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Nemetschek Campus

Allplan 2005

Step by Step
Data Backup
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software. Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
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reproduced or transmitted in any form or by means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express
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Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows NT® and IntelliMouse® are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft
BAMTEC® is a registered trademark of Häussler, Kempten
MicroStation® is a registered trademark of Bentley Systems, Inc.
DXF™, 3D Studio MAX® and AutoCAD® are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Autodesk Inc. San Rafael, CA.
Parts of this product were developed using LEADTOOLS.
(c) 1991-2000, LEAD Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Allcad®, Allplan® and Allplot® are registered trademarks of Nemetschek AG, Munich.
Allfa® is a registered trademark of Nemetschek CREM Solutions GmbH & Co. KG, Ratingen.
All other (registered) trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

©Nemetschek AG, Munich, 2005. All rights reserved.

1st edition, June 2005.

Document No. 050eng01s17-1-PS0605

Data Backup Contents I

Welcome ......................................................................................... 1
Sources of Information .......................................................................................2
Documentation for Allplan.........................................................................................2
Additional Help ...............................................................................................................3
Training, Coaching and Project Support........................................................4
Feedback ..................................................................................................................5

General Introduction to Data Backup ..................................... 7

Data Backup Principles........................................................................................8
Data Backup Strategies .......................................................................................9
Data backup with a minimum of effort.................................................................9
Data backup according to the ‘grandfather-father-son principle’........... 10

Introduction to Data Backup in Allplan ...............................13

General Information on the Data Backup Procedure using Allplan... 14
Allplan’s Folder Structure ................................................................................ 15
Folder structure on a standalone workstation ................................................. 15
Folder structure in a network environment ...................................................... 16
Determining the folder structure on your computer..................................... 17
Backup Procedures in Allplan......................................................................... 18
Data backup using the Services application...................................................... 18
Data backup using Allplan ....................................................................................... 18
Data backup using Windows Explorer or the operating system ................ 18
Data Backup in a Network Environment .................................................... 19
Map folders.................................................................................................................... 20
Suitable Backup Media..................................................................................... 22
II Contents Allplan 2005

Backing Up Allplan Data .......................................................... 27

Setting the Backup Device .............................................................................. 28
Backing up and Restoring Entire Projects.................................................. 30
Saving a project to hard disk.................................................................................. 31
Saving a project to floppy disks............................................................................. 33
Restoring a project saved to hard disk................................................................ 36
Restoring a project saved to floppy disks .......................................................... 38
Restoring parts of a project .................................................................................... 40
Updating project attributes .................................................................................... 43
Backing up and Restoring Drawing Files .................................................... 44
Saving drawing files to floppy disk (uncompressed)...................................... 44
Restoring uncompressed drawing files from floppy disk ............................. 45
Backing Up and Restoring the Office Standard ....................................... 47
Backing up the office standard ............................................................................. 48
Restoring the entire office standard.................................................................... 49
Restoring parts of the office standard................................................................ 50
Backing Up and Restoring Any Folder......................................................... 52
Backing up any folder ............................................................................................... 53
Restoring any folder................................................................................................... 54
Backing Up Data using the External Path .................................................. 55
Setting the external path......................................................................................... 55
Backing up data using the external path........................................................... 56
Restoring data using the external path.............................................................. 60
Backing Up Data to DVD, CD and Tape ....................................................... 62
Using CD/DVD Drives.................................................................................................. 62
Using tape drives......................................................................................................... 68

Backing Up Other Settings and Data .................................... 71

Using .bak Files.................................................................................................... 72
Backing Up Toolbar Configurations ............................................................. 74
Saving User-Specific Default Values ............................................................ 76
Overview of Default Values............................................................................. 78

Index.............................................................................................. 79
Data Backup Welcome 1

Welcome to Allplan, the high-performance CAD program
for architects.
Data backup is one of the most important topics in the
IT industry. Even if you are working with large amounts
of data without being confronted with any problems, it is
a topic you cannot afford to ignore.
Not only hardware failure, but also user error can cause
valuable data to be lost irrevocably. An efficient backup
strategy will reduce the risk of data loss to a minimum
and cover your archival needs at the same time.
In this step-by-step guide, you will learn all about
Allplan’s data structure and you will also learn how to
back up and restore Allplan data.
This chapter covers the following:
 Documentation for Allplan
 Additional help on Allplan
 Where to turn for training, coaching and project
2 Sources of Information Allplan 2005

Sources of Information
Documentation for Allplan
The Allplan documentation consists of the following:
• The online Help is the main source of information for learning
about and working with Allplan.
While you work with Allplan, you can get help on the current
function by pressing the F1 key, or activate Help on the
Standard toolbar and point to the icon on which you require
• The manual consists of three parts. The first part shows you how
to install Allplan. The second part provides an overview of basic
concepts and terms as well as methods for entering data in
Allplan. The third part contains a tutorial.
• The brochure New Features in Allplan provides information on
what's new in the latest version.
• Each volume in the Step-by-Step series deals with a specific
concept or series of tools/modules in Allplan in detail. The areas
covered include data exchange, system administration, geodesy
modules, presentation tools, 3D modeling etc. These guides can
also be obtained from the Nemetschek training department:
Nemetschek Deutschland GmbH
Campus Center Munich
Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1
81829 Munich

Phone: (0 18 01) 75 00 00
Fax: (0 18 01) 75 00 01
Data Backup Welcome 3

Additional Help

Tips for efficient usage

The Help menu contains the Tips for efficient usage item. This topic
provides an overview of important tips and tricks.

User board
User board provided in our Serviceplus portal: thousands of users
exchange their knowledge. Register now:

The LineLetter is a publication that appears several times a year. It is
sent in digital form free of charge to Serviceplus customers. The
LineLetter includes practical tips and tricks on all program areas.

FAQs on the Internet

Up-to-date FAQ’s are available on the Internet at the following
Note: You can also get this address right from the program. On the
Help menu, point to Nemetschek in the Internet and click FAQs.

Feedback on the Help

If you have suggestions or questions on the online Help, or if you
come across an error, send an e-mail to:
Note: You can also get this address right from the online Help. To do
this, go to the Allplan menu and click Help Feedback.
4 Training, Coaching and Project Support Allplan 2005

Training, Coaching and Project Support

The type of training you are given is a decisive factor in the amount
of time you actually spend working on your own projects: A
professional introduction to the programs and advanced seminars for
advanced users can save you up to 35% of your editing time!
A tailor-made training strategy is essential. Nemetschek’s seminar
centers offer an extensive range of programs and are happy to work
out a custom solution with you that will address your own needs and
• Our sophisticated, comprehensive seminar program is the
quickest way for professional users to learn how to use the new
• Special seminars are designed for users who wish to extend and
optimize their knowledge.
• One-on-one seminars are best when it comes to addressing your
own particular methods of working.
• One-day crash courses, designed for office heads, convey the
essentials in a compact format.
• We are also happy to hold seminars on your premises: These
encompass not only Allplan issues but include analysis and
optimization of processes and project organization.
The up-to-date seminar guide is available on the Internet:
For more detailed information on the current training program,
please contact the Nemetschek Campus in Munich:
Phone: (0 18 01) 75 00 00
Fax: (0 18 01) 75 00 01
Data Backup Welcome 5

We are always trying to improve the overall quality of our program
documentation. Your comments and suggestions are important to us
and we welcome feedback on the manuals and on-line help.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to express criticism or praise
concerning the documentation. Feel free to contact us as follows:

