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The Airport road witnessed massive crowd on the day, with

numerous vehicles lined up in queue to surpass the toll and reach the
city. Every single person was in a hurry and cutting down of lane to
reach the toll at a faster pace was a common scenario. Few motor bikes
while trying it to fit in through the busy street had even paid way to
awful fights on the street as they had ruined the beauty of few luxurious

People in mere despair stood as audience to these melodrama while

few passengers indulged themselves in horning with greatest decibel, as
most of them closed their ears indicating it was unbearable.

“Why do people have to rush all at once? Can’t they stay at home?
Get two or more serial holidays at weekend and these people fled to their
native, sight seeing , adventure and what not? I have to suffer these
Monday blues and can’t they leave atleast on the previous day or early
morning?”, Tahsin Ahmed , spoke to himself, as he got frustrated and
pressed the horn again and again.
Tahsin Ahmed, was a mid-thirty year old, six feet tall with semi-
bald head and a fit physic person, working as the Senior Inspector
General in the Dhaka Metropolitan force.

Dhaka is the capital city of Bangladesh, situated in southern Asia.

It is one of the densely populated city with the world’s worst traffic. It
takes more than 2 hours to reach from airport, a distance covering only
16 kilometers. He reached his office by 11 in the morning and he called
his subordinate Farhan as he sat in his cabin.

Farhan, is a 29 year old, well built, with curly hairs and French
bearded person, working as a junior Inspector in Metropolitan force. He
was well known for his dedication in work, So he was in the trusted zone
of Inspector Tahsin Ahmed.

“Farhan, Is Everything going well in the city or Is there any…..?”,

Inspector Tahsin interrogated so that he would know what has happened
in the city while he had been to Chittagong for a week.

“Sir, nothing terrific has happened in the city. One chain snatch
case has been reported and two missing complaints were lodged. We
have already solved one and another we are currently
investigating………”, Farhan replied.
“We have sent some of our police force to the protest near Tongi
on a safer side…….”, he added.

“What protest Farhan…..?”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed in curiosity.

“Few local communities are protesting regarding water and current

supply and Minster Basha is supposed to arrive for
negotiation……..They had requested for protection……so some of our
men have been sent over there…….”, Farhan explained in detail.

Inspector Tahsin felt drowsy as his eyes were swollen red with lack
of sleep. He had five cups of lemon tea but still he couldn’t make
himself stay awake for another few minutes. He decided to go home and
rest for few hours as he thought he can’t stay further in this condition.
He called Farhan to inform him and make the necessary arrangements to
be carried out in his absence.

“Farhan, I’m tired by travelling whole night, So I need rest for

atleast few hours. If there is anything important then call me and I think
if at all any minor issues arise your capable of handling it………What
do you say?”, Inspector Tahsin in deterred tone.

“Sure Sir……Not a problem……You can rely on me….”, Farhan

in an optimistic tone.
Tahsin Ahmed was in deep sleep as his cellphone began to ring
again and again. It was hard for him to open his eyes, while his hands
searched for the cellphone on the table. He woke up angrily as he took
the cellphone and saw Farhan’s name displaying on the screen,

“Oh God!!, Can’t this Farhan handle any minor issues

also………..It’s been only 2 hours I have reached home……..He is
already calling me……” ,spoke as he received the call.

“Hello……..Tell me Farhan ………What made you call me?”, Tahsin in

a raged tone.

“Sir, A mysterious murder case has been reported in ShahBag

Garden…………We need your help ”, Farhan requested as he revealed
the purpose of his call.

Tahsin Ahmed, reached the ShitaLakshya Arcade, and called

Farhan as he went by lift to reach the 8th floor of the apartment.

“Farhan, don’t allow any person to touch the body and make sure none
of the evidences go in vain and take utmost care. The most important
thing, don’t give much information to media and just tell them we are

Tahsin reached the #301 house, while most of the people had gathered
and Farhan was busy in replying to press reporters. It was a small flat
with congested rooms, So Tahsin asked everyone to leave the venue to
carry out his investigation.

