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A(n) _____ staffing policy is one in which all

key management positions are filled by
1. _____ refers to a strategy that is concerned
parent-country nationals. ethnocentric
with the selection of employees for particular
jobs. Staffing policy
13. A(n) _____ staffing policy limits
advancement opportunities for host-country
2. _____ refers to a subset of expatriates who
nationals. ethnocentric
are citizens of a foreign country working in
the home country of their multinational
14. A(n) _____ staffing policy requires host-
employer. Inpatriates
country nationals to be recruited to manage
subsidiaries, while parent-country nationals
3. _____ refers to the premature return of an
occupy key positions at corporate
expatriate manager to his or her home
headquarters. polycentric
country. Expatriate failure
15. A(n) _____ staffing policy seeks the best
4. A firm pursues an ethnocentric staffing
people for key jobs throughout the
policy because it: believes the host country
organization, regardless of
lacks qualified individuals for senior
nationality. geocentric
management positions.
16. A(n) expatriate manager refers to: a citizen
5. A firm that adopts a polycentric staffing
of one country who is working abroad in
policy is less likely to: suffer from cultural
one of the firm's subsidiaries.
17. According to Mendenhall and Oddou,
6. A firm's ability to reduce its use of
expatriate managers who lack the dimension
expatriates may be limited, particularly if it
of _____ tend to treat foreign nationals as if
is pursuing a(n) _____ staffing
they were home-country
policy. geocentric
nationals. perceptual ability
7. A firm's failure to understand host-country
18. According to Mendenhall and Oddou,
cultural differences that require different
perceptual ability refers to: an
approaches to marketing and management
expatriate's ability to empathize.
is referred to as _____. cultural myopia
19. According to Mendenhall and Oddou,
8. A polycentric staffing approach is effective
relationship development and willingness to
for firms pursuing a(n) _____
communicate are two important factors of
strategy. Localization
the dimension of _____. others-orientation

20. According to Mendenhall and Oddou, the

9. A principal concern of domestic unions
attribute of _____ provides an expatriate the
about multinational firms is that the
ability to understand why people of other
company can counter its bargaining power
countries behave the way they
with: the power to move production to
do. perceptual ability
another country.
21. According to Mendenhall and Oddou, the
10. A(n) _____ approach to staffing has the
dimension of _____ refers to the relationship
following disadvantages: it limits career
between the country of assignment and how
mobility and it isolates headquarters from
well an expatriate adjusts to a particular
foreign subsidiaries. polycentric
posting. cultural toughness
11. A(n) _____ refers to extra pay the expatriate
receives for working outside his or her 22. According to Mendenhall and Oddou, what
country of origin. foreign service premium is the major problem in the selection of
appropriate candidates for overseas
assignments in many firms? Equating
domestic performance with overseas success in foreign postings is involved in this
performance potential situation? Cultural toughness

