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Lecture-3: Chapter-1 (Mechanics) Motion graphs Some common displacement-time graph: (a) Steep gradient (higher velocity) sim vs Some common velocity-time grap! (a) Steep gradient (higher acceleration) Vins" us Example-13: A bullet train starts from a station and travels along a straight horizontal track towards another station. The graph showed in right side shows how the velocity of the train varies with time over the whole journey. Using the graph, determine the total distance covered by the train. Solution: The total distance traveled, d = area under the v-t graph = Area of trapezium = Ys (2248) X 20 = 300 m. (b) Shallow gradient (low velocity) sim Us (b) Shallow gradient (low acceleration) Vims" Us 25 \V-t graph tee 19 a 8 Velocity, vim 3S of ~% 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Time, tis “Beample -14: The velocity -time graph of a car is shown in figure below. Describe the motion of the car. 255 vet graph aie 2 3 10 $ 54 0 ci 0 6" 0s Here 20, 9726: 90% 95; 740, 40) Time, Us Solution: [ Time’ Motion 1 OstoSs Velocity increases uniformly i.e. constant acceleration of a=15/5=3 m/s”. | Sstol0s | Velocity increases non-uniformly. Acceleration decreases from 3 m/sto 0 m/s’ i.e. the rate of | increase of velocity, though positive, is decreasing, T0sto15s | Constant velocity Le. zeros acceleration. | T5st020s | Velocity decreases uniformly from 20 m/s to 0 m/s Le. retardation of 20//5= 4 m/s". ae 20sto25s | Velocity is zero, i.e. car is at rest. { [35sto30s | Velocity increases uniformly i.e. constant acceleration of a=10/S=2 mis ay 30510 35s | Velocity decreases non-uniformly from 10 m/s to O m/s Le. variable retardation of 10//5=2 | mis’. Example -15: A locomotive pulling a train out from one station travels along a straight horizontal track towards another station. The graph below shows how the velocity of the train varies with time over the whoie journey. § 120 V-tgraph 100 80 60 = 40 20 ° ss 0 i 6. Gi. 18; 18 2A 24: (27: 9307535) Time, ts Using the graph, determine: ee athe acceleration of the train in the first 63 of the journey; 4) the maximum velocity attained by the train; ©) the time during which the train is at constant velocity; d) the time during which the train is retarding; @) the distance traveled during first 65; D the distance traveled during 6s to 18s; 8) the distance traveled during last 15s; hh) the total distance between the two stations; i) the average velocity of the train. Solution: a) a= 100/6 = 16.67 m/s’, 100 mis, ¢) 12s, dI5s, e)d= 4X 6X 100 = 300 m, f)d=12 X 100 = 1200 m, g) d= % X 15 X 100 = 750m, hh) dy= 300 + 1200 m + 750 m= 2250 m,i) = dr/ tr= 2250/33 = 68.18 mis. Two ensional motion J Projectile mation: When an object is thrown obliquely into space, itis called projectile and its motion is called projectile motion. A projectile moves through the space under the influence of gravitational force. Two ¢o- ordinate must be used to describe the projectile motion, since it moves horizontally as well as vertically. The it moves horizontally as well as vee eee notion of a football, cricket ball, missile etc. is examples of projectile motion. me definitions r 1g to projectile motion: a) Velocity of projection: The initial velocity at which an object is thrown upward is called velocity of projection. b) Angle of projection: The angle between the velocity of projection and the horizontal plane is called angle of projection. ¢) Time of flight: The time taken from the point of projection and return to the ground is called time of flight. 48) Ranges The distance the point of projection and the point at which it falls on a plane is called the range Derivation of equation of motion of a projectile: Leta projectile begins its flight from a point O with initial velocity voand making an angle « with the horizontal direction as shown in fig-I . Taking O as origin let the horizontal and vertical directions be considered along X and Y-axes. So, at =0, the horizontal component of initial velocity, Vp = ¥p Coser and vertical component, Vjo = Yp Sina Now from the equation of motion, ng Fa,f, WE get V, =Viq =Vocosa ['4, =0] (4-0) Let at tt, the projectile reaches the point P, whose co-ordinate is (x.y) and where its velocity is ¥.So. v the parallel to the ground ie, along X-axis is, x= ON = vp cosa xt displacement of the proje Fig-1: Projectile motion | Now. the vertical component of the velocity is. v, =¥,. +4,f or ¥, So, vertical displacement at t=t, y=PN= yy +¥yof + sae = y=0+y,sinat >y 2) li “Sin at — = gt”. 