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Arranged by :

Yuyu Buono Ayuning Pertiwi (1806138586)

Mita Widia Pangesti (1806217810)
Gardini Dena Raditha (1806217602)
Althea Lakeisha Suryatin (1806217546)



We, the undersigned declare to the best of our ability that the paper here with is an authentic
writing carried out by ourselves. No other authors or work of other authors have been used
without any reference to its sources.

This paper has never been presented or used as paper assignment for other courses except if
we clearly stated otherwise.

We fully understand that this assignment can be reproduced and/or communicated for the
purpose of detecting plagiarism.

Name :1. Yuyu Buono Ayuning Pertiwi (1806138586)

2. Mita Widia Pangesti (1806217810)
3. Gardini Dena Raditha (1806217602)
4. Althea Lakeisha (1806217546)
Course : Advanced Statistics
Paper Title : Effect The Hours Spend for Study (Per Week) to Students GPA in FEB UI
Date : 10th May 2019
Lecturer : ​Witri Indriyani S.E.,M.Ec.
Signature :

Yuyu Buono A.P Gardini Dena Raditha Mita Widia.P

(1806186586) (1806217602) (1806217810)

Althea Lakeisha



Praise and gratitude we give to the Almighty God because it is the reason we can finish
this ​Effect The Hours Spend for Study (Per Week) to Students GPA in FEB UI ​paper.
This paper was made for the precondition of the Advanced Statistics courses as the final
assignment. We know that this writing is still far from perfect, but with help and support from
many people, we can manage to finish our paper.

With that, we also want to say thank you to our Advanced Statistics lecturer, Mrs. ​Witri
Indriyani S.E.,M.Ec. who already guide us through our series of work to finish this paper, and
because of that we can finish this paper as best as we can.

This paper was made to make the readers know effect the hours spend for study to the
students GPA. We hope that the readers can get any kind of insights from our paper.

Depok, 10th May 2018






1.1. ​Background 4

1.2 Goals of Study 4

1.3 Scope of Study 4

1.4 Data Collection and Data Processing 4


2.1 T​heoritical Basis 7

2.1.1 ​Simple Regression Analysis 7

2.2​ ​Observation Results 8

2.2.2 Simple Regression Analysis 8

2.2.​3 Interpretation 9


3.1 C​onclusion 1​0

3.2 S​uggestion 1​0


1.1 Background
In this era of globalization, education is considered as a first step for every human
activity and it plays an important role in the development of human capital and an individual
opportunities for having a better prospects of future life. Every success is achieved through
hard work and diligence, there is no way we could achieved great things without doing those
two things. We all know that studying plays an important role in their academic performance
in order to achieve highest GPA.

Study habits are important as they influence the academic performance of students so
parents and teachers must help in improving the study habits of students, but like we all
know, in FEB UI there is a lot of excellent students who achieved highest GPA even though
they have others activities such as organization and extracurricular. Based on our observation,
our groups want to know how significance the impact of hours of studying (in hours; per
week) to student’s GPA.

1.2 Goals of Study

From this research, we have several goals for our main topic :
1. To verify whether hours of studying has a significance impact to student’s
2. The conclusion and recommendation for this research.

1.3 Scope of Study

Based on our discussion, we used FEB UI’s students as our respondent regardless on
its major and batches. From 111 respondents, we choose 105 respondents as our raw data due
to their answers are relevant with the questions.

1.4 Data Collection and Data Processing

For data collection, we used primary data using questionnaire through ​jotform
website. We used an online questionnaire because it is affordable and easy for both the
respondents to answer the questions and our group to get the summary of the answers. We

also used simple random sample as our sampling method to collect data. each sample has
same probability of being selected from the population in this sampling method. It ensures
that the samples vary as much as the population itself.
Secondly, for the data processing we used the simple regression analysis to analyze
our data. Since we used the simple regression analysis, there’s only one explanatory variable,
in this case is studying (per week) and he response variable that we used in this case is
weekly hours that spent for studying (in hours). In our analysis, we used Microsoft Excel to
ease us for calculating the simple regression output.