23. According to Mendenhall and Oddou, which 32. Broadly speaking, a(n) _____ staffing
of the following dimensions that predicts approach is compatible with an
success in a foreign posting strengthens an international strategy. Ethnocentric Cost-
expatriate's self-esteem, self-confidence, of-living allowance
and mental well-being? Self-orientation
33. During performance appraisals, two groups
24. According to Mendenhall and Oddou, which evaluate the performance of expatriate
of the following is a dimension that seems to managers—host-nation managers and
predict success in a foreign home-office managers. This is aimed at
posting? Others-orientation avoiding the problem of
_____. unintentional bias
25. According to Mendenhall and Oddou's
dimensions that predict success in a foreign 34. Firms pursuing a(n) _____ staffing policy
posting, relationship development refers may be better able to create value from the
to: the ability to develop long-lasting pursuit of experience curve and location
friendships with host-country nationals. economies than firms pursuing other
staffing policies. geocentric
26. According to Mendenhall and Oddou's 35. Firms that emphasize global standardization
dimensions that predict success in a foreign try to create value by: realizing experience
posting, which of the following is a result of curve and location economies.
the attribute of others-orientation? The
expatriate speaks to the host-country 36. Firms that have a broad geographic scope
nationals in the local language. are most likely to have a(n) _____ mind-
set. geocentric
27. According to R. L. Tung's study, which of
the following is the most important reason 37. Firms that pursue a localization strategy try
for expatriate failures for U.S. to create value by: emphasizing local
multinationals? Inability of the spouse to responsiveness.
38. Firms that use an ethnocentric staffing
28. According to the results of a seminal study policy consider it to be: the best way to
by R. L. Tung, the top reason that Japanese maintain a unified corporate culture.
expatriate managers fail is: the inability to
cope with larger overseas responsibilities. 39. For expatriate managers, an exclusive
reliance on English: diminishes their
29. According to the results of a seminal study ability to interact with host-country
by R. L. Tung, what was the major reason for nationals.
expatriate failure among European
expatriates? Inability of spouse to adjust to 40. From a strategic perspective, the key issue in
a new environment international labor relations is: the degree
to which organized labor can limit the
30. According to the survey undertaken by choices of an international business.
Towers Perrin, which of the following
countries provides the highest pay to HR 41. Home-country managers' performance
executives? The United States appraisals may be biased by: distance
and by their own lack of experience of
31. Amanda, an American manager, is working abroad.
successfully adjusting in a country where the
culture is extremely male-dominated. 42. How is a geocentric staffing policy beneficial
According to Mendenhall and Oddou, which to a firm? It enables the firm to make the
of the following dimensions that predict best use of its human resources.
43. If a firm tries to create value by transferring themselves into day-to-day life in the host
core competencies to a foreign operation and, country. practical training
therefore, transfers parent-country
nationals who have knowledge of that 52. In the 1960s, organized labor began to
competency to the foreign operation, it establish _____ to provide worldwide links
pursues a(n) _____ staffing for national unions in particular
policy. ethnocentric industries. international trade
44. In a firm with a(n) _____ staffing policy,
considerable resentment is caused among 53. In the 1960s, organized labor believed that
foreign nationals who are members of the by coordinating union action across
international cadre and work with U.S. countries through an international trade
nationals, if pay is not secretariat, it could counter the power of a
equalized. geocentric multinational corporation by: threatening
to disrupt production on an international
45. In a review of the research on expatriate scale.
selection, _____ state(s) that a major
problem in many firms is that human 54. In the absence of a reciprocal tax treaty, the
resource managers tend to equate domestic expatriate: may have to pay income tax to
performance with overseas performance both the home- and host-country
potential. Medenhall and Oddou governments.

46. In firms following a(n) _____ staffing 55. In the context of approaches to expatriate
policy, the issue of compensation can be pay, which of the following is true of a
reduced to that of how much home-country balance sheet approach? It provides
expatriates should be paid. ethnocentric financial incentives to offset qualitative
differences between assignment locations.
47. In firms following a(n) _____ staffing policy,
the lack of managers' mobility among 56. In the context of expatriate compensation,
national operations implies that the pay for what is the role of a balance sheet
expatriates should be kept country approach? It equalizes purchasing power
specific. polycentric across countries so employees can enjoy the
same living standard in their foreign
48. In terms of expatriate pay, what does a firm posting that they enjoyed at home.
typically do when a reciprocal tax treaty is
not in force? The firm pays the 57. In the context of international labor
expatriate's income tax to the host-country relations, a labor union concern arises when
government. an international business: attempts to
import employment practices and
49. In terms of expatriate pay, which of the contractual agreements from its home
following is a characteristic of a foreign country.
service premium? It compensates
expatriates for having to live in an 58. In the context of international labor
unfamiliar country. relations, one of the reasons for a decline in
union influence is the: importing of
50. In terms of expatriate pay, which of the employment practices and contractual
following is true of a foreign service agreements that are alien to the host
premium? It is paid as a percentage of base country.
salary, with 16 percent being the average
premium. 59. In the context of international labor
relations, which of the following is true of
51. In terms of training and management organized labor? It limits a firm's ability to
development, _____ is aimed at helping the integrate and consolidate its global
expatriate manager and family ease operations.
60. In the context of international labor 69. Most countries require extensive
relations, which of the following is a concern documentation if they wish to hire a foreign
of organized labor? An international national instead of a local national. This is a
business keeps highly skilled tasks in its disadvantage of the _____ staffing
home country and farms out only low- approach. geocentric
skilled tasks to foreign plants.
61. In the Swiss firm Terabithia Systems AG, all 70. One aspect of a(n) _____ staffing policy is
the important positions in its international the need for a cadre of international
operations are held by Swiss nationals. managers that may include many different
Terabithia follows a(n) _____ staffing nationalities. geocentric
policy. ethnocentric
62. International businesses differ in terms of 71. Organized labor responds to the increased
their approaches to international labor bargaining power of multinational
relations, mainly in the degree to corporations by: trying to achieve
which: labor relations activities are international regulations on multinationals
centralized or decentralized. through the United Nations.

