed forces. These will be controlled by
ment Britain has received from the cur- self with Europe and contribute to building the new post-Lisbon ‘legal personality,’ the
rent American administration, not to a single EU defense force—via a defense European Superstate they keep telling us
mention the declining trajectory of Amer- agreement with France. Back in 1998, Prime doesn’t exist” (Mail Online, Nov. 9, 2010).
ican power. Nevertheless, France is hardly Minister Tony Blair and France’s Jacques Britain allowing its military to become
a prize substitute. Chirac pledged that their countries would swallowed by a European empire is of
Leave aside the decrepitude of its present begin cooperating toward that end. The enormous prophetic significance. For not
defense capabilities (the French government next year, aiming at establishing a Euro- only does Scripture foretell Britain’s loss of
has admitted that “most” of its tanks, heli- pean Rapid Reaction Force, Britain agreed prestige and power and the severing of its
copters and jets are unusable; the Charles to contribute two large aircraft carriers. In relationship with America, it also tells of
de Gaulle, its sole carrier—upon which 2006, it was determined that these carriers its foolishly seeking salvation from its false
would be a joint project between Britain’s European allies—and of the shocking dou-
bae Systems and the French firm Thales. ble-cross it will then suffer at their hand!
Forced “In effect, when built, they will be oper-
Retirement  ated jointly with the French, with French Where It Will End
The HMS Ark pilots flying French aircraft,” explained In biblical prophecy, Britain is called by
Royal Christopher Booker in the Telegraph. “So the name of the tribe of ancient Israel
little money is left to buy the escorts need- from which it descended, Ephraim. De-
ed by a carrier group that these will have tailed proof of this can be found in Her-
to be provided by other EU navies, such as bert Armstrong’s book The United States
those of Spain or Italy” (Oct. 23, 2010; em- and Britain in Prophecy.
phasis mine). “Ephraim [Britain] also is like a silly
The inevitable outcome of the whole dove, without sense,” wrote the Prophet
deal is not at all difficult to predict. Once Hosea (Hosea 7:11; New King James Ver-
these jointly built Anglo-French carriers are sion). Silly means simple, easily fooled.
operational, and are escorted by Spanish or And the dove perfectly symbolizes the
Britain will solely rely in a few years—has Italian vessels, whose flag do you suppose senseless, toothless and naive nation Brit-
had an almost comically bad maintenance they will be flying? The White Ensign of the ain has become.
record). Just judging by France’s uneven Royal Navy? The Tricolor flag of France? As the Trumpet’s editor in chief Gerald
history as an ally and as a military power, It will just eliminate a lot of hassle, Flurry has written, no “silly dove” nation
this seems a very shortsighted decision in- won’t it, to just hoist the EU ring of stars. can endure in a world full of hawks and
deed. There is a reason this modern nation “Thus,” wrote Booker, “after 600 years, tigers.
is described in biblical prophecy—after its will the Royal Navy merge its identity Hosea’s prophecy continues by saying
patriarch, Jacob’s son Reuben—as being with that of the new EU Navy.” of Britain, “[T]hey go to Assyria.” Assyria,
“unstable as water” (Genesis 49:4). Britain’s leaders may naively view this as we explained in our October/November
The biggest issue, though, is how this latest defense pact purely as an agreement 2010 article on the subject, is the prophetic
deal casts Britain’s fortunes together with with France. They have bristled at any name for Germany. This is one of several
those of the Continent. suggestion that it will require giving up prophecies that describe a weakened Brit-
In a sense, one can view the deal as even a smidgen of British independence ain looking for help from its neighbors in
an extension of the Entente Cordiale, the or sovereignty. Europe.
agreement Britain and France forged in But let’s open our eyes. France is in- But in prophecy after prophecy, the re-
1904 in response to Germany’s burgeoning separably entangled with Germany in the sult of this dangerous gamble is revealed.
power potential. Today, once again, Germa- European project. And as much as France God says through His prophet, “When they
ny is clearly the strongest nation in Europe, has tried to fight this reality, Germany is shall go, I will spread my net upon them;
and one could view this alliance as France the senior partner. France has already sac- I will bring them down as the fowls of the
trying to establish its military leadership to rificed its sovereignty for the sake of the heaven; I will chastise them, as their congre-
counterbalance Germany’s power. That’s EU collective; it simply is no longer free to gation hath heard. Woe unto them! for they
the view of the analysts at Stratfor. And ap- act purely as a sovereign military power. have fled from me: destruction unto them!
parently, despite widespread mistrust of the Does anyone really believe Germany because they have transgressed against me:
EU within the UK, some Euroskeptics are will be content to allow France and Britain though I have redeemed them, yet they
hoping the bilateral pact “distracts France to seize the initiative on European defense? have spoken lies against me” (verses 12-13).
from pursuing military cooperation at an Just watch! Like everything else hap- God recorded these prophecies to serve
EU level” (Wall Street Journal, Nov. 3, 2010). pening in Europe, Anglo-French military as a warning to modern Britain!—a warn-
But such thinking only goes so far be- cooperation is certain to become prey to ing the British people will soon regret
fore its smacks into the reality of today’s encroaching EU regulation and bureaucra- having ignored. The fact that this and
European Union. The simple fact is, no in- tization, and eventually subsumed wholly many other specific prophecies are rap-
dependent alliance between EU states will into the common European defense. idly becoming present reality is sure and
remain beyond the purview of Germany “From now on, neither [Britain nor convicting proof of their reliability—and
and the EU for long. France] has any independent defense pol- of the active existence of the Creator God
Look again at how Britain ended up icy. Both have handed it to the EU,” wrote who is bringing them to pass! n

30 January 2011  The Philadelphia Trumpet istockphoto

principles of living

Break Through GIANT Barriers!

