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Teaching Dates and Time NOVEMBER 11-15, 2019 (WEEK 3) Quarter 3RD QUARTER


Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives necessary procedures must be
followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises, and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and
competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies
and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standard demonstrates knowledge and skills in the safe and responsible use of wikis, blogs, and audio and video conferencing tools.
B. Performance Standard practices safe and responsible use of wikis, blogs, and audio and video conferencing tools.
C.Learning  Define what ICT is.  Create a gmail  Define what Blog is.  Create a Blogger  Interact using
Competency/Objectives  Identify the benefits account.  Identify different Blog account. their wiki and
Write the LC code for each. of ICT.  Create a wiki account sites.  Design their blog. blog accounts.
 Define what Wiki is. on wikispaces.  Enumerate some TLEIE6-0c-6  Update/post
 Identify different TLEIE6-0c-5 internet safety tips. something in
Wiki sites  Show steps in making their wiki and
 Give the uses of Wiki a Blogger account blog accounts.
 Show the steps in TLEIE6-0c-6 TLEIE6-0c-5
creating a wiki. TLEIE6-0c-6
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be
tackled in a week or two.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages The Basics of Better ICT and Entrepreneurship The Basics of Better Family ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and
Family Living pp. 14-16 pp. 30 Living pp. 16-18 pp. 38 Entrepreneurship
pp. 23-38
ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and Entrepreneurship
pp. 23-29 page 31-37
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resource
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by
demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by
providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions
about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous lesson Review of previous lessons Review of previous Review of previous
or presenting the new about. lessons about. lessons about.
lesson  What is ICT?  What is Blog?  What is ICT?
 What are the benefits  Give ways on how  What is Wiki?
of technology to we can be safe in the  What is Blog?
enterprise? internet.
 What is Wiki?
B. Establishing a purpose for Ask the learners what
the lesson they know about ICT.
C. Presenting Discuss the benefits that
examples/Instances of the technology can provide
new lesson to enterprise of TX The
Basics of Better Family
Living pp. 14-16
D. Discussing new concepts Discuss “Using Wikis” on GUIDED ACTIVITY
and practicing new skills # pages 23-29 of Textbook 1. The Teacher will make
1 ICT and his/her own Gmail
Entrepreneurship. Account. (if already
available move to
number 2)
2. Guide the learners in
making their Gmail
3. The teacher will make
his/her own Wikispace
account as Teacher. (if
already available move
to number 4)
4. Guide the pupils in
making their
Wikispaces account.

Refer also to page 30 of

TX “ICT and
E. Discussing new concepts Discuss GUIDED ACTIVITY
and practicing new skills #  “Using Blogs” on 1. Guide the
2 pages 31-37 of learners/groups in
Textbook ICT and making their Blogs.
 Internet Safety on Refer also to page 38 of
pages 16-18 of TX TX “ICT and
“The Basics of Better Entrepreneurship”
Family Living”
F. Developing mastery FREE GUIDED
(leads to Formative ACTIVITY
Assessment 3) 1. Let the
interact using
their wikispace
2. Let the
update their
post on their
blogs. (Add
pictures, videos,
or files)
G. Finding practical
application of concepts and
skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about the
I. Evaluating learning
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation

Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What
VI. REFLECTION else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so
when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: TLE-INDUSTRIAL
Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 12-16, 2018 (WEEK 3) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


A.Content Standards Demonstrates an Demonstrates an understanding Demonstrates an
Demonstrates an understanding
understanding of knowledge and of knowledge and skills in understanding of knowledge Demonstrates an und
of knowledge and skills in
skills in enhancing/decorating enhancing/decorating products as and skills in knowledge and skills i
enhancing/decorating products
products as an alternative an alternative source of income enhancing/decorating enhancing/decorating
as an alternative source of
source of income products as an alternative an alternative source
source of income
B.Performance Objective Performs necessary skill in Performs necessary skill in Performs necessary skill in Performs necessary skill in Performs necessary sk
enhancing/ decorating finished enhancing/ decorating finished enhancing/ decorating finished enhancing/ decorating enhancing/ decorating
products products products finished products products
Competencies/ Discusses the effects of Discusses the effects of Enhances bamboo, wood,
Discusses the effects of innovative Enhances bamboo, wo
innovative finishing materials innovative finishing materials metal, and other finished
Objectives finishing materials and creative and other finished pro
and creative accessories on the and creative accessories on the products through sketching,
( Write the LC code accessories on the marketability of through sketching, sha
marketability of products marketability of products shading, and outlining(TLE6IA‐
for each) products (TLE6IA‐0c‐4) outlining (TLE6IA‐0c‐5
(TLE6IA‐0c‐4) (TLE6IA‐0c‐4) 0c‐5)

Enhancing/decorating Enhancing/decorating finished Enhancing/decorati

CONTENT Enhancing/decorating finished Enhancing/decorating finished finished products products products
( Subject Matter) products products


1.Teachers Guide pages

2.Learners Material

B. Other Learning

A.Reviewing past lesson What is a survey? What is a survey?
or Presenting the new
Effects of innovative finishing Effects of creative accessories
lesson Effects of creative acc
materials on the marketability on the marketability of
(Drill/Review/Unlocking the marketability of p
of products products
of difficulties)

B.Establishing a purpose For this learning episode, we are For this learning episode, we are For this learning episode, we are
of the new lesson going to discuss the effects of going to discuss the effects of going to discuss the effects of
(Motivation) innovative finishing materials innovative finishing materials and innovative finishing materials
and creative accessories on the creative accessories on the and creative accessories on the
marketability of products. marketability of products. marketability of products.

C.Presenting Examples/ Group activity: Group activity:

instances of the new With the use of internet or Group activity: With the use of internet or
lesson (Presentation) other information gathering With the use of internet or other other information gathering
methods, answer the following information gathering methods, methods, answer the following
questions: answer the following questions: questions: Prepare an activity focusing
Prepare an activity foc
1. What is finishing materials? 1. What is finishing materials? 1. What is creative accessories? on the processes of sketching,
processes of sketching
2. Write some examples of 2. Write some examples of 2. Write some examples of shading and outlining to
and outlining to enhan
finishing materials that can be finishing materials that can be creative accessories that can be enhance bamboo
found in our community. found in our community. found in our community. projects/products.
3. What are the effects of 3. What are the effects of finishing 3. What are the effects of
finishing materials in the materials in the marketability of creative accessories in the
marketability of products/projects? marketability of
products/projects? products/projects?
D.Discussing new
concepts and practicing Group Group Group
Group presentations/discussions Group presentations/
new skills no.1. presentations/discussions of presentations/discussions of presentations/discussions of
of their outputs. of their outputs.
(Modeling) their outputs. their outputs. their outputs.

E. Discussing new Discuss the effects of innovative

Discuss the effects of innovative
concepts and practicing finishing materials on the
finishing materials on the Discuss how to enhance
new skills no.2 (Guided marketability of products. Discuss the effects of creative Discuss how to enhan
marketability of products. Teacher bamboo products/projects
Teacher also gives examples of accessories on the marketability products/projects thro
Practice) also gives examples of the through sketching, outlining
the different finishing materials of products sketching, outlining an
different finishing materials that and shading.
that can be found in our
can be found in our community.
F.Developing Mastery Write 5 common finishing Write 5 common finishing Write 5 common creative
(Leads to Formative materials that can be found in materials that can be found in accessories that can be found in
Assessment 3.) your community. your community. your community.
(Independent Practice)

G. Finding practical Why do we need to apply Why do we need to apply

Why do we need to apply finishing
application of concepts and finishing touch on a finishing touch on a
touch on a product/project? Does
skills in daily living product/project? Does it affect product/project? Does it affect
it affect the marketability of the
(Application/Valuing) the marketability of the project? the marketability of the project?
project? How?
How? How?
H. Making Generalization
and abstraction about What are the effects of finishing What are the effects of finishing What are the effects of creative
How do we enhance bamboo How do we enhance w
the lesson materials in the marketability of materials in the marketability of accessories in the marketability
projects/products? projects/products?
(Generalization) the products? the products? of the products?

I. Evaluating learning Direction: Essay 5 pts. Discuss The class will be grouped into The class will be group
the effects of finishing materials four. Each group will enhance Each group will enhan
in the marketability of the the bamboo products through bamboo products thro
Direction: Essay 5 pts. Discuss products. sketching, shading and sketching, shading and
Direction: Essay 5 pts. Discuss the
the effects of finishing materials (use rubrics to assess the outlining. The teacher will The teacher will show
effects of finishing materials in the
in the marketability of the answers of learners) show four bamboo products bamboo products to b
marketability of the products. CRITERIA
products. toPOI
be enhance by the learners. by the learners. (use r
(use rubrics to assess the answers NT rubrics to assess the
(use rubrics to assess the (use assess the performanc
of learners) S
answers of learners) The essay is focused, purposeful, and performance
5 of learners) learners)
CRITERIA PO reflects original insight and ideas. Creativi Effort/ Craftsm Cooper Creati P Effort Crafts
IN Uses correct grammar, spelling, and ty/ Perseve anship/ ation/ vity/T / mansh
TS punctuation throughout with very few Original rance Skill Attitud OriginS Perse p/
The essay is focused, purposeful, and 5
The essay is focused, purposeful, and 5 reflects original insight and ideas. errors ity e ality. veran Skill
reflects original insight and ideas. The essay is focused on the topic and The
4 The The The ce
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and includes relevant ideas. student project artwork studentThe The The
punctuation throughout with very
punctuation throughout with very Uses correct grammar, spelling, and explore was was willingl stude projec artwo
few errors
few errors punctuation with few errors. d continu beautif y nt t was k was
The essay is focused on the topic and 4
The essay is focused on the topic and 4 includes relevant ideas. The essay is focused on topic and several
3 ed until ul and participexplor contin beauti
includes relevant ideas. includes few loosely related ideas choices it was patientl ated in ed ued ul and
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and Contains frequent errors in grammar, before comple y done; necessasever until patien
punctuation with few errors.
punctuation with few errors. spelling, and punctuation. Selectin te as it was ry al it was ly
The essay is focused on topic and 3
The essay is focused on topic and 3 includes few loosely related ideas The essay poorly addresses topic and g2one, the as good preparachoic compl done;
includes few loosely related ideas includes irrelevant ideas. generat student as hard tion or es ete as was as
Contains frequent errors in 1
Contains frequent errors in Many errors in grammar, spelling, and ed could work work befor the good a
grammar, spelling, and punctuation. 0
grammar, spelling, and punctuation. punctuation, makes reader’s many make could for e stude hard
The essay poorly addresses topic and 2
The essay poorly addresses topic and 2 includes irrelevant ideas. comprehension difficult. ideas, it; gave make classro Select nt work
includes irrelevant ideas. tried it effort it. om, ing could could
Many errors in grammar, spelling,
Many errors in grammar, spelling, unusual far was one, make make
and punctuation, makes reader’s
and punctuation, makes reader’s combin beyond sensitivgener it; it.
comprehension difficult.
comprehension difficult. ations that e to theated gave
or require feelingsmany it
change d. and ideas, effort
s, used knowle tried far
proble dge of unusu beyon
m- others, al d that
solving exhibit combi requir
skills. ed a natio ed.
positivens or
toward es,
assign used
ment. probl
The The With a The skills.
student student little student
tried a worked more particip
few hard effort, ated
ideas and the enthusi
before comple work astically
selectin ted the could ,
g one project, have perfor
or but been med
The The With a
based with a outstan more
stude stude little
his/her bit ding; than nt nt more
work more lacks adequa
tried7 worke effort,
on effort it the tely,
a few d the
someo might finishin assisted
ideas hard work
ne have g in
befor and could
else’s been touches prepara
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select eted been
made ding. and
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decisio cleanup
one projec ding;
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or t, but lacks
based with a the
g to
his/he bit finishi
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work effort touche
The The The The on it s.
student student student studentsome might
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idea the average apathetelse’s been
but it project, craftsm ic idea, outst
lacked but it anship; toward made andin
original could adequa the decisi g.
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might been not as ment, after
have improv good as complaireferri
copied ed with it could ned, ng to
work, more have assistedone
substit effort, been, a in sourc
uted chose bit preparae.
“symbo an easy careless tion
The The The
ls” for project and
stude stude studen
person and did cleanup
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express indiffer when an ed averag
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The The The The but it projec craftsm
student student student studentlacke t, but anship
fulfilled fulfilled showed allowedd it adequ
the the average others origin could te, but
require require craftsm to do ality, have not as
ments ments anship, most ofmight been good a
of the of the lack of his/her have impro it coul
assign assign pride in work, copie ved have
ment, ment, finished participd 3 with been,
but but work ated work, more bit
gave no gave no minimasubsti effort, carele
evidenc evidenc lly, tuted chose s
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trying trying ed no ols” easy
anythin anythin interestfor projec
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assign assign pride i
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but but d work
gave gave
no no
evide evide
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anythi anythi
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unusu unusu
al al

J. Additional activities for

application and



A. No. of learner who

earned 80%

B .No. of learner who

scored below 80% (
needs remediation)

C. No. of learners who

have caught up with the

D. No of learner who
continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal /supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share w/other
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: TLE – AGRICULTUR
Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 12-16, 2018 (WEEK 3) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees

B. Performance Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
C. Learning Competencies .Identify types of orchard farms Identify trees appropriate for Demonstrate proper way of Identify sources of fruit bearing Identify how to care
/ Objectives in the country orchard gardening based on planting/propagating trees( trees seedlings
Write the LC code for each (community) location, climate, and market budding, Marcotting, and
.Prepares layout design of an demands grafting) TLE6AG-Oc-3-1.3.4
orchard garden using the TLE6AG-Oc-3-1.3.2 TLE6AG-Oc-3-1.3.5
information gathered TLE6AG-Oc-3-1.3.3

III. CONTENT Propagating trees and fruit Propagating trees and fruit Propagating trees and fruit Propagating trees and fruit trees Propagating trees a
trees trees trees trees
1. References
2. Teacher’s Guide CG: TLE6AG-Od-5.2
3. Learner’s Materials MISOSA VI:
4. Textbook Pages MGA GAWAIN SA
5. Additional Materials OHSP TLE Agri-Fishery_ Laptop EPP Module 1
from Learning Quarter 1&2. Module No. 3 projector Starting a Garden in
Resource (LR) Portal
6. Other Learning
Resources Q

A. Reviewing previous lesson What are the types of orchard? * Checking of Assignments What is budding, Marcotting and * Checking of Assign
*Asks: grafting? *Asks
1. What are we need to consider 1. What is grafting?
in an orchard gardening? 2. What are the step
2. What are the steps in doing so?
so? Call a volunteer to sh
* Call a volunteer to share answer with her clas
his/her answer with her
. B. Establishing a purpose Types of orchard Teacher will flash a picture of * Have the pupils recite the Teacher will flash different kinds of Analyze the situation
for the lesson 1. Seed Orchards different plants and fruit bearing poem fruit bearing trees picture then answer the que
According to the Food and trees using projector “A TREE” with correct (Localized fruit bearing trees) follow.
Agriculture Organization of the pronunciation and expression Kenneth is a grade si
United Nations, seed orchards (using power point- by rows) has a project in vege
focus primarily on growing production. He boug
trees that produce seeds rather pack of pechay seeds
than nuts or fruit. These seeds ambulant vendor wh
are then sold to commercial ornamental plants an
distributors for resale to the fertilizers.
public in small seed packets. When he sowed the
They may also be sold to large seeds in a seed box,
agricultural facilities or used for surprised that only fe
food production. Seed orchards seeds germinated.
can further be divided into two .
categories based on how they
are established. In a seedling
orchard, trees are selected
through controlled pollination.
In a clonal seed orchard, seeds
are distributed through
methods such as cutting and
tissue culture, resulting in an
easier harvest overall.
2. Nut Orchards
Nut orchards include a large
variety of facilities that produce What do you see?
nut-bearing trees. These Do you know those fruit bearing
include orchards that grow trees?
popular nuts like pecans, Do we have here in our community?
cashews, walnuts and almonds.
This category also includes
cocoa and chocolate-producing
nuts, as well as coconuts. Some
orchard owners produce pine
trees for their edible pine nuts.
Orchards that focus on this type
of pine production also fall
under this category.
3. Fruit Orchards
Fruit orchards include any
facility focused on growing
tree-bearing fruits. Some
popular options include apples,
olives, dates and figs. Citrus
trees, such as those bearing
lemons, limes or oranges, may
be grown all together in large
citrus orchards, or individually
in smaller facilities. Plantations
that grow fruit-bearing bushes
generally don't fall under this
category. These include berries
and other fruits not grown on

C. Presenting examples / Game: Balloons Popping Can you classify those plants Unlocking of difficulty: Semantic web Step 1
instances of the new Inside the balloons a word of and fruit bearing plants? *Video presentation in one of Keep seedlings indoo
lesson types of orchard. The pupils will the scientific ways in well-lit area until you
say something about the word propagating trees and fruit trees Pupils will give the fruit bearing to transplant them. S
that he get. – trees
where they receive a
MARCOTTING hours of sunlight, su
GRAFTING south-facing window
FRUIT Step 2
*Encourage pupils to tell BEARING Water the seedlings
something about the video clip. TREES soil surface just begi
dry. Water until the
moisture drains from
bottom of the seedli
Avoid wetting the fo
at the base of the pla
the drip tray after wa
standing water breed
Step 3
Fertilize the seedling
five days after germi
then every two week
thereafter. Apply a s
flower fertilizer at on
Step 4
Pinch off the top ¼ in
plant stems when se
approximately 6 inch
have grown in at lea
of leaves. Pinching e
lateral stem growth
stockier plants.
Step 5
Prepare seedlings fo
transplanting outdoo
seedlings outside in
protected from high
direct sunlight once
frost danger is past.
seedlings outside du
day, and bring them
at night. Gradually m
into direct light over
D. Discussing new This time, we are going to have Defining the term Group Work: Group Work *Group pupils into 5
concepts and an activity on how to Climate *Group pupils into 5 Group pupils into 5 *Let them choose th
practicing new skills #1 Location *Let them choose their own Let them choose their own leader leader
layout .sample picture using Market demands leader will guide the members *The leader will guid
projector *The leader will guide/tour the Group I- List of fruit bearing trees group mates to do st
members in the School Nursery inside the school followed by step 2 an
*Instruct them to observe and Group II- Draw different kinds of
look for a plants best to apply fruit bearing trees
Budding, Marcotting, Grafting Group III- make a jingle
*Have them list down Group IV- make a slogan
Group V- Make a poem

E. Discussing new concepts Group activities: Group activities GROUP ACTIVITY: (provide GROUP ACTIVITY: (provide Video presentation o
and practicing new skills Each group will make a layout materials for the pupils) materials for the pupils) take care the seedlin
#2 on orchard using soft drink Group I- explain and elaborate *Return-demonstration of *Return-demonstration of pupils
straw, matches stick, used the word climate pupils (by group) (by group
newspaper, and ice drop stick Group II- explain and give
Group 1 – soft drink straw example about the location
Group II- matches stick Group III – explain and give an
Group III- used newspapers example of market demands
Group IV- ice drop stick
F. Developing Mastery Group presentation A fruit bearing tree- is a tree which GROUP ACTIVITY: (pr
(Leads to Formative Why we consider these? Budding- a mode of sexual bears fruit that is consumed or used materials for the pup
Assessment 3) reproduction, in which a small by humans and some animals — all *Return-demonstrat
part of the substance of the trees that are flowering pupils (by group
parent (mother plant) is plantsproduce fruit, which are the
produced as a bud and ripened ovaries of flowers containin
developed into a new organism. g one or more seeds.
Marcotting- a method for the In horticultural usage, the term 'fruit
vegetative propagation of plants tree' is limited to those that provide
in which a part of the stem or fruit for human food
branch is packed with moss until
roots have formed and the
treated part is ready for
independent growth.
Grafting- a shoot inserted to a
tree or plant, so as to become a
living part of it
- the place where the coin is
inserted in a stock.
Why we need to study first the location, climate
A. Finding Practical In doing those activities what Presentation and Reporting of Are fruit bearing trees are Presentation and Re
and market demand before putting an orchard?
applications of concepts should we consider? outputs through: essential to all human beings? outputs through jing
and skills * Poem. Why?
B. Making What are the types of an What are we going to What are the three ways on Why we need to plant more fruit Seedlings - are mor
generalizations and orchard? remember in putting an plants and fruit bearing trees bearing trees? than mature plants a
abstractions about orchard? propagations? cannot tolerate too m
the lesson How are going to to layout or heat. They are als
your orchard? susceptible to pests
conditions. Caring fo
correctly also ensure
continue to thrive on
and throughout the e
growing season.
C. Evaluating Learning Enumerate the type of orchard Make your own word and In own words explain briefly the Write a paragraph expanding the In your own understa
and prepare your layout in an explain why in putting an procedure/steps in Budding, importance of fruit bearing trees in are you going to take
orchard. orchard gardening is in an Marcotting and grafting. animals and human beings. your seedlings?
appropriate location, climate
and market demands.

D. Additional
activities for
application or


A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovative or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
School Grade Level VI
GRADE 6 Teacher Learning Area TLE-HE
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and NOVEMBER 12-16, 2018 (WEEK 3) Quarter 3RD QUARTER


A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of and skills in sewing household linens
B. Performance Standards Sews household linens using appropriate tools and materials and applying basic principles of sewing
TLE6HE-0C-5 TLE6HE-0C-6 TLE6HE-0c-7
C. Learning Competencies / 2.1 classifies tools and 2.2 prepares project plan for household linens 2.3 identifies supplies/materials and tools needed for the project
Objectives materials according to their
Write the LC code for each use (measuring, cutting,
Sewing of household linens
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resources
Sewing a linen can be enjoyable Recap of what was discussed Ask: Yesterday, you made an effective project plan for a From the previous lesson
and easy to make if it is done with the day before and segue to the 1.What are the necessary type of household linen. that we discussed, recite
the heart. A happy experience in next lesson. materials, tools and equipment Making your own household the importance of proper
sewing may lead to the in making/sewing standard linens can save you money. You can also exercise your selection of fabric for a
enhancement of one’s sewing skills. Yesterday, we discussed the pillowcase? own creativity by producing the design that you really sewing project.
basic tools necessary in making like. These items can also be sold to augment the
A. Reviewing previous a sewing project. 2.How do you prepare the family income.
lesson or presenting the new Ask: What are the different linen/cloth in making/sewing .
lesson measuring, cutting, marking, standard pillowcase?
and sewing tools necessary in
making a sewing project?
3.How do you sew the fabric to
What are the uses and functions
make a standard pillowcase?
of the said sewing tools?

4.How do you evaluate the

finished project?
Careful and systematic planning
is the first step in making a good Now that you already know how to carefully plan for The lesson for today will
sewing project. a project, you will now be taught how to choose the enable the students to
In this lesson, learners should be Make a project plan for a
Ask: proper material for a sewing project, particularly the learn the proper way of
able to sew household linens using marketable household linen:
B. Establishing a 1.How can you make a nicely household linen. preparing the fabric before
appropriate tools and materials Two-Toned Standard
purpose for the lesson done project? sewing
and applying the basic principles of Pillowcase When we say material in
2.What are the things that you
sewing. Sewing is a worthwhile sewing, we refer to the fabric or cloth necessary in
have to consider in preparing
hobby but it can also be a means of sewing.
for a sewing project?
livelihood or a way to augment the
family income.

Show the teacher-made Enumerate, define, and describe the different kinds Today’s lesson is “Preparing
The basic tools in a sewing project Describe the project plan and procedure in making Two-toned of fabric: the Fabric”
include those used for measuring, discuss the importance of Pillowcase Guide questions:
marking, cutting, and sewing. planning before making a
C. Presenting examples/ Cotton Sinamay 1.How do you prepare the
instances of the new Linen Silk fabric before sewing?
lesson Ramie Wool 2.Why is it necessary to soak
Piña Synthetic the fabric in water
3. Why is it important to
condition the fabric for
1. Classify the basic sewing Explain the guidelines to We discussed yesterday how to Be sure you are aware of the different types of Preparing the Fabric:
tools into: consider in preparing for a make an effective project plan. fabric. The design of the fabric should also be 1.Soak cotton fabric
1.1 measuring tools sewing project. Today, you will apply your appropriate to the project. Texture of the material overnight in water.
1.2 cutting tools learning by making the project should also be considered. 2.Hang to dry. Do not wring.
1.3 marking tools 1. Study the project, make a plan for two-toned standard
3.Iron wrinkles in the fabric
1.4 sewing tools detailed illustration, and list pillowcase using the given Fabric Source Quality Trade name Uses
Cotton Cotton Strong Muslin(katsa) Sleepwear
when dry.
2. Discuss the uses and down the materials to be used. procedures.
plant absorbent Poplin towel 4.Check the fibers-
functions of the basic 2. Choose the fabric most Terry cloth lengthwise fibers (warp)
sewing tools suitable for the project. Linen
should be straight.
3. Decide on the design of the
Pina 5.Raw edge or selvage
project. Sinamay should be trimmed.
4. Plan the steps to be followed Silk
6.Iron the fabric, if needed.
D.Discussing new concepts and in making the project.
practicing new skills #1 5. Prepare the sewing tools and
the sewing machine.
6. Prepare the materials
needed. Consider the quality of
the materials to be used in the
Discuss the tips to keep sewing
tools and equipment last longer State/enumerate/show the Post a visual chart with pieces of different kinds of Fabric should be in proper
and maintain their proper parts of a project plan. fabric. Let the students see and touch those pieces of condition before using for a
functions. fabric. Then, ask them to place each piece accordingly sewing project.
Explain carefully each part of in a separate chart with columns that indicate the Show different fabrics with
the project plan. names of the fabric. different conditions to the
class: fabric
E. Discussing new concepts and 2.soaked overnight fabric
practicing new skills#2 3.wrap side of the fabric
4.fabric with selvage
5.wrinkled fabric

Call students who will

prepare the fabric before
sewing in front of the class.