“Sir, she is Ashima Banu, a lady in her mid-twenties.She was a

home maker and lived here with her husband and son……”, Farhan told
pointing towards the corpse lying on the floor.
Ashima Banu, was 26 year old lady, with long hair and dusky skin.
The faded saree torn at few places and the lust less ornament she wore
indicated her poverty. The old fashioned TV and a wedding photo, a
grey colored sofa was present in the living room. The dead body laid on
the red carpet in the middle of room.

“Farhan, she has been killed by repeated piercing of knife below

the chest. It is a very barbarious way to kill someone….”, Tahsin gave
away his opinion as he examined the body.
Tahsin saw some symbol designed on the floor with the blood
beside the body and tried to analyze what it was but he failed to figure
out even after few minutes of vigorous thinking.

“Farhan, What is this mysterious code written on the floor beside

the corpse?”, Tahsin asked in amusement.
“Sir, even I observed but usually serial killer leave such signs as an
indication…”, Farhan added.

Farhan took the picture of symbol and body in various angle and
dimension, so that it would help in further investigation while Inspector
Tashin Ahmed, began to interrogate Mr. Noor Pasha, husband of
Ashima Banu , a 37 year old person, running a business of dry fruits in
ShahBag Garden.

“Mr. Noor Pasha, when did you come to know that Ashima has
been killed?”, Tahsin interrogated.

“Sir, every afternoon I come home for lunch. Today also I came
and the door was left open……….I went inside and I found Ashima
lying on the floor in the pool of blood”, Mr.Noor broke into tears as he

“Mr. Noor Pasha…..please don’t cry……..We understand how you

feel…..”, Farhan spoke as he handed a glass of water to Noor.
“Sir, Do you have any idea regarding who might have done this ?”,
Tahsin asked.

“I don’t know Sir, She was a good and composed women, most of
the time she stayed at home. She had very few friends and I don’t
suspect anyone…..”, Mr. Noor told.

“Mr. Noor Pasha, did you check with your belongings? Is there
any theft of valuables in house?”, Farhan enquired.

“No Sir, at this moment I don’t think there is any theft has
happened in our house. I will inform you, if I notice anything………”,
Noor asserted.

“Mr. Noor Pasha, does this apartment have CCTV Cameras or any
login book at the entry desk? Or atleast a watchmen?”, Inspector Tahsin
asked as he didn’t find any of these while entering the apartment.

“No Sir, This apartment is not fully constructed. We have shifted

only 2 months back. The owner of this arcade has decided to setup
CCTV’s after the complete construction of the Arcade”, Noor Pasha
“Okay, Mr. Noor Pasha…..Can we search your house? It would
help our investigation..”, Farhan requested.

“Sure Sir, please carry out your work. I don’t have any objection”,
Mr. Noor Pasha gave his consent.

Farhan and Inspector Tahsin Ahmed started searching whole house

to find the minute clue possible. Tahsin searched everywhere and arrived
at the kitchen, he saw two empty cups with trace of tea in the sink.
Farhan arrived to the kitchen with a letter in his hand and with sweat
drops pouring from forehead.

“Farhan, I think someone known to Ashima has visited home. I

found two empty cups in sink, Mr. Noor told he didn’t have anything
after he reached home, so it has to be the killer…”, Inspector Tahsin told
what he has inferred.

“Sir, I got this letter thrown in the lobby………..”, Farhan handed

over the letter to Inspector Tahsin Ahmed.
Tahsin Ahmed shivered a bit as he read the letter,



Farhan, woke up at six in the morning and went into the kitchen to
make himself a cup of tea. He sat to go through the newspaper, while
few letters and couriers he picked from office yesterday caught his
attention. He picked them and felt something terrible and decided to
inform Inspector Tahsin. He drove to his office in the early morning
with those confidential files and letters as he was in hurry to meet
Inspector Tahsin Ahmed.

“Yes, Farhan…… Why did you call me so early to the office? Is

there any developments regarding the case?”, Inspector Tahsin spoke out
of curiosity.

“Sir, We found that the mysterious code written is in Japanese and

it means soul…..”, Farhan told.

