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School New San Jose Elementary Grade Level :

School Grade 5
Teacher Mendoza, Jennielyn M Learning Area :
Teaching Dates and November 18, 2019 Quarter :
Time First Quarter

I. Objectives At the end of the class 100% of the students will

gain 80% profiency in:

 Identifying the difference between chemical and

physical change.
 Explaining the concepts of chemical and physical
 Appreciate the changes in matter through active
participation in class.
A. Content Standard  The learners demonstrate understanding of the
effects of temperature on materials.
B. Performance Standard  The learners should be able to investigate the
different changes in materials as affected by
C. Learning Competency  Describe changes in materials based on the effect
of temperature:
4.1 Solid to liquid
4.2 Liquid to solid
4.3 Liquid to gas
4.4 Solid to gas
II. Content Changes in Matter
III. Learning Resources
A. References:
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages Discover and Explore Science 5 pg.
4. Additional Materials cartolina, printed pictures, marker, box
from LR
B. Other Learning Resource powerpoint presentation, laptop, projector
IV. Procedure

A. Daily Routines

1. Prayer

Before anything else. Let us ask ____ to lead

us in prayer.
Dear Lord, Thank you for this wonderful
day. May you give us the knowledge and
wisdom to learn from our class for today.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

2. Greetings

Good morning children!

Good Morning Ma'am!

Did you have a nice sleep last night!

Yes We Did!
Is that so? I hope you are all ready for our
class for today.

3. Checking of Attendance

Before we proceed, Is anyone absent for

today? Yes ______.

I'm glad to tell you that no one is absent

today Ma’am.

Very Good! Give yourself five claps for

attending the class today.


4. Checking of Assignment

Yesterday I gave you an assignment. Please

bring out your notebook and exchange with
your seatmates.
Please read the instruction. Yes _____.

Put a check mark () if the following is a

solid, heart () if the following is liquid and
X mark if Gas.
Very good! Who would like to answer the
first one? Yes_____.

Amazing! Next, _______.

Excellent! Yes _______.

Bravo! Next one. Yes ______.
Last one? Yes ____.
Very Good!

Count the number of correct answers and

pass it forward.

B. Review of Past Lesson

Yesterday we learned about the three states

of matter. What are they? Yes_____.

Solid, Liquid and Gas.

Very Good! What are some examples of

Solid? Give me one, Yes ____.

Excellent! Another example, _____.


Nice! How about examples of liquid?

Right! Another, yes_____.


Very Good! How about Gas? Yes _____.


Excellent! Seems like you listened very well

to yesterday’s discussion.

C. Motivation

I have a box here full of sort of things. I want

someone to come in front and pick one item
and do what I ask. Is that clear?

Very Good. Who wants to go first? Yes

( got clay)

What did he got?


Right it is a clay. Could you form it into a

( form into a round shape)

Did the clay change?


What changes happened to the clay?

It changes in shape!

Very Good it changes in size. But is this still


Right! I'm going to give _ scissors, can you

cut the clay into pieces.
( Cut into pieces)

Very Good! Now children is this still clay?


Yes! This is still clay, it only changes in size.

Who want to comes next? Yes _.

( got ball of paper)
What did she got?
Ball of paper!

Very good! That is a ball of paper. Now, I

want you to burn that paper using this
( burn the paper)

What happened to the paper?

It turned to ashes!
Right! It turned to ashes. Is the composition
of ashes similar to the paper?

Very Good. It changes in composition.

D. Lesson Proper

Today we are going to talk about the changes

in matter.

Matter undergoes changes. These changes

can be seen bot only in the physical
appearance but also in the chemical
composition of the object. It is classified in
two namely Physical change and Chemical

Have you observe the clay a while ago? It

changes when _____ cut it in smaller pieces,
But is it still clay?

Is there a new substance form?


What changes happened to the clay?

It changes in size and shape.

Very Good! It changes in size and shape.

That is an example of physical change. In this
type of change only the size, color, shape and
state of the substance change. The
composition remained as it is

Here are some examples. What is in the

The man is cutting meat.

Excellent! Cutting meat is an example of

physical change. Why? Yes _.
Because it only change in size.

