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Biga II, Silang, Cavite

Grade 12-E & Grade 11-I

CN NAME: ___________________________ YR. & SEC: _________________

 Teacher: MS. MAUREEN L. MADIANO DATE: ______________________

DIRECTIONS: Read the statement carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on
your answer sheet.

For items 1-4, decide which parts of speech are the following underlined words. Select your
answers from the box.

1. My friend said, "Oh! What a cold weather!"

2. We first went to the store to buy a few things.
3. My friend wasn't strong enough to lift his heavy rucksack.
4. You have to believe in yourself if you ever expect to be successful at something.
5. Rice and beans, my favorite dish, __________ me of my native Puerto Rico.
A. remind C. is reminding
B. reminds D. are reminding
6. Most of the milk _____ gone bad. Six gallons of milk _______ still in the refrigerator.
A. has ---- are C. have ---- were
B. have ---- is D. has ---- was
7. The SMS Girlstown Choir, as well as the International Choral Society and the Philippine
Musical Troupe, __________ to submit an exclusive song composition.
A. need C. has needs
B. needs D. have need
8. Far from being a poor city with little diversity, New Orleans certainly ___ as one of the most
interesting spots in the United States.
A. rank C. has ranked
B. ranks D. have ranked
9. Don’t worry, she ________ by herself.
A. used to living C. is used to living
B. is used to live D. has been use to live
10. If he ________ with his girlfriend, he ________ now.
A. didn’t broken up/wouldn’t suffer
B. hadn’t broken up/ wouldn’t suffer
C. didn’t break up/wouldn’t be suffering
D. hadn’t broken up/wouldn’t be suffering
11. As most sports magazines can attest, playing sports such as tennis and basketball ___ not
only mental ability but also physical strength.
A. require C. had required
B. requires D. has requirement
12. That Shakespeare was one of the most talented writers, ___ an understatement to those who
are really familiar with the field of literature.
A. is C. was
B. are D. were
13. She ______ extremely quiet since her husband died.
A. is C. has been
B. was D. have been
14. Despite the bad weather we have had in the past days, there ___ no doubt that the tournament
will go on.
A. are C. was
B. is D. were
15. The students and instructors each ________for a new facility by next year.
A. hope C. has hope
B. hopes D. have hopes

For items 16-22: Identifying error.

1 6 . He was quite amusing when he heard what had happened.
1 7 . He stopped to see if he could picked up the trail.
1 8 . He jumped down after shouted a warning to those standing below.
1 9 . I saw the blind man crossed the busy road without any help.
2 0 . The robber gave the victim with a hard blow.
2 1 . After a few minutes, I look up and saw that it was getting dark.
2 2 . It is important to take pride with whatever we do in life.

For items 23-28, complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.
23. ____ ten o’clock in the morning, I went to the beach to catch fish with my net.
A. at C. in
B. by D. on
24. I have never seen your brother. What’s he ____?
A. as C. like
B. into D. for
25. My mother is abroad, so my dad is taking care ____ us at the moment.
A. at C. of
B. in D. to
26. The bus stop is just around the corner; it’ll take you five minutes ____ foot to get there.
A. by C. on
B. off D. through
27. I don’t get ____ with my boss. He’s so rude!
A. along C. good
B. better D. well
28. I accused her ____ stealing my wallet but she insisted about her innocence.
A. by C. of
B. from D. with

For items 29-30, analyze the paragraph and answer the following questions.

The happiness habit is developed by simply practicing happy thinking. Again, do

not affirm that things will not go well that day. Make a mental list of happy
thoughts and pass them through your mind several times everyday. Savor their joy.
If an unhappy thought should enter your mind, immediately stop, conscious eject it,
and substitute a happy thought.
29. What sentence can be paraphrased as “Remove all unhappy thoughts and replace them with
happy thoughts”?
A. Sentence 1 C. Sentence 2
B. Sentence 5 D. Sentence 4
30. If the sentence below is added as sentence 6: “By merely saying that, you can actually make
it so and bad things will really happen.” What would the new order of the sentence be?
A. 1-2-3-4-5-6 C. 1-3-4-5-2-6
B. 1-5-2-4-3-6 D. 1-5-6-2-4-3