Nemetschek Technology GmbH

Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1
81829 Munich

Phone: (0 18 01) 75 00 00
Fax: (0 18 01) 75 00 01
6 Feedback Allplan 2005
Data Backup General Introduction to Data Backup 7

General Introduction to
Data Backup
This chapter covers the following:
 Data backup principles
 Data backup strategies
8 Data Backup Principles Allplan 2005

Data Backup Principles

The following principles apply for all backups and should be always
adhered to. Only by doing so will you ensure that your data is stored
• Data must exist on at least two different types of backup medium
(backup drive, tape, floppy disks etc.).
• After backing up, the media should always be checked for
legibility (i.e. check that the system can still read the medium).
• Every backup should be carefully documented. Write your notes
on the labels provided with the media and include:
- the name of the computer
- the operating system
- the date and time
- information on what was backed up
- how the backup was performed
- who performed the backup
- the Allplan version
- how much was backed up (in MB, compressed and
• Never overwrite the most recent backup!
If the backup is corrupt or the system fails during the backup
process, doing so might destroy current and backed up data.
• Develop a backup strategy for your office and appoint a person
responsible for ensuring that the strategy is carried through.
• Keep the backup copy in a safe place, preferably somewhere that
is not where your computers are located.
Data Backup General Introduction to Data Backup 9

Data Backup Strategies

In practice, it is hardly ever the entire hard disk that is corrupt. In the
majority of cases, you only need a file which has been deleted
inadvertently or damaged. But it may take days or even weeks until
you notice that the required file is missing or corrupt and that this
file is not included in the latest backup or that the backup of this file
is corrupt.
For these reasons, you need to develop a backup strategy which
allows you to access older data, too.

Data backup with a minimum of effort

Never forget to perform at least the following backup operations:
daily project backups and weekly backups of all the CAD data. This
requires two media to which data is written alternately.
Back up all your projects from Monday to Thursday and all the CAD
data on Friday. Use a new medium for the data backup on Fridays at
regular intervals (every week or month) and keep it in a safe place.
This ensures that a weekly or monthly backup is always available if
data is lost and you need to restore older data.
After you have performed a monthly backup (last Friday of each
month), you can overwrite archived media containing weekly
backups. After a period of four, six or twelve months, the same
applies to media containing monthly backups. Due to wear and tear,
make sure that you replace the storage media at regular intervals;
this is especially true in the case of tapes.
10 Data Backup Strategies Allplan 2005

Data backup according to the ‘grandfather-father-son principle’

When you want to back up data according to the ‘grandfather-
father-son principle’, you require 21 backup media (e.g. tapes) –
provided one medium is enough to hold all the data to be backed up.
Otherwise, 21 sets of storage media are required. Label twelve tapes
with ‘January’ to ‘December’ (grandfathers), five tapes with ‘Friday 1’
to ‘Friday 5’ (fathers) and the remaining four tapes with ‘Monday’ to
‘Thursday’ (sons).
Use the four ‘Monday’ to ‘Thursday’ tapes to perform your weekly
backups. The following week start all over again; in other words, the
tapes are overwritten every week. Every Friday, use one of the five
‘Friday’ tapes to back up your data. These tapes are overwritten every
month. In addition, back up the data to one of the twelve tapes you
have labeled with ‘January’ to ‘December’ on the last day of each
Using this approach, you always have access to daily, weekly, and
monthly backups. In an extreme emergency, you can even access all
the data of the past year (monthly backups). The greatest
disadvantage of this method is that the backup media are not used
regularly. This is particularly important when you are using DAT
tapes as this type of backup medium wears out very fast.
Consequently, experienced data backup administrators replace DAT
tapes after 30 backup operations maximum (most producers of DAT
tapes even limit the application of their tapes to 25 backup
Although this approach is a very reliable solution, one question is
still open: how to perform the data backup. The type of backup
affects the speed of the backup process and the effort spent restoring
the data later. There are three options (two different strategies and a
combination of these two):
• Full backup
The simplest solution is to back up all your data every day –
whether there have been changes or not. The advantages are
obvious: the latest backup includes all the changes and the user
does not have to waste much time thinking about what to back
up. Moreover, the data can be restored easily. But there are also
disadvantages: much space is required and the backup process is
very time-consuming – especially in the case of large amounts of
Data Backup General Introduction to Data Backup 11

• Incremental backup
This method analyzes the “archive bit" of the files. The archive bit
is a file attribute which is automatically set by the system when a
file is edited. It remains in this state until it is set back which can
be done manually or by a data backup software. The incremental
backup only includes files in which the archive bits are set. After
the backup, the archive bits of the backed up files are deleted. The
next day, the same procedure starts all over again: only the files
which have been changed are backed up. Applied to the GFS
backup strategy, do the following: perform a full backup on
Monday and carry out an incremental backup from Tuesday to
Thursday. Then back up all your data again on Friday (= full
backup). The same applies to the monthly backup operations.
Although the daily backups are very fast and do not require much
space, there is a great disadvantage: restoring data requires
several backup media. After having restored the latest full
backup, you have to insert all the media containing data backed
up using the incremental method. You can use the following
method to prevent this.
• Difference backup
This approach also analyses the archive bit as with the
incremental backup method. But the archive bit is not reset until
you carry out another full backup operation. Therefore, all the
files which have been changed since the last full backup
operation are included, and the latest backup medium contains all
the files you have changed the current week. This facilitates the
process of restoring data considerably. In an emergency all you
need to do is restore the latest full backup and then the latest
difference backup.
Note: The backup strategy described above is designed for companies
with a large number of workstations. Smaller offices can always
perform a full backup.
12 Data Backup Strategies Allplan 2005
Data Backup Introduction to Data Backup in Allplan 13

Introduction to Data
Backup in Allplan
This chapter covers the following:
 General information on the data backup procedure
using Allplan
 Allplan’s folder structure
 Backup procedures in Allplan
 Data backup in a network environment
 Overview of backup media
14 General Information on the Data Backup Procedure using Allplan Allplan 2005

General Information on the Data Backup

Procedure using Allplan
The table below provides information on what can be backed up.

Data to be backed up Folder See page

Entire projects \Nem\Allplan\Prj 30

Individual drawing files and \Nem\Allplan\Prj 44
Symbols and smart symbols \Nem\Allplan\Prj 44
Office standard \Nem\Allplan\Std 47
Network configuration \Nem\Allplan\Net 52
User folder \Allplan\Usr\Local 52
Any folder e.g. \Nem\Allplan 52
Toolbar configurations *.ubx 74
User-defined default values 76

When and how often should be backed up?

• Every day: all the projects you are working on at the moment
• Every week: all CAD data, office standard, network configuration
• When changed: office standard, network configuration
Data Backup Introduction to Data Backup in Allplan 15

Allplan’s Folder Structure

The following two illustrations display Allplan’s folder structure (one
for a standalone workstation and one for a network version). It is
assumed that you installed the central file storage and the program
files to different folders. In der Abbildung sind nur
sicherungsrelevante Ordner aufgeführt.

Note: The folder structure on your computer may differ from this
example. To find out how to determine the folder structure on your
computer, see the section on page 17.

Folder structure on a standalone workstation

Local computer




N0000001.prj Projects: drawing files, layouts,

project-specific settings (pen,
N0000002.prj line, hatching, patterns)

Std Office standard



Allplan Program files


Data of local user

(e.g. private project)
16 Allplan’s Folder Structure Allplan 2005

Folder structure in a network environment

If you are working in a network environment, the data can usually
be found on two computers:
• Local computer: program files
• File server: projects
Local computer



Allplan Program files


Data of local user (e.g. private

project) if the workgroup manager is
not installed. Otherwise, this folder
contains the sysadm data.