All students must

F. Developing mastery This can be done through a game Show the video on making a Present the finished project Basket of knowledge: Let us go back to the guide
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) or graded recitation. This is a group household linen. plan of a two-toned standard In a basket containing pieces of rolled paper where questions given earlier and
activity. Each group has time to pillowcase to the class for the name of different fabrics are listed individually, let us answer them.
participate. The members of the One sample is the video of critiquing pick a piece and then explain the fabric stated in the 1.How do you prepare the
group will fall in line in front of the Sewing Two-Toned Standard unrolled paper. fabric before sewing?
class. Pillow Case 2.Why is it necessary to soak
Game: Sewing tools are placed in a Discuss the needed tools, the fabric in water
box and laid in assortment. equipment, and materials in overnight?
Students will place the tools making the Two-toned 3. Why is it important to
accordingly in the provided boxes Pillowcase. condition the fabric for
labelled measuring, cutting, sewing?
From the discussion, let the
marking, and sewing tools. The
students design/prepare their
fastest group with the most
own project plan of two-toned
number of correct tools placed in
the appropriate boxes wins.

Graded recitation: Sewing tools are

placed all together in a box and laid
in assortment. Each student in a
participating group will be
blindfolded. A student will get a
tool and describe the uses and
functions of the tool taken fron the
box. Then, the student will place
the tool in the appropriate box.

G. Finding practical Sewing is enjoyable and fun, Careful and systematic planning Designing a project plan for Choosing the right fabric and knowing its use will The right choice of material
applications of concepts especiallywhen it is done using the is the first step in making a good sewing two-toned standard contribute to the success of the sewing project for the proper way of
appropriate tools for the job. It can project. pillowcase will not only develop Example: sleepwear:cotton conditioning the fabric
and skills in daily living
be a productive hobby and also a the skills of the students in linen:pillowcases before using, will help
profitable livelihood. careful planning for a project,
sinamay: placemat
but also help them become produce well-sewn and
quality conscious in any project well-fitted sewing project.
they intend to engage
themselves in.
H. Making generalizations and The discussion of the lesson on A project plan is a formal, The primary use of the A well-prepared fabric
abstractions about the the proper use and function of approved document used to project plan is to document produces well-made project
sewing tools will help the students guide both project planning assumptions and
get acquainted with all the tools execution and project control. decisions, project design,
that he/she will need to work on a marketability and profitability.
sewing project.
I. Evaluating learning 10-item quiz: Identification: Evaluate the individual project Evaluate the finished project Accomplish/complete the template. Ask students to discuss how
plan. plan using a scoring rubric. Fabric Source Quality Trade Uses to prepare the fabric before
Identify the name of the sewing name
tool that is described (10 items): Cotton using for sewing.
State two ( 2) measuring tools, Linen
two ( 2) cutting tools, two (2) 2 Pina
marking tools, and four (4) sewing Sinamay
tools. Silk

J. Additional activities for 1.

application or remediation

Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help
VI. REFLECTION your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No.oflearnerswho
earned80%onthe formative
B. No.oflearnerswho
C. Didtheremediallessons
work? No.oflearnerswho
D. No.oflearnerswho
E. Whichofmyteaching
F. WhatdifficultiesdidI
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: ARALING PANLIP
Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 12-16, 2018 (WEEK 3) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


Pamantayang Naipamamalas ang mas malalim na pag-unawa at pagpapahalaga sa pagpupunyagi ng mga Pilipino tungo sa pagtugon sa mga suliranin , isyu at hamon ng ka

Pamantayan sa Pagaganap Nakakapagpakita ng pagmamalaki sa kontribusyon ng mga nagpunyaging mga Pilipino sa pagkamit ng ganap na kalayaan at hamon ng kasarinlan

Mga Kasanayan sa Pagkatuto Nasusuri ang iba’t-ibang reaksyon ng mga Pilipino sa mga epekto sa pagsasarili ng bansa na ipi napahayag ng ilang di-pantay na kasunduan tulad ng Philippin
(Isulat ang code ng bawat Rehabilitation Act, Parity Rights at Kasunduang Base Militar
kasanayan) AP6SHK-IIIc-2

I. Layunin

Nakikilala ang mga epekto tungkol sa Nakapagbibigay ng reaksyon Natutukoy ang mga di-pantay na Nakakatalakay ang mga epekto Nakapag
Philippine Rehabilitation Act tungkol sa Isipang Kolonyal o kasunduan at pagsasandal sa US ng Base Militar ng US sa Pilipinas kahuluga
Cognitive Colonial Mentality reaksyon
ng parity
ang ugna
Nakapagpapahalaga sa mga adhikain Nakapahayag ng reaksyon tungkol Nakapagtatamo ng kasagutan sa Nakadarama sa mga epekto ng Nakapag
sa nais matamo tungkolsa Philippine sa Isipang Kolonyal o Colonial di-pantay na kasunduan at Base Militar ng US sa Pilipinas kasaguta
Rehabilitation Act Mentality pagsasandal sa US epekto n
rights at
Nakapagtatanghal ng dula-dulaan Nakapagtatala ng mga epekto ng Nakapagsasabi ng reaksyon sa Nakasusulat ng mga epekto sa Nakasus
tungkol sa mga reaksyon at epekto Isipang Kolonyal o Colonial di-pantay na kasunduan at pagtatalaga ng Base Militar ng US talata tu
Psychomotor ng Philippine Rehabilitation Act Mentality pagsasandal sa US sa Pilipinas ng isang slogan epekto n
rights at

A. Paksa Reaksyon at Epekto ng Philippine Ang Reaksyon at epekto ng Isipang Ang Pagpapahayag ng Reaksyon Ang Epekto ng Base Militar ng US Ang Reak
Rehabilitation Act Kolonyal “Colonial Mentality” sa di-pantay na kasunduan at sa Pilipinas Epekto n
pagsandal sa US Rights at
B. Sanggunian Batayang Aklat sa AP 6, TG, CG, Ang Batayang Aklat sa AP 6, TG, CG, Batayang Aklat sa AP 6, TG, CG, Batayang Aklat sa AP 6, TG, CG, Batayang
Bayan Kong Mahal 5, 1999 pp. 184- Pilipinas Isang Sulyap at Pagyakap I, Pilipino Ako, Pilipinas ang Bayan Ang Bayan Kong Mahal 5, 1999 6, TG, CG
185, 209-210 2006, pp. 221-224 ko, Patnubay ng Guro 5, 1999, pp. 184-185, 209-210 Ang Atin
pp.135-142, pp. 150-156 (Batayan
2000 pp.

A. Balik-aral sa nakaraang aralin a. Balitaan a. Balitaan a. Balik-aral a. Balitaan Pagpapa

at/o pagsisimula ng bagong b. Balik-aral: 2. Balik-aral: Pagsagot sa isang crossword b. Pagpapakita ng mga taong larawan
aralin Epekto ng Colonial Mentality “Pop- “Pass the ball” puzzle nagrarally. taong na
corn) “Mga hinanakit ng mga Pilipino” Itanong: Ano kaya ang damdamin dahil sa e
ng mga taong ito? pangalaw
B. Paghahabi sa layunin ng aralin Nakakasulat ng mga epekto tungkol Isa-isahin ng mga prebilihiyo at Dapat ba tayong sasandal sa Ano kaya ang kabutihang dulot Sino ang
sa Philippine Rehabilitation Act kabuhayang napakikinabangan ng mga Amerikano? Bakit? ng pagtalaga ng Base Militar ng sa mga p
mga Pilipino sa panahon ng mga US sa Pilipinas? Ano kaya ang ito?

C. Pag-uugnay ng mga halimbawa Pagpapakita ng larawan ng pagguho Pangkatin ang mga bata sa limang Mga kalakalan at Iba’t-ibang negosyo at trabaho ng Pagpapa
sa bagong aralin ng isang gusali pangkat: pangkabuhayang ibinahagi ng maitatag na ang Base Militar batayang
Bigyan sila ng Activity Card mga Amerikano aklat”Ep
Parity Ri
D. Pagtatalakay ng bagong Pagtatanong sa mga mag-aaral kung Ibigay ang kahulugan ng ‘Colonial Iba’t-ibang kalakal at kabuhayan Ibigay ang kahulugan ng “Base Binigyan
konsepto at paglalahad ng anu-ano ang dahilan sa pagguho ng Mentality” sa panahon ng mga Amerikano Militar” Amerika
bagong kasanayan #1 isang estruktura. Bakit tayo nagkaganito? Rights
E. Pagtatalakay ng bagong Pagpapabuo ng “puzzle “ Mga alintuntunin ng pamahalaang Ang lahat ba ng mga benepisyo Ang layunin ng pagtalaga ng Base Iba’t-iba
konsepto at paglalahad ng Amerikano ng mga Pilipino ay nakamit nila? Militar sa bansa prebilihiy
bagong kasanayan #2 Bakit? Pilipino n
F. Paglinang sa Kabihasan Pagtatalakay sa konsepto sa paksang Pagtatalakay Ipasuri ang balangkas kaugnay Ipatukoy ang maaaring masama “Buzz Bu
(Tungo sa Formative nais maintindihan patungkol sa sa diwa ng pagkapantay-pantay dulot sa base militar
Assessment) Rehabilitation Act.

G. Paglalapat ng aralin sa pang- Ano ba ang iyong gagawin sa isang Ibigay ang mga alituntunin ng Husgahan ang mga benepisyo, , Kung kayo ang tatanungin, dapat Makatar
araw-araw na buhay bagay na nasira? pamahalaang Amerikano pantay-pantay ba ito? bang may Base Militar sa ating ang Parit
bansa? Sino ang
H. Paglalahat ng Aralin Ano ba ang nagging reaksyon ng Dapat ba nating sundin ang mga Kailangan bang ipagpatuloy Ang Base Militar ay may Ipagpapa
Pilipino sa Philippine Rehabilitation alituntunin ng pamahalaang natin ang pagsasandal sa mga magandang maidudulot sa bansa natin ang
Act? amerikano? Amerikano? subalit ito rin ang magpapako sa pagsasan
ating pagiging tuta ng mga mga Ame
I. Pagtataya ng Aralin Pagtatanghal ng isang dula-dulaan Sagutin ang sumusunod: Tama o Mali: Ano kaya ang masamang dulot ng Kung ika
tungkol sa epekto ng Philippine Sumulat ng limang alituntunin ng ___1. Nagkakaroon ng digmaan? negosyan
Rehabilitation Act. mga Amerikano na hindi maraming trabaho ang mga ka bang
nagustuhan ng mga Pilipino Pilipino sa panahon ng mga ng salapi
Amerikano bansa ka
nasa ilali
J. Karagdagang gawain para sa Isulat ang iyong puna sa Sa iyong palagay anu-ano ang mga Ilista ang mga gamit mula sa Nasiyahan ba kayo na may Anuo-an
takdang-aralin at remediation pagsasadula. kabutihang dala ng mga mga Amerikano. digmaan? Bakit? magagaw
Amerikano? bansa ku
IV. Mga Tala
V. Pagninilay

A. No. of learners who earned

80% on this formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
No. of learners who have
caught up the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my principal
or supervisor help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with other
Teaching Dates And NOVEMBER 11-15, 2019 (WEEK 3) Quarter 3RD QUARTER


D. Content Standard  Demostrates understanding that words are composed of different parts to know that their meaning changes depending in context
 Demonstrates understanding of text elements to comprehend various text
 Demonstrates understanding of the research process to write a variety of texts
 Demonstrates understanding that different formats to write for a variety of audiences and purposes
 Demonstrates understanding of verbal and non-verbal elements of communication to respond back
E. Performance Standard  Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation and in context.
 Uses knowledge of text types to correctly distinguish literary from informational texts
 Uses diction (choice of words) to accurately analyze author’s tone, mood, and point of view
 Drafts using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences and purposes
 Uses a variety of strategies to provide appropriate feedback
F. Learning Vocabulary Reading Comprehension Study Strategies/Research Writing Composition Attitude
Infer meaning of borrowed Distinguish text types Organize information from Revise writing for clarity Show tactfulness when
words using context clues according to purpose and secondary sources in -punctuation mark communicating with
language features preparation for writing, others
reporting and similar
academic tasks in
collaboration with others
Write the LC code for each. EN6V-IIIc-12.3.3 EN6RC-IIIc-3.2.7 EN6SS-IIIc-4 EN6WC-IIIc-1.8.2 EN6WC-IIIc-1.8.3
EN6V-IIIc-12.4.3 EN6WC-IIIc-1.8.1