y most memorable experience in freshman God is looking for people who will
speech class at Ambassador College was an assign- break through barriers and conquer
ment called “The Overcoming Speech.” We were told fears. To do that, we may have to act like
to expect several interruptions from our instructor a giant. Or, like a young boy who became
while we were still speaking, as he corrected some of our weak- Israel’s greatest king, we may have to slay
nesses on the spot. a giant.
As memorable as my own experience was, a speech one of my 1 Samuel 17:20 describes a young man
classmates gave that same day took the overcome lesson to an- who was eager, who rose early and who
other level. obeyed his father’s commands. At the
I’ll never forget it: She was a sweet, soft-spoken, painfully shy moment when Israel really needed a few
girl from South Africa. She barely made it through five words good men to step forward and fight for stephen
of her speech before our instructor stopped her. “I don’t know God, all the elder, wiser and best-trained flurry
if you’ve ever seen Jack and the Beanstalk, but I want you to play soldiers slunk into the background (vers-
the giant,” he said. “I want you to leave the room, and when you es 21-24). Only David, a lowly shepherd, stepped forward and
come back in, shout, ‘Fee fi fo fum, I smell the blood of an said, “Who is this giant who thinks he is going to stop God’s
Englishman!’” work?”
Time and again, the instructor told her to leave and re-enter David knew he had cause—a good reason to face his fears and
the room until she was able to enter as an all-powerful giant with confront the enemy (verse 29). He possessed faith, but also wis-
a thunderously booming voice. Eventually, she broke through dom. He didn’t just grab one stone—he took five (verse 40). What
that barrier. Her “overcome speech” was essentially learning to a wonderful spirit! If nerves got the best of him the first time
act like a giant.  around, he wasn’t about to quit after just one try.
This lesson in smashing barriers to pursue excellence applies Notice verse 42: “And when the Philistine looked about, and
far beyond public speaking. saw David, he disdained him: for he was but a youth, and ruddy,
As a young man, Herbert W. Armstrong learned this lesson and of a fair countenance.” Compared to Goliath, David looked
while visiting Niagara Falls for the first time. He wrote about a small. But he was no weakling—he was a strong, robust fellow.
boulder that formed an enormous barrier to the rushing waters. He had spent long days and nights tending his father’s sheep,
“[T]he waters of that river swirled around the great rock, struck even fighting off lions at times to protect them (verses 34-35).
it head-on and splashed over it,” he wrote in his Autobiography. The key to David’s success—and ours—was his understand-
“One way or another the waters got past it, and hurried on to their ing that God is the one who fights and wins for us. We still have
destination—the falls, and then down the swift rapids of the river to do our part—David had to find a simple sling and search for a
on into Lake Ontario. The waters didn’t lie down. They didn’t few smooth stones—but faith is what enables us to prevail.
become discouraged. They didn’t quit. They found a way around Verse 48 shows that David ran to the fight. Like the men in
the impassable barrier, and on to their destination. Gideon’s army, David couldn’t wait to get on with the battle. As
“I decided that if inanimate, mindless elements could sur- long as we are poor in spirit and rich in faith and our
mount and find a way past obstacles, so could I. This experience hearts are in God’s work, we can rest assured
has often come back to mind when the going has gotten tough, or that, one way or another, God will win the
when I was tempted to become discouraged and quit.” battle for us. David prevailed against Goliath
Jesus described the Christian walk as proceeding through a with a mere sling and a stone!
narrow gate onto a long, difficult and bumpy road. Only a few, David’s miraculous victory didn’t end
He said, would be willing to finish the journey (Matthew 7:14). there. In 2 Samuel 21, we read of many
“God has never intended our lives, yielded to Him for His more giants who were slain by David and
service, to be a proverbial soft ‘bed of roses.’ God has not in- his men. Years earlier, the whole nation of
tended our Christian lives in His Israel was terrified at the thought of con-
service to run smooth and easy, fronting Goliath. But David’s inspiring
with no problems, no concerns,” example of courage and faith had given
Mr. Armstrong wrote in a co- birth to a nation of giant killers!
worker letter in 1955. “God In my freshman speech class, I
intended—ordained—that was more inspired by the young
we should be confront- lady who overcame her fears
ed with continual than by my own assignment.
problems, difficulties, Whether we are learning to slay
troubles—t hat we a giant or to act like one, God
should have to make will win the battle for us and
constant sacrifices, help us break through barriers,
learning to give up our and then our example of courage and
own ways and wants ....” faith will inspire others to do the same. n The Philadelphia Trumpet  January 2011 31

➤ crusade from page 3
set to clash
willing to take a dangerously divided little island as a Egyptian Muslims are
member? It would not be the first crusade launched from Cyprus! getting more radical,
According to biblical prophecy, the European beast power in keeping with
will hold power for 3½ years, and then Christ will destroy that biblical prophecy.
evil empire forever! We are entering the worst times ever, but
they will lead into the best news we could ever receive!

The King of the South

One of the main tourist attractions in Jordan is the Crusader cas-
tles. The Catholics built most of them to war against the Muslims
and control Jerusalem. These castles are stark reminders of the
bloody past—and a far bloodier future!
The Jews have Jerusalem now. But not for long. Both Muslims
and Catholics have designs for Jerusalem. These two great pow-
ers are about to clash again—go head to head in the final crusade
over Jerusalem!
In 1997, Iran conducted major war games code-named “Road
to Jerusalem.” Between 150,000 and 500,000 soldiers participated.
Iran pours vast resources into supporting the terrorist groups
bordering the Jewish state. Hamas and Hezbollah strongholds to
Israel’s west and north are awash in Iranian money and weapons.
Israeli sources recently revealed that Egyptian efforts to prevent
aid from reaching Hamas in the Gaza Strip have broken down,
and that Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps has smuggled “record
funds” to the radical Palestinian group. Iran and Syria have pro-
vided Hezbollah tens of thousands of rockets and missiles. Iran’s peace process.
Revolutionary Guards Corps has stepped up its training of Hez- This past year, Ahmadinejad emphasized the global signifi-
bollah’s soldiers. It has built a set of underground tunnels and an cance of the festival. The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism
underground telecommunications network for the terrorist group. Information Center reported that “according to Ahmadinejad,
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad personally visited southern Lebanon the issue of Jerusalem is not limited to one geographic area;
in October. He was welcomed like a superstar—“showered with it is not just a Palestinian issue and it is, in fact, ‘even greater
rice and rose petals by tens of thousands of Hezbollah support- than the issue of Islam.’”
ers who lined the streets and waved Iranian flags as his motor- Joseph de Courcy once wrote in the Islamic Affairs Analyst,
cade made its way from the airport to the presidential palace,” “Subscribers should be in absolutely no doubt about this. From
the Sydney Morning Herald reported (Oct. 13, 2010). Speaking to Iran’s support for subversion in Bahrain, through its improving
a raucously supportive crowd just two miles from Israel’s bor- ties with Egypt, its support for Hezbollah in Lebanon and the
der, he said, “The whole world knows that the Zionists are going Islamist revolutionaries in Khartoum, to its close strategic alli-
to disappear. The occupying Zionists today have no choice but ance with Moscow, everything has the same ultimate purpose:
to accept reality and go back to their countries of origin.” He the liberation of Jerusalem from under the Zionist yoke.”
called Lebanon the “focus point of resistance” against the Jews The U.S. has tried to isolate Iran. Almost no other nation
and stressed Iran’s commitment to “full liberation of occupied supports America. This attempt has failed. The U.S. is fighting
territory in Lebanon, Syria and Palestine.” against Bible prophecy.
What could be more provocative? Iran is advertising its strat- Iran is about to have nuclear bombs. Its leaders believe Amer-
egy to the world. It knows that conquering Jerusalem would help ica can be neutralized by terrorism—perhaps nuclear terrorism.
it unite the Arab world. Few people understand this Muslim pas- “We know but one word: struggle, struggle. Jihad, jihad, ji-
sion for Jerusalem and its holy sites! These are the kind of pas- had,” Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said in 1996. “When we
sions that cause war! stop our intifada, when we stop our revolution, we go to the
Iran will lead what the Bible calls “the king of the south” (Daniel greater jihad, the jihad of the independent Palestinian state with
11:40). This power will be comprised of the radical Islamic move- its capital Jerusalem.”
ment. Iran is working fiercely to lead this radically militant religion. Jihad is the Arab cry for holy war. They will get their war. But
Iran has virtually destroyed the peace process single-hand- it will not be holy. It will lead to the worst suffering this planet
edly. But still, the world continues to talk about peace. Iran and has ever experienced!
radical Islam don’t want peace, and words won’t deter them.
This past September, one day after Israeli and Palestinian Final Crusade Prophesied
leaders agreed to resume talks on a U.S.-backed peace deal, Ah- “And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at
madinejad urged Palestinians not to abandon their armed strug- him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a
gle against the Jews. whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many
The occasion was Quds Day—or Jerusalem Day—Iran’s annu- ships [perhaps from Cyprus]; and he shall enter into the coun-
al display of support for the Palestinian cause and the “liberation tries, and shall overflow and pass over” (Daniel 11:40). This king
of Jerusalem.” Started in 1979 by Ayatollah Khomeini, Jerusalem of the south is the Iran-led radical Muslims. They are strong and
Day is an occasion for Iran and its supporters to denounce Israel are pushing others around in the Middle East.
and call for its destruction, praise terrorism and condemn the Soon they will push at the king of the north, the so-called

