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Fake News : Ousted Supreme Court Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno Supposedly Admitted

That Vice President Leni Robredo Instructed Her To Call For The Resignation Of President
Rodrigo Duterte

Claim: A blog post by on May 20 ran the headline" Nabuking ! Bulgaran na
ito,Sereno Inaming si Leni Robredo ang Nag-utos sa kanya na Manawagan Paresign Duterte "
The post contain only on a youtube video uploaded by "Tatay News".In the video the vocal
supporter of President Deterte Dante Marivillas shared his thoughts on Sereno's calling for
Duterte to step down.The blog post was shared by 16 Facebook groups and pages.The same
claim was also posted in atleast 3 other blogs namely, and

FACTS : The embedded video did not mention such an admission from Sereno contrary to what
is stated in the blog post headline.The video was taken from Marvillas facebook Live discussion
on May 18 where he talk about Sereno's Duterte resign call l,the opposition bid to impeach the
eight supreme court justice who granted the quo warranto petition that led to Sereno's
outer,and the plan of some senetaors outer,and the plan if some senators to review the SC
decesion on Sereno.He played a portion of an audio recording of Sereno's speech on May 17
where she called for Duterte to resign.However ,Marvillas did not explicitly mention in the
embedded video that Serono admitted to an order from Robredo.The portion of Sereno's
speech that was played in video also did not contain the same admission.

Reason: Despite of many advantages of social media in our daily life still it has also negatibe
effects and being an intrument or medium to spread fake news is one of those.The type of social
media used in spreading this fake news is Blogs and forum under the digital platform blogs
namely,, and and also
facebook.The reason why this fake news is created is to splander or destroy the image of Vice
President Leni Reobredo. We are all aware that VP Leni is on of the enemy of President because
she is the figurehead of the opposition in regard with the government system of Dutere's

Submitted by: Shyla Marie M. Uri

GAS 12

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