File server



Net Project administration / network configuration


N0000001.prj Projects: drawing files, layouts,

project-specific settings (pen,
N0000002.prj line, hatching, patterns)

Std Office standard

User data (e.g. private projects) if the workgroup

manager is installed. Otherwise, the Usr folder is
on the local computer and needs to be backed up
Data Backup Introduction to Data Backup in Allplan 17

Determining the folder structure on your computer

To determine Allplan’s folder structure on your
1 Start the Services application. On the Service menu, click Hotline
2 Double-click showcfg: Shows system variables.

The output window of the Services application displays the

18 Backup Procedures in Allplan Allplan 2005

Backup Procedures in Allplan

There are different ways of backing up and exchanging Allplan data.
You can back up your data using the Services application, Windows
Explorer, a tape backup utility or a software for writing data to CDs.

Data backup using the Services application

You should use this option to back up your ‘private’ data in the local
folder and to exchange data with partners. In addition, every user
can back up the drawing files edited and/or the entire project on a
daily basis. The data can be saved to hard disk or to a backup
medium (compressed or uncompressed) that is connected as a drive
to your computer.
In addition, the Services application is useful for backing up and
restoring the entire office standard or individual default values.

Data backup using Allplan

In Allplan you can back up data using the external path.

Data backup using Windows Explorer or the operating system

Microsoft Windows offers a very quick and comfortable tape backup
utility. Using this software, you can back up individual files, entire
hard disks and folders. To make this selection, you need to be
familiar with Allplan’s folder structure (see “Allplan's Folder
Structure“ on page 15).
Using the tape backup utility provided by Windows, several backups
can be saved to and restored from a tape. In addition, you can back
up Windows system files. To be able to back up data, users must be
assigned administrator privileges or corresponding rights.
Although this approach is particularly useful for network
environments, it can also be applied to standalone workstations. It is
important that you exit the CAD program on all networked
computers prior to backing up data as otherwise open files (which
are in use) are not included in the backup.
Data Backup Introduction to Data Backup in Allplan 19

Data Backup in a Network Environment

If you are working with several networked computers, you need to
back up all the data you are currently editing as well as the office
data (office standard, symbols etc.) accessed by all users. It is usually
the system administrator who is in charge of backing up data.
You need to draw up your own backup concept for your office.
Consider all the important factors such as the structure of your
office, the hardware you use and the network configuration (domain
or workgroup).
The following always applies:
 Back up all the projects you are currently editing on a daily basis
(path: \nem\allplan\prj\*)
 Back up the office standard, all the CAD data and the network
configuration on a weekly basis (path: \nem\allplan\*)
 Back up the office standard (...\std\*) and network configuration
(...\net\*) every time you make changes.
A network consists of a server and any number of clients. It is
advisable to use the server for backup operations as this computer is
usually equipped with the most powerful hardware and software.
The data (projects) to be included in the backup can be located on
any computer in the network. But the office standard and the
network configuration are always on the server.
For weekly backups, at least one computer should be equipped with a
tape drive (DAT). To back up all the network data (paths:
...\nem\allplan\*), use the computer with the tape drive.
Floppy disks are not suitable as they are prone to failure. Moreover,
backing up large volumes of data requires a large number of floppy
disks. But if you still want to use floppy disks, the same options as
for standalone workstations are available.
20 Data Backup in a Network Environment Allplan 2005

Map folders
The computer (with DAT) needs to be able to access all the folders
containing data you want to include in backup operations. These
folders need to be shared and connected.

To share and map folders

1 Share the folder containing the data to be backed up on all the
Open Windows Explorer, click the folder to be shared with the
right mouse button and select Sharing on the shortcut menu.

2 Connect the folders you shared to the computer which you want
to use for backup operations.
Open Windows Explorer and click Map Network Drive on the
Tools menu.
Data Backup Introduction to Data Backup in Allplan 21

The system proposes the next available letter for the drive letter.
3 Confirm the drive letter.
22 Suitable Backup Media Allplan 2005

Suitable Backup Media

This section provides information on the media suitable for backing
up Allplan data.
CD-ROM (CD-R) to which data can be written once
• Advantages:
- Low in price
- Can be used for data exchange, too, as the data can be
re-imported everywhere
• Disadvantages
- High material costs as data can only be written to CD-Rs once

Note: You can back up data using the Services application only if
appropriate drivers are installed. Data is copied directly to CD-Rs in
"multisession" mode. It is advisable to use a special software for
writing data to CDs.

CD-ROM (CD-RW) to which data can be written multiple times

• Advantages:
- Low in price
- Low material costs as CD-RWs can be used multiple times
• Disadvantages
- It is said that data loss might occur occasionally (CDs cannot
be read). Please find out about the drivers provided with the
software for writing data to CDs beforehand

Note: Data can only be re-imported to compatible drives and only if

appropriate drivers are available.
Assuming appropriate drivers are installed (e.g. PacketCD, DirectCD
or InCD), you can create backups using the Services application as
data can be copied directly to CD-RWs.
Data Backup Introduction to Data Backup in Allplan 23

DVD drive (DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R and DVD+RW)

• Advantage
- High capacity for storing data

Note: There is a wide range of formats and – as with CDs – different

types of DVD (to which data can be written once or multiple times).

You can back up data via the Services application only if you use
media to which data can be written several times (only when the
data can be copied directly to the DVD). Here, too, appropriate
drivers are required.

Tape drive
• Advantages
- Data can be backed up automatically
- High capacity for storing data
- Full backup possible (including operating system)
In the case of hardware failure, the operating system can be
restored in its entirety.
• Disadvantages
- Restoring individual files is very time-consuming
- High in price

Note: You cannot back up data using the Services application.

Furthermore, a tape backup software is required.
24 Suitable Backup Media Allplan 2005

Zip drive
• Advantage
- Easy to use (assuming appropriate drivers are installed, zip
media can be addressed directly in Windows Explorer)
• Disadvantages
- Medium is not commonly used
- Capacity for storing data is limited
- High in price

Note: Assuming appropriate drivers are installed, you can create

backups using the Services application as the data can be copied
directly to the zip drive.

3.5" floppy disk

• Advantage
- Low in price
• Disadvantages
- Low capacity for storing data (1.44 MB)
- The operating system does not check whether the data written
to floppy disk is actually readable
- Backing up large volumes of data is very time-consuming as
several floppy disks are required
- Restoring individual files involves considerable time and effort
- Modern computers may not be equipped with a floppy disk
Note: This type of backup is no longer up-to-date and should only be
used for small volumes of data.
Data Backup Introduction to Data Backup in Allplan 25

USB memory stick or USB hard disk

These are backup media with an integrated USB controller. The
backup media and their reading devices log on to the operating
system as generic USB memories by plug and play.
• Advantages
- Small, handy media
- Easy to use
- No separate reading device or adapter necessary
• Disadvantage
- High in price (but the price keeps falling)

Note: You can use the Services application for backup operations as
data can be copied directly to the media.