32 January 2011  The Philadelphia Trumpet

Holy Roman Empire—the The Jews appear to invite them in as peacekeepers. But this
same religious power that was leads to a great double-cross, prophesied in Ezekiel chapter 23.
behind the Crusades. And that (Request our free booklet Ezekiel: The End-Time Prophet.)
push will surely revolve around The Jews should remember the history of the violence and
Jerusalem. bloodshed by the Crusaders. Then perhaps they would choose
Just 20 years ago, nobody differently.
could have even imagined two “He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries:
world powers coming out of and the land of Egypt shall not escape. But he shall have power
the Middle East and Europe. over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious
But God knew exactly what things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at
would happen. Nobody but his steps” (Daniel 11:42-43). Many other countries are going to
God could have inspired these fall to this great power too.
prophecies. Everybody can see Twice it mentions that Egypt will not escape. For over three de-
these two great powers today. cades, Egypt has been the most moderate nation in the Middle East.
Just look at what is happen- Iran has pushed Egypt toward its own radical camp. That is be-
ing in Europe—and has been cause Egypt fears terrorism and its own radical Muslims. We have
for years. Pope John Paul ii seen that happen before our eyes, just as God prophesied it would!
worked feverishly to revive the
Holy Roman Empire. Twenty- The Good News
nine years ago, in Spain, Nov. At that point in prophecy, the Holy Roman Empire will face
9, 1981, he said this: “It can be disaster. “But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall
said that the European identity trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy,
is not understandable without and utterly to make away many” (verse 44). The Russians and
Christianity and that it is pre- Chinese will prepare for war with Europe. The Europeans will
cisely in Christianity that are see it happening and strike first. They will, however, be defeated.
found those common roots by which the Continent has seen its “And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the
civilization mature: its culture, its dynamism, its activity, its ca- seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his
pacity for constructive expansion in other continents end, and none shall help him” (verse 45). Notice, the religious
as well; in a word, all that makes up its glory. … leader will move his headquarters to Jerusalem—and not just for
“Find yourself again. Be yourself. Discover your origins, re- protection. He could go to many other cities that would be safer.
vive your roots. Return to those authentic values which made But this will be a religious act of faith. The Vatican considers
your history a glorious one and your presence so beneficent Jerusalem to be its most holy place on Earth—the “cen-
in the other continents.” ter of the universe.” Still, he will come to a most ignominious
During the Inquisition, over 50 million innocent people end. Nobody will be there to help him.
were killed in the name of “Christianity”! That’s right—50 There should be no chapter break between Daniel 11 and 12.
million! Was that history glorious? And you can add many mil- The story flow continues, illustrating that this religious war will
lions more as victims of the Holy Roman Empire. “Discover trigger a nuclear World War iii.
your origins, revive your roots. Return to those au- “And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince
thentic values which made your history a glorious one”? which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be
Those “origins” and “roots” and that “history” caused many mil- a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even
lions of people to die! to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered,
In Revelation 17, God paints a vivid picture of a great church as every one that shall be found written in the book” (Daniel 12:1).
a lavishly dressed harlot, holding sway over the nations. God sees There has never before been trouble like this. God promises to
things as they truly are! Let’s look at God’s view: “And I saw the protect His people physically. Otherwise, they would perish in a
woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood nuclear nightmare.
of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with As bad as this news is, it leads to the best news this world
great admiration” (Revelation 17:6). God sees this lady “drunken” has ever heard! “And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall
on the blood of the saints! Is killing God’s saints “glorious”? be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up,
The Holy Roman Empire will come at the king of the south there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days” (verse
like a whirlwind. Will there be a surprise attack from 11). The daily sacrifice is referring to God’s work. That work will
Cyprus? Will we see the final crusade launched from there? A be taken away—removed when God takes His people to a place of
whirlwind comes suddenly. So it doesn’t appear the attack will protection (Matthew 24:15-16; Luke 21:20-21). That must happen
be launched from Western Europe. because the abomination of desolation, or the king of the north,
We must understand the Holy Roman Empire and the Cru- is going to conquer America and Britain. But when that happens,
sades to understand the Catholics’ passion for Jerusalem. They you will be able to start counting days to the return of Jesus Christ
have a long history of spilling rivers of blood over Jerusalem. (Daniel 12:12). He will end these “holy wars” forever.
Notice what their first action is after they are victorious. “He Any child should understand that the fruits of these “holy
shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries wars” have been diabolical! There is no excuse for America and
shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Britain not knowing the truth. God has been sending His message
Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon” (Dan- in power for over 70 years! They have rejected it repeatedly. That is
iel 11:41). This army “enters” into the glorious land, or the Holy why they now must suffer so intensely. Finally, God will get their
Land. The Hebrew indicates this is a peaceful entry—not forced. attention and lead them to peace, full joy and abundance. n

