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1. Contact the relatives

• Contacting the relatives to inform the person is dead.

2. Processing of important documents

Compile information for the obituary needed to get a death certificate request

The people that can process the documents can be his/her spouse or nearest relative to the deacesed

•Complete name of the deceased person

•Date of Death

•Place of Death

•Complete Name and Address of the requesting party

•Numbers of copies needed

•Purpose of certification

3. Embalm of the Dead

•It takes 45 minutes in embalming the dead person .

•They need to moisturised and apply make up to dead person to mimic the natural skin.

•Also the final step of embalming is dress and situate for viewing.

4. Preparation of Coffins and Place

• The coffin is picked by the family

• The place of the wake can happen depends on the family if it is on their home or in a funeral home.

5. Wake

• A wake takes place before the funeral.

•The body or a memorial to the deceased will likely be displayed to allow mourners the opportunity to pay their
respects. Guests come and go as they see fit,

•Some staying for hours while others drop by for just a few moments.

Superstitious beliefs or pamahiin during wakes and funerals:

• Don’t wear red or other bright-colored clothes.

•Family members should refrain from sweeping the floor during the wake.

• Children should wear red or anything with red when sleeping.

• People can whisper wishes to the dead.

• A broken rosary should be place on the hand of the dead.

6. Decision if to cremate the body or bury it as whole

• This decision is solely made by immediate family members.

7. Eulogy

•Eulogy is a speech given at a memorial or funeral service.

•Eulogies can be delivered by family members, relatives, close friends or and priests.

•This commemorates and celebrates the life of the deceased.

•It is also the most essential way of saying farewell to the deceased.

8. Mass

•Introductory rite, or greeting by the priest

•Procession of priest, coffin, and congregation up the aisle

•Holy water sprinkled during the procession

•Opening song and prayers

•Readings from the Bible

•Holy Communion (Mass)

•More prayers

•Coffin taken back down the aisle and out of the church

•Prayers said at the graveside (or before the curtains close if it’s a cremation) for the Rite of Committal

9. Parade of the Dead

•Transporting the Dead to its burial place.

10. Burial of the Dead

• Final words from the family members before being buried.

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