These media are well suited for daily project backups. And they can
be used for data exchange, too, as they are very small and easy to
26 Suitable Backup Media Allplan 2005

Mobile backup media (known through their application in digital

cameras and MP3 players)
Some examples: CompactFlash Cards, Memory Sticks, Microdrive SD,
Memory Cards, Smart Media Cards and others.
These media, which were organically developed for digital cameras
and MP3 players, are to some extent suitable for data backup
operations, too.
• Advantage
- Small, handy media
• Disadvantage
- High in price

Note: We have not tested these media. Depending on the model,

these media and their reading devices log on to the operating system
by plug and play. They can be used for data exchange, too, as they
are very small and easy to transport.

You can use the Services application for backup operations if data
can be copied directly to the media. Modern multimedia computers
are increasingly equipped with various reading devices.
Data Backup Backing Up Allplan Data 27

Backing Up Allplan Data

This chapter covers the following:
 How to set the backup device in the Services
 How to back up and restore entire projects
 How to back up and restore individual drawing files
 How to back up and restore the office standard
 How to back up and restore specific folders containing
Allplan data
 How to use the external path
 How to use CD, DVD and tape drives for backing up
Allplan data
28 Setting the Backup Device Allplan 2005

Setting the Backup Device

Before you back up or restore data using the Services application,
you need to set the backup device.
To define the backup device, you can choose between a hard disk or
floppy disks. In this context, ‘hard disk’ also stands for a ZIP drive or
a CD/DVD-RW drive (media to which data can be written multiple
times), which you can also use (assuming it can be addressed via a
drive letter). To find out how to use a CD/DVD-R drive (CD/DVD to
which data can only be written once) or a tape drive as the backup
device, see the section entitled “Backing Up Data to DVD, CD and
Tape" on page 62.

To set the backup device

Tip: If you want to exchange 1 Start the Services application. On the Configuration menu, click
data with UNIX computers, Backup Path.
you can purchase and install
the PAX program, which can
then be selected as a SCSI
backup device.

2 Select the backup device:

• Save to hard disk (compressed)
The data intended for backup is compressed and copied to a
drive and folder you select. You can also select a ZIP drive or
CD/DVD-RW drive.
Data Backup Backing Up Allplan Data 29

• Save to floppy disk(s) (compressed)

The pkzip program is used to compress the data to a self-
decompressing .exe file. Then this data is copied to the
floppy disk drive you have specified. The FCOPY utility is used
for backing up data and FRESTORE for restoring data. These
two utilities allow you to back up and restore files that exceed
the storage capacity of a floppy disk (1.44 MB).
Nemetschek programs ‘recognize’ this type of backup. An
easy-to-use menu assists you in the process of restoring data.
• Save to floppy disk(s) (uncompressed)
The data is copied to floppy disk. Make sure that the
uncompressed data fits onto a floppy disk (data must not
exceed 1.44 MB).
• Backup with SCSI Dat or SCSI Streamer (pax/cpio format)
This option is required for exchanging data with UNIX
Select the current tape drive /NT-DAT, DAT/ for data backup
operations. Data backed up in this way can be imported to
UNIX computers.
To do this, you need to select the corresponding tape. When
restoring data, make sure that there is enough virtual memory
(System → Control Panel → Virtual Memory). The data is
imported via the memory and/or virtual memory.
30 Backing up and Restoring Entire Projects Allplan 2005

Backing up and Restoring Entire Projects

A project is saved together with all the project-specific data.

File server



Net Project administration / network configuration


N0000001.prj Projects: drawing files, layouts,

project-specific settings (pen,
N0000002.prj line, hatching, patterns)

Std Office standard

Data of the local users (e.g. private projects) if the

workgroup manager is installed.
Otherwise, the Usr folder is on the local computer
and needs to be backed up there.
Data Backup Backing Up Allplan Data 31

Saving a project to hard disk

To save projects to hard disk (compressed)
1 To set the backup device, start the Services application, select the
Configuration menu, click Backup Path and choose Save to hard
disk (compressed).

2 Select a hard disk with enough free disk space (at least 10% of
the project size).
Important: Never select the hard disk where the project is located.
In the case of hard disk failure, both the original project and the
backup will be lost!
32 Backing up and Restoring Entire Projects Allplan 2005

3 In the Services application, select the Data Backup menu, click

Backup and then Named Project.

All the projects are listed (including the projects in the network).
4 Select the project you want to save and press OK to confirm.

5 Start the backup by clicking OK.

The data is compressed and saved to the selected folder. The

command prompt shows the progress of the backup operation.
6 Press OK to confirm the end of the backup process.
Data Backup Backing Up Allplan Data 33

Saving a project to floppy disks

Important: This type of backup is only useful with small projects.
Saving large projects to floppy disks involves considerable effort. In
addition, bear in mind that the operating system does not check
whether the data written to floppy disks is actually readable.

To save a project to floppy disks (compressed)

1 Open the Services application, select the Configuration menu and
click Backup Path. Choose Save to floppy disk(s) (compressed)
(see the section entitled “Setting the Backup Device“ on page 28).
2 Select the floppy disk drive and click OK to confirm.
3 In the Services application, select the Data Backup menu, click
Backup and then Named Project.

All the projects are listed (including the projects in the network).
4 Select the project you want to save and press OK to confirm.

5 Start the backup by clicking OK.

34 Backing up and Restoring Entire Projects Allplan 2005

6 Confirm the message by clicking OK.

The selected project is compressed and made into a self-
decompressing file (sic2005.exe).
The command prompt shows the progress of the compression.
7 Insert a floppy disk into the drive and click OK.

Tip: Always use new floppy 8 Any data on the floppy disk should be deleted beforehand. This
disks or format the disks prompt will not appear with new or newly formatted floppy disks.

9 The FCOPY utility now starts. This utility can span a backup
across several floppy disks. The program will prompt you for each
new floppy disk and to press any key.
Important: Label and number the floppy disks immediately (e.g.:
1/3; 2/3). This is important as they will have to be inserted in
exactly the same order when the data is restored!
Data Backup Backing Up Allplan Data 35

10 You can now check that the backup is complete. Follow the
instructions displayed by the program.
11 An information box appears once the backup process is complete.
Click OK to confirm.
36 Backing up and Restoring Entire Projects Allplan 2005

Restoring a project saved to hard disk

To restore projects in a network environment, users need to have
sufficient rights (e.g. system administrator privileges).

Important: The backed up data is imported into a project that

already exists in the CAD program. This operation will overwrite any
existing data in the project! To prevent the data from being
overwritten, create a new project first, set all the path settings to
Project and import the backed up data into this new project.

To restore a project saved to hard disk (compressed)

1 Open the Services application and select Backup Device on the
Configure menu. Click Save to hard disk (compressed) (see the
section entitled “Setting the Backup Device“ on page 28).
2 Select the folder with the data you want to restore.
3 In the Services application, select the Data Backup menu, click
Restore Backup and then Named Project.

All the projects in the backup folder are listed.

4 Select the project you want to restore and press OK to confirm.
5 Select the project to which the data is to be restored.
Important: Any existing data in this project will be overwritten.
You should therefore first create a new project.
Instead of restoring the entire project, you can also import
individual parts thereof (e.g. drawing files) (see page 40).
Data Backup Backing Up Allplan Data 37

6 Start the restore process by clicking OK.

7 Now all the *.zip files in the directory are displayed. The first
six numbers show the date of the backup so that you can select
the correct backup.
8 Click OK.
The data is decompressed and copied to the project you have
9 Press OK to close the information box.
Note: To make sure that the attributes saved in the project you
have imported are actually available to you, they need to be
updated. See “Updating project attributes“ on page 43.
38 Backing up and Restoring Entire Projects Allplan 2005

Restoring a project saved to floppy disks

To restore a project saved to floppy disk(s)
1 Open the Services application, select the Configuration menu and
click Backup Path. Choose Save to floppy disk(s) (compressed)
(see the section entitled “Setting the Backup Device“ on page 28).
2 Select the floppy disk drive and click OK to confirm.
3 In the Services application, select the Data Backup menu, click
Restore Backup and then Named Project.