str/afp/getty images The Philadelphia Trumpet  January 2011 33

much-needed jobs, including the quality ones who are poor by choice are the ones
Pope Meets the Queen ones, now reside in East Asia. You looked I have no sympathy for because they
Very disturbing news coming out of down on European countries, which didn’t feel that they are entitled to government
Britain and also from the pope (“Pope outsource as much with their socialist gov- handouts. I’ve even heard some brag
Meets the Queen—Insight ernments. The only country that they’d rather be on welfare because
Into Man’s Magnificent Fu- which followed you blindly— working is for “suckers,” and that they’d
ture!” December 2010). And not-so-Great Britain—is rather have “free” money. Well I’m sorry,
just this morning a headline currently the poor house of that money is not “free.” Those of us who
from the local newspaper Europe. At the Continent, we do work have to pay high taxes so those
read: “Conservative Catho- stick to our Rijnlands Model people can get their “free” money, and
lics Becoming More Asser- of economics. Stockholders I don’t appreciate people getting “free”
tive.” In a nutshell, the article have limited influence on cor- money at my expense. Jesus said those
says that a “new breed of porate decisions (which will who don’t work shall not eat.
theological conservatives has decrease in the coming years). Craig—Toronto, Ont.
taken to blogs and YouTube … The research and develop
to say the church isn’t Catho- departments of most U.S. Thy Kingdom Come
lic enough.” A well-written companies are in Europe and Yes, Joel, it is disturbing! (“Thy King-
and timely article Mr. Flurry! Prayerfully East Asia because the schools are higher dom Come,” December). Thanks for no-
more people will wake up to what is quality than yours. Money is not the big- ticing and caring. Portland is also known
really going on!  Emily Gray—Ohio gest meaning of our life—and last but as the “City of Roses”! It’s shocking even
not least, we believe in long-term results to me, living only five blocks from the
Magnificent Auditorium instead of quarterly results. You’ve handed hub of this depraved activity (but wish
Congratulations on completing the over all the means and knowledge to Chi- I didn’t), and I pray for the day I can get
beautiful new Armstrong Auditorium na—so don’t be surprised at this result. Be out of this city. The roots go deep when
(“The Magnificent New Armstrong Audi- humble, lower your economic standards examining this problem closely. It’s sur-
torium,” December). The photos are splen- drastically, take care of your weak and prising, but many “nice” people turn away
did and I look forward to seeing more. The poor and start over again. We have learned from discussing this. What a travesty of
story behind the building process is inspir- that the hard way over the last century. human nature! Your message is a most
ing. Steve Baranaskas—Maryland R. Koote—Netherlands welcome one. Thanks for taking note of
the sinful plight—or blight—of this city!
While reading the article and tog- Is China in the Bible? Carol—Portland, Ore.
gling on the images of the newly completed Once this series of articles is done,
Armstrong Auditorium and also toggling you should compile them as a companion Thank you for yet another mind-
on the former Ambassador Auditorium, I piece to the United States and Britain bending article. I had no idea about the
came away impressed by the magnificence in Prophecy (“Is China in the Bible?” enormity of Portland’s depravity. We
and glory of Armstrong Auditorium. I December). When I lived in Hong Kong tend to think of these terms relating to
have to say, nothing compares to this. It is for a short period, I found it odd that my Las Vegas or Hollywood. How very de-
truly breathtaking and, in one word, awe- subway stop in Victoria Park was named ceived are so many, including myself. Thy
some! God, has truly blessed His house. “Queen of Heaven.” I thought it referred Kingdom come. Richard Jenkins—Ohio
Cecilia Rivera—New York to Mary but I knew the Chinese were not
Catholic. I didn’t know they were once The Silk Superhighway
This Means War associated with Semiramis. Fascinating! You are dreaming (“The Silk Super-
I cannot understand that you [Amer- John Hopkin—North Carolina highway,” December). There is not a
icans] didn’t expect this result from your single reason for Europe to attack the U.S.
economic actions over the last 30 years Ending the War on Poverty There are hundreds of reasons for close
(“This Means War,” December). Who Good article (“Ending the War on cooperation. That the economy of the U.S.
began outsourcing jobs and knowledge to Poverty,” December). The poor will always is currently tanking is its own problem:
foreign countries out of their control only be there. Jesus knew it! As a citizen of a debt-financed consumption, outsourc-
because they work cheaper without com- country that receives donations, I can ing, unproductive and destructive finance
plaining? The slogan of your ceos, stock testify that they don’t eliminate poverty. industry, excessive military spending, tax
traders and corporate raiders is “greed is The solution to poverty lies in giving, not cuts for the super rich, a failing political
good,” no matter the harm. All of your in receiving! Yet even the best of all such system, drug addiction, gun addiction, no
ngos spend 90 percent of the donations on savings, wasting fossil fuels like there is no
their salaries/benefits and Prados, while 10 tomorrow, greed. … Change that and the
Correction percent is donated! Mathematics speaks! U.S. will prosper again.
The December 2010 issue, “Pope Meets Charles Shiroko—Ethiopia John Holmes—United States
the Queen—Insight Into Man’s Magnificent
Future!” stated that Benedict xvi’s visit
was the first visit by a pope to Britain and
I cannot speak for what is going on
in America, but from what I see here in Comments?
the Queen since the Reformation. Though the province of Ontario, Canada, there
it was not an official state visit, Pope John are many people who are poor by choice, or: The Trumpet, P.O. Box 1099,
Paul ii visited the Queen in Britain in 1982. and others by no fault of their own. The Edmond, OK 73083