Right! Another picture shows an example of

physical change. Can you tell me what it is
yes _.

Boiling water.

Very Good! Heating water is an another

example of this type of change, why?
Because it only changes the temperature.

Yes! Because no matter how we heated the

water it's still water right?

Now you already know what happens in a

physical change. Can you guess what
happens in a Chemical Change? Yes _.
It changes in composition.

Bravo! Chemical change is characterized by

the formation of new substances with new
properties and compositions.In this change,
the identifying characteristics of the original
substance are lost.
Look closely at this matchstick. It has two
parts: A small stick of wood and a head
containing a chemical. As I light this match,
the red tip burst into flames. The flame is a
sign that Chemical Change occurred. As the
flame burns the stick, I blow the flame. Look
at the difference of a burned stick and a new
one. Are they different?

Very Good! When a match burns, it gives off

combustion gases like carbon dioxide and
water. The match stick is converted into
charcoal when lighted.

Another example is the paper we burned a

while ago. After we burned the paper does it
looks the same?

Right! It turned to ashes. As it turned to ashes

it's composition changes, therefore it's an
example of chemical changes.

These are example of chemical changes.

What is in the first picture? Yes _.

A rusty metal.

Very good it is a metal with rust. Does

chemical change occurred?


When a metal is exposed to moisture rust
is formed.
Right! Because the composition of the metal
is different from the composition of rust.
Next picture, yes _.

Our digestive system.

Excellent! This is the digestive system of the

body. How does it shows chemical change?
Yes _. When we eat, it turns the food into
nutrients that is distributed to our whole


Give yourself 10 claps for cooperating.

E. Activity 1

For our first activity. Put a star sign ( ) on the

blank if the example shows physical change
and heart sign (♥) if it shows chemical

Who wants to go first? Yes _.

Very Good! Next, yes _.

Nice! Yes _.

Bravo! Next number, yes _.

Amazing! Last one, yes _.

Very Good!

F. Activity 2

For the next activity, I have here a chart with

two columns. First column is for Physical
Change and the Second one is for Chemical
change. You have to pick one sentence, read
it aloud and classify whether it shows
chemical change of physical change. Is that

Who wants to go first? Yes _.

Chemical Change
Very Good! Next, yes _.

Physical Change
Nice! Yes _.

Chemical Change

Bravo! Next number, yes _.

Physical Change
Excellent! Next, yes _.

Physical Change
Amazing! Last one, yes _.

Chemical Change
Very Good!

G. Generalization

Today's lesson is about the changes in matter.

What are the two types of changes? Yes _.
Chemical Change and Physical Change.

Very Good! What changes in Physical

Change occurs?
Changes in color, size, and shape.

Right! How about in chemical changes?

Changes in the composition.

Excellent! Give yourself 5 claps for today!

H. Evaluation

Identify whether the statement shows

Physical Changes or Chemical Changes.

_____________1. rust and iron

_____________2. crushed chalk
_____________3.burned matchstick
_____________4.digestive system
_____________5.cloth cut into 4 part.
_____________6. Photosynthesis
_____________7. melted butter
_____________8.boiling water
_____________9.decaying animals
_____________10.making ice cubes

You have 10 minutes to answer the following

in a one whole sheet of paper.

(after 10 minutes)

Exchange paper with your seatmates.

Who wants to answer number one? Yes

1. Chemical Change
Very Good! Next, yes _____.
2. Physical Change

Very Good! Next, yes _.

3. Chemical Change
Nice! Yes _.
4. Chemical Change

Bravo! Next number, yes _.

5. Physical Change

Excellent! Next, yes _.

6. Chemical Change

Correct! Yes _____.

7. Physical Change

Very good! Yes_____.

8. Physical Change
Right! Next _____.

9. Chemical Change
Amazing! Last one, yes _.

10.Physical Change
Very Good!

I. Assignment

For your assignment, draw or cut out pictures

that shows the changes in environment. Put it
in a short bond paper.
That's all for today class! I hope you learned
many things from me today! Goodbye and
see you tomorrow.

Goodbye Ma’am!

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