II. CONTENT Inferring Meaning of Borrowed Distinguishing Text Types Organizing Information from Revising/Writing for Showing Tactfulness When
Words According to Purpose and Secondary Sources Clarity Communicating with
Language Feature Others
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide/Pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook Pages Enjoying Language ; First Quarter ;pp:17-23
Integrated English for Effective Communication ; First quarter pp:4-10,77-88,Third quarter; pp:19-30, Fourth quarter: pp: 63-72
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource (LR)
B.Other Learning Resource picture
K. Reviewing previous Identify the meaning of the What are the examples of What are the purposes of How do we show the How do we organize
lesson or presenting the underlined word in the borrowed words that we informational text? similarities and differences of information from
new lesson sentence. studied yesterday? things? secondary sources in
1. The council was made up of Structures of an Informational preparation for
men chosen from twelve of the Battalion, ballet, adobe, Text One of the things to consider in writing, reporting
most ancient Greek tribes. opera, tempo, calendar, 1. Description – It gives details giving similarities and and similar academic
They met each twice each year. kimono about the topic with the use differences is through the usage tasks in collaboration
a. athletes of descriptive adjectives. of signal/transitional devices. with others?
b. members 2. Problem- solution – It tells
c. lawmakers the readers about an existing
2. When Apollo first saw the problem and how it is solved
valley of Olympia he exclaimed, through the solution
“ Here will I make me a fair provided.
temple to be an oracle for 3. Time – order or sequence –
men.” The information is arranged in
a. shrine a specific or chronological
b. magic order.
c. prophecy 4. Comparison and Contrast –
3. The ancient stadium was It tells us about the
erected in the valley in which similarities and differences of
the victors of the games were the given items in the topic.
given wreaths of wild olive. 5. Cause and Effect – It aims
a. laurel to provide a reason or an
b. plants explanation for an event.
c. medals
L. Establishing a purpose Read the selection entitled What reading material do you Listening to a telephone Read the sentence
for the lesson “The President of the have at home? conversation below.
Minda: Hello, Luz. How are Thank you ...
Adapted sources: -newspapers you? I am happy..... -magazine Luz: I’m fine. Thank you. And I mean it
/gov/exec/ -books you? Are newspapers good to Minda: I’m fine too., What’s What comes into
1987/07/25/executive- read? new? your mind when you
order-no-292/ Luz:Will you be busy this read these
-a serial publication Sunday? messages?
containing news, other Minda: No, I won’t be. Why?
informative articles Luz: My cousins will celebrate
their town fiesta in Bulacan.
Would you like to go with my
Minda: Oh! I’d love to! It must
be fun to go there.
Luz: Yes. You and I have been
working hard these days.
We deserve a break.
Minda: You’re right. I’ll be
happy to be part of the
Just don’t forget to talk to my
Luz: Please relax. I’ll take care
of you. Good-bye.
Minda: Thank you for the
M. Presenting Present examples of borrowed What kind of a leader The teacher will group the Let the pupils play the game Class our lesson for
examples/Instances of words used in a sentence would you like to lead the class into 5; each group will “Simon Says” today is about
the new lesson country? read an article and they will showing tactfulness
1. There is a heavy traffic in the write the important facts Following directions. when communicating
metropolis every day. ( from it which will be use for with others
GREEK ) writing or reporting.
2. Jesus Christ is known by
Catholics as the Messiah. (
3. The doctor advised the man
to take the capsule once a day.
4. Toasted bread tastes good
with strawberry marmalade.
5. You will have bad karma if
you keep on doing bad things.
N. Discussing new concepts Explain the meaning of What are the different The teacher will discuss on Discuss the kinds of sentences The teacher will
and practicing new skills borrowed words structures of an the class on how to get the by giving specific examples. discuss the
#1 informational text? important points in writing difference between
report. Declarative Sentence tactless and tactful.
Structures of an My cousins are inviting us to
Informational Text their town fiesta.
1. Description – It gives Ask:
details about the topic Interrogative Sentence
with the use of descriptive Would you like to go with us? 1. What is the
adjectives. difference
2. Problem- solution – It Imperative Sentence between
tells the readers about an Wait for me on Monday. tactless and
existing problem and how Exclamatory Sentence tactful
it is solved through the It must be exciting to go there! communicat
solution provided. or?
3. Time – order or 2. Do you think
sequence – The there is a
information is arranged in careful
a specific or chronological consideratio
order. n of the
4. Comparison and feelings and
Contrast – It tells us about values of
the similarities and another in a
differences of the given tactful
items in the topic. communicat
5. Cause and Effect – It ion?
aims to provide a reason
or an explanation
O. Discussing new concepts Present a creative role play Read the following Guided Practice Work By Pairs Guided Practice
and practicing new skills about one of the given three informational text and
#2 scenarios. Use loan words in complete the chart Arrange the ff. Sentences to Read the sentences below. ”Think before you
your dialogues. Republic of the Philippines form a report. Follow the Write the correct punctuation speak “ Its your test
Official Gazette format below. mark. day but you need to
Scenario 1: This Web site is run by the 1. It’s wonderful to see how the go to province to
You received an e-mail from a Presidential According to a March 14, chicks grow fast attend your
French language learning Communications 1988 news article in the 2. I am happy to see how grandparent burial,
center.The letter confirms that Development and Strategic Houston Post, "Deaf healthy they are how are you going to
you have been Planning Office (PCDSPO). President Named," the 3. I can see how well you take ask permission from
Granted a six month We believe than an selection of Gallaudet care of them your teacher?
scholarship to learn basic informed, empowered, University President I. King 4. I have always loved poultry – Explain your answer.
French in Paris. The letter and vocal citizenry is the Jordan was a joyous event for raising
states that the scholarship will heart of democratic the campus community, 5. Will you see them in them in
also allow you to learn more society. which had long sought a deaf the market
about French culture, history, While it is the citizens’ university president for the
cuisine and arts. However, you responsibility to keep college.
find some parts of the letter informed about the
unclear. You do not know how government, how it works, In addition to Jordan's
to reply. and who runs it, it is the appointment, Gallaudet
Scenario 2. government’s duty to University Board of Trustees
make sure this knowledge member Phillip W. Bravin,
Your friend from Italy came to base is available at their one of four deaf board
Manila for a short vacation. He fingertips. Public members, was selected to
still craves for Italian food so documents and laws, the replace Chair Jane Bassett
he invited you to have dinner latest announcements and Spilman. Spilman resigned
with some friends in a fancy data, policies and projects, from her position after
Italian restaurant. The main must be made easily and criticism from protestors.
problem is that you do not like immediately accessible. According to Bravin, the
Italian food , and you are not We encourage you-the trustees will establish a
quite familiar with Italian citizen, employee, student, committee to ensure that the
cuisine. The idea of looking at business practitioner, board has a majority of deaf
the menu terrifies you. professional, or even members. Bravin also said
Scenario 3: potential visitor to the that none of the
Your language teacher asked Philippines-to tell us what demonstrators will be
you to write an essay about you want to see on this penalized for participating in
Spanish pop culture, you Web site. the protest.
decide to watch a Spanish This Website, the national
lifestyle/travel magazine show government portal, is one Jordan had at one point
in the cable channel. The hosts of the ways we’re making during the protest supported
of the show are speaking in sure this happens. We the selection of Elizabeth Ann
English. However, there are want to make sure that Zinser, a hearing woman
still some Spanish words that this Web site houses, or originally chosen by the
they use in their conversations. will lead you to any sort of Board of Trustees as
As a result, you are having a government-related Gallaudet University
difficult time understanding information. The Official President. However, Jordan
some of the dialogues. Gazette was launched reversed his position the next
online in 2010 and has day in support of the protest
been constantly under
development ever since.
Lately, we’ve added more __________
features to make it easier Introduction:____________
for site users to sends us ___________
feedback. Points:________________ __
Give the purpose __
of launching the 3.__________________
site. Conclusion
What is When 1.______________
the was this 2._______________
Official .
Who What can
can be?seen in
access the
the Official
site? Web site
of the
P. Developing mastery Let the pupils use the What are the traits of a Independent Practice What are the different . Independent
(leads to Formative borrowed words in their own good leader that you One a whole sheet of paper punctuation marks we use in Practice
Assessment ) examples. would like to emulate? arrange the sentence into a writing sentences? What can
news report. Different punctuation mark you say about this
Traits of a good leader are: a. Declarative Sentence (.) situation?
Confident and humble, 1.Elián's father wants to period
committed, positive return with his son to Cuba, b. Interrogative Sentence (?) Supposing your
attitude, having a clear their native home. U.S. question mark teacher criticises
vision, he or she is able to Attorney General Janet Reno c. Imperative Sentence (.) your work, what
to strategic planning and says Elián should be able to go period would be your
the ability to get everyone back to Cuba. d. Exclamatory Sentence (!) immediate reaction?
working together. exclamation point Would you accept it?
2.After five months of Or would you
separation, Elián Gonzalez become defensive?
was reunited with his father, Or get frustrated?
Juan Miguel Gonzalez.

3.In the early morning of April

22, U.S. immigration officials
took 6-year-old Elián out of
his relatives' house in Miami.
Elián was flown to Andrews
Air Force Base near
Washington, D.C., where his
father was waiting.

4.For now, Elián will remain in

the U.S. with his father until
the court decides whether or
not he can ask for political
asylum, or protection, from
Cuba. He could then stay in
the U.S

5.On their first day together,

Elián and his father played
baseball and went for a walk.
6.Elián's Miami relatives want
Elián to stay in the U.S. They
disagree with the Communist
leadership of Cuba, saying it
limits people's personal
freedoms. Elián's relatives
have asked a U.S. federal
court to keep Elián in the U.S.

Q. Finding practical Imagine that you were in a If you were the president Let pupils group organize the Write a letter to your parents How tactful are you?
application of concepts German restaurant, how would of the Philippines, how given ideas from news using the four kinds of Use this scale to
and skills in daily living you take your orders using would you lead the clippings. sentences. describe your
German language? country? tactfulness.
5-I always do this
4-I often do this
3-I sometimes do this
2-I seldom do this
1-I never do this

a. I recognize
that how I
something is
just as
important as
what i say
b. I analyze my
ion style to
what non
message i
c. I make a
effort to
listen to
ideas with
which I
don’t agree
d. I look for
ways to
improve my
e. I always
listen to the
R. Making generalizations Why do we need to use Enumerate the different Closure Describe the most beautiful you Closure
and abstractions about borrowed words in our daily structures of an have ever seen using the four What is the meaning
the lesson living? informational text and its What are the points to kinds of sentences. of the word tact?
text features. remember in writing reports? Tact is the ability to
1. Understanding the deliver a difficult
1. Description – It gives report message in a way
details about the topic 2. Gathering and that considers other
with the use of descriptive selecting information people’s feelings and
adjectives. 3. Organizing materials preserves
2. Problem- solution – It 4. Analyzing your relationships. It
tells the readers about an materials encompasses many
existing problem and how things such as
it is solved through the emotional
solution provided. intelligence,
3. Time – order or discretion,
sequence – The compassion, honesty
information is arranged in and courtesy.
a specific or chronological
4. Comparison and
Contrast – It tells us about
the similarities and
differences of the given
items in the topic.
5. Cause and Effect – It
aims to provide a reason
or an explanation for an
S. Evaluating learning Read the sentences below. Identify the type of On one whole sheet of paper Write the correct punctuation
Then choose your answer on informational text. arrange and write the mark in the text below. Identify the
the words listed below. 1. The man who killed the sentences into news report. sentences whether
driver was put to jail. tactful or tactless.
Ninja 2. Ana’s mother left the Lisa had just gotten out of the 1. “It’s good to
house to work abroad to 1. Mateo directed the schools car and was heading around the see you.”
support them. to involve police officers and corner of the garage when she 2. “I’m trying
Tycoons 3. Orange is a good source ran into Brian__ to study”
local government units to
tsunami of vitamin C but 3. “It’ your
initiate anti-illegal drug
Carabao malunggay is more lectures to children __Jesus, you startled me__ I lost.”
tea nutritious. wasn’t expecting you here__ __ 4. “Stop talking
Shiatsu 4. Mt. Everest is the 2. Mateo said parents and to me”
bungalow highest mountain. guardians play a key role in His face looked sort of pale and 5. “I’m so
Bamboo 5. In 1998, she won a helping control the spread of pinched__ sorry”
dimsum national award and in time unverified information on
she won an international bomb scares. He’s found out__ she
award. thought__
1. My father cut down some
_________ to build a flooring 3. NCRPO Regional Director
I finally broke it off__ but I was
for our home. Chief Supt. Oscar Albayalde
too late__
2. Ryu is a ____________ who met with DepEd Asec. Jesus
was trained as a martial artist Mateo last Friday and both
and secret agent. agreed to establish a protocol
3. Celine practices __________ on how to report, in a fast and
thrice a week for her physical easy way, concerns from the
and mental well being. schools to the authorities.
4. The country is home to many
_______ whose businesses 4. "Teachers must report first
incur huge profits. to authorities before sending
5. I want to build a ________ out information to parents,"
for my elderly parents for ease Mateo said.
of living.
6. After the earthquake , a 5. "Parents should stay calm
___________ warning was when told of any situation so
issued to residents near the we can all address the threat
sea. fast in the correct and
7. It has been a habit of my appropriate manner.
grandmother to drink Principals were also reminded
________ after meals. on the sending kids to school-
8. The ______ is a beast of protocol. Everybody is
burden that is immensely encouraged to report
helpful in farming. immediately the information,
9. John frequents a restaurant suspicious things such as
that offers a wide selection of unattended bags, boxes, or
10. After a day’s hardwork, new things to the police and
Richard usually gets a not open it," he added.
_________ massage
T. Additional activities for Write the meaning of each Look for other notable Read a newspaper. Read the paragraph carefully.
application or word. personalities here in our Write a brief report about the Look for examples of the four
remediation 1. aide-de-camp country and abroad that article. kinds of sentences. Write them
2. manservant showed exceptional under the proper headings.
3. tsunami leadership skills.
4. physician
5. mosque
H. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
I. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
J. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson
K. No. of learners who
continue to require
L. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
M. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
N. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other
Teacher: MICHELLE A. BARANTES Learning Area: ESP
Teaching Dates and
Time: NOVEMBER 11-15, 2019 (WEEK 3) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


A. Pamantayang Pangnilalaman Naipamamalas ang pagkaunawa sa kahalagahan ng pagmamahal sa bansa at pandaigdigang pagkakaisa tungo sa isang maunlad, mapayapa, at
mapagkalingang pamayanan
B.Pamantayan sa Pagganap Naipakikita ang mga gawaing tumutugon sa pagmamahal sa bansa sa pamamagitan ng aktibong pakikilahok na may dedikasyon at integridad.
. 1. Nabibigyang- halaga ang mga batayang kalayaan na may kaukulang pananagutan at limitasyon. .
C. Mga Kasanayan sa Pagkatuto 1.1 Pagsasaalang-alang ng karapatan ng iba
Isulat ang code ng bawat 1.2 Paghihikayat sa iba na magkaroon ng kamalayan sa kanilang kalayaaan
kasanayan Code: EsP6PPP-IIIa-c-34

II.NILALAMAN Paksa: Karapatan Ko, Igalang Mo!

