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Centro para el Desarrollo del Hábitat y la Construcción

Equipo de Bilingüismo
Evidence: Greetings, farewells and introductions
Name: ___________________________ Partner’s name: __________________________
Group: ___________________________ Date: ________________________________

English A Greetings Script

You and a partner are going to write a short skit in English and present it for the class…IN ENGLISH!  You
must write a final script to hand in before you do your presentation. You should also write your script twice on separate
sheets of paper to read from during your presentation (one per partner).
For each of the four sections of your script, a point is given for each sentence required. See below for an English
script guide. Use your notes to write out your Spanish script. No sentences can be repeated!! That means if you say
“hello” for your greeting, your friend should say “good morning” or something besides “hello.” Do not use any words
that we have not learned in this class.
Section 1 - Greetings:
Partner A: Choose one - Hello, good morning, good afternoon, etc. (1 pt)
Partner B: Choose a *different* one - Hello, good morning, good afternoon, etc (1 pt)
Section 2 - Introductions:
Partner A: What is your name? (1 pt)
Partner B: My name is ________. (1 pt) And you? (1 pt)
Partner A: My name is ________. (1 pt)
Partner B: Nice to meet you. (1 pt)
Partner A: Likewise. (1 pt)
Section 3 - How are you? :
Partner B: How are you? (1 pt)
Partner A: I am __________. (1 pt) And you? (1 pt)
Partner B: I am __________, thank you. (1 pt)
Section 4 - Goodbyes:
Partner A: Choose one – goodbye, until tomorrow, etc. (1 pt)
Partner B: Choose a *different* one – goodbye, until tomorrow, etc. (1 pt)

One final copy of your script must be typed or written neatly on a clean sheet of paper in pen, and should be uploaded
into Blackboard Platform at home when you do your presentation on.

Toda la información tomada de otras fuentes tiene fines exclusivamente educativos del Centro para el Desarrollo del Hábitat y la Construcción-
Sena- Regional Antioquia

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