34 January 2011  The Philadelphia Trumpet

Don’t Even Think About It
The wretched world of werewolves, vampires and zombies  By Joel Hilliker

hink positive. This world is ugly—but don’t be- painful and disgusting, health officials say these kids are asking
come a cynic or a brooder. That’s brilliant advice from for nasty, even dangerous infections, and are liable to give each
one of history’s spiritual giants, the Apostle Paul. “Fi- other blood-borne diseases like hepatitis and hiv. C’mon folks.
nally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, Do you really have to be told not to do this?
whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is Another mind-boggling trend coming to an urban center
gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy near you is zombie walking. It started in California nine years
of praise, think about these things,” he wrote (Philippians 4:8; ago and has spread, virus-like, to cities across America, Britain
Revised Standard Version). It’s one of the most helpful admoni- and Australia. Feeding off a booming film and television trend,
tions in Scripture about maintaining mental and spiritual health. multitudes—sometimes thousands strong—dress up like ghoul-
Take a glance around, and you see a world dead set on think- ish reanimated corpses, spattered with blood, for a few hours of
ing the polar opposite. Whatever is foul or crooked, whatever is public moaning and foot-dragging, pretending to be on the hunt
unjust and impure, whatever is grotesque, whatever is hateful, for human flesh. Parents bring their children and make it a fam-
if there is any degeneracy, anything barbaric and evil, anything ily affair, and police close streets and provide escort.
worthy of condemnation, that is what people tend to think on. There is an explanation for all this nonsense. These modern
The other night, after putting the kids to bed, amusements actually have evil roots that go back
I turned on the television. I walked to an adjoin- millennia.
ing room, which put the remote out of reach. God has seen it all. He knows the way to happi-
Suddenly—at the same time one of my daughters ness. He is full of joy; He is love (Psalm 16:11; 1 John
emerged from her bedroom asking for a glass of 4:8). He is light, and there is no hint of darkness in
water—an ad came on that showed four grotesque Him (1 John 1:5). He doesn’t find wickedness the
murders in about 10 seconds. “Do not look at the least entertaining, and He doesn’t dismiss evil as
television!” I said, scrambling for the remote. harmless fun (e.g. Psalm 11:5; Proverbs 14:9).
This repulsive nightmare was meant to attract God forbids us to consume blood (e.g. Leviti-
viewers to an upcoming program. Shows about cus 17:10; Acts 15:20), or to practice occultism and
bizarre, deviant acts and morbidly violent crimes witchcraft, with which it is often paired, as in
dominate the airwaves. vampire lore (Leviticus 19:26).
That schlock fittingly symbolizes the terminal He is a God of life. “[T]o be carnally minded
condition of our culture. As this sick world rots, is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and
people are increasingly fascinated with all things peace” (Romans 8:6). In ancient priestly law, God
dead—and undead. forbade even touching a dead body. “I have set be-
You’ve heard of Twilight, the series of books and movies about fore you life and death,” He says in Deuteronomy 30:19—“there-
a love affair between a glamorous vampire and a gorgeous woman fore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.”
he must protect from a hunky werewolf. The books have sold over But there is another spirit being that Scripture calls the “god
100 million copies and been translated into 38 languages; the three of this world” and “the prince of the power of the air, the spirit
films have raked in over $2 billion. “Box office gross” indeed. that now worketh in the children of disobedience.” He is the an-
Adding in popular tv shows like hbo’s True Blood and the cw tithesis of everything God is. He propagandizes and peddles evil
Network’s The Vampire Diaries, all told, vampire entertainment by any and every means—making it alluring and glamorous,
is now a $7 billion industry and growing. It’s a world of glamor, making it light and funny. He promotes the perverse. He exalts
romance and sex mingled with blood, violence and occultism. death. And he’s dangerously good at what he does. Scripture also
Millions of minds are marinating in this lurid material. Harmless calls him “the great dragon … that old serpent, called the Devil,
escapism, most people say. I disagree. But no one can argue that and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world.”
in some few, it’s having truly bizarre effects. The only blood God tells us to “drink,” symbolically, is that of
A subculture of people who consider themselves real vampires Jesus Christ, which was spilled to pay for our sins. Jesus said, “Ex-
is taking root and spreading. Joseph Laycock, author of Vampires cept ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have
Today: The Truth About Modern Vampirism, says these wackos ei- no life in you” (John 6:53). Is it any wonder the prince of the power
ther consume blood or believe they absorb life energy from people of the air has inspired a twisted yet seductive counterfeit about im-
around them—and most think their physical, mental and emotion- mortals who must drink human blood to sustain their existence?
al health will fade if they don’t feed. Somebody please slap them. Evil is a drug. It gets its hooks into you. Paul compared it to
Stupid teenagers are reportedly biting each other and licking slavery. It leads to death (Romans 6:16). Our society is saturated
or sucking each other’s blood. “These are kids who think they are with it, obsessed with it. No shock, then, that it’s increasingly
real vampires,” Dr. Orly Avitzur of the Consumers Union told an obsessed with death. They go together.
msnbc reporter. One teen wrote on a vampire-themed website, That’s why God warns us not to even start down that road.
“Having that thick, warm copper-tasting blood in my mouth is Abhor what is evil—cleave to what is good, He tells us. Shun twist-
the best thing I can think of! Sometimes my boyfriend lets me ed death mythology. Think up, think positive. Whatever is true,
feed off him. I let him feed off me as well.” think about that. Whatever is honorable, just, pure, lovely. If there
This passes for a hobby these days? Aside from it being sick, is any excellence, anything worthy of praise, think about that. n