1.Mga pahina sa Gabay ng Guro
2.Mga Pahina sa Kagamitang
3.Mga pahina sa Teksbuk
4. Karagdagang Kagamitan mula K to 12 Gabay Pangkurikulum, Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao May 2016, pahina 83
sa portal ng Learning Resource
B.Iba pang Kagamitang Panturo 1. EsP DLP, Ikatlong Markahan, Ikatlong Linggo - : Aralin 18 Karapatan Ko, Igalang Mo!
Videoclip tungkol sa Batang Bubog (www.gmanetwork.reportersnotebook)
VideoClip ng The Good Experiment (youtube)
laptop, projector, video clips , powerpointpresentation na nagpapakita ng mga sitwasyon, manila paper, gunting, permanent marker, masking
tape, graphic organizers
A.Balik-Aral sa nakaraang aralin 1.Pagbati ng guro. Batiin ang mga mag- aaral at Batiin ang mga mag- aaral at Batiin ang mga mag- aaral at Batiin ang mga
at/o pagsisimula ng aralin 2. Pagtsitsek kung sinong liban itala ang bilang ng mga itala ang bilang ng mga itala ang bilang ng mga mag- aaral at
sa klase. pumasok at lumiban. pumasok at lumiban. pumasok at lumiban. itala ang bilang
3. Balik-aral: Magkaroon nang maikling Magkaroon nang maikling Magkaroon nang maikling ng mga
Sa paanong paraan maipakikita balik-aral sa ginawa ng balik-aral sa ginawa ng balik-aral sa ginawa ng pumasok at
ang kamalayang sibiko. nakaraang araw. nakaraang araw. nakaraang araw. lumiban.
4. Ipabasa ang panimula ng Magkaroon
aralin at talakayin ang nang maikling
mahalagang Kaisipan. balik-aral sa
ginawa ng

B. Paghahabi sa layunin ng aralin 1. Ipanood sa mga bata a. Balik-aral. Itanong sa mga 2. Ipanood sa mga mag-aaral
ang video tungkol sa “Batang bata ang videoclip The Good
Bubog”. 1. Tungkol saan ang ating Experiment Magbigay ng mga
www.gmanetwork.reporters napanood na video kahapon? katanungan tungkol sa
notebook 2. Ano ang videoclip.
pagpagpapahalagang iyong (Para sa guro) Gabayan ang
natutuhan tungkol sa aralin? mga mag-aaral sa panunuod
3. Paano ito ng videoclip. Maging sensitibo
nakaimpluwensiya sa iyong sa pangyayari sa videoclip.
upang umunlad? Iproseso itong mabuti sa mga

C. Pag-uugnay ng mga
halimbawa sa bagong aralin
D. Pagtatalakay ng bagong Tanong: GAWAIN 1:Thumbs Up, Mga tanong. a. Itanong. Bilang isang mag-
konsepto at paglalahad ng a. Tungkol sa ano ang inyong Thumbs Down 1. Tungkol saan ang aaral, paano mo mahihikayat
bagong kasanayan #1 napanood na video? Panuto: Basahin ang videoclip na iyong napanood? ang mga kapwa mo bata na
b. Bakit kaya sila nandoon? sitwasyong nka flash sa 2. Bakit kaya marumi ang mga pumasok sa paaralan?
c. Sa palagay ninyo, dapat na projector. Ipakita ang kasuotan ng mga bata? b. Gamit ang Concept Map sa
bang magtrabaho ang mga “Thumbs Up” kung wasto ang 3. Bakit kaya umiiyak ang mga ibaba, isulat ang mga gawaing
batang nasa ganung edad? kaisipang ipinapahayag at nanay sa bidyu? makahihikayat sa mga bata
Bakit? “Thumbs Down” kung hindi. 4. Mahalaga ba na nasa upang pumasok sa paaralan.
d. Ano ang inyong naramdaman 1. Ang edukasyon ay isang paaralan ang mga batang
sa video inyong napanood? karapatan na dapat makamit katulad ninyo? Bakit?
e. Anong karapatan ng isang ng isang bata para sa kanyang 5. Sa inyong palagay, mas
bata ang nalalabag o nawawala pag-unlad. mahalaga bang nag-aaral ang
sa video inyong napanood? 2. Sa batang edad, nararapat mga bata o hindi.
f. Kung ikaw ay kaibigan ng mga na maghanapbuhay ang bata Pangatwiranan.
batang iyon, ano ang iyong upang matustusan ang 6. Kung may nakita kang mga
maipapayo sa kanila? Bakit? kanyang pag-aaral. bata na nasa kalye at hindi
3. Isaalang-alang ng magulang pumapasok sa paaralan, ano
ang karapatan ng anak ang iyong gagawin?
katulad ng edukasyon.
4. Nararapat igalang ang
karapatan ng iyong kapwa sa
pamamagitan ng pagbibigay
payo sa kahalagahan ng pag-
5. Maituturing na mahalaga
ang edukasyon upang
umunlad ang isang bata.
E. Pagtatalakay ng bagong Pagtalakay sa sagot ng mga
konsepto at paglalahad ng mag-aaral.
bagong kasanayan #2
F. Paglinang sa Kabihasaan GAWAIN 2: FESTIVAL OF
(Tungo sa Formative Assesment TALENTS
3) Pangkatin ang klase sa apat
na grupo. Hayaang pumili ang
bawat grupo ng larawang
nagpapakita ng mga
karapatan ng mga bata na
nais nilang pag-usapan.
Ipaliwanag ito sa
pamamagitan ng malikhaing
Pangkat 1: Rap
Pangkat 2: Tula
Pangkat 3: Awit
Pangkat 4: Sayawit

G. Paglalapat ng aralin sa pang May kapitbahay ka, nakita mo Presentasyon ng bawat grupo. Gumawa ng komitment kard
araw-araw na buhay na pinatigil sa pag-aaral ang na nagpapahayag ng
kanilang anak upang maghanap pananagutan upang ipaunawa
buhay, ano ang mararamdaman ang kahalagan ng edukasyon
mo? sa bawat isa.
H. Paglalahat ng Aralin Dapat bang hayaang Paano natin maisasaalang- Ipaliwanag: Ang bawat isa ay Ipaunawa sa mga mag-aaral
magtrabaho ang mga batang alang ang karapatan ng bawat may pananagutan sa sarili at ang ibig sabihin nito atkung
nasa mura pang edad? bata? sa kanyang kapwa na paano sila makatutulong
ipaunawa ang kahalagan ng upang mahikayat ang ibang
pag-aaral. mga bata na patuloy mag-
Ang bawat isa ay may
magagawa sa pag-unlad ng
Hikayatin natin silang mag-
aral, magsumikap at
I. Pagtataya ng Aralin Gumawa ng isang
slogan na
binubuo ng
sampung salita na
nagpapakita ng
kahalagahan ng

J. Karagdagang gawain para sa Gumawa ng kard

takdang-aralin at remediation na nagaanyaya
ang isang bata na
pumasok sa



A.Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nakakuha ng 80% sa pagtataya
B. Blgng mag-aaral na
nangangailangan ng iba pang
gawain para sa remediation
C. Nakatulong ba ang remedial?
Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nakaunawa sa aralin?
D. Bilang ng mga mag-aaral na
magpatuloy sa remediation?
E. Alin sa mga istrateheya ng
Patuturo nakatulong ng lubos?
Paano ito nakatulong?
F. Anong suliranin ang aking
naranasan na solusyonan sa
tulong ng aking punongguro at
G.Anong kagamitang panturo
ang aking na dibuho na naiskong
ibahagi sa mga kapwa ko guro?
Teaching Dates and
Time: NOVEMBER 11-15, 2019 (WEEK 3) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER



B. A. Pamantayang Naipamamalas ang kakayahan sa mapanuring pakikinig at pag-unawa sa napakinggan

Pangnilalaman Naipamamalas ang kakayahan at tatas sa pagsasalita at pagpapahayag ng sariling ideya, kaisipan, karanasan at damdamin
Naisasagawa ang mapanuring pagbasa sa iba’t ibang uri ng teksto at napalalawak ang talasalitaan
Naipamamalas ang iba’t ibang kasanayan upang maunawaan ang iba’t ibang teksto
Napauunlad ang kasanayan sa pagsulat ng iba’t ibang uri ng sulatin
Naipamamalas ang kakayahan sa mapanuring panood ng iba’t ibang uri ng media
Naipamamalas ang pagpapahalaga at kasanayan sa paggamit ng wika sa komunikasyon at pagbasa ng iba’t ibang uri ng panitikan
C. B. Pamantayan sa Pagganap Naisasagawa ang mga hakbang o panutong napakinggan.
Nakapagbibigay ng isang panuto.
Nakabubuo ng isang nakalarawang balangkas.
Nakagagawa ng nakalarawang balangkas upang maipakita ang nakalap na datos o impormasyon.
Nakasusulat ng isang talambuhay at orihinal na tula.
Nakagagawa ng isang suringpapel tungkol sa pinanood.
Napapahalagan ang wika at panitikan sa pamamagitan ng pagsali sa usapan at talakayan, paghiram sa aklatan, pagkukuwento , pagsulat ng tula at kuwento.
D. C. Mga Kasanayan sa Nasasagot ang mga literal na Nagagamit ang pang- F6PT-IIIb-1.7 F6PB-IIIb-6.2
Pagkatuto. Isulat and code tanong tungkol sa napakinggang abay sa sa paglalarawan Naibibigay ang kahulugan ng Napag-uugnay ang sanhi at
ng bawat kasanayan Talaarawan. F6PN-IIIb-3.1 ng kilos. F6WG-IIIa-c-6 pamilyar at di kilalang bunga ng mga pangyayari.
salita sa pamamagitan ng
E. II. NILALAMAN Pagsagot sa mga tanong sa Pang-abay na Pagbibigay Kahulugan ng Pagbibigay ng Sanhi sa
binasang talaarawan. Pamamaraan Pamilyar at Di-Kilalang Salita Magkakaugnay na Bunga na
sa Pamamagitan ng Pormal Inilahad sa Kwento
na Depinisyon
A. A. Sanggunian
1. Mga pahina ng Gabay ng
2. Mga pahina ng
Kagamitang Pang-Mag-
3. Mga Pahina sa teksbuk Landas sa Pagbasa 6 pp.24-
4. Karagdagang Kagamitan
mula sa portal ng
Learning Resources (LR)
B. B. Iba pang kagamitang

A. Balik-Aral sa nakaraang Tukuyin ang dalawang salitang Masasabi mo ba kung Basahin ang bawat Ano ang tinatawag nating
aralin at/o pagsisimula ng magkaugnay na ginamit sa paano ginawa ang kilos pangungusap. Ibigay ang pamilyar at di pamilyar ng
bagong aralin pangungusap. sa mga kasabihan? kahulugan ng mga may mga salita? Magbigay ng
Anong tawag sa pang- salungguhit na salita sa mga halimbawa.
Ang Pangulo ay itinuturing na abay na sumasagot sa papamagitan ng pagbibigay
pinakamataas na pinuno ng isang tanong na paano mo ng kanilang kasalungat.
bansa batay sa isinasaad ng Saligang isinagawa ang kilos? Isulat ang sagot sa sagutang
Batas ng isang pamahalaan. papel.

Humusay ang
kaniyang pagguhit dahil sa
Ang batang makulit
ay napagalitan ng nanay.
Walang humpay
ang pag-iyak ng bata.
Pati hangin yata’y
walang pakialam sa kapal ng
usok na nakabalatay
May maliit na
liwanag na natatanaw ang
B. Paghahabi sa layunin ng Ilahad ang isang talaarawan. Ipasuri Basahin ang usapan. Itanong sa mga bata kung
aralin sa mga mag-aaral. Kumuha ng dalawang sila ay may narinig o
Mahal kong Talaarawan, batang magdadayalogo nabasang kwento tungkol sa
Maganda at maayos naman ang habang nakikinig ang isang batang katulada nila
aking umaga ngayon dahil maaga klase na ibinuwis ang buhay
akong nakapunta sa paaralan.Pero alang-alang sa kapwa.
bago ako pumasok sa
paaralan,naligo muna ako, nagbihis
ng maayos, nagsuklay ng buhok, Kailan at saan ninyo ito
kumain at nagsisipilyo ng ngipin. madalas makikita?
Pagkatapos kong magsipilyo ng
ngipin ay hinatid ako ng papa ko sa Anu-anong tradisyon ng
paaralan. Pagdating ko sa paaralan mga Pilipino ang alam
ay bigla nalang sumakit ang ngipin ninyo?
ko. Kaya uminom agad ako ng
gamot upang mawala agad ang
sakit ko sa ngipin.
Sa tanghalian naman ay masaya
kaming nagkainan sa "BBQ-han" at
pagkatapos ng kainan namin ay
dumiretso agad kami sa silid-aralan
namin. Nag-aaral din ako sa paksa
namin sa Ingles dahil magkakaroon
kami ng pagsubok o pagsasanay. At
iyan ang mga ginagawa ko sa araw
na ito.