“Soul………What is this word have to do with case?”, Inspector

Tahsin suspected.

“Well Farhan, What about post martum results?”, Inspector Tahsin

“Sir, we have received the post martum results but nothing useful
has emerged out. There are no finger prints on the knife, the killer has
vanished all his prints”, Farhan told.

“Farhan, the killer seems to be intelligent. He has pre-planned the

murder”, Inspector Tahsin gave away his opinion.

“Farhan then did you call me to office to tell only this……?”,

Inspector Tahsin spoke in doubt.

“No Sir, We have received a courier late night but I was in a hurry
so I couldn’t check it. I checked it today and felt it was a serious issue.
So I called you…..”, Farhan spoke in detail.

“Okay, give it to me…….Let me see what is there in it?”,

Inspector Tahsin in serious tone.

Inspector Tahsin’s face became pale as worry lines emerged on his

forehead as he went through the contents of the courier.




“What are these lines ………Farhan?”, Inspector Tahsin frowned as he

saw the figure.
“Sir, it is the clue that he has sent us.We need to solve it…..”, Farhan
“What does these letters AK indicate ?”, Farhan added as he suspected.

“May be the initial letters of victims……..”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed

told what he felt at the moment.

“Farhan, Is this killer playing game with us? or with the lives of these
innocent people?....…….. stone hearted people”, Inspector Tahsin spoke
in rage.

“Farhan, Call any famous sleuth or detective to solve the clue and also
find out from which address the courier came from……”, Inspector
Tahsin added.

“Sure Sir, I will leave right now”, Farhan rushed to leave, while
Inspector Tahsin Ahmed reminded him , “We are running out of time”.

Farhan returned in an hour with sleuth Afshan Shiek and he

handed over the letter to him and told to crack the mystery as soon as
possible. Afshan Shiek, was a 54 year old, thin, grey haired man with a
lengthy beard and a ferocious moustache. He wore a cotton Kurta and a
dhoti with hand bag hung to his left shoulder. He was well known for
solving puzzles and deciphering the encrypted messages.

“Farhan, did you find any sleuth? What about the address?”, Inspector
Tahsin enquired.

“Sir, I have found the sleuth. He has already started to work on it. The
address from which the courier came has found to be fake….”, Farhan
spoke about the current developments.

Inspector Tahsin Ahmed and Farhan came near the desk of Afshan
Shiek, while he scratched his head to figure out the clue and every now
and then, he sipped the black Tea. He had thrown the crushed paper balls
all around his table as he wrote something on it, scratched it and teared it
again and again.
“Well Mr.Afshan Shiek, Did you decipher the clue? Any idea what does
it mean?”, Inspector Tahsin spoke in a hurry.

“Sir, I think it’s something related to Mathematics because it has

triangles of various shape and I feel astrology too.It has stars …..”,
Afshan spoke what he felt.

“Mr. Afshan , I haven’t called you to tell this. Please, don’t make such
mere speculations and work on it. We have to save a life and we don’t
have much time left…..”, Inspector Tahsin spoke in an angry tone.

“Sure Sir, I will work on it….”, Afshan Shiek spoke in humiliation.

“Farhan, check our old records and find out whether there was any
person who was arrested for serial killing of people or any culprits who
have been released recently on bail?”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed ordered.

“Sure Sir, I will update you ….”, Farhan left the cabin.
“Sir, I have cracked the clue. I think I have solved the mystery ….”,
Afshan Shiek came running towards Tahsin’s cabin , screaming to the
top of his voice.

“Yes Afshan, tell me what have you found?”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed
eagerly came out of his cabin.

“Sir, It means KING SHOW ……….”, Afshan Sheik told in great


“How did you figure it out?”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed suspected.

“Well Afshan, you have done a good job”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed
appreciated his work.

Farhan and Tahsin went to the Bangladeshi Cuisine hotel nearby

for lunch and also to discuss about the case. They ordered for Chicken
Dum Biriyani, Chingri malai curry, shami kababs along with two cups of

“Sir, please order for a fish curry also. We Bengalis can’t leave without
fish……….”, Farhan requested.

