Nama: Eva Nurmalasari NPM: 191FF01061 Kelas: D3 1 Fa2

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NPM: 191FF01061


During the holiday after I graduated from high school, my farmily and I
went on vaacation to Sukabumi. At that time it was very impromptu, because I was
going to Bandung but my family invited me to Sukabumi. Alright then me and my
family went to love because I have a home a to be loved again so I and my family
stayed for 3 days 3 night Sukabumi.
On the first day, my family and I went to Selabintana, the place is very
beautiful because it is located at the foot of Mount Pangrango. There the view is
green, cool, refreshing, no hot words, and no barren words. Good for spot photos,
strategic, until I want to go home from that place so comfortable.
On the second day, my family and I to the Pelabuhan Ratu. Honestly I don’t
like high school which a called the sea , even the swimming pool I was very scared
especially with the sea that the water was very swift, because I once drowned in the
swimming pool so until now I have a water phobia, like at sea or in a swimming
pool. But I enjoy the baeauty of the Pelabuhan Ratu, although somewhat afraid
because many myths are circulating among the lokal community.
On the thrid day, my family and I went to shopping at Supermall Sukabumi.
This is the thing I’ve been waiting for the most. I’m a person who likes shopping,
fashion crazy, like lavishly wasteful of money and at the time me and my family
shop as much as I could at Supermall after that I went home.

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