All the projects in the backup folder are listed.

4 Select the project to which the data is to be restored.
Important: The existing data of the target project is overwritten.
You should therefore first create a new project.
Instead of restoring the entire project, you can also import
individual parts thereof (e.g. drawing files) (see page 40).

Tip: If you backed up data to 5 Start the restore process by clicking OK.
several floppy disks, you need
to insert the first backup
floppy disk!
Data Backup Backing Up Allplan Data 39

6 Insert the first backup floppy disk.

7 Insert the last backup floppy disk.

This way, the program gets the following information:

- How many floppy disks were used?
- How much was backed up (in MB)?
8 Follow the instructions displayed by the FRESTORE utility.
Note: To make sure that the attributes saved in the project you
have imported are actually available to you, they need to be
updated. See “Updating project attributes“ on page 43.
40 Backing up and Restoring Entire Projects Allplan 2005

Restoring parts of a project

Instead of an entire project, you can also restore individual parts
thereof (e.g. a drawing file). To do this, import the backed up data to
the external path first and then copy the desired objects to the target
project using ProjectPilot.

To restore parts of a project

1 Start the Services application, select the Configuration menu and
set the backup device (see the section entitled "Setting the Backup
Device" on page 28).
2 In the Services application, select the Data Backup menu, click
Restore Backup and then General.

3 Now you need to select the folder to which the data is to be

Set the external path (e.g. C:\Nem\Allplan\Extern) and
click OK.
Data Backup Backing Up Allplan Data 41

4 Start the restore process by clicking OK.

5 Now all the *.zip files in the directory are displayed. The first
six numbers show the date of the backup so that you can select
the correct backup.
6 Click OK.
The data is decompressed and copied to the folder you have
7 Press OK to close the information box.
8 Start ProjectPilot, select the external data buffer and open the
folder with the object you want to import.
42 Backing up and Restoring Entire Projects Allplan 2005

9 Click the object with the right mouse button and select Copy to...
on the shortcut menu.

10 Select the project to which the drawing file is to be copied and

click OK to confirm.

Note: To make sure that the attributes saved in the project you
have imported are actually available to you, they need to be
updated. See “Updating project attributes“ on page 43.
Data Backup Backing Up Allplan Data 43

Updating project attributes

After restoring backed up data or integrating a project you have
exchanged with a partner office, for example, you need to update the
project attributes saved in the project so that the attributes assigned
in the project are available in label styles, for example.

To update project attributes

1 In the Services application, click Service and then Command
2 Enter the following command at the command prompt:
prjtool <project_name> -updateattr
Note: Enter the name of the project in the <project name> field.
If the project name contains blanks, it must be enclosed in
quotation marks,: prjtool "new project" –updateattr, for
44 Backing up and Restoring Drawing Files Allplan 2005

Backing up and Restoring Drawing Files

The maximum you can fit on a 3.5“ floppy disk, uncompressed, is
1.4 MB. Use empty, formatted floppy disks as any existing data will
be overwritten. You can also use this approach to back up symbols,
smart symbols etc.

Saving drawing files to floppy disk (uncompressed)

To save individual drawing files to floppy disk
1 Start Allplan and select the File menu and click ProjectPilot /
2 Set the path to the external data buffer to the floppy disk drive
(see the section entitled “Setting the external path" on page 55).
3 Select the drawing files you want to back up.
4 Click the selection with the right mouse button and select Copy
to... on the shortcut menu.
5 Under Project select Path to external buffer.
Data Backup Backing Up Allplan Data 45

6 Define the destination numbers in one of the following ways:

• To retain the spacing between numbers: Select a single
Tip: You can also drag & drop number and then click Map source. The drawing files are
files to copy them. With this
inserted starting at the selected number and in such a way
method, however, you cannot
that the spacing between files is the same as that of the source
control the destination
numbers. The destination drawing files.
numbers in this case match • To insert drawing files without retaining the spacing
those of the source drawing between files: Select a single number. The drawing files are
files. copied in ascending order, starting with the selected number.
• To copy the drawing files to specific numbers: Select the
desired destination numbers. The number of destination
numbers must match the number of source drawing files
7 Click OK to confirm the settings.

Restoring uncompressed drawing files from floppy disk

This option allows you to import uncompressed drawing files from
floppy disk and to restore them to any project. Symbols and smart
symbols are restored in the same way.

To import drawing files from floppy disk

1 Insert the floppy disk with the drawing files into the appropriate
2 Start Allplan, select the File menu and click ProjectPilot / Admin.
3 Set the external data buffer to the floppy disk drive (see the
section entitled “Setting the External Path” on page 55).
4 Open the Drawing files folder in the External path and select the
drawing files you want to import.
5 Click the selection with the right mouse button and select Copy
to... on the shortcut menu.
6 Under Project select the project where the drawing files are to be
46 Backing up and Restoring Drawing Files Allplan 2005

7 Define the destination numbers in one of the following ways:

• To retain the spacing between numbers: Select a single
Tip: You can also drag & drop number and then click Map source. The drawing files are
files to copy them. With this
inserted starting at the selected number and in such a way
method, however, you cannot
that the spacing between files is the same as that of the source
control the destination
numbers. The destination drawing files.
numbers in this case match • To insert drawing files without retaining the spacing
those of the source drawing between files: Select a single number. The drawing files are
files. copied in ascending order, starting with the selected number.
• To copy the drawing files to specific numbers: Select the
desired destination numbers. The number of destination
numbers must match the number of source drawing files
8 Click OK to confirm the settings.
Data Backup Backing Up Allplan Data 47

Backing Up and Restoring the Office

All the settings and data of the office standard should be backed up
at least once every month.
This includes hatching styles, patterns, symbols, smart symbols,
catalogs etc. Drawing files and filesets are not taken into account.



Net Project administration / network configuration


N0000001.prj Projects: drawing files, layouts,

project-specific settings (pen,
N0000002.prj line, hatching, patterns)

Std Office standard

Usr Data of the local users (e.g. private projects) if the

workgroup manager is installed.
48 Backing Up and Restoring the Office Standard Allplan 2005

Backing up the office standard

To back up the office standard
1 Start the Services application, select the Configuration menu and
set the backup path (see the section entitled "Setting the Backup
Device" on page 28).
2 In the Services application, select the Data Backup menu, click
Backup and then Office Standard.

3 Start the backup by clicking OK.

Data Backup Backing Up Allplan Data 49

Restoring the entire office standard

Important: When you restore the office standard in its entirety, all
the changes you have made since the last backup process will be
overwritten. You should therefore restore the entire office standard
only in a severe case of data loss. You can also restore parts of the
office standard (see page 50).

To restore the entire office standard

1 Start the Services application, select the Configuration menu and
set the backup path (see the section entitled "Setting the Backup
Device" on page 28).
2 In the Services application, select the Data Backup menu, click
Restore Backup and then Office Standard.

3 Start the restore process by clicking OK.

50 Backing Up and Restoring the Office Standard Allplan 2005

Restoring parts of the office standard

Instead of the entire office standard, you can also restore just parts
thereof (e.g. a hatching style). To do this, import the backed up data
to the external path first and then copy the desired objects to the
office standard using ProjectPilot.