getty images The Philadelphia Trumpet  January 2011 35

➤ monkey from page 9
Corinthians 2:11. The human spirit im-
parts the power of intellect to the human
brain. It enables man to think and reason,
to make calculated decisions and choices,
to create and compose, to stake out posi-
tions on ethics and morality, to set goals,
to pursue excellence.
Animals, on the other hand, have no
such spiritual component in their brains.
This is why chimpanzees, dolphins and el-
ephants are incapable of understanding
the things of man.
This past October, I watched the world-
renowned chamber orchestra Academy of
St. Martin in the Fields as it joined forces
with an extraordinarily talented Israeli
pianist named Inon Barnatan. They per-
formed an all-Mozart concert inside the
stunningly beautiful Armstrong Audito- U n i t e d St a t e s Florida, Tallahassee-Thomasville WTLF-DT/
Nationwide satellite  Galaxy 3 Trans. 21 11:30 WTLH-DT 9:30 am, Sun
rium here in Edmond, Oklahoma. am ET, Tue/Thu; Galaxy 5 Trans. 7 8:00 am Florida, Tampa  WXPX 6:00 am, Fri; WTTA 8:30 am, Sun
It was one of the best classical perfor- ET, Sun Florida, West Palm Beach  WPXP 6:00 am, Fri
mances our foundation has ever spon- Direct TV DBS  WGN Chan. 307 8:00 am ET, Sun Georgia, Albany  WBSK 9:30 am, Sun
sored. What a testimony it was to the awe- Direct TV DBS  ION Ch. 305 6:00 am ET, Fri Georgia, Augusta  WAGT-DT 9:30 am, Sun
Dish Network  ION Ch. 216 6:00 am ET, Fri Georgia, Brunswick  WPXC 6:00 am, Fri
some power and superior intellect in the Dish Network DBS  WGN Chan. 239 8:00 am Georgia, Columbus  WLGA 9:30 am, Sun
human mind compared to the brain of a ET, Sun Georgia, Macon  WBMN 9:30 am, Sun
monkey. Nationwide cable  WGN 8:00 am ET, Sun Georgia, Savannah  WGSA/WGCW-LP 9:30 am, Sun
If you were to observe a family of mon- Alabama, Birmingham  WPXH 5:00 am, Fri Hawaii, Hawaii Na Leo  Chan. 54 6:30 am, Sun; 8:30
Alabama, Dothan  WTVY-DT 8:30, Sun am, Wed
keys at the zoo in the afternoon and then
Alabama, Montgomery  WBMM/WBMM-DT Hawaii, Kaui Ho’ Ike  Chan. 52 9:30 am, Tue
attend the same concert I did later that 8:30, Sun Hawaii, Maui/Lanaii/Molokai/Niihau/Akaku  Chan.
night, how could you honestly conclude Alaska, Anchorage  KIMO-DT 8:30 am, Sun 52 6:30 pm, Sun; 3:30 am, Mon
that what you observed was pretty much Alaska, Fairbanks  KATN-DT 8:30 am, Sun Idaho, Idaho Falls  KPIF/KBEO 10:30 am, Sun
equal in mind power? Alaska, Juneau  KJUD-DT 8:30 am, Sun Idaho, Pocatello  KPIF 10:30 am, Sun
Arizona, Phoenix  KPPX 5:00 am, Fri Idaho, Twin Falls  KMVT-DT/KTWT-LP 10:30 am,
One reason we sponsor such fine Arizona, Yuma-El Centro  KSWT-DT 9:30 am, Sun
events at Armstrong Auditorium is to Sun Illinois, Bloomington  WHOI-DT 8:30 am, Sun
showcase the remarkable achievements Arkansas, Fayetteville  KWFT 8:30, Sun lllinois, Chicago  WCIU 9:30 am, Sun; WCPX 5:00
of the human spirit! Among other things, Arkansas, Fort Smith  KCWA 8:30, Sun am, Fri
Arkansas, Jonesboro  KJOS 8:30 am, Sun Illinois, Peoria  WHOI-DT 8:30 am, Sun
our concert series highlights the fact that
Arkansas, Rogers  KWFT 8:30, Sun Illinois, Rockford  WREX-DT 8:30 am, Sun
man is a uniquely created being with Arkansas, Springdale  KWFT 8:30 am, Sun Indiana, Fort Wayne  WPTA-DT 21.2 9:30 am, Sun
awe-inspiring potential. California, Bakersfield  KGET-DT 9:30 am, Sun Indiana, Indianapolis  WIPX 6:00 am, Fri
Consider again 1 Corinthians 2:11: “For California, Chico  KHSL-DT 9:30 am, Sun Indiana, Terre Haute  WBI 8:30 am, Sun
what man knoweth the things of a man, California, El Centro  KWUB 9:30 am, Sun Iowa, Austin KTTC-DT 8:30 am, Sun
California, Eureka  KUVU-DT 9:30 am, Sun Iowa, Cedar Rapids  KPXR 5:00 am, Fri
save the spirit of man which is in him? California, Los Angeles  KPXN 6:00 am, Fri Iowa, Des Moines  KFPX 5:00 am, Fri
even so the things of God knoweth no man, California, Monterey  KMWB 9:30 am, Sun Iowa, Keokuk  WEWB 8:30 am, Sun
but the Spirit of God.” Notice: Two California, Palm Springs  KESQ/KCWQ-DT 9:30 Iowa, Kirksville  KWOT 8:30 am, Sun
spirits are mentioned in this verse—the am, Sun Iowa, Mason City  KTTC-DT 8:30 am, Sun
spirit of man, which is in him, and the California, Redding  KHSL-DT 9:30 am, Sun Iowa, Ottumwa  KWOT 8:30 am, Sun
California, Sacramento  KSPX 6:00 am, Fri Iowa, Rochester  KTTC-DT 8:30 am, Sun
Spirit of God, which is not in man, but California, Salinas  KION 9:30 am, Sun Iowa, Sioux City  KTIV-DT 8:30 am, Sun
can be, if we surrender to God in repen- California, San Francisco  KKPX 6:00 am, Fri Kansas, Topeka  KSNT 8:30 am, Sun
tance and faith! California, Santa Barbara  KSBY-DT 9:30 am, Kentucky, Bowling Green  WBKO 8:30 am, Sun
There is, after all, a “missing link”! But Sun Kentucky, Lexington  WUPX 6:00 am, Fri
Colorado, Denver  KPXC 5:00 am, Fri; KWGN Louisiana, Alexandria  KBCA 8:30 am, Sun
it doesn’t connect man to mindless mon- 10:00 am, Sun Louisiana, El Dorado-Monroe  KNOE-DT 8:30 am,
keys in the jungle. It joins human beings to Colorado, Grand Junction  KKCO-DT 10:30 Sun
their heavenly Father. That link, as plainly am, Sun Louisiana, Lafayette  KLWB 8:30 am, Sun
revealed in the inspired Word of God, is Colorado, Montrose  KKCO-DT 10:30 am, Sun Louisiana, Lake Charles  WBLC 8:30 am, Sun
Jesus Christ! “For the wages of sin is death; Connecticut, Hartford  WHPX 6:00 am, Fri Louisiana, New Orleans  WPXL 5:00 am, Fri
Delaware, Dover  WBD 9:30 am, Sun Maine, Bangor  WABI-DT 9:30 am, Sun
but the gift of God is eternal life through Delaware, Salisbury WMDT-DT 9:30 am, Sun Maine, Presque Isle  WBPQ 9:30 am, Sun
Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). Florida, Gainesville  WCJB-DT 9:30 am, Sun Maryland, Hagerstown  WJAL 12:00 pm, Sun
This is the profound, irrefutable Florida, Jacksonville  WPXC/WPXJ-LP 6:00 Maryland, Salisbury  WBD 9:30 am, Sun
truth of the gospel message proclaimed am, Fri Massachusetts, Boston  WBPX 6:00 am, Fri;
Florida, Miami  WPXM 6:00 am, Fri WZMY 8:00 am, Sun
throughout the Bible. The living Jesus Florida, Orlando  WOPX 6:00 am, Fri Massachusetts, Holyoke  WBQT 9:30 am, Sun
Christ is our link to eternal life in the Florida, Panama City  WJHG-DT 8:30 am, Sun Massachusetts, Springfield  WBQT 9:30 am, Sun
Family of God! n Florida, Tallahassee WTXL 7:30 am, Sun Michigan, Alpena  WBAE 9:30 am, Sun