“Sure, I will order for Hilsa curry”, Tahsin grinned as he ordered for the
“Farhan, I think “KING SHOW” refers to any theatre play or movie
happening in the city, what do you say?”, Inspector Tahsin enquired.

“Sir, even I feel the same about the clue. I will enquire with Dhaka
National Arts and Cultural Academy about any events happening in the
city….”, Farhan replied.

“Farhan, did you find any criminal released on bail recently?”, Inspector
Tahsin enquired.

“Yes Sir, I had called them to the station and informed not to leave the
city until our investigation is completed”, Farhan answered.

Farhan returned to the office and went to Tahsin Ahmed’s cabin to

inform him about the current developments.

“Sir, I enquired with the academy. They say no cultural events and
screening of movies happenings this week in city due to mourning of
legend theatre artist Abdul Wahsan’s death …”, Farhan spoke about the
information he has incurred.
“Well Farhan, What does this “KING SHOW” means? Any other big
events is happening in the city?”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed spoke in

“Yes Sir, four events are there. The Cotton Expo Exhibition, Mango
fruit Mela, The Kabbadi tournament and the Handloom Expo …”,
Farhan informed.

“Farhan, It is the fruit Mela………..Come on… let’s leave to the

venue”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed spoke as he urged to leave the cabin.

“Sir, How did you figure it out? ”, Farhan spoke in dilemma.

“Mango is the king of fruits………..It’s the Mango Mela……KING

SHOW”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed told in satisfaction.

Mango Mela organized in the Dhaka city of Bangladesh

is the biggest national fruit fair of the year. A fair is organized for three
days in an aim to promote and encourage the production and
consumption of the fruit, while Mango tree being the national tree of
Bangladesh. The fair showcases 142 varieties of fruits and 50 species of
mango brought from north and central region of the country. A total of
85 stalls from the government and private organizations were setup on
the fairground.

The main streets were over crowded as usual. The cycle rickshaws
were seen everywhere on the road. The three wheeled human drive
rickshaw had paintings of film actors, quotes in Bengali and pictures of
nature etc. The number of people who followed traffic rules were very
much rare, while most of them tried to cut down the lane.

“Sir, I don’t think we will reach the venue at time. Why does
people still want to settle here when it is already congested to live?”,
Farhan complained as they stuck in never ending traffic jam.
“Farhan, people come over here for education, work, business and
for fulfillment of their dreams”, Tahsin paused.

“The places apart from the capital city must be developed, only
then the crowd can be controlled and the people can have a better
livelihood”, he added.

“Sir, Mela is a huge event with massive crowd, where to find the person
and how to find the person?”, Farhan frowned.

“Let us see Farhan, what can be done, once we reach the venue….”,
Inspector Tahsin spoke in tranquil.

At a distance of approximately 1.5 kilometer from Mela, there was a

mob indicating a chaotic condition, Inspector Tahsin parked his Jeep at a
distance while Farhan stepped down to see what has happened.

A hefty person around 50 years old was killed amidst the road and
thrown in the garbage, while dogs and crows were feeding on the debris
and waste. The crowd had already gathered and everyone were in chaos.
“Sir, Someone has been killed in a brutal way……”, Farhan returned to
the jeep panting with profused perspiration.

Inspector Tahsin Ahmed came to the crime scene and asked the crowd to
stay away from dead body. He asked Farhan to check the body for any
clue while he interrogated with the crowd,
“So, when did you come to know about the murder? Who saw the body
first?”, Inspector Tahsin fired the quires at the crowd.

“Inspector, I saw him first. He was already killed. This route is short cut
to reach my shop as terrific traffic is on the main road due to fruit
mela..”, 78 year old men replied.

“Not many people traverse through this route, right?”, Inspector Tahsin

“Yes Inspector, the roads are in very pathetic condition. This route got
flooded in monsoon and there are too many potholes. The situation
always worsens if it rains in this area”, a guy in the crowd told in rage.
“Sir, I have found a driving license, a car key, wallet, a parking
receipt…….”, Farhan interrupted.

“What is his name?”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed asked out of curiosity.