72. Poor health care and housing standards and

63. International businesses differ markedly in inhospitable climate make it difficult for
their approaches to international labor expatriates to adjust to a particular posting.
relations. The trend now is toward _____ According to Mendenhall and Oddou's four
that reflect(s) international firms’ attempts dimensions that predict success in a foreign
to rationalize their global posting, which of the following is required in
operations. greater centralized control this situation? Cultural toughness

64. International businesses pursuing a(n) 73. Repatriation refers to: reentry of
_____ strategy are increasingly using expatriate managers into their home-
management development as a strategic tool country organization.
as they need a strong unifying corporate
culture and informal management networks 74. The _____ function of an international
to assist in coordination and business is typically responsible for
control. transnational international labor relations. human
resource management
65. International firms try to create value
by: transferring products and 75. The long-term goal for organized labor to
competencies overseas. establish international trade secretariats was
to: be able to bargain transnationally
66. International trade secretariats have been with multinational firms.
less successful because of the: competition
between national unions to attract 76. The major drawback with a(n) _____
investment from international businesses. staffing policy is the gap that can form
between host-country managers and parent-
67. Megan, a U.S. citizen, is the operations country managers. polycentric
manager at the Middle East office of HS 77. The norms and value systems of an
Constructions Inc., an American firm. In organization constitute its
this situation, she is an example of a(n) _____. corporate culture
_____ manager. expatriate
78. What is the advantage of a geocentric
68. Mendenhall and Oddou identified that staffing policy? It enables firms to build a
expatriates with _____, a dimension that cadre of international executives who feel
predicts success, were able to adapt their at home working in a number of cultures.
interests in food, sport, and music. self-
orientation 79. Which of the following allowances ensures
that an expatriate will enjoy the same
standard of living in the foreign posting as at
home? 90. Which of the following is the most common
approach to expatriate pay which equalizes
80. Which of the following is a characteristic purchasing power across countries so
feature of an ethnocentric staffing employees can enjoy the same living
policy? It places parent-country nationals standard in their foreign posting that they
in key management positions. enjoyed at home? Balance sheet approach

81. Which of the following is a disadvantage of 91. Which of the following is true of a foreign
adopting a geocentric staffing service premium? It is offered to
approach? Training and relocation costs expatriates as an inducement to accept
increase when transferring managers from foreign postings.
country to country.
92. Which of the following is true of a
82. Which of the following is a disadvantage of polycentric staffing policy? It prevents
an ethnocentric staffing policy? It leads mistakes arising from cultural
to resentment in the host country. misunderstandings.

83. Which of the following is a drawback of 93. Which of the following is true of
adopting a polycentric staffing approach? It organizations like the International Labor
bridges the gap between the headquarters Organization and the Organization for
of a firm and its foreign subsidiaries. Economic Cooperation and Development in
terms of their role in international labor
84. Which of the following is an additional and relations? They have adopted codes of
difficult dimension to the long-standing conduct for multinational firms to follow in
problem of expatriate failure due to the labor relations.
inability of the spouse to adjust? Dual-
career families 94. Which of the following staffing policies
relies extensively on the use of expatriate
85. Which of the following is an advantage of a managers? Ethnocentric staffing policy
geocentric approach to staffing for
international businesses? It helps build a 95. Which of the following steps is true of bias
strong culture and informal management in performance evaluations? Due to
networks. proximity, an on-site manager is more
likely to evaluate the soft variables that are
86. Which of the following is an advantage of important aspects of an expatriate’s
adopting a geocentric staffing approach? It performance.
tends to reduce cultural myopia and
enhance local responsiveness. 96. Which of the following strategies is
compatible with a geocentric staffing
87. Which of the following is an advantage of policy? Global standardization strategy
adopting a polycentric staffing
approach? It is less expensive to 97. Which of the following is intended to build
implement as compared to other staffing a manager's skills over his or her career with
approaches. the firm? Management development

88. Which of the following is an advantage of an 98. With a(n) _____ staffing policy, the
ethnocentric staffing policy? It helps expatriates are all home-country nationals
transfer core competencies to a foreign who are transferred abroad. ethnocentric
99. With regard to the types of allowances often
89. Which of the following is an impediment to included in an expatriate's compensation
cooperation between national unions? The package, a(n) _____ allowance is paid when
wide variation in the structure and the expatriate is being sent to a difficult
ideology of unions location. hardship
100. Yuriko, a citizen of Japan, was working as
a manager in the Japanese branch of an
American firm. Due to her efficiency, she
was assigned a temporary posting at the
headquarters of the firm in America. In this
situation, she is known as a(n)
_____. inpatriate

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