C. Pag-uugnay ng mga a. Anu-ano ang mga makikita natin Pagbibigay Ang Bayaning Iskawt
halimbawa sa bagong aralin na detalye sa talaarawan? hakbang/pamantayan sa Si Iskawt Aries Canoy
pagbasa Espinosa ay 13 taong
b. Sino ang gumagawa ng gulang. Kasapi siya sa Kawan
talaarawan? c. Bakit tayo Basahin ang kuwento Blg. 60 sa ilalim ng
sumusulat ng talaarawan? PIsta sa Aming Bayan pamamahala ng Paaralang
Elementarya ng Rupagan,
Masayang-masaya ang lahat. Lanao del Norte Council.
Araw ng pista ngayon sa Nabalita siya kaugnay ng
aming bayan. Maraming tao isang malungkot na
ang nagsimba. Masigla at pangyayari noong Enero 30,
masaya ang kalembang ng 1994 Nangyari ito nang
kampana sa simbahan. Hindi isang pangkat ng mga
magkamayaw sa ingay ng batang lalaki ang naglalaro
pagbabatian at ng Granada. Walang
pagbabalitaan ang mga kamalay-malay ang mga
tagarito, mga balikbayan, at bata na ang pinaglalaruan
mga panauhin mula sa ibang nila ay sumasabog. Ito ay
bayan. ginagawa nilang parang bola
ng basketbol na isinu-shoot
Walang tigil ang masipag na sa ring. Bumagsak ang
banda ng musiko sa paglibot Granada sa malapit sa ibang
sa mga lansangan habang pangkat ng mga batang
nagbibigay ng masiglang naglalaro ng goma.
tugtugin. Umaambag rin sa Naroroon sa di kalayuan si
sigla at saya ang malakas na Iskawt Espinosa. Mabilis
bunghalit ng mga tugtugin sa niyang sinigawan ang
mga perya at pondahan at pangkat ng mga batang
maging sa mga tahanan man. lalaki, “Umalis kayo riyan,
puputok iyan!” sabay takbo,
Nagpapagaraan sa ganda ang papalapit sa Granada.
mga arko sa mga panulukan Dumapa siya upang takpan
ng mga kalye. May mga ito ng kanyang katawan.
arkong kawayan na may Halos nagkasabay ang
makukulay na ginupit-gupit kanyang pagdapa at ang
na papel. Ang mga pagputok ng granada na siya
banderitas na may iba’t niyang ikinamatay.
ibang kulay ay nakagayak sa Ang mabilis na
mga hayag na lansangan at pagpapasya,
maging sa maliliit na kalye pagmamalasakit sa kapwa,
man. at mga pagsasanay na
natutuhan ni Iskawt
Naku, higit sa lahat kabi- Espinosa sa Scouting ang
kabila ang handaan. May nakatulong upang mailigtas
mga naglilitson doon at dine. ang maraming buhay.
Malalaking talyasi ng Namatay siya nang
pagkain ang nakasalang sa wala sa panahon at lubhang
kalan sa mga kusina at sa napakataba pa upang ialay
mga bakuran. Mula ang kanyang buhay para sa
tanghalian hanggang kanyang mga kaibigan.
hapunan ay pagsasalu- Nagampanan niya nang
saluhan ang mga inihandang lubusan ang panunumpa at
pagkain ng mga batas ng isang Iskawt na:
magkakamag-anak, “Tulungan ang kapwa sa
magkakaibigan, at mga lahat ng pagkakataon.”’
panauhin. Kainang hindi Isang pagpapakasakit sa
matapus-tapos. Ganyan ang sarili ang kanyang ginawa
pista. Nakalulungkot tuloy upang mabuhay lamang ang
isipin na ang pista ay tila kanyang kapwa na siyang
kainan na lamang at pinakamahalagang
nawawala na ang diwang kasabihan sa larangan ng
ispiritwal ng okasyon. katapangan. Ito rin ang
nagbibigay ng mahalagang
E, bakit nga ba may pista? katuparang nauukol sa
Hindi ba’t nagdudulot kasabihan ng mga Iskawt,
lamang ito ng malaking ang “LAGING HANDA.” Iyan
gastos? Hindi ba’t malaking si Iskawt Aris Canoy
pag-aabala ito? Pero Espinosa, ang munting
sadyang hindi na maiaalis sa bayani..
kulturang Pilipino ang
pagpipista at pamimista.
Ito’y isang kaugaliang
minanapa natin sa ating mga

Ang pista ay araw ng

pasasalamat sa Poong
Maykapal sa mga biyayang
ipinagkakaloob Niya sa mga
tao. Ito ay araw ng pagdakila.
pagpuri at pagpaparangal sa
Panginoon. Kadalasan, ang
pistang-bayan ay itinatapat
sa kaarawan ng patron ng
bayan, gaya ng pista ng
Meycauayan na
ipinagdiriwang sa kaarawan
ng patron nito na si San
Francisco de Asis, pista ng
Santa Clara sa kaarawan ng
Mahal na Birhen de
Salambao, pista ng Obando
sa kaarawan ni San Pascual
de Baylon, pista ng Malolos
sa kaarawan ng Birhen
Immaculada Concepcion, at
iba pa.

Sagutin ang mga sumusunod

na tanong:

Ano ang pista?

Bakit may pista?
Ilarawan ang pagdiriwang ng
pista batay sa tekstong
Sang-ayon ka ba na
ipagpatuloy ang tradisyon ng
pagdaraos ng pista?
Bakit sinasabing ang pista ay
isang pamanang kalinangan
n gating mga ninuno?
Batay sa binasang teksto,
anong isyu ang nakapaloob
Sa isyung nakapaloob sa
teksto, ano sa tingin mo ang
paniniwala ng may-akda
nito tungkol sa isyung ito?
D. Pagtalakay ng bagong Pagyamanin Natin Gawin Natin: “Paano ipinakita ni Aries ang
konsepto at paglalahad ng Basahin ang talaarawan ng kanyang pagmamahal
bagong kasanayan #1 tahimik at sagutan ang Tukuyin ang kahulugan ng kapwa?
mga sumusunod na salitang pamilyar at di-
katanungan. pamilyar. Gamitin ang
1. Sino ang nagsulat ng diksyunaryo.Isulat ang sagot
talaarawan? sa pisara.
2. Ano ang unang ginawa ni Hindi magkamayaw
Shekainah bago pumasok sa sa ingay ng pagbabatian at
paaralan? pagbabalitaan ang mga tao
3. Sino ang naghatid sa kanya sa plasa.
sa paaralan? Nagpapagaraan sa
4. Ano ang nangyari kay ganda at kulay ang mga arko
Shekainah ng siya ay nasa at banderitas sa kalye.
paaralan na? Tuwing pista,
5. Saang subject nagkaroon naririnig ang bunghalit ng
ng pagsubok o pagsasanay si mga tugtugin sa perya, mga
Shekainah? pondahan at mga tindahan
Makukulay na
banderitas ang nasa kalye
kung araw ng pista.
Bukud sa pagtugtog
ng banda ng musiko,
umaambag din sa saya ng
kapistahan ang pagsasalo-
salo sa masasarap na
pagkain ng mga pamilya at
Tanong: Ano ang ibig sabihin
ng pamilyar at di-kilalang

Paano mo naibibigay ang

kahulugan ng mga salitang
pamilyar at di-kilalang sa
kwentong iyong binasa?

Magbigay ng mga
halimbawa ng pamilyar at
di-kilalang salita. Tukuyin
ang kahulugan nito sa
pamamagitan ng paggamit
ng diksyunaryo.

(Ang guro ay malayang

magbigay ng iba pang mga
Salitang Mga
Pamilya Salitang Di-
r kilala
g Punyal
ha Piging
n Ablada
Umaaso Ginapi
Sekreto Pitak
n balintataw

E. Pagtalakay ng bagong
konsepto at paglalahad ng
bagong kasanayan #2
F. Paglinang ng Kabihasaan Gawin Niyo/ Gawin Mo: Basahin ang mga
( tungo sa Formative pangungusap. Bilugan ang
Assessment ) Kumpletuhin ang tsart sa sanhi at salungguhitan ang
pamamagitan ng pagtatala bunga. Gawin ito sa
ng mga salitang naging sagutang papel.
pamilyar at di-kilala sa inyo 1. Sumigaw sya ng
mula sa binasa ninyong malakas kung kayat
teksto. Iugnay ang mga nakalayo kaagad ang mga
salitang ito sa inyong sariling batang naglalaro.
karanasan. Ibigay ang 2. Dumapa siya sa
kahulugan nito. Granada kaya siya ang
Salitan nasabugan nito.
g Salitang 3. Marami ang
Pamily Kahulug Di- naligtas dahil sa kanyang
ar an Kilala ginawa.
4. Lahat ay humanga
ng malaman nila ang
kanyang kabayanihan.
5. Nagpatatag ng loob
ni Ari sang kanyang pagiging
G. Paglalapat ng aralin sa Sumulat ng isang halimbawa ng Malaking Pangkatang Basahin ng tahimik ang Guhitan ang sanhi at
pang-araw-araw na buhay talaarawan. Gawain( dalawang talata. Piliin ang mga bilugan ang bunga. Gawin
pangkat) salitang pamilyar at di-kilala ito sa manila paper.
Isadula ang three shifts mula sa teksto. Sa tulong ng (Pangkatang Gawain)
at multigrade scheme diksyunaryo, tukuyin ang 1. Ipinapakasakit niya
habang isinasagawa ang kahulugan ng bawat isa. ang kanyang sarili upang
tamang pamamaraan ng Tukuyin din kung ano ang mabuhay lamang ang
kilos sa ganitong mga iyong matuklasan at kung kanyang kapwa.
sitwasyon. Magsulat ng ito ba ay nakapagbabago sa 2. Hindi alam ng mga
parirala na ipinakikita dating niyong kaalaman. bata ang panganib sa
ang wastong gawi sa Granada kapag pinaglaruan
pagpasok at paglabas ng TUGOB FESTIVAL nila ito.
silid aralan sa three shifts Ang Tugob Festival ay isang 3. Dahil sa alam ni Ari
Gayundin ang magarbong pagdiriwang sa sang panganib, mabilis
pamamaraan ng kilos/ Lungsod ng Ormoc na syang kumilos.
pakikinig sa guro sa idinaraos tuwing buwan ng 4. Hindi malilimot ang
multigrade scheme. Oktubre taon-taon. Ang batang si Aris Espinosa
Ang kabilang pangkat salitang Tugob ay salitang sapagkat kahanga-hanga
ang magtataya kung Ormocanon na ang ibig ang kanyang
naging tama ba ang sabihin ay “nag-uumapaw” pagmamalasakit.
isinagawa ng kabilang na tumutukoy sa
pangkat gamit ang rubrik kasaganaan ng likas na 5. Nakatuon ang mga
sa Pangkatang Gawain. yaman ng Ormoc. layunin ng mga iskawt sa
Kung kayo ang nasa Ipinapakita at paglilingkod kung kaya
kanilang kalagayan ano ipinagmamalaki ng mga taga handa ila anumang oras.
sana ang mas akmang Ormoc ang masaganang ani
kilos na dapat sana’y ng mga produktong pinya ,
ipinakita ng pangkat ? tubo , niyog , isda, gulay ,
Kung naging maayos palay at iba pa. Ito ay unang
sabihin din ito sa klase idinaos noong 2010 na
itinaon sa pagdiriwang ng
ika 63rd Charter Day ng
lungsod. Pinakainaabangang
bahagi ng pagdiriwang ang
street dancing kung saan
ang mga kalahok ay galing
sa iba’t ibang barangay ng
Ormoc ,mga mag-aaral, at
mga kawani ng lokal na
pamahalaan ng lungsod.
Ang mga mananayaw ay
nagsusuot ng matitingkad at
magagarang kasuotan
habang nagsasayaw sa
kalsada upang ipakita ang
kanilang pagpapasalamat sa
nag-uumapaw na biyaya ng
lungsod. Ang street dancing
ay isang kumpetisyon sa
pinakamagaling umindak ,
pinakamakulay at
pinakamagarbong kasuotan
at pinakamagaling sa
pagpapakita ng kahulugan
ng pagdiriwang sa kanilang
H. Paglalahat ng Aralin Ang talaarawan ay kalipunan ng Ano ang natutunan mo sa Pagbibigay ng Sanhi sa
mga bugto-bugtong o baha- aralin? Magkakaugnay na Bunga na
bahaging sulatin na nakasulat at Inilahad sa Kwento
nakaayos sa sunod-sunod na petsa Naibigay mo ba ng wasto May mga kwentong ang
o araw. ang mga kahulugan ng mga binibigyang-diin ay ang
salitang pamilyar at di- sanhi at bunga ng mga
kilala? pangyayari.
Ang Sanhi ay siyang dahilan
Paano/Ano ang iyong ng pangyayari at Bunga
ginawa? naman ay ang resulta o
Pinanindigan ni Ari sang
Panunumpa niya sa Scouting
kaya iniligtas niya ang
batang naglalaro.
Sanhi: Pinanindigan ni Ari
sang panunumpa nya sa
Bunga: iniligtas nya sa
kamatayan ang mga batang
I. Pagtataya ng Aralin Isulat ang mga pangyayari ng Ibigay ang kahulugan ng Isulat sa inyong sagutang
nakalipas na isang linggo sa salita na may salungguhit. papel kung sanhi o bunga
pamamagitan o halintulad ng isang Piliin ang sagot sa loob ng ang lipon ng mga salitang
talaarawan. kahon. sinalungguhitan.
1. Ang mga talipandas 1. Ang mamatay sa
ay pumupunta sa sarili ay mabubuhay sa
handaan kahit hindi Diyos.
iniimbita. 2. Sapagkat larawan
2. Ang mga may ni Kristo an gating mabuting
kapansanan ay may pastol, lubos ang pananalig
kakayahang ko sa kanya.
maghanapbuhay. 3. Inialay nya ang
3. Dapat mabuhay ng kanyang sariling buhay
may dignidad ang upang tayo ay tubusin.
mga tao. 4. Para sa lugod at
4. Ang kahirapan ay kabutihan ng minamahal
hindi sagwil sa Niyang kapwa, naglilingkod
edukasyon.. Siya sa kanila sa mumuting
5. Ang buhay ng paraan.
taong dakila ay
magniningning sa 5. Handa Siyang
lipunan. mamatay upang ikaw ay