For items 31-32, analyze the following sentences and pick out the correct signal words.
31. Everyone knows that newspapers are very important; __________ the business of putting up
a newspaper has become a very important affair.
A. hence C. nevertheless
B. in addition D. therefore
32. A daily newspaper has several important functions; _________ great care is taken to ensure
these functions.
A. hence C. naturally
B. therefore D. yet
33. What should you NOT do as preparation for an interview?
A. Research the company.
B. Learn the company’s concerns and problems.
C. Practice top interview questions and answers.
D. Memorize key answers to interview questions.
34. Which of the following is a good interview strategy?
A. Criticize your former employer.
B. Do not ask questions of your interviewer.
C. Remember to smile often and to be friendly.
D. Do not bring anything into the interview with you.
35. Who is the most important person to greet in a friendly and respectful manner?
A. The interviewer C. The secretary
B. The receptionist D. All of the above
36. A portfolio may contain all of the following, EXCEPT:
A. Examples of your work C. Recommendation letters
B. Personal photographs D. Your résumé
37. Which of the following resume components is where you should state your career goal?
A. Profile C. Summary
B. Objective D. Training
38. In which section would you most likely include your bilingual skills?
A. Additional Information C. Education
B. Contact Information D. Employment History
39. Which of the following should NOT be a part of a resume?
A. Contact Information C. Employment History
B. Education D. Religious Affiliation

40. After the interview, you should do all the following EXCEPT:
A. Decline job offers you do not want to take by writing a cordial letter of refusal.
B. Write a follow-up letter to each person you spoke with or to the person in charge of the
C. Send a follow-up letter thanking the employer for the interview and reemphasizing your
interest in the position.
D. If you receive a job offer by phone, accept the offer by phone without any further action
beyond showing up for your first day of work.
41. Which of these statements contains a good resume objective?
A. Can be one size fits all.
B. Should be short, concise, and written to focus exclusively on the job you are applying for.
C. Should be very long. After all, the more words you put into it, the more important you
will seem.
D. All of the above
42. What should you do if an employer asks an illegal question?
A. Refuse to answer.
B. Take them to court.
C. Answer the question.
D. Use your best judgment depending on the question and the circumstances
43. Which of the following is okay to do at an interview?
A. Be a few minutes late C. Inquire about your salary.
B. Answer your cellphone. D. Ask the employer questions.
44. You’re asked what your biggest weakness is. How do you answer?
A. “Honestly, I don’t really have one.”
B. “I sometimes find myself sleeping in a very important meeting. But I’m doing my luck to
overcome this weakness.”
C. “I’m a perfectionist. As a result, I often work very hard, perhaps even too hard. I’m
usually at the office for more hours than the average employee.”
D. “I can sometimes be disorganized. I have been trying to become more organized by
creating a calendar for myself and categorizing things in folders. So far, these methods
seem to be working.”
45. What is the purpose of an interview?
A. To land a good job
B. For the job candidate to talk about his achievements
C. For the employer to test the interviewee by asking tricky questions
D. To match employees with the employer that best suits them, and vice versa
46. Which of these things should you NOT bring to an interview?
A. A pen and paper C. Copies of your resume
B. A list of references D. A friend’s curriculum vitae
47. Which of these is NOT a good reason for wanting to work for a company?
A. Your vision aligns with the company’s mission.
B. The location, salary, and benefits are all great.
C. You have skills that you think will contribute to the company’s goals.
D. All of the above
48. What is the safest thing to wear to an interview, if you cannot find out anything about the
company’s dress code?
A. A suit C. A collared shirt and trousers.
B. Any bright-colored dresses D. A comfortable t-shirt and jeans