To restore parts of the office standard

1 Start the Services application, select the Configuration menu and
set the backup path (see the section entitled "Setting the Backup
Device" on page 28).
2 In the Services application, select the Data Backup menu, click
Restore Backup and then General.

3 Now you need to select the folder to which the data is to be

Set the external path (e.g. C:\Nem\Allplan\Extern) and
click OK.
Data Backup Backing Up Allplan Data 51

4 Start ProjectPilot, select the external data buffer and open the
folder with the object you want to import.
5 Click the object with the right mouse button and select Copy to...
on the shortcut menu.

6 Select the Office folder and click OK.

52 Backing Up and Restoring Any Folder Allplan 2005

Backing Up and Restoring Any Folder

This option allows you to create a full backup of all the projects,
default values, symbols, smart symbols etc.



Net Project administration / network configuration


N0000001.prj Projects: drawing files, layouts,

project-specific settings (pen,
N0000002.prj line, hatching, patterns)

Std Office standard

Data of the local users (e.g. private projects) if the

workgroup manager is installed.
Otherwise, the Usr folder is on the local computer
and needs to be backed up there.
Data Backup Backing Up Allplan Data 53

Backing up any folder

Note: As large volumes of data are involved, you should back up the
data to a different hard disk in the network.

Note: Check that you have enough free hard disk space.
Approximately 30% of the data to be backed up are required (about
15% for and about 15% for sic2005.exe).

To back up any folder to hard disk

1 Start the Services application, select the Configuration menu and
click Backup Path. Choose Save to hard disk (compressed) and
define the drive and backup folder (see the section entitled
“Setting the Backup Device“ on page 28).
2 On the Data Backup menu, select Any Folder and click Include

3 Enter the folder with the Allplan data you want to save,
D:\Nem\Allplan, for example.
The folder including all subdirectories is compressed into a .zip
file (<DATE>.zip) and saved to the selected folder on the hard
54 Backing Up and Restoring Any Folder Allplan 2005

Restoring any folder

You should only restore this data in a severe case of data loss as the
entire database with all the settings is imported. This operation will
overwrite any existing data.
• You cannot restore individual files (e.g. drawing files).
• To restore the backed up data in a network environment, users
require the relevant permissions (e.g. system administrator

To restore the CAD data of a weekly backup

1 Start the Services application, select the Configuration menu and
click Backup Path. Choose Save to hard disk (compressed) and
define the drive and backup folder (see the section entitled
“Setting the Backup Device“ on page 28).
2 In the Services application, select the Data Backup menu, click
Restore Backup and choose General.

3 Select the folder to which the data is to be restored and click OK

to confirm.
4 Select the backup you want to restore.
The data is restored.
Data Backup Backing Up Allplan Data 55

Backing Up Data using the External Path

This option allows you to back up drawing files, symbols etc. from
different projects in a single step. The data is first copied to a
subfolder (e.g.: C:\nem\allplan\extern) and then saved to an
external backup medium.

Note: Check that you have enough free hard disk space: at least
twice as much space as for the data is required.

Setting the external path

The data buffer is a kind of temporary storage point used by the
system for data administration. It can be used to exchange data
between different program versions and to import external data into
the program.

To set the external path

1 Start Allplan, select the File menu and click ProjectPilot / Admin.
2 In the Projects and Folders window, right-click Path to external
data buffer with the right mouse button and, on the shortcut
menu, choose Path to external data buffer.

3 In the Find Folder dialog box, navigate to the desired folder and
press OK to confirm.
56 Backing Up Data using the External Path Allplan 2005

Backing up data using the external path

To back up data using the external path
1 Check the contents of the external data buffer in Windows
Explorer and save the data, if necessary.
2 Delete the contents of the external data buffer.
3 Start the Services application, click File and make a note of the
path to the external data buffer; it varies depending on the
configuration and type of installation.

Make a note of
the path

4 Start Allplan, select the File menu and click ProjectPilot / Admin.
5 Set the external path to the folder you determined in step 3 (see
the section entitled “Setting the External Path" on page 55).
6 Select the data you want to copy to the external path.
Data Backup Backing Up Allplan Data 57

7 Click the selection with the right mouse button and select Copy
to... on the shortcut menu.
8 Under Project select Path to external buffer.

9 Click OK.
All the other steps are carried out in the Services application.
10 Start the Services application, select the Configuration menu,
click Backup Path for File and DXF/DWG and choose Always
58 Backing Up Data using the External Path Allplan 2005

11 On the File menu, click Back Up Data from

`d:\nem\allplan\extern´ to save the data.

12 Select a compressing method to be used to save the data:

• Self-decompressing: the data is compressed into an *.exe

file. You can start this file simply by double-clicking it.
• Compressed: the data is compressed using the PK-ZIP
program, and you will need to use the PK-UNZIP program to
decompress the data.
• Uncompressed: the data is saved without being compressed.
Data Backup Backing Up Allplan Data 59

13 Select Any folder.

14 Select the folder to which you want to back up the data.

15 The program will now ask whether you want to delete the data in
the external path.
60 Backing Up Data using the External Path Allplan 2005

Restoring data using the external path

To restore data using the external path
1 Start the Services application, select the Configuration menu,
click Backup Path for File and DXF/DWG and choose Always

2 Check the contents of the external data buffer in Windows

Explorer and save the data, if necessary.
3 Make a note of the path to the external data buffer; it varies
depending on the configuration and type of installation.
4 On the File menu, click Restore Data to `d:\nem\allplan\extern´
to import the backed up data.
Data Backup Backing Up Allplan Data 61

5 Specify whether the data in the external path is to be deleted.

6 Click Any folder.

7 Select the folder with the data you want to copy to the external
8 If the folder contains several backups, select the backed up data
you want to restore.
9 Start Allplan, select the File menu and click ProjectPilot / Admin.
10 Set the external path to the folder you determined in step 3
(see the section entitled “Setting the External Path" on page 55).
11 Select the data you want to restore from the external data buffer.
12 Click the selection with the right mouse button and select Copy
to... on the shortcut menu.
13 Under Project select the project where the data is to be copied.
62 Backing Up Data to DVD, CD and Tape Allplan 2005

Backing Up Data to DVD, CD and Tape

Using CD/DVD Drives
You can use CD and/or DVD drives to back up and restore Allplan
data. But a distinction has to be made between CD/DVD-RW drives
(for media to which data can be written multiple times) and
CD/DVD-R drives (for media to which data can only be written once).
• CD/DVD-RW drive: you can select a CD/DVD-RW drive as the
backup device in the Services application (provided it can be
addressed via a drive letter). All you need to do is start the
Services application, select Backup Path on the Configuration
menu and enable the Save to hard disk (compressed) option.
Now you can select a CD/DVD-RW drive. You can use it like a
normal hard disk for backing up and restoring data. You can also
set the external data buffer to this drive in ProjectPilot.
• CD/DVD-R drive: the Services application does not directly
support backup operations of Allplan data to CD/DVD-R drives;
in other words, you cannot select a CD/DVD-R drive as the
backup device in the Services application. But you can back up
data to a CD/DVD-R drive by using the software delivered with
the CD/DVD writer. For example, you can save an entire project
folder or a single project to CD/DVD.
As CD/DVD-RW drives can be used in the same way as normal hard
disks, which does not require much explanation, only the process of
backing up data to CD/DVD-R drives will be described in detail in the
section that follows.
Data Backup Backing Up Allplan Data 63

Saving projects to CD/DVD-R drives

To back up Allplan data to a CD/DVD-R drive, use the software that
is shipped with the CD/DVD writer (e.g. WinOnCD®). As there are
great differences between the individual software programs, we
cannot describe each backup process in detail. Please consult the
software documentation for more information.
A full backup should include the following folders:
• Office standard (STD folder)
• Project data (PRJ folder)
• User data (USR folder)
• Network data (NET folder) if the workgroup manager is installed
To find out where the folders mentioned above reside physically, you
can use the Services application:
Start the Services application, select the Service menu, point to
Hotline Tools and choose Showcfg. You will find the path to the
folders behind the name of the folder (e.g. PRJ =
When backing up data to CD/DVD, compressing the data would
hardly be useful. If you do not want to rule out the option of
restoring individual projects, we recommend that you do not back up
the entire project folder (PRJ) in the Services application (Data
Backup -> Any folder). Back up the projects step by step.