36 January 2011  The Philadelphia Trumpet

North Carolina, Fayetteville  WFPX 6:00 am, Fri Utah, Salt Lake City  KUPX 5:00 am, Fri
North Carolina, Greensboro  WGPX 6:00 am, Fri Vermont, Burlington WVNY 10:00 am, Sun
North Carolina, Greenville  WEPX 6:00 am, Fri; Virginia, Charlottesville  WVIR-DT 9:30 am, Sun
WNCT-DT 9:30 am, Sun Virginia, Harrisonburg  WVIR-DT 9:30 am, Sun
North Carolina, Lumber Bridge  WFPX 6:00 am, Fri Virginia, Norfolk  WPXV 6:00 am, Fri
North Carolina, New Bern  WNCT-DT 9:30 am, Sun Virginia, Roanoke  WPXR 6:00 am, Fri
North Carolina, Raleigh  WRPX 6:00 am, Fri; Washington D.C.  WDCW 8:00 am, Sun; WPXW
9:00 am, Sun 6:00 am, Fri
North Carolina, Washington  WNCT-DT 9:30 am, Washington, Kennewick  KCWK 9:30 am, Sun
Sun Washington, Richland  KCWK 9:30 am, Sun
North Carolina, Wilmington  WBW 9:30 am, Sun Washington, Seattle KVOS 8:30 am, Sun
North Dakota, Bismarck  KWMK 10:30 am, Sun Washington, Seattle-Tacoma  KWPX 6:00 am, Fri
North Dakota, Dickinson  KWMK 10:30 am, Sun Washington, Spokane  KGPX 6:00 am, Fri
North Dakota, Fargo  WDAY-DT 8:30 am, Sun Washington, Yakima-Pasco-Richland-Kenne-
North Dakota, Minot  KWMK 10:30 am, Sun wick  KCWK/KCWK-LP 9:30 am, Sun
North Dakota, Valley City  WDAY-DT 8:30 am, Sun West Virginia, Beckley  KVVA-DT 9:30 am, Sun
Ohio, Cincinnati  WSTR 8:30 am, Sun West Virginia, Bluefield  KVVA-DT 9:30 am, Sun
Ohio, Cleveland  WVPX 6:00 am, Fri West Virginia, Charleston  WLPX 6:00 am, Fri
Michigan, Cadillac  WGTU/WGTQ 9:30 am, Sun Ohio, Lima  WLIO-DT 9:30 am, Sun West Virginia, Clarksburg  WVFX-DT 9:30 am, Sun
Michigan, Detroit  WPXD 6:00 am, Fri; WADL Ohio, Steubenville  WBWO 9:30 am, Sun West Virginia, Oak Hill  KVVA-DT 9:30 am, Sun
10:00 am, Sun Ohio, Zanesville  WBZV 9:30 am, Sun West Virginia, Parkersburg  WBPB 9:30 am, Sun
Michigan, Grand Rapids  WZPX 5:00 am, Fri Oklahoma, Ada  KSHD 8:30 am, Sun West Virginia, Weston  WVFX-DT 9:30 am, Sun
Michigan, Lansing  WLAJ-DT 9:30 am, Sun Oklahoma, Lawton  KAUZ 8:30 am, Sun West Virginia, Wheeling  WBWO 9:30 am, Sun
Michigan, Marquette  WBKP 9:30 am, Sun Oklahoma, Oklahoma City  KOPX 5:00 am, Fri Wisconsin, Eau Claire  WQOW-DT/WXOW-DT
Michigan, Traverse City-Cadillac  WGTU-DT/ Oklahoma, Tulsa  KTPX 5:00 am, Fri 8:30 am, Sun
WGTQ-DT 9:30 am, Sun Oregon, Bend  KTVZ-DT 9:30 am, Sun Wisconsin, La Crosse  WQOW/WXOW 8:30 am,
Minnesota, Duluth-Superior  WDLH 8:30 am, Sun Oregon, Eugene  KMTR-DT 9:30 am, Sun; KEVU Sun
Minnesota, Mankato  KWYE 8:30 am, Sun 10:00 am, Sun Wisconsin, Milwaukee  WPXE 5:00 am, Fri
Minnesota, Minneapolis  KPXM 5:00 am, Fri Oregon, Klamath Falls  KMFD 9:30 am, Sun Wisconsin, Rhinelander  WAOW/WYOW 8:30
Mississippi, Biloxi  WBGP 8:30 am, Sun Oregon, Medford  KMFD 9:30 am, Sun am, Sun
Mississippi, Columbus  WCBI-DT 8:30 am, Sun Oregon, Portland  KPXG 6:00 am, Fri Wisconsin, Wausau  WAOW-DT/WYOW-DT 8:30
Mississippi, Greenville  WBWD 8:30 am, Sun Pennsylvania, Erie  WBEP 9:30 am, Sun am, Sun
Mississippi, Greenwood  WBWD 8:30 am, Sun Pennsylvania, Philadelphia  WPPX 6:00 am, Fri Wyoming, Casper  10:30 am, Sun
Mississippi, Gulfport  WBGP 8:30 am, Sun Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh  WPCW 9:00 am, Sun Wyoming, Cheyenne  KCHW 10:30 am, Sun
Mississippi, Hattiesburg  WBH 8:30 am, Sun Pennsylvania, Wilkes Barre  WQPX 6:00 am, Fri Wyoming, Riverton  10:30 am, Sun
Mississippi, Laurel  WBH 8:30 am, Sun Rhode Island, Providence  WPXQ 6:00 am, Fri
Mississippi, Meridian  WTOK-DT 8:30 am, Sun South Carolina, Charleston  WCBD-DT 9:30 am, Sun Canada
Mississippi, Tupelo  WCBI-DT 8:30 am, Sun South Carolina, Florence  WWMB/WWMB-DT Nationwide satellite  Galaxy 3 Trans. 21 11:30 am
Mississippi, West Point  WCBI-DT 8:30 am, Sun 9:30 am, Sun ET, Tue/Thu; Galaxy 5 Trans. 7 8:00 am ET, Sun
Missouri, Columbia  KOMU-DT 8:30 am, Sun South Carolina, Myrtle Beach  WWMB/WWMB- Nationwide cable  WGN 8:00 am ET, Sun; Vision
Missouri, Hannibal  WGEM-DT 8:30 am, Sun DT 9:30 am, Sun TV 4:30 pm ET, Sun; Grace Television Network
