Diastasis Rectis

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Squats – Adductors

Place a ball or rolled up towel between your knees.

Place feet about hip width apart (depending on ball size).

Toes point forward, or slightly turned out, based on what is comfortable for you.

Knees are in line with the middle of your feet.

Hold onto something solid like a door handles or a band from the door.
Something you trust to hold you as you lean back.

Keep your chin tucked, and neck long, core engaged with ribs down.

Squeeze the ball on the way down with about a 50% effort – too much will cause
your hip flexors to fire.

Lengthen your glutes, don’t allow them to squeeze and tuck on the way down or
arch your back and flare your ribs.

NOTE: Keep your big toes on the ground the whole time – if they lift you have
lost your core control

Inhale: lower down into squat. PF relaxes down. 360 rib expansion

Exhale: Stand back up on your exhale. PF contracts up.

If this is too hard exhale to go both down and up

Diastasis Recti Foundational Program © katrinaoakley.com

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