To save a project to a CD/DVD-R drive

1 Start the software supplied with your CD/DVD writer.
2 For example, you can back up the entire project folder (prj) or
an individual project.
64 Backing Up Data to DVD, CD and Tape Allplan 2005

Restoring a project from a CD/DVD-R drive

Two methods are available for restoring projects from CD/DVD:
• The safe method: you create a new project in Allplan and copy
the data from the CD/DVD to the new project folder. This ensures
that you do not inadvertently overwrite data of an existing
• The quick method: you copy a project from the CD/DVD directly
to the prj folder and activate the reorg Hotline tool. But you
have to make sure that you do not overwrite any existing data.
Important: After restoring data from CD/DVD, all the files still have
the read-only attribute. Before you can continue working with the
data, you have to remove this attribute. See the section entitled
“Removing the read-only attribute" on page 67.
Data Backup Backing Up Allplan Data 65

To import a project from CD/DVD to a new project

1 Determine the folder where the project you want to import is
• When the Same folder name as project name setting is
enabled: the project and the folder have the same name.
• When the Same folder name as project name setting is
disabled: open the project.dat file on the CD/DVD using
a text editor (e.g. Notepad). The project number is displayed
between the second and the third ‘@‘ character. This number
is equivalent to the name of the folder where the project is

2 Create a new project in Allplan.

3 Determine and make a note of the path to the project you just
To do this, start Allplan, select the File menu, click Open
Project... and select the desired project.
The project folder appears in the top line.

4 Open Windows Explorer and copy all the folders and files from
the project folder on the CD/DVD to the new project.
5 Remove the read-only attribute from all the files and folders.
See the section entitled “Removing the read-only attribute“.
66 Backing Up Data to DVD, CD and Tape Allplan 2005

You can also copy a project directly from CD/DVD to the project
folder without having to create a new project first.

To copy a project from CD/DVD into an existing project

1 Determine the folder where the project you want to import is
saved using the procedure described previously.
2 Check that you do not overwrite data.
3 Copy the project from CD/DVD into the project folder (e.g.
4 Remove the read-only attribute from all the files and folders.
See the section entitled “Removing the read-only attribute" on
page 67.
5 Start the Services application, select the Service menu, click
Hotline Tools and choose reorg.
6 Select the Restore project management file option.
Data Backup Backing Up Allplan Data 67

Removing the ‘read-only’ attribute

After you have imported folders and files from CD/DVD, they still
have the read-only attribute. There are several ways of removing this
• Right-click the folder with the imported data, choose Properties
and deactivate the Read-only attribute. Click OK and then Apply.
• Use the winattrib program, which allows you to change the
attributes of several folders and/or files. This program is freeware
and you can download it from the following site:
• Open the command prompt, switch to the folder containing the
imported data and enter: attrib -r *.* /s
• Use the Search tool in Windows Explorer:

To use the Search tool to remove the write protection

1 Open Windows Explorer, right-click the project folder with the
right mouse button and, on the shortcut menu, activate Search.
2 Enter *.* for the name, check the Search subfolders box and click
All the files and folders subordinate to the project folder are
listed. Please note that a maximum of 10,000 objects are listed.
3 Press CTRL+A to select all the folders and files.
4 Click the selection with the right mouse button and choose
Properties on the shortcut menu.
5 Deactivate the Read-only attribute.
68 Backing Up Data to DVD, CD and Tape Allplan 2005

Using tape drives

Note: This type of backup is not suitable for exchanging data. It is
only used to restore data in case of data loss.

Backing up data to tape

Important: Exit the CAD program on all computers before you start
backing up data as otherwise open files (which are in use) are not
included in the backup.

To use Windows tape backup utility

1 Insert a DAT tape in the drive. On the Start menu, select
Programs, point to Accessories, System Tools and click Backup.
Select the Backup option.
2 Select the drives and/or folders intended for backup. Selecting a
folder automatically activates all its subfolders and files. The
selection options provided are similar to those in Windows
Important: Files/folders you have not selected are not included in
the backup.
Note: To find out which projects are located in which folder, open
ProjectPilot, right-click a project, choose Report on the shortcut
menu and click Projects and/or Network Report.
3 Enter a name and description for the backup and start the process
by clicking OK.
Data Backup Backing Up Allplan Data 69

Restoring a project from tape

Backups to tape allow you to restore all your data in case of data
loss. But you can also restore specific data (such as the data of a
computer, a project or even individual drawing files).

Important: Never restore backups without having made necessary

arrangements beforehand. All files with the same names are

Example: You have inadvertently deleted the Training project and a

backup of this project is not available. But you can use the approach
described below to restore this project.

To restore a project from tape

1 Insert the DAT tape with the backup in the drive. On the Start
menu, select Programs, point to Accessories, System Tools and
click Backup. Open the Restore option.
2 Restore the project.dat file by importing it from tape to a
temporary folder.
3 Determine the folder where the project you want to import is
• When the Same folder name as project name setting is
enabled: the project and the folder have the same name.
• When the Same folder name as project name setting is
disabled: open the project.dat file on the CD/DVD using a
text editor (e.g. Notepad). The project number is displayed
between the second and the third ‘@‘ character. This number
is equivalent to the name of the folder where the project is

4 Import the desired folder (e.g. n0000007.prj) from tape to a

temporary folder (e.g. \Temp).
70 Backing Up Data to DVD, CD and Tape Allplan 2005

5 Create a new project in Allplan.

6 Determine and make a note of the path to the project you just
created by clicking this project with the right mouse button in
ProjectPilot. The path to the project is displayed.
7 Open Windows Explorer and copy all the folders and files in the
temporary folder to the new project.

Note: You can also copy the project directly into the project folder.
See the section entitled “Restoring a project from a CD/DVD-R drive“
on page 64.
Data Backup Backing Up Other Settings and Data 71

Backing Up Other Settings

and Data
This chapter covers the following:
 How to use .bak files
 How to back up and restore toolbar configurations
 How to back up and restore user-specific default
72 Using .bak Files Allplan 2005

Using .bak Files

When you carry out certain actions, Allplan automatically makes
backup copies of the drawing file/layout and saves them in files with
names ending in .bak. The .bak files and the original drawing
files/layouts are stored in the same folder, i.e. the project folder. You
can specify whether .bak files are created in the Global Options,
Miscellaneous tab.

If you inadvertently executed a function, you can use the .bak file
to restore the original data of a drawing file/layout. All you need to
do is rename this drawing file/layout in Windows Explorer.
The following actions will cause Allplan to create .bak files:

• Copy/Move Elements between Files...