“Sir, Afzal Kira. He lives in Uttar Dhaka. He is 46 years old..”, Farhan

read the information written in the driving license.

“Sir, the parking receipt is of Mango Mela”, he added.

“If Afzal had a car, why did he walk all this way? Why did he return
from fruit Mela? Where was he going? What was on his mind?”,
Inspector Tahsin spoke in dilemma.

“Sir, we would know, let us check with the fruit Mela. We may find his
car, if it’s still parked over there…”, Farhan shared his speculations.

“Farhan, Send the body to Forensic Department. Do you think Afzal is

the victim we are in search of ?”, Inspector Tahsin suspected.
“May be Sir, His name is Afzal Kira………AK ”,Farhan gave away his

Inspector Tahsin Ahmed and Farhan reached the mela and they
rushed towards the parking lot to find the car. There were thousands of
vehicles parked at a stretch and they felt it would take days to find out
the car. So, Tahsin called for a Mechanic to seek his help to find the car.

“Inspector, I think this key belongs to some old model car. May be
ambassador, Omni, Fiat car. Nowadays, we have automatic keys with
buttons all over it. My experience says it has to be ambassador car only”,
sixty year old, Munawar Pasha told by examining the car key.

“Sir, There are around 6 ambassador Car in parking lot, we will

find out soon by inserting this car key to each one of them..”, Farhan
told as he left.

“Sir, this is the car. I’m not able to start it .I think there might be
some problem”, Farhan told as he sat in the car.
Inspector Tahsin Ahmed started examining the car of any clue and he
found a letter thrown in the back seat. He opened the letter to see,


with the word soul written in Japanese on the back of the letter.

Afzal Kira, was an employee in one of the famous co-

operative bank of Dhaka, Shah-e-Man Co-operative Bank. He lived with
his wife and 3 daughters at employee quarters in Uttar Dhaka. Farhan
had informed his family and for further investigation he and Inspector
Tahsin visited his house.

The quarters he lived in was a lavish mansion. The house had

luxurious commodities, furniture and everything which was a dream to
most of the people in the city. Afzal Kira led a posh life.

“Ma’am, Do you have any idea who might have killed your husband?”,
Inspector Tahsin enquired.

“I don’t know Inspector, he was a sound person. He was a workaholic

and never bothered about any other activities. He didn’t have any
enemies or he was into any quarrel”, Tashima Jahan, spoke as tears
rolled from her eyes.
“Ma’am, Do you know any women by name Ashima Banu ?”, Farhan

“Who is she?”, Tashima enquired in surprise.

“She was killed in a similar way, we suspect that same person is

responsible for death of both”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed informed.

“When you have branded cars at home. Why did Afzal travel in
ambassador?”, Farhan asked to clarify his doubt.

“Sir, the ambassador car belongs to his father. He is emotionally

attached to it”, Tashima replied.

Inspector Tahsin Ahmed was frustrated as he couldn’t save the life and
the killer mocked at him by killing Afzal Kira. He called Farhan to his
cabin as he felt he forget something very important.

“Farhan, Check the call records of Afzal Kira and Ashima Banu and Call
Shah-e-Man Bank and enquire whether Ashima Banu had any account in
their Bank?”.
Farhan left and returned in 2 hours with a courier in his hand and
he walked at a greater pace as he reached Inspector Tahsin Ahmed’s

“Sir, there is nothing unusual in their call records and Ashima Banu
doesn’t hold any bank account in Shah-e-Man…”he paused while he
hand over the courier to Tahsin.

“Sir, We have received one more courier……”, Farhan added.




“Farhan, he has sent the clue again. I will not allow him to execute his
plan”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed spoke in determination.

“Let us decipher this clue ….”, Inspector Tahsin added.

“Sir, the pin code in postal address is incorrect….last time we have

overlooked this mistake”, Farhan told in regret.

“Farhan, the killer has made it deliberately, so that the courier would
delay”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed inferred.

“Sir, the first symbol indicates danger and the second symbol indicates
running…..”, Farhan tried to decipher the clue.
“Does this refer to threat that can be caused to an athlete?What do you
say Farhan?, Inspector Tahsin enquired.

