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Biology target topic

BIT Paper 1

All the questions are evenly distributed, so there are not chances for you to skip any chapter. So work hard on
these important chapters!

 Chapter 2 – Cell Structure and Cell Organisation

 Chapter 3 – Movement of substances across the plasma membrane
 Chapter 6 – Nutrition
 Chapter 10 – Transport
 Chapter 12 – Coordination and responses
 Chapter 13 – Reproduction and Growth
 Chapter 14 – Inheritance

Not so important topic with the average 2 questions every year.

 Chapter 5 – Cell Division

 Chapter 7 – Respiration
 Chapter 11 – Support and Locomotion
 Chapter 15 – Variation

Totally not important

 Chapter 1 – Introduction to Biology (0 question in every year)

BIT Paper 2 (Structure)

 Chapter 2* – Cell Structure and Cell Organisation

 Chapter 4* – Chemical Composition of the Cell
 Chapter 5* – Cell division
 Chapter 8 – Dynamic Ecosystem
 Chapter 10* – Transportation
 Chapter 14 – Inheritance
 Chapter 15 – Variation

Not so important topic

 Chapter 9 – Endanger ecosystem

 Chapter 11 – Support and locomotion
 Chapter 12 – Coordination and Response

BIT Paper 2 (Essay)

 Chapter 7 – Respiration
 Chapter 9* – Endangered Ecosystem
 Chapter 12* – Coordination and Response

BIT Paper 3

 Chapter 3 – Movement of substances across the plasma membrane

 Chapter 6 – Nutrition
 Chapter 8 – Dynamic ecosystem
 Chapter 12 – Coordination and Response
Physic target topics

BIT Paper 1 (SPM 2010)

 Chapter 2* Forces and Motion (average – 8 questions)

 Chapter 3* Forces and Pressure (average – 8 questions)
 Chapter 6 Waves (average – 6 questions)

* Berry Berry Important Topic

BIT Paper 2 Section A (SPM 2010)

Students need to answer all 8 compulsory questions from Section A.

Nearly all 10 chapters will be tested!

 Chapter 2* Forces and Motion

 Chapter 3* Forces and Pressure
 Chapter 4* Heat
 Chapter 5* Light
 Chapter 6* Waves
 Chapter 7* Electricity
 Chapter 8 Electromagnetism
 Chapter 9* Electronics
 Chapter 10* Radioactivity

* SPM 2010 hot topics

Not so important

 Chapter 1 Introduction of Physics

BIT Paper 2 Section B and Section C (SPM 2010)

Each section, students need to choose 1 question to answer out of 2 questions (Section B: question number 9 or
10) (Section C: question number 11 or 12)

 Chapter 2 Forces and Motion

 Chapter 3* Forces and Pressure
 Chapter 4 Heat
 Chapter 5* Light
 Chapter 6* Waves
 Chapter 7 Electricity
 Chapter 8* Electromagnetism

* SPM 2010 hot topics

Not so important

 Chapter 1 Introduction of Physics

 Chapter 10 Radioactivity

BIT Paper 3 Section A and Section B (SPM 2010)

Each section, students need to choose 1 question to answer out of 2 questions (Section A Structured-Based
Item: question number 1 or 2) (Section C Open Response Item: question number 3 or 4)

 Chapter 1 Introduction of Physics

 Chapter 2* Forces and Motion
 Chapter 3 Forces and Pressure
 Chapter 6* Waves
 Chapter 7* Electricity
 Chapter 8* Electromagnetism

* SPM 2010 hot topics

Not so important

 Chapter 5 Light
 Chapter 4 Heat
 Chapter 9 Electronics
 Chapter 10 Radioactivity

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