• Deleting drawing files and layouts using File – Delete File...
• Deleting the contents of drawing files and layouts in the Open on
a project-specific basis: Files and filesets and Layouts dialog

• Prior to importing data to drawing files using Import

Note: Please note that these backup copies increase the volume of
data involved in project backups. You should therefore delete
unnecessary .bak files prior to backing up projects. For example,
you can delete .bak files using the Services application. Select the
Utilities menu and click Delete Temporary Files.
Data Backup Backing Up Other Settings and Data 73

To use .bak files

Example: you have copied wrong elements to drawing
file 4711.
1 Determine the folder where the current project is saved.
Start the Services application, select the Service menu, choose
Hotline Tools and double-click wopro.
2 Exit the Allplan project.
3 Delete or rename the file tb004711.ndw (new name:
tb004711.ndw.old, for example).
4 Rename the file tb004711.ndw.bak (new name:

Example: you have copied wrong elements to layout

1 Determine the folder where the current project is saved.
Start the Services application, select the Service menu, choose
Hotline Tools and double-click wopro.
2 Exit the Allplan project.
3 Delete or rename the file pb000815.000 (new name:
pb000815.000.old, for example).
4 Rename the file pb000815.000.bak (new name:
74 Backing Up Toolbar Configurations Allplan 2005

Backing Up Toolbar Configurations

Allplan provides a series of default configurations for the toolbars.
But you can customize toolbars, save the configurations (position,
arrangement of icons etc.) in a file and reuse them whenever
Two options are available for saving toolbar configurations:
• On local computer: the configuration is saved in the registry of
the local computer. Consequently, you can only restore this
configuration on the computer in question.
• In a file: the configuration is saved in a file (*.ubx). You can
copy this file and import it to any computer.

To save a toolbar configurations on the local computer

1 Start Allplan, select the Tools menu and click Customize....
2 In the Customize dialog box, click Save...

3 Enter a name for the new configuration in the Save

Configuration dialog box and click OK.
The configuration is saved on the local computer. To retrieve any
settings you have already saved, click Load...
Data Backup Backing Up Other Settings and Data 75

To save a toolbar configuration in a file

1 On the Tools menu, click Customize….
2 In the Customize dialog box, click Export...

3 Enter a name for the new configuration in the Export

Configuration dialog box and click Export.
The configuration is saved in a file and can thus be imported to
any computer. To retrieve any settings you have already saved,
click Import...
76 Saving User-Specific Default Values Allplan 2005

Saving User-Specific Default Values

Once you have found user-specific default values that are efficient
and suit your own needs and requirements, you should save them.
You can then use these default values whenever required. The
savestd hotline tool saves these user-specific default values in the
subfolder sav located in the user folder usr\local and resttstd
restores the default values saved in the sav folder.
The cleanstd hotline tool resets all the values to their defaults; the
user-specific default values currently set are backed up and saved in
the subfolder bak located in the user folder usr\local and laststd
restores the default values saved in the bak folder.
Data Backup Backing Up Other Settings and Data 77

To back up user-specific default values

1 Start the Services application, select the Service menu and click
Hotline Tools.
2 Choose savestd.
The user-specific default values are saved in the folder

To restore user-specific default values

1 Start the Services application, select the Service menu and click
Hotline Tools.
2 Choose reststd.
The user-specific default values are read from the folder

To reset all the values to their defaults

1 Start the Services application, select the Service menu and click
Hotline Tools.
2 Choose cleanstd.
The user-specific default values currently set are saved in the
folder \usr\local\bak.

To restore the default values saved by cleanstd

1 Start the Services application, select the Service menu and click
Hotline Tools.
2 Choose laststd.
The default values are read from the folder \usr\local\bak.
78 Overview of Default Values Allplan 2005

Overview of Default Values

The table below provides information on the most important default
values and on the files where they are saved.

File Defaults applying Make the corresponding settings in ...

to ...

plastw.dat Plot Layout module Tools > Options -> Plot Layout
Create > Plot Layout > Plot Layouts
Plot Elements, for example
astw.usr Architecture module
fstw.usr FEA module Tools > Options > Finite Elements
mstw.usr Mesh Reinforcement Tools > Options > Mesh Reinforcement
ostw.usr Formwork module Tools > Options > Formwork
rstw.usr Bar Reinforcement Tools > Options > Bar Reinforcement
tstw.usr Text Module Tools > Options > Text
Auto-select pen based on text height, for example
allfem.dat FEA module Tools > Options > Finite Elements
desstw.dat Animation module Tools > Options > Animation
zstwzb.dat General Tools > Options > Global Options (e.g. units, Autosave, color for
construction lines, font for dimension lines)
Tools > Options > Dimension Lines
Tools > Options > Text (e.g. Auto-select pen based on text height)
View > Show/Hide (e.g. Color stands for pen)
Tools > Defaults > Pen Thickness + Format Properties
astw.dat Architecture module Tools > Options > Architecture (e.g. acoustic signal for point snap, fixed
pen for component hatching)
pstw.dat Key Plan module Tools > Options > Key Plan
vstw.dat DTM module Tools > Options > Digital Terrain Model (e.g. intersecting polygon)
project.end Project selected last The program automatically takes you from the project you selected last to
the empty (unnamed) project.
Data Backup Index 79

resetting to defaults 77
A restoring 45
Allplan restoring any folder 54
folder structure 15 restoring default values saved
by cleanstd 77
B restoring drawing files 45
backing up restoring projects 36, 38
drawing files 44, 45 restoring projects (parts) 40
folders 53 restoring projects (saved to
in a network 19 floppy disk) 38
office standard 48 restoring projects (saved to
projects (to floppy disks) 33 hard disk) 36
projects (to hard disk) 31 restoring the office standard
to external path 56 49, 50
toolbar configuration 74 restoring user-specific default
user-specific default values 77 values 77
backup device saving drawing files 44
setting 28 saving drawing files to floppy
backup strategies 13 disk (uncompressed) 44
difference backup 11 saving projects (to floppy disk)
full backup 10 33
incremental backup 11 saving projects (to hard disk)
with a minimum of effort 9 31
backup stratgies saving projects to floppy disk
grandfather-father-son 33
principle’ 10 saving projects to hard disk
C 31
setting the backup device 28
CD/DVD drive tapes 18
restoring 64 to external path 56
connecting directories on a using the Services application
network 20 18
D default values
resetting to defaults 77
data backup restoring 77
backing up any folder 53 restoring default values saved
backing up folder 53 by cleanstd 77
backing up user-specific saving 77
default values 77 defaults
backup strategies 13 overview 78
general principles 8 difference backup 11
in a network 19 drawing files
office standard 48 restoring 45
80 Index Allplan 2005

saving to floppy disk 44 restoring (saved to floppy disk)

E restoring (saved to hard disk)
external path 36
backing up 56 saving (to floppy disk) 33
restoring 60 saving (to hard disk) 31
setting 55
F restoring
folder CD/DVD drive 64
backing up 53 folder 54
restoring 54 office standard 49, 50
projects 40
I projects (saved to floppy disk)
incremental backup 11 38
N projects (saved to hard disk)
network tapes 69
backing up data 19 user-specific default values 77
connecting directories 20
office standard backup device 28
backing up 48 external path 55
restoring 49, 50 Sources of information
online Help system 2 training, coaching and project
overview of the most important support 4
defaults 78
projects restoring 69
restoring 40 toolbar configuration 74
restoring (full backup) 69

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