“I will check with sport federation that any athlete by initials FS

exists…….”, Farhan left the cabin.

“Sir, two athletes are there, currently one is in abroad for spinal cord
treatment and other one is on India tour”, Farhan revealed the

“Well, Farhan it is not the athletes who are victims then what else does
these symbols refer to….”, Inspector Tahsin was anxious as he was
running out of time.

“Sir, It may refer to any place ……..”, Farhan told on the basis what he
inferred from the last case.
Inspector Tahsin Ahmed thought for an hour but still he went out of
ideas to crack the clue. Then he called Farhan and ask him to get the
map of Dhaka city, so that any place in the map would match the
symbols in clue. After struggle for another two hours,
“Farhan, Finally I have figured it out……”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed
spoke as he felt a deep satisfaction.

“Which place …Sir?”, Farhan was amused.

“Lal Bagh fort area…….Danger means red i.e Lal and running is Bagh”,
Tahsin spoke in detail.

“Sir, Isn’t Bagh here means Garden…..?”, Farhan questioned.

“Yes, he has done it to mislead us……So we would lose most of our

time in cracking the clue…….”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed inferred.

Inspector Tahsin Ahmed and Farhan were about to leave for

investigation, while the telephone in office began to ring. Shoaib, junior
inspector received the phone and ran down the stairs to inform Senior
Inspector Tahsin Ahmed,
“Sir, A murder has happened in Lal Bagh fort area………you need to
go”, he spoke all at once.

Tahsin and Farhan arrived at the venue. A small Villa with beautiful
garden witnessed huge crowd as many of them had arrived to pay
condolence. A 77 year old man was killed in his garden while he came
out for evening walk, even he was killed in similar way and threat note
was found along with Japanese symbol carved on the lawn.

“Sir, Firoz grandpa, leaved here alone after the death of his wife. His son
and daughter-in-law is in abroad”, Ahil, care taker of Firoz Shah replied
to Farhan’s query.

“What was his daily routine?”, Inspector Ahmed enquired.

“He used to wake up early in the morning to perform namaaz. He would
stay at home till evening. He would go to Tashaan Peace Center and
come back home”, Ahil replied.

“Did anyone visit Villa today? Where were you when this happened?”,
Inspector Tahsin interrogated.

“No Sir, no one visited. Firoz grandapa loved cricket. Today, India and
Bangladesh match was scheduled at five in the evening. He didn’t go
anywhere, he stayed at home. He wished to have Fuchka and samosa, so
I went to bazaar to get them”, Ahil spoke in detail.

“Do you know Ashima Banu and Afzal Khir?”, Farhan enquired.

“No Sir, I don’t know”, Ahil told in chaotic voice.

Inspector Tahsin Ahmed and Farhan reached the Tashaan Peace Center,
was a non-government organization. The institution consisted a huge
hall with too many disciples seeking peace were present. Meditation,
inspirational and spiritual speech were conducted. Free expert
counselling was also provided to people who suffered from depression
and personality development activities were also organized.
“Sir, did Mr.Firoz Shah attend your peace center?”, Farhan enquired the
manager of the center.

“I don’t know Inspector. I will let you know. I will check in our
database”, Manager replied.

“Yes Sir, He was our member. He used to actively take part in few of
our events”, Manager informed.

“Were Ashima Banu and Afzal Khir were also members in your
Institution? ”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed enquired to clarify his doubt.

“Yes Sir, They had been our members”, Manager answered while
Farahan and Tahsin looked at each other.

Inspector Tahsin Ahmed and Farhan felt this information provided

a big leap in the investigation and they didn’t expect any more delay in
the case. Farhan requested the manager to provide him database
consisting the complete details of all disciples. They wanted to inform
everyone to be careful as they didn’t know who would be the next

“Sir, we have received a courier again. What shall I do?”, Shoaib, junior
inspector had called Tahsin for his consent.

“Shoaib, open the courier and send the image of the contents to me
immediately……”, Tahsin replied.