Missouri, Jefferson City  KOMU-DT 8:30 am, Sun South Dakota, Mitchell  KWSD 8:30 am, Sun 11:00 am ET, Sun.
Missouri, Joplin-Pittsburg KSXF 8:30 am, Sun South Dakota, Rapid City  KWBH-LP 10:30 am, Sun British Columbia, Vancouver  KVOS 8:30 am, Sun;
Missouri, Kansas City  KPXE 5:00 am, Fri South Dakota, Sioux Falls  KWSD 8:30 am, Sun CHNU 5:30 pm, Sun
Missouri, Quincy-Keokuk  WGEM-DT 8:30 am, Sun Tennessee, Jackson  WBJK 8:30 am, Sun British Columbia, Victoria  CHNU 5:30 pm, Sun
Missouri, St. Joseph  WBJO 8:30 am, Sun Tennessee, Knoxville  WPXK 6:00 am, Fri Maritime Provinces CIHF 7:30 am, Sun
Montana, Billings  KTVQ-DT 8:30 am, Sun Tennessee, Memphis  WPXX 5:00 am, Fri Ontario, Toronto  WADL 10:00 am Sun; CHNU 8:30
Montana, Bozeman-Butte  KBZK-DT/KXLF-DT 10:30 Tennessee, Nashville  WNPX 5:00 am, Fri pm, Sun; WUTV 10:00 am, Sun
am, Sun Texas, Abilene  KTWS-DT 8:30 am, Sun Quebec, Montreal WVNY 10:00 am, Sun
Montana, Glendive  KWZB 10:30 am, Sun Texas, Amarillo  KVII-DT/KVIH/KVIH-DT 8:30
Montana, Great Falls  KRTV-DT 10:30 am, Sun am, Sun
Montana, Helena  KMTF-DT 10:30 am, Sun Texas, Beaumont  KFDM-DT 8:30 am, Sun L atin America
Montana, Missoula  KPAX-DT 10:30 am, Sun Texas, Brownsville  KSFE-LP/KTIZ-LP 8:30 am, Sun Regional satellite  Galaxy 3 Trans. 21 11:30 am ET,
Nebraska, Lincoln-Hastings  KCWL-TV 8:30 am, Texas, Corpus Christi  KRIS-DT 8:30 am, Sun Tue/Thu
Sun Texas, Harlingen  KSFE-LP/KTIZ-LP 8:30 am, Sun El Salvador  WGN 6:00 am, Sun
Nebraska, Kearney  KCWL-TV 8:30 am, Sun Texas, Houston  KPXB 5:00 am, Fri Guatemala  WGN 6:00 am, Sun
Nebraska, North Platte  KWPL 8:30 am, Sun Texas, Laredo  KTXW 8:30 am, Sun Honduras  WGN 6:00 am, Sun
Nebraska, Scottsbluff  KCHW 10:30 am, Sun Texas, Longview  KCEB 8:30 am, Sun Mexico  WGN 7:00 am, Sun
Nevada, Reno  KREN/KREN-DT 9:30 am, Sun Texas, Lubbock  KLCW 8:30 am, Sun Panama  WGN 7:00 am, Sun
New York, Albany  WYPX 6:00 am, Fri Texas, Midland  KWWT 8:30 am, Sun; KMID
New York, Binghamton  WBXI 9:30 am, Sun 9:00 am, Sun C a r i bb e a n
New York, Buffalo  WPXJ 6:00 am, Fri; WUTV Texas, Odessa  KWWT 8:30 am, Sun; KMID Regional satellite  Galaxy 3 Trans. 21 11:30 am ET,
10:00 am, Sun 9:00 am, Sun Tue/Thu; Galaxy 5 Trans. 7 8:00 am ET, Sun
New York, Elmira  WBE 9:30 am, Sun Texas, Port Arthur  KFDM 8:30 am, Sun Aruba  WGN 8:00 am, Sun
New York, New York City  WPXN 6:00 am, Fri; Texas, San Angelo  KWSA 8:30 am, Sun Bahamas  WGN 8:00 am, Sun
WLNY 10:00 am Sun Texas, San Antonio  KPXL 5:00 am, Fri Belize  WGN 7:00 am, Sun
New York, Syracuse  WSPX 6:00 am, Fri Texas, Sherman-Ada  KTEN-DT 8:30 am, Sun Cuba  WGN 8:00 am, Sun
New York, Utica  WBU 9:30 am, Sun Texas, Sweetwater  KTWS-DT 8:30 am, Sun Dominican Republic  WGN 8:00 am, Sun
New York, Watertown  WWTI-DT 9:30 am, Sun Texas, Tyler  KCEB 8:30 am, Sun Haiti  WGN 7:00 am, Sun
North Carolina, Charlotte  WLMY 8:30 am, Sun Texas, Victoria  KWVB 8:30 am, Sun Jamaica  WGN 9:00 am, Sun
North Carolina, Durham  WRPX 6:00 am, Fri; Texas, Weslaco  KSFE-LP/KTIZ-LP 8:30 am, Sun Puerto Rico  WGN 8:00 am, Sun
9:00 am, Sun Texas, Wichita Falls  KAUZ-DT 8:30 am, Sun Trinidad and Tobago  WGN 8:00 am, Sun

The Philadelphia Trumpet  January 2011 37

Can you prove it?
Have you ever proved whether the Bible, as the Book itself purports,
is the authoritative Word of the Creator God?
Or have you simply assumed, from what you have heard, read or been taught,
either that it is authentic, or else that it is the religious writing of a small ancient Jewish
race, groping in the darkness of ignorance and superstition,
trying to develop a concept of God?
Isn’t it about time that you prove the answer to this important question?
Consider, if the Bible is in fact the inspired, authentic Word of a living, all-
powerful God, then your eternal life will be judged by it.
Request your free copy of our eye-opening booklet The Proof of the Bible.

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