49. Which one of these things should you always try to do during an interview?
A. Inquire about your employer’s status.
B. Ask everything you want to know about them.
C. Smile and nod at everything the interviewer says.
D. Ask your interviewer(s) for their business card and/or contact information at the end.
50. You think the employer might ask you for a list of references during the interview. What
should you do prior to the interview?
A. Instruct your references to tell white lies about you.
B. Choose to not tell your references that they may be contacted.
C. Let your references know that they might be contacted, but don’t give them more details
about the job.
D. Let your references know that they might be contacted and tell them about the job you’re
seeking and why you’re a good fit for it.
51. What could be your best answer if your interviewer asks you what you think about your
previous boss?
A. “He was alright, but we weren’t that close.”
B. “He was a good leader and really kept the team focused and on-task.”
C. “He was really good but I hate him when he brags about his achievements to us.”
D. “We didn’t exactly get along because he made a lot of impossible demands and was
constantly on the phone.”
52. An angry customer calls and threatens to harm you and/or your coworkers. Which action
should NOT be taken?
A. Terminate the call C. Listen without interrupting
B. Notify your supervisor D. Fill in a Threat Matrix form
53. When talking about your past experiences, you should:
A. Tell everything in detail.
B. Only mention your successes.
C. Only mention things that occurred at work.
D. Not be afraid to mention things that happened outside of work or failures as long as it
provides a good answer to the question.
54. You are concerned that a co-worker is lying on her time card. Even though it doesn’t impact
you directly, it still makes you angry. What is the best thing to do regarding this?
A. Apply maximum tolerance.
B. Pretend you know nothing about it. It really isn’t your business anyway.
C. Discuss your concerns with your supervisor and let her handle the situation.
D. Sneak a peek at her confidential files to find out. After all, if she’s lying, you could save
the company a lot of money by getting her fired.
55. Your interviewer asks you what your greatest strengths are. How do you respond?
A. Give the best quality you have.
B. By listing five or ten qualities you think are your best ones.
C. Give two or three strengths and concrete examples of them.
D. Say all the qualities and requirements that were listed on the job description.
56. Which is the best option to do when you’re asked a really difficult question and you don’t
know the answer off the top of your head?
A. Just say the first thing that comes to mind.
B. Ask, “Can you please proceed to the next question?”
C. Answer, “That’s a tough question. I’m really not sure.”
D. Take a deep breath and think of an answer while paraphrasing the question.

57. Your boyfriend is going on a business trip to London and he invites you to tag along. You
really want to go but you don’t have the vacation hours.
A. Call in sick for a few days. They can’t argue with the flu.
B. Tag along and explain to your supervisor after you come back.
C. Tell your supervisor about the opportunity and ask if you can take unpaid leave. If not,
you’ll just wait until next time.
D. Tell your boss that there is a family emergency and you have to go to London. Hey, it’s
half-true! This is the kind of opportunity doesn’t happen every day.
58. On the morning of an important presentation, you wake up violently ill. What is the most
important thing to do?
A. Go back to sleep. Explain later.
B. Text your boss at 4AM, and describe your symptoms so she is sure to believe that you are
actually sick.
C. Email your boss with an explanation and an apology. Forward any files your team may
need to conduct the presentation without you.
D. Drink a double dose of extra joss, and crawl into work so you can give the presentation
for as long as your body will allow you to stand.
59. A supervisor asks Annabel to sign off on a report that she doesn’t really understand. What
must she do to handle this situation?
A. Obey the command of your supervisor.
B. Sign it. If your boss asks you, it must be fine.
C. Tell your boss that you can’t sign it. If the document is valid, why can’t she sign it
D. Ask someone with more knowledge to help explain the information in the report. Once
you are comfortable with it, you’ll be happy to sign off.
60. The interviewer says, “Tell me about yourself.” Which of these is the best answer?
A. “I was born in Oregon and moved to the East Coast with my family when I was twelve.
After graduating from high school, I attended college and worked a couple of part-time
B. “I graduated AB Mass Communication in Minnesota University. I have been a cook in
their pantry. I love serving the students and they told me that I’m friendly and nice.”
C. “I’m a pretty outgoing person with an open personality. I love meeting other people and
visiting new places. One of my favorite things to do is spend time with friends. I also like
to travel. Last summer, I took a trip to Europe with a couple of buddies. We had a great
D. “I enjoy helping people and this drives my desire to master the art of customer servicing.
I have been training with Advance Contact Solution Services for the past two years and
have learned many useful skills about handling calls. I think my experiences have
prepared me to be a great customer representative.”

Prepared: Checked:


Trainer, CCS NCII SAC, TVET Department

Noted Approved


Assistant Principal School Principal


1) B 36) B
2) C 37) B
3) A 38) A
4) D 39) D
5) A 40) D
6) A 41) C
7) B 42) D
8) B 43) D
9) C 44) D
10) D 45) D
11) A 46) D
12) A 47) B
13) C 48) A
14) B 49) D
15) B 50) D
16) B 51) B
17) D 52) A
18) B 53) D
19) B 54) C
20) C 55) C
21) B 56) D
22) B 57) C
23) A 58) C
24) C 59) D
25) C 60) D
26) C
27) A
28) C
29) B
30) A
31) A
32) B
33) D
34) C
35) D

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