“Farhan, I have received the clue.If we decipher this we will get the
information about victim”, Tahsin informed.
“Farhan, share the complete details to shoaib and inform him to call each
and everyone in the list until we decipher the clue……”, he added.

“Sir, this time it’s only numbers.I think I know how to solve
this…..”, Farhan told in optimistic voice.

“Farhan, How are you so sure?”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed in dilemma.

“Sir, there are 12 digits. It can’t be a phone number and it doesn’t have
10 digits…..So”, Farhan paused.

“Sir, it has to be numbers with equivalent letters in English alphabet.If

we try permutation and combination of these number, we may get our
clue”, he added.
“Yes Farhan, you were right………..the numbers got deciphered as
BURIGANGA”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed rejoiced.

“Sir, I will inform all disciples residing around Buriganga region to be

careful……..”, Farhan rushed in hurry.

Farhan and Shoiab tried to call every disciple and inform them to be
careful while few were unreachable, so Inspector Tahsin thought of
visiting them in person and inform them. He also sent Farhan, Shoaib in
batches to inform everyone at once. He didn’t want any unpleasant
developments to happen again.

Inspector Tahsin Ahmed went to Tahil Complex to meet one of the

disciples as she was unreachable on phone. He ran upstairs to reach the
fourth floor as there was no lift service in the apartment. He rang the
door bell again and again, but there was no response from inside. He got
anxious and was about to break the door, while an old lady opened the

“Are you Noor Aneesa?”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed spoke as sweat drops
rolled down.
“Yes Inspector, I’m Noor Aneesa .Why are you asking? Is there any
problem?”, she questioned at a single stretch.

“Why did you take so much of time to open the door?”, Inspector Tahsin
in abusive tone.

“Inspector, I’m not well. I underwent a knee surgery last week.So…..”,

Noor Aneesa spoke in detail.

“Okay, Mrs. Noor Aneesa, Please be careful and not to open the door
even if any known people from peace center, arrive to meet you
……”,Inspector Tahsin ordered.

“Why Inspector? Is something wrong……..?”,

“Nothing much, theft case are reported against few disciples of peace
center so I told you to be careful”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed interrupted
as he lied his purpose of visit.
Farhan reached another house, while he was about to enter the lobby
area, his phone began to ring and an unknown number displayed on the
screen. He received the phone and person on the other end began to
“Hello, who is this? Why have you given me so many missed calls?”,
the voice was in a commanding tone.

“Hello, I’m Inspector Farhan, Are you disciple of Tashaan peace

Center?”, Farhan was on point as didn’t want much delay.

“Yes Sir, Why….”, the person questioned in chaotic voice.

“Nothing, few theft cases are reported in peace center, so I wanted to

inform you to be careful”, Farhan hung the phone while he gave the
same reason as informed by Tahsin Ahmed.

Farhan entered the portico of house while he heard too many

people speaking aloud and he felt festive environment persisted in the
house. The kids ran around while a group of men were deeply indulged
in the topic of current affairs. Everyone were in the state of shock as
Farhan knocked the door to indicate his presence.

“Inspector, What made you come over here?”, an Old man asked in

“Is this Rashid Talwar’s house? Is he here?”, Farhan enquired.

“Yes Inspector, I’m Rashid.Why are you here ?”, Rashid frowned.

“Rashid, I’m here to inform you to be careful as few thefts cases are
reported against disciple of Tashaan Peace Center”, Farhan revealed his

“Why didn’t you pick any of our calls?”, Farhan added.

“Inspector, I’m on leave for 2 days…………I thought any of my
colleague would disturb me……..So, I didn’t pick up any calls”, Rashid
spoke in hesitation.

Shoiab was about to enter the villa, while he saw a person covered
in mask jumping off the wall, onto the garden of Villa. He rushed
towards the villa and even he jumped off the wall but he didn’t find the
person anywhere. He went near the house to inform them to be careful
before something adverse happens, he rang the door bell but no
response, he called Inspector Tahsin as he felt something was wrong and
went around the house.