2 Putting the value of t from equi (1) into equation (2), we have y=, sina a8) In equation (3) a, g and v, are constants. So, taking tan a= b and waste ¢ as constants eq. (3) can be v5 COs? or written as; y = bx ¢ This isan equation of a parabola, Hence the path of motion (called trajectory) of a projectile is parabolic. ‘Now, we will derive some important expressions relating projectile mot (i) Maximum height of the path of a projectile: vi + 2as We know from equation of motion, v? Since the vertical component of the projectile is along Y-axis, so above equation reduces to, ie). Let the maximum height reached by the projectile be H when final velocity v= 0 Le. vy = 0. So, we get from VE av}, + 2d, Y evseee vesin? a sina] | 2) 0: a, =-g and ¥,y = 2,-2gH= vjsin’a-2gH > H equation (I), 0= v3, A 7 3). By knowing vo and g, H can be determined. Gi) Time to reach maximum height: ‘We know from equation of motion, v =v, +at. Since the vertical component of the projecti is along Y-axis, so above equation reduces to, Vy Mg FOL cescseeeeeeen(4) Now, the vertical component of initial velocity v,, =v, sina and at maximum height final velocity v= 0. So, from eq. (4) we get, 0 aay By knowing vo, g and a, t can be determined, Giii) Time of flight: Let the time of flight be T. Now, we know the time of ascend to the maximum height = ina _ 2v) sina g g time of descent to the ground. So, T= +t = 2t=2x (6) [ By using eq. (5)] By knowing vo. ganda, Tean be determined, iv) Horizontal range: The linear distance from inp of projection to the end of the flight is called the horizontal range. This is represented by R. R= horizontal component of the initial velocity X time of flight 2vy sina i x2sinacosa vy, sin 2a ote TE Re R=y,cosaxT => R=, cosax >R g g g By knowing vo, g and a, R can be determined, () Maximum horizontal range: From eq. (7), it is evident that R will be maximum when sin2a = 1 2 45°. In that case, Rygg = 2 ssseessssseee2e(8) g if an object is thrown at an angle 45° with the horizontal direction, the horizontal range will be 1) = sin 2a = sin90° > 2a = 90° => That i maximum, Questions related to projectile motion: Q. Show that the trajectory of a body projected obliquely in space is parabolic, Or Show that the trajectory of a projectile is parabolic. Q. Show that the maximum horizontal range R=v,? /g @. Derive the equation for distance travelled, time to reach the maximum height and time of flight of a projectile, @. Derive the equation of horizontal range of a projectile. Show that the horizontal range is maximum when itis projected at an angle 45°. Problems relating projectile Prob-I: A bouncing ball leaves the growd witha velocy of 4.36 mist an angle of 81 degrees above the horizontal. a) How ong adit take the ball 1 lanl? b) How high did the ball bounce? c) What was the bal's range? es a vasindar _ (4.36) sin@2x81) _ 4 69, g 981 =0.95m/s0) R= Prob-2: Look atthe diagram below. pallet is dropped fram a helicopter tothe ground. We will ignore the air resistance. Path of the pallet as it heads towards the gourd .) What is the horizontal velocity? 8) Can you show that the vertical velocity is 44.7 mis towards the ground? Note that the horizomal velocity is ignored, c) What iste resultant velocity ofthe pale just before it hts the ground? = 40m/s by Wehave, yes gar = Zor g Solution: a) We know, And aguinv, = Vg + gt = 0-+ 9.802% 4.52 = 44.3m/s = 44.7m/ s(shown) o) c.vev? v2 = 40? +44.3° = 59.69m/s. Prob-3 The horizontal range of projectile is Ym and its intial velaciy is 6 ms. Wha is the angle ofproection? Solution: We know, 96 x 9.8) (66) = 2a =12.473 Selfassessment: An object is throws at velocity 40m s making an angle 600 with the horizontal plane. Find dhe maximum height and the borizomal range

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