J. Karagdagang Gawain para

sa takdang aralin at

A. Bilang ng nakakuha ng
80% sa pagtataya
B. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nangangailangan ng iba
pang Gawain para sa
C. Nakatulong ba ang
remedial? Bilang ng mag-
aaral na nakaunawa sa
D. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
magpapatuloy sa
E. Alin sa mga istratehiyang
pagtuturo ang nakatulong
ng lubos? Paano ito
F. Anong suliranin ang aking
naranasan na solusyonan sa
tulong ng aking punongguro
at superbisor?
G. Anong kagamitang
panturo ang aking nadibuho
na nais kong ibahagi sa mga
kapwa ko guro?
Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 11-15, 2019 (WEEK 3) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER



A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner The learner
understanding of shapes, colors, understanding of shapes, understanding of shapes, demonstrates demonstrates
values, and the principles of colors, values, and the colors, values, and the understanding of understanding of
emphasis, contrast, and harmony principles of emphasis, principles of emphasis, shapes, colors, values, shapes, colors, values,
in printmaking and photography contrast, and harmony in contrast, and harmony in and the principles of and the principles of
using new technologies. printmaking and photography printmaking and photography emphasis, contrast, emphasis, contrast,
using new technologies. using new technologies. and harmony in and harmony in
printmaking and printmaking and
photography using photography using
new technologies. new technologies.

B. Performance "The learner creates simple "The learner creates simple "The learner creates simple "The learner creates "The learner creates
Standard printmaking (silkscreen) designs printmaking (silkscreen) printmaking (silkscreen) designs simple printmaking simple printmaking
on t-shirts and posters. designs on t-shirts and posters. on t-shirts and posters. (silkscreen) designs on (silkscreen) designs on
The learner describes the basic The learner describes the basic The learner describes the basic t-shirts and posters. t-shirts and posters.
concepts and principles of basic concepts and principles of basic concepts and principles of basic The learner describes The learner describes
photography." photography." photography." the basic concepts and the basic concepts and
principles of basic principles of basic
photography." photography."
C. Learning The learner knows that The learner knows The learner knows that The learner The learner
Competencies design principles still that design principles design principles still understands that understands that
(write the LC apply for any new design still apply for any new apply for any new digital technology has digital technology has
Code) speeded up the speeded up the
(contrast of colors, design (contrast of design (contrast of
printing of original printing of original
shapes, and lines colors, shapes, and colors, shapes, and designs and made it designs and made it
produces harmony) lines produces lines produces accessible to many, as accessible to many, as
whether done by hand or harmony) whether harmony) whether emphasized in t-shirts emphasized in t-shirts
machine (computer). done by hand or done by hand or and poster design and poster design
machine (computer). machine (computer).



A. References
1. TG/CG pages
2. Learner’s Materials 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6 pp. 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6 21st Century Mapeh in 21st Century Mapeh in
pages 150-152 pp. 150-152 pp. 150-152 Action 6 pp. 150-152 Action 6 150-152
3. Textbook pages
4. Materials
downloaded from
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous What are the different kinds of What are the different kinds of What are the different kinds of What is printmaking? What is printmaking?
lesson and forms? forms? forms?
presenting new
B. Establishing a What is the print making? What is the print making? What is the print making? Give its 4 processes. Give its 4 processes.
purpose for the Printmaking is the process of Printmaking is the process of Printmaking is the process of
lesson creating art by transferring an creating art by transferring an creating art by transferring an
image or design from a source image or design from a source image or design from a source
onto another material. onto another material. onto another material.
C. Presenting What are the 4 processes in What are the 4 processes in What are the 4 processes in What do we need in What do we need in
examples/instances printmaking? printmaking? printmaking? silkscreen printing? silkscreen printing?
of the lesson 1. Relief Printing-the raised 5. Relief Printing-the 9. Relief Printing-the 1. Design printed 6. Design printed
areas hold ink. raised areas hold ink. raised areas hold ink. on on
transparency transparency
2. Intaglio Printing- the 6. Intaglio Printing- the 10. Intaglio Printing- the 2. Mesh screen 7. Mesh screen
incised areas hold ink incised areas hold ink incised areas hold ink 3. Liquid 8. Liquid
3. Lithography- the image 7. Lithography- the 11. Lithography- the image emulsifier emulsifier
areas holds ink. image areas holds ink. areas holds ink. 4. Squeegee 9. Squeegee
4. Screen printing- ink 8. Screen printing- ink 12. Screen printing- ink 5. Fabric Paint 10. Fabric Paint
passes through areas of passes through areas passes through areas
screen that are not of screen that are not of screen that are not
blocked. blocked. blocked.
Paper with screened Paper with screened Paper with screened
image image image

D. Discussing new What is silkscreen printing? What is silkscreen printing? What is silkscreen printing? The creation of the The creation of the
concepts and Silkscreen printing is one of the Silkscreen printing is one of the Silkscreen printing is one of the design, using computer design, using computer
practicing new skills methods in printmaking. It uses methods in printmaking. It uses methods in printmaking. It uses program is easier. The program is easier. The
#1 stencil to apply ink onto another stencil to apply ink onto stencil to apply ink onto production is even production is even
material. It can be on fabric or t- another material. It can be on another material. It can be on made faster with the made faster with the
shirts. It can be on paper, wood, fabric or t-shirts. It can be on fabric or t-shirts. It can be on silkscreen printing silkscreen printing
vinyl, or any other material that paper, wood, vinyl, or any paper, wood, vinyl, or any other machine. This machine machine. This machine
absorbs ink. other material that absorbs ink. material that absorbs ink. allows printing of allows printing of
several colors on a t- several colors on a t-
shirt. shirt.

E. Discussing new How is silkscreen How is silkscreen

concepts and printing done? printing done?
practicing new skills 1. Prepare a 7. Prepare a
#2 design and design and
print on print on
transparency. transparency.
2. Prepare the 8. Prepare the
mesh screen. mesh screen.
Coat it with Coat it with
light sensitive. light sensitive.
3. Position the 9. Position the
printed film printed film
over the over the
screen and screen and
expose it to a expose it to a
very bright very bright
light source. light source.
4. Rinse off 10. Rinse off
excess excess
emulsion. emulsion.
Once you Once you
have all the have all the
screens screens
exposed and exposed and
cleaned, you cleaned, you
are ready to are ready to
print. print.
5. Place screen 11. Place screen
over t-shirt. over t-shirt.
Apply ink, any Apply ink, any
color of your color of your
choice, using a choice, using a
squeegee. squeegee.
6. Using a blow 12. Using a blow
dyer, dry ink dyer, dry ink
on t-shirt. You on t-shirt. You
now have a now have a
finished finished
product. product.
F. Developing mastery
(lead to formative
assessment 3)
G. Finding practical Using of technology, printing of Using of technology, printing of Using of technology, printing of
application of original designs has been easier original designs has been easier original designs has been easier
concepts and skills and faster. and faster. and faster.
in daily living
H. Making What is What is What is Enumerate the Enumerate the
generalization and printmaking/screenprinting? printmaking/screenprinting? printmaking/screenprinting? materials needed in materials needed in
abstractions about silkscreen printing. silkscreen printing.
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning Put a check if it is a Put a check if it is a Put a check if it is a Give the process on Give the process on
process of printmaking. process of process of printmaking. how to make a how to make a
1. Lithography printmaking. 11. Lithography silkscreen. silkscreen.
2. Photography 6. Lithography 12. Photography
3. Intaglio Printing 7. Photography 13. Intaglio Printing
4. Computer Printing 8. Intaglio Printing 14. Computer Printing
5. Relief Printing 9. Computer Printing 15. Relief Printing
10. Relief Printing
J. Additional activities Bring your own printed shirt Bring your own printed shirt Bring your own printed shirt What is silkscreen What is silkscreen
for application or tomorrow. tomorrow. tomorrow. printing? printing?

VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.

A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
acquired additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encountered
which my principal
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I used/discover
which I wish to
share with other
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: MATHEMATICS
Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 12-16, 2018 (WEEK 3) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


I. OBJECTIVES The learner…..
A. Content Standard demonstrates understanding of solid figures.
B. Performance Standard is able to construct and describe the different solid figures: cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, and sphere
C. Learning Competencies / visualizes and describes the different solid figures: cube, prism, identifies the nets of the following space figures: Weekly Test
Objectives pyramid, cylinder, cone, and sphere. cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, and sphere
M6GE-IIIc-31 using plane figures.
II. CONTENT Geometry Geometry Geometry Geometry
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Lesson Guide in Elem. Math Gr. 6 Lesson Guide in Elem. Math Gr. Lesson Guide in Elem.
p.77-83 6 p.77-83 Math Gr. 6 p. 77-83
2. Learner’s Materials pages 21st Century Mathletes 6, 200- 21st Century Mathletes 6, 21st Century 21st Century Mathletes
209 pp. 200-209 Mathletes 6, pp. 200- 6,
209 pp 200-209
3. Textbook pages 21st Century Mathletes 6, pp. 21st Century Mathletes 6, pp. 21st Century 21st Century Mathletes
200-209 200-209 Mathletes 6, pp. 200- 6,
209 pp. 200-209
4. Additional Materials from DLP 6 Mod 54 DLP 6 Mod 54 DLP 6 Mod 54 DLP 6 Mod 54
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Mathletes 6 textbook, video clip, Mathletes 6 textbook, video Mathletes 6 textbook, Mathletes 6 textbook,
power point presentation clip, power point presentation video clip, power video clip, power point
point presentation presentation
A. Reviewing previous lesson Drill: Drill: Guess who am I? My name Drill: BRING ME! A.Drill: Identify what Choose the letter of the
or presenting the new is given in the box below. Oops! The first pupil who spatial figure is being correct answer:
lesson Spelling of my name is jumbled will bring the thing shown. 1. Which solid can be
up. Try to identify it from the that can be found formed using the net
clues given below and write it in inside their bag or in shown?
the blank space. the classroom that
(1) I am a polyhedron with least represents the spatial
number of faces. ________ (2) I figure that the
am a prism whose all faces are teacher will say, will
square. ________ (3) Looks like get 1 point. Those
marbles but have no vertex. who will earn more
________ (4) I am a solid whose points will be the a. cylinder
base is polygonal and other winner. b. prism
faces are triangles. ___ Ex. Bring me a thing
that represents a c.sphere
rectangular prism. d. cone
Review: Guessing 2. What figure can you
Game! make from the net?
1.My base is a
polygon and my faces
are triangles. Who am
I? (triangular prism)
2.I am a spatial figure
B.Review with a polygonal base a cylinder
Review whose edges meet at Answer: a cylinder with no
a common vertex. bases
Who am I? (pyramid)
a cube with no base
3.I am a spatial figure
having a circular base a rectangular prism
and one vertex. Who 3. Identify the rectangular
am I? (cone) prism that the net shown
4.I am a spatial figure 2. would fold into.
with 2 parallel
congruent faces
called bases and the
other faces are
parallelograms. Who
am I? (rectangular
prism) a.Figure 4
5.I am a spatial figure b.Figure 3
with 2 circular bases,
c.Figure 1
no edge, and no
vertex. Who am I? d.Figure 2

B. Establishing a purpose for Group Activity: Group Activity: Distribute an Every morning, we Group Activity: 4.Which of the nets can be
the lesson activity sheet to each group. take our breakfast to Distribute net to each folded to form a cylinder?
jumpstart our day. group. Let them cut
Breakfast is the first carefully around the net.
and most important Fold the net to construct
meal of the day. a solid figure. Label the
People have different name of the solid figure
preferences for they formed.
breakfast. Some a. Figure 2
Answer: prefer to have a light b. Figure 4
breakfast, while
others want it heavy. c. Figure 3
One good example of d. Figure 1
a healthy breakfast is 5. Which of the nets can be
a bowl of cereals. All folded to form a
cereals are available rectangular prism?
in a similar box. What
kind of solid figure is
it? Have you tried
unfolding cereal box?