2.1 Theoritical Basis

2.1.1 Simple Regression Analysis
Regression analysis is one of the most widely used statistical methodologies in
business, engineering, and the social sciences. In the introductory case, Madelyn is interested
in examining how income and the unemployment rate might influence debt payments. In
another scenario, we may want to predict a firm's sales based on its advertising: estimate an
individual's salary based on education and years of experience; predict the selling price of a
house on the basis of its size and location; or describe auto sales with respect to consumer
income, interest rates, and price discounts. In all of these examples, we can use regression
analysis to describe the causal relationship between the variables of interest. The relationship
between the response variable and the explanatory variables is deterministic if the value of
the response variable is uniquely determined by the explanatory variables; otherwise, the
relationship is inexact.
In simple linear regression model, which uses one explanatory variable, denoted ​x​1​, to
explain the variation in the response variable, denoted y. For case of exposition when
discussing the simple linear regression model, we often drop the subscript on the explanatory
variable and refer to it solely as x. In the next section we extend the simple linear regression
model to the multiple linear regression model, where more than one explanatory variable is
presumed to have a linear relationship with the response variable.
A fundamental assumption underlying the simple linear regression model is that the
expected value of y lies on a straight line, denoted by β​0​+β​1​x , where β​0​, and β​1​, (the Greek
letters read as betas) are the unknown intercept and slope parameters, respectively.
The expression β​0​+β​1​x is the deterministic component of the simple linear regression
model, which can be thought of as the expected value of y for a given value of x. In other
words, conditional on x, E(y)=β​0​+β​1​x. The slope parameter β​1​, determines whether the linear

relationship between x and E(y) is positive (β​1​> 0) or negative (β​1​< 0): β​1​=0 indicates that
there is no linear relationship.
The simple linear regression model is defined as:
where y and x are the response variable and the explanatory variable, respectively, and is ε
the random error term. The coefficients β​0 and
​ β​1​, are the unknown parameters to be

2. 2 Observation Results
2.2.1 Simple Regression Analysis
We used the hours spent for study (per week) as independent variable and the
students GPA as dependent variable. From the data that we have collected, we used Microsoft
excel to calculate the Regression statistics and ANOVA table below:

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value

Intercept 3,67047807 0,032625306 112,5040203 1,2756E-109

Time to 0,002930694 0,002963722 0,988855989 0,325050908

Study :

From the table above, we can derived the sample regression as:

Then, in our case we can derived again the formula into the simple linear equation as

GPA = β​0 +
​ β​1 Time
​ to Study + ε 

From the regression equation above, we can say that the increase of hours spent for
study (per week) could influence the GPA of students FEB UI. Student who spending more
on hours of study may have a higher GPA than students who spending less on hours of study
per week. Then, from the regression equation above we can conclude that if your time to
study is zero, the GPA will still be there.

Goodness of Fit Measures

To know the goodness of fit, we can calculate the measures of coefficient of
determination (R​2​). R​2 is used to know how much variation (movement) od dependent
variable is influenced by variations in independent variable. To compares with R​2​, there are
some terms, that is the number of independent variable must be same, the number between
two models must be same, and the dependent variables also must be same. To calculate
goodness of fit, we can use the formula below:

R​2​ = 1 ​- (​ SSE/SST)

R​2​ = 1 ​- (​ 6,243940765/6,301766248)

R​2​ = 0,009176075
From the calculation above, we know tha the R​2 have the lower result. It can make the
hours spent for study (per week) and the GPA of students FEB UI didn’t have a significant
effect. But, the R​2 ​can be less compatible, if there is new variable which entered the error. The
condition means that reduce other variables. In that condition, we can used Adjusted R​2​. We
can calculate the Adjusted R​2​ with the formula below:
Adj R​2​ = 1 – (1-R​2​)(n-1/n-k)

In this case, we don’t use the adjusted R​2​ because we don’t input the new variable to
our data, especially our error. we only used the adjusted R​2​ if we input the new variable in our

2.2.2 Interpretation
From the analysis before, we can conclude that the hours spent for study (per week)
and students GPA in FEB UI didn’t have a significance effect. Students who have more hours
spent for study not necessarily have a higher GPA. This conclusion depend on two reason.
First, the R​2 that we have calculate, shows that the R​2 have a value of 0,009176075, it means
tha the R​2 ​is the lower R​2​. To make a significant effect between hours spent for study (per
week) and the GPA of students in FEB UI, we need a higher number of R​2 . Second, with α =
0.05 , the significance F must be lower than α, if you want there is a significant effect of
hours spent for study (per week) and students GPA in FEB UI. But, with α = 0.05, the
significance F is 0,331019748. To make a significant effect, the analysis must produce a
result tha α < significance F.


3.1 Conclusion
For the research “Effect of The Hours Spent for Study to (per week) to Students GPA
in FEB UI” we can conclude that there is not significance effect of the hours spend for
study to students GPA in FEB UI. The reason is because the regression statistics have a
lower R² and the significance F is more than the 5% significance level. In other hand, we
predict that each person have different ability when study so the time of study can’t be
3.2 Recommendation
Because our research show that there is no significant effect of the hours spend for
study to students GPA in FEB UI, our recommendation is focuss on how to repair the
data, so that the data is more valid. First, we can use a minutes to measure the lenght of
study. When we use minutes, the variance is bigger than we use hours and the causality
can be detect. Second, we can give additional information to equalize the respondent
perceptions about time to study. If the perceptions from each person is equal, different
from the each data is not large.


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