A terrific scream came from the parking lot of the Villa and Shoiab
rushed downstairs in the direction he heard the voice. He saw a person
piercing the knife into abdomen of a middle aged man. Shoaib without
any second thought fired at the leg of killer in fraction of seconds. The
killer and the victim both fell on the ground. The killer tried to escape
but Inspector Tahsin caught hold of him.

“Farhan, call ambulance immediately and send both of them to

hospital……..”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed ordered.
“Shoaib, you have done a very good job.I’m proud of you..”, Inspector
Tahsin appreciated his work.

“Shoaib, Send the picture of killer to Tashaan Peace Center and find out
who is he?”, Inspector Tahsin added.

Inspector Tahsin Ahmed and Farhan were present at Abdul

Ismillah Multi speciality Hospital, were the killer and victim Mufzar was
admitted. After two hours, the operation got completed and the doctor
informed,“ Mufzar is out of danger and you have brought him at right
moment. The killer is unconscious and we have removed the bullet from
his leg”.

Shoaib reached the hospital and Tahsin Ahmed was eager to know
about the killer, he began his interrogation session at the moment
without any further delay.
“Shoaib, who is this person? Did you find out?”, Inspector Tahsin

“Yes Sir, He is Anwar Razi .He worked as a counsellor in Tashaan

Peace Center from last one year. He left his job three months ago”,
Shoaib told about the information he has gathered.
“Farhan, people go to the counsellor to get their problem solved but in
the case the counsellor is the trouble maker..”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed

Anwar Razi had gained consciousness and Inspector Tahsin Ahmed

and Farhan went in for interrogation. He laid on the bed and didn’t have
the slightest trace of regret on his face. Tahsin and Farhan sat beside him
as they started their interrogation,
“Anwar, Why did you kill all this people?”, Inspector Tahsin questioned
in an aggressive tone.

“Inspector, I didn’t kill them, I gave mukti( salvation) to their souls”,

Anwar spoke with immense pleasure and satisfaction.

“Who are you to provide salvation? Are you Allah? Who are you?”,
Farhan yelled at him.

“Sir, I’m directly connected to god, I feel it’s my duty to unleash those
soul from their sufferings”, Anwar spoke in tranquil.

“What sufferings?”, Inspector Tahsin questioned.

“Inspector, Ashima Banu had everything, she had loving husband, son,
but she wasn’t happy in her life. She wanted to be rich.Ashima had told
me in one of my counselling session that she didn’t have peace in her
life. She wanted peace. So, I gave her peace. I detached all the sufferings
from her soul”, Anwar paused.

“Inspector, Afzal Kira, was at a good position, he had lots of money but
still he wasn’t happy. He wanted a male heir and even he wanted peace.
His mind and soul was struggling from the issue.So, I gave utmost
solution to his problem…”, Anwar grinned.

“Firoz Shah, he was a good human being but he suffered from various
ailments. He wasn’t happy.He had told me once, “Why don’t Allah take
me to his place than making me to suffer all these pain at old age? Why
don’t I get a peaceful death?”, So I fulfilled his wish.I think his soul is
happy now”, Anwar added.

“Mufaz, he was suffering from loneliness.He didn’t have any one to

share either happiness or his griefs. His soul needed peace. I would have
provided him the salvation too but you people interrupted my holy
work……..”, Anwar yelled at them.
“Anwar, you took many innocent lives in the name of salvation.We
think your mental state is not stable…”, Inspector Tahsin Ahmed spoke
in rage.

Anwar smiled as the reply to Tahsin, While Farhan interrogated him ,

“Why were you playing games with us? What was on your mind?”.

“Inspector, they say whenever someone is struggling or in danger, the

god will send any one to help them. So, I sent you people to their rescue,
considering myself as god but you people were utter failure”, Anwar

Inspector Tahsin Ahmed spoke to Anwar that there is a great saying

from William R. Alger,

“After every storm the sun smile; for every problem

there is solution, and the soul’s indefeasible duty is
to be of good cheers”.

“Farhan, file a case against him and make all the necessary requirements
to send him to Mental Care hospital……..He needs treatment”, Inspector
Tahsin Ahmed ordered.

***********************THE END*************************

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