a. Figure 2
b. Figure 1
c. Figure 4
d. Figure 3

C. Presenting Group Activity: Present the lesson on Group Activity: 6. Which net can be folded
Examples/Instances of Identify the solids that can be page 200 of Txbk. Provide graphing paper to form a rectangular
new lesson formed by the given figures. Let us unfold a cereal for each group to do this prism?
box. activity.
Based on the
illustration ( see the
illustration on page
200), if we unfold the
cereal box we will
come up with a
a. Figure 2
closed plane figure.
b. figure 3
This two-dimensional
c. figure 1
figure is called a net.
d. figure 4
(Discuss the content
on page 202-205 of
(TG page 79) 21st century
D. Discussing new concepts Show a video of visualizing solid Show a video of visualizing solid Show a video of “3d Show a video of 7.. Identify the net for the
and practicing new skills figures figures Shape Nets for Kids” “Learning Solid Figures rectangular prism.
#1 and Nets (cone, cylinder,
prism, pyramid, cube,
a.Figure 2
b.Figure 4
c.Figure 1
d.Figure 3

E. Discussing new concepts Group Activity: Group Work; Each group will make 2 8. Which of the figures
and practicing new skills Each group will make different nets for the ff. represents the front view of
#2 2 different nets for Group 1: hexagonal the solid?
the ff. prism
Group 1: Cube Group 2: square pyramid
Group 2: Square Group 3: Triangular
Prism Prism
Group 3: Octagonal Group 4: cylinder
Prism Group 5: rectangular
Group 4: cylinder prism a.Figure 3
Group 5: Cone
b.Figure 2
(TG. page.80)
c.Figure 1
d.none of these
F. Developing mastery 9.Which of the figures
(Leads to Formative represents the side view of
Assessment) the solid?

a.Figure 3
b.Figure 1
c.Figure 2
d.none of these
G. Finding practical Pair-share: Matching Game Pair-share: Pair-share: 10.Which is the top view of
applications of concepts 1)Divide the class into 2 groups. the solid?
and skills in daily living 2)The first group will be given
activity cards with the name of
spatial figures.
3)The second group will be
given activity cards with
descriptions of particular spatial a. Figure 1
figures. b.Figure 2
4)Let the activity card holders c.Figure 3
raise the activity cards they are
d.none of these
11.Which of the figures
5)Each of them will try to find
their partner. represents the top view of
6)The first to match their cards the cylinder?
correctly wins.
7)Let each pair stand in front
and read their activity cards. a.Figure 1
b.Figure 3
c.Figure 2
d.none of
H. Making generalizations What is a solid figure? What is a net?
and abstractions about the How can you describe a solid figure? A net is a flat figure that can be folded to form a
lesson -A solid or space figure is three – dimensional. It has length, width closed, three-dimensional object. Such an object
and height. is called a solid.
-Face – is the flat surface. Differentiate the nets of pyramids, prisms, cones
- Edge – is the intersection of any two faces. and cylinders from each other
-Vertex – is the intersection of three or more faces.
I. Evaluating Learning Name each solid figure. Then, Identify the Continuation: Answer
draw its net. solid figure Chapter Test on page 83
that can be
formed by
each net.

(Txbk page 206)

(Txbk page
J. Additional activities for Answer Math Challenge on page 208-208=9 Answer remediation on TG page Answer
application and 81 Enrichment
remediation Actvity on TG
page 82

V. Remarks
A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I

encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: SCIENCE
Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 12-16, 2018 (WEEK 3) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of Gravity and friction affect the movement of object
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to produce advertisement demonstrate road safety.
The learners should be able to infer Infer how friction and gravity Produce an advertisement which The learners should be able to
how friction and gravity affect affect movements of different demonstrate road safety infer how friction and gravity affect moveme
movements of different objects. S6FE- objects S6FE-IIIa-c-1 different objects.
-Create an advertisement that demonstrates
C. Learning Demonstrate the effects of friction of
Competencies/Objectives the motion of an object -Demonstrate advertisement on road safety i

-Appreciate the importance of advertisement


Demonstrating the effects of

Frictional Forces gravity and friction on the motion Describing Forces Gravitational and Frictional Force
of an object
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
K 12 Science link 318-322 Science Links Science Links 6
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional materials from
LRMDS portal
B. Other Materials Explore and Experience Science 6, Video recorder, hand phone, Laptop,internet,pictures,activity sheets,video
pp. 217 – 224 meta cards, marker
Science Links 6 , pp. 305 - 322
Teacher’s Instruction Arrange the following jumbled Let’s Do the Thumbs up.
Show pictures of moving cars and letters. If the statement is true show your Thumbs u
the solar system. Infer how they false Thumbs down.
move. VTTIONGRAAINAL CEROF -Force can stop a moving object.
(Gravitational force)- is a force - Force can change the speed of a moving o
that pulls object toward one - By applying force to the break,the vehicle w
another to move.
Force)- is a force that causes
object to attract or repel each
CELECIRT CEROF (Electric Force)-
that exist between charged and
A. Reviewing previous lesson or particles
presenting the new lesson RAELCUN CEROF-(Nuclear Force)-
that holds the particles in the
nucleus together
Force-) are force that opposes
motion between two surfaces
touching each other
force) – is an outward force that
pulls an object away from the
(Centripetal0- is a force that
pulls an object
Question of the day: Question of the day: Review the different Road safety Pair up activity
How friction and gravity affect sign. Ask them to Identify the Watch a video about a situation on a busy r
What would life be without friction? motion? different signs by using meta Have a short talk with your seatmate.
B. Establishing a purpose for the
How does friction affect us? cards
Teacher’s Instruction Teacher’s Instruction Let the pupils watch a video How can we help inform other people about
‘’Guess the mystery word!” identify Activity 1 – TOY CAR IN MOTION
C. Presenting examples/ the word that could describe the four The teacher will use the activity as
instances of the new lesson pictures. Write your answer in the guide
boxes below Activity 2 - DroppingThings of
Different Weights
Teacher’s Instruction Students present their output on Giving motive question Group Activity
D. Discussing new concepts and
Activity 6.5 comparing movements of the activity. The teacher will give Create an advertisement about the given pi
practicing new skills #1
objects on the different surfaces. feedback about the result.
Answer the Guide Questions. Presentation of the ouptputs
Discuss how gravity and friction Group I-Jingle
E. Discussing new concepts and
affect motion of an object Group II- Slogan
practicing new skills #2
Group III-Short Dialogue
Group IV- Poster
Teacher’s Instruction ACTIVITY Games on road signs
Group Presentation of Data. The Using Technology like video
teacher may use Rubric on recorder or hand phone, The
Presentation. group will make an
Advertisement. (Infomercial)
about road safety. The video will
be presented on the next day

The setting will be:

F. Developing mastery
(leads to formative assessment )
Group 1: In front of a School,
while crossing the road.
Group 2: In the market
Group 3: In the Play ground
Group 4: While riding in a
Group 5: While using bicycle.

The students will give some desirable 1. Your brother discovered Presentation of the group To lessen the accidents on road especially du
G. Finding practical applications
effects of friction on the motion of that the chain of his bicycle is days,what should people do?
of concepts and skills in daily
objects rusty, so it runs slow. How will you
help him fixing his bicycle?
2. Your on your way to a
family outing. Suddenly it rained,
and the road gets slippery, what
would you tell to your father?
3. Your mother’s wedding
ring got stuck in her finger. She
wanted to remove it but no matter
how hard she pulled it, she cannot
get it how would you help her?
4. You are going on a hiking.
Which kind of shoes are you going
to use? (Rubber shoes? or leather
shoes), Why?
5. The padlock of your
house doesn’t open anymore
because it is filled with rust. You
applied it with oil. Why did you do
Let the students demonstrate the External condition like friction Why do you think it is important What are some of the ways of keeping the ro
different effects of friction on the affect the movement of an object. for pupils like you to be aware of from accidents?
H. Making generalization and
motion of an object. Awareness should be done that the different signs and safety Is advertisement of great help?How?
abstraction about the lesson
friction has desirable and measures while on the road?
undesirable effect.
Please see the rubrics on activity 6.5 The teacher gives ten-question How can you relate the saying Use Rubrics to evaluate the pupils advertisem
quiz about how friction and gravity “Prevention is better than
I. Evaluating learning
affect motion. amount of cure” in our topic?

A. Stack a Tower
Gravity pulls objects downward.
Stack blocks as high as you can in
different ways. Experiment with
J. Additional activities for
the shape and center of gravity.
application / remediation
How high can you stack the
B. Radio play
You are one of the passengers
on a space shuttle flight. You are
in orbit for the first time and you
cannot feel you weight. Write a
dialogue communicating with your
friend on the ground with a radio

C. Road advertisement

Friction occurs between the

parts of the vehicle and between
the road and the tires. Wearing
away of parts in engine sometimes
causes road accidents. Produce an
advertisement to show road
Lesson to be continued : Lesson to be continued : Lesson to be continued : Lesson to be continued :
Lesson done : Lesson done : Lesson done : Lesson done :

Pa Fail ML T Pa Fail ML T Pa Fail ML T Pa Fail ML T

sse ed sse ed sse ed sse ed
d d d d
______ of Learners who earned 80% ______ of Learners who earned ______ of Learners who earned ______ of Learners who earned 80% above
A. No. of learners who earned
above 80% above 80% above
80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require ______ of Learners who require ______ of Learners who require ______ of Learners who require ______ of Learners who require additional
additional activities for additional activities for remediation additional activities for additional activities for remediation
remediation remediation remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work ______Yes ______No ______Yes ______No ______Yes ______No ______Yes ______No
? No. of learners who have ______ of Learners who caught up the ______ of Learners who caught up ______ of Learners who caught up ______ of Learners who caught up the lesson
caught up with the lesson lesson the lesson the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue ______ of Learners who continue to ______ of Learners who continue ______ of Learners who continue ______ of Learners who continue to require r
to require remediation require remediation to require remediation to require remediation
Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well:
___ Socratic Questioning ___ Socratic Questioning ___ Socratic Questioning ___ Socratic Questioning
___ Game-Based Learning ___ Game-Based Learning ___ Game-Based Learning ___ Game-Based Learning
___ Interactive Lecture ___ Interactive Lecture ___ Interactive Lecture ___ Interactive Lecture Demonstrations
Demonstrations Demonstrations Demonstrations The activity can be a classroom experiment
The activity can be a classroom The activity can be a classroom The activity can be a classroom simulation or an analysis of secondary data.
experiment, a survey,a simulation or experiment, a survey, a simulation experiment, a survey, a simulation ___Cooperative Learning
an analysis of secondary data. or an analysis of secondary data. or an analysis of secondary data. ___Jigsaws
___Cooperative Learning ___Cooperative Learning ___Cooperative Learning ___Gallery Walks
___Jigsaws ___Jigsaws ___Jigsaws ___Fieldtrips
___Gallery Walks ___Gallery Walks ___Gallery Walks ___Making notes from book
___Fieldtrips ___Fieldtrips ___Fieldtrips ___Use of internet/audio visual presentation
___Making notes from book ___Making notes from book ___Making notes from book ___Text books
___Use of internet/audio visual ___Use of internet/audio visual ___Use of internet/audio visual ___Investigations
E. Which of my teaching presentation presentation presentation ___Models
strategies worked well ? Why ___Text books ___Text books ___Text books ___Demonstrations
did this work ? ___Investigations ___Investigations ___Investigations Other Techniques and Strategies used:
___Models ___Models ___Models ___Manipulative Tools
___Demonstrations ___Demonstrations ___Demonstrations ___Pair Work
Other Techniques and Strategies used: Other Techniques and Strategies Other Techniques and Strategies ___ Explicit Teaching
___Manipulative Tools used: used: ___ Group collaboration
___Pair Work ___Manipulative Tools ___Manipulative Tools ___ Carousel
___ Explicit Teaching ___Pair Work ___Pair Work ___ Diads
___ Group collaboration ___ Explicit Teaching ___ Explicit Teaching ___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Carousel ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Discovery Method
___ Diads ___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Lecture Method
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Diads ___ Diads Why?
___ Discovery Method ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Complete IMs
___ Lecture Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Availability of Materials
Why? ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Complete IMs Why? Why?
___ Availability of Materials ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Group member’s collaboration/coopera
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials their tasks
___ Group member’s ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Audio Visual Presentation of the lesson
collaboration/cooperation in doing ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s
their tasks collaboration/cooperation in doing collaboration/cooperation in
___ Audio Visual Presentation of the their tasks doing their tasks
lesson ___ Audio Visual Presentation of ___ Audio Visual Presentation of
the lesson the lesson

__ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils
__ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
__ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs
F. What difficulties did my
__ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology
principal or supervisor can help
Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD)
me solve ?
__ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/
Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab
__ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works

Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:

__Contextualized/ Localized and __Contextualized/ Localized and __Contextualized/ Localized and __Contextualized/ Localized and Indigenized
Indigenized IM’s Indigenized IM’s Indigenized IM’s __ Localized Videos
G. What innovation or localized __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Making big books from
materials did I use/discover __ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books from views of the locality
which I wish to share with views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality __ Recycling of plastics to
other teachers ? __ Recycling of plastics to __ Recycling of plastics to __ Recycling of plastics to be used as Instructional Materials
be used as Instructional Materials be used as Instructional be used as Instructional __ local poetical composition
__ local poetical composition Materials Materials
__ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition

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